Final template for blog

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Transcript of Final template for blog

Pontybrenin Primary School

“To happily learn together in a fair and caring school

community, achieving our best at all times”.

Year Book 2011 - 2012

This book has been designed with the intention that

all your lovely memories of your primary school days

will be recorded for you to treasure in the future.

You won’t realise it now but when you grow up into

adults these photos will be very handy to embarrass

your friends on their wedding days!!

Many special moments have been captured throughout

the years you have been learning in Pontybrenin

Primary School and I have been proud to know you for

the last three years and to see you grow up as happy,

confident learners who have shown a genuine interest

in caring for all your friends and working hard. I have

had many funny and memorable times with you all

during the last three years – and you have been a credit to

your teachers as a year 6 cohort. I am expecting to hear

great things in the future!

I wish you all the very best when you move on to comprehensive school and

remember that every single one of you have a talent to show off to the world.

Believe in yourself, work hard and always look on the bright side of life because

you all have much to offer.

We have one last experience left for you – The end of year 6 Summer show!!! I

know Miss Jones, Mrs Rowe, Mr Bannister have a “Beetles” theme and script

that will have you mums and dads dancing in the isles of Penyrheol Theatre!!

Always remember if any of you get famous – it all started at Pontybrenin

Primary School!! It has been a pleasure being the headteacher of such energetic

and lovely children.

A word from your Head Teacher

“Good Luck!!”

“Good Luck!!”

“Good Luck!!”

“Good Luck!!”

Mr P.S. Williams

Head Teacher

A word from your Class TeachersA word from your Class TeachersA word from your Class TeachersA word from your Class Teachers

Well Year 6, it’s that time of year again! Time

for you to leave us here at Pontybrenin and

spread your wings. I have many special and

funny memories of you all! Having had the

pleasure of teaching many of you twice, I feel

that as you leave Pontybrenin, I have been able

to see you grow and mature into responsible

children. It has been fantastic to be part of

your learning journey! I really feel that some of

you have learnt a lot about your own

personalities and how to respect others around

you. You are a great class of children and I will

miss you very much. Remember that life is what

you make it and nothing is ever out of reach if

you work hard enough! Reach for the stars and

always rise to a challenge! You have made me

laugh and smile so many times!! We wish you all

the best for your future! Don’t forget to come

back and visit us!!

Love Miss Jones & Miss Dolecki

Year 6 as it is time for you to leave us here at Pontybrenin my one wish

is that as you begin this new venture in your school career you treasure

and enjoy every moment of it, remembering always to give your best to be

your best. I have had the pleasure of teaching you all in year three and

now again in year 6 and I will always treasure the memories that I have

of you all. As the years have passed I have watched you grow into

mature, capable and trustworthy individuals whom I am incredibly proud

of. Always remember your ambition can take you places believe in yourself

because I always have and always will believe in you. I’ll miss you all

dearly and the laughter we have shared. I wish you every success in

comprehensive, come back and visit us!

Love Mrs Rowe

Mrs Rowe, Miss Jones &

Miss Dolecki

Year 6 Teachers

My favorite memory in year 6 was when I

went to Margam Park for a residential trip.

My funniest memory was when I slipped

really far across the stage, I was flying! My

best friends are Loren, Ffion S, Heaven,

Nicole and Thomas.

My favorite memory is when we went to

Margam Park and I tooth pasted Toms

face and I was wrestling with his legs.

My funniest moment was when me and

Jason F did the mud challenge and got

stuck! My best friends are Jason F,

Haydn ,Tom, Cerys J, and Abby T.

My favorite memory is Margam Park.

My funniest memory is when Sammie and

Laura tied me to a pole with a skipping rope

and left me there! Sammie knew how to undo

it but she didn’t bother! My BFFS Nicole,

Sammie and Loren.

The Final Year The Final Year The Final Year The Final Year ---- Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6

Ffion Summers

Sammie John

Liam Joshua Cresdee

My favorite memory is when we went to

Margam park and Liam put toothpaste on my

face twice!

My funniest moment was when I fell off the

bunk bed and was just laughing on the floor.

My best friends are Ryan, Jack, Rhys,

Haydn and Jordan.

Thomas Leigh Carmichael

My favorite memory was Margam Park.

My funniest moment was when I spilt a

drink over Joseph L and Mrs Thomas

thought I chucked it at him! My friends

are Laura, Eve, Kacey, Bethan, Danielle,

Caitlin, Hannah, Tamzin, Danielle Price,

Dominic and Iwan.

Abby Thomas

My favorite memory is Margam Park when

I slipped in the river and got soaking wet!!

My funniest memory was when I was

running on the adventure playground and I

tripped and went flying. My best friends

are Jacob, Matthew, Morgan, Tom, Dom,

Iwan, Callum and Rhys.

Ryan Smith

My favorite memory was when we went to

Margam. My funniest moment was when

Abbie Davies said in her sleep, “Get those

hobos out of my restaurant!’’ My best

friends are, Abby Thomas, Danielle Price,

Heaven, Nicole, Ffion, Eve, Iwan and Dom.

Laura Jayne Davies

My favorite memory is when we went to

Margam Park, Tom was sleeping and his arm

fell through the gap and I jumped out of

my bed because I was scared. My funniest

moment was when Thomas got tooth paste

on his face and we were trying to sleep but

he was making noises in his SLEEP! My best

friends are Liam , Tom, Haydn , Jack and


Jason Feringa

My favorite memory is when Cerys drew a

moustache on my face. My funniest

memory is when Sammie went flying

across the stage. My best friends are

Cerys, Sammie, Ffion, Bethan and my

sister’s friend Nicole.

Loren Nicole Samuel

My favorite moment was in Margam, in the

mud challenge I asked Dominic to help me up

but he fell and pulled me down with him. My

funniest moment was when Sam Griffiths

drew on his face in year 3/4 and Mr.

Gillette said “What are you doing?” and Sam

replied “I wanted a tattoo on my face!" My

best friends are Dominic, Rhys, Callum,

Abby, Tom and Ryan. J

Iwan John

Danielle Price

My favorite memory is when we went to

the enterprise trip. My funniest moment

is when me, Loren and Laura were on the

bark and spinning around, we all fell over

because we were dizzy. My best friends

are Loren, Laura, Abby and Heaven.

My favorite memory is when we went to

Margam and my waterproof trousers fell

off in the mud. My funniest moment was in

Llangrannog when Jordan went out to

bobby knock someone with a sleeping bag

case over his head and when came back he

walked into the wall. My best friends are

Haydn, Iwan, Dom, Ryan, Jason F and


Rhys Isaac Jones

Danielle Griffiths

My favorite memory is when I went to

Margam Park. My funniest memory is when

my welly came off in the mud challenge in

Margam Park!!!!! My best friends are Kacey,

Bethan, Eve, Tamzin, Abby, Caitlin and


My favorite memory was this year’s

residential trip to Margam Park.

My funniest moment was in dinner hall when

me Caitlin and Hannah were having a really

funny conversation! My best friends are

Hannah, Caitlin, Danielle, Abby, Eve, Kacey

and Bethan

Tamzin Thomas

Dominic Waters

My favorite memory is Y6 school trip in

Margam, when we did the river walk and got

absolutely filthy with mud. I fell over and

pulled Iwan down with me. My funniest

moment was in Y3/4 when Sam Griffiths

drew on his face Mr Gillette said to Sam

“What are you doing?” Sam replied “I

wanted to tattoo my face!.” My best friends

are Iwan, Rhys J, Haydn, Jason F, and Abby.

My favorite memory was Margam Park . My

funniest moment was when Joel’s wellies

come off in the mud and his feet got stinking!

And when Me, Kacey and Tamzin fell off our

seats because I was leaning to talk to

Morgan! My best friends are Kacey, Danielle,

Eve, Abby.T, Tamzin, Caitlin and Hannah!!!!

Bethan Turner

My favorite memory was when me, Matthew,

Morgan and Iwan always used to do funny

shows. My funniest moment was when we

went to Margam when we did the mud

challenge and Mr. Roe pushed me in and he

said that I fell. My best friends are

Matthew, Morgan, Iwan, Jacob and Joel.

Callum Davies

My favorite moment was in Margam when

Iwan said “Can anyone shuffle these?” so I

said. “I will” but it turned out to be 535

cards! My best friends are Rhys, Jason,

Tom, Dominic and Callum.

Haydn Davies

My favorite memory is my first day in

Pontybrenin because every one was so

nice, kind and helpful. My funniest

moment is when I told a joke to the class

on red nose day. My best friends are

Josh, Jack, Spencer, Ryan S, Sean,

Joseph W, Jacob, Jordon, Thomas and


Jason Ioan Sanger

My favorite memory was when we went on

our residential trip to Margam! My

funniest moment was when we were in

Margam and me and Danielle were

partners and we were in the mud and

Danielle’s wellie came off in the mud! My

best friends are Danielle G, Bethan,

Kacey, Tamzin, Caitlin C, Abby T, Laura D

and Hannah Mclean.

Eve Annabelle Davies

My favorite memory is when we went to

Sketty Hall and we met lots of other

children and took part in lots of games.

We had lots of fun. My funniest moment

was when Tamzin threw her pencil across

the classroom and it hit Bethan on her arm.

My best friends are Nicole, Caitlin,

Tamzin, Kacey and Eve.

Cerys Jones

My funniest moment is in Margam was

when me Jordan and Jason were playing

tag in our room. My favorite memory is

when we had a campfire. My friends are

Jack, Tom, Callum, Matthew, Morgan,

Ryan, Jason S, Jason F, Haydn, Dominic

and Iwan .

Joshua Morgan

My favorite memory is when we went to

Margam Park and Liam put toothpaste on

Tom’s face. My funniest moment was

when I spilt my drink on myself and

looked like I wet myself. My best friends

are Tom, Ryan, Dominic, Jason F, Liam,

Jason S, Ashley and Rhys.

Jack Rees

Nicole Donaldson My favourite subjects are Art, Maths and

Welsh. My best friends are Kirsten, Ffion S,

Sammie, Heaven and Plenty more! My favourite

memory was when I got one of the main parts

in the year 6 leaver’s play. My funniest moment

was when Mr Roe pushed me and Ffion in to the

mud in Margam! I will miss all the stories Mr

Williams talks about, the costumes he dresses

up in and Merial’s cooking!

Heaven - Leigh Jones

My favourite subjects are Art and English.

My best friends are Abbie, Oliver, Nicole,

Kirsten, and Ffion. My favourite memory was

when me, Abbie and Oliver made a den in the

nature reserve. My funniest moment was

when Abbie fell into the sea head first. I will

miss the teachers and the dinner ladies!!!

Sean Ramsey

My favourite subjects PE and English. My best

friends are Joel, Joseph, Joseph, Luke and

Jacob. My favourite memory was when in

Pendine when we all went into the dark tunnel

but sadly Luke hit his eye/head on the metal

pole. My funniest moment is when Mr. Ivor

came in and he was dancing but he failed badly

and I was laughing a lot. I would miss my

friends if they are not in my form.

Kirsten Louise Thomas My favourite subjects are Maths and Art. My best

friends are Heaven, Nicole, Sammie, Ffion, Abbie

and plenty more. My favourite memory was when

me and Caitlin got stuck in the mud at Margam. My

funniest moment was when me and Caitlin jumped

in the mud in Margam and fell. I will miss everyone

in the school and Mr Williams dressing up in funny

costumes and Merial’s cooking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oliver Nancarrow My favourite subject is Art because it’s fun.

My best friends are Abbie, Heaven, Jordan,

Luke, Joel. My favourite memory is when

Abbie fell head first in the sea and lost £50!

The funniest memory I remember, was when

Abbie tried to jump across the ditch and fell

in and her shoes were covered in mud. I will

miss everything.

My favourite subjects are PE, Maths and Art.

My best friends are Sean, Jacob, Joseph L,

Jordan, Spencer and Mathew. My favourite

memory I remember was when we went to

Llangrannog. The funniest moment was when

Sean slipped on the grass. I will miss Mrs

Rowe, all the teachers and my friends.

Joseph Williams

My favourite subject is art because it’s fun

and messy. My best friends are Oliver, Heaven,

Nicole and Kirstin. My favourite memory was

when I fell in to the sea and lost all my money

it was cool!!!!!!!!! The funniest moment I

remember is when I went to a football match

and I opened the fire door and the alarm went

off and I ran back to the match.

Abbie Davies

Joel Francis

Jacob Llewellyn

Joseph Lisk

My favourite subjects are Maths and English.

My best friends are Joel, Sean, Jacob,

Joseph and Luke. My favourite memory was

when we won the Swansea Junior League cup.

The funniest moment I remember was when

in Margam, on the top bunk; I did a

backwards roly-poly off the bed and landed

on my feet! I will miss the school football and

rugby team.

My favourite subjects are English, Geography

and PE. My best friends are Sean, Luke,

Joseph W, Joel, and Lisky. My favourite

memory is when we went to the Elba and

played in a football tournament and won the

tournament! The funniest moment was when

Luke fell off the bed in Margam. I will miss

the school football team.

My favourite subjects are English, P.E and

Art. My best friends are Sean, Luke,

Jacob, and Joseph Lisk. My favourite

memory was when Sean slipped on the

grass and everyone was laughing. The

funniest moment as when Luke fell off the

bed in Margam. I will miss all the teachers

and all my friends left at Pontybrenin.

Luke Goddard

Spencer Harry Type

My favourite subject is Art. My best friends

are Jordan, Joseph W and Jason S. My

memory is when we went to Llangrannog. My

favourite memory was when I brought my Blue

Peter badge in. My funniest moment I

remember was when we had a pillow fight in

Pendine! I will miss break times.

My favourite subjects are PE and

Technology. My best friends are Jacob,

Joseph L, Joseph W, Joel and Sean. My

favourite memory was when I fell off the

bed in Margam and slit my nose. The

funniest moment was when I run over my

own foot with the quad in Llangrannog. I

will miss Pontybrenin because everyone in

the school is nice. I will miss the football


My favourite subject is Art. My best friends

are Jordan, Jonathon and Spencer. My favourite

memory is Llangrannog, when I pushed Jordan

off the high ropes and Jordan had a big wedgie!

The funniest memory I remember is when

Jordan and Spencer made me look funny. I will

miss my friends and teachers.

Ashley Golding

Kacey Thornhill My memories, all my residential trips. Yr 4 which was

Pendine, Yr 5 which was Llangrannog and my best one

Yr 6, which was Margam! My funniest moment was in

Margam when Eve went to get up from her bunk,

which was the bottom and she wacked her head full

pelt on the corner of the bed. Me, Danielle and

Bethan were laughing our heads off! Then Bethan

went to do an impression of Eve and knocked the

ladder off the bed! It was really loud. Mr Rowe came

in and we all paused and tried not to laugh, but I

failed! My best friends are, Bethan, Tamzin, Eve,

Danielle, Abby.T, Caitlin and Hannah.

My favorite memory is in Margam Park, the adventure

walk in Y6. We had to crawl under a bridge with water

underneath it and all of us were very wet and very

cold. My funniest moment was when we were in Y6

Margam Park. After we had our food me and Matthew

gave Tamzin the cleaning job to clean the table and

Tamzin squeezed the towel and all the water and the

soap went all over the table and me Matthew and Joel

were laughing our heads off! My best friends are ,

Joel, Luke, Matthew, Joseph L, Jacob, Callum ,

Joseph W, Jason S and Jason F.

Morgan James

Jordan Green My favourite subject is Art. My best friends

are Spencer, Ashley, Adam, Sean, Thomas,

Joseph L and Josh. My favourite memory was

when we went to Llangrannog and Ashley went

on the high ropes and pushed me and I had a

bad wedgie! My funniest moment was in

Llangrannog and we had a pillow fight. I will miss

the teachers!

Matthew Hanford

My favorite memory was in Margam Park when we

were in year 6 and we did the river walk. I had to

crawl under the bridge, I was soaking and very very

cold and we all had to pretend that there was a troll

under the bridge. My funniest moment was when we

went to Margam and we give Tamzin the job to

clean the tables, she rinsed all the water over my

seat and the table. So then I did it back to her and

she sat in it and her bottom was soaking! My best

friends are Morgan, Callum, Jason F, Lisky, Joel,

Luke, Jacob, Jason S, Josh, and Joseph W.

My favourite subjects are P.E Art and Problem

Solving. My best friends are Tamin, Caitlin, Eve,

and Danielle. My favourite memory is when, Luke

had a shock and fell off his chair and everyone

started laughing. My funniest moment is when we

got stuck in the mud in Margam. We were all

laughing our heads off! I will miss all the teachers

in school and all my friends still in Pontybrenin. I

am looking forward to making new friends in


Hannah Jessica McLean

Caitlin Cozens My favourite memory was when we all went to

Margam and I was in a room with Tamzin and

Hannah. My funniest moment is when me, Tamzin

and Hannah were in the dinner hall having a

funny conversion about going to Margam and

some other crazy stuff!!!! My best friends are

Tamzin, Hannah, Kacey, Bethan, Eve, Danielle G,

Abby T, and Kirsten.

Sports Day 2012

Sports Day 2012

Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite Memories!Memories!Memories!Memories!

Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite Memories!Memories!Memories!Memories!

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