Final tasks

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Esta presentación es un trabajo realizado como tarea final CIL por alumnos de 4º de ESO, IES "Virgen Caridad"

Transcript of Final tasks

FINAL TASKSNereida D. Verde

Rafa R. MesaJ . Manuel García

Iván F. Molina4º A

·Historical context

• Nationalism: is a political ideology that involves a group of individuals with a nation.

• There are two perspectives basis of nationalism:

• -Primordialis perspective , describes nationalism as a feflection and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans to organize into distinct grouping .

• Modernist perspective , describes nationalism as a recent phenomenon that requieres the structural contitions of modern society.

The Russian Revoution:• The causes of Rusisian Revolution

were the economic crisis and the defeat opposite Japan.

• There were protest and strikes by workers and studients

• Russia began to be liberal state (theoricament) but the zarism continued with the power in a period of time known as “ Seudocontitutional”.

World War I• The World War 1 was centred in

Europe that began on 28 July 1914 until 11 november 1918.

• It involved all the world´s great powers:

The Allies (UK , France and Russia) and the Central Powers ( the triple Alliance of Germany , Austria-Hungary and Itally , but the last did not enter into the war)

Ultimately , more than 70 million military personnel (60 million Europeans) were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history.

More than million combatants were killed.

La Belle Époque:La Belle Époque apparaît les années entre 1878 et 1914.

A l´époque le régime qui existait était le Républicane.

Nous entend par “Belle Époque” les années de paix comprises entre l´Exposition universelle de paris et le début de la première Guerre Mondiale.

Caractéristiques générales:Dans cette Époque , la population française augmente .Apparaît nouvelles techniques d´agriculture , née nouvelles partis politiques et le syndicalisme se développe.Les plus privilégiés possèdent le teléphone , l´électricité, l´eau courante et le chauffage central. Le train et le premier métro commence à circuler à Paris.

Claude Monet:Artiste impressionniste né en Novembre 14 , 1840 à Paris et il est mort le Décembre 5 , 1926 à Giverny.Il avait l´habitude de peindre en plein-air et dans sa peinture la lumière prédomine.

She was born in 1882 in London . She grew up in a literary envieorenment , although she wasn´t go to school. She was a novelist , enssayist , editor and feminist. She was the most prominent figures of literary modernism. She most famous work include Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Orlando: a biography of Bloomsbury.

• Social Background:• She was born in a upper-

meddle class family.• Her pather , Leslie Stephen ,

literary critic and the first editor of “ the Dictionari of National Biography” and Margaret Cameron, his second wife , and all

her brothers and sisters .

Why was she so as a special woman writer?

.She was Feminist , was against a society ruled by men..she was one of the most prominet figure of literary modernist . she committed suicide after suffering from bipolar disorder.

Las Vanguardias Es una corriente artística europea que surge a partir de 1910 y se caracteriza por romper con la tradición e intentar crear nuevas formas artísticas y literarias .

Movimientos Vanguardistas:Futurismo: exalta los rasgos de la modernidad y propone mostrar la realidad en movimiento.

El Cubismo : rompe con la perspectiva única , introduce la perspectiva múltiple y simultaneidad de sus formas geométricas

Dadaísmo literario se refleja en la celebración de actos donde se exhiben actutydes provocadoras que incitan a acabar con las convenciones

Surrealismo: propone la exploración del mundo de los sueños y convertir el contenido del subconsciente en materia artística .


movimiento futurista