Financial Roundtable - · Juvenile Delinquency 4,801 4,330 1.11 32 640 0.05 168...

Post on 27-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Financial Roundtable - · Juvenile Delinquency 4,801 4,330 1.11 32 640 0.05 168...

Financial Roundtable

Shannon Ramsey-Chessman, COO FinancePalm Beach County Clerk & Comptroller

Mike Murphy, CFOOrange County Clerk of Courts

Topics to Discuss• Revenue Forecasting Models• Investment Strategy• CCOC Budget vs PAC Framework• Article V Allowable vs Unallowable Costs• Linking FCCC Distribution Schedule to the GL• OPEB Funding• Vendor Self Service• Cost Savings Initiatives• Other?

Revenue Forecasting Models

• Month to Month and Year to Year• Historical Averages YTD or Month• Prior Year YTD or Month• Case Projections• Revenue per Case• Year over Year Cases

Revenue Forecasting ModelsMonth 2015 2016 2017 2018

September 2,603,607 2,540,731 2,364,468 2,166,880 October 2,752,281 2,574,257 2,151,786 2,689,117 November 2,084,519 2,235,898 2,231,153 2,476,852 December 2,630,807 2,705,861 2,295,169 2,700,000 Web ChecksJanuary 2,438,553 2,444,527 2,520,655 2,550,000 February 2,899,383 3,043,904 2,533,950 2,550,000 March 2,714,434 2,956,176 2,855,603 2,900,000 tax seasonApril 2,809,680 2,508,765 2,399,481 2,550,000 May 2,445,625 2,466,793 2,509,585 2,550,000 June 2,725,837 2,469,766 2,725,642 2,550,000 July 2,716,324 2,345,674 2,540,466 2,550,000 August 2,473,191 2,524,424 2,808,891 2,550,000

31,294,241 30,816,776 29,936,849 30,782,849 Sep-Aug

Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Proj 2018Fines 6,478,290 6,853,258 6,817,184 6,761,885 6,160,700 6,350,000 6150+200 Adj WH10% Fines 439,619 1,600,000 orig projection still holdingForfeitures 654,601 604,091 828,655 1,021,869 541,755 566,500 350 + 216 Web forfeituresFiling Fees 9,087,593 9,767,253 9,678,748 9,855,627 10,454,939 10,900,000 10.5-350 cir civ+750 cnty civService Charges 9,239,512 7,672,760 7,186,810 6,535,901 6,077,943 5,750,000 foreclosures keep decliningInterest 9,468 52,238 31,286 24,513 59,019 100,000 rates increasingCourt Costs 6,585,674 6,521,355 6,688,683 6,440,718 6,005,286 6,000,000 no expected change

32,055,138 31,470,955 31,231,366 30,640,513 29,739,261 31,266,500 -2.5+2.17 30,883,380

2015 Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 ProjCounty Criminal FILEFEE 43,821 38,086 38,825 38,000 County Criminal SVC CHGS 72,907 61,175 61,338 60,000 County Criminal CTCOST 364,033 315,250 292,490 300,000 County Criminal FINES 247,021 246,134 252,766 300,000 County Criminal 10% FINES 9,953 40,000 738,000 Circuit Criminal FILEFEE 606 - Circuit Criminal SVC CHGS 106,914 92,764 93,390 90,000 Circuit Criminal CTCOST 733,696 676,174 715,110 700,000 Circuit Criminal FINES 200,061 213,514 197,516 200,000 Circuit Criminal 10% FINES 19,956 70,000 1,060,000 County Civil FILEFEE 5,247,277 5,540,859 6,109,123 6,200,000 County Civil SVC CHGS 73,672 96,265 87,057 90,000 6,290,000 Circuit Civil FILEFEE 2,350,715 2,240,683 2,350,635 2,000,000 Circuit Civil SVC CHGS 2,957,705 2,451,834 1,996,955 1,700,000 3,700,000


Revenue Forecasting Models

Revenue Area 2017 Actual 2017 Cases Rev/Case CY Actual CY Cases Rev/Case FY 18 $Circuit Criminal 1,026,577 17,347 59.18 179,977 2,928 61.47 1,086,994 County Criminal 655,371 18,817 34.83 132,604 2,884 45.98 870,202 Juvenile Delinquency 4,801 4,330 1.11 32 640 0.05 168 Criminal Traffic 2,076,958 14,948 138.95 336,893 2,494 135.08 2,057,964 Circuit Civil 4,347,590 11,542 376.68 481,848 1,706 282.44 2,941,643 County Civil 6,196,180 40,805 151.85 1,263,717 8,724 144.86 6,685,794 Probate/Mental Health 641,165 7,090 90.43 111,574 1,561 71.48 519,775 Family 1,601,484 17,825 89.84 281,943 3,003 93.89 1,707,902 Juvenile Dependency 16,489 823 20.04 6,581 126 52.23 40,322 Civil Traffic 11,278,607 234,392 48.12 2,070,333 37,377 55.39 13,315,281 Records 149,443 29,706 150,000 Collections 1,129,674 206,038 1,000,000 Self Help 14,147 103 15,000 Forfeitures 541,756 45,127 566,500 Interest 59,019 19,493 100,000

29,739,261 367,919 5,165,969 61,443 31,057,546 (2,550,000) Sep 182,166,880 Sep 17

30-Nov 30,674,426 Sep-AugCase Type FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 Est FY 18 Proj Orig Proj

Circuit Criminal 17,544 17,347 17,684 1,046,520 17,100 County Criminal 21,434 18,817 18,926 659,167 18,290 Juvenile Delinquency 5,869 4,330 3,391 3,760 4,540 Criminal Traffic 16,870 14,948 15,235 2,116,835 15,180 30,464,061 Circuit Civil 11,605 11,542 10,415 3,923,077 11,015 (2,550,000) Sep 18County Civil 36,401 40,805 46,155 7,008,570 39,820 2,166,880 Sep 17Probate/Mental Health 7,504 7,090 7,272 657,624 7,290 30,080,941 Sep-AugFamily 20,154 17,825 18,191 1,634,367 18,200 Juvenile Dependency 782 823 772 15,467 765 Civil Traffic 254,739 234,392 240,389 11,567,174 237,915 Records/SHC/Coll/Forf/Int NA NA NA 1,831,500 NA

392,902 367,919 378,430 30,464,061 370,115

Actual Actual Actual Actual ActualRevenue 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CalculatedCircuit Criminal 1,019,242 1,051,336 1,040,672 982,452 1,026,577 1,061,040 County Criminal 679,317 704,361 727,781 660,644 655,371 605,632 Juvenile Delinquency 8,659 6,175 6,018 5,984 4,801 3,391 Criminal Traffic 2,487,345 2,360,228 2,494,137 2,269,917 2,076,958 2,087,195 Circuit Civil 7,144,267 6,086,204 5,308,420 4,692,518 4,347,590 3,905,625 County Civil 5,328,302 5,137,954 5,320,950 5,637,124 6,196,180 6,969,405 Probate/Mental Health 534,310 558,569 582,425 643,663 641,165 654,480 Family 1,539,019 1,693,944 1,695,952 1,667,595 1,601,484 1,637,190 Juvenile Dependency 2,233 4,253 4,596 20,188 16,489 15,440 Civil Traffic 11,402,204 11,973,523 12,041,420 11,886,050 11,278,607 12,740,617 Records Management 445,888 461,803 231,734 166,220 149,443 150,000 Collections 800,282 776,276 910,514 960,393 1,129,674 1,000,000 Self Help Center - - 6,806 1,383 14,147 15,000 Forfeitures 654,601 604,091 828,655 1,021,869 541,756 566,500 Interest 9,468 52,238 31,286 24,513 59,019 100,000 Total Earned 32,055,137 31,470,955 31,231,366 30,640,513 29,739,261 31,511,515

Case Data 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Circuit Criminal 18,401 18,339 18,165 17,544 17,347 17,684 County Criminal 20,904 23,522 22,978 21,434 18,817 18,926 Juvenile Delinquency 5,806 5,887 6,112 5,869 4,330 3,391 Criminal Traffic 18,726 18,503 18,958 16,870 14,948 15,235 Circuit Civil 16,776 13,573 12,262 11,605 11,542 10,415 County Civil 30,702 29,496 30,524 36,401 40,805 46,155 Probate/Mental Health 4,928 5,991 6,607 7,504 7,090 7,272 Family 18,974 18,163 19,887 20,154 17,825 18,191 Juvenile Dependency 602 591 637 782 823 772 Civil Traffic 256,910 254,937 270,961 254,739 234,392 240,389

392,729 389,002 407,091 392,902 367,919 378,430

Revenue per Case 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Circuit Criminal 55.39 57.33 57.29 56.00 59.18 10% now+4 60County Criminal 32.50 29.94 31.67 30.82 34.83 10% now+2 32Juvenile Delinquency 1.49 1.05 0.98 1.02 1.11 1Criminal Traffic 132.83 127.56 131.56 134.55 138.95 10% now+1 137Circuit Civil 425.86 448.41 432.92 404.35 376.68 375County Civil 173.55 174.19 174.32 154.86 151.85 151Probate/Mental Health 108.42 93.23 88.15 85.78 90.43 90Family 81.11 93.26 85.28 82.74 89.84 90Juvenile Dependency 3.71 7.20 7.22 25.82 20.04 20Civil Traffic 44.38 46.97 44.44 46.66 48.12 10% now+6 53

Investment StrategyWhile the intention of a Long-term portfolio is to hold bonds to maturity, in a rising interest rate market, these are generating unrealized losses which are recorded as negative interest income. Are financial staff posting this entry monthly or quarterly vs. at the end of the year? What steps are being taken to minimize this unfavorable impact on current year revenue?

Portfolio Allocation

Risk Mitigation Strategy

SBA, 27%

CP, 13%

MMKT, 10%Agency, 8%FLGIT, 3%

Israel Bond, 1%

CD, 38%

February, 201438% subject to volatility

SBA, 6%Israel

Bond, 3%



CD, 37%


February, 20188% subject to volatility • Decreased allocation to market volatility

• Heavier emphasis on high yielding money market accounts• Remained short on duration• Increased allowable allocation to Israel bonds (1%-3%)• Continued emphasis on CDs with minimal W/D penalty • Addition of FLCLASS

Steps Taken

Portfolio Benefits• Minimal overall portfolio volatility• Enjoyed high book yield during extended low

yield environment• Flexibility to redeem CD’s (low interest penalty) as

rates continue to rise• Short duration benefits with rising rates

7/10 year CD’s

5 year CD’s

Israel bonds 1% to 3% max

CCOC Budget vs PAC Framework

• PAC Framework 9 Service Areas– Case Processing– Revenue Collection and Distribution– Financial Processing– Requests for Records and Reports– Ministerial Pro-Se Assistance– Technology Services for External Users– Mandated Reporting Services– Jury Management– Administration

CCOC Budget vs PAC Framework

• PAC Framework Service Areas– Case Processing– Revenue Collection and Distribution– Financial Processing– Requests for Records and Reports– Ministerial Pro-Se Assistance– Technology Services for External Users– Mandated Reporting Services– Jury Management– Administration

CCOC Budget vs PAC Framework

• Service - Technology Services for External Users• Activities

– Provide and Maintain Online Electronic Access– Maintain the eFiling Portal– Maintain data and image integration with Judicial Viewer– Establish and maintain Clerk website

CCOC Budget vs PAC Framework

• PAC Costing indicates IT Costs to be Included• CCOC Net Court Budget does not Include IT• Some Counties do not Want IT in Document, while

Others Include – Inconsistent?– Is IT part of running court operations?– Include in gross budget and then back out on summary tab

in order to have costs captured?– Would it help tell the Clerk story better?– Helpful to new Funding Model

Allowable vs. Unallowable Article V ExpendituresAllowable Expenditures pursuant to s. 28.35(3)(a), F.S. – Salaries, benefits and costs for all of the court-related functions of the office:• Case maintenance• Records management (storage, redaction, retrieval & maintenance not included under Ch. 29)• Court preparation and attendance• Processing the assignment, reopening, and reassignment of cases• Processing of appeals• Collection and distribution of fines, fees, service charges, and court costs• Processing of bond forfeiture payments• Payment of jurors and witnesses and all juror related costs• Payment of meals and lodging for jurors• Data collection and reporting• Determination of indigent status• Reasonable administrative support costs to enable the Clerk of the Court to carry out the above

court-related functions

Allowable vs. Unallowable Article V ExpendituresUnallowable Expenditures:• Local Requirements pursuant to s. 29.008 F.S.

– Facilities– Construction or Leases– Maintenance– Utilities– Security– Communications– Radio Systems (existing)– Multi-agency criminal justice information systems (existing)– Specialized programs

• Non court-related functions of the office• Prohibited expenditures per Department of Finance Services “Reference for State Expenditures”



Allowable vs. Unallowable Article V ExpendituresExamples of prohibited expenditures per Department of Finance Services

Unless expressly provide by law or specifically authorized by law:• Telegrams• Flowers • Presentment of plaques for outstanding service• Decorative items (globe, statues, potted plants, picture frames, etc)• Greeting Cards

Unless specifically authorized by law:• Florida or other Bar dues• Professional license fees• Occupational license fees• Driver license fees• Other fees for licenses required for an individual to pass the examination for any of the above

licenses, unless the training is directly related to the person’s current official duties• Examination fees for professional, occupational or other licenses required for a person to

perform his or her official duties

Allowable vs. Unallowable Article V ExpendituresExamples of prohibited expenditures per Department of Finance Services

Other:• Entertainment costs including food, candy, drinks, or decorations• Severance pay and unearned leave• Organizational affiliations, fund raising or lobbying• Purchase of vehicles• Cash awards to employees or ceremony expenditures• Development of major software programs• Appliances for the personal convenience of staff including microwave ovens, refrigerators, coffee pots,

portable heaters, fans, etc.• Water coolers, bottled water

Allowable vs. Unallowable Article V ExpendituresRecent DFS Audit Findings:

• “The Clerk’s office incurred expenditures for various promotional items and drinking water for employees that, contrary to statutory guidance, had been allocated as court-related costs…”

– Recommendation – “Clerk’s office allocate as court-related expenditures only those costs authorized by Statute and that unallowable expenditures be reimbursed to the State.”

• “The Clerk’s office incurred expenditures for seminar registration, drinking water for employees, cell phone minutes, and cell phone cases that, contrary to statutory guidance, had been allocated as court-related costs…”

• “The Clerk’s office incurred expenditures for cell phone service, network maintenance, and membership dues that, contrary to statutory guidance, had been allocated as court-related costs

Linking FCCC Distribution Schedule to the GL

• For GL review, do you have the ability to drill down to the type of cases that posted?– Divorces, name changes, etc…

• Have you linked down enough to do revenue projections by type of court action?

Linking FCCC Distribution Schedule to the GL





ScheduleOdyssey Fee Code Odyssey GL

AccountMunis GL Account

DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE DISSOLUTNcc 2 410 FILING FEE $80.00 F/M 28.241(1)(a)1.b. DISSOLUTN DISSOLUTN 34840110-410000cc 2 410 FILING/DISSOLUTION $115.00 F/M FF51 28.241(1)(a)1.b. DISSOLUTN DISSOLUTN 34840110-410000


604-208728, 607-208372

cc 3 LIABILITY DFS ADMIN T.F./CCOC $4.00 F/M FF22 28.241(1)(a)1.b. CCOCTF CCOCTF 607-208362cr 3 LIABILITY DFS ADMIN T.F./BUDGET REVIEW $1.00 F/M FF21 28.241(1)(a)1.b. 09DFSBUDRV 09DFSBUDRV 607-208370cc 3 LIABILITY COURT EDUCATION TRUST $3.50 F/M FF23 28.241(1)(a)1.c. CTEDCI CTEDCI 607-208283cc 3 LIABILITY DFS ADMIN T.F. (Clerk Ed) $0.50 F/M FF24 28.241(1)(a)1.c. CTEDDFSCI CTEDDFSCI 607-208363cc 3 LIABILITY STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND $1.00 F/M FF45 44.108(1) DORMEDARB DORMEDARB 607-208287cr 3 LIABILITY DOR/GENERAL REV. (fka Family Court Trust Fund) $25.00 F/M FF9 28.101(1)(d)2. FAMILYCTTF FAMILYCTTF 607-208280cr 3 LIABILITY DISPLACED HOMEMAKER T.F. $5.00 F/M FF6 28.101(1)(b) DISPLHOME DISPLHOME 607-208210cr 3 LIABILITY DISPLACED HOMEMAKER T.F. $7.50 F/M FF8 28.101(1)(d)1. DISPLHOME DISPLHOME 607-208210cr 3 LIABILITY CHILD WELFARE TRAINING TRUST FUND $5.00 F/M FF5 28.101(1)(a) CHWELFARTF CHWELFARTF 607-208300cr 3 LIABILITY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRUST FUND $55.00 F/M FF7 28.101(1)(c) DOMVIOLDOM DOMVIOLDOM 607-208301


OPEBWhat is OPEB (“Other Post Employment Benefits”)• Other postemployment benefits (OPEB) are benefits, other than

pensions, that employers provide to their retired employees. • These benefits principally involve health care benefits, but also may

include life insurance, disability, legal, and other services when those benefits are provided separately from a pension plan.

• Post-retirement benefits include future benefits expected to be paid to or for both of the following:– Currently retired or terminated employees and their beneficiaries

and dependents– Active employees and their beneficiaries and dependents after

retirement from service

OPEBDo you have to fund OPEB?• No - The GASB establishes standards addressing accounting and

financial reporting issues. How a government actually pays for OPEB is a policy decision made by government officials.

• Palm Beach County – Fund as you go• Indian River – Full fund each year• Palm Beach County total unfunded liability FY 2017 - $356,045,984

– Clerk & Comptroller unfunded liability - $5,754,535

Vendor Self Service

Palm Beach County Vendor Self Service (VSS) Main functionality and Benefits

• Since May 2013 through VSS vendors can:

– Register to do business with Palm Beach County

– Update their account information via the internet (such as addresses, contacts, VSS vendor account users, commodities offered, etc.)

– Run financial inquiries to see invoice information (after they have been entered into the Financial system), payments, purchase orders, agreements, etc.

• Since July 2017 through VSS vendors can:

– Search and view all Business Opportunities in one place

– Register for commodities that they provide and receive email notification of any solicitation available for those commodities

VSS Log In Splash Page

VSS Business Opportunity Search Page

VSS Account Maintenance Page

VSS Invoice Search Page

VSS Useful Tips• Postcards were sent to the vendors to notify them of VSS and encourage them

to register their accounts

• Workshops were held for a pilot group of vendors to identify frequently asked questions that could be addressed in the VSS User Guides

• VSS functionality was best implemented in phases

• All new vendors are required to register through VSS to be able to do business with Palm Beach County*

• Vendors are encouraged to register for the commodities that they offer so that they will receive email notifications when business opportunities for those commodities arise

* There is a list of exceptions: employees, grant fund recipients, payroll disbursements, etc.

Cost-Saving Initiatives?• Citation Import (63% of all citations in Orange – Jan ‘18)• File-less Courtrooms• Touch Records Center Case Files once (Scan if requested from

Division/Customer)• Electronic Transfer of documents to/from other agencies (outside of the

state portal) – FIPS and HIPAA issues• Shopping Cart for Forms/Packets/Case Records (Phase 2)• Online Access to Court Records, subject to Security Matrix• Q-Flow for Customer Flow in Lobbies – good for metrics as well• Online Appointments for SHC, M/P (later this year)• E-Marriage – online marriage application

Cost-Saving Initiatives?• eRecording with Comptroller• Electronic Expense Reimbursement • Electronic P-Card Reconciliation (go-live later this year)• Electronic Routing of Purchasing, Contract and Payroll/Leave Approvals• Online Benefits Enrollment • Online Applicant Tracking• Import of Invoices and Journal Entries from CMS to Financial System• Pay Cards for Jurors (go-live early April)• Trial Clerk Post-Court Work rather than send to Divisions (piloting now)• Online videos for common tasks/questions from customers• Online Registry Balance Search

Cost-Saving Initiatives?• Online Real-Time Bond Discharge information for Bond Agencies

Cost-Saving Initiatives?Online Hearing Time Search

Cost-Saving Initiatives?Online Case Balance Search