Field Informatics Human Sensing ACCMS, Kyoto University Yuichi Nakamura 1/46 Copyright (C) 2010...

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Field InformaticsHuman Sensing

ACCMS, Kyoto University

Yuichi Nakamura

1/46Copyright (C) 2010 Field Informatics Research Group. Kyoto University. All Rights Reserved.

Introduction to Field Informatics Chapter4

Human Sensing:Measuring Human Activities and Social Actions

• Human Activities– simple activities

• walking, eating, house keeping, etc.• simple tasks in daily life

– social actions• conversation, meeting, lectures, etc.• tasks with other people

– others• peoples in a panic

• Measuring what and how?• How store and retrieve the data?

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Overview: Purpose of Human Sensing

(a) External information– who did what, how,....

(b) Internal information– thought, intention, feeling,...– physiological conditions

(c) Communication– communicated information– communication intention

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Overview: Information on Humans

(a) External information– bodily movements, behaviors, ...– bodily characteristics

(appearance , sweat , smell , etc.)(b) Internal information

– psychological conditions (tension , fear , emotion , comfort/discomfort , etc.)

– physiological conditions (table 4-3)(c) Communication information

– verbal/non-verbal communication– interpersonal contact, interpersonal

distance, mutual interaction with group

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Overview: Tools for Human Sensing

(a) External information– physical sensors– esp. non-invasive, non-intrusive


(b) Internal information– physiological sensors– brain measurements– introspection, reflection

(c) Communication information– physical sensors– ethnography, ethnomethodology

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Information on Humans (examples)

(a) External conditions– bodily movements, behaviors, ...– bodily characteristics

(appearance , sweat , smell , etc.)

(b) Internal conditions– psychological conditions (strain , fear ,

emotion , pleasant , etc.)– physiological conditions

(c) Communication conditions– verbal communication– non-verbal communication

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Human positions and movements

• image sensors

• magnetic sensors• ultrasonic wave sensors• RFID

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Human Position

• Image sensors– real-time tracking– frequently used for

security and surveillance purpose

• Fish-eye lens and omni-directional cameras– omni-directional– low spatial resolution

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Face Detection

• Image sensors with image recognition software.– face detection– face identification

• Many embedded system, e.g., digital camera.

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3D Measurements

• Stereo Vision

Multiple Stereo Video CameraStereo Still Camera

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Real-time Stereo Machine

• 1995 Carnegie Mellon University

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Magnetic Sensors (Motion Capture)

• Comparing with image sensors– better accuracy– no occlusion effect

• Characteristics– ▲ cost, size– × non-intrusive– ◎ accuracy– ◎ occlusion– ◎ lighting– ×other constrains (affected by metal)

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Eye Tracking, Gaze Tracking

• Head mount type– measuring eye ball

direction by projecting infrared light

• Table mount type– measuring the pupil

position by video camera(s)

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Eye/Gaze Tracking

• Gazing properties– a sequence of fixations– order, duration– movements, saccades

• Internal conditions– intention, attention,


• Object’s characterisitics– features– characteristics

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Information on Humans (examples)

(a) External conditions– bodily movements, behaviors, ...– bodily characteristics

(appearance , sweat , smell , etc.)(b) Internal conditions

– psychological conditions (tension , fear , emotion , comfort/discomfort , etc.)

– physiological conditions (table 4-3)(c) Communication conditions

– verbal/non-verbal communication– interpersonal contact, interpersonal

distance, mutual interaction with group

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Physiological Conditions (examples)

• electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate, blood pressure, pulse pressure, O2/CO2 concentration in the blood

• breathing rate , O2/CO2 concentration in breath

• electrooculogram (EOG) , blink , pupil size , focus

• electromyography (EMG) , evoked electromyography

• skin potential activity, flicker value, body temperature, facial skin temperature, perspiration , etc.

• electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetoencephalograpy (MEG), functional mgnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) ,near infrared spectroscoping topography (NIRS)

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Measuring Brain Activity

• electric activities of neurons

• magnetic field caused by electric activities

• blood flow and brain metabolism

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• electrical alterations in accordance with neural activity

• small potential changes on the scalp



I 2




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Measuring Method

• 10-20 system : distances between adjacent electrodes are either 10% or 20% of the total front-back or right-left distance of the skull. 鼻根部



左耳 右耳

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Brain Waves• delta wave δ : 1 ~ 3Hz • theta wave θ : 4 ~ 7Hz • alpha wave α : 8 ~ 13Hz • beta wave β : 14 ~ 30Hz • gamma wave γ : 30 ~ 64Hz     • omega wave ω : 64 ~ 128Hz • rho wave ρ : 128-512Hz • sigma wave σ : 512-1024Hz





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Near Infra-Red Spectroscopic Topography (NIRS)

• Near infrared light (around 800nm) is projected and traverses the scalp and skull

• Reflectance from the brain are measured on the scalp

• Brain metabolism can be measured by the ratio of oxidized hemoglobin and deoxidized hemoglobin

Near Infrared Light




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MagnetoEncepharoGraph (MEG)

• Magnetic field arising from neural electrical activity

• Large-scale system with high-performance probes

• high temporal resolution

• noise elimination is a serious problem

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functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( f MRI)

• Brain activity (blood flow, metabolism)

• Magnetic resonance difference between oxidized hemoglobin and deoxidized hemoglobin

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ElectroMyoGraphy (EMG)

• Membrane potential changes in muscle contraction

muscle fiber

nerve muscle connection


motor nerve

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surface EMG


• Electric potential changes ( 10mV) ≦ on skin surface

• Electrodes and relatively simple electronic circuits

• problem: noise elimination, MU estimation

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0.5 sec

1 m v

Multi Channel Measurement

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Example of EMG signal

0.5 sec

1 m v

Condition 1

Condition 2

similar motions with different conditions

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Subjective or introspective analysis for psychological conditions

• Conversation Analysis

• Protocol Analysis

• Narrative Analysis

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Protocol Analysis

Ask a subject to tell anything which comes up to the subject’s mind, and analyze the internal process of the subject’s.

1: Which one?2: I got it!3: Difficult to find, ...4: Hmm, push it, ... really?5: I’m afraid all are gone...

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Protocol Analysis

• think aloud method: speak synchronously what the subject thinks during actions

• retrospective report method: explain actions after it is finished

• In both methods, actions are takes in a video or some recording devices, and those data are minutely analyzed afterwards.

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ref. Narrative Analysis

• The subject reconstructs real experiences as a personal story

• Originated from narrative therapy• Linear causality is a dominant feature of

narrative structure • A subject is prompted story telling by a

question addressing what to tell.– Type1: as less interruption as possible– Type2: guided by appropriate questions

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Information on Humans (examples)

(a) External conditions– bodily movements, behaviors, ...– bodily characteristics

(appearance , sweat , smell , etc.)(b) Internal conditions

– psychological conditions (tension , fear , emotion , comfort/discomfort , etc.)

– physiological conditions (table 4-3)(c) Communication conditions

– verbal/non-verbal communication– interpersonal contact, interpersonal

distance, mutual interaction with group

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Sensing of Communication Conditions

• Nonverbal information– 70 ~ 80 % of information is carried

through nonverbal behaviors

• Various kinds of nonverbal information– attitude, behaviors– body characteristics– perspiration , smell– clothes, accessories– others

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ref. distance communication

• Asynchronous communication– e-mail– Web

• Realtime communication– chat– video conference– distance lecture

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Key Points on Human Sensing

• Objective measurements– physical sensors as much

as possible– non-invasive, non-intrusive

sensors• Multiple sensors

– synchronization– large amount of data

• Data handling– indexing– browsing– retrieval

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Some examples

• Smart meeting recording

• Lifelog

• Data Browsing

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Smart Meeting Recorder• Non-intrusive sensing and recording

– tracking each person from entering room to sitting down

– tracking each person’s face while talking

• Video capturing with typical picture compositions




撮影カメラ:首振りカメラによって追跡撮影 映像切替器

MPEG エンコード, HDD に録画

pan/tilt 制御

映像を提示• Two types of cameras

– sensing camera– contents capturing

camera• Contents capturing

cameras are guided by the sensing camera.

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Sensing camera:detecting participants positions

control, selecting views

capturing camera: tracking and capturing

video switching

MPEG encoding

pan/tilt control with tracking a face

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Automatic Editing Examples

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Smart Meeting Browser• Smart meeting browser with realtime meeting

capture• Toward realtime meeting support

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Lifelog (personal experience log)



large amount of logs

automatic indexingstructure analysisefficient retrieval


memory aidseducation supportdisability supporthuman factor analysis

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• Browsing– skimming

– gathering related actions

used it here

took it herecame into a room

went out a room

Lifelog (Personal View Records)

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Browsing for indoor activities browsing by related events

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Data Indexing

• Meta-data– author, title, date, keywords, etc.– index, tag, ...

• Automated indexing by video, audio, and text processing.

• Examples– XML– MPEG7– ANVIL

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Example of Index<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><annotation> <head> <specification src="C:\Documents and Settings\nakamine\kijou_sagyou.spec" /> <video src="C:\Documents and Settings\nakamine\" /> <info key="coder" type="String"> Our server </info> <bookmark name="scene01" time="73.43333" /> <bookmark name="scene02" time="234.89999" /> (...) <bookmark name="scene07" time="852.73334" /> <bookmark name="scene08" time="900.59998" /> </head> <body> <track name="situation" type="primary"> <el index="0" start="71.13333" end="203.5"> <attribute name="token">scene01</attribute> </el> <el index="1" start="203.5" end="234.33333"> <attribute name="token">show a sample</attribute> </el> <el index="2" start="234.89999" end="294"> <attribute name="token">scene02</attribute> </el>( 以下省略 )

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