Financial literacy & personal development books

Post on 08-May-2015

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Ojijo, the author, is a financial literacy & personal development speaker; performance poet; lawyer; researcher; trainer; social entrepreneur; network marketer; spiritualist, (Practicing Open Religion); and author diversely published in religion, poetry, law, history, politics, languages, financial literacy and financial investments, and personal development!

Transcript of Financial literacy & personal development books

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Reading books without applying the lessons is counterproductive to the very personal development and productivity improvements I strive for.  Just reading does not actually change anything: the real results come from daily application of the lessons and strategies.  Rather than reading more books, I will focus on applying what I have learned in the books I have already read. The Buddhists are right, ‘to know, and not to use, is not yet to know’.

Main Reading Texts

1. Ojijo. Ojijo’s Guide to Alternative Investments (Property/Fixed Assets, Insurance, Forex, Private Equity, Collective Investment Schemes, Collectibles & Commodities)

2. Ojijo. Making My Child Financially Intelligent: Money Lessons by Age Group (from 4-18 yrs)

3. Ojijo. How to Identify & Develop My Talent, My Profession & My Career! 4. Ojijo. Ojijo’s Guide to Financial Instruments & Financial Investment 5. Ojijo. Ojijo’s Guide to Entrepreneurship & Raising Capital 6. Ojijo. The Gift of E11even Moves to Make Me Wealthy 7. Ojijo. Ojijo’s Investment Club Manual8. Ojijo. 99 Ways to Make People Laugh!

Additional Reading Texts

1. Aldous Huxley. Brave New World 2. Abraham Maslow. A Theory of Human Motivation

3. Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics

4. Adam Smith. An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes of The Wealth of Nations

5. Angelo D’Amico. Talk the Talk

6. Alfred Marshall. Principles of Economics

7. Ben Carson. Think Big

8. Bertrand Russell. Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind

9. Benjamin Graham. The Intelligent Investor

10. Benjamin Franklin. Poor Richard's Almanac

11. Buck Hedges. The Parable of The Pipeline

12. Brian Tracy. Getting Rich Your Own Way: Achieve All Your Financial Goals Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

13. Brian Tracy. Goals

14. Booker T. Washington. Up From Slavery

15. Bob Proctor. You Were Born Rich

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16. Brian Tracy. Million Dollar Habits

17. Charles Haneel. The Master Key System

18. Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species

19. Chinua Achebe. Things Fall Apart

20. C. S. Lewis. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

21. C. S. Lewis. The Chronicles of Narnia

22. Charles Dickens. Oliver Twist

23. Charles Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities

24. Confucian Canon, Analects, and The Five Classics for Confucianism

25. Confucius. The Great Learning

26. Dato Vejay Eshiwanaran. In The Sphere of Silence

27. Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code

28. Dan Pink. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future

29. Daniel G. Amen. Magnificent Mind at any Age

30. David Schwartz. The Magic of Thinking Big

31. David Ricardo. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation

32. Donald Trump. Think Like A Champion

33. Dale Carnegie. How To Win Friends To Influence People

34. David L. Feinstein. Develop Your Financial Intelligence

35. David Allen. Getting Things Done (GTD)

36. Dick Richards. Is Your Genius at Work?: 4 Key Questions to Ask Before Your Next Career Move

37. David Bach. Smart Couples Finish Rich

38. DH Lawrence. Lady Chatterley’s Lover

39. Dante Alighieri.. The Divine Comedy

40. Edward DeBono. The Six Thinking Hats

41. Eckhart Tolle. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

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42. Esther Hicks. Money and the Law of Attraction

43. Immanuel Kant. Critique of Pure Reason

44. George S. Clason. The Richest Man in Babylon

45. Garrett Hardin. Tragedy of the Commons

46. George Orwell. Animal Farm

47. George Orwell. 1984

48. Henry David Thoreau. Civil Disobedience

49. Homer. The Iliad

50. Homer. The Odyssey

51. HH Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler. The Art Of Happiness

52. Harry Lorayne. The Memory Book

53. Henry Hazlitt. Economics in One Lesson

54. Harper Lee. To Kill a Mockingbird

55. Jean Jacques Rousseau. The Social Contract

56. Jack Canfield. Success Principles

57. John Stuart Mill. Principles of Political Economy

58. John C. Maxwell. Talent Is Never Enough

59. John C. Maxwell. Developing the Leader within You!

60. John C. Maxwell. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

61. John Maynard Keynes. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

62. John Assaraf. The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life

63. Joseph Heller. Catch-22

64. Jim Rohn. 7 Strategies For Wealth & Happiness

65. Jack Canfield. The Power of Focus: What the World’s Greatest Achievers Know about The Secret of Financial Freedom and Success

66. Jared Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

67. John C. Bogle. The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing

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68. James D. Watson. The Double Helix

69. James Allen. As A Man Thinketh

70. John Medina. Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School

71. Joseph Schumpeter. The Theory of Economic Development

72. John Locke. Questions Concerning the Law of Nature

73. Jack Canfield. The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

74. Joe Vitale. Zero Limit

75. John Milton. Paradise Lost

76. J.R.R. Tolkein. Lord of the Rings

77. James Arthur Ray. The Science of Success

78. Judy Jones. An Incomplete Education: 3,684 Things You Should Have Learned but Probably Didn't

79. Jim Rohn. The Art of Exceptional Living

80. John Stuart Mill. On Liberty

81. Karl Marx . Das Kapital

82. Karl Marx. The Communist Manifesto

83. Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet

84. Kenneth Blanchard. The One Minute Manager85. Kenneth Blanchard. Leadership & The One Minute Manager 86. Kouzes & Posne. The Leadership Challenge 87. Les Brown. Live Your Dreams

88. M. R. Kopmeyer. Here’s Help!

89. Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching

90. Maslow, Abraham. Towards a Psychology of Being.

91. Mario Puzo. The Godfather

92. Mike Murdock. Secrets of the Richest Man Who Ever Lived

93. Mark Victor Hansen. One Minute Millionaire

94. Maxwell Maltz. Psychocybernetics

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95. Mike Litman. Conversations With Millionaires

96. Michael Michalko. Cracking Creativity: The Secrets of Creative Genius

97. Michael Fisher. Saving & Investing

98. Maya Angelou. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

99. Marilyn vos Savant. Brain Building in Just 12 Weeks

100. Nicollo Machaivelli. The Prince

101. Noah J. Goldstein. Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive

102. N. Hill and W. Clement Stone. Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

103. Neil Fiore. The Now Habit

104. Napoleon Hill. Law of Success 1-16

105. Napoleon Hill. Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement

106. Napoleon Hill. Think & Grow Rich

107. Norman Vincent Peale. The Power of Positive Thinking

108. Ojijo. Stupid & Unintelligent: The Inferior Mindset of Black Leaders to Whites and the Role of the New African President!

109. Ojijo. Ojijo’s Guide Book To Travel & Experience the World!

110. Ojijo. Fireplace Stories: Ojijo’s Performance Poems

111. Ojijo. Open Religion: My Religion is the Best Religion!

112. Ojijo. Seventy-7 Moves of a Sexy Woman!

113. Og Mandino. The Greatest Salesman in the World

114. Patrick Kavanaugh. You Are Talented. Discovering, Perfecting & Using Your Abilities

115. Peter F. Drucker. The Practice of Management,

116. Plato. The Republic

117. Praise George. Mastering Money

118. Plutarch. Parallel Lives

119. Paulo Cuelho. The Alchemist

120. Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451Regional Investor Education Centre (RIEC), InformedInvestors

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121. Robert T. Kiyosaki. Increase Your Financial IQ

122. Robert T. Kiyosaki & Donald J. Trump. Why We Want You Rich

123. Robert Kiyosaki. Cash Flow Quadrant

124. Richard Koch. The 80/20 Principle-The Secret To Success By Achieving More With Less

125. Richard A.Posner. Economic Analysis of Law

126. Rhonda Byrne. The Secret

127. Russell Simmons. Invest In Yourself

128. Roger Fisher. Getting to YES: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

129. Roger Lowenstein. Buffet: The Making of an American Capitalist

130. Rick Warren. The Purpose Driven Life

131. Robert Greene. The 48 Laws of Power

132. Robert Cialdini. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

133. Richard J. Machowicz. Unleash The Warrior Within

134. Robin Sharma. Leadership Wisdom From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

135. Robert T. Kiyosaki. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money-That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

136. Rudyard Kipling. The Jungle Book

137. Rosalie Maggio. The Art of Talking to Anyone: Essential People Skills for Success in Any Situation

138. Richard A. Posner. Economic Analysis of Law. Economic Analysis of Law

139. Ronald Coase. The Problem of Social Cost

140. Roger Dawson. Secrets of Power Negotiating

141. Robert Frost. The Poetry of Robert Frost: The Collected Poems, Complete and Unabridged

142. Steven Levitt. Freakonomics143. Salman Rushdie. The Satanic Verses

144. Steve Chandler. 1000 Ways to Motivate Yourself

145. Sandy Botkin. Lower Your Taxes - Big Time

146. Sun Tzu. The Art of WarRegional Investor Education Centre (RIEC), InformedInvestors

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147. Samuel Smiles. Self-Help

148. Stephen R Covey. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

149. Tony Robbins. Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!

150. Theodore Bryant. Self-Discipline in 10 Days: How to Go from Thinking to Doing

151. Thomas Stanley & William Danke. The Millionaire Next Door

152. Thomas Malthus.R.. An Essay on the Principle of Population.

153. Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan

154. The Bible

155. The Book of Mormon

156. The Qur'an

157. The Bhagavad-Gita

158. The Kitab-i-Aqdas

159. The Tanakh/Torah

160. The Vedas

161. The Canon of Scientology

162. The Kebra Nagast and the Holy Piby

163. The Satanic Bible

164. Voltaire. Candide 165. Walter C. Willett. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy

166. W. J. Craig. The Oxford Shakespeare. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

167. Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Getting Rich

168. Wallace D. Wattles. The Law of Opulence

169. W. Clement Stone. The Success System That Never Fails

170. Zig ‘Hilary Hinton‘Ziglar. Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale171. Zig ‘Hilary Hinton‘Ziglar. See You at the Top.172. Zig ‘Hilary Hinton‘Ziglar. Over the Top.

Regional Investor Education Centre (RIEC), InformedInvestorsKenya|Uganda|Tanzania|Rwanda|Burundi|South Sudan

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