Find Clients For Your Ready Made App With This Checklist!

Post on 08-May-2015

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This 14 Point Ready Made App Checklist gives you a fast way to see what you need to cover off when preparing a Ready Made App for the market place!

Transcript of Find Clients For Your Ready Made App With This Checklist!

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This 14 Point Ready Made App Checklist gives you a fast way to see what you need to cover off when preparing a Ready Made App for the market place.

Remember that by becoming a member of apphappening you get instant access to businesses that are keen and ready to enter the app market, along with a whole lot of other opportunities and resources.

Let us know how you go. We love hearing success stories of little apps out there in the world making a huge impact.

1. What do businesses want to see and how can you get to the front of the pack?

There are four compelling motivators that will drive businesses to look in the ready made app market.

• They want to save time• They want to save money• They want to offer something of value to their customers• They want to keep up with their competition

You have an audience that is primed and interested. Your task is to answer each of these motivators up front, so they instantly feel confident that your app and you, as a developer, are both the right decision.

Provide clear, unambiguous and helpful information on your website, sales page or other marketing platform.

2. What does your app do?You should be able to sum this up in one sentence such as:

Ideally, have screen shots of how your app looks and make it clear which elements can be customized.

It’s also important to have a video so a prospective client can see your app functioning.

Ready Made App Check List

Everything you need to organise a conference in one

simple app

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3. What category is it in?Relevant to the platform the app is designed for and, of course, all of them, if it is available across more than one.

4. What devices can it be used on?The more options you provide the bigger your customer pool. Can you create a version for iPhones, iPads, Android and Blackberry? Blackberry is still a leading choice for many in the business world. But Apple is so popular, and many businesses are streamlining their technology so all devices run on the same platform.

5. What are the requirements to run it?Do you offer the app in html5? How many data pages will it require? Are there any other connectivity or data requirements that the customer should know about?

6. What features are standard and what can be added?Some features that are more or less expected as standard now include: social media connectivity, calendar, GPS directions, photo gallery.

Extra features that many businesses seek include: push notifications, database capabilities, coupons or other reward features.

You’ll need to decide if you will include back end access to the app, so customers can update and make changes themselves.

7. What are the customization options?Some businesses will be happy with a standard, generically designed app. But others may want the option to have their logo, branding, colours and other design or visual features incorporated.

Be clear about what you’re able to do, what is included as standard and what elements are available at extra cost.

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8. How long does customization take?Given that time is a key factor for businesses looking in this space, the quicker your turn around is the better. Having said that, it’s worse to promise what you can’t deliver. Be realistic and as much as possible, exceed your customer’s expectation when it comes to delivery time.

9. Are updates included?It’s fairly standard that updates, new features and improvements are included in your ready made app package. If not, you’ll need to make this clear to avoid disappointment.

10. What are the terms and conditions of use?The elements to cover off in Terms & Conditions include:• Up front payment amount• Monthly hosting fee• Tech support• How many devices are included• How many updates are included• Any minimum time commitment (eg: 2 year subscription)• Exit fees and conditions (what happens if customer wants to move to another provider)• Who owns what (you own the code and design, the customer owns their user data)

11. What payment plans are available?Offering a range of payment plans is a good idea. We cover this in more detail in Ready Made App Revenue and Licensing Options.

12. Is tech support included?This is covered in Terms & Conditions but can be a real selling point on its own. Remember, your task is to highlight what makes this an attractive and unbeatable proposition to your customer!

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13. Is any other support included?You may have social media expertise or a partnership with an online strategy company. Any extras you have that add value to your ready made app and the customer experience will put you ahead of the competition.

14. Who already loves your app and why?Social proof is just about the most important aspect of selling anything in the online space. Because there are so many products and many are of a similar standard when it comes to the technology or functionality side, people are swayed by recommendation (and the opposite!).

Make it easy for customers to view reviews of your app. Have snappy, positive testimonials visible on your website or sales page.

If you’re active in forums and among online networks this helps as well. When prospective customers do a bit of research, they’re likely to do a search on you, your company and your apps. So if you can show up in a number of places, aligned with well respected sites and organisations, this is a big plus.

Summary:The key to success in the ready made app space is remembering why businesses are looking there.

• Lower price point• Speed to market• Keeping up with competitors• Filling a need for their customers

When developing an app, your focus is always on the user and what kind of experience they will have.

When marketing and selling your ready made app, your focus needs to be on the business you’re selling to and what will make it a compelling choice for them.

To summarize:1. Choose the elements that are clean, simple and have broad appeal2. Prepare and present strong information to businesses that answer their needs3. Select the revenue and licensing model that is right for your app market sector

For any assistance with getting your ready made app market ready, and to tap into a network of keen businesses, wanting to expand into this area, join apphappening and become part of this fast growing app community.