FINAL Equality and Diversity Equality and Diversity Report... ·...

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Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts









APPENDIX B 16 Published 2017 Any queries regarding this report can be sent to: Angela Fisher Director of Human Resources University for the Creative Arts Falkner Road Farnham Surrey. GU9 7DS Tel: 01252 892673 E-mail: If you would like to receive the information in this report in an alternative format, please contact Angela Fisher Director of Human Resources.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



The equality report 2015-16 fulfils the University’s monitoring and reporting obligations in relation to the Equality Act 2010. The specific duties of the legislation require HEIs to take reasonably practicable steps to publish each year the results of monitoring and to demonstrate progress against their equality action plans. This report continues to monitor trends. The report also includes published data (e.g. Equality in Higher Education Statistical Report) to support external comparisons. The report is broken down by equality strand and covers key trends. Any actions arising from this report will be taken forward via the University’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity Committee in 2016-17 PROTECTED CHARACTERISTICS

Protection against discrimination on account of protected characteristics has historically been spread over a number of pieces of legislation. The Equality Act 2010 brought all equality strands together. The 9 protected characteristics identified in the Act (s.4) are:

• age • disability • gender reassignment • marriage and civil partnership • pregnancy and maternity • race • religion or belief • sex • sexual orientation.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



1. Overview

The University has continued to promote equality and diversity during 2015/16 including the enhancement of quiet reflective spaces, gender neutral toilets and its on-going commitment to Disabled Go, Stonewall and trans inclusion. Greater emphasis has also been placed on supporting mental health, moving towards enhancing resilience and inclusive practice through the introduction of Mental Health First Aider training programmes.

2. Single equality action plan

Overall good progress has been made on the Single Equality Scheme Action Plan during the reporting period. The updated 2015-16 plan monitored by the E&D Committee can be reviewed at appendix A.

3. Equality & Diversity Committee

The Equality & Diversity Committee met three times in the reporting period. A Committee effectiveness review for the period August 2015 to July 2016 took place in November 2016, where overall the members of the Committee indicated that they were satisfied (87.5%) it had operated within the terms of reference and were satisfied it had carried out its responsibilities appropriately.

4. Case Work

Staff and students continue to self-refer to members of the HR and Learning Support teams for advice and support on any equality and diversity issues. This includes issues relating to discrimination, harassment and bullying relating to employment issues for staff. For students there may also be issues relating to the teaching environment.

5. Stonewall Workplace Equality Index

In 2015 UCA had risen from position 357 to 339 in the Index, with a greater number of organisations (397) from 15 industries taking part. The University had ranked 55 out of 64 in the education sector, which included FE and HE. A particular area of success were our positive results from staff, which demonstrated our inclusive culture

Although the University did not participate in the full Workplace Equality Index (WEI) for 2015-16, but did participate in the survey gathering staff feedback. This tool is used to evaluate our initiatives to promote a better working environment for lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual employees.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts


6. Budget

As in the previous year the majority of the Equality and Diversity Budget was allocated to training and awareness-raising.

7. Equality Monitoring

During this reporting period attempts have been made to improve the equality monitoring data we hold for staff and Board of Governors. In addition UCA have been gathering additional data on sexual orientation and religion and belief. We have a full record for Board of Governors, the results of which are within this report and we have made good progress in obtaining data from all staff and new employees.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



The total average headcount for the University for 2015-16 was 782. (This is based on the total number of staff employed during the period 1 August 2015 to 31 July 2016)

The University has 535 members of support staff and 247 academic members of staff.

361 members of staff are on part time contracts.

34 members of staff are on Fixed Term contracts.


The following table shows the age composition of the workforce over the last four-year period along with a comparison against the HE sector for the most recent data.



UCA HE Sector*

2012- 2013

2013- 2014

2014- 2015

2015- 2016

2015- 2016

≤25 4% 4.0% 3.5% 4.3% 5.8%

26 - 30 7% 6.5% 7% 6.6% 11.0%

31 - 35 13% 14% 12.5% 12.5% 14.7%

36 - 40 10.5% 11.5% 13.5% 13.2% 12.9%

41 - 45 13% 12% 10.5% 10.4% 13.0%

46 - 50 16% 15.5% 17% 16.9% 13.2%

51 - 55 15% 16% 13% 13.5% 12.2%

56 - 60 14% 12% 13% 13.4% 9.8%

61 - 65 6% 6.5% 8% 7.8% 5.4%

≥66 1.5% 2% 2% 1.6% 2.1%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

*ECU Equality in higher education: staff statistical report 2016

The table shows that there has been very little change in the age demographic of the University over the last four years. Whilst the HE sector has only 16.5% of staff under age 30, UCA has only 10.9%.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts


The table below shows the age groups for leavers during 2015-16

Age Group

%’age 2014-15

%’age 2015-16

Year on Year % Difference

≤25 15.5% 30%% +5.5%

26-30 7% 11.4% +4.4%

31-35 11% 12.3% +1.3%

36-40 21% 12.3% -8.7%

41-45 12% 7.9% -4.1%

46-50 7% 10.0% +3%

51-55 13% 6.1% -6.9%

56-60 3% 7.0% +4%

61-65 9% 7.9% -1.1%

≥66 1.5% 4.4% +2.9% Overall there is an increase in the number of younger people leaving the University, with an increase in the number of leavers in all categories below age 35.

This year also saw a significant decrease in the percentage of leavers aged 36-40 and 51 to 55.


The percentage of disabled staff at the University during 2015-2016 was 10.23%, this is a marginal decrease from 10.78% in the reporting period 2014-2015. This figure continues to be significantly higher than the University sector average (4.5%). This figure is made up of 10.23% of professional services staff and 10.37% of academic staff. There is no significant change in these figures year on year. The percentage of leavers in 2015-16 who declared a disability was 8.8% (Professional support 9.3% and 5.9% academic). The percentage of leavers in 2014-15 who declared a disability was higher at 12%.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



Of those staff with known ethnicity the number of staff from a background other than ‘white British’ has remained stable 14.3% (previously 9.4% this includes BME and non-white British). This continues to be higher than our local community (see below.). Of those with known ethnicity 8.5% of UK staff identified as BME compared with 5.8% within UCA. The percentage of those recorded as undisclosed or unknown remains low at 2.9%. This continues to be far lower than the sector average for non-disclosure which is 5.2%.

Kent %'age

Surrey %'age

Percentage of population who are white UK national 89.2 84.4

Percentage of population who are white not UK national 3.8 5.0

Percentage of population who are ethnic minority UK national 4.8 7.9

Percentage of population who are ethnic minority not UK national 2.2 2.6

Figures from the Office for National Statistics 2011 Census

The percentage of leavers from a background other than ‘white British’ was 15.8% up from 12.8% in 2014-15 which was up from 10.9% in 2013-14. With an upward trend developing, this area will be kept under closer review during 2016-17.


During 2014-15, the male to female ratio within senior management (LT and SMT grade) was 40% female to 60% male from 35% female 65% male the previous year.

The gender split of leavers during 2015-2016 was 57.9% female and 41.2% male and 0.9 indeterminate. This is a slight change from the last reporting period (2014/2015) of 60.8% female and 39.2% male and could be explained by the increase in the number of female staff (up by 5%).

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts


STAFF MONITORING – SEXUAL ORIENTATION Sexual orientation is a person’s sexual orientation towards people of the same sex as him or her, people of the opposite sex from him or her, and people of both sexes. This relates to a person’s feelings rather than their actions. The fields have the following possible options: bisexual, gay man, gay woman/lesbian, heterosexual, other, information refused. This information is recorded on the basis of the staff member’s own self-assessment.

Description UCA % HE Sector %* Bisexual 0.5 0.4 Gay Man 1.8 0.7 Gay Woman / Lesbian 0.7 0.4 Heterosexual 60.3 28.4 Other 0.5 0.2 Prefer not to say 6.6 10.8 Unknown 29.5 59.2 Total 100% 100.%

*ECU Equality in higher education: staff statistical report 2016

This is the first reporting period this data has been available, there is therefore year on year comparative data. Comparisons with the sector however demonstrate UCA has a higher number of lesbian, bisexual and gay staff and significantly fewer people who prefer not to say or for whom the data is unknown.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



Religion or belief refers to the full diversity of religious and belief affiliations within the UK, including non-religious and philosophical beliefs such as atheism, agnosticism and humanism. This information is recorded on the basis of the staff member’s own self-assessment.

The possible field options are: no religion; Buddhist; Christian (with further denominational options provided in Scotland and Northern Ireland); Hindu; Jewish; Muslim; Sikh; Spiritual; any other religion and belief; and prefer not to say/information refused. For the purposes of this report, all Christian denominational options have been aggregated into a single Christian category.

Description UCA % HE Sector %* Other religion or belief 2.1 1.3 Buddhist 0.4 0.3 Christian 22.1 11.9 Hindu 0.1 0.5 Jewish 0.3 0.2 Muslim 0.4 0.8 No religion 35.5 14.2 Prefer not to say 7.7 11.2 Sikh 0.1 0.2 Spiritual 1.8 0.3 Unknown 29.5 58.1 Total 100% 100%

*ECU Equality in higher education: staff statistical report 2016

This is the first reporting period this data has been available, there is therefore year on year comparative data. Comparisons with the sector however demonstrate UCA has a higher number of staff who have no religion or who are Christian and as with data on sexual orientation, significantly fewer people who prefer not to say or for whom the data is unknown.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



A summary of the monitoring data can be found in appendix B.

This is the second reporting period and comparisons can be made with the previous year. There are a few observations that UCA can monitor and use this data to inform future recruitment campaigns.

• 85% of Governors are 46 years of age or older (down 5%)

• No Governors have declared as having disability

• 100% of Governors are of white ethnicity. We currently do not have any representation from a non-white background.

• 20% of Governors are LGBT

• 35% of Governors are female

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



The implementation of the Stonefish e-recruitment system has enabled significant improvements in gathering equality data throughout the recruitment process. Monitoring has been undertaken at applicant, shortlist and offer stage for the following protected characteristics:

• Gender • Sexual Orientation • Disability • Ethnicity • Age

The data is from recruitment campaigns between 01 August 2015 and 31 July 2016.

Age and Staff Recruitment Applicants Shortlisted Offered Prefer Not To Say Age Range No % No % No % No % <18 3 0% 0 0% 0 0% NA NA

18-30 537 30% 181 28% 64 36% NA NA 31-40 498 28% 190 30% 60 33% NA NA 41-50 420 24% 162 25% 34 19% NA NA

51-60 268 15% 89 14% 16 9% NA NA 61+ 35 2% 16 2% 3 2% NA NA

Unknown/Not Disclosed 5 0% 5 1% 3 2% NA NA Total 1766 100% 643 100% 180 100% NA NA

Disability Staff Recruitment

Declared Disability

No Declared Disability Not Known Prefer Not To Say Total

No % No % No % No % No % Applicants 69 4% 1635 93% 6 0.3% 56 3% 1766 100% Shortlisted 31 5% 583 91% 6 1% 23 4% 643 100% Offered Post 8 4% 162 90% 4 2% 6 3% 180 100% Total 108 4% 2380 92% 16 1% 85 3% 2589 100% Ethnicity Staff Recruitment

BME White Not Known Prefer Not To Say Total No. % No. % No. % No % No %

Applicants 308 17% 1401 79% 10 1% 47 3% 1766 100% Shortlisted 98 15% 523 81% 7 1% 15 2% 643 100%

Offered 17 9% 154 86% 5 3% 4 2% 180 100%

Total 423 16% 2078 80% 22 1% 66 3% 2589 100%

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts


Gender - Staff Recruitment

Male Female Unknown Prefer Not to Say Total No. % No. % No. % No % No %

Applicants 798 45% 951 54% 12 1% 5 0% 1766 100% Shortlisted 273 42% 360 56% 8 1% 2 0% 643 100% Offered 67 37% 109 61% 3 2% 1 1% 180 100% Total 1138 44% 1420 55% 23 1% 8 0% 2589 100% Sexual Orientation

Heterosexual LGBT Unknown Prefer Not To Say Total No. % No. % No. % No % No %

Applicants 1543 87% 94 5% 7 0.4% 122 7% 1766 100% Shortlisted 548 85% 46 7% 7 1% 42 7% 643 100% Offered 150 83% 14 8% 5 3% 11 6% 180 100% Total 2241 87% 154 6% 19 1% 175 7% 2589 100%

As this is the first reporting period there are no comparisons for previous years. However, there are a few observations that can be made highlighting areas to be kept under review. With regards to Age, the percentage of appointees in the age bands of 41+ reduces when compared to the numbers of applicants and the numbers shortlisted e.g. 24% of applicants were aged 41-50 with only 19% of those offered being in this age band and, 15% of applicants were aged 51-60 with only 9% of offers being in this age band.

The number of applicants declaring a disability was consistent in each of the stages of recruitment from applicants through shortlisting to offer (4%, 5% & 4% respectively). Similarly, for sexual orientation the number of LGBT staff is consistent through each of the stages; Applicants 5%, Shortlisted 7% and Offered 8%.

Whilst the University is attracting 17% of its applications from those from BME backgrounds, this reduces to 15% at the shortlisting stage, with a significant reduction of BME staff reaching offer stage (9%).

54% of all job applicants are female, with 61% of all offers being made to females. Further analysis would need to be undertaken to identify the reasons for this. One factor likely to influence this would be the particular nature of the role e.g. Catering, Fashion.

Annual Equality & Diversity Report 2015-2016

University for the Creative Arts



The analysis of the data covered by this report has not highlighted any particular areas of concern or issues that require further exploration at this time. However, in light of the increase in the percentage of leavers over the last two years from a background other than ‘white British’ (15.8% up from 12.8% and 10.9%), this area will be kept under closer review during 2016-17. The known ethnicity statistics indicate that the University employees a lower percentage of BME staff than the sector (5.8% compared to 8.5%). Although both figures being extremely low. Further work is to be undertaken in 2016-17 to improve the diversity of staff and Governors recruited to UCA. Recruitment statistics at each of the key stages of the process will continue to be monitored to identify any emerging trends and areas requiring a deeper analysis. It is recommended that the University continue with the on-going work in relation to Equality & Diversity in relation to action identified in the Single Equality Action Plan (Appendix A), to build on and maintain the good practice in this area.


Single Equality Action Plan – Staff and Students 2015/2016

Protected Characteristic

Action Target Date Progress / Outcome Action Owner









X X X X X X X X X Inclusivity Forum to be re-established and action plan developed

Autumn 2016 Membership to be established and initial meeting to be held

E&D Committee Clerk

X Ensure there are appropriate quiet reflection facilities on each campus in accordance with ECU guidelines.

September 2016

In progress and will be available for the start of the academic year

Head of E&F

X X X Equal Pay Review

Autumn 2016

Eversheds have been engaged to complete the audit in October 16. Outcomes to be reported to the February E&D Committee meeting


Appendix A


Protected Characteristic

Action Target Date Progress/Outcome Action Owner









X X Review actions from stonewall WEI to put in place plans in preparation for a submission on September 2017

October 2016 UCA will work towards improvements particularly areas of procurement, monitoring data and network groups during 2016/2017

Director of Finance Director of HR

X Revised staffing structure and delivery methods in response to Funding changes around Disability Support Allowance in 2016


Restructure completed. Monitoring and review new delivery methodology and inclusivity agenda over the next academic year


X To consider signage and mobile apps in relation to equality issues including access for staff and students


Until a brand refresh has been completed, signage will not be addressed as a major project

Head of E&F Head of IT

X X X Increase the provision of gender neutral toilets across the University

On-going 2016-17

All new builds to take this into account. Adaptations made to existing facilities were possible

Head of E&F


R – Race P&M - Pregnancy and Maternity R/B – Religion/Belief S – Sex GR - Gender Reassignment D – Disability A – Age M&CP – Marriage and Civil Partnership SO – Sexual Orientation

Appendix B


UCA Board of Governors Equality Monitoring Form

2015 - 22 Governors (1 non completed) 2016 - 22 Governors (2 non completed)


2015 2016 Male 67% 65% Female 33% 35% Indeterminate 0% 0%

Prefer not to say 0% 0%

100% 100%Marital Status Married or in a civil partnership 2015 2016 Yes 71% 75% No 19% 15% Prefer not to say 10% 10% NB. No includes single, divorced and widowed 100% 100%

Age 2015 2016 ≤25 10% 5% 26-30 0% 0% 31-35 0% 0% 36-40 0% 0% 41-45 0% 5% 46-50 19% 0% 51-55 0% 15% 56- 60 23% 30% 61-65 29% 20% ≥66 19% 20% 100% 95%

Ethnicity 2015 2016 White English 70% 80% Welsh 5% 5% Scottish 5% 5% Northern Irish 5% 5% Irish ` 5% 5% Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0% 0% Other White background 10% 0% Prefer not to say 0% 0% Mixed/multiple ethnic groups 0% 0%

Appendix B


Asian/Asian British 0% 0% Black/ African/ 0% 0% Caribbean/ Black British 0% 0% Other ethnic group 0% 0%

100% 100%

Disability 2015 2016 Yes 10% 0% No 90% 100% Prefer not to say 0% 0% 100% 100% Sexual orientation 2015 2016 Heterosexual/straight 66% 70% Gay woman/lesbian 0% 0% Gay man Bisexual 24% 20%Other 5% 0%Prefer not to say 5%20 10%

100% 100% Religion or belief 2015 2016 No religion 57% 60%Buddhist 0% 0% Christian 24% 25%Hindu 0% 0% Jewish 5% 5% Muslim 0% 0% Sikh 0% 0% Any other religion 0% 0% Prefer not to say 14% 10%

100% 100%