
Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Fianldigtal

“Mr. Sunshine”

This picture was taken during Wilmington N.C.’s 2010 annual parade. What I like to refer to as “Mr. Sunshine”, is the best by far in the clown profession. “Mr. Sunshine”, achieved his mission that day by making the whole crowd laugh. This picture was taken during a intermission during the parade, and with the children growing a bit bored, “Mr. Sunshine”, began dancing and honking his horn and went out of his was to retain some fun and humor the children . Not only did he succeed with the children but also the adults.“Mr. Sunshine” was doing what he truly does best…spreading a bit of happiness.

“The Covered Path”

“The Covered Path”, was taken during a day trip to a place called Arlie Gardens which is located just around the corner from me here in Wilmington N.C. I didn’t expect the shot in reference to the degree of shades and colors. I basically began shooting with my camera and it wasn’t until I returned home, that I noticed the fall roses, grey shades o the Spanish Moss, pink roses and the bursts of green with in the frame. This photo is completely untouched and is a symbol of how beautiful this path is, and how unexpected photography can be.


I often travel down country roads here in North Carolina. Some deselect and vacant, these are the roads that take me away from the city life. On such of a travel , I came across a horse farm, the fall had claimed most of the greenery and the farm appeared weary of the winter ahead. As I drove a little further, following the wired fence that ran along side the farm, I noticed in the distance a group of horses. I pulled over and proceeded to get out of my vehicle with camera in tow, and I noticed one particular horse making his way towards me. As I lifted my camera, he looked directly at me, and I snapped this majestic shot.

“Seeing Beyond”

This was one of my favorite projects and shoot sheet assignments. “Seeing Beyond”, was a photo taken for a assignment which required to take photos of details of a building. When I took this photo, I seen the decorative elements but was unsure how to capture the depth of them, if I shot them directly , they would appear bland and flat, so I decided to take the picture looking directly up the building. The end result was various degrees of detail that almost jump out at you. Layers of dimension fill the frame, giving it a architecturally simulating visual effect.

“The Winery”

“The Winery” was a photography taken downtown Wilmington N.C. This shot was also a frame used in our shoot sheet that required decorative details and buildings. I first noticed this sign because of the lighting that surrounded it. Heavy shadows were forecasted towards the front , while the settling sun shined in the background. This made the sign “pop” in a sense. The sign itself reminded me of Italy, or a old wine advertisement with a given date of 1922. I also liked the differences between the two adjoining building structures, brick and concrete, which gives it more definition and decorative detail .

“Fountain of Youth”

The “Fountain of Youth” is personally one of my favorites. I labeled it such , because of the young cherub and the trickling waters. This frame was a zoomed in portion of a much bigger water fountain here in Wilmington N.C. The key elements are not only the decorative nature of the fountain itself, but the water that is slightly blowing with the wind. The youthfulness in the carvings, slightly shaded and slightly lighted, gives this photo a elegant purpose. The picture also could portray a Victorian essence to the unknowing eye which is part of the elegance behind it.

“Wave of Flowers”

“Wave of Flowers”, is also part of a series of photographs I took here in Wilmington N.C. located at Arlie Gardens. In one area of the gardens is a open field with all sorts of species of flowers growing. To take the photo, I had to kind of get to the level of the flowers and proceed to take the picture. The result was a cascading flower effect, or rows of flowers. I enjoy this photo primarily because of the color sequence, purple to yellow, embraces a bold color scheme. I also like the fact that from the forefront to the background the color effect goes from darker to lighter.

“Orange Jelly”

“Orange Jelly” is one of a series of photographs I had taken while on a day trip to the Ripley’s Aquarium, in Myrtle Beach S.C., about a hour and twenty minutes from my residence in Wilmington N.C. To capture the jelly fish pictures I simply pressed my camera up to the glass which contained them. I was unsure of the result until I returned home and viewed the photos and the end result was flawless. This is a perfect example of manipulating the situation to receive a desired effect. These are such awesome creatures, I had to take the chance.

“Just Ducky”

Need I say more….”Just Ducky” was a photo taken during week six , which was a photography in motion week. Although I didn’t intend to take a picture of a duck, this little guy wouldn’t stop following me around , while I was at the park here in Wilmington N.C. I was out trying to pursue movement shots, when I noticed a herd of ducks that came along the walk way. This little guy in particular kept following me, so I just began taking his picture. I enjoy this profile picture of him, and with a solid platform, with just a little foliage made a great animal portrait.

“Eye of the Beholder”

“Eye of the Beholder” is another collection of mine from another trip to Arlie Gardens located here in Wilmington N.C. Again this is a photo that was unintentional in its outcome. Varying degrees of shades and colors embedded themselves nicely to bring a certain dimension to the overall effect. I enjoy this photo because of the end results, again this photo was untouched and proof of the simplicity that involves photography sometimes. As with many of my photos I do not preplan or stage the subject matter, rather I just simply shoot the camera and hope for the best sometimes.