Field studies digital journal

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Field studies digital journal

Hokkaido Field Studies 2012

Digital Visual Journal

Day I

Yes, we had to wake up EXTREMELY early

and Yes, I think most of us couldn’t sleep the night before

But that doesn’t matter..

Because I believe, this is what we’ve all been waiting for...

Yes, It’s Field Studies


This journal is supposedly created based on an area of interaction.

It was probably the first time I’ve been on an airplane with people from the same school.

The airline was ANA(All Nippon Airline)

And guess what, there were NO screens on the seats

Which I kinda expected...

So we got off the plane,

And got onto a bus

And we came to NAC (Niseko Adventure Centre)

For the first night

We’re gonna camp.

Like, literally camp, sleeping in tents.

So we we would have to walk to the camping place.

I don’t think many people enjoyed this part of camp, but we still had some

fun in it.

And yes, we’ve walked for quite a while.

Yep, we’re still walking.

On the way to the camp, I found a dam that is labeled “dam”.

Which seemed, kinda obvious.

And we rested for a while,

But we still got a mile :(Hey, that rhymed :D

Since we’ve been walking for a long time,

I gave up taking pictures,

Which I’m regretting about it now.

Anyway, we’ve walked for another hour or something like that,

we’ve got to the camp,

I shall introduce my tent-mates

This is Ellen

This is Amanda

This is Hye-wonoh wait, her face is covered.

This is Hye-won

This is Emily

And this is Katie

Back to the camp. We would have to

prepare our own dinner.

and I kinda expected it to be curry, like all the other year.

Trying to create fire was quite

hard, but we still managed to do it.


We Chopped Veggies

And made our dinner, which I don’t have a picture of.

I think the first day was overall quite nice,

But perhaps I should have thought about my journal a little more, and

taken more photos to use.

Day 2

A great morning after a freezing night.

We went for a walk before we left the place.

Shoes :D

I know this is very random, but,


This picture looks nice :)

After that, we went to HIS to eat lunch.

And we had some free time...

Let’s have a photo gallery time :D

We made Ikebana

Group Photo~♩

We went to a farm, helped the farmer.

Carved pumpkins :D

The farmer had a black cat

But it was fast so I could only get it’s butt.

Here are some of what we’ve made.

Oh and by the way, that’s Me.

Day 3

So, today we’re going to be splitting into 2 groups.

And our group is going to be biking and rafting!!


We got ourselves ready...

Bikes checked

Helmets Checked

We’re ready to go :D

Since I don’t have photos from

Biking, I’ll skip to break time :D

Yup, we ate and drank

And we went rafting afterwards.

Sadly, I don’t have photos from rafting, so lets move onto day 4

Day 4

October 18Today is the kayaking day, and to be completely honest, I wasn’t excited for it.

From the experiences from previous years, kayaking were mostly about painful arms and the endless pedaling.

Although, this year I found my attitude towards kayaking a little different from the previous years.

This was the island we’ve tried to reach.

But since the wind was too strong, we headed back

We also got ice-cream.

The flavor I got was

*I have to admit, it was the best ice cream i had this year*

We had

Free time

There were horses...

Rabbits :D

and that is when the goat head-butted me

and that is when the goat head-butted me

The Goat

and that is when the goat head-butted me

The Goat

The Goat

and that is when the goat head-butted me

The Goat

The Goat

The Goat

and that is when the goat head-butted me

The Goat

The Goat

The Goat

The Goat

and that is when the goat head-butted me

The Goat

The Goat

The Goat

The GoatYES, The Goat

Day 5

Since it’s our last day, we kinda decided to plank in our room...

And we flew around :D

Great View On The Plane.

We got onto the plane...

Back to Yokohama...

Byebye Niseko, Hokkaido

Final Question: Why do we create?

I think as human beings, we create to tell a story. We tell stories and let others know your point of view. We create to express ourselves, because I think humans are as lonely as an island in the middle of the ocean, we can never understand each other. Nor we can ever go into someone else’s head. We create to tell others about what we love and hate, and what we wish for. We can understand others, even if we cannot read someone’s mind, we still can get as close as we can.