Final Test Footage_

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Final Test Footage_

Natural look with a medium f-stop. Shutter speed 50. This allows the required amount of light to enter whilst keeping the realistic ambiance.

With the lack of natural light, the ISO has so be increased as so the setting avoids the dark and eerie effect.

With the more natural light from the windows, the ISO can be fairly low, as to avoid over exposing the shot.

Here we altered the F-Stop for a few photographs in order to find suitable figures during the meeting room scene. With a shallow depth of field the background is more blurred; whilst the foreground remains clear. This could perhaps be used for one of the over the shoulder shots.

By changing the focal point to the chair, we were able to make the background in focus, whilst blurring the foreground. Once again with a small f-stop value. This shot will be more preferred for the over the shoulder shot during the interviewing sequence.

As it is clear here the ISO is lower – thus darker. This look does give a mundane, dull ambiance that can be enhanced in our piece to help define our character’s situation. Although we will test with a higher ISO also, simply to see whether we can achieve a more homely office feel.

Here with the higher ISO, as more light is let through the lens the room become far brighter. On the one hand this look is appealing in the sense any darker could be taken to be more sinister – an element were aren’t aiming for.

For the beginning sequence, we are deciding to blur into the scene. Therefore the camera must begin with small f-stop/aperture. With this blur effect we will follow with a coming into focus of the desk etc.

Point of this?

It was clear during our first production that the scene was over exposed. Through this the scene perished on multiple levels. Therefore we decided to retake test footage in order to find appropriate settings e.g.

0 Focal Point

0 F Stop (vary with setting) primarily 3

0 ISO: 500

Furthermore, some characters were out of shot, therefore we have found correct positioning of characters etc.