Feeding and Greening Chinese cities - Dutch Sino

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Transcript of Feeding and Greening Chinese cities - Dutch Sino




Main OrganizersProvince of Zuid-Holland

Co-organizersBeijing Zhongnong Futong Horticulture Ltd.,Co.Dutch Sino Business Promotions

Supported by InnovationQuarterTomatoWorld

Presentation 3: Experience and reference of the development concept of European agri-horticultural sector—— Maarten Hermus, InnovationQuarter horticulture & food industry expert演讲主题三:欧洲设施农业发展理念的经验借鉴Maarten Hermus, 荷兰创新中心设施园艺与食品产业专家

Case study 1: Conceptual design of the innovative Dutch Sino solar greenhouse分享案例一 : 中荷新型日光温室的设计理念

Case study 2: Development direction of integrated water and fertilizer technology in horticulture分享案例二 : 设施农业水肥一体化技术发展方向

Case study 3: the next generation of tomato cultivation in the Netherlands——René van Paasen, Technical Director of TomatoWorld (Foreign Expert of Hebei) 分享案例三 : 荷兰的下一代番茄种植René van Paasen, 番茄大世界种植技术总监(河北省级外国专家)

Case study 4: the training model of agricultural appl ied talents references——Gerjo Engbers, Manager Asia of Delphy分享案例四 : 农业应用型人才培养模式借鉴赫勇,答而丰农业技术咨询公司亚洲经理

Presentation 4: Application of Big Data in the horticultural sector 演讲主题四:大数据在设施农业中的应用

Presentation 5: Development status and trend of horticultural and agricultural mechanization主题演讲五 : 设施农业机械化的发展现状及趋势

Presentation 1: Application of New Energy in the horticultural sector—— Nico van Ruiten, Program Director Energy Agreement Greenport West Holland主题演讲一 : 新能源在设施农业中的应用Nico van Ruiten, 西荷兰绿港协会温室能源协议计划项目总监

08 30-10 35

10 40-12 00

01 30-03 35

03 40-05 00


Sino-Dutch Coooperation ConferenceFeeding and Greening Chinese cities

日期:2020.11.17Date: 17 November 2020


地点:线上参与Venue: Online participation

会议日程Preliminary Program

茶歇Coffee break/

荷兰时间Dutch time

中国时间Chinese time


第一部分 : 线上专业演讲

PART I: Online presentations (Optional for Dutch online participants)

General opening by Meng Fanxi, Professor at China Agriculture University 由中国农业大学国际学院原院长,孟繁锡 教授主持

Opening speech by Adri Bom-Lemstra, Vice-governor of Province of Zuid-Holland 南荷兰省副省长安德瑞致辞

Keynote presentat ion by Mar t in van Gogh, member of Zuid-Holland Economic Board, CEO of Hoogendoorn: Feeding and Greening Chinese cities 主旨演讲 : 未来都市供给和绿色发展 马丁·梵高 南荷兰省经济顾问委员会成员,豪根道公司 CEO

Keynote presentation by Eric Egberts, CEO at Dutch Greenhouse Delta: the situation of efficient horticulture in the Netherlands 主旨演讲 : 荷兰高效设施农业的现状 Eric Egberts 荷兰设施农业全产业链联盟(DGD)总裁

Keynote presentation by Dr. Qiu Yutong, China Business Development Manager at PSG, Wageningen University & Research: implementation plan of Dutch Sino Innovative Solar Greenhouse主旨演讲 : 中荷新型日光温室的实施计划 邱雨桐博士 瓦格宁根大学


15 00-15 10

15 10-15 15

15 15-15 30

15 30-15 45

15 45-16 00

16 00

08 00-08 10

08 10-08 15

08 15-08 30

08 30-08 45

08 45-09 00

09 00

第二部分 : 河北高效设施农业产业升级PART II: Upgrading the greenhouse sector in Hebei

荷兰时间Dutch time

中国时间Chinese time


Online matchmaking 企业线上对接会 16 00-17 0009 00-11 00

第三部分:企业网络对接PART III: Online matchmaking

荷兰时间Dutch time

Notice: The webinar will be recorded.

中国时间Chinese time


Presentation 2: Policy innovation opens the door to the development of agri-horticulture (policy interpretation) 演讲主题二:政策创新开启设施农业发展大门
