Fighting Information Suffocation

Post on 30-May-2018

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  • 8/14/2019 Fighting Information Suffocation


    Because we all have shared interests in pressing issues

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    Fighting Information Suffocation

    2009 October 28tags: CNN, Communication, Declining Press, Journalism, Media,Newspapers, Public Issues, Questions, Social Media, Technology, The Little

    Guyby Mitch Chester

    When theNew York Times announced, on October 19, staff cuts of 100 in the news room, an information chill reverberated from Manhattan. Areduction of 8 percent of the news staff is a deep wound for those who seek truth. Last year 100 other news staffers at the Times were cut. Whatwill next year bring? The journalistic icon is not alone. Last year alone, reports National Public Radio, American newsrooms lostapproximately 5,900 jobs. That is a disaster.

    We all know the reasons for tight news budgetsdecreasing advertising revenue, competing free web content, and high newspaper delivery

    costs. No matter what the reasons, the forced Jenny Craig diet hitting newsrooms across the nation is resulting in enhanced national ignorance.And whats worse,we, the news consumers, are letting it happen, as if we have no part to play in finding a viable solution in thedelivery and consumption of news. News flash: Its not just news editors and media owners who have to figure out how to keep ahealthy press, the burden is just as much on the readers. You, me and our neighbors.

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    Newspaper circulation is not the only problem. As CNNs ratings recently fell to abysmal levels in prime time, we all should worry. Arguablythe hardest working anchor on television, Anderson Cooper, should not be seen by a mere 211,000 viewers per night, as reported bythe Times on October 27. There are over 305 million people in the United States. That only a couple hundred thousand are viewing the mostaggressively produced news program on the tube is not only eye opening, but scary. In the case of CNNs prime time ratings, the issue is a lackof curiosity in an age of blog manianot just economics. The American news audience has been sucked into a state of complacencyandbelieves that entertainment and opinion is a legitimate substitute for cold, blunt news. As a result, programs like 360 lack substantial viewers.

    Whether it be in print or on television, the conveyance of genuine information is being suffocated by technology, economics and inattention bythe consumer.

    With all the available media choices, we are vastly uninformed about the facts that make up the news, but over-infused with opinion. Cablenews is not that at allit has morphed into Cable Opinion. American media has been hyper-opinionized with pundits, in large partdue to constrained budgets that try to make up for loss of reporting talent and resources. In order to get audiences, conflict amongtalking heads has been emphasized at the expense of reporting.

    We need hard news and the resources to know what is happening in our frenetic world. Good journalism requires the researchers, theinvestigators, the reporters, the people that verify information, go to the story, smoke it out and do the hard and often dangerous labor to find

    and report the facts. A free and informed nation cannot claim to know what is going on when news which is presented as mere analysis andspin. We have enough opinions to deal with per capita. Everyone is an expert these daysand the more we hear, the less we know if we donthave a wide range of objective news sources to decide issues and options for ourselves.

    Media economics and consumer inattention is slowly suffocating the stream of information that reaches our households, and we get less andless input. The inevitable resultwe will know less about our world, our government, our health, our science, our arts andwell, oureverything.

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    fromBlogs, CNN, Communication, Communications, Education, Enlightenment, Exchanging Ideas, Internet, Issues, Journalism, Media,New York Times,Newspapers, Public Issues, Questions, Technology, The New Consumer

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    Politico Politics Feed

    House health bill: 1,990 pages 10/29/2009It runs longer than War and Peace, and has five times as many words as the Torah.Jonathan Allen

    Pelosi starts clock on House health bill 10/29/2009Final package falls short of liberal vision.Chris Frates,Patrick O'Connor

    Christie: 'Man up and say I'm fat' 10/29/2009Criticizing Corzine's attacks on his weight, Christie says he'll be a 'big fat winner' on election day.Andy Barr

    How is the W.H. handling H1N1? 10/29/2009The White House must reconcile images of near-panicked citizens with reassuring statements.Fred Barbash

    Iowa Republicans wince at Palin fee 10/29/2009A conservative Iowa group's effort to lure Palin to its banquet has an unintended effect.Jonathan Martin

    Nervous W.H. intervened in N.J. race; top Obama adviser now in charge 10/29/2009

    One of Obama's key advisers becomes central strategist in Corzine's bruising reelection campaign.Ben Smith W.H. cautious on new economic figures 10/29/2009

    Economy grows for the first time since 2008.Eamon Javers

    House health debate hits crunch time 10/29/2009Pelosi still shy of votes needed to pass reform bill.Patrick O'Connor

    Ensign aides pay for his affair10/29/2009Ensign's coterie of Senate aides, lobbyists and political operatives have also been hurt by the senator's affair.John Bresnahan,Manu Raju

    POLITICO interview: Gov. Jack Markell 10/29/2009POLITICO sits down with Markell to discuss the gubernatorial issues on his mind and on his agenda.Michael Falcone

    RNC details 'party-building' spurt 10/29/2009Steele tells GOP leaders that party has invested $13.2M helping Republicans running for governor.

    Mike Allen Dem: Frank bill 'TARP on steroids' 10/29/2009

    Both parties uncomfortable with sweeping powers.Victoria McGrane

    ScienceDaily Newsfeed

    Magnetic Mixing Creates Quite A Stir10/30/2009Researchers have developed a process that can mix tiny volumes of liquid, even in complicated spaces. The discovery of how tomix tiny liquid volumes arose from research directed at improving the sensitivity of the chemical sensors developed in his lab.While their original project did not lead to the expected results, researchers were surprised by the wide []

    Stem Cell Therapy May Offer Hope For Acute Lung Injury 10/30/2009Researchers have shown that adult stem cells from bone marrow can prevent acute lung injury in a mouse model of the disease.

    Universal Helmet Laws For Motorcycling Most Important Policy For Saving Lives Of Motorcyclists 10/30/2009Researchers conducted one of the first longitudinal analyses of the effect of public policies to reduce motorcycle injuries andfatalities. According to the study, the most significant policy in reducing both fatal and non-fatal motorcycle injuries is the

    universal helmet laws. The findings indicate that about 489 lives could have been saved if universal hel [] Exercise Keeps Dangerous Visceral Fat Away A Year After Weight Loss, Study Finds 10/30/2009

    A study conducted by exercise physiologists finds that as little as 80 minutes a week of aerobic or resistance training helps notonly to prevent weight gain, but also to inhibit a regain of harmful visceral fat one year after weight loss.

    Soil Moisture And Ocean Salinity Satellite Ready For Launch 10/30/2009A new European Earth observation satellite will be launched in the early hours of Monday November 2 from the PlesetskCosmodrome in northern Russia. The European Space Agency Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite will measure moisturelevels in the Earth's soils and the saltiness of the world's oceans from space for the very first time.

    Biofield Therapies: Helpful Or Full Of Hype? Review Looks At Reiki, Therapeutic Touch And Healing Touch 10/30/2009Biofield therapies -- Reiki, therapeutic touch and healing touch -- are promising complementary interventions for reducing theintensity of pain in diverse conditions, anxiety for hospitalized patients and agitated behaviors in dementia. A review of the sciencebehind biofield therapies has now been published.

    Physicist Makes New High-resolution Panorama Of Milky Way 10/30/2009

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    Cobbling together 3,000 individual photographs, a physicist has made a new high-resolution panoramic image of the full night sky,with the Milky Way galaxy as its centerpiece.

    Triple-combo Drug Shows Promise Against Antiviral-resistant H1N1 10/30/2009An experimental drug cocktail that includes three prescriptions now widely available offers the best hope in developing a singleagent to treat drug-resistant H1N1 swine flu, says a virology researcher.

    Vegetables Can Protect Unborn Child Against Diabetes 10/30/2009New evidence is emerging for how important it is for pregnant women to eat good, nutritious food. Expecting mothers who eatvegetables every day seem to have children who are less likely to develop type 1 diabetes.

    Left Side Grafting Is Procedure Of Choice For Adult-to-adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation 10/30/2009A recent study by doctors in Japan determined that left side grafting has lower risk to donors compared to grafts taken from theright lobe, and it appears to be the procedure of choice for adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation.

    French Male Bears In Immediate Need Of More Females 10/30/2009The population of brown bears in France is now so small that the species might become extinct in the near future. However, thereis new hope. New research suggests that relocating new bears doesn't just boost the population size but can also reverse some ofthe causes of the population decline.

    Study Shows Linkage Between Teen Girls' Weight And Sexual Behavior10/30/2009A new study sheds new light on the relationship between race, body weight and sexual behavior among adolescent girls. Theresults suggest that a girl's ethnicity and her actual weight or perception of her weight may play a role in her participation in riskysexual behaviors.

    Alert Net NGO and Humanitarian News Alerts

    U.S judge sentences al Qaeda agent to 100 months 10/29/2009Source: Reuters * Al Qaeda "sleeper agent" sentenced to 100 months * Judge warns he may return to old associates By Andy

    Kravetz PEORIA, Ill., Oct 29 (Reuters) - An accused al Qaeda sleeper agent, who ... EU makes progress on treaty, stuck on climate deal 10/29/2009

    Source: Reuters * EU leaders agree opt-out for Czechs on treaty - officials * Leaders fail to agree on climate funding (Releads,updates after talks) By Jan Lopatka and David Brunnstrom BRUSSELS, Oct 29 ( ...

    Report slams bank links to clusterbomb production 10/29/2009Source: Reuters * Study names banks and arms companies * Research used publicly available information (Adds names of armsmanufacturers) By Olesya Dmitracova LONDON, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Leading banks have ...

    East-west rift stalls EU talks on climate funds 10/29/2009Source: Reuters * EU leaders seek united stance for global climate talks * Eastern and western states disagree over sharing the bill* Further discord over handling Kyoto carbon permits (Adds quotes, detail ...

    U.S. judge sentences al Qaeda agent to eight years 10/29/2009Source: Reuters PEORIA, Ill., Oct 29 (Reuters) - An accused al Qaeda sleeper agent, who was labeled an "enemy combatant" andheld in isolation in a U.S. Navy brig for years, was sentenced to more than eight ...

    Obama review of Afghan war strategy at end stages 10/29/2009Source: Reuters * U.S. forces stretched thin * Focus on protecting population centers * Military chiefs to weigh in with Obama(Adds details) By Adam Entous WASHINGTON, Oct 29 (Reuters) - U.S. military ...

    EU leaders agree opt-out for Czech treaty backing 10/29/2009Source: Reuters BRUSSELS, Oct 29 (Reuters) - European Union leaders agreed on Thursday on the wording of a deal intended tosecure Czech President Vaclav Klaus's backing for the bloc's Lisbon reform treaty, EU ...

    As many as 5 million in US infected with H1N1-study 10/29/2009Source: Reuters * Up to 20,000 people hospitalized through July 23-CDC * 6 percent of hospitalized people die, study finds *CDC says 24.8 million doses of H1N1 vaccine available By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO ...

    SCENARIOS-Obama's options in Afghan war10/29/2009Source: Reuters (For full coverage of Afghanistan, click on [nAFPAK]) WASHINGTON, Oct 29 (Reuters) - President BarackObama is in the midst of a lengthy review of U.S. strategy for Afghanistan that has been ...

    Canadian media glorify terror suspects - spy chief10/29/2009Source: Reuters * Media portrays suspects as "quasi folk heroes" - top spy * Canada has "blind spot" in fight against terror, he says* Critic says accusations outrageous, inappropriate By ...

    Technology Review

    Testing Cheap Wind Power10/29/2009

    A continuously variable transmission could lead to cheaper wind power--if it is rugged enough. Electrifying Brain Tumors 10/29/2009

    Combined with chemotherapy, electric fields help prevent the growth of deadly brain tumors. Software That Fixes Itself10/29/2009

    A new tool aims to fix misbehaving programs without shutting them down. Blog - The Failing Future For Earthquake Forecasts 10/29/2009

    The optimism about the future of earthquake prediction is not justified by the quality of the forecasts Blog - Crushing Virtual Cigarettes to Quit 10/29/2009

    Those who played a cigarette-crushing virtual reality game had better rates of kicking the habit Video - Testing Cheap Wind Power10/29/2009

    A continuously variable transmission could lead to cheaper wind power--if it is rugged enough. Muscle-Bound Computer Interface 10/28/2009

    Forearm electrodes could enable new forms of hands-free computer interaction.

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    High-Energy Batteries Coming to Market 10/28/2009Rechargeable zinc-air batteries can store three times the energy of a lithium-ion battery.

    Blog - The Unexpected Behaviour of Beads in a Box 10/28/2009Fill a narrow box with beads and set it spinning and the resulting patterns are surprising, beautiful and unexplained.

    Blog - Blasts Off for Ares I-X 10/28/2009NASA's new rocket finally launches, but its long-term future remains in doubt.

    NPR Business News

    In Race, Cadillac CTS-V Beats Out The Best 10/29/2009Earlier this year, Robert Lutz, General Motors vice chairman of marketing and communications, challenged anyone to beat theCadillac CTS-V on the racetrack using a comparable vehicle. Now Lutz, driving the CTS-V, raced against nine other drivers in atime-trial competition and won. Lutz says the experiment was devised to show that the new CTS-V could []

    Explaining Bank Overhaul Proposals 10/29/2009Congress has taken up legislation that would prevent big companies from endangering the entire economy when they reach thebrink of failure. They would be required to have more capital in reserve and wind down operations in an orderly fashion in theevent of a bankruptcy. Would these rules prevent a crisis like the current one?

    Congress Takes On 'Too Big To Fail' Institutions 10/29/2009Congress is trying to rewrite financial regulations to avoid the company failures and rescues of the last 18 months. TreasurySecretary Timothy Geithner appeared Thursday before a key House panel to tout a plan that would allow federal regulators tounwind troubled financial companies, which are considered too big to fail. He got skepticism from both sides o []

    New Data Show Economy Growing Again 10/29/2009New government data released Thursday showed an economy that is growing again for the first time in a year. But the economy isreceiving much support right now, and no one knows whether it is capable of growing on its own.

    Maine Sour On 'Spiked' British Lemonade 10/29/2009A high school student in Maine drinks half a bottle of Fentimans Victorian Lemonade, which contains a small amount of alcohol,and a chain reaction ensues, leading the state attorney general to determine consumers must be 21 to buy the beverage. In England,company officials say the brouhaha reflects America's prudishness.

    Feds Charge Stryker Biotech, Execs Over Fraudulent 'Sausages' 10/29/2009The Justice Department alleges a maker of bone-growth stimulators hawked the products for unapproved uses, putting patients atrisk.

    U.S. Says Chinese Drywall Requires Further Study 10/29/2009Federal studies released Thursday cannot yet definitively link imported Chinese drywall to health problems or corrosion of pipesand wires that thousands of U.S. homeowners have been reporting for nearly a year. Investigations will continue into next month.

    U.S. Economy Grows, At Last, But Jobs More Elusive 10/29/2009With the economy growing by 3.5 percent last quarter, the most painful recession since the Great Depression appears to be over.But it could take much longer for lost jobs to return, and consumers and companies alike seem reticent to return to their old habits.

    Economic Reversal: GDP Grows At 3.5 Percent Pace 10/29/2009The U.S. economy expanded at a 3.5 percent pace in the third quarter, the fastest rate in two years, the Commerce Department saidThursday. The growth is the strongest sign yet that the economy may have shrugged off the recession.

    Figures Suggest Recession's Worst Is Over10/29/2009The economy grew at a 3.5 percent pace in the third quarter, the best showing in two years, fueled by government-supportedspending on cars and homes. The report from the Commerce Department Thursday, indicates the economy is entering a new phaseof recovery.

    NPR Technology

    Revisiting Day When Internet Was Born 10/29/2009When the first exchange over ARPANET took place on Oct. 29, 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered Mississippi to desegregateits public schools and Sen. Ted Kennedy was in Congress debating the Vietnam-era draft law. Only a handful of people caredmuch about the first ARPANET exchange.

    'Lo' And Behold: A Communication Revolution 10/29/2009The Internet began with a whimper, not a bang. And not everyone agrees on when that whimper occurred. But 40 years agoThursday, the first communication over a computer network called ARPANET was sent a message that said simply "lo."

    Digital Data Make For A Really Permanent Record 10/29/2009Information doesn't fade the way it used to. Records once forgotten in long-lost files are now searchable online perhaps forever.

    Some computer researchers are looking for ways to give data a life span. But others think we should adapt to a new reality of datathat will never die.

    An Ode To The Internet's Big Bang 10/29/2009Reasonable people disagree about what exactly marks the beginning of the Internet. Forty years ago Thursday, two guys inCalifornia sent a five-letter message over a primitive computer network. Marking that anniversary, Morning Edition presents ashort radio play with digital-themed dialogue that would've been gibberish just a few years ago.

    Despite High-Tech Help, Marines Confront IEDs 10/29/2009Roadside bombs now account for nearly three-quarters of the American deaths in Afghanistan. The Pentagon is sending moreequipment to detect these hidden killers and setting up special centers to sift through intelligence information. But Marines on theground say much of the battle is still in their hands.

    Digital Bread Crumbs: Following Your Cell Phone Trail 10/28/2009If you use a mobile phone, you're leaving a record of where you've been. But where does your phone say you are? If it relies oncell phone towers for that information, your location may be vague. GPS-enabled phones are more specific. The difference

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    between the two can be miles wide. Droid, Verizon's IPhone Challenger, Debuts Nov. 6 10/28/2009

    Verizon Wireless' answer to the iPhone the Droid will go on sale for $200 next week as the company taps into the growingappetite for smart phones that go far beyond making calls.

    Timeline: Privacy And The Law 10/28/2009Here, key moments that have shaped your privacy in the digital age.

    Is Your Facebook Profile As Private As You Think? 10/27/2009A growing number of companies are trawling social networks looking to scrape up data about you and your friends. For instance,

    that Facebook quiz you just took? It opened up your photos, political views - even your sexual preference to the stranger whowrote it.

    Why Does Use Cookies? 10/27/2009Kinsey Wilson, of NPR digital media, responds to a comment on from a reader concerned about the site's use of trackingcookies. According to Wilson, those bits of text stored on a user's computer improve site navigation while keeping the useranonymous.

    Scientific American

    U.S. Lags Behind World with Its Patchwork Approach to Curbing E-Waste 10/29/2009Lurking behind the introduction of each new touch-screen computer, high-definition television and digital music player is the starkreality that some once-prized electronic gadgets from a previous techno-generation will get kicked to the curb, ending up in a toxictrash heap thousands of miles from its former owner. The reasons for this digital dumping are m []

    Astronomical Artifact: Most Distant Object Yet Detected Carries Clues from Early Universe 10/28/2009A violent explosion picked up by a NASA satellite earlier this year is the oldest object ever seen by astronomers, its light havingbeen emitted some 13 billion years ago. At that time the universe was roughly 5 percent of its present age and the big bang was a

    fairly recent occurrence, having taken place just 600 million years earlier. [More] [] Polarized Peepers: Crustacean's Eyes Surpass Man-Made Optical Devices in Manipulating Light 10/27/2009

    A fierce crustacean known as the peacock mantis shrimp has eyes so refined they can perceive polarized light, includinginformation that is invisible to nearly every other member of the animal kingdom. Not only can the ocean dweller extractpolarization information from light, it can do so when the light is circularly polarized--an ability unknown outside a []

    Sustainability in Daily Life 10/26/2009Take Action [More]

    Climate Change Begins at Home: Small Steps to Cut Greenhouse Emissions Can Lead to Big Results 10/26/2009American homes and their energy consumption account for nearly 40 percent of U.S. emissions, 626 million metric tons of carbonin 2005 alone. But 33 simple actions--ranging from improving the insulation to carpooling--could cut those annual carbonemissions by 123 million metric tons. That savings would more than entirely offset emissions from petroleum refi []

    Polar Perspective: NASA DC-8 Monitors Antarctica's Meltdown from the Skies 10/26/2009A DC-8 rumbles down the runway in Punta Arenas, Chile, bound once again for the fickle weather of Antarctica. Chock full ofscientific equipment, the nearly 48-meter-long plane--the core of NASA's Operation ICE Bridge--will fly as low as 300 metersabove the glaciers and valleys of West Antarctica as well as the ice just off shore. Employing gravimeters []

    What Are the Dangers of Drilling for Natural Gas? 10/26/2009

    New York's recently released review of the environmental risks (PDF) posed by natural gas production in the Marcellus shaleoffers the clearest picture yet of the chemicals used in the drilling process called hydraulic fracturing.The document makes publicthe names of 260 chemicals, more than eight times as many as Pennsylvania state regulators have com []

    Can a Number Solve the Climate Change Conundrum? 10/23/2009Author Bill McKibben never saw this coming. Founder of, an environmental campaign aimed at holding atmosphericcarbon dioxide concentrations below 350 parts per million, McKibben sent word that this Saturday would be the day to take to thestreets.The call went viral in ways far beyond anything McKibben and fellow organizers imagined: As of Thursday []

    Hurricane Forcing: Can Tropical Cyclones Be Stopped? 10/23/2009Tropical cyclones, or hurricanes as they are known in the regions bordering the Atlantic Ocean, are among nature's fiercestmanifestations, capable of releasing as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs. Hurricane Katrina leveled New Orleans and theMississippi Gulf Coast leaving more than 1,800 people dead; Typhoon Morakot killed more people and did more []

    Jock the Vote: Election Outcomes Affect Testosterone Levels in Men 10/23/2009On election night last year, testosterone levels dropped rapidly among male voters of losing parties. [More]

    Guardian Unlimited with link to PDF newspaper option

    Britons need to start talking about race | Lola Adesioye 10/29/2009Lola Adesioye

    Pennsylvania high court dismisses thousands of juvenile convictions 10/29/2009Array

    Fun and games in the White House | Sady Doyle 10/29/2009Sady Doyle

    Obama must listen to Gen McChrystal | Tom Rogan 10/29/2009Tom Rogan

    Correction and apologies | Michael Tomasky 10/29/2009Michael Tomasky

    The J Street dinner | Michael Tomasky 10/29/2009Michael Tomasky

    Why the vaccine shortage? | Michael Tomasky 10/29/2009

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    Barack Obama, Michael Tomasky Embassies or fortresses America's global building programme 10/29/2009

    The US has opened 68 new embassies and overseas facilities since 2001 and has 29 under design and constructionArray

    America's bittersweet recovery | Tim Fernholz 10/29/2009Tim Fernholz

    Megrahi release surprised US, says ambassador10/29/2009Severin Carrell

    Foreign Affairs

    Africa: Unity, Sovereignty, and Sorrow 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 Africa is home to several states that have either collapsed entirely or become so weak that they are unable toundertake most of the tasks associated with statehood. And yet, rather strikingly, these states endure. This resilience is the puzzlethat Englebert tackles with great theoretical verve and erudition. His key insight is that control []

    China Into Africa: Trade, Aid, and Influence 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 China's evolving relationship with Africa has generated a great deal of hyperbole. This collection of essaysseparates the facts from the myths. Several chapters remind the reader that China is nowhere close to supplanting Africa'straditional diplomatic, aid, and trading partners in the West, despite its rapidly growing interests []

    U.S. Africa Policy Beyond the Bush Years: Critical Challenges for the Obama Administration 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 The ten contributions in this collection assess different dimensions of George W. Bush's Africa policy and offeradvice to Barack Obama. The contributors give a useful glimpse into discussions about current U.S. foreign policy toward Africa;even though they are Washington insiders, their approach is not particularly partisan. They all []

    Bring Me My Machine Gun: The Battle for the Soul of South Africa From Mandela to Zuma; After the Party: Corruption, the

    ANC, and South Africa's Uncertain Future 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 The end of Thabo Mbeki's presidency and the settling in of Jacob Zuma provide an opportunity to assess the 15years since the fall of apartheid. Russell's and Feinstein's assessments are both excellent and disquieting. A former South Africacorrespondent for the Financial Times, Russell offers balanced portraits of the three p []

    Hard Choices: Security, Democracy, and Regionalism in Southeast Asia 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 Founded in 1967 as a talking shop to reduce conflict, ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) isnow the strongest regional institution in Asia. Its mandate has expanded slowly, due to the diversity of interests among its tenmembers -- countries as different as democratic Indonesia, authoritarian Vietnam, cosmopolitan Singapore, []

    The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 Despite formidable state control, Chinese netizens have used humor, music, videos, games, and nimblewordplay to create new forms of expression and association that are intrinsically democratic. Human rights activists can connectacross borders, and communities that are formed online can become actors in the real world, especially when they []

    Exporting Japan: Politics of Emigration to Latin America 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 The career of the Peruvian strongman Alberto Fujimori reminded the world that Latin America, especiallyBrazil and Peru, is home to a sizable Japanese diaspora. It is lesser known that the influx of Japanese to the region, which tookplace both before and after World War II, was in large part organized and financed by the Japanese state. Its []

    Criminal Justice in China: A History 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 Since the late nineteenth century, the Chinese state has modernized and remodernized its laws, courts, prisons,and penal camps. But certain criminal justice practices survived each wave of reform, including retroactive laws, punishments thatdiffer depending on the societal status of the offender, the criminalization of political opposition []

    Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 Calder makes a good case that the U.S.-Japanese alliance is in trouble. Due to changing conditions -- amongthem, the end of the Cold War, the rise of China, and intensified competition for Middle Eastern oil -- the alliance is out ofbalance. Although the defense-cooperation component remains robust, the trade relationship has become less i []

    Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace With China 10/22/2009November 1, 2009 Beijing has developed the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region economically and provides some space for thepractice of Islam. But the oppression, corruption, and discrimination associated with government officials and Han immigrantsthere -- along with the emergence of independent states in Central Asia -- have strengthened the Uighurs' s []

    VuVox & Time Pictures of the Week

    Pictures of the Week10/29/2009


    Sen. Al Franken(D-MN) schools


    26 Oct 09

    Anvil Launching


    22 Oct 09

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    About the Editor

    SharedEmergency is here for a number of reasons. First, the traditional media is failing the American public, and many stories and issuesare ignored. Next, I discuss ideas and issues by also advancing potential solutions, so I am not just identifying a topic, but trying toconstructively add to the voice of those seeking resolution of the problem. Third, I have ideas and like to write and broadcast in the "newmedia." Lastly, but most importantly, this blog is devoted to my son and his children, who I hope will inherit a better world.


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