Film poster analysis

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Film poster analysis





Before starting to create the film poster for my short film ‘Stake Out’, I did some research into various different types of genre of posters to get to grips with what had to be included to make it look legit. Here is an example of the things I did to break down each poster to get to grips with it. I did this on several posters like I said but here is an example.

Layout- The layout of this poster is very clear and very clever. Even though the images are directly in the center of the poster, h=which is common in most film posters, the eyes of the audience are drawn to the surrounding narrative and other features of the poster. For example When you look at the title of the film, you then look straight at the other vital part of the film, The release date. This is because these are the only 2 times we see these colours, and the only main time colour is actually used as all the other colours are dark and gloomy. Then when we look at the strapline, we when once again look at the images behind. The writing really isn't significant, apart from the release date even though the rest of the writing is white and stand out. Target Audience – Other Twilight films, from the saga, they all seem to have the

main 3 characters or 2 of them which give off a sexual vibe. The pictures are very intermit but doesn't’t stand out lots because I feel that they want the title to stand out more. Normally the faces of the characters and the title and release date are the only things in colour, the rest are dark and gloomy to set the mood of the film. These films are aimed at teenages, verging on adults which is very obvious from the style the poster is set out. Its full of passion and drama which people of this age range are into.

Reaction – I really like this poster. Even though I have seen the film, before I had the poster always intrigued me. I never understood exactly what the film would be like which is why the poster encouraged me to watch it. This Is what a poster is for!

Purpose – This poster is to advertise the film, but also at the same time show who the film Is directed by and also the main characters and also what special effects there may be.

Colour- Red, Black and white are the colours that are used on this film poster. The red outline of the title stand out within the poster because everything else around it is a blackish colour or white. This draws the eye in to look at the surrounding detail in the poster also.

Key Images- The poster depicts a thriller film/love film. The large images of the 3 characters suggests it is a love triangle. The girl being the front of the 3 people proves this to us.

Background – I the background of the poster, we can see a gloomy sky which does match the title as it gives off a gloomy feel to it. It gives off a sense to the audience where the film might be set in a dark, raining, gloomy place.

The Production of My Poster

These are some examples of the production of my final poster. This process took place in photoshop until I got to my

final design