+ffi I-l- V Ph-257T g7 0-73, E-mait: hspcb.pkt@sifyhspcb.gov.in/PCD_Time_Order.pdf+ffi I-l-V HARYANA...

Post on 30-Mar-2018

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Transcript of +ffi I-l- V Ph-257T g7 0-73, E-mait: hspcb.pkt@sifyhspcb.gov.in/PCD_Time_Order.pdf+ffi I-l-V HARYANA...



C.l 1, SECTOR.6, PANCHKULAPh-257T g7 0-73, E-mait: hspcb.pkt@sify.com

Office Order

As per policy of the Board approved in its 162nd meeting held on 20.03.2012and circulated vide order Endst No. HSPCBtpt}-74t652-671 dt, 03.05.2012, theunits whose samples are found to be exceeding the permissible limits on account ofminor operational problems, are provided an olportunitv, on submission of schemeof modification of ETP/APCM and undertaking to comply with the standards laiddown by the Board in a time bound manner alongwith prescribed performancesecurity and curtailment of production proportionate to the existing capacity ofpollution control devices i.e. ETP/APCM, to operate with curtailed production for aspecific period within which such modifications are to be carried out. However, it wasprovided in the policy that no opporlunity shall be given to the units which are foundbypassing the effruent an'd units having no ETp/ApcM.

whereas in the Policy orders issued vide office order Endst No. HSpcB/pLG-221784'802 dt' 11'05.2012, there is a provision for grant of appropriate time to noncomplying units, ranging from 3 to 6 months, for upgradation of ETp/sTp/ApcM orinstallation of ETP/STP/APOM afresh depending upon the nature & votume of work.Thus a provision of granting the opportunity to the non complying units for installationof ETP/STP/APCM afresh in the orders issued vide Endst. No. HSpcB/p Lc-22tzg4-802 dt' 11'05'2012 is contrary to the provisions of policy orders issued earlier videorder Endst. No. HSpcB/pLG-74 t6sz-671 dt. 03.0s.2012.

Whereas, the matter was placed before the TAC (policy) to examine thematter and to give recommendations in view of the suggestion of Regional Officer,Sonepat submitted vide his letter No. 1045 dt. 03.00.2013 to remove the above saidambiguity in the above said policy orders. The TAC(Policy) examined the issue in itsmeeting held on 10.09.2013 and gubsequently on 2s.11.201g and submitted itsrecommendations.

Therefore, in view of recommendations of TAC(policy) and in partialmodification of office order Endst. No. HSPCBIPLG-741652-671dt. 03.05.2012 andoffice order Endst. No. HSPCBIPLG-22|784 -Bozdt. 11.0s.2012, it is clarified that nounit should come up without installing the proper and adequate pollution ControlMeasures and should not be allowed to operate without having the same and withoutcomplying the prescribed standards. However, in case of units / projects where STphas not been provided and the industry / project is will ing to install the srp afresh,the time for installing STP may be given to such units after obtaining prescribedperformance security and time bound design scheme for installation of STp,provided the unit undertakes to discharge its domestic effluent in septic tank / soakpit ti l l the STP is installed. ln respect of industries required to install the ETp andAPCM afresh, time may be given after submission of time bound undertaking withdesign scheme for installation of ETP and APCM alongwith prescribed performancesecurity in the form of Demand Draft only after closing down the polluting process of

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the unit and the polltlting process may be allowed to operate only after installation ofrequisite ETP / APcryI as per design scheme submitted by the unit.The above orQers shall come into force with immediate effect.

- 7 "

Dated, Panchkula illre7th Februa ry, ZO1 4-gZ-10

Endst No. HSpcB/pLG/2o14t | 0 OSt-- 77A copy of the above is forwarded to the

immediate necessary action :-

Dr. Mahavir Singh, IASChairman

Dated : l l *2 -201+following for information and

1. All Section lncharges in Head Office.2. All Regional Officers in Field Offices.3. P.A. to chairman / p.s. to M.s. for information of the officer.

u( Sandeep Sha|rtla for uploading the orders on the website of the Board.


s r. E n v i ro n r " *n.ffi-$l L-

For Ghairman