Final Review Jeopardy THE LAST TEST!. What 2 filaments make up Myofibrils Actin and Myosin.

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Final Review Jeopardy THE LAST TEST!. What 2 filaments make up Myofibrils Actin and Myosin.

Final Review Jeopardy


What 2 filaments make up Myofibrils

Actin and Myosin

Produce movement, maintain posture and maintain body

temperature are functions of what system

Muscular System


What is a neuromuscular junction?

Space between neuron and muscle

Rigor mortis occurs due to a lack of this molecule…



What is another name for cytoplasm in a muscle cell?


These are cytoplasmic extensions of the cell body?


Masses of cell bodies are called?

Grey matter

The specialized membranes that protect the brain are called…

The Meninges

What type of neuron carries information to the brain/spinal


Sensory Neuron

The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the….

Longitudinal cerebral fissure

The region of the brain where memory and intelligence is

processed is called the

Frontal lobe (pre-frontal)

This region of the brain coordinates body movement and



What area of the brain is the visual cortex located?

Occipital lobe

This area of the brain acts as a switching and relay center?


Which division of the nervous system is responsible for motor


Efferent Division

What structure connects the right and left hemisphere of

the brain?

Corpus Callosum

Name the 4 lobes of the brain?

Frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital

What does the autonomic nervous system control?

Respiration, heart beat, digestion etc.

Name the 3 parts of the brainstem?

Medulla, pons, midbrain

What system works with the nervous system to coordinate all

body activity?

Endocrine System

What is the white structure of the eye called?


What is the muscle called in the eye


What is the combination of formed elements and plasma called?

Whole Blood

Where are blood cells formed

Red Marrow

5,000-10,000 is the number of what cells normal blood count?


What is the loose fitting sac around the heart called?


The right atrium receives blood from?

Vena Cavae

Which structures prevent backflow?


Name one accessory organ to the digestive system

Pancreas, gall bladder, liver

The chemical breakdown of food is called?


What is the purpose of the nose?

Warm air, prevent particles from entering the system.

The actual site of gas exchange is…

At the alveoli