Find Me a Job! (And, What About My Career?) Jean Eason, Chair IEEE-USA Employment & Career Services...

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Transcript of Find Me a Job! (And, What About My Career?) Jean Eason, Chair IEEE-USA Employment & Career Services...

Find Me a Job!(And, What About My Career?)

Jean Eason, Chair

IEEE-USA Employment & Career Services Committee

12 March 2005

Finding a Job

First Step?

Assessment, Research, Plan

Finding a JobFirst Step: Assessment, Plan

• Career Planning Guide– What do you want from

your work and career?– Self-assessment– Setting direction– Plan & Implementation

• Engineers Guide to Lifelong Employability– Job search how-tos– From booting up a job-

search– To negotiating salary

Finding a JobFirst Step: Assessment, Plan

• Skill-building Workshops– Career Transitions– Resume Writing– Networking– Interviewing– Salary Negotiations

• Employment Survey of IEEE-USA Members

• Articles, papers– Today’s Engineer – Spectrum– The Institute

Finding a Job

Next Step?

Find the openings

Where are the jobs?

• IEEE Job Site

• JobNavigator

• Employment & Career Strategies Forum

• Region & Section Web pages

IEEE Job Site

• Revamped in 2004• Supported by

CareerCast• Enhanced search• Improved navigation• Hundreds of jobs


• Collected in one searchable database– Millions of job leads– From 1000s of sites

• Resumes– Creating– Email blasting

• Market Research

Debuting now -- Demonstration in foyer

Special price for members

Employment & Career Strategy Forum

• 100s of job postings• Members

– “I heard abc is hiring…”– “My company is looking for …”– “Our Section has postings


Our goal is to make the forum the place

for informal job postings

We need your help!

Region Web Pages

• Region 3 set standard• Generic template for all

Regions & Sections– You customize and


• Links to/from CareerNavigator

• “Kit” to rollout at SC’05

Putting the Plan in Action: The Job Search

The best way to find a job?


E-NetworkingECS Online Forum

• Discussion Groups– 179 Different topics

• 1800 Users– 1400 Different postings

E-NetworkingECS Online Forum

• Hundreds of job postings

E-NetworkingECS Online Forum

• Announcements• Surveys

• Resources– 73 Articles – 38 Files


• Building Skills– Networking Workshop– Engineers Guide, Articles

• Using Skills – IEEE Conferences– Local meetings


• Building Skills– Networking Workshop– Engineers Guide, Articles

• Using Skills – IEEE Conferences– Local meetings

• Key for successful member networking

CareerNavigator Website

• First Stop for Career Services


CareerNavigator Website

• First Stop for Career Services

CareerNavigator Website

• First Stop for Career Services

CareerNavigator Website

• First Stop for Career Services

CareerNavigator Website

• First Stop for Career Services

Employment AssistanceSummary

• Planning, Assessment– Career Planning Guide– Engineers Guide to Lifelong Employability– Workshops– Articles, Employment Survey

• Job Listings– IEEE Job Site– JobNavigator– Employment & Career Strategies Online Forum– Region Webpages

• Networking– Online Forum– IEEE Conferences and Meetings

It starts with the CareerNavigator

Now I Have a Job, How do I Keep It?

• Career Development Resources– Publications– Workshops

• Salary Resources and Tools– Surveys– Calculators

• Professional Resources – Guides, guidelines

• Consultant and Entrepreneur Services

Beyond Job Satisfaction

• Fieldbook: Tools to increase– Career vitality– Contribution to employer– Personal fulfillment– Overall job satisfaction

• Special Offer to Workshop Attendees– 30% discount

Professional Record Keeping Tools

CAMIndex Forms

• Employment Projects• Formal Education• Continuing Education• Professional Activities• Honors and Awards• Patents/Copyrights/

Trademarks/Publications• Papers Written Presented • Community Activities• Contacts/References• Documentation • Other

Professional Engineering Licensure

• Get the added professional edge– Exam Reviews on

CD and Tape– New

• Fundamentals• Power• Electronics

– Soon• Machinery• Applications• T&D• Communications

Conferences & Workshops

AnnualIEEE-USA Leadership Workshop

11-13 March 2005Tucson, AZ

Local Professional Awareness Programs

Student Professional Awareness – 2003: 40 SPACs; 5

SPAVes– 2004: 25 SPACs; 3


Member Professional Awareness– Workshops & Speakers– Funds through PACE – 2005 only: special

distribution of $12000 to support MPACs

– IEEE-USA Committees with joint workshops and meetings

• Employment & Career Services

• PACE• Consultants

Professional Development Online Training• The Basic Principles for a Collaborative Workplace• Coaching Bringing out the Best in Others• Conducting a Collaborative Performance Review• Expressing Yourself: Presenting Your Thoughts and

Ideas• Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback• Giving Recognition• Handling Emotions Under Pressure• Identifying Work Priorities and Setting Verifiable Goals • Influencing for Win/Win Outcomes • The Leader in Each of Us • Managing Your Priorities • Moving From Conflict to Collaboration• Moving the Organization Forward: Defining Your

Team's Contribution• Personal Strategies for Navigating Change• Proactive Listening

Salary Products & Services

• Salary Survey• Products for members

– Salary Database– Salary Calculator

• Products for employers– Salary Reports– Recruitment Analysis– Satisfaction Calculation

Career Resources

• Guidelines for Professional Employment

• Guidelines for the Employed Inventor

• Career Advice for Engineers

• Career Time Line• Careers Conference



• Consultants


• Local Consultants Networks– 31 Local Networks

• Consultants Workshop– How to Become A

Consultant– How to Market Yourself– Intellectual Property– Networking

Outreach: Engineers & Society

• Precollege Education

• Technology Policy

• Public Policy

Future Plans

• Quarterly Webinars on Career & Employment Topics

• Understanding Members’ Career Issues

• Entrepreneurs Network

• Skill Assessment – Gap Analysis Tools

What We Need From You

• Local Meetings– ECS “canned” workshops– MPAC speakers list– Committee-sponsored MPACs

• Region-Section Employment/Career Webpage– Template available– Links to/from Career Navigator

• Local Job Postings– On local Emp/Career Webpage– To the Employment & Career Strategies Forum

• Publicize Products & Services to Local Members

Check Out These New Products

• Debuting at this Workshop– JobNavigator– Beyond Job Satisfaction Fieldbook

• Coming Soon (May 2005)– Salary Tools– Online Professional Development Courses

For More Information Contact:

• Jean EasonIEEE-USA

VP, Professional Activities

Chair, ECS

• Scott D. GraysonIEEE-USA DirectorCareer, Member & Professional Act.+1 202 785 0017 ext

• Region ECS Coordinators1. Joe DeVita

2. Joe Kalasky

3. Dave Macchiarolo

4. Tarek Lahdhiri

5. Jean Eason

6. Ken Doniger

• Region PACE1. Don Herres

2. Wm. Walsh

3. Adeeb Hamzey

4. Jim Riess

5. Bill Whipkey

6. Winnfort Myles

• Division PACE1. Julie Gaevert

2. Sherry Rees