Out R… · Spaced Out...

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Transcript of Out R… · Spaced Out...

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

100:00:29,910 --> 00:00:39,259little brother has taken control

200:00:33,289 --> 00:00:50,338shoveling dirt in every hole predators

300:00:39,259 --> 00:00:53,759watching you prostrate a million armies

400:00:50,338 --> 00:00:57,018of one have invaded watching you and

500:00:53,759 --> 00:00:57,018watch me

600:01:03,738 --> 00:01:07,548we'll be long

700:01:27,489 --> 00:01:33,789little brother wants to make headlines

800:01:29,929 --> 00:01:33,789fear marginalized

900:01:34,109 --> 00:01:40,200everyone's got an electric eye we're at

1000:01:37,120 --> 00:01:40,200the Digital spy's

1100:02:06,030 --> 00:02:30,719the pretension democratize by oh boy

1200:02:27,090 --> 00:02:32,989your obsessions watching you and watchin

1300:02:30,719 --> 00:02:32,989me

1400:02:40,120 --> 00:02:43,599every flaw

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

1500:03:03,848 --> 00:03:08,128little brother wants to make hair dye

1600:03:10,610 --> 00:03:16,180everyone's got an electric eye where the

1700:03:13,280 --> 00:03:16,180digital spy

1800:03:58,379 --> 00:04:01,189Wow

1900:04:02,610 --> 00:04:08,410totalitarian state a thousand eyes are

2000:04:05,860 --> 00:04:14,130waiting for you to break let's stay in

2100:04:08,409 --> 00:04:14,129line don't make a mistake we're watching

2200:04:48,279 --> 00:04:50,339you

2300:05:30,089 --> 00:05:36,549but your experience begin right now

2400:05:34,170 --> 00:05:38,650from high atop the mountains of British

2500:05:36,550 --> 00:05:39,189Columbia to you listening around the

2600:05:38,649 --> 00:05:42,370world

2700:05:39,189 --> 00:05:44,730this is spaced-out radio you can follow

2800:05:42,370 --> 00:05:48,790us on our web site spaced-out


Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

00:05:44,730 --> 00:05:51,189on twitter at spaced-out radio give our

3000:05:48,790 --> 00:05:54,129Facebook page alike spaced out radio

3100:05:51,189 --> 00:05:56,910show you can follow us on instagram dave

3200:05:54,129 --> 00:06:01,019scott sor or on our youtube channel

3300:05:56,910 --> 00:06:01,020spaced out radio show

3400:06:01,980 --> 00:06:07,640with all charges

3500:06:04,319 --> 00:06:07,639that way because in

3600:06:11,470 --> 00:06:16,380can be strong but we break on commanders

3700:06:16,860 --> 00:06:23,020buckle up space travelers it's time to

3800:06:19,870 --> 00:06:25,800go for a ride as we are live on space

3900:06:23,019 --> 00:06:25,799doubt radio

4000:07:16,189 --> 00:07:20,759good evening and welcome to space no

4100:07:18,629 --> 00:07:22,860radio tonight I am your host Dave Scott

4200:07:20,759 --> 00:07:25,620and thank you so much for tuning in and

4300:07:22,860 --> 00:07:28,230

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

listening in at spaced-out and

4400:07:25,620 --> 00:07:30,660on Spreaker once again we come in from

4500:07:28,230 --> 00:07:32,670the frozen Canadian Tundra battle our

4600:07:30,660 --> 00:07:35,250way past the wild animals sidestep

4700:07:32,670 --> 00:07:37,319Bigfoot and enter Uncle Jim Beau's cabin

4800:07:35,250 --> 00:07:39,360stoke the fire heat this place up and

4900:07:37,319 --> 00:07:41,069broadcast you live on this Wednesday

5000:07:39,360 --> 00:07:43,650night early Thursday morning if you're

5100:07:41,069 --> 00:07:45,990on the East Coast here at s so are we do

5200:07:43,649 --> 00:07:48,359this thing seven nights a week three

5300:07:45,990 --> 00:07:50,250hours a night we want to be your ol

5400:07:48,360 --> 00:07:51,710fishel one-stop-shop when it comes to

5500:07:50,250 --> 00:07:54,389the supernatural paranormal

5600:07:51,709 --> 00:07:57,750conspiratorial spiritual and so much

5700:07:54,389 --> 00:07:59,310more space out radios music is courtesy

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

5800:07:57,750 --> 00:08:01,709of the guitar God himself

5900:07:59,310 --> 00:08:03,990Ron bumblefoot Thal you can find all his

6000:08:01,709 --> 00:08:05,519music including little brother is

6100:08:03,990 --> 00:08:08,699watching by going to our website

6200:08:05,519 --> 00:08:11,310spaced-out if your social

6300:08:08,699 --> 00:08:13,920media junkie like I am follow us on

6400:08:11,310 --> 00:08:15,959twitter at spaced out radio give our

6500:08:13,920 --> 00:08:18,210Facebook page alike spaced out radio

6600:08:15,959 --> 00:08:21,120show on Instagram I can be follow to

6700:08:18,209 --> 00:08:23,250Dave Scott SOR subscribe to our YouTube

6800:08:21,120 --> 00:08:25,019channel spaced out radio show and of

6900:08:23,250 --> 00:08:25,980course our website is spaced out

7000:08:25,019 --> 00:08:28,

7100:08:25,980 --> 00:08:30,660if you're a fan of SOR coming soon as

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

7200:08:28,980 --> 00:08:33,210the space travelers membership to our

7300:08:30,660 --> 00:08:35,099website we're for only 5 bucks a month

7400:08:33,210 --> 00:08:38,610yes 5 bucks

7500:08:35,099 --> 00:08:40,860you can win prizes take part in private

7600:08:38,610 --> 00:08:43,168group interviews have a special section

7700:08:40,860 --> 00:08:44,669on our website and so much more

7800:08:43,168 --> 00:08:46,860hey we're going to give you a heck of a

7900:08:44,669 --> 00:08:48,899lot more than just access to our

8000:08:46,860 --> 00:08:50,580archives tonight's show is brought to

8100:08:48,899 --> 00:08:52,649you by rivulet reiki and readings

8200:08:50,580 --> 00:08:55,889providing healings in person or at a

8300:08:52,649 --> 00:08:58,559distance purple plates calm helping heal

8400:08:55,889 --> 00:09:02,429your body mind and soul hop in to their

8500:08:58,559 --> 00:09:04,279site and get your 1 yourself 1 today the


Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

00:09:02,429 --> 00:09:08,039new Agora newspaper is the official

8700:09:04,279 --> 00:09:09,990paper of this show and the iTunes app

8800:09:08,039 --> 00:09:13,219spirit story box is the official

8900:09:09,990 --> 00:09:15,480ghost-hunting app of spaced-out radio

9000:09:13,220 --> 00:09:18,840many around here have had a near-death

9100:09:15,480 --> 00:09:22,320experience where you've died and you get

9200:09:18,840 --> 00:09:24,509a full-on look on what it looks like to

9300:09:22,320 --> 00:09:27,660be on the other side then there's the

9400:09:24,509 --> 00:09:28,649OBE crowd OBE standing for out-of-body

9500:09:27,659 --> 00:09:30,179experience where

9600:09:28,649 --> 00:09:33,119leave your body even though you're still

9700:09:30,179 --> 00:09:34,618connected by some sort of bodily elastic

9800:09:33,119 --> 00:09:37,290that can shoot you back in at any time

9900:09:34,619 --> 00:09:39,149and of course we're going to hit the et

10000:09:37,289 --> 00:09:42,539

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

experience and what it's like to have

10100:09:39,149 --> 00:09:44,188contact from another world experiencing

10200:09:42,539 --> 00:09:46,980all of this is the man known as

10300:09:44,188 --> 00:09:49,289America's most experienced mystic Eugene

10400:09:46,980 --> 00:09:51,058Braxton Eugene as many of you know has

10500:09:49,289 --> 00:09:52,379been on this show a few times as well as

10600:09:51,058 --> 00:09:54,028he's a nightly regular in these

10700:09:52,379 --> 00:09:56,399spaced-out radio chat rooms

10800:09:54,028 --> 00:09:57,588Eugene's brilliance and knowledge when

10900:09:56,399 --> 00:10:00,299it comes to the life-altering

11000:09:57,589 --> 00:10:02,279experiences will change anyone

11100:10:00,299 --> 00:10:04,498we have heard Eugene talking about and

11200:10:02,278 --> 00:10:06,928E's and OBEs on this show and on

11300:10:04,499 --> 00:10:08,939spaced-out weekend with James Tyson but

11400:10:06,928 --> 00:10:11,129one area that Eugene is passionate about

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

11500:10:08,938 --> 00:10:13,889but hasn't really talked publicly about

11600:10:11,129 --> 00:10:16,199it is his contact with extraterrestrials

11700:10:13,889 --> 00:10:17,970tonight he will open up about what has

11800:10:16,198 --> 00:10:20,789happened to him with the off-worlders

11900:10:17,970 --> 00:10:23,369are they good bad or just another

12000:10:20,789 --> 00:10:25,318spiritual experience to record and a

12100:10:23,369 --> 00:10:27,720chalk up is one of those little life

12200:10:25,318 --> 00:10:30,568oddities that just seems to be happening

12300:10:27,720 --> 00:10:33,269to those who are awake we bring in

12400:10:30,568 --> 00:10:35,639Eugene Braxton America's most gifted

12500:10:33,269 --> 00:10:38,459mystic coming in right now Eugene how

12600:10:35,639 --> 00:10:40,709are you my friend I'm doing good Dave

12700:10:38,458 --> 00:10:42,359how have you been you know what I've

12800:10:40,708 --> 00:10:45,239been good I've been a little tired

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

12900:10:42,360 --> 00:10:47,308lately but I'm gaining some energy back

13000:10:45,240 --> 00:10:49,919after getting a lot of sleep over the

13100:10:47,308 --> 00:10:52,139weekend and now we're already almost

13200:10:49,919 --> 00:10:54,088through this week as well hump day today

13300:10:52,139 --> 00:10:58,289so we're doing pretty good my friend

13400:10:54,089 --> 00:11:03,420we're doing pretty good at that help yes

13500:10:58,289 --> 00:11:05,909the rest does yes it does you've been

13600:11:03,419 --> 00:11:07,769quite busy because you're a night owl

13700:11:05,909 --> 00:11:10,438just like many of us who listen to this

13800:11:07,769 --> 00:11:12,209show you're participating in this show

13900:11:10,438 --> 00:11:14,698almost on a nightly basis for those

14000:11:12,208 --> 00:11:16,888people who don't know you from being on

14100:11:14,698 --> 00:11:19,708the radio you're actually taking part in

14200:11:16,889 --> 00:11:21,629our chat room every night and you're


Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

00:11:19,708 --> 00:11:24,298very enlightening in there people look

14400:11:21,629 --> 00:11:27,119at you with a high regard of respect in

14500:11:24,298 --> 00:11:29,458there do you like being a part of

14600:11:27,119 --> 00:11:31,829absolutely everything not just because

14700:11:29,458 --> 00:11:34,888it's this show Eugene but just the fact

14800:11:31,828 --> 00:11:36,748that you have the ability to command

14900:11:34,889 --> 00:11:39,120that you have that commanding presence

15000:11:36,749 --> 00:11:42,970is what I'm trying to say where people

15100:11:39,120 --> 00:11:47,690look to you for any sort of answer

15200:11:42,970 --> 00:11:49,790yeah I am I've had all these things like

15300:11:47,690 --> 00:11:52,400paranormal things esoteric things since

15400:11:49,789 --> 00:11:55,399I was a kid so I'm fully used to them it

15500:11:52,399 --> 00:11:58,730seems normal to me just like a like a

15600:11:55,399 --> 00:12:02,799football player doing his thing but it's

15700:11:58,730 --> 00:12:07,370

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

fun it's worthwhile and there's a lot of

15800:12:02,799 --> 00:12:09,529people who know a lot about the subject

15900:12:07,370 --> 00:12:14,149too so it's it's good to interact with

16000:12:09,529 --> 00:12:15,589them on the cat in Eugene I fully

16100:12:14,149 --> 00:12:17,509understand and you know there's good

16200:12:15,590 --> 00:12:20,690people here who listen to this show and

16300:12:17,509 --> 00:12:22,189take part in our chat rooms on a nightly

16400:12:20,690 --> 00:12:24,410basis and it's something that they are

16500:12:22,190 --> 00:12:27,170becoming more interactive as we become

16600:12:24,409 --> 00:12:29,209more interactive with them do you like

16700:12:27,169 --> 00:12:31,279that interaction with people even if

16800:12:29,210 --> 00:12:33,620you're not on the show because you're

16900:12:31,279 --> 00:12:35,779able to help explain and expand people's

17000:12:33,620 --> 00:12:37,610knowledge because you're so

17100:12:35,779 --> 00:12:40,759knowledgeable with all the topics and

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

17200:12:37,610 --> 00:12:44,480the experiences you had your teaching on

17300:12:40,759 --> 00:12:47,539a nightly basis don't you think yeah I

17400:12:44,480 --> 00:12:49,700think especially with what the

17500:12:47,539 --> 00:12:52,759paranormal spiritual or esoteric

17600:12:49,700 --> 00:12:55,310subjects I think that the people who are

17700:12:52,759 --> 00:12:58,519into them or have them don't get to

17800:12:55,309 --> 00:13:00,500express their opinions or experiences

17900:12:58,519 --> 00:13:02,210enough especially with these regular

18000:13:00,500 --> 00:13:04,850straight people who don't have them and

18100:13:02,210 --> 00:13:07,600so it's good when a group of people who

18200:13:04,850 --> 00:13:11,029are into it can get together and then

18300:13:07,600 --> 00:13:15,230talk see what the other ones bent into

18400:13:11,029 --> 00:13:16,909or pick each other's brains and it's you

18500:13:15,230 --> 00:13:20,300know and spaced out ready it's done in a

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

18600:13:16,909 --> 00:13:22,639friendly goodwill way where you uh you

18700:13:20,299 --> 00:13:25,269really learned and come off better at

18800:13:22,639 --> 00:13:28,210the end of the at the end of the show

18900:13:25,269 --> 00:13:32,360it's so it's a good way to interact and

19000:13:28,210 --> 00:13:34,550see what other people have experienced

19100:13:32,360 --> 00:13:37,129and and think about certain things

19200:13:34,549 --> 00:13:39,289because of the normal people are really

19300:13:37,129 --> 00:13:40,850smart the regular citizens way smarter

19400:13:39,289 --> 00:13:44,779than like the government or Hollywood

19500:13:40,850 --> 00:13:48,110media through credit for so I like to

19600:13:44,779 --> 00:13:49,970listen to what people think today and

19700:13:48,110 --> 00:13:52,490have been through yeah cuz it's some

19800:13:49,970 --> 00:13:52,990people having some deep experiences out

19900:13:52,490 --> 00:13:55,950there


Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

00:13:52,990 --> 00:13:57,990right on

20100:13:55,950 --> 00:13:59,639when it comes to those deep experiences

20200:13:57,990 --> 00:14:07,829is there anything that really surprises

20300:13:59,639 --> 00:14:10,259you anymore Eugene yeah there's a lot of

20400:14:07,828 --> 00:14:16,189things in ufology that surprised me

20500:14:10,259 --> 00:14:19,828that's like a this ever expanding

20600:14:16,190 --> 00:14:21,570experience you know spiritual experience

20700:14:19,828 --> 00:14:23,879and so that's one of the things that

20800:14:21,570 --> 00:14:25,528surprises me and human behavior is

20900:14:23,879 --> 00:14:28,110another thing we see on the news these

21000:14:25,528 --> 00:14:32,809people going wild you know eating each

21100:14:28,110 --> 00:14:37,860other and bombing each other but

21200:14:32,809 --> 00:14:40,078esoteric why's the UFO thing is really

21300:14:37,860 --> 00:14:43,009big for me now and so it's the

21400:14:40,078 --> 00:14:45,689

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

near-death those two things there's

21500:14:43,009 --> 00:14:52,198there's so much to that field haunted

21600:14:45,690 --> 00:14:56,220houses out of bodies the Bigfoot I think

21700:14:52,198 --> 00:14:58,229all of those things are connected and

21800:14:56,220 --> 00:15:01,560interconnected some more than others

21900:14:58,230 --> 00:15:04,019I think they're all part of God's

22000:15:01,559 --> 00:15:07,198paranormal mentioned different wings in

22100:15:04,019 --> 00:15:09,089his mansion that's how I see them and in

22200:15:07,198 --> 00:15:13,859a lot of ways that's how they seem to be

22300:15:09,089 --> 00:15:16,140connected you know there is such a

22400:15:13,860 --> 00:15:18,778spiritual side to absolutely everything

22500:15:16,139 --> 00:15:21,208that goes on and there's so many more

22600:15:18,778 --> 00:15:23,338questions than answers and people have

22700:15:21,208 --> 00:15:24,958often asked me with my own experiences

22800:15:23,339 --> 00:15:28,769whether it's been extraterrestrial

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22900:15:24,958 --> 00:15:30,328Bigfoot paranormal they always say have

23000:15:28,769 --> 00:15:34,230you been able to find that answer that

23100:15:30,328 --> 00:15:37,439you need have you been able to to itch

23200:15:34,230 --> 00:15:39,060that scratch that you have and/or

23300:15:37,440 --> 00:15:41,640scratch that itch that you have pardon

23400:15:39,059 --> 00:15:44,250my my mixing up the words there you know

23500:15:41,639 --> 00:15:47,370but one of the things that I always say

23600:15:44,250 --> 00:15:50,068back is no because the reason why is

23700:15:47,370 --> 00:15:53,370when you have one experience no matter

23800:15:50,068 --> 00:15:56,879how big or how small that one experience

23900:15:53,370 --> 00:15:58,919opens up a thousand questions it's like

24000:15:56,879 --> 00:16:01,439when you open it's like when you open up

24100:15:58,919 --> 00:16:03,899a door and on the other side of that

24200:16:01,440 --> 00:16:05,610door is another ten doors and on each

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24300:16:03,899 --> 00:16:07,620one of those ten doors you open those

24400:16:05,610 --> 00:16:09,389doors up there's another ten to twenty

24500:16:07,620 --> 00:16:11,850doors

24600:16:09,389 --> 00:16:14,939to them and it gets ridiculous and it's

24700:16:11,850 --> 00:16:17,940frustrating and it's mind-boggling and

24800:16:14,940 --> 00:16:21,180you know I can see where people go crazy

24900:16:17,940 --> 00:16:25,350over this stuff because there just isn't

25000:16:21,179 --> 00:16:27,329the answers that are out there we can

25100:16:25,350 --> 00:16:30,180talk to people such as yourself or

25200:16:27,330 --> 00:16:33,060listen to radio programs like this or we

25300:16:30,179 --> 00:16:36,329can not hear what the government knows

25400:16:33,059 --> 00:16:38,219or science knows or a combination of

25500:16:36,330 --> 00:16:41,490both and that's not even including

25600:16:38,220 --> 00:16:43,889eugene the disinformation groups out


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00:16:41,490 --> 00:16:45,590there that are pumping things up so I

25800:16:43,889 --> 00:16:47,939could see where a lot of people get very

25900:16:45,590 --> 00:16:51,470frustrated with this how do you deal

26000:16:47,940 --> 00:16:59,550with not being able to get frustrated I

26100:16:51,470 --> 00:17:08,430feel that just like you said this like

26200:16:59,549 --> 00:17:12,088what this field that we study it's it's

26300:17:08,430 --> 00:17:14,850the questions are so spine-tingling that

26400:17:12,088 --> 00:17:17,220you get addicted to find any answers

26500:17:14,849 --> 00:17:19,919just like in that close encounters thing

26600:17:17,220 --> 00:17:22,588where Richard Dreyfuss was building that

26700:17:19,920 --> 00:17:24,360mound of clay in this living room you

26800:17:22,588 --> 00:17:27,869almost it becomes like an obsession a

26900:17:24,359 --> 00:17:30,959good one and a clean one but the

27000:17:27,869 --> 00:17:32,099paranormal becomes an obsession and some

27100:17:30,960 --> 00:17:34,110

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of the things especially like the

27200:17:32,099 --> 00:17:38,399ufology for me it's like sticks to you

27300:17:34,109 --> 00:17:39,809and you it it's a heavier like a spirit

27400:17:38,400 --> 00:17:43,050it sticks to your account like a

27500:17:39,809 --> 00:17:46,879spiritual tar and not necessarily in a

27600:17:43,049 --> 00:17:49,049bad way but some of those esoteric

27700:17:46,880 --> 00:17:51,870disciplines when you get into them and

27800:17:49,049 --> 00:17:55,470wrap your head inside out of them and

27900:17:51,869 --> 00:17:58,229then yeah you absorb some of it too and

28000:17:55,470 --> 00:18:01,140like with the UFO thing for me and a

28100:17:58,230 --> 00:18:05,029little bit the near-death it just you

28200:18:01,140 --> 00:18:07,800have to detach yourself away from it but

28300:18:05,029 --> 00:18:09,809just for every question there's always

28400:18:07,799 --> 00:18:11,190an answer somewhere and a lot of times

28500:18:09,809 --> 00:18:13,740the answer will lie right inside the

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28600:18:11,190 --> 00:18:15,120person themself like that you know the

28700:18:13,740 --> 00:18:19,049more you want to know something the

28800:18:15,119 --> 00:18:23,239answer will be forced into your life

28900:18:19,049 --> 00:18:25,609it's nowadays it's like not any

29000:18:23,240 --> 00:18:28,190question but almost anything any

29100:18:25,609 --> 00:18:29,839question can be made known not every

29200:18:28,190 --> 00:18:31,570question but almost any question you

29300:18:29,839 --> 00:18:34,730know we have access to a lot of

29400:18:31,569 --> 00:18:36,859information with this new technology and

29500:18:34,730 --> 00:18:38,480there's a lot of things it's I feel sad

29600:18:36,859 --> 00:18:41,389when I see kids in the library or the

29700:18:38,480 --> 00:18:43,549for university playing court solitaire

29800:18:41,390 --> 00:18:45,320and stuff on the computer and there's

29900:18:43,549 --> 00:18:48,019loads of other things they could be

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30000:18:45,319 --> 00:18:51,319doing like the other students but the

30100:18:48,019 --> 00:18:53,869answers are all out there and they're

30200:18:51,319 --> 00:18:56,178found in the truth you know but where

30300:18:53,869 --> 00:18:57,799does one you know Eugene that leads to

30400:18:56,179 --> 00:19:00,200another question where does one look for

30500:18:57,799 --> 00:19:02,178the truth because as we have stated

30600:19:00,200 --> 00:19:04,640there's a lot of disinformation out

30700:19:02,179 --> 00:19:08,360there the government is silent there are

30800:19:04,640 --> 00:19:12,140so many differing opinions on paranormal

30900:19:08,359 --> 00:19:14,409ghost hunting let alone throw in Bigfoot

31000:19:12,140 --> 00:19:17,450or extraterrestrials or dog man or

31100:19:14,410 --> 00:19:20,150demons I mean heaven forbid if we all

31200:19:17,450 --> 00:19:22,759the sudden have to understand the whole

31300:19:20,150 --> 00:19:25,670concept that everyone does have psychic


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00:19:22,759 --> 00:19:27,109ability because everybody is so set in

31500:19:25,670 --> 00:19:28,759their ways whether it's the way they

31600:19:27,109 --> 00:19:30,740were brought up whether it's because of

31700:19:28,759 --> 00:19:32,960religion whether they're anti religion

31800:19:30,740 --> 00:19:37,490there's so many different ways out there

31900:19:32,960 --> 00:19:40,370for people to think that it's hard to

32000:19:37,490 --> 00:19:43,910find the truth especially now Eugene

32100:19:40,369 --> 00:19:46,009when you throw in a 24-hour society

32200:19:43,910 --> 00:19:49,279where everybody is looking down at a

32300:19:46,009 --> 00:19:51,920cell phone rather than walking up to the

32400:19:49,279 --> 00:19:55,670stars or looking inside themselves to

32500:19:51,920 --> 00:19:57,950find the truth yes yes yeah the

32600:19:55,670 --> 00:20:00,440technology of things is too much because

32700:19:57,950 --> 00:20:02,509you can get overworked with that and

32800:20:00,440 --> 00:20:04,190

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just like you said everywhere they do it

32900:20:02,509 --> 00:20:05,808here in Philly - everyone has their

33000:20:04,190 --> 00:20:07,279heads down looking into the cell phone

33100:20:05,808 --> 00:20:11,660like they're talking to the President or

33200:20:07,279 --> 00:20:14,178the Prime Minister and and also like you

33300:20:11,660 --> 00:20:16,850said - the real things can always be

33400:20:14,179 --> 00:20:20,120found right inside the person the real

33500:20:16,849 --> 00:20:23,509answer is the real truth and a lot has

33600:20:20,119 --> 00:20:26,209to do with revealing how perceptive they

33700:20:23,509 --> 00:20:27,859are to themselves into the world you

33800:20:26,210 --> 00:20:30,920kind of have to shut the world out and

33900:20:27,859 --> 00:20:32,509you don't want to be too perceptive to

34000:20:30,920 --> 00:20:35,029yourself you don't want to over analyze

34100:20:32,509 --> 00:20:36,109yourself and stuff like that but you

34200:20:35,029 --> 00:20:38,889just have to after

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34300:20:36,109 --> 00:20:40,789certain point just closed off the world

34400:20:38,890 --> 00:20:42,590especially if it starts to affect you

34500:20:40,789 --> 00:20:45,920too much and people like us in this

34600:20:42,589 --> 00:20:49,428field we're sensitive to a lot of things

34700:20:45,920 --> 00:20:51,140and that extra interference doesn't help

34800:20:49,429 --> 00:20:52,190so it's good to look I don't even watch

34900:20:51,140 --> 00:20:56,150the news anymore

35000:20:52,190 --> 00:20:58,250I just turned that off because if it's

35100:20:56,150 --> 00:20:59,420just too negative all the time and you

35200:20:58,250 --> 00:21:00,890know we have enough on their back so

35300:20:59,420 --> 00:21:03,440it's good to close some of that stuff

35400:21:00,890 --> 00:21:06,920out sometimes it's good to focus on just

35500:21:03,440 --> 00:21:08,870a few single things and just like you

35600:21:06,920 --> 00:21:10,730said it's like a whirlwind of things to

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35700:21:08,869 --> 00:21:15,139get into just in this field around of

35800:21:10,730 --> 00:21:18,529the esoteric and it's good to have a few

35900:21:15,140 --> 00:21:20,330prime things but with as far as finding

36000:21:18,529 --> 00:21:22,519that knowledge and stuff like that and

36100:21:20,329 --> 00:21:25,970the truth I would start I would always

36200:21:22,519 --> 00:21:31,730start with my own family if they had any

36300:21:25,970 --> 00:21:36,319kind of holy book or religion to check

36400:21:31,730 --> 00:21:39,110that out to check out any kind of

36500:21:36,319 --> 00:21:42,099professors who like study that field or

36600:21:39,109 --> 00:21:45,439artists or regular people who musicians

36700:21:42,099 --> 00:21:46,939who might know about that so I would try

36800:21:45,440 --> 00:21:50,058to get a mix of the regular people and

36900:21:46,940 --> 00:21:51,590the professionals but I would also go

37000:21:50,058 --> 00:21:53,329back and look at all the old-time


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00:21:51,589 --> 00:21:54,589scholars in those fields in the

37200:21:53,329 --> 00:21:59,119paranormal field because they were

37300:21:54,589 --> 00:22:02,869really deep like a rudolf steiner he was

37400:21:59,119 --> 00:22:06,019a good one from 1905 and the sweden bird

37500:22:02,869 --> 00:22:08,479and this each each race has their own

37600:22:06,019 --> 00:22:09,889heavyweight giant so it's good to go

37700:22:08,480 --> 00:22:11,240back to almost the further you go back

37800:22:09,890 --> 00:22:13,100it's a pyramid

37900:22:11,240 --> 00:22:16,339normal you can learn a lot from those

38000:22:13,099 --> 00:22:17,779old masters but it's a person who really

38100:22:16,339 --> 00:22:19,369wants an answer for something they'll

38200:22:17,779 --> 00:22:22,399get it they just have to ask the right

38300:22:19,369 --> 00:22:23,798question and my question was I wanted to

38400:22:22,400 --> 00:22:26,150know everything that happened

38500:22:23,798 --> 00:22:29,150

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psychically in this world and in the

38600:22:26,150 --> 00:22:31,160invisible world and two years after I

38700:22:29,150 --> 00:22:34,340asked that God started to show me all

38800:22:31,160 --> 00:22:37,929those things and he still is showing me

38900:22:34,339 --> 00:22:41,269but you can do a lot these days

39000:22:37,929 --> 00:22:42,980especially with the mind and with God

39100:22:41,269 --> 00:22:46,819you put those two things together you

39200:22:42,980 --> 00:22:49,419can accomplish a lot about answered the

39300:22:46,819 --> 00:22:49,418question do

39400:22:54,239 --> 00:23:00,879when it yeah Eugene when would you

39500:22:58,808 --> 00:23:03,398mention how you have to trust your faith

39600:23:00,878 --> 00:23:06,608you have to trust in God I believe you

39700:23:03,398 --> 00:23:10,088you in that but you take a country like

39800:23:06,608 --> 00:23:12,249Canada where I am and we have become so

39900:23:10,088 --> 00:23:14,678multicultural with different religions

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40000:23:12,249 --> 00:23:16,960in this country now and not that there's

40100:23:14,679 --> 00:23:19,119anything wrong with that but a main

40200:23:16,960 --> 00:23:22,838portion of the society has become very

40300:23:19,118 --> 00:23:24,939agnostic if not atheist then in the

40400:23:22,838 --> 00:23:25,598United States we see this happening as

40500:23:24,940 --> 00:23:27,038well

40600:23:25,598 --> 00:23:29,348because we're not allowed to be

40700:23:27,038 --> 00:23:32,348politically correct it's almost you know

40800:23:29,348 --> 00:23:34,028anti human now to say that you have any

40900:23:32,348 --> 00:23:36,428sort of Christian belief and I'm not

41000:23:34,028 --> 00:23:38,558trying to bring in any religious debate

41100:23:36,429 --> 00:23:41,139here but there's a lot of people who

41200:23:38,558 --> 00:23:43,358have a hard time believing in today's

41300:23:41,138 --> 00:23:46,298day and age that seeing how ugly the

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41400:23:43,358 --> 00:23:49,148world is that God truly exists and that

41500:23:46,298 --> 00:23:53,048there is some sort of higher entity or

41600:23:49,148 --> 00:23:54,728higher power that has caused creation

41700:23:53,048 --> 00:23:58,239has caused you know absolutely

41800:23:54,729 --> 00:24:01,058everything that is going on so when you

41900:23:58,239 --> 00:24:04,048mention the faith part in it how do you

42000:24:01,058 --> 00:24:08,378win someone over to believe in that when

42100:24:04,048 --> 00:24:10,329they can barely understand what is going

42200:24:08,378 --> 00:24:14,048on because what they are seeing on TV

42300:24:10,329 --> 00:24:17,228every night isn't the most pleasant yeah

42400:24:14,048 --> 00:24:19,148a lot of it I could see where a lot of

42500:24:17,229 --> 00:24:20,859people would be turned off especially

42600:24:19,148 --> 00:24:25,168with the priest doing their thing and

42700:24:20,858 --> 00:24:32,019and all the other madness in the world


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00:24:25,169 --> 00:24:37,089but with the faith I was saying that the

42900:24:32,019 --> 00:24:41,348person should check out the holy books

43000:24:37,088 --> 00:24:43,928or religious traditions of their their

43100:24:41,348 --> 00:24:46,450grace and see if they have any answers

43200:24:43,929 --> 00:24:48,429I'm not saying adhere to them but I'm

43300:24:46,450 --> 00:24:49,778saying that on the way to the path of

43400:24:48,429 --> 00:24:51,700higher knowledge they should definitely

43500:24:49,778 --> 00:24:54,548check out and see what the religious

43600:24:51,700 --> 00:24:57,519book says because they're not all dumb

43700:24:54,548 --> 00:25:00,158those holy books in each group has each

43800:24:57,519 --> 00:25:02,529group has theirs especially the main

43900:25:00,159 --> 00:25:05,020three Muslim Christian

44000:25:02,529 --> 00:25:06,430and huge so they should definitely start

44100:25:05,019 --> 00:25:10,480there if they want to go in that

44200:25:06,430 --> 00:25:12,430

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spiritual mystic psychic path because

44300:25:10,480 --> 00:25:13,839there's a lot of spiritual knowledge in

44400:25:12,430 --> 00:25:15,370those they shouldn't be just thrown away

44500:25:13,839 --> 00:25:17,439and like you said a lot of people are

44600:25:15,369 --> 00:25:19,569getting away from God but and that's the

44700:25:17,440 --> 00:25:22,000reason why a lot of these mysteries

44800:25:19,569 --> 00:25:23,799haven't been unknown because once you

44900:25:22,000 --> 00:25:26,589link up with that ultimate source

45000:25:23,799 --> 00:25:28,329ultimate power then you can easily do

45100:25:26,589 --> 00:25:30,609this find out all those kind of

45200:25:28,329 --> 00:25:33,369questions because you have access to a

45300:25:30,609 --> 00:25:35,649main like computer bank or library and

45400:25:33,369 --> 00:25:38,169you can get that access immediately

45500:25:35,650 --> 00:25:41,560that's what the Mystics is all about

45600:25:38,170 --> 00:25:43,930getting knowledge immediately or in

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45700:25:41,559 --> 00:25:47,319insight immediately from God directly

45800:25:43,930 --> 00:25:49,990and so those mysteries can be easily

45900:25:47,319 --> 00:25:51,939unraveled when you have a super help or

46000:25:49,990 --> 00:25:54,430helping you these days it does sound

46100:25:51,940 --> 00:25:56,620corny to talk about God but he's the one

46200:25:54,430 --> 00:25:59,440thing at least with me power that's

46300:25:56,619 --> 00:26:04,869never ever ever let me down

46400:25:59,440 --> 00:26:07,269and so people forget you know the God of

46500:26:04,869 --> 00:26:10,089their youth who helped them stay alive

46600:26:07,269 --> 00:26:11,710to this day and but they cry out to them

46700:26:10,089 --> 00:26:14,470you know when their parents are in the

46800:26:11,710 --> 00:26:16,900hospital sick it's funny the back

46900:26:14,470 --> 00:26:19,360turning and then flip-flopping that

47000:26:16,900 --> 00:26:21,009people do with God and you know he's

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47100:26:19,359 --> 00:26:23,859helped them up so many many times

47200:26:21,009 --> 00:26:25,420someone like me I've died and was

47300:26:23,859 --> 00:26:27,369literally brought back to life so I have

47400:26:25,420 --> 00:26:29,860a firm belief in God because I've

47500:26:27,369 --> 00:26:32,259experienced it but they say the ones who

47600:26:29,859 --> 00:26:34,179don't believe or just closed off to that

47700:26:32,259 --> 00:26:37,779side anyway

47800:26:34,180 --> 00:26:40,990the belief in something especially

47900:26:37,779 --> 00:26:45,399something super high opens up all those

48000:26:40,990 --> 00:26:46,599doors so that the people who are and

48100:26:45,400 --> 00:26:49,690they're like that is the movement

48200:26:46,599 --> 00:26:52,509underway in a lot of ways to discount

48300:26:49,690 --> 00:26:54,250God from not just a paranormal from

48400:26:52,509 --> 00:26:55,960anything that's the worst mistake you


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00:26:54,250 --> 00:26:57,880can make that's the worst kind of

48600:26:55,960 --> 00:27:00,730protection you can lose because there's

48700:26:57,880 --> 00:27:02,740a lot in that paranormal realm that's

48800:27:00,730 --> 00:27:05,319God's realm there's a lot to deal with

48900:27:02,740 --> 00:27:07,000where you need a whole shield or else

49000:27:05,319 --> 00:27:09,939like I said you will go over the edge

49100:27:07,000 --> 00:27:12,549and those that's just from dealing it in

49200:27:09,940 --> 00:27:14,590a conscious way you start dealing with

49300:27:12,549 --> 00:27:16,240those that spiritual realms in the

49400:27:14,589 --> 00:27:18,849unconscious way or out-of-body

49500:27:16,240 --> 00:27:21,970and you don't have a spiritual anchor a

49600:27:18,849 --> 00:27:24,369backup who's in who's from that realm

49700:27:21,970 --> 00:27:24,880why God is you will be in some deep

49800:27:24,369 --> 00:27:26,678trouble

49900:27:24,880 --> 00:27:28,660

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and open to all kinds of tech I think

50000:27:26,679 --> 00:27:30,250Eric was kind of mentioning something

50100:27:28,660 --> 00:27:34,029like that yesterday but you need in that

50200:27:30,250 --> 00:27:37,179world a full shield a full armor of God

50300:27:34,029 --> 00:27:38,859and that's the one power that you have

50400:27:37,179 --> 00:27:45,309that you couldn't navigate that you know

50500:27:38,859 --> 00:27:48,729all kinds of things go and we just seem

50600:27:45,308 --> 00:27:50,440to lose Eugene here on skype so I'm

50700:27:48,730 --> 00:27:52,870gonna bring him right back here one

50800:27:50,440 --> 00:27:54,820second here as we are talking with

50900:27:52,869 --> 00:27:57,509Eugene Braxton tonight on spaced out

51000:27:54,819 --> 00:27:59,950radio he is known as America's most

51100:27:57,509 --> 00:28:02,140experienced mystic you probably hear the

51200:27:59,950 --> 00:28:05,500phone ringing hey Dave there we go

51300:28:02,140 --> 00:28:08,530connected yes we are running we were

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51400:28:05,500 --> 00:28:11,380talking about the experience about

51500:28:08,529 --> 00:28:14,069trying to find that belief in oneself

51600:28:11,380 --> 00:28:17,980and the higher power

51700:28:14,069 --> 00:28:20,678yeah you better have God in it if it's

51800:28:17,980 --> 00:28:24,069about the spiritual he is the spiritual

51900:28:20,679 --> 00:28:26,590so it's foolish to not include the maker

52000:28:24,069 --> 00:28:28,329in the controller of all of that in in

52100:28:26,589 --> 00:28:30,549with you someone who can keep you safe

52200:28:28,329 --> 00:28:33,759because the person cannot keep them safe

52300:28:30,549 --> 00:28:36,599their own self safe here in this world

52400:28:33,759 --> 00:28:39,750let alone the astral world which they

52500:28:36,599 --> 00:28:42,759know little about you know all humans

52600:28:39,750 --> 00:28:46,420compared to God so he's the one you can

52700:28:42,759 --> 00:28:47,799call on at any time to help you to

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52800:28:46,420 --> 00:28:50,259answer a question so it's stupid the

52900:28:47,799 --> 00:28:52,769ones who limit themselves by not

53000:28:50,259 --> 00:28:56,319believing in a God there's almost

53100:28:52,769 --> 00:28:58,569there's some there's some people won't

53200:28:56,319 --> 00:29:00,369even deal with them but you gotta have

53300:28:58,569 --> 00:29:03,189that for you that's what it all comes

53400:29:00,369 --> 00:29:05,709from especially any kind of mystical

53500:29:03,190 --> 00:29:09,340knowledge abilities all that stuff you

53600:29:05,710 --> 00:29:11,350can get them pure in the you know pure

53700:29:09,339 --> 00:29:13,169state from God you can get them fast and

53800:29:11,349 --> 00:29:15,939you get them in the right way

53900:29:13,170 --> 00:29:17,620so that you can use those things in the

54000:29:15,940 --> 00:29:19,330right way that people want the power but

54100:29:17,619 --> 00:29:22,889they don't want the God behind the power


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00:29:19,329 --> 00:29:26,230so in that way they'll be limited to

54300:29:22,890 --> 00:29:27,820it's like God only it's it's an

54400:29:26,230 --> 00:29:29,470interesting thing but you gotta have God

54500:29:27,819 --> 00:29:30,220in the spiritual then all those doors

54600:29:29,470 --> 00:29:32,650that

54700:29:30,220 --> 00:29:35,500seeing insurmountable won't be easily

54800:29:32,650 --> 00:29:38,710opened and easily - you'll see you'll

54900:29:35,500 --> 00:29:41,759see it with clarity just with the near

55000:29:38,710 --> 00:29:45,850death and now with the UFO thing and

55100:29:41,759 --> 00:29:49,210that ever-expanding UFO thing won't be

55200:29:45,849 --> 00:29:51,369completely solved in 360 degree angles

55300:29:49,210 --> 00:29:54,548but we've what we've done with our UFO

55400:29:51,369 --> 00:29:56,589research goes beyond what anything else

55500:29:54,548 --> 00:29:59,019happening out there now and it we

55600:29:56,589 --> 00:30:01,599

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connect a lot of stuff up but you gotta

55700:29:59,019 --> 00:30:03,668have God in it because that's a freaky

55800:30:01,599 --> 00:30:06,219world and as a normal person who's not

55900:30:03,669 --> 00:30:08,650even into it like us we'll be free it

56000:30:06,220 --> 00:30:10,960will flip out just you know just from

56100:30:08,650 --> 00:30:12,429having an out-of-body like you said you

56200:30:10,960 --> 00:30:14,590didn't want to have another quality so

56300:30:12,429 --> 00:30:16,298it's uh but all those things the person

56400:30:14,589 --> 00:30:19,408needs an extra shield an extra

56500:30:16,298 --> 00:30:23,980protection because it's psychologically

56600:30:19,409 --> 00:30:26,230stressful and oh yeah it's just good to

56700:30:23,980 --> 00:30:29,620have God with you that's if you need

56800:30:26,230 --> 00:30:32,048something you can get it I know that all

56900:30:29,619 --> 00:30:33,908too well Eugene because you know what

57000:30:32,048 --> 00:30:36,190it's funny there's something that

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57100:30:33,909 --> 00:30:39,039absolutely petrifies me and we'll get

57200:30:36,190 --> 00:30:40,000into the OBE experiences later on in the

57300:30:39,038 --> 00:30:43,658show but there's something that

57400:30:40,000 --> 00:30:46,659absolutely pair freaks the living hell

57500:30:43,659 --> 00:30:49,270out of me about OBEs and you know

57600:30:46,659 --> 00:30:51,850swimming around astrally trying to get

57700:30:49,269 --> 00:30:54,490back to my body not knowing if it has

57800:30:51,849 --> 00:30:56,769and I'm talking I've been eight feet

57900:30:54,490 --> 00:30:58,240from an extraterrestrial you know what

58000:30:56,769 --> 00:31:00,329I'm saying I got one on the other side

58100:30:58,240 --> 00:31:03,548of the window sure it startled me and

58200:31:00,329 --> 00:31:05,379but I can do that no problem

58300:31:03,548 --> 00:31:07,329you know if I see another

58400:31:05,380 --> 00:31:09,370extraterrestrial standing in front of me

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58500:31:07,329 --> 00:31:12,129I'm going up to it I'm not running away

58600:31:09,369 --> 00:31:14,678I'm going I'm going up to it but an OBE

58700:31:12,130 --> 00:31:16,870or a near-death experience I don't know

58800:31:14,679 --> 00:31:19,890man I don't think I'm ready for that

58900:31:16,869 --> 00:31:23,319just yet I'm not ready for that type of

59000:31:19,890 --> 00:31:24,940responsibility because I'm still got too

59100:31:23,319 --> 00:31:27,069much to figure out on the other end

59200:31:24,940 --> 00:31:29,019before I take another topic on that's

59300:31:27,069 --> 00:31:32,529for sure but that's me personally that's

59400:31:29,019 --> 00:31:34,329what Eugene debb's life and I'm gonna

59500:31:32,529 --> 00:31:36,129get you hold on to that answer I'm gonna

59600:31:34,329 --> 00:31:37,480get you to hold on here for a few

59700:31:36,130 --> 00:31:39,730minutes is we're gonna hop out for a

59800:31:37,480 --> 00:31:42,360break at the bottom of the hour I know I


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00:31:39,730 --> 00:31:44,460got a few friends listening in who

60000:31:42,359 --> 00:31:49,259we were out for drinks after the daytime

60100:31:44,460 --> 00:31:53,519career today Hilda Andy and Oh what's

60200:31:49,259 --> 00:31:56,180her name Kaitlyn just so you know bill

60300:31:53,519 --> 00:32:00,029Cardwell says the password tonight is

60400:31:56,180 --> 00:32:02,519the natto phobia we'll get to what that

60500:32:00,029 --> 00:32:04,619means right after this the natto phobia

60600:32:02,519 --> 00:32:06,329tonight's password you're listening to

60700:32:04,619 --> 00:32:08,009spaced-out radio I am your host Dave

60800:32:06,329 --> 00:32:09,449Scott we'll be back after this break

60900:32:08,009 --> 00:32:11,250would you like to become one of our

61000:32:09,450 --> 00:32:12,960space travelers all you have to do is

61100:32:11,250 --> 00:32:15,599click on the space travelers icon and

61200:32:12,960 --> 00:32:17,519spaced-out for only $5 a month

61300:32:15,599 --> 00:32:19,139

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

you can get access to some great prizes

61400:32:17,519 --> 00:32:21,119as well as private monthly shows

61500:32:19,140 --> 00:32:23,009newsletters and a members-only section

61600:32:21,119 --> 00:32:26,369on our website become a space traveler

61700:32:23,009 --> 00:32:28,379today hi there this is your medium

61800:32:26,369 --> 00:32:30,209Joanna from spaced out weekend two

61900:32:28,380 --> 00:32:32,010mediums on the lodge I would love it if

62000:32:30,210 --> 00:32:34,500you would come and join us with host

62100:32:32,009 --> 00:32:36,930James Tyson every other Sunday on space

62200:32:34,500 --> 00:32:39,119that weekend together we will take your

62300:32:36,930 --> 00:32:40,799calls and your questions live our goal

62400:32:39,119 --> 00:32:42,839is to provide you with a positive

62500:32:40,799 --> 00:32:44,839outlook on deep questions that you may

62600:32:42,839 --> 00:32:47,579have questions regarding love

62700:32:44,839 --> 00:32:49,740relationships money or whatever else is

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62800:32:47,579 --> 00:32:53,129on your mind comments check us out at

62900:32:49,740 --> 00:32:55,920spaced out radio comm every Saturday and

63000:32:53,130 --> 00:32:58,920Sunday night as Dave Scott wanders

63100:32:55,920 --> 00:33:00,630aimlessly in the wilderness you can come

63200:32:58,920 --> 00:33:03,120hang out with me James Tyson and space

63300:33:00,630 --> 00:33:05,220dog weekend we're starting at 9 p.m.

63400:33:03,119 --> 00:33:07,079Pacific midnight Eastern I'll take you

63500:33:05,220 --> 00:33:09,390along as we talk with some of the best

63600:33:07,079 --> 00:33:12,750experts in their fields spaced-out

63700:33:09,390 --> 00:33:14, is the place to find us so sit

63800:33:12,750 --> 00:33:16,819down relax when your feet up enjoy the

63900:33:14,880 --> 00:33:20,100topics like the paranormal supernatural

64000:33:16,819 --> 00:33:22,649intuitiveness and so much more hope to

64100:33:20,099 --> 00:33:24,779see you there hi there this is Elizabeth

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64200:33:22,650 --> 00:33:27,330Anglin and on the last Monday of every

64300:33:24,779 --> 00:33:30,240month I join Dave Scott for spaced-out

64400:33:27,329 --> 00:33:32,730radios cosmic passport we delve into

64500:33:30,240 --> 00:33:35,700everything from extraterrestrial contact

64600:33:32,730 --> 00:33:37,500to animal communication it's a lot of

64700:33:35,700 --> 00:33:39,750fun and every month it's something

64800:33:37,500 --> 00:33:41,609different and exciting I would love it

64900:33:39,750 --> 00:33:43,829if you would join us you can hear and

65000:33:41,609 --> 00:33:45,959learn from my experiences and I'd like

65100:33:43,829 --> 00:33:49,740to know about yours as well cosmic

65200:33:45,960 --> 00:33:51,329passport on spaced-out hey

65300:33:49,740 --> 00:33:52,950everybody this is Patrick

65400:33:51,329 --> 00:33:55,470Webster small and I'm here to bring you

65500:33:52,950 --> 00:33:59,309the Webster phenomenon


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00:33:55,470 --> 00:34:02,670every Saturday night live at 8 p.m.

65700:33:59,309 --> 00:34:05,190Pacific 11 p.m. Eastern if you're

65800:34:02,670 --> 00:34:08,070looking for aliens and extraterrestrials

65900:34:05,190 --> 00:34:10,260well we've got him big and tall short

66000:34:08,070 --> 00:34:12,539and small you're bound to find what

66100:34:10,260 --> 00:34:17,090you're looking for so join me on the

66200:34:12,539 --> 00:34:17,090Webster phenomena right here

66300:34:25,320 --> 00:34:29,530visit purple plates comm today for over

66400:34:28,750 --> 00:34:31,21040 years

66500:34:29,530 --> 00:34:33,220the purple energy plates have been

66600:34:31,210 --> 00:34:35,679delivering amazing results for their

66700:34:33,219 --> 00:34:38,529many customers inspired by the great

66800:34:35,679 --> 00:34:40,570genius Nikola Tesla the Harmony healing

66900:34:38,530 --> 00:34:42,940and energetic effects of the place have

67000:34:40,570 --> 00:34:45,280

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proven over and over to be beneficial

67100:34:42,940 --> 00:34:47,019and often miraculous to thousands of

67200:34:45,280 --> 00:34:49,570customers with their money-back

67300:34:47,019 --> 00:34:51,699guarantee and the many benefits how can

67400:34:49,570 --> 00:34:53,950you afford not to get one check their

67500:34:51,699 --> 00:34:56,348site for daily specials and choose from

67600:34:53,949 --> 00:34:56,858their many energy products you won't be

67700:34:56,349 --> 00:35:00,039sorry

67800:34:56,858 --> 00:35:04,269visit them today at purple plates calm

67900:35:00,039 --> 00:35:06,309for mind body and spirit and expect a

68000:35:04,269 --> 00:35:08,199miracle have you ever wondered about

68100:35:06,309 --> 00:35:09,460those weird and strange creatures people

68200:35:08,199 --> 00:35:11,799have reported throughout history you

68300:35:09,460 --> 00:35:13,510wonder if those stories are real me too

68400:35:11,800 --> 00:35:14,230and that's why I started cryptokey a dot

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68500:35:13,510 --> 00:35:16,930us

68600:35:14,230 --> 00:35:19,150hey this is Rob Murphy crypto historians

68700:35:16,929 --> 00:35:20,618join me once a month on spaced out radio

68800:35:19,150 --> 00:35:22,809with Dave Scott where we will get into

68900:35:20,619 --> 00:35:24,400the odd and bizarre reports from the

69000:35:22,809 --> 00:35:26,259Dover demon to hairy hominids and

69100:35:24,400 --> 00:35:27,970everything in between I will break down

69200:35:26,260 --> 00:35:33,760what people like you and me are seeing

69300:35:27,969 --> 00:35:35,348at spaced out radio calm looking for a

69400:35:33,760 --> 00:35:38,020place to advertise at a very reasonable

69500:35:35,349 --> 00:35:40,900cost look no further than spaced out

69600:35:38,019 --> 00:35:43,000radio spaced out radio comm has app

69700:35:40,900 --> 00:35:45,099advertising tab that you can click on to

69800:35:43,000 --> 00:35:48,250check out our daily weekly and monthly

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69900:35:45,099 --> 00:35:50,530packages to play on radio or our website

70000:35:48,250 --> 00:35:53,409including social media from commercial

70100:35:50,530 --> 00:35:57,150spots to banners we have it all check

70200:35:53,409 --> 00:35:57,149out our competitive pricing today

70300:36:00,088 --> 00:36:05,529want to connect with us online

70400:36:02,739 --> 00:36:09,039find us on Facebook spaced out radio

70500:36:05,530 --> 00:36:12,670show on Twitter at spaced out radio on

70600:36:09,039 --> 00:36:15,489Instagram Dave Scott SOR on YouTube

70700:36:12,670 --> 00:36:18,608spaced out radio show and our website is

70800:36:15,489 --> 00:36:20,709spaced out alright space

70900:36:18,608 --> 00:36:26,949travelers here comes the second half

71000:36:20,710 --> 00:36:28,838hour of space dope radio welcome back to

71100:36:26,949 --> 00:36:30,939space out radio tonight I am your host

71200:36:28,838 --> 00:36:33,219Dave Scott thank you so much for tuning


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00:36:30,940 --> 00:36:35,108in tomorrow night on the show Victor VG

71400:36:33,219 --> 00:36:38,799on e will join us we're going to talk

71500:36:35,108 --> 00:36:41,619ufos and disclosure as he prepares for

71600:36:38,800 --> 00:36:45,039the alien cosmic Expo in Brantford

71700:36:41,619 --> 00:36:47,500Ontario later this month as it is a

71800:36:45,039 --> 00:36:49,690brand new month right now June first can

71900:36:47,500 --> 00:36:52,780you believe it already that conference

72000:36:49,690 --> 00:36:56,829runs June 24th to 26th in Brantford

72100:36:52,780 --> 00:36:58,480Ontario the alien cosmic Expo I want to

72200:36:56,829 --> 00:37:00,970say a quick shout-out to everyone

72300:36:58,480 --> 00:37:02,949listening in on the SHR media network on

72400:37:00,969 --> 00:37:04,929paranormal forum if you're in the space

72500:37:02,949 --> 00:37:06,879note radio chat room on Spreaker or on

72600:37:04,929 --> 00:37:09,669facebook at you a for you chronicles or

72700:37:06,880 --> 00:37:11,890

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

our flagship chat room the SOR space

72800:37:09,670 --> 00:37:14,530travelers absolutely a pleasure to be

72900:37:11,889 --> 00:37:16,629broadcasting to you on a nightly basis

73000:37:14,530 --> 00:37:18,819if you want to follow us on twitter you

73100:37:16,630 --> 00:37:21,640can do so at space out radio give our

73200:37:18,818 --> 00:37:24,068Facebook page alike space out radio show

73300:37:21,639 --> 00:37:26,679on Instagram we can be follow to Dave

73400:37:24,068 --> 00:37:28,449Scott SOR our YouTube channel where we

73500:37:26,679 --> 00:37:30,699store our archives you can subscribe to

73600:37:28,449 --> 00:37:33,789it space out radio show and our website

73700:37:30,699 --> 00:37:36,549is spaced out tonight we are

73800:37:33,789 --> 00:37:40,029talking with Eugene Braxton America's

73900:37:36,550 --> 00:37:41,740most experienced mystic is the nickname

74000:37:40,030 --> 00:37:43,900he has I want to explain the whole

74100:37:41,739 --> 00:37:45,789password thing that I said right before

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74200:37:43,900 --> 00:37:47,588the break because I know Hilda

74300:37:45,789 --> 00:37:48,940Andy and Caitlyn are listening and good

74400:37:47,588 --> 00:37:51,159friends of mine we went for a drink

74500:37:48,940 --> 00:37:54,030after my daytime job today the whole

74600:37:51,159 --> 00:37:56,559password tonight is the natto phobia I

74700:37:54,030 --> 00:37:59,410don't know why but that's just the

74800:37:56,559 --> 00:38:01,599password bill Cardwell who listens in on

74900:37:59,409 --> 00:38:05,108the SOR space travelers he's here on a

75000:38:01,599 --> 00:38:07,088nightly basis few weeks ago he just

75100:38:05,108 --> 00:38:09,608started posting in there tonight's

75200:38:07,088 --> 00:38:12,068password is and I was trying to figure

75300:38:09,608 --> 00:38:15,548out what the hell the password was for

75400:38:12,068 --> 00:38:18,728but it's really for nothing it's just

75500:38:15,548 --> 00:38:21,248the password so every night when bill

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75600:38:18,728 --> 00:38:24,518comes into the SOR space travelers chat

75700:38:21,248 --> 00:38:27,458room on Facebook he announces the

75800:38:24,518 --> 00:38:29,468password and it's one of those little

75900:38:27,458 --> 00:38:32,318gimmicks that happens as you spend a lot

76000:38:29,469 --> 00:38:34,929of time together bill and Friends with

76100:38:32,318 --> 00:38:37,478this show all of you listening into this

76200:38:34,929 --> 00:38:39,458show with our guests and you kind of

76300:38:37,478 --> 00:38:41,489just run with it it's about having fun

76400:38:39,458 --> 00:38:45,940and making it all part of the experience

76500:38:41,489 --> 00:38:48,639the password is for nothing it just for

76600:38:45,940 --> 00:38:51,519nothing it's just the password for life

76700:38:48,639 --> 00:38:55,568I guess I have no idea but the password

76800:38:51,518 --> 00:38:57,998tonight is funada phobia Eugene Braxton

76900:38:55,568 --> 00:38:59,409once again is our guest - Eugene I had


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00:38:57,998 --> 00:39:01,598to get that out because I got a lot of

77100:38:59,409 --> 00:39:06,940people say what the hell is that all

77200:39:01,599 --> 00:39:09,789about so so I had to just get it out

77300:39:06,940 --> 00:39:11,499there it's all about having fun anyways

77400:39:09,789 --> 00:39:12,819right before the break we were talking

77500:39:11,498 --> 00:39:14,379about that there should be some sort of

77600:39:12,818 --> 00:39:16,989belief system in order to try and

77700:39:14,380 --> 00:39:19,858understand and get the answers to what

77800:39:16,989 --> 00:39:23,199is going on in life's little mysteries

77900:39:19,858 --> 00:39:26,858you have done so many interviews so many

78000:39:23,199 --> 00:39:28,588radio stations so many lectures about

78100:39:26,858 --> 00:39:32,048what you have learned about near-death

78200:39:28,588 --> 00:39:34,179experiences out-of-body experiences

78300:39:32,048 --> 00:39:37,690you're the go-to guy when it comes to

78400:39:34,179 --> 00:39:40,358

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this Eugene I mean when you have not

78500:39:37,690 --> 00:39:43,958only media but university professors

78600:39:40,358 --> 00:39:45,670asking you for opinions on why this is

78700:39:43,958 --> 00:39:48,788happening and please explain it to me

78800:39:45,670 --> 00:39:51,459you're you're not a stupid guy you're a

78900:39:48,789 --> 00:39:52,959guy who people look to for answers

79000:39:51,458 --> 00:39:54,548because we're not able to find the

79100:39:52,958 --> 00:39:56,558answers on our own but one of the

79200:39:54,548 --> 00:40:00,159subjects that you have really stayed

79300:39:56,559 --> 00:40:02,140away from and I don't know why maybe

79400:40:00,159 --> 00:40:04,958it's just never come up is the

79500:40:02,139 --> 00:40:07,748extra-terrestrial experience that you

79600:40:04,958 --> 00:40:09,848have had I would love for you to delve

79700:40:07,748 --> 00:40:14,379into that and when did that start

79800:40:09,849 --> 00:40:18,940happening for you yeah I've uh I've

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79900:40:14,380 --> 00:40:22,890lightly talked about it but not talked

80000:40:18,940 --> 00:40:26,079about it in any kind of research ways or

80100:40:22,889 --> 00:40:30,159gotten into any kind of depth of that

80200:40:26,079 --> 00:40:33,400and you asked me how did I get into the

80300:40:30,159 --> 00:40:35,679study of it yeah when did your first

80400:40:33,400 --> 00:40:44,559experience with extraterrestrials happen

80500:40:35,679 --> 00:40:48,159I was about six or seven and I was in

80600:40:44,559 --> 00:40:51,940bed we had bunk beds I had a brother and

80700:40:48,159 --> 00:40:54,578I saw this little what we would know as

80800:40:51,940 --> 00:40:58,000a gray poking his as I looked up at the

80900:40:54,579 --> 00:41:00,309ceiling saw him poking his head down at

81000:40:58,000 --> 00:41:02,739me and as though he had climbed up the

81100:41:00,309 --> 00:41:07,180bunk bed you know behind my head and

81200:41:02,739 --> 00:41:11,139looked down at me and then either I went

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81300:41:07,179 --> 00:41:13,449under the covers or I lost consciousness

81400:41:11,139 --> 00:41:15,900but I definitely remember that I'll

81500:41:13,449 --> 00:41:18,129never forget that that was the first

81600:41:15,900 --> 00:41:20,318thing and I might have back then thought

81700:41:18,130 --> 00:41:23,140I was imagining it but that was any

81800:41:20,318 --> 00:41:25,630peeked out at me when I was in bed I

81900:41:23,139 --> 00:41:28,568thought it's about 67 my brother was in

82000:41:25,630 --> 00:41:33,880the liver amputation probably asleep and

82100:41:28,568 --> 00:41:35,769then after that it would be right after

82200:41:33,880 --> 00:41:42,130the near-death I had been near death at

82300:41:35,769 --> 00:41:48,56815 and at 19 of his 19 year I saw a UFO

82400:41:42,130 --> 00:41:52,240with a school friend in Ohio Roger and

82500:41:48,568 --> 00:41:54,929it was on a main Boulevard where other

82600:41:52,239 --> 00:41:57,608cars were but when the UFO showed up


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00:41:54,929 --> 00:41:59,529nothing moved at all and out of the

82800:41:57,608 --> 00:42:02,558peripheral vision I could see the

82900:41:59,530 --> 00:42:05,109headlights of the other cars but they

83000:42:02,559 --> 00:42:09,119froze there during the entire sighting

83100:42:05,108 --> 00:42:14,469and that was the first full sighting and

83200:42:09,119 --> 00:42:19,539probable abduction and I've always kept

83300:42:14,469 --> 00:42:27,279the UFO things to myself just because

83400:42:19,539 --> 00:42:29,650it's so real realistically outlandish in

83500:42:27,280 --> 00:42:31,780one way it's realistic then in another

83600:42:29,650 --> 00:42:34,180way it's outlandish like in the

83700:42:31,780 --> 00:42:35,380conscious way it's outlandish to even

83800:42:34,179 --> 00:42:37,719think about those kind of things

83900:42:35,380 --> 00:42:39,309happening used to struggle with them

84000:42:37,719 --> 00:42:42,549during the dreams

84100:42:39,309 --> 00:42:44,559

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and then in the unconscious or spiritual

84200:42:42,550 --> 00:42:46,420way it's fully realistic because you

84300:42:44,559 --> 00:42:49,929know it's happening you're struggling

84400:42:46,420 --> 00:42:51,550with them and you remember it that's a

84500:42:49,929 --> 00:42:54,699sign if you remember the experience

84600:42:51,550 --> 00:42:57,580later it's usually more than a dream or

84700:42:54,699 --> 00:43:01,299something like that but uh I have these

84800:42:57,579 --> 00:43:05,860big huge scar marks on both my thighs up

84900:43:01,300 --> 00:43:11,320near the waist or you know in that in

85000:43:05,860 --> 00:43:14,230that crotch area on the thighs and I

85100:43:11,320 --> 00:43:16,660show dr. J he verified them and they had

85200:43:14,230 --> 00:43:21,369the same wet stitching so I have a

85300:43:16,659 --> 00:43:24,219personal stake in this I want to see the

85400:43:21,369 --> 00:43:24,819Y's didn t you know that that's what got

85500:43:24,219 --> 00:43:28,209me curious

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85600:43:24,820 --> 00:43:31,120but the sightings the head above my face

85700:43:28,210 --> 00:43:33,970and just like you said about one psychic

85800:43:31,119 --> 00:43:36,730occurrence bringing on another until

85900:43:33,969 --> 00:43:38,649their person is occurrence prone after

86000:43:36,730 --> 00:43:41,260that first sighting with Roger I would

86100:43:38,650 --> 00:43:43,930have another one within a year or so

86200:43:41,260 --> 00:43:46,120maybe that same summer over summer there

86300:43:43,929 --> 00:43:48,460were a few in the nineteen year old age

86400:43:46,119 --> 00:43:50,259group and then another one here in

86500:43:48,460 --> 00:43:52,000Philadelphia with my son and he had a

86600:43:50,260 --> 00:43:53,020football pads over he's coming from

86700:43:52,000 --> 00:43:55,659football practice

86800:43:53,019 --> 00:43:58,119like the peewee football and we saw one

86900:43:55,659 --> 00:44:01,929this was the sphere in the 70s it was a

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87000:43:58,119 --> 00:44:04,839saucer this one came as a white spear it

87100:44:01,929 --> 00:44:06,190looked like in fact we were driving on

87200:44:04,840 --> 00:44:08,100the highway near the Philly Airport I

87300:44:06,190 --> 00:44:10,389said look Eddie there's a planet Saturn

87400:44:08,099 --> 00:44:12,849it was a windy night and as I said

87500:44:10,389 --> 00:44:15,099Saturn and we looked at it we could see

87600:44:12,849 --> 00:44:17,230the Rings and all I realized that wait a

87700:44:15,099 --> 00:44:19,480second we can't see the planet Saturn

87800:44:17,230 --> 00:44:21,639from the earth and as we looked at it

87900:44:19,480 --> 00:44:23,380our vision magnified which is something

88000:44:21,639 --> 00:44:25,929that usually only happens when you're in

88100:44:23,380 --> 00:44:30,329spiritual form but the vision magnified

88200:44:25,929 --> 00:44:32,829we could see each individual ring so

88300:44:30,329 --> 00:44:36,489without seeing it move it suddenly went


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00:44:32,829 --> 00:44:39,579from a planet what looked like a the

88500:44:36,489 --> 00:44:42,099moon sized planet it Zdenek was suddenly

88600:44:39,579 --> 00:44:44,199in our atmosphere then above above the

88700:44:42,099 --> 00:44:45,699bridge that we were driving on and we

88800:44:44,199 --> 00:44:47,859slowed down thinking about other people

88900:44:45,699 --> 00:44:49,989and they were racing to go where they

89000:44:47,860 --> 00:44:53,119were going to go could see it too but no

89100:44:49,989 --> 00:44:56,088one even looked but he and I saw it

89200:44:53,119 --> 00:44:57,710it was right above our car and the

89300:44:56,088 --> 00:44:59,268traffic is too much for us to fully stop

89400:44:57,710 --> 00:45:02,809then it bounced across the highway and

89500:44:59,268 --> 00:45:06,018sunk down into this marsh and like

89600:45:02,809 --> 00:45:10,210sometimes experiences dude we just shook

89700:45:06,018 --> 00:45:14,389it off and continued on on our way but a

89800:45:10,210 --> 00:45:16,490

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month before that we had had a UFO

89900:45:14,389 --> 00:45:18,259sighting and a haunted house I had

90000:45:16,489 --> 00:45:20,479mentioned it once on spaced-out Radio a

90100:45:18,259 --> 00:45:25,039month later after the haunted house we

90200:45:20,480 --> 00:45:27,289saw this UFO on the highway so it's a

90300:45:25,039 --> 00:45:33,430lot of things that are connected but

90400:45:27,289 --> 00:45:38,390that UFO thing is especially spooky

90500:45:33,429 --> 00:45:39,949scary it's definitely real there's a lot

90600:45:38,389 --> 00:45:42,170of people you know people are talking

90700:45:39,949 --> 00:45:44,568about you know the aliens and nice there

90800:45:42,170 --> 00:45:47,930are space family and you should enter

90900:45:44,568 --> 00:45:50,469them into our earth and welcome them and

91000:45:47,929 --> 00:45:53,440all of us they want to help us us but

91100:45:50,469 --> 00:45:56,088when you really just coldly look at it

91200:45:53,440 --> 00:46:00,170there's not actually we don't know a lot

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91300:45:56,088 --> 00:46:02,239about these beings we don't know what

91400:46:00,170 --> 00:46:04,999they are we're not really sure what they

91500:46:02,239 --> 00:46:06,079are definitely everyone has ideas you

91600:46:04,998 --> 00:46:09,048don't know what they are we don't know

91700:46:06,079 --> 00:46:10,789where exactly they came from the stories

91800:46:09,048 --> 00:46:14,150that they tell people seem to differ

91900:46:10,789 --> 00:46:17,480each generation at some times they tell

92000:46:14,150 --> 00:46:21,680people outright lies they've actually

92100:46:17,480 --> 00:46:23,269gone and said that that one minute

92200:46:21,679 --> 00:46:25,879they're from the Pleiades then they're

92300:46:23,268 --> 00:46:27,588from Mars that in the 50s at one point

92400:46:25,880 --> 00:46:30,890they have claimed that they were Jesus

92500:46:27,588 --> 00:46:32,719Christ and God and we are at what Betty

92600:46:30,889 --> 00:46:33,288Hill was told when she asked who are you

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92700:46:32,719 --> 00:46:36,738guys

92800:46:33,289 --> 00:46:39,650they said we are your parents and so you

92900:46:36,739 --> 00:46:41,929get all kinds of answers about no real

93000:46:39,650 --> 00:46:44,869answers you can't get any kind of

93100:46:41,929 --> 00:46:47,989information from these beings a lot of

93200:46:44,869 --> 00:46:50,568them are cold and critical and a lot of

93300:46:47,989 --> 00:46:52,278people who have had UFO experiences

93400:46:50,568 --> 00:46:55,940almost have that Stockholm Syndrome

93500:46:52,278 --> 00:46:58,460where after being treated badly they

93600:46:55,940 --> 00:47:01,190then start to identify with the people

93700:46:58,460 --> 00:47:03,880who treated them badly so people have

93800:47:01,190 --> 00:47:07,500switched into seeing something that and

93900:47:03,880 --> 00:47:10,960there are good

94000:47:07,500 --> 00:47:14,860ETS for what people perceive as ETS


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00:47:10,960 --> 00:47:15,369some people believe that angels but they

94200:47:14,860 --> 00:47:16,930seer

94300:47:15,369 --> 00:47:20,679some people believe that what they see

94400:47:16,929 --> 00:47:22,089as angels they may possibly really think

94500:47:20,679 --> 00:47:24,519some people can't distinguish between

94600:47:22,090 --> 00:47:26,559angels and ETS I asked Betty Hilda I

94700:47:24,519 --> 00:47:28,719said do you ever think people mistake

94800:47:26,559 --> 00:47:31,900angels for extraterrestrials and she had

94900:47:28,719 --> 00:47:35,379never considered that but the

95000:47:31,900 --> 00:47:38,079similarities are exactly the same so

95100:47:35,380 --> 00:47:40,059it's the person just like coldly and I

95200:47:38,079 --> 00:47:42,730was good for working with dr. Jacobs

95300:47:40,059 --> 00:47:45,549because he just coldly analyzed other

95400:47:42,730 --> 00:47:49,539evidence that was in front of him and I

95500:47:45,550 --> 00:47:51,990

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took that a step further and the

95600:47:49,539 --> 00:47:57,340negative aspect of the UFO mythology

95700:47:51,989 --> 00:47:59,349went into the realm of demonism it

95800:47:57,340 --> 00:48:02,050literally and easily went there and

95900:47:59,349 --> 00:48:04,659other people from the past has backed

96000:48:02,050 --> 00:48:09,640that up like Hynek J Allen Hynek and

96100:48:04,659 --> 00:48:12,519Galilei and the holy books of all all

96200:48:09,639 --> 00:48:16,960 oh the free Maine holy books you

96300:48:12,519 --> 00:48:20,199know also back that up so the FBI has

96400:48:16,960 --> 00:48:22,990said it government scientists have said

96500:48:20,199 --> 00:48:24,759it and the two greatest miracle

96600:48:22,989 --> 00:48:27,309researchers in the last you know hundred

96700:48:24,760 --> 00:48:30,820years had said it and not to mention our

96800:48:27,309 --> 00:48:34,630own religious books from days of old so

96900:48:30,820 --> 00:48:35,920and then when the person really examines

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97000:48:34,630 --> 00:48:42,220is UFO phenomena

97100:48:35,920 --> 00:48:43,930you know phenomena they see that part of

97200:48:42,219 --> 00:48:45,730it is ritual thinking to think that

97300:48:43,929 --> 00:48:49,059these things these beings are here to

97400:48:45,730 --> 00:48:51,789help us and some of its outright denial

97500:48:49,059 --> 00:48:54,039and there's a lot to that but they the

97600:48:51,789 --> 00:48:55,659people have kind of been this make some

97700:48:54,039 --> 00:48:59,949wild to them to here but they've almost

97800:48:55,659 --> 00:49:02,259been brainwashed away from a real

97900:48:59,949 --> 00:49:05,559spirituality into a kind of like et

98000:49:02,260 --> 00:49:11,430spirituality where a reincarnation is

98100:49:05,559 --> 00:49:14,860the norm at a person at several lives

98200:49:11,429 --> 00:49:16,719there is no God or the name of Goddess

98300:49:14,860 --> 00:49:19,329change it's just it's a war kind of

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98400:49:16,719 --> 00:49:20,250thing and one lady I heard yesterday

98500:49:19,329 --> 00:49:24,279said

98600:49:20,250 --> 00:49:26,730that my a couple days ago but Maya the

98700:49:24,280 --> 00:49:30,519aliens who abducted me treated me badly

98800:49:26,730 --> 00:49:32,740but I still felt that they were all

98900:49:30,519 --> 00:49:33,880right or I still trusted them or

99000:49:32,739 --> 00:49:38,879something to that effect

99100:49:33,880 --> 00:49:42,070and but these things literally had like

99200:49:38,880 --> 00:49:44,769literally giving us nothing and they're

99300:49:42,070 --> 00:49:48,610always taking from us samples skin

99400:49:44,769 --> 00:49:51,509scrapings all of a cait they take a day

99500:49:48,610 --> 00:49:54,550and there's a lot I used to have

99600:49:51,510 --> 00:49:58,690beneficial and positive experiences with

99700:49:54,550 --> 00:50:01,570being - I felt were ETS or angels or a


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00:49:58,690 --> 00:50:04,210combination of both but these spirit

99900:50:01,570 --> 00:50:07,450beings and I would go and it's a part of

100000:50:04,210 --> 00:50:09,340that abduction indoctrination to go to

100100:50:07,449 --> 00:50:11,139learning centers or Loden learning

100200:50:09,340 --> 00:50:13,059levels there's always like a layer

100300:50:11,139 --> 00:50:15,190behind the layer there's like the

100400:50:13,059 --> 00:50:17,679reality there's like the illusion that

100500:50:15,190 --> 00:50:19,420people initially see and then there's a

100600:50:17,679 --> 00:50:21,369reality behind the illusion like a used

100700:50:19,420 --> 00:50:23,470car it looks fine then when you get into

100800:50:21,369 --> 00:50:25,509that 50 miles it breaks down so this and

100900:50:23,469 --> 00:50:29,529in the near death there was a reality

101000:50:25,510 --> 00:50:33,010behind me normal what people see as a

101100:50:29,530 --> 00:50:33,670near-death illusion so is in the solving

101200:50:33,010 --> 00:50:35,980

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of the near-death

101300:50:33,670 --> 00:50:39,329there was a sub reality behind that and

101400:50:35,980 --> 00:50:42,400that merged in with another reality that

101500:50:39,329 --> 00:50:43,799would seemingly be a polar opposite I

101600:50:42,400 --> 00:50:47,530think you understand what I'm saying but

101700:50:43,800 --> 00:50:49,360it's good to double and triple look into

101800:50:47,530 --> 00:50:53,740things especially uh when you have

101900:50:49,360 --> 00:50:55,300beings from another dimension it seems

102000:50:53,739 --> 00:50:57,759like they're coming from endless death

102100:50:55,300 --> 00:50:59,500more to serve in a planet because we

102200:50:57,760 --> 00:51:02,200could see them through disguise if they

102300:50:59,500 --> 00:51:05,619were coming from a planet and I helped

102400:51:02,199 --> 00:51:07,779dr. J to curb his thinking and be more

102500:51:05,619 --> 00:51:10,719bendable in the way of thinking about

102600:51:07,780 --> 00:51:12,280because he was of the mindset that these

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102700:51:10,719 --> 00:51:14,589beings are physical beings coming

102800:51:12,280 --> 00:51:18,190physical ships from a physical planet

102900:51:14,590 --> 00:51:23,920yeah but the things that they do defy

103000:51:18,190 --> 00:51:25,780all of that and like the doctor Minister

103100:51:23,920 --> 00:51:27,849chuck Missler said you'd see easily see

103200:51:25,780 --> 00:51:30,580them coming in the sky just like we can

103300:51:27,849 --> 00:51:33,818see comic reader like right and those

103400:51:30,579 --> 00:51:35,768kind of but but eugene some people

103500:51:33,818 --> 00:51:38,469and see them coming give me an example

103600:51:35,768 --> 00:51:41,588my booking coordinator Cory I call her a

103700:51:38,469 --> 00:51:45,608summoner she can go outside at any clear

103800:51:41,588 --> 00:51:48,518night and see them yet yes but what is

103900:51:45,608 --> 00:51:50,619she seeing no I mean it's because

104000:51:48,518 --> 00:51:52,419definitely that they're there and it's

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104100:51:50,619 --> 00:51:55,778uh cuz they're seeing you know what is

104200:51:52,420 --> 00:51:56,469it you know it comes it comes from

104300:51:55,778 --> 00:51:59,108lights

104400:51:56,469 --> 00:52:00,849it comes from ships in the sky when

104500:51:59,108 --> 00:52:02,170you're watching and a lot of people will

104600:52:00,849 --> 00:52:02,890say well maybe she's just seeing a

104700:52:02,170 --> 00:52:05,229satellite

104800:52:02,889 --> 00:52:11,199well the satellite doesn't stop and

104900:52:05,228 --> 00:52:14,768didn't do a 90 degree turn right yeah I

105000:52:11,199 --> 00:52:17,559mean like I'm sure that she's seen UFO

105100:52:14,768 --> 00:52:20,169activity but when it gets down to these

105200:52:17,559 --> 00:52:23,019UFOs and these aliens what really are we

105300:52:20,170 --> 00:52:24,519seeing or you know or their appearance

105400:52:23,018 --> 00:52:25,958here is that some kind of illusion too


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00:52:24,518 --> 00:52:27,639there seem to be all kind of things

105600:52:25,958 --> 00:52:30,219where they could morph into this move

105700:52:27,639 --> 00:52:33,219into that but behind like what we see

105800:52:30,219 --> 00:52:36,369them presenting to us what are they in

105900:52:33,219 --> 00:52:37,838origin and like that because we'd

106000:52:36,369 --> 00:52:41,949there's so little that we really know

106100:52:37,838 --> 00:52:46,058about them oh absolutely but are leaving

106200:52:41,949 --> 00:52:49,269tracks and traces that can be followed

106300:52:46,059 --> 00:52:52,499oh very understandable Eugene but it

106400:52:49,268 --> 00:52:55,629also comes down to the fact that that

106500:52:52,498 --> 00:52:59,348it's our own governments who have made

106600:52:55,630 --> 00:53:02,229contact who are not filling us in on

106700:52:59,349 --> 00:53:04,359what the truth is and even the Pope for

106800:53:02,228 --> 00:53:06,028instance who has come out this year and

106900:53:04,358 --> 00:53:08,228

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said he believes there is

107000:53:06,028 --> 00:53:10,088extraterrestrials outside of Earth and

107100:53:08,228 --> 00:53:13,538that God has created life outside of

107200:53:10,088 --> 00:53:15,548this planet he has not come out and said

107300:53:13,539 --> 00:53:18,278what he knows so there's this big

107400:53:15,548 --> 00:53:20,650mystique and mystery from our leaders

107500:53:18,278 --> 00:53:23,139who are we are supposed to trust who are

107600:53:20,650 --> 00:53:25,588keeping people in the dark because I

107700:53:23,139 --> 00:53:28,179don't believe for a second that all

107800:53:25,588 --> 00:53:31,538extraterrestrials are bad just be like I

107900:53:28,179 --> 00:53:33,548don't believe all races are bad I don't

108000:53:31,539 --> 00:53:36,219believe all Muslims are bad I don't

108100:53:33,548 --> 00:53:39,248believe all Christians are bad or all

108200:53:36,219 --> 00:53:41,289Jews or or people who fought for the

108300:53:39,248 --> 00:53:44,348Nazis in World War two

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108400:53:41,289 --> 00:53:46,959many of them didn't have a choice it was

108500:53:44,349 --> 00:53:47,800fight it was fight or die or will kill

108600:53:46,958 --> 00:53:50,009your family

108700:53:47,800 --> 00:53:52,720they had no choice they didn't want to

108800:53:50,010 --> 00:53:57,310and I believe that strongly with the

108900:53:52,719 --> 00:53:59,439extraterrestrials as well the seed with

109000:53:57,309 --> 00:54:02,920the government and and the regular

109100:53:59,440 --> 00:54:04,210people know that they're ETS and you see

109200:54:02,920 --> 00:54:06,550them in the skies people are taking

109300:54:04,210 --> 00:54:08,289thousands of videos and some good ones

109400:54:06,550 --> 00:54:09,880too and you can go in like NASA and

109500:54:08,289 --> 00:54:11,710stuff and see hundreds of these things

109600:54:09,880 --> 00:54:14,200floating and sitting all about what the

109700:54:11,710 --> 00:54:16,210skiers on a hot summer night there's a

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109800:54:14,199 --> 00:54:17,679lot of them like when you go on the NASA

109900:54:16,210 --> 00:54:20,349sites and see those things the ones

110000:54:17,679 --> 00:54:23,949there's a they're swarming the planning

110100:54:20,349 --> 00:54:26,799whatever they are and but with the

110200:54:23,949 --> 00:54:28,389government and there's a big question

110300:54:26,800 --> 00:54:33,060mark with these aliens we just can't

110400:54:28,389 --> 00:54:35,259assume that they're some cool you know

110500:54:33,059 --> 00:54:40,360interplanetary species going to be cool

110600:54:35,260 --> 00:54:42,850with us because uh just like with these

110700:54:40,360 --> 00:54:45,130ETS we do have to let our apprehension

110800:54:42,849 --> 00:54:46,690extend further than our comprehension

110900:54:45,130 --> 00:54:50,230because they're not revealing much to

111000:54:46,690 --> 00:54:51,820them and they're extracting you won't

111100:54:50,230 --> 00:54:54,820believe what they're extracting from us


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00:54:51,820 --> 00:54:57,760and I guess like talk about that later

111300:54:54,820 --> 00:54:58,720but they're fully using us and the bad

111400:54:57,760 --> 00:55:01,180ones I'm talking about

111500:54:58,719 --> 00:55:04,389there are good ones and I've dealt with

111600:55:01,179 --> 00:55:06,369them but who knows what reasons they may

111700:55:04,389 --> 00:55:08,049have interacted me with me in a

111800:55:06,369 --> 00:55:11,380beneficial way they might have been

111900:55:08,050 --> 00:55:13,360grooming the subject they definitely had

112000:55:11,380 --> 00:55:15,910to have a plan and they definitely have

112100:55:13,360 --> 00:55:17,349abilities and powers beyond ours but we

112200:55:15,909 --> 00:55:18,609just definitely be careful with these

112300:55:17,349 --> 00:55:20,619things that we don't even know what they

112400:55:18,610 --> 00:55:22,900are they can switch they know our past

112500:55:20,619 --> 00:55:24,969present future these are pretty powerful

112600:55:22,900 --> 00:55:26,920

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things and we've got to watch it well

112700:55:24,969 --> 00:55:28,509this leads into Lynn's question this

112800:55:26,920 --> 00:55:31,329leads into Lynn's question coming from

112900:55:28,510 --> 00:55:33,760paranormal forum do you believe eugene

113000:55:31,329 --> 00:55:40,269that extraterrestrials are demonic

113100:55:33,760 --> 00:55:44,860I believe that extraterrestrials are

113200:55:40,269 --> 00:55:46,989spiritual beings and demons are

113300:55:44,860 --> 00:55:49,200spiritual beings so I believe that their

113400:55:46,989 --> 00:55:51,719death I believe that some

113500:55:49,199 --> 00:55:54,849extraterrestrials are definitely demonic

113600:55:51,719 --> 00:55:56,829just as you know you said nothing is all

113700:55:54,849 --> 00:55:59,529in one way and even with those spirit

113800:55:56,829 --> 00:56:02,819things there's definitely some bad ones

113900:55:59,530 --> 00:56:02,820in there probably about a fairy

114000:56:04,679 --> 00:56:14,049yeah there are no angels and you know

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114100:56:11,079 --> 00:56:15,519what I agree with you I do on that that

114200:56:14,050 --> 00:56:20,289I do believe there are some that are

114300:56:15,519 --> 00:56:22,150just so evil that you know they'd be

114400:56:20,289 --> 00:56:23,679more interested in than having us for

114500:56:22,150 --> 00:56:26,349dinner and I mean us being the main

114600:56:23,679 --> 00:56:29,679course then helping us solve the riddles

114700:56:26,349 --> 00:56:30,579of life and mankind I get that I can

114800:56:29,679 --> 00:56:35,019appreciate that

114900:56:30,579 --> 00:56:38,739right but I also coming from another

115000:56:35,019 --> 00:56:41,619country and seeing and talking to

115100:56:38,739 --> 00:56:44,609Canadian people I'll pass this theory on

115200:56:41,619 --> 00:56:49,900to you to get your opinion of it and

115300:56:44,610 --> 00:56:52,990that opinion is and this isn't

115400:56:49,900 --> 00:56:57,070scientific by any sort so it's just my

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115500:56:52,989 --> 00:56:58,959own theory I strongly believe that what

115600:56:57,070 --> 00:57:03,269is happening with people down in the

115700:56:58,960 --> 00:57:06,550United States with very negative contact

115800:57:03,269 --> 00:57:08,530is quite contrary to most Canadian

115900:57:06,550 --> 00:57:11,830people I have met who have had contact

116000:57:08,530 --> 00:57:15,330and I strongly believe that that has to

116100:57:11,829 --> 00:57:18,789do with the fact that in 1947 or partly

116200:57:15,329 --> 00:57:22,6301953 President Eisenhower when he was on

116300:57:18,789 --> 00:57:25,090tour to California went into Edwards Air

116400:57:22,630 --> 00:57:30,700Force Base and cut a deal which was

116500:57:25,090 --> 00:57:31,510humans for technology and that's why

116600:57:30,699 --> 00:57:33,399they Hey

116700:57:31,510 --> 00:57:34,930and it could have probably it could have

116800:57:33,400 --> 00:57:40,720easily happened yeah I could see that


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00:57:34,929 --> 00:57:44,259happening and yes go ahead no one that's

117000:57:40,719 --> 00:57:46,480why I strongly believe eugene that there

117100:57:44,260 --> 00:57:48,130is a lot of differing opinions and it's

117200:57:46,480 --> 00:57:50,469not just the u.s. there's a lot of

117300:57:48,130 --> 00:57:54,010negative experiences happening in Russia

117400:57:50,469 --> 00:57:56,618in Europe okay like Britain all these

117500:57:54,010 --> 00:57:59,590major players on the world scene four

117600:57:56,619 --> 00:58:03,039world powers that have all of this

117700:57:59,590 --> 00:58:05,680military technology and yet the

117800:58:03,039 --> 00:58:09,279countries that are smaller such as

117900:58:05,679 --> 00:58:12,639Canada such as Mexico such as Brazil

118000:58:09,280 --> 00:58:14,540such as Portugal who have taken another

118100:58:12,639 --> 00:58:18,650step towards

118200:58:14,539 --> 00:58:22,579uf ology don't seem to be having the

118300:58:18,650 --> 00:58:24,500

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negative as much as the other countries

118400:58:22,579 --> 00:58:30,289who are more technically advanced

118500:58:24,500 --> 00:58:32,150especially militarily I mean you know

118600:58:30,289 --> 00:58:33,920they might they might have certain

118700:58:32,150 --> 00:58:36,079countries that they might be their

118800:58:33,920 --> 00:58:39,320number one their prime select the stock

118900:58:36,079 --> 00:58:41,199in their secondary and they made the

119000:58:39,320 --> 00:58:46,640other countries may simply be in a

119100:58:41,199 --> 00:58:48,980downgraded assembly line if you walk and

119200:58:46,639 --> 00:58:51,500they're uh they're operating in all

119300:58:48,980 --> 00:58:54,519facets and they seem to be operating

119400:58:51,500 --> 00:58:57,230heavily you have operating in a

119500:58:54,519 --> 00:58:58,730clandestine way we can't even see them

119600:58:57,230 --> 00:59:01,190because a lot of times they're taking

119700:58:58,730 --> 00:59:03,740the actual body and they're deriving

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119800:59:01,190 --> 00:59:09,409from us way more than just skin

119900:59:03,739 --> 00:59:12,019samplings and physical stuff its DNA

120000:59:09,409 --> 00:59:16,129they're uh they're actually involved

120100:59:12,019 --> 00:59:18,349with the soul energy process and that

120200:59:16,130 --> 00:59:20,450can be fully drained from us when we

120300:59:18,349 --> 00:59:24,170sleep that's a couple days ago you said

120400:59:20,449 --> 00:59:26,029that you had fallen asleep when you woke

120500:59:24,170 --> 00:59:27,980up you felt drained so you hadn't slept

120600:59:26,030 --> 00:59:30,740at all and a lot of times they will

120700:59:27,980 --> 00:59:32,780drain the cosmic energy out of out of a

120800:59:30,739 --> 00:59:34,699being they can they could do it directly

120900:59:32,780 --> 00:59:37,519from the astral body but when the person

121000:59:34,699 --> 00:59:40,849sleeping but that's not cosmic energy

121100:59:37,519 --> 00:59:43,789might boost them bruce's them hundreds

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121200:59:40,849 --> 00:59:49,429of years maybe even from just like hey

121300:59:43,789 --> 00:59:52,759uh maybe a month or a half a month but

121400:59:49,429 --> 00:59:55,099uh so that's a lot of what they're

121500:59:52,760 --> 00:59:57,890taking too it's electromagnetic and

121600:59:55,099 --> 01:00:00,469they're draining us of the cosmic energy

121700:59:57,889 --> 01:00:02,989in addition to using us for sex taking

121801:00:00,469 --> 01:00:08,480samples of our skin restraining us it's

121901:00:02,989 --> 01:00:10,909monstrous in an equal way that if the

122001:00:08,480 --> 01:00:15,139people have good experiences those are

122101:00:10,909 --> 01:00:17,179almost too wonderful to ecstatic and the

122201:00:15,139 --> 01:00:19,909ones who have bad experiences it's the

122301:00:17,179 --> 01:00:21,859opposite extreme but so you have that

122401:00:19,909 --> 01:00:24,259agony and then you have the ecstasy and

122501:00:21,860 --> 01:00:26,000we that's why it's important to find out


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01:00:24,260 --> 01:00:27,890what these things because the people are

122701:00:26,000 --> 01:00:28,489having the agony are going to a lot of

122801:00:27,889 --> 01:00:30,769stuff

122901:00:28,489 --> 01:00:33,169and some of them will be changed forever

123001:00:30,769 --> 01:00:36,259psychologically you know everyone

123101:00:33,170 --> 01:00:40,880couldn't handle and I don't think a lot

123201:00:36,260 --> 01:00:44,420of time I can't handle it yeah yeah but

123301:00:40,880 --> 01:00:46,490with the government see I feel that like

123401:00:44,420 --> 01:00:49,010for me I am NOT going to the government

123501:00:46,489 --> 01:00:51,259they probably date I know they know way

123601:00:49,010 --> 01:00:52,760more than what director people do

123701:00:51,260 --> 01:01:00,320because I have a friend who's in the CIA

123801:00:52,760 --> 01:01:02,780and so they know more about the aliens

123901:01:00,320 --> 01:01:05,750than we do but it's stupid for the

124001:01:02,780 --> 01:01:07,220

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citizens to outrightly tell the

124101:01:05,750 --> 01:01:13,400government that you're keeping

124201:01:07,219 --> 01:01:15,109information from us if it's true then if

124301:01:13,400 --> 01:01:16,940it's not true they're not going to be

124401:01:15,110 --> 01:01:18,950mad and keep it any but if it's true

124501:01:16,940 --> 01:01:20,360they're still going to keep it you can't

124601:01:18,949 --> 01:01:22,099like really fight your government

124701:01:20,360 --> 01:01:23,300especially like say you know when you're

124801:01:22,099 --> 01:01:26,779telling them to tell us the secret

124901:01:23,300 --> 01:01:29,090because they're doing it what they think

125001:01:26,780 --> 01:01:32,660is for the general safety of the country

125101:01:29,090 --> 01:01:34,220and the individuals can wait but some of

125201:01:32,659 --> 01:01:36,649the stuff that they have possibly

125301:01:34,219 --> 01:01:38,839learned is stuff that maybe regular

125401:01:36,650 --> 01:01:42,769people shouldn't know especially the

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125501:01:38,840 --> 01:01:44,510stuff on the dark side and there's a lot

125601:01:42,769 --> 01:01:47,599of people who literally could not handle

125701:01:44,510 --> 01:01:49,609some of the information that the

125801:01:47,599 --> 01:01:51,500government knows about things that like

125901:01:49,608 --> 01:01:54,289you and I know but that regular house

126001:01:51,500 --> 01:01:55,730moms and athletes don't know what's you

126101:01:54,289 --> 01:01:58,429know some of the stuff that's going on

126201:01:55,730 --> 01:02:00,320with any kind of possible government

126301:01:58,429 --> 01:02:03,049thing but you can't make the government

126401:02:00,320 --> 01:02:04,430do it and here in this country if you

126501:02:03,050 --> 01:02:07,580start bitching about the government too

126601:02:04,429 --> 01:02:10,309much like you some you'll get silenced

126701:02:07,579 --> 01:02:13,340and so it's stupid to go against your

126801:02:10,309 --> 01:02:15,320own government trying to make them give

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126901:02:13,340 --> 01:02:17,090you something that you can't make them

127001:02:15,320 --> 01:02:19,670give it to you and they may not want to

127101:02:17,090 --> 01:02:21,019so it's easier to just go out and find

127201:02:19,670 --> 01:02:24,349the answers yourself which a lot of

127301:02:21,019 --> 01:02:26,960people are doing but definitely with us

127401:02:24,349 --> 01:02:28,250here with me I'm not going to be saying

127501:02:26,960 --> 01:02:29,960that the government's doing this or

127601:02:28,250 --> 01:02:31,670doing this or withholding because that

127701:02:29,960 --> 01:02:35,179you know you'll find yourself in trouble

127801:02:31,670 --> 01:02:37,539fast and so I'm not playing it up but

127901:02:35,179 --> 01:02:40,460I'm sure they know way more than us and

128001:02:37,539 --> 01:02:42,409they get their information from us

128101:02:40,460 --> 01:02:43,789anyway so the regular people we have the

128201:02:42,409 --> 01:02:46,009of knowledge all we have to do is just


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01:02:43,789 --> 01:02:47,929concentrate it together then government

128401:02:46,010 --> 01:02:49,520will be coming to us but you can't make

128501:02:47,929 --> 01:02:50,929government doing nothing and I'm not

128601:02:49,519 --> 01:02:52,849gonna throw any stones at them by

128701:02:50,929 --> 01:02:56,839telling that they're withholding stuff

128801:02:52,849 --> 01:02:58,759cuz I'm not fighting any government me

128901:02:56,840 --> 01:03:00,500either my friend Eugene I'm gonna get

129001:02:58,760 --> 01:03:02,540you to hold on we're gonna hop out for a

129101:03:00,500 --> 01:03:04,309break here at the top of the hour we're

129201:03:02,539 --> 01:03:08,210gonna continue the et talk before

129301:03:04,309 --> 01:03:10,009getting into some OBEs and NDEs Eugene

129401:03:08,210 --> 01:03:13,190Braxton is our guest he's known as

129501:03:10,010 --> 01:03:14,990America's most experienced mystic he's

129601:03:13,190 --> 01:03:16,670on the show tonight you're listening to

129701:03:14,989 --> 01:03:23,959

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spaced out radio I am your host Dave

129801:03:16,670 --> 01:03:25,849Scott we'll be right back greetings and

129901:03:23,960 --> 01:03:30,349salutations space travelers from The

130001:03:25,849 --> 01:03:32,299Chronicles of the unknown team what is

130101:03:30,349 --> 01:03:36,289qualities available I keep hearing about

130201:03:32,300 --> 01:03:38,269this thing it's a new paranormal reality

130301:03:36,289 --> 01:03:40,789TV show based for right here in

130401:03:38,269 --> 01:03:42,800beautiful British Columbia Canada follow

130501:03:40,789 --> 01:03:44,980our team as we uncover claims of

130601:03:42,800 --> 01:03:47,930activity on the caribou Gold Rush trail

130701:03:44,980 --> 01:03:49,550you can also follow us here every third

130801:03:47,929 --> 01:03:50,869Monday where two members of our team

130901:03:49,550 --> 01:03:52,820will be available to answer your

131001:03:50,869 --> 01:03:54,949questions we'll give you some equipment

131101:03:52,820 --> 01:03:57,920updates and some of our experiences on

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131201:03:54,949 --> 01:04:01,960the road right here on spaced out radio

131301:03:57,920 --> 01:04:01,960on the network

131401:04:15,909 --> 01:04:19,159you believe you've been in contact with

131501:04:18,170 --> 01:04:22,430extraterrestrials

131601:04:19,159 --> 01:04:25,248how do you seen the greys the mantis or

131701:04:22,429 --> 01:04:27,379the reptilians I am Samantha mullet and

131801:04:25,248 --> 01:04:29,058on the second Tuesday of each month you

131901:04:27,380 --> 01:04:31,249can listen to learn from my experiences

132001:04:29,059 --> 01:04:33,769with off-worlders on spaced out radio

132101:04:31,248 --> 01:04:35,538the each experience with hosts Dave

132201:04:33,768 --> 01:04:37,159Scott will sit down and chat about

132301:04:35,539 --> 01:04:39,079what's going on with our friends mother

132401:04:37,159 --> 01:04:41,328Roe will also try to answer your

132501:04:39,079 --> 01:04:43,430questions so please tune in on the

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132601:04:41,329 --> 01:04:47,209second Tuesday of the month follow me on

132701:04:43,429 --> 01:04:50,298spaced out radio are you interested in

132801:04:47,208 --> 01:04:53,568advertising on spaced out radio head to

132901:04:50,298 --> 01:04:57,318our website at spaced out and

133001:04:53,568 --> 01:04:59,298click on our advertising tab there you

133101:04:57,318 --> 01:05:01,579will find an assortment of ways you can

133201:04:59,298 --> 01:05:03,739get your product out there with us from

133301:05:01,579 --> 01:05:06,589radio commercials to banners and social

133401:05:03,739 --> 01:05:09,739media have a product you like our hosts

133501:05:06,588 --> 01:05:13,389to endorse we can do that to visit

133601:05:09,739 --> 01:05:16,099spaced-out for more details

133701:05:13,389 --> 01:05:16,969did you know that spaced-out radio runs

133801:05:16,099 --> 01:05:19,160seven days a week

133901:05:16,969 --> 01:05:21,708hi it's James Tyson from spaced out


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01:05:19,159 --> 01:05:23,929weekend every Saturday and Sunday night

134101:05:21,708 --> 01:05:26,690starting at 9 p.m. Pacific midnight

134201:05:23,929 --> 01:05:28,308Eastern you can join me and my guests

134301:05:26,690 --> 01:05:30,650for some great chatter about what's

134401:05:28,309 --> 01:05:32,059going on out in the universe or even in

134501:05:30,650 --> 01:05:34,249that dark part of the basement you

134601:05:32,059 --> 01:05:35,479really don't want to go back into well

134701:05:34,248 --> 01:05:37,818let's find the answers to your

134801:05:35,478 --> 01:05:39,288experiences together to come on up to

134901:05:37,818 --> 01:05:41,298Uncle Jim Beau's cabin on the weekend

135001:05:39,289 --> 01:05:48,140for more information look us up

135101:05:41,298 --> 01:05:50,900spaced-out you hear footsteps

135201:05:48,139 --> 01:05:53,679in the empty room above you and a

135301:05:50,900 --> 01:05:56,209rocking chair begins rocking by itself

135401:05:53,679 --> 01:05:59,268

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don't be afraid of the things that go

135501:05:56,208 --> 01:06:02,088bump in the night reach for spirit story

135601:05:59,268 --> 01:06:05,629box the iPhone app The Huffington Post

135701:06:02,088 --> 01:06:09,228UK called the only ghost hunting app you

135801:06:05,630 --> 01:06:11,358will ever need spirit story box the

135901:06:09,228 --> 01:06:15,379spirits are telling their stories are

136001:06:11,358 --> 01:06:17,598you listening attention spaced out radio

136101:06:15,380 --> 01:06:19,489listeners for only $5 a month you can

136201:06:17,599 --> 01:06:21,380join spaced out radio space travelers

136301:06:19,489 --> 01:06:22,369your membership at spaced-out

136401:06:21,380 --> 01:06:24,289will give

136501:06:22,369 --> 01:06:26,750access to private found on the website

136601:06:24,289 --> 01:06:28,849get you a monthly newsletter drawers for

136701:06:26,750 --> 01:06:30,170monthly swag and a whole lot more sign

136801:06:28,849 --> 01:07:04,940up today to become a part of the

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

136901:06:30,170 --> 01:07:07,579spaced-out radio experience if you're a

137001:07:04,940 --> 01:07:10,130fan of social media you can follow space

137101:07:07,579 --> 01:07:12,529don't radio on twitter that space don't

137201:07:10,130 --> 01:07:15,050break it give our Facebook page away

137301:07:12,530 --> 01:07:18,710spaced out radio show you can also

137401:07:15,050 --> 01:07:21,019follow us on Instagram Dave Scott SOR

137501:07:18,710 --> 01:07:23,329our YouTube channel where art

137601:07:21,019 --> 01:07:26,630connoisseur store is space help radio

137701:07:23,329 --> 01:07:30,949show and our website is space out radio

137801:07:26,630 --> 01:07:32,840calm welcome back to the second hour of

137901:07:30,949 --> 01:07:34,549space out radio tonight I am your host

138001:07:32,840 --> 01:07:37,250Dave Scott thank you so much for your

138101:07:34,550 --> 01:07:39,440tuning in on the SHR Media Network if

138201:07:37,250 --> 01:07:42,320you're on paranormal forum listening in

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

138301:07:39,440 --> 01:07:44,510tonight if you are on the SOR space

138401:07:42,320 --> 01:07:45,080travelers on Facebook as well as youa

138501:07:44,510 --> 01:07:47,660phoria

138601:07:45,079 --> 01:07:49,519Chronicles or the space out radio chat

138701:07:47,659 --> 01:07:52,099room on Springer thank you for tuning us

138801:07:49,519 --> 01:07:53,809in appreciate you spending some time

138901:07:52,099 --> 01:07:55,969with us tonight tomorrow night on the

139001:07:53,809 --> 01:07:57,519show Victor V Gianni will be on we're

139101:07:55,969 --> 01:07:59,480going to talk disclosure

139201:07:57,519 --> 01:08:01,699extraterrestrials and what does the

139301:07:59,480 --> 01:08:03,530government know as he prepares for the

139401:08:01,699 --> 01:08:06,169alien cosmic Expo we're going to be

139501:08:03,530 --> 01:08:08,660talking a lot of ETS and disclosure this

139601:08:06,170 --> 01:08:10,670month leading up to the cosmic Expo it's


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01:08:08,659 --> 01:08:14,719going to be a very intriguing

139801:08:10,670 --> 01:08:16,699conversation indeed I want to remind you

139901:08:14,719 --> 01:08:18,949you can follow us on twitter at spaced

140001:08:16,699 --> 01:08:21,859out radio give our facebook page 'like

140101:08:18,949 --> 01:08:24,349spaced-out radio show on Instagram I can

140201:08:21,859 --> 01:08:26,689be followed at Dave Scott SOR our

140301:08:24,350 --> 01:08:28,730YouTube channel is spaced out radio show

140401:08:26,689 --> 01:08:31,250subscribe to that to hit our archives up

140501:08:28,729 --> 01:08:32,989and our website is spaced out radio calm

140601:08:31,250 --> 01:08:34,880tonight we are talking with Eugene

140701:08:32,989 --> 01:08:35,599Braxton we're talking extraterrestrials

140801:08:34,880 --> 01:08:38,838we're

140901:08:35,599 --> 01:08:40,250NDEs Oh bees and any other part of the

141001:08:38,838 --> 01:08:44,389alphabet we can figure out and put

141101:08:40,250 --> 01:08:46,520

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together eugene welcome back thanks dad

141201:08:44,389 --> 01:08:49,159I want to start off with a question from

141301:08:46,520 --> 01:08:51,650Galen in this SOR space travelers on

141401:08:49,158 --> 01:08:53,448Facebook there have been many who have

141501:08:51,649 --> 01:08:55,818been taken that say they are put on a

141601:08:53,448 --> 01:08:58,428ship being shown how to fly it and other

141701:08:55,819 --> 01:09:02,079tasks why would this happen is it

141801:08:58,429 --> 01:09:02,078something for the future in your opinion

141901:09:04,899 --> 01:09:12,250I've heard about people of saying that

142001:09:08,298 --> 01:09:14,539they fly ships I think they may be uh

142101:09:12,250 --> 01:09:18,039they may be checking to see what

142201:09:14,539 --> 01:09:22,130people's like a natural ability might be

142301:09:18,039 --> 01:09:23,689some might be telepathic receivers some

142401:09:22,130 --> 01:09:26,690might be telepathic senders some might

142501:09:23,689 --> 01:09:29,328be able to interface with the UFO and

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142601:09:26,689 --> 01:09:33,559command it I think they might have been

142701:09:29,328 --> 01:09:38,479trying to evaluate the the ability of

142801:09:33,560 --> 01:09:39,889the subject or experiencer hmm that's

142901:09:38,479 --> 01:09:41,509what I would guess I don't think they

143001:09:39,889 --> 01:09:43,130would deliberately let a human have

143101:09:41,509 --> 01:09:45,828control of the ship I'd love to have

143201:09:43,130 --> 01:09:47,750control of one of you emotions I'd like

143301:09:45,828 --> 01:09:50,630to try it out too because it's something

143401:09:47,750 --> 01:09:53,238that I am very very intrigued with I

143501:09:50,630 --> 01:09:56,659know with my personal experiences where

143601:09:53,238 --> 01:09:59,479I have had a ship land 150 yards away

143701:09:56,658 --> 01:10:02,388from me I've seen extraterrestrials up

143801:09:59,479 --> 01:10:05,750close if it were to happen now and I

143901:10:02,389 --> 01:10:09,590wish you know hindsight being 20/20 that

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144001:10:05,750 --> 01:10:12,408I knew what I know now back then I could

144101:10:09,590 --> 01:10:15,050guarantee you I would we be walking up

144201:10:12,408 --> 01:10:17,479to the extra-terrestrial I'm not sure

144301:10:15,050 --> 01:10:19,460about the ship because there is apparent

144401:10:17,479 --> 01:10:22,959radiation that comes off of those that

144501:10:19,460 --> 01:10:26,569isn't very good for human consumption

144601:10:22,960 --> 01:10:31,849but the extra-terrestrial I definitely

144701:10:26,569 --> 01:10:37,069would so my opinion on this is one of

144801:10:31,849 --> 01:10:39,949curiosity and yet one of an elegant fear

144901:10:37,069 --> 01:10:41,840if I can use that term because you know

145001:10:39,948 --> 01:10:44,710you still have to remind ourselves that

145101:10:41,840 --> 01:10:47,960we are human and we are susceptible to

145201:10:44,710 --> 01:10:48,859almost everything that is out of the

145301:10:47,960 --> 01:10:52,840norm for


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01:10:48,859 --> 01:10:58,479our own human anatomy would you agree I

145501:10:52,840 --> 01:11:01,250would and when that natural Inklings of

145601:10:58,479 --> 01:11:03,589primal fear or natural Inklings of

145701:11:01,250 --> 01:11:05,779apprehension come up that's our own

145801:11:03,590 --> 01:11:08,659body's natural way of telling us that

145901:11:05,779 --> 01:11:10,759our spider senses are on and to be on

146001:11:08,658 --> 01:11:12,408the alert to be careful and it's good

146101:11:10,760 --> 01:11:15,020that people feel that and it's good that

146201:11:12,408 --> 01:11:17,029they listen to it because it's the

146301:11:15,020 --> 01:11:20,449feelings and your inner fears inner

146401:11:17,029 --> 01:11:23,059feelings will always be true and people

146501:11:20,448 --> 01:11:25,908say you know that they may say something

146601:11:23,060 --> 01:11:28,239about say like a dr. Jacobs well he has

146701:11:25,908 --> 01:11:32,868he's coming from the fear angle but you

146801:11:28,238 --> 01:11:38,029

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there's a fear and ecstasy aspect to the

146901:11:32,868 --> 01:11:40,460UFO abduction and if the fear aspect

147001:11:38,029 --> 01:11:42,500comes in naturally whether it be a dog

147101:11:40,460 --> 01:11:45,198in a dog house who sees the UFO or a

147201:11:42,500 --> 01:11:49,219child or an adult there's something that

147301:11:45,198 --> 01:11:50,809not that doesn't mix with our feelings

147401:11:49,219 --> 01:11:53,260when there's a lot of us when these

147501:11:50,810 --> 01:11:56,510things are around in our proximity and

147601:11:53,260 --> 01:11:58,400that's an alarm bell that we should take

147701:11:56,510 --> 01:12:00,770careful notice of because it's natural

147801:11:58,399 --> 01:12:03,319and it's it's telling us something we

147901:12:00,770 --> 01:12:06,080should you know so your fear can keep

148001:12:03,319 --> 01:12:08,179you alive but the reason for the fear in

148101:12:06,079 --> 01:12:11,420their bodies and feelings don't lie to

148201:12:08,179 --> 01:12:15,230us inside we may not listen but they

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148301:12:11,420 --> 01:12:17,658don't like this well let me ask you this

148401:12:15,229 --> 01:12:22,368then there is a lot of debate Eugene

148501:12:17,658 --> 01:12:25,219right now going on about disclosure will

148601:12:22,368 --> 01:12:27,948it happen this year will President Obama

148701:12:25,219 --> 01:12:30,079be the disclosure president do we have

148801:12:27,948 --> 01:12:33,198to see if Hillary if she gets elected

148901:12:30,079 --> 01:12:35,988will be the disclosure president there's

149001:12:33,198 --> 01:12:39,169a lot of media saturation on this right

149101:12:35,988 --> 01:12:42,019now do you believe then taking this on a

149201:12:39,170 --> 01:12:44,300human level that the public as in people

149301:12:42,020 --> 01:12:45,920who listen to this show religious people

149401:12:44,300 --> 01:12:48,139who go to church every Sunday or

149501:12:45,920 --> 01:12:50,329Saturday whatever their date may be do

149601:12:48,139 --> 01:12:54,710you think we are ready for it

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149701:12:50,329 --> 01:12:58,868I percentage-wise

149801:12:54,710 --> 01:12:58,868I think that

149901:13:00,350 --> 01:13:07,770forty-five percent of the people would

150001:13:02,760 --> 01:13:09,720be ready the other 55 probably forty

150101:13:07,770 --> 01:13:13,050five percent of them would not be ready

150201:13:09,720 --> 01:13:16,710and 40 ten may swing you know well

150301:13:13,050 --> 01:13:17,489either way but forty five percent could

150401:13:16,710 --> 01:13:19,590deal with it

150501:13:17,489 --> 01:13:21,809fifty five percent could not deal with

150601:13:19,590 --> 01:13:23,670or would not want to deal with it and

150701:13:21,810 --> 01:13:26,880can you imagine the craziness some

150801:13:23,670 --> 01:13:29,880people would just some people would not

150901:13:26,880 --> 01:13:32,640be able to handle it and but it does

151001:13:29,880 --> 01:13:35,819help for them to know because that


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01:13:32,640 --> 01:13:38,220knowledge can take away fear but they

151201:13:35,819 --> 01:13:40,469should be told something but the to

151301:13:38,220 --> 01:13:41,760disclose fully there to be a lot of

151401:13:40,470 --> 01:13:44,579people wouldn't be able to handle it

151501:13:41,760 --> 01:13:46,289unless they had people who were into it

151601:13:44,579 --> 01:13:48,539in their families which you know a lot

151701:13:46,289 --> 01:13:50,970of people are into it but I think if

151801:13:48,539 --> 01:13:52,170released slowly tells them you know you

151901:13:50,970 --> 01:13:53,880tell the people were going on releases

152001:13:52,170 --> 01:13:55,980slowly to you over a year and a half

152101:13:53,880 --> 01:13:57,600then maybe that would be better but

152201:13:55,979 --> 01:13:59,489there's a lot like I said there's so

152301:13:57,600 --> 01:14:02,430much that they're not that they may have

152401:13:59,489 --> 01:14:05,000and are not won't release that it would

152501:14:02,430 --> 01:14:09,510

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be too much for us to handle all at once

152601:14:05,000 --> 01:14:13,079because there's a lot of metal that's a

152701:14:09,510 --> 01:14:16,890crazy deal that UFO thing you know it's

152801:14:13,079 --> 01:14:19,710partly physical partly spiritual partly

152901:14:16,890 --> 01:14:21,720invisible partly so it's it's like a

153001:14:19,710 --> 01:14:23,970logical where they get into your head

153101:14:21,720 --> 01:14:27,810get into your dreams you know I have a

153201:14:23,970 --> 01:14:30,390functions and soul energy transference a

153301:14:27,810 --> 01:14:32,370lot to that and and and you know so

153401:14:30,390 --> 01:14:35,550little about them and we've seem to be

153501:14:32,369 --> 01:14:37,050just getting ripped by them fully some

153601:14:35,550 --> 01:14:39,420people every time they go to sleep I

153701:14:37,050 --> 01:14:41,190thought just like you said before

153801:14:39,420 --> 01:14:43,289there's a lot of different information

153901:14:41,189 --> 01:14:46,349and a lot of people are saying things

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154001:14:43,289 --> 01:14:48,060that they really may not see but there's

154101:14:46,350 --> 01:14:49,410the experiences none there's a lot

154201:14:48,060 --> 01:14:52,050happening now it's like they're bubbling

154301:14:49,409 --> 01:14:56,849up over and they have a lot of info and

154401:14:52,050 --> 01:14:59,130they need more talk centers talk

154501:14:56,850 --> 01:15:02,340programs like this so people can express

154601:14:59,130 --> 01:15:04,170as I know the researchers probably

154701:15:02,340 --> 01:15:06,239listening in considered value there's

154801:15:04,170 --> 01:15:11,460gold lines of information in the regular

154901:15:06,239 --> 01:15:14,819regular citizen experiencer and the good

155001:15:11,460 --> 01:15:16,889ones they want the scientists want them

155101:15:14,819 --> 01:15:21,630but that you ago saying that's a

155201:15:16,889 --> 01:15:25,469juggernaut of a field well it my concern

155301:15:21,630 --> 01:15:27,739with it Eugene is the fact that if the

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155401:15:25,469 --> 01:15:31,979government does come out and disclose

155501:15:27,738 --> 01:15:36,029this opens up a whole can of worms on

155601:15:31,979 --> 01:15:39,150how long they've known yeah were there

155701:15:36,029 --> 01:15:41,518deals cut for technology what about

155801:15:39,149 --> 01:15:43,379human abductions what do people know and

155901:15:41,519 --> 01:15:44,670if they ever came out that the

156001:15:43,380 --> 01:15:46,739government does know that these

156101:15:44,670 --> 01:15:48,809abductions are happening now we're

156201:15:46,738 --> 01:15:51,779opening ourselves up to millions upon

156301:15:48,809 --> 01:15:54,630millions of people suing the government

156401:15:51,779 --> 01:15:59,698for allowing it to happen it's going to

156501:15:54,630 --> 01:16:03,538open up a major Pandora's box when when

156601:15:59,698 --> 01:16:05,848it does come out and that's one reason

156701:16:03,538 --> 01:16:07,828why they will not disclose it that's


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01:16:05,849 --> 01:16:10,619probably more of a reason that what way

156901:16:07,828 --> 01:16:12,958what you said then the other way because

157001:16:10,618 --> 01:16:16,139they may not even really care what

157101:16:12,958 --> 01:16:17,819people think and who knows what they may

157201:16:16,139 --> 01:16:20,729have learned from those aliens that goes

157301:16:17,819 --> 01:16:21,868so beyond what we know that they could

157401:16:20,729 --> 01:16:26,939not even care about us

157501:16:21,868 --> 01:16:29,130but I knew a female who was in the art

157601:16:26,939 --> 01:16:30,329world but she was with this yells and

157701:16:29,130 --> 01:16:35,159she said they're about eighty years

157801:16:30,328 --> 01:16:37,738ahead of us and with the government

157901:16:35,158 --> 01:16:41,339about what they know about the UFOs and

158001:16:37,738 --> 01:16:42,868aliens but it's a fully interesting

158101:16:41,340 --> 01:16:45,119clear on the scene to just keep growing

158201:16:42,868 --> 01:16:47,429

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the more you learn about it but it's

158301:16:45,118 --> 01:16:49,618definitely one that there's a lot the

158401:16:47,429 --> 01:16:50,969dark side is so much and it's hurting

158501:16:49,618 --> 01:16:53,248too many people it should be fully

158601:16:50,969 --> 01:16:54,929checked out she in the near death the

158701:16:53,248 --> 01:16:57,179bad side of the near-death those dark

158801:16:54,929 --> 01:17:01,109end E's they ignored them too they were

158901:16:57,179 --> 01:17:03,029afraid to check them out and finally

159001:17:01,109 --> 01:17:05,788they did and we have to also check out

159101:17:03,029 --> 01:17:08,248the dark side of the UFOs because this

159201:17:05,788 --> 01:17:09,929it's way more darker in the UFO settings

159301:17:08,248 --> 01:17:14,998in the near death the near-death is kind

159401:17:09,929 --> 01:17:18,149of psychological UFO and and you have to

159501:17:14,998 --> 01:17:21,420a eugene understand that there are

159601:17:18,149 --> 01:17:24,238secrets there are secrets being held

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159701:17:21,420 --> 01:17:27,420like hillary is saying and she's gone on

159801:17:24,238 --> 01:17:31,349publicly if she's elected president

159901:17:27,420 --> 01:17:33,750will disclose unless it is of concern to

160001:17:31,350 --> 01:17:35,850national security which is the banner

160101:17:33,750 --> 01:17:38,369she will hide behind for most of this

160201:17:35,850 --> 01:17:40,739she will disclose it but there's also

160301:17:38,369 --> 01:17:43,319another piece of blame on this Eugene

160401:17:40,738 --> 01:17:45,988and we're gonna be talking a lot about

160501:17:43,319 --> 01:17:49,590this over the month is the role of the

160601:17:45,988 --> 01:17:51,779media Walter Cronkite Walter Cronkite

160701:17:49,590 --> 01:17:56,400would be rolling over in his grave right

160801:17:51,779 --> 01:17:59,880now knowing that the media in their job

160901:17:56,399 --> 01:18:02,698to be the voice of the public drop the

161001:17:59,880 --> 01:18:05,219ball on what could be the biggest story

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161101:18:02,698 --> 01:18:08,698in mankind next to Jesus Christ coming

161201:18:05,219 --> 01:18:13,529back yes when John Podesta sent out his

161301:18:08,698 --> 01:18:15,689tweets starting a year ago and then

161401:18:13,529 --> 01:18:17,939Hillary up because it's only been sorry

161501:18:15,689 --> 01:18:20,219for cutting you off it's only big Eugene

161601:18:17,939 --> 01:18:23,879the last two three four weeks maybe at

161701:18:20,219 --> 01:18:26,909max that all the sudden we're seeing the

161801:18:23,880 --> 01:18:30,900New York Times the Chicago Tribune CNN

161901:18:26,909 --> 01:18:40,289Fox News ABC NBC starting to really pick

162001:18:30,899 --> 01:18:42,029up what is happening with UFOs they like

162101:18:40,289 --> 01:18:44,550you said there they may be the biggest

162201:18:42,029 --> 01:18:47,429culprit they're the most able to do it

162301:18:44,550 --> 01:18:50,489and the slowest to respond we with our

162401:18:47,429 --> 01:18:51,929near-death research and book we decide


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01:18:50,488 --> 01:18:54,509to go around them just go straight to

162601:18:51,929 --> 01:18:56,250the public and it worked out pretty good

162701:18:54,510 --> 01:18:58,350because when you need them they're not

162801:18:56,250 --> 01:19:00,090around and then you know except like

162901:18:58,350 --> 01:19:03,449this and compared to the near-death

163001:19:00,090 --> 01:19:03,840researchers the UFO researchers are way

163101:19:03,448 --> 01:19:05,698ahead

163201:19:03,840 --> 01:19:07,440you know there's grow it it's growing in

163301:19:05,698 --> 01:19:09,569leaps and bounds what's being discovered

163401:19:07,439 --> 01:19:13,619about the UFOs and the aliens compared

163501:19:09,569 --> 01:19:14,969to near-death and the media should help

163601:19:13,619 --> 01:19:16,439they should help

163701:19:14,969 --> 01:19:18,448there should be one space in one

163801:19:16,439 --> 01:19:19,619newspaper something that you know

163901:19:18,448 --> 01:19:21,869

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because there's a lot of good

164001:19:19,619 --> 01:19:25,019information in the apology a lot of

164101:19:21,869 --> 01:19:29,279people who know a lot of things but I'm

164201:19:25,020 --> 01:19:31,530definitely careful with me so when you

164301:19:29,279 --> 01:19:33,750talk about when you talk about you Gina

164401:19:31,529 --> 01:19:36,539you think only about 45 percent of

164501:19:33,750 --> 01:19:39,869people are prepared and ready for full

164601:19:36,539 --> 01:19:41,189disclosure on what we know about the

164701:19:39,869 --> 01:19:44,488extra-terrestrial and you

164801:19:41,189 --> 01:19:48,809phoE phenomena do you believe then that

164901:19:44,488 --> 01:19:54,359the other 55% are going to cause some

165001:19:48,810 --> 01:20:02,100sort of anarchy if it does come out of

165101:19:54,359 --> 01:20:04,079the other 55% 30 of them will twenty

165201:20:02,100 --> 01:20:06,930five half of them will wait to see how

165301:20:04,079 --> 01:20:11,420the other half reacts and the other half

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165401:20:06,930 --> 01:20:14,430may go to the extreme I think see about

165501:20:11,420 --> 01:20:18,149of those fifty five percent yeah about

165601:20:14,430 --> 01:20:21,060half will wait to see how the other half

165701:20:18,149 --> 01:20:23,279reacts and then the other portion maybe

165801:20:21,060 --> 01:20:25,160it's about thirty twenty but there's

165901:20:23,279 --> 01:20:27,479going to be a good amount that goes wild

166001:20:25,159 --> 01:20:29,760there's some of people is that shift in

166101:20:27,479 --> 01:20:30,329natures and if some people can't handle

166201:20:29,760 --> 01:20:32,369things

166301:20:30,329 --> 01:20:34,260you know they break down or go off at

166401:20:32,369 --> 01:20:36,180the drop of a hat it's going to be those

166501:20:34,260 --> 01:20:40,170still fragile those brittle

166601:20:36,180 --> 01:20:45,539personalities that will go off and then

166701:20:40,170 --> 01:20:47,460the others might follow but that's one

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166801:20:45,539 --> 01:20:49,198reason why they can't tell it be just to

166901:20:47,460 --> 01:20:52,380saga walk there's some people who don't

167001:20:49,198 --> 01:20:54,569even believe in UFOs at all they saw one

167101:20:52,380 --> 01:20:58,289that might fully freak them out forever

167201:20:54,569 --> 01:21:01,649but you've seen a couple and I've seen a

167301:20:58,289 --> 01:21:03,719few and so uh and still that stuns us

167401:21:01,649 --> 01:21:05,849but so the normal citizen who doesn't

167501:21:03,719 --> 01:21:08,039believe in that stuff anything they

167601:21:05,850 --> 01:21:09,960can't see or scientist that would stun

167701:21:08,039 --> 01:21:13,170them it literally changed the world

167801:21:09,960 --> 01:21:14,550because uh those after those effects and

167901:21:13,170 --> 01:21:16,170after-effects are strong you never

168001:21:14,550 --> 01:21:18,360forget that when you see the silent

168101:21:16,170 --> 01:21:20,119craft flying over you or just hovering


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01:21:18,359 --> 01:21:24,359there with no sound it's like this

168301:21:20,119 --> 01:21:27,210electric buzz that's all around the area

168401:21:24,359 --> 01:21:29,039and we were about two football fields

168501:21:27,210 --> 01:21:32,909away we could see it clearly there's a

168601:21:29,039 --> 01:21:35,789big one too a saucer suit but there's

168701:21:32,909 --> 01:21:40,380everything gets real weird quiet there's

168801:21:35,789 --> 01:21:43,289no birds that fly no cars moved and

168901:21:40,380 --> 01:21:45,060everything just froze in time and we're

169001:21:43,289 --> 01:21:46,529on the highway that has normal traffic

169101:21:45,060 --> 01:21:51,449on it have Saturday night in the summer

169201:21:46,529 --> 01:21:53,819at 8:30 and when we got back our friends

169301:21:51,448 --> 01:21:54,928asked us where we were and it's to us

169401:21:53,819 --> 01:21:58,829seemed like 15

169501:21:54,929 --> 01:22:02,429minute ride and we subconsciously just

169601:21:58,829 --> 01:22:04,979

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buried it in the back and and teenagers

169701:22:02,429 --> 01:22:07,289to that and so does experiences that did

169801:22:04,979 --> 01:22:09,988happen let's continue on with the the

169901:22:07,289 --> 01:22:11,429baseball game and then later thought

170001:22:09,988 --> 01:22:13,229about it and remember there was a clear

170101:22:11,429 --> 01:22:17,210sighting and probable infection because

170201:22:13,229 --> 01:22:20,849there were some memory issues and the

170301:22:17,210 --> 01:22:22,829way we both acted afterwards out acted

170401:22:20,850 --> 01:22:25,590out afterwards we're only teens like I

170501:22:22,829 --> 01:22:28,229burst out into tears a week or so later

170601:22:25,590 --> 01:22:31,500from that or maybe that same night but

170701:22:28,229 --> 01:22:35,479they uh they're really stressful those

170801:22:31,500 --> 01:22:38,520sightings and there's too much control

170901:22:35,479 --> 01:22:40,109aspect that they have over us you know

171001:22:38,520 --> 01:22:43,320wherever they're kept control of our

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171101:22:40,109 --> 01:22:46,019minds we can't move we can't run we

171201:22:43,319 --> 01:22:47,849can't resist back too much I used to

171301:22:46,020 --> 01:22:50,690resist its back with them until I was

171401:22:47,850 --> 01:22:53,370knocked into unconsciousness every time

171501:22:50,689 --> 01:22:57,919but there was one time where I was able

171601:22:53,369 --> 01:23:00,420to take a good look at them and I

171701:22:57,920 --> 01:23:05,060couldn't believe what I saw I take a

171801:23:00,420 --> 01:23:08,010real look through them for you and and

171901:23:05,060 --> 01:23:09,750there's like a way where instead we have

172001:23:08,010 --> 01:23:11,880to become more proactive with these

172101:23:09,750 --> 01:23:14,189things and we can start doing that by

172201:23:11,880 --> 01:23:16,350being more conscious you know in our

172301:23:14,189 --> 01:23:18,719sleep with our dreams and and to

172401:23:16,350 --> 01:23:21,000practice out of bodies we we have to

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172501:23:18,719 --> 01:23:23,819start observing these things through

172601:23:21,000 --> 01:23:26,488remote viewing and through how to bodies

172701:23:23,819 --> 01:23:28,889and dreams and we have to get these

172801:23:26,488 --> 01:23:31,769skills so we can monitor these beings

172901:23:28,890 --> 01:23:34,100and keep a track of them and that's

173001:23:31,770 --> 01:23:36,659something that we did in the second book

173101:23:34,100 --> 01:23:38,159which is the second half of one huge

173201:23:36,658 --> 01:23:40,829book I've originally I wrote a

173301:23:38,158 --> 01:23:44,009near-death and UFO book there's like

173401:23:40,829 --> 01:23:45,539well one 500 page book but it was so

173501:23:44,010 --> 01:23:47,940comprehensive I had to split it in half

173601:23:45,539 --> 01:23:50,760and the publishers wanted two books

173701:23:47,939 --> 01:23:52,349anyway I thought it'd be easier to but

173801:23:50,760 --> 01:23:55,050the public understand what's happening


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01:23:52,350 --> 01:23:56,489fully with the life after death and in a

174001:23:55,050 --> 01:23:58,199lot of ways that'll help them to

174101:23:56,488 --> 01:24:01,198understand the UFO thing because

174201:23:58,198 --> 01:24:02,729everything is connected and the people

174301:24:01,198 --> 01:24:05,129will soon see when the second book comes

174401:24:02,729 --> 01:24:06,959out but they're into a lot of things and

174501:24:05,130 --> 01:24:08,708they're mainly into us and the energy

174601:24:06,960 --> 01:24:12,010that we can provide them

174701:24:08,708 --> 01:24:13,958and there they are feasting it's it's

174801:24:12,010 --> 01:24:15,400bad it's so it's wrong to ignore the

174901:24:13,958 --> 01:24:18,880people who are having distressful

175001:24:15,399 --> 01:24:20,768abduction since it's if you read of the

175101:24:18,880 --> 01:24:23,260Jacob's book the threat the stuff that

175201:24:20,769 --> 01:24:25,719goes on in those UFO rooms that they

175301:24:23,260 --> 01:24:30,039

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recovered from you know regressions is

175401:24:25,719 --> 01:24:31,748is super demonic for example I even need

175501:24:30,038 --> 01:24:35,050to say it's like the gang rape of an

175601:24:31,748 --> 01:24:37,328eight year old it's just things like

175701:24:35,050 --> 01:24:42,159it's just crazy and that's just one

175801:24:37,328 --> 01:24:45,248example it's it's easily you can easily

175901:24:42,158 --> 01:24:47,408see what it is once you hear a few of

176001:24:45,248 --> 01:24:49,300these stories there's a lot of confusion

176101:24:47,408 --> 01:24:51,429too because people mistake out of bodies

176201:24:49,300 --> 01:24:54,788for abductions and abductions can be

176301:24:51,429 --> 01:24:56,498done throughout the body so we need to

176401:24:54,788 --> 01:25:00,069just to find out the basics what these

176501:24:56,498 --> 01:25:01,658things are where they came from how they

176601:25:00,069 --> 01:25:03,969do what they do why they do what they do

176701:25:01,658 --> 01:25:07,179and in our second what we've cleared up

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176801:25:03,969 --> 01:25:10,288a lot of those answers especially the

176901:25:07,179 --> 01:25:12,399what who when where and how and also

177001:25:10,288 --> 01:25:16,509they're connected in with another

177101:25:12,399 --> 01:25:18,339paranormal field in a way that it's just

177201:25:16,510 --> 01:25:20,498beautiful to see and it's so clear that

177301:25:18,340 --> 01:25:21,760just like when you're doing crossover

177401:25:20,498 --> 01:25:23,139personal and you're looking for a word

177501:25:21,760 --> 01:25:25,449and then suddenly it stands out it's so

177601:25:23,139 --> 01:25:28,449clear once you see the pieces it all

177701:25:25,448 --> 01:25:30,908bits into a place and we have a good

177801:25:28,448 --> 01:25:34,388handle what these beings are what they

177901:25:30,908 --> 01:25:36,399want from us and a lot of it is not cool

178001:25:34,389 --> 01:25:38,229you know when you're held against your

178101:25:36,399 --> 01:25:41,259will you're paralyzed you're

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178201:25:38,229 --> 01:25:43,179psychologically traumatized and this

178301:25:41,260 --> 01:25:45,729happens repeatedly it's just a lot of

178401:25:43,179 --> 01:25:47,949craziness and the good side is cool they

178501:25:45,729 --> 01:25:50,019can you know go and you know do like a

178601:25:47,948 --> 01:25:52,538merry-go-round in a circle with them but

178701:25:50,019 --> 01:25:54,309the bad side is devastatingly visa

178801:25:52,538 --> 01:25:55,509these people where they're afraid to

178901:25:54,309 --> 01:25:57,969come out their houses and they're

179001:25:55,510 --> 01:25:59,439hearing voices and all that so it's good

179101:25:57,969 --> 01:26:01,269for the researchers to look into that

179201:25:59,439 --> 01:26:03,489dark side because they are just feasting

179301:26:01,269 --> 01:26:06,599on done like parasites like a demon

179401:26:03,488 --> 01:26:08,618would and so there's nothing wrong with

179501:26:06,599 --> 01:26:10,809acknowledging just like the Rod Steiger


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01:26:08,618 --> 01:26:13,779when you had them on or brides target

179701:26:10,809 --> 01:26:16,090and he acknowledged the the dark side

179801:26:13,779 --> 01:26:18,340that's smart to do it's not good just to

179901:26:16,090 --> 01:26:20,229pretend like that you know they're not

180001:26:18,340 --> 01:26:21,779there because they are fully there in

180101:26:20,229 --> 01:26:24,179the form of gross

180201:26:21,779 --> 01:26:27,269experience and they're involved in

180301:26:24,179 --> 01:26:31,429everything and they and they roamed the

180401:26:27,270 --> 01:26:34,320the paranormal corridors at will and

180501:26:31,429 --> 01:26:36,569these beings are the same ones that we

180601:26:34,319 --> 01:26:38,788that the world authorities refer to as

180701:26:36,569 --> 01:26:41,368the controllers and who I call the

180801:26:38,788 --> 01:26:45,090controlling agent in charge so in this

180901:26:41,368 --> 01:26:48,569second UFO research book I decided to

181001:26:45,090 --> 01:26:52,319

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track and and follow spiritually tracked

181101:26:48,569 --> 01:26:57,389this controller and we had some ideas as

181201:26:52,319 --> 01:27:01,529to who or what it might be and I used a

181301:26:57,389 --> 01:27:03,779two-fold method of tracking and stalking

181401:27:01,529 --> 01:27:09,420this prime controller

181501:27:03,779 --> 01:27:10,679it was the Supreme Being as far as life

181601:27:09,420 --> 01:27:15,469after death or you

181701:27:10,679 --> 01:27:17,730ufology went and I merged with it and

181801:27:15,469 --> 01:27:20,010with that merging process it's a

181901:27:17,729 --> 01:27:22,288two-fold process I always say merge but

182001:27:20,010 --> 01:27:24,780there's another aspect of it that I

182101:27:22,288 --> 01:27:26,788don't mention but a two-fold process it

182201:27:24,779 --> 01:27:30,719allows you to become one with them and

182301:27:26,788 --> 01:27:33,029usually after a UFO or psychic or

182401:27:30,719 --> 01:27:36,328near-death experience that brings out

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182501:27:33,029 --> 01:27:39,590that synesthesia or merging ability in

182601:27:36,328 --> 01:27:42,269people and of course it can be enhanced

182701:27:39,590 --> 01:27:44,788and enhances itself naturally through

182801:27:42,270 --> 01:27:45,840time after a psychic experience and you

182901:27:44,788 --> 01:27:47,399can do other things

183001:27:45,840 --> 01:27:50,699psychic solutions that could bring it

183101:27:47,399 --> 01:27:53,279out but so I've merged with this

183201:27:50,698 --> 01:27:58,019controlling agent in charge to ascertain

183301:27:53,279 --> 01:28:00,738what it was and and who it was all at

183401:27:58,020 --> 01:28:03,059once and usually when you get divine

183501:28:00,738 --> 01:28:04,919revelations you know you comprehend

183601:28:03,059 --> 01:28:09,360everything all at once it's the answer

183701:28:04,920 --> 01:28:13,288just comes and you get used to it but so

183801:28:09,359 --> 01:28:20,029we found out a lot about these aliens

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183901:28:13,288 --> 01:28:22,500and we used these merging system and

184001:28:20,029 --> 01:28:24,420that's and just like I said with the

184101:28:22,500 --> 01:28:26,639dreams remote viewings that there are

184201:28:24,420 --> 01:28:28,440ways where we can monitor it's not like

184301:28:26,639 --> 01:28:30,828they always have to monitor us we can

184401:28:28,439 --> 01:28:33,089also monitor them not necessarily

184501:28:30,828 --> 01:28:35,069individually but as a group and learn

184601:28:33,090 --> 01:28:37,020more about them because you just

184701:28:35,069 --> 01:28:40,969in that spiritual way and that would be

184801:28:37,020 --> 01:28:43,920the way that we'd wanted to them you

184901:28:40,969 --> 01:28:44,840absorb information just by being in

185001:28:43,920 --> 01:28:48,139their presence

185101:28:44,840 --> 01:28:50,699especially if you consciously decide to

185201:28:48,139 --> 01:28:53,849question something or you constantly


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01:28:50,698 --> 01:28:55,939consciously decide to absorb information

185401:28:53,849 --> 01:29:00,150about a certain aspect of their

185501:28:55,939 --> 01:29:02,250psychology or hypnose anything but the

185601:29:00,149 --> 01:29:05,359more we learn to use our own innate

185701:29:02,250 --> 01:29:09,118abilities the more we can easily see and

185801:29:05,359 --> 01:29:10,649observed even interact and and merge

185901:29:09,118 --> 01:29:13,649with these beings and then when you

186001:29:10,649 --> 01:29:15,929merge them you comprehend its essence

186101:29:13,649 --> 01:29:18,509its nature all at once and you feel it

186201:29:15,929 --> 01:29:25,440too so there's no lying in that

186301:29:18,510 --> 01:29:27,659spiritual you know you've merged into

186401:29:25,439 --> 01:29:31,469something and that's that's one way they

186501:29:27,658 --> 01:29:33,960can have a handle or these people know

186601:29:31,469 --> 01:29:37,349more about these earrings so big mending

186701:29:33,960 --> 01:29:39,179

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process and all people can do it we

186801:29:37,349 --> 01:29:41,569can't just lay back and let them you

186901:29:39,179 --> 01:29:45,060know do anything they want to cuz they

187001:29:41,569 --> 01:29:48,299it's ridiculously demon the good ones

187101:29:45,060 --> 01:29:50,340are cool and people learn an awful state

187201:29:48,300 --> 01:29:52,260that they don't teach us everything some

187301:29:50,340 --> 01:29:53,880of the big questions likely that if

187401:29:52,260 --> 01:29:55,380they're so well with us they haven't

187501:29:53,880 --> 01:29:58,319taught us anything about cancer how to

187601:29:55,380 --> 01:30:00,810cured you know any all these diseases

187701:29:58,319 --> 01:30:01,828were growing crops any of that stuff

187801:30:00,810 --> 01:30:04,739they haven't helped us

187901:30:01,828 --> 01:30:08,460all they do is extract us and direct us

188001:30:04,738 --> 01:30:12,809to the next holding page it's one

188101:30:08,460 --> 01:30:15,750Kathleen Turner said that it was like a

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188201:30:12,810 --> 01:30:18,989prop assembly line and it is like that

188301:30:15,750 --> 01:30:21,090but that the more we develop our dreams

188401:30:18,988 --> 01:30:24,178Edda products and their reading skills

188501:30:21,090 --> 01:30:26,219the more easily we can see these cities

188601:30:24,179 --> 01:30:28,920for what they are and they're kind of

188701:30:26,219 --> 01:30:32,368like that spiritual beings that some are

188801:30:28,920 --> 01:30:34,349good and some just prey on us get the

188901:30:32,368 --> 01:30:39,899energy for them and they don't want to

189001:30:34,349 --> 01:30:44,369go and they're all beings of spiritual

189101:30:39,899 --> 01:30:48,569beings but these beings provide young

189201:30:44,368 --> 01:30:51,710don't have souls so in time they will

189301:30:48,569 --> 01:30:55,909or at the final death they will die that

189401:30:51,710 --> 01:31:00,170humans have that opted that eternal soul

189501:30:55,909 --> 01:31:00,170capacity and that's what they want

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189601:31:01,430 --> 01:31:06,150Eugene I'm gonna get you to speak a

189701:31:04,109 --> 01:31:08,369little bit closer to your microphone on

189801:31:06,149 --> 01:31:10,739your phone there because sounding a

189901:31:08,369 --> 01:31:12,390little bit muffle if you don't mind but

190001:31:10,739 --> 01:31:13,859while we're doing that we're gonna hop

190101:31:12,390 --> 01:31:16,260out for a break here at the bottom of

190201:31:13,859 --> 01:31:18,829the hour we have a really good question

190301:31:16,260 --> 01:31:21,570in the space out radio chat room on

190401:31:18,829 --> 01:31:23,399Spreaker that comes from one of our

190501:31:21,569 --> 01:31:25,679listeners Nick knack in there I want to

190601:31:23,399 --> 01:31:27,839get to that Eric also has a question in

190701:31:25,680 --> 01:31:29,460paranormal form as well we're going to

190801:31:27,840 --> 01:31:30,449get to that one right after the break

190901:31:29,460 --> 01:31:33,180our guest tonight


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01:31:30,449 --> 01:31:36,119Eugene Braxton America's most

191101:31:33,180 --> 01:31:38,369experienced mystic he's with us for the

191201:31:36,119 --> 01:31:42,409entire show tonight we will get back to

191301:31:38,369 --> 01:31:44,369you gene and you right after this break

191401:31:42,409 --> 01:31:47,090have you ever had an extraterrestrial

191501:31:44,369 --> 01:31:49,079experience one you just can't explain

191601:31:47,090 --> 01:31:52,500well maybe I can help

191701:31:49,079 --> 01:31:54,329hello I am Samantha mullet on the second

191801:31:52,500 --> 01:31:56,489Tuesday of each month I will join Dave

191901:31:54,329 --> 01:31:58,470Scott on Spaceship radio to bring a

192001:31:56,489 --> 01:32:00,689human aspect to eg contact

192101:31:58,470 --> 01:32:02,760it's something I've lived with my entire

192201:32:00,689 --> 01:32:06,029life and I'd love to help you understand

192301:32:02,760 --> 01:32:11,850let's share our experiences the et

192401:32:06,029 --> 01:32:15,000

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experience the second faeries Bigfoot

192501:32:11,850 --> 01:32:17,160dog men trolls goblins pay if it's

192601:32:15,000 --> 01:32:19,619cryptid in any way I'm looking into it

192701:32:17,159 --> 01:32:22,109hi there this is author Ronald Murphy

192801:32:19,619 --> 01:32:25,109also known as spaced out radios crypto

192901:32:22,109 --> 01:32:27,449guru join me every second Wednesday of

193001:32:25,109 --> 01:32:29,639the month fun spaced out radio with Dave

193101:32:27,449 --> 01:32:32,309Scott where we will talk about the

193201:32:29,640 --> 01:32:34,110stories people call tall fellas I will

193301:32:32,310 --> 01:32:35,100fill you in on the latest sightings and

193401:32:34,109 --> 01:32:37,619the hidden hitch

193501:32:35,100 --> 01:32:39,210but are causing quite a stir you can

193601:32:37,619 --> 01:32:42,960find everything that's based out

193701:32:39,210 --> 01:32:45, hi there this is Jolene with

193801:32:42,960 --> 01:32:47,189revealer reiki and readings and I want

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193901:32:45,210 --> 01:32:49,140you to relax let me help you chill out

194001:32:47,189 --> 01:32:51,569and get in touch with your body mind and

194101:32:49,140 --> 01:32:53,460soul in this busy world sometimes we

194201:32:51,569 --> 01:32:56,369need to let go and this is where I can

194301:32:53,460 --> 01:33:00,779help visit my website rivulet R&R

194401:32:56,369 --> 01:33:03, forward-slash reveal at R&R or

194501:33:00,779 --> 01:33:06,929my facebook page rivulet R&R to set up

194601:33:03,989 --> 01:33:09,659an appointment for relaxation Reiki or

194701:33:06,930 --> 01:33:13,980readings no matter where you are it's

194801:33:09,659 --> 01:33:16,800time for you to make time for you would

194901:33:13,979 --> 01:33:18,599you like to expand your clientele have

195001:33:16,800 --> 01:33:20,880you ever thought of online radio

195101:33:18,600 --> 01:33:24,210advertising check out spaced-out

195201:33:20,880 --> 01:33:26, to get your name out there our

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195301:33:24,210 --> 01:33:29,819listeners support those who advertise

195401:33:26,340 --> 01:33:32,010with us so why not give it a try we have

195501:33:29,819 --> 01:33:34,319the most competitive advertising prices

195601:33:32,010 --> 01:33:37,980out there just click on the advertising

195701:33:34,319 --> 01:33:42,449tab on spaced-out and contact

195801:33:37,979 --> 01:33:44,609us today are you in ET experiencer but

195901:33:42,449 --> 01:33:47,369you just don't know what's going on are

196001:33:44,609 --> 01:33:49,349you too timid or shy to discuss it with

196101:33:47,369 --> 01:33:52,170anyone maybe I can help

196201:33:49,350 --> 01:33:54,630join me our Keith enters the first

196301:33:52,170 --> 01:33:56,850Friday of every month on basecoat radio

196401:33:54,630 --> 01:33:59,400and I will help you to find the answers

196501:33:56,850 --> 01:34:02,039you're looking for together I will help

196601:33:59,399 --> 01:34:04,559you understand the off-worlders and the


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01:34:02,039 --> 01:34:06,569true meanings behind the experiences all

196801:34:04,560 --> 01:34:09,389you have to do

196901:34:06,569 --> 01:34:12,899based out radio cameras see you there

197001:34:09,389 --> 01:34:15,599every Saturday and Sunday night as Dave

197101:34:12,899 --> 01:34:17,399Scott wanders aimlessly in the

197201:34:15,599 --> 01:34:20,069wilderness you can come hang out with me

197301:34:17,399 --> 01:34:21,959James Tyson and space dog weekend we're

197401:34:20,069 --> 01:34:24,239starting at 9 p.m. Pacific midnight

197501:34:21,958 --> 01:34:26,099Eastern I'll take you along as we talk

197601:34:24,238 --> 01:34:29,338with some of the best experts in their

197701:34:26,099 --> 01:34:31,798fields spaced-out is the place

197801:34:29,338 --> 01:34:32,368to find us so sit down relax put your

197901:34:31,798 --> 01:34:34,408feet up

198001:34:32,368 --> 01:34:37,078enjoy the topics like the paranormal

198101:34:34,408 --> 01:34:39,958

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supernatural intuitiveness and so much

198201:34:37,078 --> 01:34:42,389more hope to see you there hi there this

198301:34:39,958 --> 01:34:43,918is your psychic medium Joanna and I

198401:34:42,389 --> 01:34:47,309would love it if you would join us every

198501:34:43,918 --> 01:34:49,168other Sunday on space belt weekend with

198601:34:47,309 --> 01:34:51,449host James Tyson we'll bring your

198701:34:49,168 --> 01:34:54,298personal psychic messages on two mediums

198801:34:51,448 --> 01:34:56,759and a large questions about love life

198901:34:54,298 --> 01:34:59,189career changes you will love it if you

199001:34:56,760 --> 01:35:02,699would come and join us live call-in and

199101:34:59,189 --> 01:35:05,399listen in for the experience allow us to

199201:35:02,698 --> 01:35:07,768open the doors to your other side two

199301:35:05,399 --> 01:35:10,579mediums in a large herd only on space

199401:35:07,769 --> 01:35:12,628that weekend at spaced-out

199501:35:10,578 --> 01:35:14,429would you like to become one of our

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

199601:35:12,628 --> 01:35:16,078space travelers all you have to do is

199701:35:14,429 --> 01:35:18,748click on the space travelers icon at

199801:35:16,078 --> 01:35:20,698spaced-out for only $5 a month

199901:35:18,748 --> 01:35:22,318you can get access to some great prizes

200001:35:20,698 --> 01:35:24,268as well as private monthly shows

200101:35:22,319 --> 01:35:26,189newsletters and a members-only section

200201:35:24,269 --> 01:35:28,609on our website become a space traveler

200301:35:26,189 --> 01:35:28,609today

200401:35:33,350 --> 01:35:37,820do you have a topic or a guest that

200501:35:35,869 --> 01:35:40,069you'd like to hear on spaced-out radio

200601:35:37,819 --> 01:35:42,619let us know it spaced-out

200701:35:40,069 --> 01:35:45,349where you can sign up to become a space

200801:35:42,619 --> 01:35:48,289traveler member today or you can find us

200901:35:45,350 --> 01:35:52,660on twitter at space out radio and on our

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

201001:35:48,289 --> 01:35:52,659facebook page spaced out radio show

201101:35:54,288 --> 01:35:59,128welcome back to space out radio tonight

201201:35:57,149 --> 01:36:01,439I am your host Dave Scott thank you so

201301:35:59,128 --> 01:36:04,050much for your listening in on the SHR

201401:36:01,439 --> 01:36:06,418Media Network if you are in paranormal

201501:36:04,050 --> 01:36:09,179forum tuning in on the space out radio

201601:36:06,418 --> 01:36:11,729chat room on Spreaker or on Facebook at

201701:36:09,179 --> 01:36:14,158Uwe forea Chronicles or a flagship chat

201801:36:11,729 --> 01:36:16,199room for the show SOR space travelers

201901:36:14,158 --> 01:36:18,418good to have you with us thank you so

202001:36:16,198 --> 01:36:20,339much for being with us tonight tomorrow

202101:36:18,418 --> 01:36:22,738night on the show Victor VC on e will

202201:36:20,340 --> 01:36:25,439join us he is a UF ologist out of

202301:36:22,738 --> 01:36:27,328Toronto zeal and communications is his


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01:36:25,439 --> 01:36:30,119company and we will be discussing

202501:36:27,328 --> 01:36:32,458disclosure and leading up to a very

202601:36:30,118 --> 01:36:35,458extraterrestrial month here because we

202701:36:32,458 --> 01:36:38,969are one of the main sponsors of alien

202801:36:35,458 --> 01:36:41,788cosmic Expo in Brantford Ontario on the

202901:36:38,969 --> 01:36:43,859media side if you want to follow us on

203001:36:41,788 --> 01:36:45,868Twitter you can do so at space out radio

203101:36:43,859 --> 01:36:48,149give our Facebook page a like spaced out

203201:36:45,868 --> 01:36:51,148radio show on Instagram I can be

203301:36:48,149 --> 01:36:54,059followed at Dave Scott SOR our YouTube

203401:36:51,149 --> 01:36:55,889channel is spaced out radio show you can

203501:36:54,059 --> 01:36:58,859subscribe to that and of course our

203601:36:55,889 --> 01:37:01,319website is spaced out tonight

203701:36:58,859 --> 01:37:03,149we are talking with Eugene Braxton he is

203801:37:01,319 --> 01:37:05,279

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known as America's most experienced

203901:37:03,149 --> 01:37:07,260mystic we got a couple questions to

204001:37:05,279 --> 01:37:08,929start off this half-hour for you Eugene

204101:37:07,260 --> 01:37:12,090we're gonna start with Eric in

204201:37:08,929 --> 01:37:15,179paranormal forum he is asking is there

204301:37:12,090 --> 01:37:19,010an effective way to invite contact in

204401:37:15,179 --> 01:37:19,010with extraterrestrials that you know of

204501:37:19,458 --> 01:37:31,019an effective way to invite them yes well

204601:37:28,408 --> 01:37:38,248I know a lot of people are doing the

204701:37:31,019 --> 01:37:41,519summoning thing I've seen where that

204801:37:38,248 --> 01:37:42,840could be possible and I have a high

204901:37:41,519 --> 01:37:44,479school friend who wants to try it with

205001:37:42,840 --> 01:37:47,479me

205101:37:44,479 --> 01:37:54,899as well as a friend in Pittsburgh but I

205201:37:47,479 --> 01:37:57,989would try to contact them summoning

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205301:37:54,899 --> 01:38:00,479would probably be the best way I think

205401:37:57,988 --> 01:38:02,578for a person because and that's the

205501:38:00,479 --> 01:38:05,729person it's kind of practice for like a

205601:38:02,578 --> 01:38:08,099year or two I wouldn't try to a contact

205701:38:05,729 --> 01:38:10,320them in spiritually or in Nashville

205801:38:08,100 --> 01:38:12,960or in green form because you wouldn't

205901:38:10,319 --> 01:38:16,259have as much consciousness but you'd be

206001:38:12,960 --> 01:38:19,170more like to contact them consciously

206101:38:16,260 --> 01:38:22,560awake it could you'd have a little bit

206201:38:19,170 --> 01:38:25,170more control but that would that would

206301:38:22,560 --> 01:38:29,580be the way I would do it just contact

206401:38:25,170 --> 01:38:31,489them some of them physically that's some

206501:38:29,579 --> 01:38:34,829friends - mm-hmm

206601:38:31,489 --> 01:38:37,649because I've heard that sometimes things

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206701:38:34,829 --> 01:38:40,079act in the way that you whatever your

206801:38:37,649 --> 01:38:43,229kind of preset emotion is at that time

206901:38:40,079 --> 01:38:45,059but other times they don't it's good if

207001:38:43,229 --> 01:38:46,739you can keep emotionless when these

207101:38:45,060 --> 01:38:48,900things happen but it's hard to with the

207201:38:46,739 --> 01:38:52,769UFO thing they usually perhaps some kind

207301:38:48,899 --> 01:38:55,049of feelings another question from Nick

207401:38:52,770 --> 01:38:56,700knack in the space over radio chat room

207501:38:55,050 --> 01:38:59,340on Spreaker and I think this is a pretty

207601:38:56,699 --> 01:39:02,130darn good question Eugene

207701:38:59,340 --> 01:39:04,710could you please profile a person

207801:39:02,130 --> 01:39:06,900belonging in the 55% group that you

207901:39:04,710 --> 01:39:09,060speak of that will not be ready for

208001:39:06,899 --> 01:39:12,299disclosure do you believe they are a


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01:39:09,060 --> 01:39:13,830highly religious person uneducated do

208201:39:12,300 --> 01:39:17,150you believe they live in a first or

208301:39:13,829 --> 01:39:20,279third world country he's just curious

208401:39:17,149 --> 01:39:23,819yeah I know I know Nick knack from the

208501:39:20,279 --> 01:39:26,099tech grips he's pretty cool no I don't

208601:39:23,819 --> 01:39:28,139think it has so much to it select the

208701:39:26,100 --> 01:39:31,260social level I think it has to do with

208801:39:28,140 --> 01:39:34,289more the stability of personality the

208901:39:31,260 --> 01:39:36,210education does help but in some times

209001:39:34,289 --> 01:39:38,039with these experiences the education

209101:39:36,210 --> 01:39:40,289can hurt because they're thinking way

209201:39:38,039 --> 01:39:43,050too much and a lot of these things can

209301:39:40,289 --> 01:39:45,810just be observed and felt to be

209401:39:43,050 --> 01:39:47,579interacted with a lot of times our

209501:39:45,810 --> 01:39:53,750

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thinking will get in the way of the

209601:39:47,579 --> 01:39:56,970emotional interaction or feeling but and

209701:39:53,750 --> 01:39:59,100they've repeat the question from you can

209801:39:56,970 --> 01:40:04,110you when we were talking earlier in

209901:39:59,100 --> 01:40:06,660regards to the thought of disclosure you

210001:40:04,109 --> 01:40:09,119said you W believe that about 55% of the

210101:40:06,659 --> 01:40:12,630people are not ready for yet so he is

210201:40:09,119 --> 01:40:14,670wondering okay if you believe who

210301:40:12,630 --> 01:40:17,789belongs to that group profile them are

210401:40:14,670 --> 01:40:19,109they highly religious uneducated and did

210501:40:17,789 --> 01:40:21,748they live in a first or third world

210601:40:19,109 --> 01:40:23,429country yeah

210701:40:21,748 --> 01:40:24,988don't think it's anything that I think

210801:40:23,429 --> 01:40:30,618it's more as a personality I think they

210901:40:24,988 --> 01:40:34,259would be uh easily upset usually a

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211001:40:30,618 --> 01:40:37,858physically weaker or easily able to get

211101:40:34,259 --> 01:40:41,009sick not healthy and robust I think

211201:40:37,859 --> 01:40:43,889they'd be a emotionally unstable or

211301:40:41,009 --> 01:40:49,738unbalanced not all of them but I think

211401:40:43,889 --> 01:40:51,418they'd be a have a fear back nature

211501:40:49,738 --> 01:40:53,548where they're afraid of anything or

211601:40:51,418 --> 01:40:58,679everything but does the brittle

211701:40:53,548 --> 01:41:00,479personality the tendency to get upset at

211801:40:58,679 --> 01:41:04,319the slightest thing there's a lack of

211901:41:00,479 --> 01:41:06,769any kind of emotional controls that more

212001:41:04,319 --> 01:41:09,119than the social level I think it's the

212101:41:06,769 --> 01:41:11,609stability or the cement is of the

212201:41:09,118 --> 01:41:13,528personality that would depend on who

212301:41:11,609 --> 01:41:16,289goes off the less stable ones will

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212401:41:13,529 --> 01:41:18,989definitely go off quicker and the stable

212501:41:16,288 --> 01:41:20,429ones may not go off at all but those

212601:41:18,988 --> 01:41:24,598unbalanced ones and they're usually

212701:41:20,429 --> 01:41:26,849fractured they may be loners they may

212801:41:24,599 --> 01:41:28,319not be they may be regular normal people

212901:41:26,849 --> 01:41:31,219to just freak at something that's

213001:41:28,319 --> 01:41:33,689outside of the comprehension but usually

213101:41:31,219 --> 01:41:39,269they're the ones who are brittle easily

213201:41:33,689 --> 01:41:44,909upset usually frightened easily misled

213301:41:39,269 --> 01:41:48,569or gullible and who take things at first

213401:41:44,908 --> 01:41:52,438glance or who reacts without thinking

213501:41:48,569 --> 01:41:54,059but yeah there's the less the more

213601:41:52,439 --> 01:41:56,359practical person a letís will go up

213701:41:54,059 --> 01:41:56,359first


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01:41:56,988 --> 01:42:01,798do you believe then that that is a

213901:41:59,219 --> 01:42:03,689danger to the rest of society do you

214001:42:01,798 --> 01:42:05,488believe that there's going to be Anarchy

214101:42:03,689 --> 01:42:08,009roaming around the streets people

214201:42:05,488 --> 01:42:10,618shattering windows causing all sorts of

214301:42:08,009 --> 01:42:12,149chaos shooting at everything in the sky

214401:42:10,618 --> 01:42:14,488whether it's an airplane helicopter

214501:42:12,149 --> 01:42:17,789because remember during Hurricane

214601:42:14,488 --> 01:42:20,548Katrina when the rescuers were finally

214701:42:17,788 --> 01:42:22,889coming in to New Orleans and the

214801:42:20,548 --> 01:42:25,139surrounding areas there were people

214901:42:22,889 --> 01:42:28,588shooting at police helicopters news

215001:42:25,139 --> 01:42:33,868helicopters airplanes the military it

215101:42:28,588 --> 01:42:35,430was absolute bedlam do you believe that

215201:42:33,868 --> 01:42:39,449

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would be worse

215301:42:35,430 --> 01:42:40,710of that 55% half would take advantage

215401:42:39,449 --> 01:42:42,300I used to work with the police and

215501:42:40,710 --> 01:42:44,699they're pretty good on percentages on

215601:42:42,300 --> 01:42:49,380what they think what happened the 55%

215701:42:44,699 --> 01:42:52,489who wouldn't like the disclosure news in

215801:42:49,380 --> 01:42:55,109the ensuing riots who are trying to

215901:42:52,489 --> 01:42:59,069contained the people they would take

216001:42:55,109 --> 01:43:02,039full advantage of the wildness yes and

216101:42:59,069 --> 01:43:04,949wealthy and a lot of people would start

216201:43:02,039 --> 01:43:08,159to stock up stuff in being a fear of

216301:43:04,949 --> 01:43:11,159home invasion or include of the Martians

216401:43:08,159 --> 01:43:13,800 but there'd be a lot of therapy

216501:43:11,159 --> 01:43:15,559super fear because nothing can freak a

216601:43:13,800 --> 01:43:18,720person out more than the supernatural

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216701:43:15,560 --> 01:43:22,440Lia invaders from another planet just

216801:43:18,720 --> 01:43:24,420like the Orson Welles thing but 55%

216901:43:22,439 --> 01:43:25,559would go off or go a while they pack

217001:43:24,420 --> 01:43:29,489their cars they head for the mountains

217101:43:25,560 --> 01:43:31,680and get guns and the the other 45% would

217201:43:29,489 --> 01:43:34,800bulk up with protection out of fear of

217301:43:31,680 --> 01:43:37,860them you know because you go you need a

217401:43:34,800 --> 01:43:40,260car you need ammo you need cash and that

217501:43:37,859 --> 01:43:43,679would be wild but I think the government

217601:43:40,260 --> 01:43:45,930has containment systems with FEMA and

217701:43:43,680 --> 01:43:47,940the state police girl they would link up

217801:43:45,930 --> 01:43:50,369in the event of a national thing like

217901:43:47,939 --> 01:43:52,799that whether it be a city uprising or

218001:43:50,369 --> 01:43:54,809some kind of UFO thing they would

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218101:43:52,800 --> 01:43:59,010contain you I believe it even if they

218201:43:54,810 --> 01:44:04,590have a blow-up with city so the public

218301:43:59,010 --> 01:44:07,440is kind of stuck but of the 55% half of

218401:44:04,590 --> 01:44:09,000those would get involved in larceny and

218501:44:07,439 --> 01:44:12,329troublemaking if they could to take

218601:44:09,000 --> 01:44:14,039advantage and then 13 percent of that 25

218701:44:12,329 --> 01:44:16,619percent which simply go crazy hang

218801:44:14,039 --> 01:44:18,449themselves go off we have enough people

218901:44:16,619 --> 01:44:22,409of going off walking down the streets

219001:44:18,449 --> 01:44:23,970naked and so definitely a 55% couldn't

219101:44:22,409 --> 01:44:28,069handle it with freaked out start

219201:44:23,970 --> 01:44:31,380drinking half of them would go crazy and

219301:44:28,069 --> 01:44:33,000another 13% to take advantage by robbing

219401:44:31,380 --> 01:44:35,100and stealing everything that could in


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01:44:33,000 --> 01:44:37,979the ensuing crazy to stomach blackouts

219601:44:35,100 --> 01:44:39,560it would be wild that's why they think

219701:44:37,979 --> 01:44:41,579they can't even take a chance of telling

219801:44:39,560 --> 01:44:44,250because you know how they see it they

219901:44:41,579 --> 01:44:47,430see it as the regular Archie Bunker's or

220001:44:44,250 --> 01:44:49,260Homer Simpson's or earth goals or

220101:44:47,430 --> 01:44:51,090whoever but they don't see the pub

220201:44:49,260 --> 01:44:53,640as they really are the public has some

220301:44:51,090 --> 01:44:56,610bright individuals in it and but they

220401:44:53,640 --> 01:44:58,230see us as all this dumb audience you

220501:44:56,609 --> 01:44:59,549know Tonight Show or something audience

220601:44:58,229 --> 01:45:03,209and they're not like that they're the

220701:44:59,550 --> 01:45:05,220opposite of those kind of audiences so

220801:45:03,210 --> 01:45:08,010they're not going to talk nothing we

220901:45:05,220 --> 01:45:09,360

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have to either get it from the truth or

221001:45:08,010 --> 01:45:11,070somehow get it from them but they're not

221101:45:09,359 --> 01:45:12,839going to give the record people if

221201:45:11,069 --> 01:45:15,569they're if you're in power you had this

221301:45:12,840 --> 01:45:17,220kind of esoteric forbidden secrets

221401:45:15,569 --> 01:45:19,679you're not going to just tell any former

221501:45:17,220 --> 01:45:21,150or any inner-city ghetto Klown those

221601:45:19,680 --> 01:45:22,530kind of deep secrets that could change

221701:45:21,149 --> 01:45:22,829the world they're just not going to do

221801:45:22,529 --> 01:45:24,979it

221901:45:22,829 --> 01:45:27,210there's too much knowledge there and

222001:45:24,979 --> 01:45:29,009they don't you know the government's

222101:45:27,210 --> 01:45:31,500don't share is it well they got people

222201:45:29,010 --> 01:45:34,170lying in the streets here and maybe in

222301:45:31,500 --> 01:45:36,539Canada homeless and stuff and they don't

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222401:45:34,170 --> 01:45:38,340as well but you can't go against them

222501:45:36,539 --> 01:45:40,439even though they may not care fully but

222601:45:38,340 --> 01:45:42,110you can't go against them so kind of

222701:45:40,439 --> 01:45:44,909strike it's better for us to just as

222801:45:42,109 --> 01:45:47,369experiences and researchers just go and

222901:45:44,909 --> 01:45:49,710do our own findings the government will

223001:45:47,369 --> 01:45:51,420soon come through to us because we're

223101:45:49,710 --> 01:45:53,520the only ones who really know because

223201:45:51,420 --> 01:45:55,109we're the ones who go through it so

223301:45:53,520 --> 01:45:59,070we've got to keep that experiential

223401:45:55,109 --> 01:46:01,829power and in fact even if you have to

223501:45:59,069 --> 01:46:03,719from unscrupulous researchers who will

223601:46:01,829 --> 01:46:06,500classify the experiencer who gave them

223701:46:03,720 --> 01:46:08,579all that information as subject X and

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223801:46:06,500 --> 01:46:11,130they go and write some book that are

223901:46:08,579 --> 01:46:13,529sitting with Oprah so the experience

224001:46:11,130 --> 01:46:16,079have to learn to protect themselves and

224101:46:13,529 --> 01:46:18,000dance some valuable information and they

224201:46:16,079 --> 01:46:21,090should write it down and think about it

224301:46:18,000 --> 01:46:23,699and and see what other people but the in

224401:46:21,090 --> 01:46:26,460spirit experiences are the ones that the

224501:46:23,699 --> 01:46:27,899last info and the scientist they really

224601:46:26,460 --> 01:46:31,710don't know uh-huh

224701:46:27,899 --> 01:46:33,809what if they had that god factor helping

224801:46:31,710 --> 01:46:36,029them with their research Albert Einstein

224901:46:33,810 --> 01:46:38,160believed the gugg when he died in the

225001:46:36,029 --> 01:46:40,139end he admitted that there's no way this

225101:46:38,159 --> 01:46:42,329universe could be made without that and


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01:46:40,140 --> 01:46:47,280everything is arranged in such a way

225301:46:42,329 --> 01:46:49,439that it's perfect so it's that but the

225401:46:47,279 --> 01:46:51,269disclosure thing forget that they don't

225501:46:49,439 --> 01:46:53,099have to tell us so they won't if they

225601:46:51,270 --> 01:46:55,770don't have to they're not and not those

225701:46:53,100 --> 01:46:58,440kind of secret you know who knows what

225801:46:55,770 --> 01:47:00,210they know levitation the time travel

225901:46:58,439 --> 01:47:01,379they could make it though but we're not

226001:47:00,210 --> 01:47:03,270going to be able to get it from them and

226101:47:01,380 --> 01:47:05,159the more we keep bugging them

226201:47:03,270 --> 01:47:06,810and where he's gonna see some silence

226301:47:05,159 --> 01:47:09,300clowns because when you start saying the

226401:47:06,810 --> 01:47:11,250CIA did this the FBI did this this stage

226501:47:09,300 --> 01:47:12,900identified did this those clowns are

226601:47:11,250 --> 01:47:15,750

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gonna hear it and then I start tracking

226701:47:12,899 --> 01:47:18,449and in this field that UFO field you

226801:47:15,750 --> 01:47:20,760know they say kill clowns so you gotta

226901:47:18,449 --> 01:47:22,409watch it be better to not wave the

227001:47:20,760 --> 01:47:24,090finger at the government just to read

227101:47:22,409 --> 01:47:25,380you can request it and they'll still

227201:47:24,090 --> 01:47:26,610deny it but it's best to go get the

227301:47:25,380 --> 01:47:28,890information yourself there's always

227401:47:26,609 --> 01:47:30,569someone in Pennsylvania or Canada who

227501:47:28,890 --> 01:47:31,800knows what's happening better to get it

227601:47:30,569 --> 01:47:33,719from the real people they're the ones

227701:47:31,800 --> 01:47:36,029who know but I would await for any

227801:47:33,720 --> 01:47:37,530disclosure thing from the government you

227901:47:36,029 --> 01:47:41,699can't even hardly get medical insurance

228001:47:37,529 --> 01:47:43,380from them you know what I wouldn't I

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228101:47:41,699 --> 01:47:44,939wouldn't attack them either you know

228201:47:43,380 --> 01:47:46,920there's like people working behind this

228301:47:44,939 --> 01:47:49,799desk - it's not like some machine the

228401:47:46,920 --> 01:47:51,300machine but it doesn't make any sense to

228501:47:49,800 --> 01:47:52,770attack a government of your own country

228601:47:51,300 --> 01:47:56,760getting some trouble no matter where you

228701:47:52,770 --> 01:48:00,080live walk let's start let's start

228801:47:56,760 --> 01:48:02,940switching gears here Eugene okay

228901:48:00,079 --> 01:48:04,710question from one of our listeners in

229001:48:02,939 --> 01:48:08,339this space out radio chat room on

229101:48:04,710 --> 01:48:12,659Spreaker goes by tripping fool he sees

229201:48:08,340 --> 01:48:15,869shadow people and he is wondering and

229301:48:12,659 --> 01:48:19,340asking you how can we tell if it's an

229401:48:15,869 --> 01:48:20,519alien or ghost when we see a cloaked or

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229501:48:19,340 --> 01:48:27,119invisible

229601:48:20,520 --> 01:48:29,460figure outline okay yeah I have talked

229701:48:27,119 --> 01:48:31,260with tripping on the chat now I could

229801:48:29,460 --> 01:48:34,500say hide one that's a good question I

229901:48:31,260 --> 01:48:41,760used to not even believe in like these

230001:48:34,500 --> 01:48:43,609shadow people and stuff but when I was

230101:48:41,760 --> 01:48:45,810young occasionally I'd see something

230201:48:43,609 --> 01:48:48,569what I thought I saw something out the

230301:48:45,810 --> 01:48:51,000corner of my eye but when I got older in

230401:48:48,569 --> 01:48:52,679the forties now I'm in my 50s now when I

230501:48:51,000 --> 01:48:54,869got older I definitely started to seeing

230601:48:52,680 --> 01:48:56,579what the people refer to as shadow

230701:48:54,869 --> 01:48:59,010beings and you can literally see that

230801:48:56,579 --> 01:49:01,109like because I saw one the thing is not


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01:48:59,010 --> 01:49:03,720to move well can you see them usually a

231001:49:01,109 --> 01:49:05,189person will turn their head and when you

231101:49:03,720 --> 01:49:07,949want to do that movement somehow they

231201:49:05,189 --> 01:49:09,479disappear so I said and I would say my

231301:49:07,949 --> 01:49:13,559room one night and I saw what looked

231401:49:09,479 --> 01:49:14,849like a blur of movement small right

231501:49:13,560 --> 01:49:16,860about the baseboard height

231601:49:14,850 --> 01:49:18,360moving out the corner of my eye I

231701:49:16,859 --> 01:49:19,979new I saw because I have good eyes and

231801:49:18,359 --> 01:49:22,109they don't play tricks like that usually

231901:49:19,979 --> 01:49:24,149when people think they see something if

232001:49:22,109 --> 01:49:26,158they usually do because the either or

232101:49:24,149 --> 01:49:28,408maybe they saw something that reflecting

232201:49:26,158 --> 01:49:31,829something the eyes are pretty good super

232301:49:28,408 --> 01:49:33,299

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cameras and they pick up stuff sometimes

232401:49:31,829 --> 01:49:35,429even we don't know they could do it but

232501:49:33,300 --> 01:49:36,989I saw something so I said this time I'm

232601:49:35,429 --> 01:49:39,210not gonna move I was watching TV and I

232701:49:36,988 --> 01:49:41,549could see it out at the parochial so I

232801:49:39,210 --> 01:49:44,698stayed in the same position and I saw it

232901:49:41,550 --> 01:49:47,550take the second movement so it ran along

233001:49:44,698 --> 01:49:49,559the corner of the baseboard in the room

233101:49:47,550 --> 01:49:50,940where I was and I didn't move and then I

233201:49:49,560 --> 01:49:53,520could see it run down the second corner

233301:49:50,939 --> 01:49:56,309it took like a look you know so it got

233401:49:53,520 --> 01:49:57,900oh halfway around the room and so I knew

233501:49:56,310 --> 01:49:59,789I saw at that time that was this year

233601:49:57,899 --> 01:50:03,448but I see those things flipping around

233701:49:59,789 --> 01:50:05,579and they out of eyesight but the person

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233801:50:03,448 --> 01:50:09,479definitely knows that they're there cuz

233901:50:05,579 --> 01:50:10,979you can see them and I it's weird with

234001:50:09,479 --> 01:50:12,509those little things I was laying in my

234101:50:10,979 --> 01:50:17,609bed one day one night there's like

234201:50:12,510 --> 01:50:20,010quarter at 3:00 in the morning and well

234301:50:17,609 --> 01:50:22,170I won't even tell that learning that

234401:50:20,010 --> 01:50:24,960I've heard other people talk about these

234501:50:22,170 --> 01:50:27,420little nutty shadow people but little

234601:50:24,960 --> 01:50:30,420beings but the shadow people I've seen

234701:50:27,420 --> 01:50:32,819them and the best thing I could say is

234801:50:30,420 --> 01:50:34,170to when you see them or think you do try

234901:50:32,819 --> 01:50:35,908not to move to turn your head because

235001:50:34,170 --> 01:50:37,770they seem to stop and disappear it's

235101:50:35,908 --> 01:50:39,210like when you look at them then you

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235201:50:37,770 --> 01:50:41,219can't see it but when you don't look or

235301:50:39,210 --> 01:50:43,859use that side vision then you can see

235401:50:41,219 --> 01:50:46,050and I saw one he moved and then he moved

235501:50:43,859 --> 01:50:47,549again when he when I didn't move my

235601:50:46,050 --> 01:50:50,369vision when he thought I wasn't looking

235701:50:47,550 --> 01:50:52,110he moved again and that time I saw but

235801:50:50,368 --> 01:50:53,789those are some weird things and you

235901:50:52,109 --> 01:50:55,408wonder what they are since they're so

236001:50:53,789 --> 01:50:57,090little you're not afraid of them but

236101:50:55,408 --> 01:50:58,069they move really quick and you

236201:50:57,090 --> 01:51:02,670definitely see them

236301:50:58,069 --> 01:51:05,189so that's like a oddity that in people

236401:51:02,670 --> 01:51:06,539they're coming around more what's a

236501:51:05,189 --> 01:51:11,129question whether I thought that they


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01:51:06,539 --> 01:51:13,649would came into him yeah he was

236701:51:11,130 --> 01:51:17,429wondering if you're able to tell if they

236801:51:13,649 --> 01:51:20,219are cloaked or invisible beings if they

236901:51:17,429 --> 01:51:24,029are of extraterrestrial descent or of

237001:51:20,219 --> 01:51:26,789spiritual descent okay I think with the

237101:51:24,029 --> 01:51:28,500one the ones the one I saw seemed to be

237201:51:26,789 --> 01:51:30,748cloaked you could see the outline but

237301:51:28,500 --> 01:51:33,689nothing really in the middle

237401:51:30,748 --> 01:51:35,279except something darkish but you could

237501:51:33,689 --> 01:51:37,019see the outline of some kind of little

237601:51:35,279 --> 01:51:39,300figure running and he was moving like

237701:51:37,019 --> 01:51:45,539sprinting like the flash the comic book

237801:51:39,300 --> 01:51:47,010era as far as being what the origin of

237901:51:45,538 --> 01:51:51,478those things are sometimes it's better

238001:51:47,010 --> 01:51:54,739

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to not even wonder and just observe what

238101:51:51,479 --> 01:51:57,260the thing does or your reaction to it

238201:51:54,738 --> 01:51:59,578sometimes the clock could always try to

238301:51:57,260 --> 01:52:03,030analyze things sometimes just good to

238401:51:59,578 --> 01:52:05,788like let the experience happen but if

238501:52:03,029 --> 01:52:09,538it's not readily apparent then you have

238601:52:05,788 --> 01:52:11,130to deep you know dig deeper but as long

238701:52:09,538 --> 01:52:13,768as the person can verify that they

238801:52:11,130 --> 01:52:15,538literally actually saw it and it wasn't

238901:52:13,769 --> 01:52:17,099an illusion or hallucination because

239001:52:15,538 --> 01:52:20,300they were thirsty or had too much beer

239101:52:17,099 --> 01:52:23,279then that's that's really all that's

239201:52:20,300 --> 01:52:24,869that's necessary at that moment and then

239301:52:23,279 --> 01:52:26,880you want to look to look for it again

239401:52:24,868 --> 01:52:31,078because chances are it'll probably show

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239501:52:26,880 --> 01:52:33,179up again and but because I've seen those

239601:52:31,078 --> 01:52:35,609shadow things flitting about the cornice

239701:52:33,179 --> 01:52:37,498and you get so used to them after you

239801:52:35,609 --> 01:52:39,149you can almost ignore them or pass along

239901:52:37,498 --> 01:52:41,609but you wonder what the hell they are

240001:52:39,149 --> 01:52:43,558scrambling around the you know your

240101:52:41,609 --> 01:52:47,098ankles like that and moving quick we

240201:52:43,559 --> 01:52:50,579could barely see them but they're real

240301:52:47,099 --> 01:52:52,529and I wouldn't worry since they have no

240401:52:50,578 --> 01:52:54,090kind of physical threat since they're so

240501:52:52,529 --> 01:52:55,800miniature I wouldn't worry if they're

240601:52:54,090 --> 01:52:57,779what they are as long as they're not big

240701:52:55,800 --> 01:52:58,949enough to hurt us but you see them

240801:52:57,779 --> 01:53:02,399they're just doing that thing and then

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240901:52:58,948 --> 01:53:04,768they're gone but I don't as far as what

241001:53:02,399 --> 01:53:08,759their origin is the spiritual of some

241101:53:04,769 --> 01:53:10,050kind and miniature but they're

241201:53:08,760 --> 01:53:12,929definitely real and it's pretty

241301:53:10,050 --> 01:53:15,360interesting they're so fast Oh a camera

241401:53:12,929 --> 01:53:17,729if you had like if there is a room but

241501:53:15,359 --> 01:53:19,679they always happen or alway but they

241601:53:17,729 --> 01:53:22,469just seem to happen randomly even maybe

241701:53:19,679 --> 01:53:24,118outside you know and it's no trick of

241801:53:22,469 --> 01:53:27,328the eyes because I've had my eye stick

241901:53:24,118 --> 01:53:28,859like three times this year and it's not

242001:53:27,328 --> 01:53:31,438a trick of the eye the person actually

242101:53:28,859 --> 01:53:32,969sees something and what it is so it's

242201:53:31,439 --> 01:53:36,418hard to figure out they're so quick


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01:53:32,969 --> 01:53:40,229they're gone but they're I literally saw

242401:53:36,418 --> 01:53:42,059a big one of them it wasn't a shadow

242501:53:40,229 --> 01:53:44,020being but I was laying on my stomach one

242601:53:42,059 --> 01:53:48,489day and

242701:53:44,020 --> 01:53:51,070I saw these little beings they were blue

242801:53:48,489 --> 01:53:52,750kind of like those Smurf beings and they

242901:53:51,069 --> 01:53:56,319were marked except in humans they were

243001:53:52,750 --> 01:53:57,579marching across my stomach and I was

243101:53:56,319 --> 01:53:59,139like what the hell there are three of

243201:53:57,579 --> 01:54:02,289them and they march right across my

243301:53:59,140 --> 01:54:04,960stomach and I let it happen and then it

243401:54:02,289 --> 01:54:06,760just kind of dissolved out of you I

243501:54:04,960 --> 01:54:08,170didn't movie that I look from the corner

243601:54:06,760 --> 01:54:11,289of the mines they just kind of dissolved

243701:54:08,170 --> 01:54:14,079

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out of Urd materialized but there's a

243801:54:11,289 --> 01:54:15,880lot of weird interesting things that

243901:54:14,079 --> 01:54:16,420happens and when they happen just let

244001:54:15,880 --> 01:54:18,369them happen

244101:54:16,420 --> 01:54:20,350try not to react to them try not to

244201:54:18,369 --> 01:54:22,869analyze and just let the experience

244301:54:20,350 --> 01:54:24,760happen and then analyze it later but

244401:54:22,869 --> 01:54:27,369those are some curiosities a shadow

244501:54:24,760 --> 01:54:29,079thing too they flit and move about yeah

244601:54:27,369 --> 01:54:32,519the person is definitely seeing

244701:54:29,079 --> 01:54:35,890something let's go to out-of-body

244801:54:32,520 --> 01:54:37,540experiences here because this is one

244901:54:35,890 --> 01:54:39,160topic that just gives me the

245001:54:37,539 --> 01:54:41,079heebie-jeebies and I know you laugh

245101:54:39,159 --> 01:54:46,239every time I say that because I've told

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245201:54:41,079 --> 01:54:49,390you that in private as well I don't know

245301:54:46,239 --> 01:54:51,519if I would because there there is

245401:54:49,390 --> 01:54:54,850something I remember I you know

245501:54:51,520 --> 01:54:55,390sometimes I like I love amusement park

245601:54:54,850 --> 01:54:57,250rides

245701:54:55,390 --> 01:54:59,260there isn't a roller coaster in this

245801:54:57,250 --> 01:55:03,310world I will not ride on I'm a roller

245901:54:59,260 --> 01:55:04,989coaster fanatic yeah but I remember I

246001:55:03,310 --> 01:55:08,230used to have dreams of being on

246101:55:04,989 --> 01:55:12,130amusement park rides where they just

246201:55:08,229 --> 01:55:14,289wouldn't shut off and you get that that

246301:55:12,130 --> 01:55:17,050weird sensation in your stomach that

246401:55:14,289 --> 01:55:18,430just doesn't feel right when it's moving

246501:55:17,050 --> 01:55:21,970up and down and not that you're gonna

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246601:55:18,430 --> 01:55:25,140vomit or anything like that but I look

246701:55:21,970 --> 01:55:29,980at that in the same way I look at ob E's

246801:55:25,140 --> 01:55:32,619and I just couldn't fathom the fact that

246901:55:29,979 --> 01:55:36,729I am floating out of my body out of

247001:55:32,619 --> 01:55:39,039control being held on by an elastic band

247101:55:36,729 --> 01:55:40,929that is getting thinner and thinner and

247201:55:39,039 --> 01:55:45,010thinner to the point where it's almost

247301:55:40,930 --> 01:55:47,500like fishing line and then all of a

247401:55:45,010 --> 01:55:53,010sudden having it snap right back

247501:55:47,500 --> 01:55:56,350I just don't know yet at Eugene yeah the

247601:55:53,010 --> 01:55:57,940that cord it gets thinner and thinner

247701:55:56,350 --> 01:56:00,340and thinner but it does the

247801:55:57,939 --> 01:56:02,079you out you go but it does it will not

247901:56:00,340 --> 01:56:05,770break what the human cannot break it


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01:56:02,079 --> 01:56:08,079it's just like a safety valve that when

248101:56:05,770 --> 01:56:10,420the person's physical biology is getting

248201:56:08,079 --> 01:56:12,670too depleted of its Astro just pulls you

248301:56:10,420 --> 01:56:16,149back in it makes sure that the person

248401:56:12,670 --> 01:56:18,039wakes up you know for breakfast so it's

248501:56:16,149 --> 01:56:19,779and you only see it if you want to see

248601:56:18,039 --> 01:56:22,649it like if you say I don't want to see

248701:56:19,779 --> 01:56:25,149it you little it'll disappear and

248801:56:22,649 --> 01:56:26,379because I was having an astral

248901:56:25,149 --> 01:56:28,619experience up near the clouds one

249001:56:26,380 --> 01:56:31,390morning and it was in real time about

249101:56:28,619 --> 01:56:33,819ten after seven and I could feel it

249201:56:31,390 --> 01:56:36,010tugging at me and it comes from behind

249301:56:33,819 --> 01:56:39,039the head or in front of the head or

249401:56:36,010 --> 01:56:41,440

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through the navel and it'll start

249501:56:39,039 --> 01:56:44,350pulling you and I could feel it pulling

249601:56:41,439 --> 01:56:45,879me to the extent it appeared visibly

249701:56:44,350 --> 01:56:47,680where I could see it when I wondered

249801:56:45,880 --> 01:56:49,000what is that calling me I looked and it

249901:56:47,680 --> 01:56:50,200appears bigger I could see the cable

250001:56:49,000 --> 01:56:52,239going through the clouds through this

250101:56:50,199 --> 01:56:54,789guy back to my house my bedroom window I

250201:56:52,239 --> 01:56:56,019said what and so I started pulling back

250301:56:54,789 --> 01:56:59,140against it because I want to stay out

250401:56:56,020 --> 01:57:00,790there just look about and enjoy because

250501:56:59,140 --> 01:57:02,950uh you absorb so much when you're

250601:57:00,789 --> 01:57:06,489out-of-body you can feel everything it's

250701:57:02,949 --> 01:57:10,539like being on mushrooms or something you

250801:57:06,489 --> 01:57:12,219just absorb everything fully and but so

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250901:57:10,539 --> 01:57:13,750it cold it started pulling so we had a

251001:57:12,220 --> 01:57:15,640tug-of-war and then all of a sudden when

251101:57:13,750 --> 01:57:18,010Athena wasn't going to stay in because

251201:57:15,640 --> 01:57:20,710usually the conscious mind is in control

251301:57:18,010 --> 01:57:22,600it yanked me through the air all the way

251401:57:20,710 --> 01:57:24,520back into my bed and I woke up with a

251501:57:22,600 --> 01:57:27,160headache in the back of my head from the

251601:57:24,520 --> 01:57:28,120pool but it's just it make sure that

251701:57:27,159 --> 01:57:30,250your astral

251801:57:28,119 --> 01:57:33,010comes back to your physical and so you

251901:57:30,250 --> 01:57:35,739can stay alive because it's the whole

252001:57:33,010 --> 01:57:38,890the subconscious monitors to all the

252101:57:35,739 --> 01:57:42,069respiratory systems a heart and a minute

252201:57:38,890 --> 01:57:44,110before it gives you ample time the body

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252301:57:42,069 --> 01:57:47,529starts going into emergency mode it'll

252401:57:44,109 --> 01:57:49,509pull you back in and the subconscious

252501:57:47,529 --> 01:57:51,939that that's what controls that other

252601:57:49,510 --> 01:57:53,680body too and if it's anything any kind

252701:57:51,939 --> 01:57:55,629of danger to the physical product you'll

252801:57:53,680 --> 01:57:57,940be yanked back in that adventure with

252901:57:55,630 --> 01:57:59,920Marilyn Monroe or you know playing

253001:57:57,939 --> 01:58:02,019dunking the basketball will end and the

253101:57:59,920 --> 01:58:04,390person could wake up in the bed so

253201:58:02,020 --> 01:58:06,730that's like a safety thing but I think

253301:58:04,390 --> 01:58:08,740maybe with you and you said about the

253401:58:06,729 --> 01:58:10,329lack of control there is a lack of

253501:58:08,739 --> 01:58:11,618control where the person just has to

253601:58:10,329 --> 01:58:13,569submit because it


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01:58:11,618 --> 01:58:15,488like a subconscious force that takes

253801:58:13,569 --> 01:58:16,658over especially when the person is

253901:58:15,488 --> 01:58:18,728coming out of the body

254001:58:16,658 --> 01:58:22,628and if you just lay there your body will

254101:58:18,729 --> 01:58:26,769rise on its own and and and go up

254201:58:22,628 --> 01:58:28,628halfway up ago about maybe chin level if

254301:58:26,769 --> 01:58:31,329you're a normal height guy then it'll go

254401:58:28,628 --> 01:58:33,219to the front of the bed rotate down I'll

254501:58:31,328 --> 01:58:35,768send you some pictures of it tonight and

254601:58:33,219 --> 01:58:37,179expand then you kind of regain

254701:58:35,769 --> 01:58:39,699consciousness or at least the

254801:58:37,179 --> 01:58:42,939finalization ends when you're stood

254901:58:39,698 --> 01:58:46,359upright from the horizontal position but

255001:58:42,939 --> 01:58:48,099it's interesting watching the body come

255101:58:46,359 --> 01:58:49,929

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out and feeling it because this like you

255201:58:48,099 --> 01:58:51,760may have read there's all kinds of

255301:58:49,929 --> 01:58:54,189mechanical kids sometimes you'll feel

255401:58:51,760 --> 01:58:58,119like what sounds like construction

255501:58:54,189 --> 01:59:00,280noises and machinery and it's

255601:58:58,118 --> 01:59:02,168interesting the sounds but what the

255701:59:00,279 --> 01:59:04,719person really is doing is just their

255801:59:02,168 --> 01:59:07,599inner spirit their inner self the higher

255901:59:04,719 --> 01:59:09,340self is just waking up and their

256001:59:07,599 --> 01:59:11,739physical self is down there on their bed

256101:59:09,340 --> 01:59:14,800but their essence their real self is

256201:59:11,738 --> 01:59:17,828that out-of-body self and that's a good

256301:59:14,800 --> 01:59:19,840one for you to meet because it energizes

256401:59:17,828 --> 01:59:21,609just waking up in that national state

256501:59:19,840 --> 01:59:23,409will energize the physical to the point

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256601:59:21,609 --> 01:59:25,179where people will notice that you're

256701:59:23,408 --> 01:59:27,219different or look different or you have

256801:59:25,179 --> 01:59:28,719a shine or you're taller they'll notice

256901:59:27,219 --> 01:59:30,849it right away just from having one

257001:59:28,719 --> 01:59:32,408out-of-body so there's some good effects

257101:59:30,849 --> 01:59:36,399from having the other body and it's just

257201:59:32,408 --> 01:59:38,529a good fear thing and because I know in

257301:59:36,399 --> 01:59:41,289this world you're probably afraid of few

257401:59:38,529 --> 01:59:43,148things you know you played hockey I can

257501:59:41,288 --> 01:59:44,889tell that you're talking stuff the way

257601:59:43,149 --> 01:59:47,289you you know your straight shooter and

257701:59:44,889 --> 01:59:51,328stuff so I know you're not that afraid

257801:59:47,288 --> 01:59:54,279but those inner experiences can be a

257901:59:51,328 --> 01:59:56,168test a person's courage too but I used

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258001:59:54,279 --> 01:59:58,418to have a fear in the out of body of

258101:59:56,168 --> 02:00:00,069falling back like when the person falls

258201:59:58,418 --> 02:00:01,719asleep and sometimes you have the

258302:00:00,069 --> 02:00:04,090sensation that you're falling down and

258402:00:01,719 --> 02:00:05,529when you're really rising up but the

258502:00:04,090 --> 02:00:07,360physical body feels like you're going

258602:00:05,529 --> 02:00:09,009down into the pit that's just because

258702:00:07,359 --> 02:00:12,188your spirit thought is coming up out of

258802:00:09,010 --> 02:00:14,679you but I said that fear of falling and

258902:00:12,189 --> 02:00:17,110letting go but that's why the paralysis

259002:00:14,679 --> 02:00:19,809because it's so freaky and so

259102:00:17,109 --> 02:00:22,418psychologically freaky because no one

259202:00:19,809 --> 02:00:24,279how can you be invisibly paralyzed and

259302:00:22,418 --> 02:00:25,210you can't move yourself but you can


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02:00:24,279 --> 02:00:28,149think

259502:00:25,210 --> 02:00:29,949and see so that that man alone would

259602:00:28,149 --> 02:00:31,059start off the alarm centers but it's

259702:00:29,949 --> 02:00:32,559just your higher-self

259802:00:31,060 --> 02:00:34,360taking over because they know the

259902:00:32,560 --> 02:00:36,870person's going to move about if they see

260002:00:34,359 --> 02:00:39,519themselves separating into two people

260102:00:36,869 --> 02:00:42,369which are really one but that's just the

260202:00:39,520 --> 02:00:44,620invisible a higher self waking up and

260302:00:42,369 --> 02:00:46,899that out-of-body can stimulate more

260402:00:44,619 --> 02:00:48,250activation of those two Minds the

260502:00:46,899 --> 02:00:51,429subconscious and conscious mind

260602:00:48,250 --> 02:00:52,960interacting and yeah it's a good thing

260702:00:51,430 --> 02:00:54,610to have because a lot of other

260802:00:52,960 --> 02:00:58,119

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experiences come out and more other

260902:00:54,609 --> 02:01:00,099bodies come out one too it's a good

261002:00:58,119 --> 02:01:02,500thing to have babe you should say to

261102:01:00,100 --> 02:01:03,670yourself I want to have one it's good to

261202:01:02,500 --> 02:01:05,289face some fears because it's really

261302:01:03,670 --> 02:01:07,090nothing to be afraid of like if you just

261402:01:05,289 --> 02:01:09,430lay there and do your breathing's it'll

261502:01:07,090 --> 02:01:15,130happen on its own I could talk you

261602:01:09,430 --> 02:01:16,230through one importance all right let's

261702:01:15,130 --> 02:01:20,500try that out

261802:01:16,229 --> 02:01:23,139okay we're gonna hop out here for a

261902:01:20,500 --> 02:01:25,300break here at the top of the hour we

262002:01:23,140 --> 02:01:27,570have one hour left in spaced out radio

262102:01:25,300 --> 02:01:32,320our guest tonight Eugene Braxton

262202:01:27,569 --> 02:01:33,519America's most experienced mystic for

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

262302:01:32,319 --> 02:01:36,929some reason I always want to get those

262402:01:33,520 --> 02:01:39,430two words intermixed but America's most

262502:01:36,930 --> 02:01:40,930experienced mystic Eugene Braxton our

262602:01:39,430 --> 02:01:43,119guest he'll be with us for the final

262702:01:40,930 --> 02:01:46,869hour as well on spaced out radio you're

262802:01:43,119 --> 02:01:49,269listening to SOR it's almost done this

262902:01:46,869 --> 02:01:51,159week just two more work days left in

263002:01:49,270 --> 02:01:53,770that exciting we'll be right back after

263102:01:51,159 --> 02:01:55,869this break become more intimate &

263202:01:53,770 --> 02:01:57,520interactive with spaced out radio join

263302:01:55,869 --> 02:01:59,680our space travelers club with your new

263402:01:57,520 --> 02:02:01,780membership for five dollars a month will

263502:01:59,680 --> 02:02:03,909provide you with special access to the

263602:02:01,779 --> 02:02:05,800website monthly prize draws from books

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

263702:02:03,909 --> 02:02:07,869to psychic readings along with monthly

263802:02:05,800 --> 02:02:09,730newsletter private interviews and more

263902:02:07,869 --> 02:02:12,279sign up today to be part of spaced

264002:02:09,729 --> 02:02:13,959outrages experience every month on

264102:02:12,279 --> 02:02:15,729spaced out radio we look into the deep

264202:02:13,960 --> 02:02:18,010and dark reports of cryptids roaming

264302:02:15,729 --> 02:02:20,529around the world with me Rob Murphy from

264402:02:18,010 --> 02:02:22,090crypto via dot us I would love it if you

264502:02:20,529 --> 02:02:23,800would join me and host Dave Scott as we

264602:02:22,090 --> 02:02:25,300delve into the most arcane stories and

264702:02:23,800 --> 02:02:27,489reports regarding creatures of the

264802:02:25,300 --> 02:02:29,140unknown my job is to hunt down the

264902:02:27,488 --> 02:02:31,179details and bring the evidence forward

265002:02:29,140 --> 02:02:33,010to you these aren't your regular Bigfoot


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02:02:31,180 --> 02:02:34,750stories I'm talking about either you can

265202:02:33,010 --> 02:02:37,680find out more about crypto history at

265302:02:34,750 --> 02:02:37,680spaced-out

265402:02:39,099 --> 02:02:44,389looking for a place to advertise at a

265502:02:41,630 --> 02:02:47,029very reasonable cost look no further

265602:02:44,389 --> 02:02:49,880than spaced out radio spaced out

265702:02:47,029 --> 02:02:51, has an advertising tab that

265802:02:49,880 --> 02:02:54,440you can click to check out our daily

265902:02:51,770 --> 02:02:56,510weekly and monthly packages to play on

266002:02:54,439 --> 02:02:59,598the radio or our website including

266102:02:56,510 --> 02:03:02,420social media from commercial spots to

266202:02:59,599 --> 02:03:10,610banners we have it all check out our

266302:03:02,420 --> 02:03:13,039competitive pricing today you hear

266402:03:10,609 --> 02:03:15,859footsteps in the empty room above you

266502:03:13,039 --> 02:03:18,559

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and a rocking chair begins rocking by

266602:03:15,859 --> 02:03:20,118itself don't be afraid of the things

266702:03:18,559 --> 02:03:23,690that go bump in the night

266802:03:20,118 --> 02:03:26,389reach for spirit story box the iPhone

266902:03:23,689 --> 02:03:28,789app The Huffington Post UK called the

267002:03:26,389 --> 02:03:29,440only ghost hunting app you will ever

267102:03:28,789 --> 02:03:32,840need

267202:03:29,439 --> 02:03:35,629spirit story box the spirits are telling

267302:03:32,840 --> 02:03:37,760their stories are you listening strange

267402:03:35,630 --> 02:03:39,828creatures lurking in the night the

267502:03:37,760 --> 02:03:42,559sounds of wood knocking in the forest

267602:03:39,828 --> 02:03:45,439awed happenings right out of a fictional

267702:03:42,559 --> 02:03:47,929world these are the reports I love hi

267802:03:45,439 --> 02:03:49,669there this is author Ronald Murphy and I

267902:03:47,929 --> 02:03:51,859would love it if he joined me and spaced

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268002:03:49,670 --> 02:03:53,960out radio host Dave Scott the second

268102:03:51,859 --> 02:03:54,710wednesday ever be marking on our journey

268202:03:53,960 --> 02:03:57,590in

268302:03:54,710 --> 02:04:00,829no man of cryptozoology at spaced-out

268402:03:57,590 --> 02:04:02, from mark man to frog man

268502:04:00,829 --> 02:04:05,930everything in between hey they don't

268602:04:02,899 --> 02:04:08,000call me to crypto guru for nothing is

268702:04:05,930 --> 02:04:08,360the 24 hour world starting to wear you

268802:04:08,000 --> 02:04:10,699down

268902:04:08,359 --> 02:04:11,479let me from rivulet right-hand ratings

269002:04:10,699 --> 02:04:14,179lend you a hand

269102:04:11,479 --> 02:04:16,789hi this is Jolene and if you're in need

269202:04:14,180 --> 02:04:17,210of reiki or a room rating come to my

269302:04:16,789 --> 02:04:20,600website

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269402:04:17,210 --> 02:04:23,390rivulet our dart forward slash

269502:04:20,600 --> 02:04:26,060rivulet our and our and let us help you

269602:04:23,390 --> 02:04:28,219out at rivulet I specialize in healing

269702:04:26,060 --> 02:04:30,080your body mind and soul no matter where

269802:04:28,219 --> 02:04:31,670you are and be sure to check out the

269902:04:30,079 --> 02:04:34,039rivulet aren't our Facebook page for

270002:04:31,670 --> 02:04:35,690your best deals remember it's time for

270102:04:34,039 --> 02:04:37,640you to make some time for you find

270202:04:35,689 --> 02:04:39,289yourself constantly looking up in the

270302:04:37,640 --> 02:04:41,420sky looking for answers

270402:04:39,289 --> 02:04:44,359have you had extraterrestrial contact

270502:04:41,420 --> 02:04:46,909are you an abductee looking for answers

270602:04:44,359 --> 02:04:49,699to your experiences Qaeda I Marquis

270702:04:46,909 --> 02:04:52,309family based out radios president EP


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02:04:49,699 --> 02:04:54,469experts join me live the first Friday of

270902:04:52,310 --> 02:04:57,020every month where I take questions and

271002:04:54,469 --> 02:04:59,119the face out radio cameras and help you

271102:04:57,020 --> 02:05:01,730understand those from the far off world

271202:04:59,119 --> 02:05:03,829it's two hours of knowledge every

271302:05:01,729 --> 02:05:04,629experience they should listen to hope to

271402:05:03,829 --> 02:05:07,309see you there

271502:05:04,630 --> 02:05:08,359did you know that spaced-out radio runs

271602:05:07,310 --> 02:05:10,370seven days a week

271702:05:08,359 --> 02:05:12,889hi it's James Tyson from spaced out

271802:05:10,369 --> 02:05:15,140weekend every Saturday and Sunday night

271902:05:12,890 --> 02:05:17,900starting at 9 p.m. Pacific midnight

272002:05:15,140 --> 02:05:19,520Eastern you can join me and my guests

272102:05:17,899 --> 02:05:21,859for some great chatter about what's

272202:05:19,520 --> 02:05:23,270

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going on out in the universe or even in

272302:05:21,859 --> 02:05:25,460that dark part of the basement you

272402:05:23,270 --> 02:05:26,690really don't want to go back into well

272502:05:25,460 --> 02:05:29,000let's find the answers to your

272602:05:26,689 --> 02:05:30,500experiences together so come on up to

272702:05:29,000 --> 02:05:32,510Uncle Jim Beau's cabin on the weekend

272802:05:30,500 --> 02:05:36,279for more information look us up

272902:05:32,510 --> 02:05:36,280spaced-out

273002:05:45,399 --> 02:05:50,229would you like to connect with us on

273102:05:47,710 --> 02:05:52,680spaced out radio ped - spaced out

273202:05:50,229 --> 02:05:55, - check out the latest shows

273302:05:52,680 --> 02:05:57,880guests and sponsors and don't forget to

273402:05:55,869 --> 02:06:00,369sign up for the space travelers Club

273502:05:57,880 --> 02:06:03,329you'll find all you need at spaced out

273602:06:00,369 --> 02:06:03,329radio calm

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273702:06:04,469 --> 02:06:08,829welcome back to the final hour of

273802:06:06,789 --> 02:06:10,750spaced-out radio tonight I am your host

273902:06:08,829 --> 02:06:12,849Dave Scott thank you so much for being

274002:06:10,750 --> 02:06:14,800with us appreciate you taking the time

274102:06:12,849 --> 02:06:17,550if you're listening in on the SHR Media

274202:06:14,800 --> 02:06:20,770Network if you're on the space travelers

274302:06:17,550 --> 02:06:23,409page on Facebook along with you oh for

274402:06:20,770 --> 02:06:26,949your Chronicles paranormal forum and the

274502:06:23,408 --> 02:06:28,868Spreaker chat room here at spaced out

274602:06:26,948 --> 02:06:30,609radio always a pleasure to have you all

274702:06:28,868 --> 02:06:32,710with us thank you so much for being with

274802:06:30,609 --> 02:06:34,630us tomorrow night on the show Victor VC

274902:06:32,710 --> 02:06:36,908on e will join us we're going to talk

275002:06:34,630 --> 02:06:39,730more UFOs and disclosure leading up to

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275102:06:36,908 --> 02:06:42,848the alien cosmic Expo in Brantford

275202:06:39,729 --> 02:06:43,658Ontario and that'll be an interesting

275302:06:42,849 --> 02:06:46,630topic

275402:06:43,658 --> 02:06:49,000indeed I want to remind you that you can

275502:06:46,630 --> 02:06:51,190follow us on twitter at spaced out radio

275602:06:49,000 --> 02:06:53,979give our Facebook page a like space out

275702:06:51,189 --> 02:06:57,009radio show on Instagram I can be

275802:06:53,979 --> 02:06:59,738followed of Dave Scott SOR our YouTube

275902:06:57,010 --> 02:07:03,039channel is spaced out radio show and our

276002:06:59,738 --> 02:07:05,019website is spaced out radio calm tonight

276102:07:03,039 --> 02:07:07,689we are talking with Eugene braixen we've

276202:07:05,020 --> 02:07:09,190talked a lot about ETS disclosure we've

276302:07:07,689 --> 02:07:11,888been talking about some out-of-body

276402:07:09,189 --> 02:07:14,408experiences I got a question from Bill


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02:07:11,889 --> 02:07:16,179Cardwell in the Esso our space travelers

276602:07:14,408 --> 02:07:22,210on Facebook to kick off this half hour

276702:07:16,179 --> 02:07:23,829for you Eugene and the question is if

276802:07:22,210 --> 02:07:26,079someone wants to have an out-of-body

276902:07:23,829 --> 02:07:28,179experience but has been unable to do it

277002:07:26,079 --> 02:07:30,599what steps can they take to help it

277102:07:28,179 --> 02:07:30,599happen

277202:07:31,840 --> 02:07:37,810a lot depends on what they're doing but

277302:07:34,469 --> 02:07:45,719the best bet to have an out-of-body is

277402:07:37,810 --> 02:07:48,789to have a regular bed time to do regular

277502:07:45,719 --> 02:07:50,560meditational breathing's every night and

277602:07:48,789 --> 02:07:57,368every day if you can but especially

277702:07:50,560 --> 02:07:59,560every night be in good health be in a

277802:07:57,368 --> 02:08:04,179good mood wait especially when you go to

277902:07:59,560 --> 02:08:07,570

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sleep and try to be normally the

278002:08:04,179 --> 02:08:11,469breathing's will what you want to do is

278102:08:07,569 --> 02:08:15,849extend your continuity of consciousness

278202:08:11,469 --> 02:08:18,010you want to to fall asleep basically

278302:08:15,849 --> 02:08:19,750well mentally staying awake

278402:08:18,010 --> 02:08:22,449and the breathing's will help you do

278502:08:19,750 --> 02:08:26,109that because you literally want to count

278602:08:22,449 --> 02:08:28,720them as you can usually they say a good

278702:08:26,109 --> 02:08:31,569number is to do 18 usually the person is

278802:08:28,720 --> 02:08:33,190asleep before they get to 18 because

278902:08:31,569 --> 02:08:36,219their body starts filling up with air

279002:08:33,189 --> 02:08:41,169and they it knocks them out easier but

279102:08:36,220 --> 02:08:43,180if you count and do your breathing's you

279202:08:41,170 --> 02:08:44,680do have regular you'll be able to go

279302:08:43,180 --> 02:08:48,280deeper into the sleep state while

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279402:08:44,680 --> 02:08:51,340staying awake and you'll start to hear

279502:08:48,279 --> 02:08:57,729things first then you'll start to see

279602:08:51,340 --> 02:09:00,430things in your mind and also uh during

279702:08:57,729 --> 02:09:03,489the out-of-body but you want to extend

279802:09:00,430 --> 02:09:06,010that range of consciousness with the

279902:09:03,489 --> 02:09:07,960breathing exercises even if you have to

280002:09:06,010 --> 02:09:11,650count up to a hundred while doing the

280102:09:07,960 --> 02:09:13,180exercises like I used to do and you'll

280202:09:11,649 --> 02:09:15,639do that for 30 days and then suddenly

280302:09:13,180 --> 02:09:17,560there'll be a change some of the

280402:09:15,640 --> 02:09:20,110symptoms that you're on the way to

280502:09:17,560 --> 02:09:22,240having an out-of-body is when you can

280602:09:20,109 --> 02:09:25,059feel the paralysis creeping up your legs

280702:09:22,239 --> 02:09:27,489it usually start at your toes calves or

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280802:09:25,060 --> 02:09:28,990thighs and you'll feel it slowly while

280902:09:27,489 --> 02:09:30,399you're steadily doing your breathing's

281002:09:28,989 --> 02:09:31,840you want to concentrate on the breathing

281102:09:30,399 --> 02:09:34,000SCID everything else will happen

281202:09:31,840 --> 02:09:37,900naturally you'll feel that paralysis

281302:09:34,000 --> 02:09:40,720that means that that oncoming body or

281402:09:37,899 --> 02:09:42,579out of body is going to happen so you'll

281502:09:40,720 --> 02:09:44,289steadily do your breathing's which will

281602:09:42,579 --> 02:09:46,300calm you out the breathing's will keep

281702:09:44,289 --> 02:09:47,680you nice and calm and relaxed that's why

281802:09:46,300 --> 02:09:49,119they tell a person to do their

281902:09:47,680 --> 02:09:52,180breathing's if there's an argument or

282002:09:49,119 --> 02:09:53,949fight because it does cool you are

282102:09:52,180 --> 02:09:58,329so those greetings will keep you calm


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02:09:53,949 --> 02:10:00,309you'll feel the paralysis when

282302:09:58,329 --> 02:10:04,170separation occurs you'll be fully

282402:10:00,310 --> 02:10:07,150paralyzed and you have to be fully calm

282502:10:04,170 --> 02:10:09,100because you will and the breathing's

282602:10:07,149 --> 02:10:10,420will help you stay awake you'll

282702:10:09,100 --> 02:10:12,039literally have to breathe through your

282802:10:10,420 --> 02:10:15,190stomach at this point because your chest

282902:10:12,039 --> 02:10:17,050will be too paralyzed due and the more

283002:10:15,189 --> 02:10:19,599the person freaks out the tighter the

283102:10:17,050 --> 02:10:21,279paralysis will be and when the paralysis

283202:10:19,600 --> 02:10:23,410becomes too tight

283302:10:21,279 --> 02:10:24,849the person will be just knocked out into

283402:10:23,409 --> 02:10:27,970unconsciousness and they'll miss at the

283502:10:24,850 --> 02:10:29,860other body but you can do it later on in

283602:10:27,970 --> 02:10:31,210

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the middle of the night say suppose you

283702:10:29,859 --> 02:10:31,659have to wake up to go to bath and we're

283802:10:31,210 --> 02:10:34,449going to drink

283902:10:31,659 --> 02:10:37,109water that's a prime time after resting

284002:10:34,449 --> 02:10:39,309a little bit to have the out-of-body

284102:10:37,109 --> 02:10:42,309when you have the other body you want to

284202:10:39,310 --> 02:10:44,650be tired but not dead tired

284302:10:42,310 --> 02:10:47,410a good time to have trying out of bodies

284402:10:44,649 --> 02:10:49,210and afternoon that when you wake up in

284502:10:47,409 --> 02:10:50,889the morning it's a weekend you don't

284602:10:49,210 --> 02:10:52,539have to get up and you go back to sleep

284702:10:50,890 --> 02:10:56,380because you don't want to be overly

284802:10:52,539 --> 02:10:57,850tired but you want to be in a relaxed

284902:10:56,380 --> 02:10:59,739mood but the kind of move where you're

285002:10:57,850 --> 02:11:02,820riding on a bus you know and you're

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285102:10:59,739 --> 02:11:06,219going to Atlantic City or to the shore

285202:11:02,819 --> 02:11:07,989but the breathing exercises will carry

285302:11:06,220 --> 02:11:09,850you into the other body will keep you

285402:11:07,989 --> 02:11:12,369calm and they'll help you stay conscious

285502:11:09,850 --> 02:11:15,070to extend your range of consciousness

285602:11:12,369 --> 02:11:16,329until the paralyzation sets in and then

285702:11:15,069 --> 02:11:19,000you just keep doing the breathing's

285802:11:16,329 --> 02:11:20,380during the parallelization the rest will

285902:11:19,000 --> 02:11:23,020take care of yourself and the body will

286002:11:20,380 --> 02:11:24,789slowly start to lift itself out but you

286102:11:23,020 --> 02:11:30,160can't freak out because though there are

286202:11:24,789 --> 02:11:32,859sounds that may sound weird to have in a

286302:11:30,159 --> 02:11:38,380bedroom that you'll hear and you may

286402:11:32,859 --> 02:11:40,989even see specters flitting about the

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286502:11:38,380 --> 02:11:42,659room or rising around the bed you have

286602:11:40,989 --> 02:11:46,359to ignore that they're kind of a

286702:11:42,659 --> 02:11:48,729hypnagogic illusions a person may think

286802:11:46,359 --> 02:11:51,250that they're seeing parts of the

286902:11:48,729 --> 02:11:55,389spiritual world but they're really not

287002:11:51,250 --> 02:11:58,810that's just mental illusions caused at

287102:11:55,390 --> 02:12:02,110separation and once you get out of the

287202:11:58,810 --> 02:12:03,640body your regular sight and an actual

287302:12:02,109 --> 02:12:05,829consciousness will kick in and those

287402:12:03,640 --> 02:12:09,910things that you saw all there will

287502:12:05,829 --> 02:12:11,739disappear but there are other specters

287602:12:09,909 --> 02:12:13,420and things in the astral world that's

287702:12:11,739 --> 02:12:15,159where that grounding with God can help

287802:12:13,420 --> 02:12:17,470anchor you because they really then


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02:12:15,159 --> 02:12:19,300can't even come around you when they see

288002:12:17,470 --> 02:12:21,850you believe in God took a kind of like a

288102:12:19,300 --> 02:12:23,230beacon of light and a kind of radiation

288202:12:21,850 --> 02:12:24,850or light where they can't take and

288302:12:23,229 --> 02:12:25,869they're not going to deal with so that's

288402:12:24,850 --> 02:12:27,940why it's good to have that belief

288502:12:25,869 --> 02:12:31,329because those things can't even get

288602:12:27,939 --> 02:12:35,469around you it was like a vampire to a

288702:12:31,329 --> 02:12:39,130cross so uh that's about it for the

288802:12:35,470 --> 02:12:41,579out-of-body and a lot depends on what is

288902:12:39,130 --> 02:12:44,289doing but if he follows those steps

289002:12:41,579 --> 02:12:45,578it'll happen and if anyone wants to

289102:12:44,289 --> 02:12:47,529contact me to learn

289202:12:45,578 --> 02:12:50,799how to do it privately they can turn my

289302:12:47,529 --> 02:12:54,009

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website or to my Facebook message thing

289402:12:50,800 --> 02:12:57,189or email me bill is saying he has felt

289502:12:54,010 --> 02:12:59,320the paralysis and a feeling of vibration

289602:12:57,189 --> 02:13:02,918happening but he snaps out of it from

289702:12:59,319 --> 02:13:05,319there this is yeah the breathing's the

289802:13:02,918 --> 02:13:07,748Breeden's will keep him awake yes to do

289902:13:05,319 --> 02:13:11,588when you do it natural breathing's

290002:13:07,748 --> 02:13:13,688you're dimly aware but to take in as

290102:13:11,588 --> 02:13:15,219much air slowly as you can through your

290202:13:13,689 --> 02:13:16,689stomach while it's happening will make

290302:13:15,219 --> 02:13:19,418you much more aware

290402:13:16,689 --> 02:13:20,889you'll be literally it's the air during

290502:13:19,418 --> 02:13:21,488those times that makes you fully

290602:13:20,889 --> 02:13:23,949conscious

290702:13:21,488 --> 02:13:25,418you can suppose you're having a dream

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290802:13:23,948 --> 02:13:27,308and you feel yourself starting to get to

290902:13:25,418 --> 02:13:29,349pull back from the dream you can

291002:13:27,309 --> 02:13:32,260literally stay in the dream by doing one

291102:13:29,349 --> 02:13:34,359slow deep breathing or two you can

291202:13:32,260 --> 02:13:36,729submit more if I look at your hands I'm

291302:13:34,359 --> 02:13:39,699looking at your feet and that'll keep

291402:13:36,729 --> 02:13:41,409you in that dream out-of-body I'd be

291502:13:39,698 --> 02:13:43,178different because it automatically pulls

291602:13:41,408 --> 02:13:45,488you in if your body's health is in

291702:13:43,179 --> 02:13:48,248danger but in the dream state you can

291802:13:45,488 --> 02:13:52,178cement yourself in there but the

291902:13:48,248 --> 02:13:53,708breathing's will get them through it let

292002:13:52,179 --> 02:13:55,300the paralysis happen I used to always

292102:13:53,708 --> 02:13:57,248fight against the paralysis let it

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292202:13:55,300 --> 02:13:59,229happen because you know that

292302:13:57,248 --> 02:14:01,118oh it's once you get paralyzed to about

292402:13:59,229 --> 02:14:03,909your chest then you're about ready to

292502:14:01,118 --> 02:14:05,259come out so let it happen but continue

292602:14:03,908 --> 02:14:08,549those breathing's no matter what because

292702:14:05,260 --> 02:14:08,550that's what will keep you awake awake

292802:14:08,878 --> 02:14:15,608the breathing's eric has a question in

292902:14:13,059 --> 02:14:17,619paranormal forum tonight Eugene have you

293002:14:15,609 --> 02:14:20,739ever heard of the mineral known as

293102:14:17,618 --> 02:14:24,938Herkimer diamond it says - it said to

293202:14:20,738 --> 02:14:26,648enhance out-of-body experiences I've

293302:14:24,939 --> 02:14:30,789never heard of that but there are some

293402:14:26,649 --> 02:14:34,179regular cooking herbs like nutmeg and I

293502:14:30,788 --> 02:14:36,488think in this that do help promote the


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02:14:34,179 --> 02:14:39,489astral body and I do definitely will

293702:14:36,488 --> 02:14:44,738look that up as long as it's it was this

293802:14:39,488 --> 02:14:47,308an herb that he always is herkimer

293902:14:44,738 --> 02:14:50,259diamond' I'm gonna look at how here it

294002:14:47,309 --> 02:14:53,139yeah yeah yeah the more natural the

294102:14:50,260 --> 02:14:55,569better better but uh anything that helps

294202:14:53,139 --> 02:14:57,368promote an out-of-body it's good but you

294302:14:55,569 --> 02:14:59,270have to do those other steps before so

294402:14:57,368 --> 02:15:02,210you can be conditioned

294502:14:59,270 --> 02:15:04,190for anything that may pop up that you

294602:15:02,210 --> 02:15:06,920might not be used to right and

294702:15:04,189 --> 02:15:09,919definitely the breathing's and get a get

294802:15:06,920 --> 02:15:12,470used to the paralysis but there are some

294902:15:09,920 --> 02:15:14,210people who might be sticky to have

295002:15:12,470 --> 02:15:15,380

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another but you can crystals are good

295102:15:14,210 --> 02:15:20,539real good

295202:15:15,380 --> 02:15:22,100poppers good silver is the best crystals

295302:15:20,539 --> 02:15:23,989and Silver's you'll get out with that

295402:15:22,100 --> 02:15:26,450and that's a good for dream like if you

295502:15:23,989 --> 02:15:28,760can't remember things dream recall put

295602:15:26,449 --> 02:15:31,609on some crystal a silver ring a

295702:15:28,760 --> 02:15:33,380five-dollar silver ring silver bracelet

295802:15:31,609 --> 02:15:36,349I have this bracelet that has all these

295902:15:33,380 --> 02:15:41,420quartz crystals broken up and attached

296002:15:36,350 --> 02:15:42,740to it and those things help but uh yeah

296102:15:41,420 --> 02:15:44,750I will check that in the more natural

296202:15:42,739 --> 02:15:48,279the better but there's some cooking

296302:15:44,750 --> 02:15:50,779herbs that to help promote that too

296402:15:48,279 --> 02:15:55,729absolutely absolutely

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296502:15:50,779 --> 02:15:57,439a Herkimer diamond is it's not actually

296602:15:55,729 --> 02:16:00,009a diamond but our double terminated

296702:15:57,439 --> 02:16:02,389quartz crystals of exceptional clarity

296802:16:00,010 --> 02:16:04,760water-clear discovered with the exposed

296902:16:02,390 --> 02:16:06,890outcrops of dolostone in and around

297002:16:04,760 --> 02:16:10,960Herkimer County New York and the Mohawk

297102:16:06,890 --> 02:16:16,600River Valley so that's what they are

297202:16:10,960 --> 02:16:21,140crystals are good real good to use yep

297302:16:16,600 --> 02:16:23,030how does one stay in control once they

297402:16:21,140 --> 02:16:27,010have left their body in an out-of-body

297502:16:23,029 --> 02:16:30,800experience usually expensive thought

297602:16:27,010 --> 02:16:35,059like if you want to fly you can fly you

297702:16:30,800 --> 02:16:36,829do have a conscious thought and you have

297802:16:35,058 --> 02:16:39,439a conscious will and you can decide to

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297902:16:36,829 --> 02:16:41,030go somewhere you're not controlled I

298002:16:39,440 --> 02:16:42,889think some people think that the

298102:16:41,030 --> 02:16:44,480willpower that they have in an

298202:16:42,888 --> 02:16:49,779out-of-body is the same that they'll

298302:16:44,479 --> 02:16:53,539have after death or in in spiritual

298402:16:49,780 --> 02:16:55,790realms but it's it's different on the

298502:16:53,540 --> 02:16:58,820other body you are kind of free and it's

298602:16:55,790 --> 02:17:00,830almost up to your imagination to decide

298702:16:58,819 --> 02:17:02,808what to interact with since the

298802:17:00,829 --> 02:17:03,920out-of-body is connected with dreams and

298902:17:02,808 --> 02:17:09,039you can have a dream through an

299002:17:03,920 --> 02:17:12,049out-of-body you can also access or just

299102:17:09,040 --> 02:17:13,010go into a dream world either one of your

299202:17:12,049 --> 02:17:15,828own creation


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02:17:13,010 --> 02:17:18,260or one that your mind just happened I

299402:17:15,828 --> 02:17:20,119suppose you're an athlete and they've

299502:17:18,260 --> 02:17:22,189heard these trained athletes to have

299602:17:20,119 --> 02:17:24,078dreams where in the dream they're

299702:17:22,189 --> 02:17:26,898dunking the basketball or making the

299802:17:24,078 --> 02:17:29,179field goal or getting the hospital you

299902:17:26,898 --> 02:17:32,840know the goal in the hockey net so they

300002:17:29,179 --> 02:17:35,179practice in these dream realms however

300102:17:32,840 --> 02:17:36,398had they realized and it might have

300202:17:35,179 --> 02:17:39,379happen accidentally that they were

300302:17:36,398 --> 02:17:43,728literally having a dream they would have

300402:17:39,379 --> 02:17:45,768woken up in real life invisible but

300502:17:43,728 --> 02:17:48,709awake either at the basketball court or

300602:17:45,769 --> 02:17:50,599in an empty court that they you know

300702:17:48,709 --> 02:17:52,188

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it's it's interest everyone should

300802:17:50,599 --> 02:17:56,269definitely got to try and have an

300902:17:52,189 --> 02:17:59,420out-of-body because I said it before day

301002:17:56,269 --> 02:18:01,068when the person's level of consciousness

301102:17:59,420 --> 02:18:04,068changes or the level of conscious

301202:18:01,068 --> 02:18:06,408awareness changes physiology of the

301302:18:04,068 --> 02:18:08,209spirit body also changes but also

301402:18:06,408 --> 02:18:09,920whenever there's a change in the level

301502:18:08,209 --> 02:18:15,078of consciousness fluoride changing the

301602:18:09,920 --> 02:18:19,728physiology the spirit body the dimension

301702:18:15,078 --> 02:18:22,449the time and space the time with the

301802:18:19,728 --> 02:18:25,038dimension or location of where they are

301902:18:22,449 --> 02:18:26,809changes so the time and space changes

302002:18:25,039 --> 02:18:29,409according to the level of consciousness

302102:18:26,808 --> 02:18:31,670and according to the changes in the

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302202:18:29,408 --> 02:18:33,888physiology of the spirit body all right

302302:18:31,670 --> 02:18:36,408that's why in a dream or an out-of-body

302402:18:33,888 --> 02:18:38,268you may be talking to someone and then

302502:18:36,408 --> 02:18:40,538after statement or two from either one

302602:18:38,269 --> 02:18:44,389of you the one of you may disappear in

302702:18:40,539 --> 02:18:48,800mid-sentence that's usually because the

302802:18:44,388 --> 02:18:51,468person has either realized another realm

302902:18:48,799 --> 02:18:52,938decided to go to another realm but

303002:18:51,468 --> 02:18:55,038usually it's an elevation of

303102:18:52,939 --> 02:18:57,078consciousness it could be a D elevation

303202:18:55,039 --> 02:18:59,090but it's usually a when their level of

303302:18:57,078 --> 02:19:03,019consciousness awakens then they're out

303402:18:59,090 --> 02:19:04,519of that dimension and into a new one so

303502:19:03,019 --> 02:19:07,279whenever it's a change in the level

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303602:19:04,519 --> 02:19:09,139conscious awareness there's also a equal

303702:19:07,279 --> 02:19:11,630and corresponding change the physiology

303802:19:09,138 --> 02:19:14,478of the spirit body the invisible spirit

303902:19:11,629 --> 02:19:18,408rider will change in density and also

304002:19:14,478 --> 02:19:22,760the time and space the location and the

304102:19:18,408 --> 02:19:24,170time of the location and dimension of

304202:19:22,760 --> 02:19:26,269where the person will be able to change

304302:19:24,170 --> 02:19:26,909according to the change of consciousness

304402:19:26,269 --> 02:19:29,520and

304502:19:26,909 --> 02:19:31,049physiology and youth those are things

304602:19:29,520 --> 02:19:33,899that you'll naturally experience during

304702:19:31,049 --> 02:19:39,509an out-of-body and even during a dream

304802:19:33,899 --> 02:19:43,679but uh bodily and psychological changes

304902:19:39,510 --> 02:19:45,090that occur when and they take that


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02:19:43,679 --> 02:19:49,950whenever those two things occurs a

305102:19:45,090 --> 02:19:52,021person changes location and and the time

305202:19:49,950 --> 02:19:54,210is distance but you you always go to a

305302:19:52,021 --> 02:19:57,300new location whenever your level of

305402:19:54,209 --> 02:19:58,649consciousness changes so some of the

305502:19:57,299 --> 02:20:01,770things that we found in the near-death

305602:19:58,649 --> 02:20:03,930book and those are important because you

305702:20:01,771 --> 02:20:07,021can look at the spirit body and tell

305802:20:03,930 --> 02:20:10,079according to its changes what's

305902:20:07,021 --> 02:20:12,620happening yeah it's it's good what a

306002:20:10,079 --> 02:20:16,289good research we've done with that

306102:20:12,620 --> 02:20:18,480out-of-body spirit body form bill has

306202:20:16,290 --> 02:20:19,891another question for you he has heard

306302:20:18,479 --> 02:20:22,560that you can travel great distances

306402:20:19,890 --> 02:20:24,840

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while out-of-body is there a maximum

306502:20:22,560 --> 02:20:29,459distance from your body you can safely

306602:20:24,840 --> 02:20:31,170travel can you leave the earth well the

306702:20:29,459 --> 02:20:34,100maximum distance from that you can

306802:20:31,170 --> 02:20:37,200travel from your body is 200 feet and

306902:20:34,101 --> 02:20:42,569now I'm just kidding there's no distance

307002:20:37,200 --> 02:20:45,061that you cannot go in behalf in the

307102:20:42,569 --> 02:20:46,649astral body or does your spirit form you

307202:20:45,060 --> 02:20:49,199could there's no like time limit either

307302:20:46,649 --> 02:20:52,079you could go in time you go ahead of

307402:20:49,200 --> 02:20:55,200time the only limit is the person's

307502:20:52,079 --> 02:20:58,200conscious awareness and the first thing

307602:20:55,200 --> 02:21:01,040that we have to do is elevate our

307702:20:58,200 --> 02:21:04,200conscious awareness it's easily done and

307802:21:01,040 --> 02:21:05,040so then the only limit is your

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307902:21:04,200 --> 02:21:11,370imagination

308002:21:05,040 --> 02:21:14,430or your fear factor where you are afraid

308102:21:11,370 --> 02:21:16,410to go but anything's open especially

308202:21:14,430 --> 02:21:18,930when you are in connection with that

308302:21:16,409 --> 02:21:21,030higher your higher so that has it's not

308402:21:18,930 --> 02:21:23,159the boss the conscious self is but the

308502:21:21,030 --> 02:21:25,650higher self has access to anything any

308602:21:23,159 --> 02:21:27,629information and that's not even the

308702:21:25,649 --> 02:21:31,049level you know the super conscious level

308802:21:27,629 --> 02:21:32,789where God is so you definitely want to

308902:21:31,049 --> 02:21:34,319connect with both of that subconscious

309002:21:32,790 --> 02:21:35,970and that super conscious level so those

309102:21:34,319 --> 02:21:39,180are two powers that can easily help you

309202:21:35,969 --> 02:21:40,898um for free so you want to get to know

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309302:21:39,180 --> 02:21:44,229in the out-of-body you're right

309402:21:40,898 --> 02:21:47,948you are the subconsciousness the spirits

309502:21:44,228 --> 02:21:49,478the spirits mind and you definitely got

309602:21:47,949 --> 02:21:51,970to get in contact with that higher side

309702:21:49,478 --> 02:21:54,668of yourself because he will help you or

309802:21:51,969 --> 02:21:56,139she will help you so uh just like I said

309902:21:54,668 --> 02:21:59,020in the bubble when the two of you meet

310002:21:56,139 --> 02:22:01,028and agree on having anything and will be

310102:21:59,020 --> 02:22:04,119given to them by the Father the

310202:22:01,029 --> 02:22:07,359superconscious who is in heaven enter

310302:22:04,119 --> 02:22:08,949you know who is in heaven like though

310402:22:07,359 --> 02:22:10,689when you and the conscious and

310502:22:08,949 --> 02:22:12,819subconscious mind agreed to do something

310602:22:10,689 --> 02:22:15,699whether it be an out-of-body you know to


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02:22:12,818 --> 02:22:17,618get the radio station syndicated once

310802:22:15,699 --> 02:22:19,078you agree with yourself and your inner

310902:22:17,619 --> 02:22:21,998self that you're going to do something

311002:22:19,078 --> 02:22:24,818heaven and earth will move to get you

311102:22:21,998 --> 02:22:27,309that thing and it's an interesting

311202:22:24,818 --> 02:22:30,969interaction with the human consciousness

311302:22:27,309 --> 02:22:33,788and the universe because uh there's a

311402:22:30,969 --> 02:22:36,398way at the universe is alive and when I

311502:22:33,789 --> 02:22:38,140had the near-death the first thing I

311602:22:36,398 --> 02:22:41,078noticed was the sound and I could hear

311702:22:38,139 --> 02:22:42,879heartbeat so when I looked in lesson two

311802:22:41,078 --> 02:22:45,728fellows coming from this coming from the

311902:22:42,879 --> 02:22:48,309earth in the air itself the earth is

312002:22:45,728 --> 02:22:51,248literally alive in like a you know

312102:22:48,309 --> 02:22:54,609

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vegetative and and soul like way and it

312202:22:51,248 --> 02:22:56,469had a heartbeat a real actual heartbeat

312302:22:54,609 --> 02:22:58,809and a heartbeat matched mind Dave it was

312402:22:56,469 --> 02:23:00,818in sync with my own heartbeat so we are

312502:22:58,809 --> 02:23:03,248like that song we are the world we

312602:23:00,818 --> 02:23:04,689literally are the other world and that

312702:23:03,248 --> 02:23:06,189was kind of tripped up because there's a

312802:23:04,689 --> 02:23:08,318matching my heart be like there's one

312902:23:06,189 --> 02:23:12,248heartbeat so that's where you're able to

313002:23:08,318 --> 02:23:15,278tap into that universal thing and it all

313102:23:12,248 --> 02:23:17,020ends with God it's not know if it all

313202:23:15,279 --> 02:23:19,270ends with God and so when you merge into

313302:23:17,020 --> 02:23:21,039that then things that you want to know

313402:23:19,270 --> 02:23:23,800here in this world or like easily known

313502:23:21,039 --> 02:23:27,069easily don't quickly know and or

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313602:23:23,799 --> 02:23:28,958revealed to you but that out-of-body to

313702:23:27,068 --> 02:23:32,408will help the person merge into that

313802:23:28,959 --> 02:23:35,800universal energy that cosmic energy that

313902:23:32,408 --> 02:23:37,689re recharging every night anyway so it's

314002:23:35,799 --> 02:23:40,868good to learn how to get in contact with

314102:23:37,689 --> 02:23:43,510your subconscious mind and use that

314202:23:40,869 --> 02:23:46,479out-of-body to merge into the universe

314302:23:43,510 --> 02:23:47,648and and absorb the free cosmic energy

314402:23:46,478 --> 02:23:51,639from it because you come back

314502:23:47,648 --> 02:23:53,318supercharged and you those effects

314602:23:51,639 --> 02:23:54,880after-effects that you have from a

314702:23:53,318 --> 02:23:58,989powerful dream or out of

314802:23:54,880 --> 02:24:00,489or you they are amplified year after

314902:23:58,989 --> 02:24:02,649year they get stronger and stronger and

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315002:24:00,489 --> 02:24:05,710their beneficial effects even from a UFO

315102:24:02,649 --> 02:24:08,261experience so UFOs do that's one good

315202:24:05,710 --> 02:24:11,020thing that the you ago they do you know

315302:24:08,261 --> 02:24:15,851is they give off in the end powerful

315402:24:11,021 --> 02:24:17,771beneficial after-effects so um for some

315502:24:15,851 --> 02:24:19,780people it's worth it like I to get those

315602:24:17,771 --> 02:24:22,659after-effects of a UFO I'd go through

315702:24:19,780 --> 02:24:24,431another sighting a close-up encounter

315802:24:22,659 --> 02:24:28,690because the after-effects are so strong

315902:24:24,431 --> 02:24:30,730and from a film that near-death in your

316002:24:28,690 --> 02:24:32,251coat and from the out-of-body but Dave I

316102:24:30,729 --> 02:24:35,800think it's definitely tried yeah anybody

316202:24:32,251 --> 02:24:37,511well I can tell you that us oh I'm sure

316302:24:35,800 --> 02:24:39,699I have I'm sure I have


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02:24:37,511 --> 02:24:42,069as someone who doesn't remember his

316502:24:39,700 --> 02:24:43,659dreams like at me and there's a lot of

316602:24:42,069 --> 02:24:46,181people out there who do not remember

316702:24:43,659 --> 02:24:48,431their dreams are you able to fully

316802:24:46,181 --> 02:24:52,870recollect what is happening during an

316902:24:48,431 --> 02:24:56,140OBE yes yeah if you have an out-of-body

317002:24:52,870 --> 02:24:57,761it'll it will seem like a dream to you

317102:24:56,140 --> 02:25:01,331until you wake up and then you'll notice

317202:24:57,761 --> 02:25:03,280the differences but you'll remember the

317302:25:01,331 --> 02:25:04,630out-of-body which will which will mean

317402:25:03,280 --> 02:25:06,341that was more than the green piece

317502:25:04,630 --> 02:25:07,960usually our dreams fade away once we

317602:25:06,341 --> 02:25:09,909wake up and start scrambling for the

317702:25:07,960 --> 02:25:11,319business day but the out-of-body you

317802:25:09,909 --> 02:25:15,489

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remember that well and you'll remember

317902:25:11,319 --> 02:25:18,460it all your life because it's a it's

318002:25:15,489 --> 02:25:21,909something that just and you just absorb

318102:25:18,460 --> 02:25:23,619and it's so natural and to the person it

318202:25:21,909 --> 02:25:25,540feels like their real self and you feel

318302:25:23,620 --> 02:25:27,131like you're in the real world the vision

318402:25:25,540 --> 02:25:29,979is slightly different it can be crystal

318502:25:27,130 --> 02:25:31,270clear and also it can be like a like

318602:25:29,979 --> 02:25:33,850you're looking through a prism where

318702:25:31,271 --> 02:25:36,400there's all these silvery reflections

318802:25:33,851 --> 02:25:37,900usually that's in sunlight where you get

318902:25:36,399 --> 02:25:41,921the extra ray that you normally couldn't

319002:25:37,899 --> 02:25:43,751see but if you wanna look look 10 miles

319102:25:41,921 --> 02:25:45,101away you just think about where you want

319202:25:43,751 --> 02:25:47,681to see your grandmother's house and

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319302:25:45,101 --> 02:25:49,421you're so how your eyes magnify if you

319402:25:47,681 --> 02:25:51,881want to see how your kid is doing you

319502:25:49,421 --> 02:25:54,190just think that and with that 360 degree

319602:25:51,880 --> 02:25:56,100vision you can see them either where

319702:25:54,190 --> 02:26:00,730they literally are or in your mind's eye

319802:25:56,101 --> 02:26:03,581but you have after affecting experiences

319902:26:00,729 --> 02:26:06,581of work more than the fear of not having

320002:26:03,581 --> 02:26:08,560them and the person's like to see

320102:26:06,581 --> 02:26:08,859they've you work a lot here workaholic

320202:26:08,560 --> 02:26:11,949and

320302:26:08,859 --> 02:26:14,640so you when you sleep you sleep and you

320402:26:11,950 --> 02:26:17,770sleep right through it and maybe like

320502:26:14,639 --> 02:26:20,260this other people like it for eight

320602:26:17,770 --> 02:26:20,739hours I don't think you do and I know I

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320702:26:20,260 --> 02:26:22,809don't

320802:26:20,739 --> 02:26:25,559so sometimes we might have a tendency to

320902:26:22,809 --> 02:26:27,609sleep to us but one on one who they are

321002:26:25,559 --> 02:26:29,318that would be a good we you need some

321102:26:27,609 --> 02:26:30,880extra sleep because if you're too tired

321202:26:29,318 --> 02:26:35,439to personal sleep through it because the

321302:26:30,879 --> 02:26:38,049physical energy comes first but a little

321402:26:35,439 --> 02:26:40,000extra sleep and an unexpected nap and

321502:26:38,049 --> 02:26:41,920you could have one if the person thinks

321602:26:40,000 --> 02:26:44,079I'm gonna have an out-of-body when I go

321702:26:41,920 --> 02:26:46,299to sleep that alone could could get them

321802:26:44,079 --> 02:26:48,370on there's a ways where you can avoid

321902:26:46,299 --> 02:26:50,559the parallelization and just jump to the

322002:26:48,370 --> 02:26:52,450other body state you just picture


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02:26:50,559 --> 02:26:54,969yourself in advance you program where

322202:26:52,450 --> 02:26:56,890you want to wake up back I think we

322302:26:54,969 --> 02:26:57,938touched on that on the last thing and we

322402:26:56,889 --> 02:26:59,379could talk about it here but I

322502:26:57,939 --> 02:27:01,840definitely can tell you in private how

322602:26:59,379 --> 02:27:03,938to do that day but you can usually you

322702:27:01,840 --> 02:27:05,950literally just visualize yourself to a

322802:27:03,939 --> 02:27:07,239certain spot and when you believe that

322902:27:05,950 --> 02:27:09,399you're dreaming that you're dead you're

323002:27:07,239 --> 02:27:10,869actually there an out-of-body form all

323102:27:09,398 --> 02:27:13,358you have to do is wake up and that's why

323202:27:10,870 --> 02:27:15,670sometimes people even put a sign there

323302:27:13,359 --> 02:27:17,439you're having an out-of-body if used to

323402:27:15,670 --> 02:27:20,049put this five dollar bill I put on a

323502:27:17,439 --> 02:27:22,568

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Xerox machine made a copy of it and it

323602:27:20,049 --> 02:27:25,059would stand in a field of grass just all

323702:27:22,568 --> 02:27:27,100green grass and alone with that sign and

323802:27:25,059 --> 02:27:28,568I would have a vision that I was flying

323902:27:27,100 --> 02:27:30,159there when I got there I agreed to sign

324002:27:28,568 --> 02:27:32,260and realized I was awake because I saw

324102:27:30,159 --> 02:27:34,539the five dollars and it can be done like

324202:27:32,260 --> 02:27:36,850that you can spin yourself into an

324302:27:34,540 --> 02:27:38,319out-of-body by imagining that you're

324402:27:36,850 --> 02:27:40,510spinning around and around that you're

324502:27:38,318 --> 02:27:42,369going to sleep and visualizing the place

324602:27:40,510 --> 02:27:44,620where you want to wake up you think that

324702:27:42,370 --> 02:27:46,720you're imagining it or have a sleep but

324802:27:44,620 --> 02:27:50,140actually you have just kind of walked

324902:27:46,719 --> 02:27:52,898into it but those greetings are the key

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325002:27:50,139 --> 02:27:54,309to having me out of body because why

325102:27:52,898 --> 02:27:55,689have if you can't remember those

325202:27:54,309 --> 02:27:57,609breathing's will help you remember it

325302:27:55,689 --> 02:27:58,780help you stay awake longer because

325402:27:57,609 --> 02:28:00,579you're going to have it the person

325502:27:58,780 --> 02:28:02,880either falls asleep and misses it or

325602:28:00,579 --> 02:28:06,728stays awake enhances but they can be had

325702:28:02,879 --> 02:28:08,589they they're worth it to well you know

325802:28:06,728 --> 02:28:11,739what it's something that would

325902:28:08,590 --> 02:28:13,870absolutely still freak me out

326002:28:11,739 --> 02:28:16,239I know I've said that I know I've said

326102:28:13,870 --> 02:28:19,479that a number of times but it's one of

326202:28:16,239 --> 02:28:22,000those things where I just cannot fathom

326302:28:19,478 --> 02:28:24,520going there as of yet

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326402:28:22,000 --> 02:28:27,280I just can't and maybe that's just me

326502:28:24,521 --> 02:28:29,230maybe it's my own internal fear that is

326602:28:27,280 --> 02:28:33,480keeping it away from me but it just

326702:28:29,229 --> 02:28:36,459seems like being so out of control and

326802:28:33,479 --> 02:28:38,289let me ask you this then because a lot

326902:28:36,459 --> 02:28:42,840of people who suffer from depression and

327002:28:38,290 --> 02:28:46,240anxiety such as I do Eugene always fear

327102:28:42,841 --> 02:28:48,729losing control because it's

327202:28:46,239 --> 02:28:50,921uncontrollable so do you think people

327302:28:48,729 --> 02:28:53,761with depression and anxiety can have

327402:28:50,921 --> 02:28:57,579this experience in a positive light

327502:28:53,761 --> 02:29:00,761yes yeah I think they can because I had

327602:28:57,579 --> 02:29:03,039a brother who is just like that I think

327702:29:00,761 --> 02:29:06,159they can those breathing's will help


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02:29:03,040 --> 02:29:09,490keep them calm and the the peaceful

327902:29:06,159 --> 02:29:18,159aspects of it and the because everything

328002:29:09,489 --> 02:29:25,271is like like that scene in how can I

328102:29:18,159 --> 02:29:26,860describe it remember the movie of Reese

328202:29:25,271 --> 02:29:31,750Witherspoon where they were back in the

328302:29:26,860 --> 02:29:34,120fifties yes now remember they had that

328402:29:31,750 --> 02:29:38,380drive for all the flowers the pink and

328502:29:34,120 --> 02:29:40,210at the atlast song was playing and like

328602:29:38,380 --> 02:29:44,199a little drive her and Tobey Maguire

328702:29:40,209 --> 02:29:45,760through the park or something right well

328802:29:44,200 --> 02:29:48,431it's kind of like that it's just like

328902:29:45,761 --> 02:29:52,739it's almost it's like a super real but

329002:29:48,431 --> 02:29:56,801the out-of-body is so um it's so

329102:29:52,739 --> 02:29:58,271perfectly serene and natural that the

329202:29:56,800 --> 02:29:59,709

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person once you have one you'll

329302:29:58,271 --> 02:30:01,391definitely want to have one again and

329402:29:59,709 --> 02:30:04,090you'll be more inclined to have one

329502:30:01,390 --> 02:30:06,100again but it's really just a person's

329602:30:04,091 --> 02:30:08,560higher self waking up and you get to see

329702:30:06,101 --> 02:30:11,860the universe in a whole new way and you

329802:30:08,560 --> 02:30:13,060get to be part of it you you get to be

329902:30:11,860 --> 02:30:16,239the part of it that you knew that you

330002:30:13,060 --> 02:30:19,209always were you're much more in contact

330102:30:16,239 --> 02:30:22,060with the divine and you absorbed things

330202:30:19,209 --> 02:30:23,800from the universe that more when

330302:30:22,060 --> 02:30:26,500conscious that you couldn't do in sleep

330402:30:23,800 --> 02:30:28,720when we sleep we recharge and our ass

330502:30:26,500 --> 02:30:30,729copilot we're asleep but we can absorb

330602:30:28,720 --> 02:30:33,729so much more if we're awake in the

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330702:30:30,729 --> 02:30:35,799astral state and that absorption thing

330802:30:33,729 --> 02:30:37,420is

330902:30:35,799 --> 02:30:40,358good thing too because there's a lot of

331002:30:37,420 --> 02:30:43,290beauty out there and the person if they

331102:30:40,359 --> 02:30:46,090have any kind of supreme the belief

331202:30:43,290 --> 02:30:47,800factor they'll be fully protected no

331302:30:46,090 --> 02:30:48,159team and nothing like that will come to

331402:30:47,799 --> 02:30:49,959them

331502:30:48,159 --> 02:30:51,250nothing we'll try to get them on it

331602:30:49,959 --> 02:30:52,269happier but they'll be completely

331702:30:51,250 --> 02:30:55,870protected

331802:30:52,270 --> 02:30:59,140probably by their their you know three

331902:30:55,870 --> 02:31:00,790main angelic protectors but if a person

332002:30:59,139 --> 02:31:02,379believes in God you can go ahead and do

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332102:31:00,790 --> 02:31:04,689the other bodies with no fear nothing

332202:31:02,379 --> 02:31:08,079will come near you because if you have

332302:31:04,689 --> 02:31:11,559God Himself watching of you but it's

332402:31:08,079 --> 02:31:14,590worth it to fly to hear the sound of

332502:31:11,559 --> 02:31:16,449colors to see your children in the

332602:31:14,590 --> 02:31:18,579future if you wanted to make sure that

332702:31:16,450 --> 02:31:22,329they're alright it's so worth it to

332802:31:18,579 --> 02:31:24,100expand your mind so much that it's well

332902:31:22,329 --> 02:31:25,689worth in the person that's a well that

333002:31:24,100 --> 02:31:28,590the person will go back to from and

333102:31:25,689 --> 02:31:31,689drink from again and again because uh

333202:31:28,590 --> 02:31:34,090you know things are things work for you

333302:31:31,689 --> 02:31:35,680it's like a magic switch and when you

333402:31:34,090 --> 02:31:39,719wake back up in this world things start


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02:31:35,680 --> 02:31:43,450clicking the things that it just

333602:31:39,719 --> 02:31:45,879elevates everything especially for you

333702:31:43,450 --> 02:31:47,649spiritually and physically things just

333802:31:45,879 --> 02:31:49,509it's you're just in tune the in tune

333902:31:47,648 --> 02:31:51,549with the universe you're really in tune

334002:31:49,510 --> 02:31:55,210and you can wake up and use those things

334102:31:51,549 --> 02:31:58,449here in this world and you have the

334202:31:55,209 --> 02:32:00,250right and good intentions and a lot of

334302:31:58,450 --> 02:32:02,229times like criminals and stuff they

334402:32:00,250 --> 02:32:03,489don't get too far when they try to do

334502:32:02,228 --> 02:32:05,108things in those ways because their

334602:32:03,489 --> 02:32:07,000intentions are already known and they're

334702:32:05,109 --> 02:32:08,559going to be limited but the one thing

334802:32:07,000 --> 02:32:10,389that's good intention to use those

334902:32:08,559 --> 02:32:11,859

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experiences and abilities for good

335002:32:10,389 --> 02:32:13,358things they'll go hi

335102:32:11,859 --> 02:32:16,120and you have this kind of intentions

335202:32:13,359 --> 02:32:17,439Dave it's easily seen these days it's

335302:32:16,120 --> 02:32:19,870like no hiding this people you can

335402:32:17,439 --> 02:32:21,939usually not always but usually see what

335502:32:19,870 --> 02:32:25,180they are they make themselves no but the

335602:32:21,939 --> 02:32:28,000good intentions you have every good

335702:32:25,180 --> 02:32:29,620reason to do it you know it's it's but

335802:32:28,000 --> 02:32:33,430the fear thing is I was afraid to

335902:32:29,620 --> 02:32:36,069applying of not being floating in air of

336002:32:33,430 --> 02:32:38,318something gripping me but you can bypass

336102:32:36,068 --> 02:32:40,659the paralysis and just go heavy out

336202:32:38,318 --> 02:32:41,829about it through a dream you have a

336302:32:40,659 --> 02:32:43,750dream that you're pushing your kid on

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336402:32:41,829 --> 02:32:46,379the swing then you realize that this is

336502:32:43,750 --> 02:32:48,459the grading program suddenly wake up

336602:32:46,379 --> 02:32:49,609it's better to do it when you're having

336702:32:48,459 --> 02:32:53,509a dream when you're alone

336802:32:49,610 --> 02:32:56,659but you can go have an out-of-body to

336902:32:53,510 --> 02:32:58,430agree we can literally tonight say that

337002:32:56,659 --> 02:33:00,530picture yourself climbing a ladder wins

337102:32:58,430 --> 02:33:02,899and when you get to the top there'll be

337202:33:00,530 --> 02:33:05,780no way down except for you to eat a jump

337302:33:02,899 --> 02:33:07,430or fly that's the kind I had but you can

337402:33:05,780 --> 02:33:11,500literally run along the street in a

337502:33:07,430 --> 02:33:13,729dream and jump up and you will fly and

337602:33:11,500 --> 02:33:15,889once you realize that wait a second this

337702:33:13,729 --> 02:33:18,109is a dream you'll snap that level of

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337802:33:15,889 --> 02:33:21,560consciousness will change your your

337902:33:18,110 --> 02:33:24,400spiritual body will change into it won't

338002:33:21,560 --> 02:33:27,219be a dream body Alypius literal

338102:33:24,399 --> 02:33:30,049invisibly solid astral body your real

338202:33:27,219 --> 02:33:32,959secondary afterlife body and you'll wake

338302:33:30,049 --> 02:33:35,060up in real life but invisible you can

338402:33:32,959 --> 02:33:36,589walk down the street at night it's it's

338502:33:35,060 --> 02:33:39,319an interesting thing and I want to have

338602:33:36,590 --> 02:33:41,659some more to it all right

338702:33:39,319 --> 02:33:43,549yeah Eugene I'm gonna cut you off right

338802:33:41,659 --> 02:33:45,319there we are gonna go to a break here at

338902:33:43,549 --> 02:33:47,539the bottom of the hour when we come back

339002:33:45,319 --> 02:33:50,719we're gonna switch from OB ease into

339102:33:47,540 --> 02:33:55,600near-death experiences NDEs coming up on


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02:33:50,719 --> 02:33:55,599spaced out radio right after this

339302:33:56,180 --> 02:34:01,579are you interested in advertising on

339402:33:58,699 --> 02:34:03,979spaced-out radio head to our website at

339502:34:01,579 --> 02:34:06,318spaced-out and click on our

339602:34:03,978 --> 02:34:08,119advertising tab there you will find in a

339702:34:06,318 --> 02:34:10,278certain in the ways you can get your

339802:34:08,120 --> 02:34:12,290product out there with us from the radio

339902:34:10,279 --> 02:34:14,270commercials to banners to social media

340002:34:12,290 --> 02:34:17,300have a product you'd like our host to

340102:34:14,270 --> 02:34:18,350endorse we can do that to visit spaceup

340202:34:17,299 --> 02:34:20,

340302:34:18,350 --> 02:34:23,540for more details visit purple plates

340402:34:20,930 --> 02:34:25,100calm today for over 40 years

340502:34:23,540 --> 02:34:27,229the purple energy plates have been

340602:34:25,100 --> 02:34:29,689

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

delivering amazing results for their

340702:34:27,228 --> 02:34:32,539many customers inspired by the great

340802:34:29,689 --> 02:34:34,579genius nikola tesla the Harmony healing

340902:34:32,540 --> 02:34:36,739and energetic effects of the place have

341002:34:34,579 --> 02:34:39,289proven over and over to be beneficial

341102:34:36,738 --> 02:34:41,029and often miraculous to thousands of

341202:34:39,290 --> 02:34:43,580customers with their money-back

341302:34:41,029 --> 02:34:45,738guarantee and the many benefits how can

341402:34:43,579 --> 02:34:47,959you afford not to get one check their

341502:34:45,738 --> 02:34:50,389site for daily specials and choose from

341602:34:47,959 --> 02:34:52,659their many energy products you won't be

341702:34:50,389 --> 02:34:52,659sorry

341802:35:07,610 --> 02:35:12,569atención spaced out radio listeners for

341902:35:10,319 --> 02:35:14,610only $5 a month you can join spaced out

342002:35:12,569 --> 02:35:16,470radio space travelers your membership

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

342102:35:14,610 --> 02:35:18,630it's based out radio comm will give you

342202:35:16,470 --> 02:35:20,879access to private founder on the website

342302:35:18,629 --> 02:35:22,979get you a monthly newsletter drawers for

342402:35:20,879 --> 02:35:24,270monthly swag and a whole lot more sign

342502:35:22,979 --> 02:35:26,760up today to become a part of the

342602:35:24,271 --> 02:35:28,891spaced-out radio experience strange

342702:35:26,760 --> 02:35:30,989creatures lurking in the night the

342802:35:28,890 --> 02:35:33,750sounds of wood knocking in the forest

342902:35:30,989 --> 02:35:36,629odd happenings right out of a fictional

343002:35:33,750 --> 02:35:39,090world these are the reports i love hi

343102:35:36,629 --> 02:35:40,859there this is author ronald murphy and i

343202:35:39,090 --> 02:35:43,049would love it if he joined me and spaced

343302:35:40,860 --> 02:35:45,150out radio host dave scott the second

343402:35:43,049 --> 02:35:47,390Wednesday of every month on our journey

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343502:35:45,149 --> 02:35:51,510into the unknown land of cryptozoology

343602:35:47,390 --> 02:35:53,970had spaced out from walkman to

343702:35:51,510 --> 02:35:55,860frogman everything in between hey they

343802:35:53,970 --> 02:36:00,930don't call me the crypto guru for

343902:35:55,860 --> 02:36:02,431nothing greetings and salutations space

344002:36:00,931 --> 02:36:05,030travelers from The Chronicles of the

344102:36:02,431 --> 02:36:05,030unknown team

344202:36:05,200 --> 02:36:10,551what is chronicles of your dog I keep

344302:36:07,970 --> 02:36:12,680hearing about this thing it's a new

344402:36:10,550 --> 02:36:13,909paranormal reality TV show based right

344502:36:12,681 --> 02:36:16,909here in beautiful British Columbia

344602:36:13,909 --> 02:36:19,101Canada follow our team as we uncover

344702:36:16,909 --> 02:36:22,039claims of activity on the caribou Gold

344802:36:19,101 --> 02:36:24,079Rush trail you can also follow us here


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02:36:22,040 --> 02:36:25,610every third Monday where two members of

345002:36:24,079 --> 02:36:27,560our team will be available to answer

345102:36:25,610 --> 02:36:29,120your questions we'll give you some

345202:36:27,560 --> 02:36:31,640equipment updates and some of our

345302:36:29,120 --> 02:36:34,870experiences on the road right here on

345402:36:31,640 --> 02:36:34,869spaced-out radio

345502:36:37,228 --> 02:36:41,619the last Monday of the month on

345602:36:39,549 --> 02:36:45,188spaced-out radio is a night of psychic

345702:36:41,620 --> 02:36:48,310vision mediumship UFO and et contact

345802:36:45,189 --> 02:36:51,159Bigfoot stories animal communication and

345902:36:48,309 --> 02:36:53,769so much more with me Elizabeth Anglin

346002:36:51,159 --> 02:36:56,469I'd love it if you would join host Dave

346102:36:53,770 --> 02:36:59,470Scott and I on the myriad of topics we

346202:36:56,469 --> 02:37:01,568delve into every month we share new

346302:36:59,469 --> 02:37:04,148

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views that may help you understand your

346402:37:01,568 --> 02:37:06,818own experiences so tune on in is based

346502:37:04,148 --> 02:37:09,309out radio calm and stamp your cosmic

346602:37:06,818 --> 02:37:11,139Passport did you know that spaced out

346702:37:09,309 --> 02:37:13,180radio runs seven days a week

346802:37:11,139 --> 02:37:15,699hi it's James Tyson from spaced out

346902:37:13,180 --> 02:37:17,920weekend every Saturday and Sunday night

347002:37:15,700 --> 02:37:20,800starting at 9 p.m. Pacific midnight

347102:37:17,920 --> 02:37:22,299Eastern you can join me and my guests

347202:37:20,799 --> 02:37:24,639for some great chatter about what's

347302:37:22,299 --> 02:37:26,049going on out in the universe or even in

347402:37:24,639 --> 02:37:28,239that dark part of the basement you

347502:37:26,049 --> 02:37:29,469really don't want to go back into well

347602:37:28,239 --> 02:37:31,809let's find the answers to your

347702:37:29,469 --> 02:37:33,279experiences together to come on up to

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347802:37:31,809 --> 02:37:35,289Uncle Jim Beau's cabin on the weekend

347902:37:33,280 --> 02:37:45,970for more information look us up

348002:37:35,290 --> 02:37:48,189spaced-out missed most of

348102:37:45,969 --> 02:37:50,318tonight's show don't worry you didn't

348202:37:48,189 --> 02:37:53,079miss a thing you can head to our web

348302:37:50,318 --> 02:37:55,779site spaced-out and download

348402:37:53,079 --> 02:37:57,879our archives for free and don't forget

348502:37:55,780 --> 02:38:02,439to get your space travelers membership

348602:37:57,879 --> 02:38:03,909today now back to tonight's show welcome

348702:38:02,439 --> 02:38:05,920back for the final half-hour of

348802:38:03,909 --> 02:38:08,530spaced-out radio tonight I am your host

348902:38:05,920 --> 02:38:10,960Dave Scott thank you so much for joining

349002:38:08,530 --> 02:38:12,850us on the SHR Media Network over in

349102:38:10,959 --> 02:38:15,250paranormal forum who's listening in

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349202:38:12,850 --> 02:38:17,500there the space out radio chat room on

349302:38:15,250 --> 02:38:21,068Spreaker and on Facebook you ofor you

349402:38:17,500 --> 02:38:23,469chronicles as well as the SOR space

349502:38:21,068 --> 02:38:25,629travelers our flagship chat room thank

349602:38:23,469 --> 02:38:27,159you so much for being with us great show

349702:38:25,629 --> 02:38:30,159tonight with Eugene Braxton we're gonna

349802:38:27,159 --> 02:38:30,789bring in Eugene one more time on in just

349902:38:30,159 --> 02:38:33,250a moment

350002:38:30,790 --> 02:38:34,899tomorrow night on the show Victor V

350102:38:33,250 --> 02:38:36,790Gianni will join us from Zealand

350202:38:34,898 --> 02:38:40,568communications he'll be speaking at this

350302:38:36,790 --> 02:38:43,240month's alien cosmic Expo in Brantford

350402:38:40,568 --> 02:38:44,859Ontario and it's going to be a good

350502:38:43,239 --> 02:38:47,079conference indeed we're gonna focus a


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02:38:44,859 --> 02:38:49,600lot on ETS and disclosure this month

350702:38:47,079 --> 02:38:52,779because we are a sponsor of the

350802:38:49,600 --> 02:38:55,630in cosmic expo you can go online google

350902:38:52,779 --> 02:38:57,250it and find out about it today if you're

351002:38:55,629 --> 02:39:00,988on the East Coast it's well worth the

351102:38:57,250 --> 02:39:03,340trip north to take in this conference

351202:39:00,988 --> 02:39:05,559remember you can follow us on twitter at

351302:39:03,340 --> 02:39:08,350spaced out radio give our facebook page

351402:39:05,559 --> 02:39:11,170'like spaced-out radio show on instagram

351502:39:08,350 --> 02:39:13,779i can be followed at dave scott sor our

351602:39:11,170 --> 02:39:16,449youtube channel is spaced out radio show

351702:39:13,779 --> 02:39:19,270and our website is spaced out radio calm

351802:39:16,449 --> 02:39:21,100once again we bring in Eugene Braxton

351902:39:19,270 --> 02:39:23,920we've been talking absolutely everything

352002:39:21,100 --> 02:39:27,180

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tonight from ETS to OBEs now we're gonna

352102:39:23,920 --> 02:39:29,500get into the NDEs near death experiences

352202:39:27,180 --> 02:39:31,380Eugene I have had a lot of people on

352302:39:29,500 --> 02:39:34,329this show discuss this topic

352402:39:31,379 --> 02:39:38,108probably not as thorough as you have on

352502:39:34,329 --> 02:39:41,318previous episodes with James Tyson but

352602:39:38,109 --> 02:39:44,170this is either a very enlightening or a

352702:39:41,318 --> 02:39:46,148very scary encounter that people have

352802:39:44,170 --> 02:39:48,579when their body goes through a traumatic

352902:39:46,148 --> 02:39:50,889experience maybe an accident maybe

353002:39:48,579 --> 02:39:54,549cancer maybe a blood clot

353102:39:50,889 --> 02:39:57,278something along those lines and they see

353202:39:54,549 --> 02:40:01,809what is on the other side what are

353302:39:57,279 --> 02:40:11,199people seeing you say during a

353402:40:01,809 --> 02:40:15,398near-death or yes when people have a

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353502:40:11,199 --> 02:40:18,369near-death usually okay the memory is a

353602:40:15,398 --> 02:40:22,180factor but when they do see things they

353702:40:18,369 --> 02:40:26,710app and it's also the mixture of

353802:40:22,180 --> 02:40:30,389illusion and reality but children see

353902:40:26,709 --> 02:40:35,889grandfather figures sitting in a chair

354002:40:30,389 --> 02:40:42,599there are lakes scenic mountaintops

354102:40:35,889 --> 02:40:47,769lakes grassy fields there's been

354202:40:42,600 --> 02:40:53,649experiences have seen cities of gold in

354302:40:47,770 --> 02:40:56,819a more non illusionary way and those

354402:40:53,648 --> 02:41:00,219things are real as far as illusions but

354502:40:56,818 --> 02:41:01,719the real illusions and in the way that

354602:41:00,219 --> 02:41:03,409they're so real that they be more real

354702:41:01,719 --> 02:41:05,179than anything we can experience

354802:41:03,409 --> 02:41:09,969on earth even though they're they're

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354902:41:05,180 --> 02:41:09,970illusions but in reality they would see

355002:41:12,190 --> 02:41:32,450fogged background I give especially the

355102:41:17,000 --> 02:41:36,290life review veiled railed faces you can

355202:41:32,450 --> 02:41:41,180see colors that move and have sounds

355302:41:36,290 --> 02:41:44,601color red brown any any color you see

355402:41:41,180 --> 02:41:47,420light as this light gives off

355502:41:44,601 --> 02:41:51,771information and as well as healing and

355602:41:47,420 --> 02:41:55,420purifying the person you see you could

355702:41:51,771 --> 02:41:59,601actually see there there are moments in

355802:41:55,420 --> 02:42:01,430the afterlife where you have a lot of

355902:41:59,601 --> 02:42:03,290people talk about the control that they

356002:42:01,430 --> 02:42:08,149have in the afterlife and you do have

356102:42:03,290 --> 02:42:09,980some but it's not all control I mean you

356202:42:08,149 --> 02:42:12,500have some moments when you can explore


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02:42:09,979 --> 02:42:14,149and look around on your own free will

356402:42:12,500 --> 02:42:16,340and you have a conscious thought but

356502:42:14,149 --> 02:42:18,739there are other times when you are just

356602:42:16,340 --> 02:42:22,940assigned somewhere like the library hood

356702:42:18,739 --> 02:42:24,739or put going inside for the judgement

356802:42:22,940 --> 02:42:26,239lot of white lights or when you're going

356902:42:24,739 --> 02:42:29,271into the white lights there are certain

357002:42:26,239 --> 02:42:30,979specific events that happen that the

357102:42:29,271 --> 02:42:33,230person's going to certain stages that

357202:42:30,979 --> 02:42:35,810happen but the person's good student

357302:42:33,229 --> 02:42:39,170naturally because they have to progress

357402:42:35,810 --> 02:42:41,810higher and higher but they see a variety

357502:42:39,170 --> 02:42:44,540of things and usually in the near-death

357602:42:41,810 --> 02:42:47,029it's mainly positive where the near

357702:42:44,540 --> 02:42:49,220

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death brings primal ecstasy as a lot of

357802:42:47,030 --> 02:42:53,900times the UFO experience brings final

357902:42:49,219 --> 02:42:58,399fear but it's usually uh rapturous

358002:42:53,899 --> 02:43:01,219things colors sound it's all in an

358102:42:58,399 --> 02:43:03,319ecstatic way and it should because

358202:43:01,219 --> 02:43:05,209there's a lot of happiness in the near

358302:43:03,319 --> 02:43:10,369death but there's a lot of illusions too

358402:43:05,209 --> 02:43:13,219and it's always a sub reality behind

358502:43:10,370 --> 02:43:14,870what people think is a little reality

358602:43:13,219 --> 02:43:16,909whether it be near death or Europe those

358702:43:14,870 --> 02:43:17,391and there's a sub reality behind the

358802:43:16,909 --> 02:43:19,940near-death

358902:43:17,390 --> 02:43:22,819- that will it gonna explore further in

359002:43:19,940 --> 02:43:24,921the second book look you see a lot and

359102:43:22,819 --> 02:43:27,591you see with that different kind of is

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359202:43:24,921 --> 02:43:30,081in the telescopic and a 360 degrees

359302:43:27,591 --> 02:43:33,171spherical vision where you can see 360

359402:43:30,081 --> 02:43:36,560degrees at anywhere in time and space

359502:43:33,171 --> 02:43:38,319but you see a good amount what do you

359602:43:36,560 --> 02:43:44,479mean by illusions of near-death

359702:43:38,319 --> 02:43:47,360experiences the some a lot of what the

359802:43:44,479 --> 02:43:49,761near-death it's filled the illusions and

359902:43:47,360 --> 02:43:52,881realities are intertwined where the

360002:43:49,761 --> 02:43:56,239person's partially conscious and they're

360102:43:52,880 --> 02:43:58,520seeing some of the reality it's with the

360202:43:56,239 --> 02:44:01,460near-death and the UFO a lot of the

360302:43:58,521 --> 02:44:09,261reality of the experience is removed

360402:44:01,460 --> 02:44:13,430from our memory and so we get a a slice

360502:44:09,261 --> 02:44:15,801of the memory a scent of the memory

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360602:44:13,431 --> 02:44:18,530without having the full thing and some

360702:44:15,800 --> 02:44:22,399illusions are placed on us in both

360802:44:18,530 --> 02:44:25,489near-death and UFO and some we put on

360902:44:22,399 --> 02:44:27,081ourselves but the illusions and

361002:44:25,489 --> 02:44:30,771realities are intertwined

361102:44:27,081 --> 02:44:32,001a person may that's where you have

361202:44:30,771 --> 02:44:34,881people think that they're talking to

361302:44:32,001 --> 02:44:38,149Elvis Presley or blue even with even

361402:44:34,880 --> 02:44:40,640Alexander he said that he was flying on

361502:44:38,149 --> 02:44:42,290a magic carpet with a Marilyn Monroe

361602:44:40,640 --> 02:44:45,220type of long who was looking at him

361702:44:42,290 --> 02:44:45,220that's an illusion

361802:44:46,659 --> 02:44:51,649and someone else could say standing

361902:44:49,011 --> 02:44:52,940before God is also an illusion but it's


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02:44:51,649 --> 02:44:55,581it's not an illusion

362102:44:52,940 --> 02:44:57,681um you can see in those things the

362202:44:55,581 --> 02:45:01,761reality and the illusions because

362302:44:57,681 --> 02:45:03,621especially when you peer into them long

362402:45:01,761 --> 02:45:05,601enough like would you focus on anything

362502:45:03,620 --> 02:45:09,220long you should begin to merge with it

362602:45:05,601 --> 02:45:11,690you become one with it I have a nice

362702:45:09,220 --> 02:45:13,850video that illustrates that fun to

362802:45:11,690 --> 02:45:15,351conquer TV shows but once you've

362902:45:13,851 --> 02:45:17,060maintained that concentration with

363002:45:15,351 --> 02:45:18,980anything long enough you merged into one

363102:45:17,060 --> 02:45:22,341time I was concentrated on the squirrel

363202:45:18,979 --> 02:45:24,739and my out of my spirit body shot into

363302:45:22,341 --> 02:45:27,761his and shot back in mine in less than a

363402:45:24,739 --> 02:45:30,681

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second but I could see for a brief

363502:45:27,761 --> 02:45:31,988millisecond what he saw when he looked

363602:45:30,681 --> 02:45:35,090at me

363702:45:31,988 --> 02:45:37,578so I saw through his eyes

363802:45:35,090 --> 02:45:39,199myself sitting it but my spirit rushed

363902:45:37,578 --> 02:45:40,699through him and rushed back we were

364002:45:39,199 --> 02:45:42,560having a steering cuts you know I

364102:45:40,699 --> 02:45:45,250couldn't see an animal spiritual so I

364202:45:42,559 --> 02:45:48,078steered back into him and without

364302:45:45,250 --> 02:45:50,238realizing and wanting to my body and my

364402:45:48,078 --> 02:45:52,430spirit just merged with his in and out

364502:45:50,238 --> 02:45:54,590really quick within less than a second

364602:45:52,430 --> 02:45:56,350and I saw him from my angle that

364702:45:54,590 --> 02:45:58,609happened before during an out-of-body

364802:45:56,350 --> 02:46:01,100well I saw something moving the brush

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364902:45:58,609 --> 02:46:03,470and as soon as I turned my attention to

365002:46:01,100 --> 02:46:05,930it my spirit body shot through there was

365102:46:03,469 --> 02:46:07,789some kind of rabbit or raccoon and I saw

365202:46:05,930 --> 02:46:10,369he was extremely frightened at seeing me

365302:46:07,790 --> 02:46:12,290in astral form I shot her and then shot

365402:46:10,369 --> 02:46:13,640in my own body just to see what it was

365502:46:12,290 --> 02:46:15,949and I shot like through him so this

365602:46:13,639 --> 02:46:19,728merging quality has to be explored more

365702:46:15,949 --> 02:46:24,040because we've been doing that with the

365802:46:19,728 --> 02:46:30,318aliens in that second book research and

365902:46:24,040 --> 02:46:32,239that's what it stability of mind and it

366002:46:30,318 --> 02:46:33,528helps there's a lot of evolutions just

366102:46:32,238 --> 02:46:35,209like the illusion where a person is

366202:46:33,529 --> 02:46:37,040thinking that they're falling in a dream

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366302:46:35,209 --> 02:46:39,049when really they're just having a pain

366402:46:37,040 --> 02:46:40,819in point you know falling into good

366502:46:39,049 --> 02:46:42,948things so those kind of things but after

366602:46:40,818 --> 02:46:45,889you have enough of them you get to see

366702:46:42,949 --> 02:46:47,810the illusions over there and the more

366802:46:45,889 --> 02:46:49,368you keep your emotions under control the

366902:46:47,809 --> 02:46:51,500more you can see if there is reality and

367002:46:49,369 --> 02:46:53,328illusion the illusion usually brings

367102:46:51,500 --> 02:46:56,270some kind of emotions to the person and

367202:46:53,328 --> 02:46:58,699whether near-death UFO or out of buddy

367302:46:56,270 --> 02:47:01,029gonna watch any kind of emotional ups or

367402:46:58,699 --> 02:47:04,189downs you want to keep steady and calm

367502:47:01,029 --> 02:47:05,840it's just like mr. mr. Spock type would

367602:47:04,189 --> 02:47:08,328want to keep just like that so you can


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02:47:05,840 --> 02:47:10,219see the reality of what's really

367802:47:08,328 --> 02:47:11,568happening and if you look long enough in

367902:47:10,219 --> 02:47:13,519that world you'll see what you're

368002:47:11,568 --> 02:47:15,738looking for you'll see it a lot quicker

368102:47:13,520 --> 02:47:18,500than you'll see it here so that

368202:47:15,738 --> 02:47:21,078spiritual vision and the clarity of

368302:47:18,500 --> 02:47:23,359spiritual spiritual vision is important

368402:47:21,078 --> 02:47:26,270it's after you do it long enough you'll

368502:47:23,359 --> 02:47:27,890get used to it but the breathing's is

368602:47:26,270 --> 02:47:33,680the thing that will kick all that stuff

368702:47:27,889 --> 02:47:37,430off well what about the tunnel people

368802:47:33,680 --> 02:47:40,699are seeing the tunnel of light in the

368902:47:37,430 --> 02:47:42,920near death yes that's an illusion

369002:47:40,699 --> 02:47:45,021the tunnel is really when the person is

369102:47:42,920 --> 02:47:46,760

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coming out of their physical body

369202:47:45,021 --> 02:47:49,190the person is paralyzed with rigor

369302:47:46,760 --> 02:47:51,319mortis they believe that they're going

369402:47:49,190 --> 02:47:53,149through a tunnel when actually their

369502:47:51,319 --> 02:47:56,569spirit body is just coming out of the

369602:47:53,149 --> 02:47:58,549physical body I've had so many that I

369702:47:56,569 --> 02:47:59,659know exactly that tunnel feeling you

369802:47:58,549 --> 02:48:01,759know the person feels like they're

369902:47:59,659 --> 02:48:03,351squeezed in or compressed used to have a

370002:48:01,760 --> 02:48:05,569thing where I felt like I was in a

370102:48:03,351 --> 02:48:08,150coffin that was the tunnel type of thing

370202:48:05,569 --> 02:48:09,949and the tunnel is really like a person

370302:48:08,149 --> 02:48:11,959is paralyzed and they're changing into

370402:48:09,950 --> 02:48:14,900spiritual form but they see it as a

370502:48:11,959 --> 02:48:15,529tunnel and usually that spirit comes out

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370602:48:14,899 --> 02:48:18,920of there

370702:48:15,530 --> 02:48:20,960the head area the front or the back and

370802:48:18,920 --> 02:48:23,780that's where it can be perceived as a

370902:48:20,959 --> 02:48:25,819tunnel to because it's something big

371002:48:23,780 --> 02:48:27,950coming out of something small but there

371102:48:25,819 --> 02:48:32,060is no actual conscious it's a spiritual

371202:48:27,950 --> 02:48:34,010illusion does it feel like flying a lot

371302:48:32,060 --> 02:48:35,931of people have expressed that it almost

371402:48:34,010 --> 02:48:38,210feels like they have wings and they feel

371502:48:35,931 --> 02:48:40,040like they're in an aircraft just flying

371602:48:38,209 --> 02:48:44,390with the wind blowing through their hair

371702:48:40,040 --> 02:48:46,370and and on their face you can when

371802:48:44,390 --> 02:48:49,069you're in that spirit body astral or

371902:48:46,370 --> 02:48:51,110out-of-body one you can feel every

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372002:48:49,069 --> 02:48:52,851feeling that you would have everything

372102:48:51,110 --> 02:48:55,010the clouds you can see the clouds going

372202:48:52,851 --> 02:48:57,230past you and it feels a little moisture

372302:48:55,010 --> 02:49:00,200and should go through the clouds you can

372402:48:57,229 --> 02:49:02,420look down and see trees and life moving

372502:49:00,200 --> 02:49:04,070on about there you can breathe the air

372602:49:02,420 --> 02:49:05,780you can smell the air even though you're

372702:49:04,069 --> 02:49:08,119an astral cone you can actually smell it

372802:49:05,780 --> 02:49:10,340better in Nashville but you can see the

372902:49:08,120 --> 02:49:13,070clouds this is would be in real time too

373002:49:10,340 --> 02:49:15,079and in thereafter form you merge with it

373102:49:13,069 --> 02:49:20,750you merge with everything that sounds

373202:49:15,079 --> 02:49:22,579the lights the Sun the the universe that

373302:49:20,750 --> 02:49:24,829heartbeat that the earth has you're just


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02:49:22,579 --> 02:49:26,659you're you are the same thing and you

373502:49:24,829 --> 02:49:28,940have your one with it and that's where

373602:49:26,659 --> 02:49:31,101that Universal knowledge that cosmic

373702:49:28,940 --> 02:49:33,530knowledge comes in and you're absorbing

373802:49:31,101 --> 02:49:35,480and taking a cosmic bath in cosmic

373902:49:33,530 --> 02:49:37,040energy that's like so good to have the

374002:49:35,479 --> 02:49:40,039other body because the person comes back

374102:49:37,040 --> 02:49:43,340different and noticeably different

374202:49:40,040 --> 02:49:45,610subtly but that's but it's a good thing

374302:49:43,340 --> 02:49:48,140to have could be advantages outweigh any

374402:49:45,610 --> 02:49:50,659inconveniences and you can pop into

374502:49:48,140 --> 02:49:52,399another body from the dream just like

374602:49:50,659 --> 02:49:54,079the dream of flying I had this one dream

374702:49:52,399 --> 02:49:55,640where I was on the track page you have

374802:49:54,079 --> 02:49:58,280

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to climbing a ladder high up and it was

374902:49:55,640 --> 02:49:59,000so real that there were snow on my feet

375002:49:58,280 --> 02:50:00,440and I move

375102:49:59,000 --> 02:50:02,540my feet away cuz it was cold I was

375202:50:00,440 --> 02:50:05,780really I could see the snow on the

375302:50:02,540 --> 02:50:07,670trapeze on my foot I look down so it's

375402:50:05,780 --> 02:50:09,530super real and that's one way you can

375502:50:07,670 --> 02:50:11,719that's one way the person can say wait a

375602:50:09,530 --> 02:50:13,730second I'm not dreaming I can feel like

375702:50:11,719 --> 02:50:16,010the snow might be here I can feel the

375802:50:13,729 --> 02:50:19,279clouds moving by me as I fly you can

375902:50:16,010 --> 02:50:20,989decide to go up and down but it's

376002:50:19,280 --> 02:50:22,970definitely something the person should

376102:50:20,989 --> 02:50:25,430try and it's something that can do and

376202:50:22,969 --> 02:50:27,529it's really them just getting back in

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376302:50:25,430 --> 02:50:29,780touch with their own inner higher self

376402:50:27,530 --> 02:50:31,430and that self can help you out a lot

376502:50:29,780 --> 02:50:34,430here in this world so that's why it's

376602:50:31,430 --> 02:50:38,420important to get to know it it wants to

376702:50:34,430 --> 02:50:41,569help you mm-hmm a lot of people who have

376802:50:38,420 --> 02:50:43,579a near-death experience say they are

376902:50:41,569 --> 02:50:45,639greeted by family and friends who have

377002:50:43,579 --> 02:50:48,590previously moved onward

377102:50:45,639 --> 02:50:50,510is this normal for a lot of people to be

377202:50:48,590 --> 02:50:54,370greeted on the other side by family and

377302:50:50,510 --> 02:50:58,550friends or is that illusionary as well I

377402:50:54,370 --> 02:51:00,829think that if the persons in a

377502:50:58,549 --> 02:51:08,299near-death out-of-body state that they

377602:51:00,829 --> 02:51:10,639could meet I think that they could

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377702:51:08,299 --> 02:51:12,920definitely meet with their loved ones

377802:51:10,639 --> 02:51:17,029who have passed on but what's probably

377902:51:12,920 --> 02:51:21,710really happening is then meeting with

378002:51:17,030 --> 02:51:25,940the memories or the unfulfilled wishes

378102:51:21,709 --> 02:51:29,239of those who passed on there's like when

378202:51:25,940 --> 02:51:31,370the person finally dies and and in lives

378302:51:29,239 --> 02:51:33,409again and goes into heaven emerges with

378402:51:31,370 --> 02:51:37,130God and then goes on there's like a

378502:51:33,409 --> 02:51:48,670further expansion of consciousness and

378602:51:37,129 --> 02:51:51,649also more assimilation into the greater

378702:51:48,670 --> 02:51:53,780consciousness where the person still

378802:51:51,649 --> 02:51:58,039retains their own individual personality

378902:51:53,780 --> 02:52:00,079although there have also urged and

379002:51:58,040 --> 02:52:02,720assimilated with that higher


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02:52:00,079 --> 02:52:04,370consciousness - and I spoke of a dual

379202:52:02,719 --> 02:52:06,949consciousness when the person has an

379302:52:04,370 --> 02:52:09,710out-of-body where someone could prick

379402:52:06,950 --> 02:52:11,210you with a needle your physical body

379502:52:09,709 --> 02:52:12,799when you're in the out-of-body state you

379602:52:11,209 --> 02:52:14,898could see them from

379702:52:12,799 --> 02:52:17,090fifteen feet up touching your physical

379802:52:14,898 --> 02:52:19,159play in your astral body would feel vice

379902:52:17,090 --> 02:52:21,170versa whatever happens to ash for your

380002:52:19,159 --> 02:52:30,789physical feel we're feeling it would

380102:52:21,170 --> 02:52:34,460kill up to but that's it's uh it's all

380202:52:30,790 --> 02:52:38,390it's all good all of that stuff it's so

380302:52:34,459 --> 02:52:43,818worth it but as far as the people

380402:52:38,389 --> 02:52:48,189meeting loved ones definitely it could

380502:52:43,818 --> 02:52:52,010

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happen but the reality of it is more Oh

380602:52:48,189 --> 02:52:54,290wish fulfillment because although alive

380702:52:52,010 --> 02:52:56,090those people have progressed to the

380802:52:54,290 --> 02:52:59,439higher levels where they're not they're

380902:52:56,090 --> 02:53:02,210just pinpoints of consciousness or even

381002:52:59,439 --> 02:53:07,010less than that they're still alike what

381102:53:02,209 --> 02:53:09,409they've D materialized into a super fine

381202:53:07,010 --> 02:53:12,889essence that can only be experienced or

381302:53:09,409 --> 02:53:15,579felt not fully seen but definitely I

381402:53:12,889 --> 02:53:19,489would think that you can communicate

381502:53:15,579 --> 02:53:22,579with you with them but in reality what's

381602:53:19,489 --> 02:53:27,648happening it's probably that I desire

381702:53:22,579 --> 02:53:30,260that they wish they could fulfill or at

381802:53:27,648 --> 02:53:32,750the other some kind of because they're

381902:53:30,260 --> 02:53:34,969people have long gone gone and merged

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382002:53:32,750 --> 02:53:36,950with the higher think the person will

382102:53:34,969 --> 02:53:41,869never die and they won't never lose

382202:53:36,950 --> 02:53:45,079their individual consciousness but there

382302:53:41,870 --> 02:53:47,660is a merging into the greater whole and

382402:53:45,079 --> 02:53:51,469that comes away after but the person

382502:53:47,659 --> 02:53:53,270will live on and in that final in that

382602:53:51,469 --> 02:53:56,719higher merging where you become an

382702:53:53,270 --> 02:53:58,489expanded essence then you probably have

382802:53:56,719 --> 02:54:00,349more of a chance of meeting up with your

382902:53:58,489 --> 02:54:02,299local say you had a son or daughter and

383002:54:00,350 --> 02:54:04,640definitely the longing to see them

383102:54:02,299 --> 02:54:07,429because I have a son would attract

383202:54:04,639 --> 02:54:10,099either you to them or them to you and in

383302:54:07,430 --> 02:54:11,898those higher because there's episodes

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383402:54:10,100 --> 02:54:13,670after death progressions are like levels

383502:54:11,898 --> 02:54:16,309that the person takes to get to that

383602:54:13,670 --> 02:54:17,210highest state of whether there's no

383702:54:16,309 --> 02:54:19,639actual body

383802:54:17,209 --> 02:54:21,349they're just essence that teeming I call

383902:54:19,639 --> 02:54:23,449it a teeming soul essence where you're

384002:54:21,350 --> 02:54:26,631like the essence of like a soft drink

384102:54:23,450 --> 02:54:28,490like a sprite or 7up when it's business

384202:54:26,630 --> 02:54:30,380that spirit body that's one of the

384302:54:28,489 --> 02:54:33,079highest states that can get to and when

384402:54:30,380 --> 02:54:34,970you're just all thought and of course in

384502:54:33,079 --> 02:54:37,370that state it emerged into anything and

384602:54:34,970 --> 02:54:39,619in all of the states but then your pure

384702:54:37,370 --> 02:54:41,570energy and thought then and just a


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02:54:39,620 --> 02:54:43,521pinpoint of consciousness and that's

384902:54:41,569 --> 02:54:46,101where you can merge into the greater

385002:54:43,521 --> 02:54:48,290that that's final merging into the all

385102:54:46,101 --> 02:54:51,471that's interesting too that you just

385202:54:48,290 --> 02:54:56,690absorbed into it but that's a good

385302:54:51,470 --> 02:54:59,959question game have you ever met someone

385402:54:56,690 --> 02:55:03,230who has actually been through their

385502:54:59,959 --> 02:55:06,169judgment during a near-death experience

385602:55:03,229 --> 02:55:08,720and the reason why I ask is I have a

385702:55:06,170 --> 02:55:10,250good friend of mine his name's Daryl

385802:55:08,720 --> 02:55:14,899he's going to come on this show in

385902:55:10,250 --> 02:55:17,989August to discuss what happened to him

386002:55:14,899 --> 02:55:20,479as he recalled his judgement during a

386102:55:17,989 --> 02:55:26,979near-death experience after having a

386202:55:20,479 --> 02:55:30,350

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brain aneurysm and on this side it took

386302:55:26,979 --> 02:55:36,369three weeks up there he said it felt

386402:55:30,351 --> 02:55:41,631like a very long few hours okay

386502:55:36,370 --> 02:55:43,790have you ever heard of that have I ever

386602:55:41,630 --> 02:55:47,779heard of a person going through the

386702:55:43,790 --> 02:55:49,761judgment phase yes yes yeah a lot heard

386802:55:47,780 --> 02:55:53,210of a lot of experiences talking about

386902:55:49,761 --> 02:55:55,640their judgments it'd be interesting to

387002:55:53,209 --> 02:55:57,919hear his because that that is real and

387102:55:55,640 --> 02:55:59,270I'm glad he recalled that that's

387202:55:57,920 --> 02:56:01,250something that you probably could not

387302:55:59,271 --> 02:56:04,450forget but they would be definitely

387402:56:01,250 --> 02:56:07,989interesting to hear his is his

387502:56:04,450 --> 02:56:10,971experience and that's you saying July

387602:56:07,989 --> 02:56:14,931August yes City mentioned that he

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387702:56:10,970 --> 02:56:19,761mentioned levitation yes he actually

387802:56:14,931 --> 02:56:25,011recalls he actually recalls standing in

387902:56:19,761 --> 02:56:27,530like like a courtroom and I I'm getting

388002:56:25,011 --> 02:56:29,239I'm saying this story secondhand but he

388102:56:27,530 --> 02:56:31,341actually recalls almost being like in a

388202:56:29,239 --> 02:56:35,119courtroom where the devil was on his

388302:56:31,341 --> 02:56:38,091left and going through absolutely every

388402:56:35,120 --> 02:56:39,400single thing he did wrong his entire

388502:56:38,091 --> 02:56:41,710life

388602:56:39,399 --> 02:56:45,760and he said he had Jesus on his right as

388702:56:41,709 --> 02:56:47,889his lawyer and God was the judge and he

388802:56:45,760 --> 02:56:51,969never looked up at God because he was so

388902:56:47,889 --> 02:56:55,449ashamed but he said the feeling was

389002:56:51,969 --> 02:56:57,639absolutely immensely awesome and he felt

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389102:56:55,450 --> 02:57:03,210very shameful when he was put in that

389202:56:57,639 --> 02:57:06,969situation yes he described it perfectly

389302:57:03,209 --> 02:57:10,000now there is the science in the world

389402:57:06,969 --> 02:57:13,569authorities asked if there was any kind

389502:57:10,000 --> 02:57:17,709of mediator in the time of the life

389602:57:13,569 --> 02:57:21,940review or the judgment and there was

389702:57:17,709 --> 02:57:24,310some kind of super lawyer pleading not

389802:57:21,940 --> 02:57:27,340pleading but speaking in my behalf that

389902:57:24,310 --> 02:57:30,959was with my near-death and so his was

390002:57:27,340 --> 02:57:36,271just like that I didn't have any kind of

390102:57:30,959 --> 02:57:39,750adversary it was just me this mediator

390202:57:36,271 --> 02:57:42,640who may or may not have been Jesus but

390302:57:39,750 --> 02:57:46,840there was someone who had the authority

390402:57:42,639 --> 02:57:49,060to speak to God for me and like you said


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02:57:46,840 --> 02:57:51,430I at that time I couldn't see beyond I

390602:57:49,060 --> 02:57:55,690couldn't even see the mediator that's

390702:57:51,430 --> 02:57:57,250how Jim you know that but there is a God

390802:57:55,690 --> 02:57:59,680there was a judgment and there was

390902:57:57,250 --> 02:58:04,739someone acting or speaking in my behalf

391002:57:59,680 --> 02:58:07,540and I was glad because you know this a

391102:58:04,739 --> 02:58:10,389person doesn't have the eloquence to

391202:58:07,540 --> 02:58:12,190speak to God but this mediator only

391302:58:10,389 --> 02:58:16,119listed every good thing and I was only

391402:58:12,190 --> 02:58:18,85115 so you know this what that you it's a

391502:58:16,120 --> 02:58:21,610first thing and even if you just believe

391602:58:18,851 --> 02:58:24,790that's all you need everything else can

391702:58:21,610 --> 02:58:28,540be arranged or worked out that's where

391802:58:24,790 --> 02:58:31,540God has he has that thing and he rewards

391902:58:28,540 --> 02:58:33,250

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amply tourists you know if people want

392002:58:31,540 --> 02:58:36,340to know things if people want to know

392102:58:33,250 --> 02:58:37,930things and then they deny the the the

392202:58:36,340 --> 02:58:39,639master teacher who could easily tell

392302:58:37,930 --> 02:58:42,010them to tell them those things that same

392402:58:39,639 --> 02:58:44,079night there's a lot of knowledge and one

392502:58:42,010 --> 02:58:45,729of things that are given from God in

392602:58:44,079 --> 02:58:49,840people's that's the first thing that

392702:58:45,729 --> 02:58:51,100you'd go to when they do yes Eugene

392802:58:49,840 --> 02:58:52,109sorry to cut you off because we are

392902:58:51,101 --> 02:58:53,279running out of time we

393002:58:52,109 --> 02:58:55,590in about three minutes and I got a

393102:58:53,279 --> 02:58:57,689couple questions I want to get in bill

393202:58:55,590 --> 02:59:00,238in the SOR space travelers room is

393302:58:57,689 --> 02:59:02,398asking is it possible to get pulled into

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393402:59:00,238 --> 02:59:04,378a near-death experience where the

393502:59:02,398 --> 02:59:06,299spirits on the other side try to keep

393602:59:04,379 --> 02:59:12,720you there instead of returning to your

393702:59:06,299 --> 02:59:15,448body yeah I could yeah that could happen

393802:59:12,719 --> 02:59:18,358and a lot of people would stay - I would

393902:59:15,449 --> 02:59:20,418have stayed it's such a condition and

394002:59:18,359 --> 02:59:23,010you gotta watch to see if it's

394102:59:20,418 --> 02:59:25,760beneficial that you don't want to go

394202:59:23,010 --> 02:59:28,350there's a strong pull almost the same

394302:59:25,760 --> 02:59:30,389repulsion that's the opposite the same

394402:59:28,350 --> 02:59:33,209reposting that some people have the

394502:59:30,389 --> 02:59:37,038alien abductions the opposite way for

394602:59:33,209 --> 02:59:39,479the UFO where you're just emotionally

394702:59:37,039 --> 02:59:42,810longing to stay there and be there and

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394802:59:39,478 --> 02:59:43,978that's suspicious too just because it's

394902:59:42,809 --> 02:59:47,578a near-death doesn't mean that you have

395002:59:43,978 --> 02:59:49,590to you know accept anything it's good to

395102:59:47,578 --> 02:59:51,208double-check everything of any kind of

395202:59:49,590 --> 02:59:53,389strong emotions something we've watched

395302:59:51,209 --> 02:59:56,430like yeah that could happen

395402:59:53,389 --> 02:59:57,748and people would today and the final

395502:59:56,430 --> 03:00:00,449question for you tonight

395602:59:57,748 --> 03:00:03,059it comes from Eric and paranormal forum

395703:00:00,449 --> 03:00:05,340can a person do so badly in a life

395803:00:03,059 --> 03:00:07,350experience that they actually have to

395903:00:05,340 --> 03:00:13,078move backwards in the spiritual

396003:00:07,350 --> 03:00:15,539evolution no I don't think they would

396103:00:13,078 --> 03:00:19,228have to move backwards because even if a


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03:00:15,539 --> 03:00:20,819person lived did nothing in the

396303:00:19,228 --> 03:00:22,828spiritual life they'd still be at that

396403:00:20,818 --> 03:00:24,238same spot so they I don't think they

396503:00:22,828 --> 03:00:26,219would move backwards that's always the

396603:00:24,238 --> 03:00:28,948thing where you always move forward and

396703:00:26,219 --> 03:00:30,688even learning the lesson that you didn't

396803:00:28,949 --> 03:00:34,350do nothing would be so a lesson learned

396903:00:30,689 --> 03:00:36,898so there's no kind of regression in that

397003:00:34,350 --> 03:00:39,418spiritual way it's it's always a moving

397103:00:36,898 --> 03:00:41,278upward it's really positive but it's

397203:00:39,418 --> 03:00:44,158good to be sore and have common sense in

397303:00:41,279 --> 03:00:45,390it you know okay don't you know just

397403:00:44,158 --> 03:00:47,520like the normal things I'm totally

397503:00:45,389 --> 03:00:49,108screams you gotta watch it you just the

397603:00:47,520 --> 03:00:51,810

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first thing listen you have to be

397703:00:49,109 --> 03:00:53,760careful with everything and double-check

397803:00:51,809 --> 03:00:56,519everything don't automatically trust

397903:00:53,760 --> 03:00:58,350that beings are cool double-check

398003:00:56,520 --> 03:00:59,609everything be careful and because

398103:00:58,350 --> 03:01:02,100remember you're on your own especially

398203:00:59,609 --> 03:01:04,738if you don't have that God power but

398303:01:02,100 --> 03:01:05,520just check double check things out it's

398403:01:04,738 --> 03:01:07,920good to have

398503:01:05,520 --> 03:01:10,560skepticism and non-trust with those

398603:01:07,920 --> 03:01:12,539things that's what made me see that

398703:01:10,559 --> 03:01:15,868these things are real I just denied them

398803:01:12,539 --> 03:01:17,250and you know but it's good to be careful

398903:01:15,869 --> 03:01:19,590with the spiritual but there's a lot of

399003:01:17,250 --> 03:01:21,180good benefit you're well balanced have

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399103:01:19,590 --> 03:01:24,840some kind of belief system you'll do

399203:01:21,180 --> 03:01:26,578well in the spiritual wage but

399303:01:24,840 --> 03:01:28,799definitely have that anchor definitely

399403:01:26,578 --> 03:01:31,828have that protection that that can bring

399503:01:28,799 --> 03:01:33,358Eugene we have about 30 seconds I want

399603:01:31,828 --> 03:01:34,549you to tell everyone where they can find

399703:01:33,359 --> 03:01:37,170your book

399803:01:34,549 --> 03:01:40,019yeah you can find it on my website my

399903:01:37,170 --> 03:01:41,969website can be found online just type in

400003:01:40,020 --> 03:01:45,149my name or America's most experienced

400103:01:41,969 --> 03:01:46,858mystic you can order the book from there

400203:01:45,148 --> 03:01:49,170anyone who orders tonight I'll give them

400303:01:46,859 --> 03:01:50,488half off in the next 24 hours if you

400403:01:49,170 --> 03:01:52,949like to get one I'll give you half off

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400503:01:50,488 --> 03:01:55,379on the book mention that you heard

400603:01:52,949 --> 03:01:57,300Eugene on spaced-out radio that's really

400703:01:55,379 --> 03:02:00,478nice of you to do that Eugene thank you

400803:01:57,299 --> 03:02:03,148so much you're welcome always a pleasure

400903:02:00,478 --> 03:02:05,340to have you you hold on I'm gonna take

401003:02:03,148 --> 03:02:10,769the show out we're gonna get to a little

401103:02:05,340 --> 03:02:12,988bumblefoot now yeah thank you we are

401203:02:10,770 --> 03:02:14,520wrapping things up on this Wednesday

401303:02:12,988 --> 03:02:18,090night well I guess it's Thursday morning

401403:02:14,520 --> 03:02:20,550now for all of us thank you so much for

401503:02:18,090 --> 03:02:23,158joining in on the spaced out radio show

401603:02:20,549 --> 03:02:26,868tonight with Eugene Braxton what a guest

401703:02:23,158 --> 03:02:29,488I love the guy you know he really is an

401803:02:26,869 --> 03:02:31,920inspiration for the experiences he's had


Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

03:02:29,488 --> 03:02:34,260and he's here every night listening to

402003:02:31,920 --> 03:02:35,988the show it's always in the chat room

402103:02:34,260 --> 03:02:38,789always has something to say

402203:02:35,988 --> 03:02:41,309brilliant brilliant man I want to give a

402303:02:38,789 --> 03:02:43,770shout out to John Smith in Cambre

402403:02:41,309 --> 03:02:46,590Ontario brand new list and are brought

402503:02:43,770 --> 03:02:48,539in to check out the show he's loving the

402603:02:46,590 --> 03:02:52,380show John thank you for giving us your

402703:02:48,539 --> 03:02:54,529time and your opportunity to earn your

402803:02:52,379 --> 03:02:58,438listening ears we really appreciate that

402903:02:54,529 --> 03:03:01,380John Smith in Ontario thank you so much

403003:02:58,439 --> 03:03:04,920as our audience is ever-expanding if

403103:03:01,379 --> 03:03:07,858you've got a new listener that is tuning

403203:03:04,920 --> 03:03:10,949in let me know love to give them a shout

403303:03:07,859 --> 03:03:12,260

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

out on the air it's only fair you're

403403:03:10,949 --> 03:03:15,000sharing your time with me

403503:03:12,260 --> 03:03:17,010remember tomorrow night Victor Viviani

403603:03:15,000 --> 03:03:19,351UFOs in disclosure is the hot-button

403703:03:17,010 --> 03:03:21,331topic want to say thank you to air

403803:03:19,351 --> 03:03:23,671everyone who's listening in on the SHRM

403903:03:21,331 --> 03:03:25,351Media Network tonight paranormal forum

404003:03:23,671 --> 03:03:28,681the spaced-out radio chat room on

404103:03:25,351 --> 03:03:32,431Spreaker and on Facebook at Uwe for you

404203:03:28,681 --> 03:03:35,310chronicles and the SOR space travelers a

404303:03:32,431 --> 03:03:37,501great show tonight remember you can

404403:03:35,310 --> 03:03:39,540follow us on twitter at space out radio

404503:03:37,501 --> 03:03:42,120give our facebook page 'like spaced-out

404603:03:39,540 --> 03:03:45,119radio show on instagram i can be

404703:03:42,120 --> 03:03:47,791followed a Dave Scott SOR our YouTube

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]

404803:03:45,120 --> 03:03:49,980channel is spaced out radio show and our

404903:03:47,790 --> 03:03:52,739website which is gonna have a new look

405003:03:49,979 --> 03:03:56,790to it very very soon is spaced out radio

405103:03:52,739 --> 03:03:59,011calm once again our music provided by

405203:03:56,790 --> 03:04:02,040the guitar God himself

405303:03:59,011 --> 03:04:05,011Ron bumblefoot Thal formerly a GN are

405403:04:02,040 --> 03:04:07,500now part of anarchy and on his solo

405503:04:05,011 --> 03:04:10,761career rocking it out will talk to you

405603:04:07,501 --> 03:04:10,761in 21 hours good night

405703:04:13,800 --> 03:04:19,350this is the new totalitarian state a

405803:04:16,979 --> 03:04:22,171thousand eyes are waiting for you to

405903:04:19,351 --> 03:04:26,661break the stay and I don't make a

406003:04:22,171 --> 03:04:26,661mistake we're watching

406103:05:11,610 --> 03:05:13,670you

Spaced Out Radio - Jan. 1_18 - NETWORK REPLAY of Eugene Braxton NDEs_gwVQhRw1f-Q - transcript (automated).txt[19/06/2019 11:53:19]