Final Truth Sci Fi Novel

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  • 7/28/2019 Final Truth Sci Fi Novel


    Final Truth

    By: Michael W. Davis

    The questions not how, but why?

    (Buy locations available at

    BlurbThe Alastor, a cabal sworn to re-establish the old republic, is in trouble. The

    oppressive Council, masters of the tyrannical New Order, have cracked the rebel

    leadership and the insurgents are forced to accelerate their plan to topple the

    ominion !mpire, but they"re not ready. Their forces are outnumbered ahundred fold. The freedom fighters have one chance, to e#ploit a gathering ofNabra like sky disks discovered in the temple of a race slaughtered by the

    Council in the name of the common good. $ithin the strangely alluring

    emblems, a trail of crumbs lies buried across the tablets. Cryptic codes andsymbols hint of supreme knowledge, clues that the subliminal whispers

    haunting all civili%ations when they ponder the heavens, are waiting inside. Thecatch& only one human possesses the telekinetic ability to pierce the alien relics

    and stitch together the final cosmic truth.

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    The Consular 'rime tugged downward on the pleats of his full body robeand announced to the twelve fish eyed domes constructed of translucent

    pryaglass, (Assemble. The Council is in session. )irst item, *tone issue, + Corpsind $alker ranch.

    /e then commanded the sentinels outside the black chamber. (!scort our

    sub0ect into unit A.$ithin moments, the seamless doorway leading into the compartmented

    cell opened and three uniformed soldiers marched forward in the shape of atriangle with the lead man towering a full four inches taller than the subordinate

    officers. $hile the two armed men stepped back to e#it the three hundred and

    si#ty degree protective enclosure, the Consular 'rime demanded, ($ait. 1uards,draw your weapons and remain.


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    oth trailing sentinels hesitated as if pu%%led by the unusual order. TheConsular continued, (*et blasters to stun and stand by. Colonel *tone, this isn"t

    your day.

    (*orry, sir. +"m confused.(2eally3 + think not. 4ou can cut the fa5ade. $e"re aware of your

    disloyalty.The bearing of the large officer sub0ect to the in6uisition morphed from a

    posture of stiffened respect to something approaching a flippant stance. (+"veserved this body for twenty years. Never during that period did + decline to

    e#ecute any of your insane orders. +"ve murdered beings you designated as

    enemies of the state for nothing more than the fact their e#istence was anuisance to your plans for continual ominion e#pansion. *o +"d appreciate if you

    could be a bit more specific.(That"s enough, Colonel. The charade is over. $e"ve known of your

    subversive actions for some time, yet we waited, watched, and allowed you and

    your fellow conspirators to plot their silly rebellion, but no more. Now stop the

    games and confess your traitorous deeds.The fly at the center of the spider"s snare refused to act like prey, rather he

    reflected the pride of an unwavering champion to his cause. *tone placed both

    thumbs inside his belt. *lowly, deliberately, he perused the twelve translucent

    eyeballs of the New Order"s ruling lords and rela#ed his demeanor from one ofcuriosity to disgust.

    (4ou talk of games, treachery, yet you hide inside this fortress, afraid toe#pose your grotes6ue nature in the light of this tyrannical !mpire. A do%en self

    imposed madmen issuing decisions and brutality against those that cannot

    defend themselves, all from within the protective dome of Council City.(That"s enough, Colonel.

    The defiant dead man stood rigid against the inevitable outcome to hisresistance. (No, that"s too kind. 4ou"re not men at all, rather spineless fleas. 4ou

    lie down with alien females you"ve driven into slavery, made them unwillingwhores to satisfy your perverted lust, while millions starve outside your fortress.

    4ou reign above a contorted empire, not as leaders, rather as oppressive

    monsters with no regard for the pain you inflict. 4ou twelve feeble mindedmonkeys are anti6ues, specters from a progressively controlled era that spit out

    socialist bullshit and mind numbing control.(+ said enough7 The Consular 'rime"s tone turned aggressive. ($hat we

    do, we must for the common good. 4ou and your Alastor rethren are a handful

    of na8ve relics, dreamers from the past. 4our concept of liberty, the destructivefreedom that ran amok before the great upheaval of old !arth society, what did it

    achieve3 Chaos and anarchy. The beings you covet, citi%ens of the New Order,creatures across ominion space too primitive to wipe their ass without guidance,

    that"s who you"ll die for.

    (At least we stand outside the darkness. $arriors, men of honor--we choseour fate rather than cower within steel walls guarded by a brigade of + Corps and

    shock troops.


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    (And you call us feeble minded. 'eople have never been capable of rulingthemselves. That responsibility falls to the enlightened few, those willing to take

    charge and meter out direction to the masses, weak of spirit and insight. /istory

    illuminates that very truth-- democracy, free will, it is but a dream and mustfalter. Our founders, their philosophy of collectivist control, that vision taught us

    the path to salvation. They gave us the will to pull out from the rubble ofeconomic collapse when the gluttony of the rich drove us into hell. Our

    progressive leaders, they"ve provided a beacon for the ne#t ten thousand years,not the disorder of the old republic touted by the rebels.

    The captive in the cage behaved not as a meal to be devoured, rather a

    man clear of purpose, with an unwavering spine, regardless of the odds. *toneleaned forward, as if preparing for a battle. (4ou sad pitiful insects. 4ou don"t get

    it, the inevitable truth. 4our reign is measured in the heartbeat of a cockroach,and when it comes, not tomorrow but soon, +"ll be watching. All my fellow

    patriots, the rethren of the Alastor revolt, whether in this realm or the ne#t--

    they"re waiting to piss down your collective throats as you descend into hell.

    (9ill him. Commands rattled across the unlit chamber. (Torch the infidel,now. $e demand respect, allegiance to the cause, cried the Consular from'ro#ima. (!viscerate the non-believer, tonight, on the public screen.

    ore venom spewed from a different lord to the right. (4es, let the hordes

    see what happens to:(*ilence7 the Consular 'rime screamed. (4ou would incinerate our entry

    into the bowels of the enemy3 The chamber grew 6uiet. (!#actly. 1uards, takethe traitor to de-conditioning. /is brain is to be wrenched like a sponge, drained

    of every name, every resource until we finally put an end to this mock posturing

    by a featherless rooster.*tone held one arm, palm out at his subordinates while his countenance

    registered a stream of unyielding e#pressions, acknowledgement for what wascoming, acceptance for what he"d done, and comfort in where he was headed.

    )inally, like a cobra striking at the mongoose he would never kill, thecolonel released a fury of pent rage. ()uck you, evil bastards. /e ripped a thin

    wire with looped ends from his belt and struck at the nearest guard by drawing

    his primitive weapon tightly around the unfortunate subordinate"s throat. Thesame instant, the remaining soldier at the back of the cell cranked his weapon to

    full charge.(No7 ordered the Consular 'rime. (o not kill him.

    *tone was too fast. /e held the smaller man in front of his body as a

    shield, e#tracted the holstered weapon, turned it on the confused soldier by thedoor and fired. An electric bolt e6uivalent to a half mega 0oule plastered the

    subordinate"s body against the back wall.(This is insane. 4ou cannot escape.

    The colonel cast a Cheshire grin at the man and offered one last conviction

    to those who once served as his masters. (!scape is not my intent.*tone removed the charge cartridge from the pistol, flipped its polarity end

    over end and re-inserted it back into the weapon before spinning the intensitydial to a hundred percent. (Till the circle completes--liberty forever. $ith a


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    resolved visage, he 0erked the trigger to the blaster. The room ignited into a ballof blue flare immediately coating the chamber walls with bone fragments, brain

    matter, and residual biomass from what five seconds earlier were living



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    ;ike shafts of wheat laid waste after a violent storm, /esslan corpses

    dotted the landscape.Such valor, such nobility. They die without fear, as if something better

    waits beyond this realm.Colonel *wift surveyed the state of another lopsided battle. The blasts from

    the bolter cannons continued their rapid salvos into the central valley yet the

    inhabitants of this backward world kept coming. No hesitation, not one cowardamong these savages. *tones, spears, it was insane against the might of a

    technologically superior enemy, yet the si# limbed centaur-si%ed aliens with their

    silken burgundy coats refused to give way.What audacity. Look how they use the bodies of their comrades to block

    our advance. Damn, I hate this./e clamped his 0aw tight as a vise and tried to ignore the gnawing in his

    belly. This was a butcher"s work, not a soldier"s.

    Lies, more damn lies. Thats all the ouncil knows.The coms officer by his side provided a tactical summary. (All battalions

    report the attack is ahead of schedule. $e"ve eliminated roughly twenty percentof the resistance. *houldn"t be long, sir.

    !ven the females cradling their offs"ring have #oined the fight. $y %od,

    what a bold s"ecies.(Colonel, did you hear me3

    (4es, damn it, + heard you.Why wont they sto"&

    *wift ordered his communication officer, (Tell the front commanders to pull

    back and delay their advance. aybe if we give the /esslan leaders a moment,let them talk among themselves, they"ll see their act of defiance is useless and

    can only end with the slaughter of their entire race.(*ir, wasn"t that the chamber"s plan3

    (+ don"t care. + have command authority to cease the battle if they"ll onlysurrender. $e can bring this insanity to a halt if they"ll:

    A shock wave drove both men to the ground. ($hat the hell3

    A triad of ominion

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    *everal do%en vapor trails vectored from space moments before a massivefireball overpowered the mid-day sun. (=esus. attle cruiser 'ebra, come in. *till


    A panicked female lieutenant huffed up the ridge to the observation post.(+t"s gone. *ir, it 0ust disappeared from our screens.

    ($hat, ;ieutenant. $hat"s gone3(Our orbital battleship. All the men, the fighters--they 0ust vanished, and

    our central coms, the circuits have been neutrali%ed.(*hit. 2un back and tell all unit commanders, switch to backup push-to-talk


    (4es, sir. The officer scurried sideways like a crab racing down the steephill.

    At the soft chime, he removed the hand si%ed push-to-talk device from thebelt of the soldier at his feet and wiped the blood from the earplug. (Colonel


    (*ir. $e"ve got bogies vectoring on our assault force.

    (/ow many3(About thirty, no, make it forty-eight fighter si%ed ships. ;ook similar to

    +nterceptor class vessels.


    (*orry, sir. + can"t identify their association.(2edirect our pilots to shift from ground attack to airborne targets. Tell

    artillery to do the same.(4es, sir.

    )rom half a mile away, *wift observed the order ripple through his cannon

    batteries while the enemy craft continued their attack. ($ho the hell are they3One-by-one, his fighters turned into blue mini-fireballs, sending debris and

    human body parts dropping from the sky, yet the invaders keep advancing.($hat the hell"s going on3

    (ur troo"s arent drawing any blood. Theyre missing every damn shot./e tapped the button on his headset. (Artillery, your targeting computers

    have gone haywire. *hift to manual control.

    The frantic voice replied, ($e are, sir, but we can"t lock on.($hy not3

    (The bastards must be screwing with our brains.(ut how3 Only we use telepaths.

    The colonel blinked twice, and they were still there. /e slapped his temple

    with one hand to clear his senses, but the onslaught of enemy ships were stilldestroying his forces.

    (They can"t be + Corps. Not on their own troops.A series of ground bursts echoed up the ridge, followed by a larger

    e#plosion, as if a bolter cannon charger station in the valley below had ignited.

    ()ire control, come in.*creaming, hysterical chatter. (amn it, what"s going on down there3

    Nothing but chaos broadcast from his earplug. Two bottle shaped craft broke offfrom the main assault and etched along a new path, one terminating right at him.

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    ($ait a minute, + know those ships, but they can"t be. $e killed them. They"redead. They"re all dead.

    A flash of blue and the smell of cooked flesh permeated his nostrils. *wift

    scanned past the stumps where two legs e#isted an instant before. /e ga%edbeyond the smoldering ash atop the mount, surveyed the valley of slain /esslans

    below the charred mound and muttered, (idn"t have to end like this. Then hee#haled his last breath and collapsed into darkness.


    ;ogan stared beyond the cavern entrance to the assembly of blue skinned

    faces gathering beneath the large monolith. (Ouch7 /e studied the source of theminor pain on his e#posed bicep.

    4arra grabbed the tiny version of herself. (*he meant no harm. ;ittle Tayriis but a pup, not yet two solar cycles. *he"s never witnessed a pink skin before.

    4arra pulsed her non-e#istent eyebrows. (!specially one that appears so

    tempting to the appetites of a female./e rubbed the moist circle on his arm. (on"t you feed these kids3

    (+ remind my handsome lover, the means on this arid world are meager.$e eat what we must to survive. 4arra stretched rearward, inserted her right

    hand inside one of the many nest like mats fi#ed to the inner surface of the cave

    and e#tracted three s6uiggly cream colored flint moth larva. The toddler eagerlypopped the first in her mouth without hesitation then scurried away with the

    second and third clenched tightly in each tiny paw.A barrage of unfamiliar images fluttered through ;ogan"s mind& alien

    creatures, beings, plants he"d never seen. 4et the shape and outline of each

    sub0ect morphed every few sentences. ($hat in the world3/e swirled in place to the feminine giggles and prattle near the back of the

    grotto and greeted the do%en oversi%ed eyes cast in his direction. (Those littlegremlins are up to something.

    (+t"s a mental e#ercise, more a game actually. They"re 0ust trying to reachout and touch the legendary mind of ;ogan 2iggs.

    ($hat kind of game3

    (At five cycles, e#plained 4arra, (telepathic skills flourish within our youngones and they are invited to 0oin communion prayers. As the we are offered the opportunityto sample life of all forms and designs as it evolves and thrives across our


    (+ don"t get it. $here"s the sport in that3(+t"s simple child"s play. ;ittle ones, in their minds, adapt and alter the

    features of each creature they witnessed in our collective visions. The morebi%arre, the higher the score. ;ike + said, a mere game, nothing of


    Another pro0ection seeped forward within ;ogan"s brain> one of a morelustful nature. ($hoa.

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    4arra too responded to the dynamic imagery of a large pink skinned maleand a petite blue toned female interacting on the cave floor, vigorously. *he

    directed a disapproving ga%e at the adolescent standing near the cave"s entrance

    before issuing a curt toned stream of words in the hybrid

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    given by your hand. !ach heart, each of our thoughts has e#perienced theinevitable.

    ($hich is3

    ($hat you are, what you"ll become. uring our communion prayers, whatwe know to be true, how you will seed the time of rebirth for the creations of the

    All )ather.;ogan issued an unusual e#pression for one whose history was splattered

    by brutality> a melancholy smile, half regret, half 0est. (Ama%ing how

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    generations. As with those seedlings, you and + are mere passengers to the planof the All )ather.

    ;ogan nudged his head. (+ respect your beliefs, the reali%e that fle#ibility is not a weakness, rather a strength to adapt to the

    unknown, the new, the untried.Again he refused, not with anger or contempt, only determination. (*orry>

    never going to happen in this life.

    (+t will, it must, it already has. $e"ve witnessed the truth again and again,in our collective sessions, the unending loop forward and back. eny as you see

    fit, but we have no choice. !ach lost child of earth has visited all events fromtheir hero"s life, from the beginning to the end, and beyond, including your


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    ascension as the conduit of universal renewal. $e"ve all touched what will be onthe web of all things, and your day, the moment of your awakening, will arrive

