Final bapp arts online shopping searching literature copy

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Transcript of Final bapp arts online shopping searching literature copy

Online shopping – searching literature for sources of expertise

Paula Nottingham

Looking for ideas and expertise that interest you? Look for conceptual pieces, reports, and research that allows you to think about your topic.

Look for art work from practitioners and creatives (e.g. choreographers, directors, etc.) text, images and audio-visual (film).

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Reviewing Literature Use the University’s Summon

Change key words around to find sources for your topic that are more specific.

Don’t forget inspirational sources…


Tick the Full Text Online and Scholarly & Peer Review to get what are considered top-rated sources or any specific type of source that interest you e.g. newspapers

Change dates for up to date sources.

Activity 1: Reviewing and comparing pieces of literature

What should you write about? …ones that interest you are pertain to your topic?

The topics? …ideas related to what you want to study and carry out as an inquiry

The way the authors ‘critically’ argue their positions?… this is the fun bit – are there debates? Do authors have a particular point of view that challenges others in the know? – what do you think?

The methodologies or approaches to research ?…if it was research or a formal report – what was the author(s) positioning and how did they gather data and analyse the research? – what do you think?

How well the works are written in terms of style?… clunky – hard to understand – well written – coherent in articulating or critiquing what was said about the topic/research – what do you think?