Federal Digital System (FDsys)

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FDsys training slides developed by Nancy G. Faget for LSCM

Transcript of Federal Digital System (FDsys)

Federal Digital System (FDsys)and the

Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)

GPO Library Services & Content Management

After the training, you will be able to Part 1: Find information about FDsys and its capabilities

Locate, search, and filter search resultsSearch using the simple search box (basic, complex)Search using the advanced search screen Bookmark a searchRetrieve by a citationBrowse the collectionLocate and use Help Tools

Part 2: Understand MODS searching & bulk XML downloadsPart 3: Perform Sample Searches to Practice

Part 1:

Find information about FDsys & its capabilities

Federal Digital System (FDsys) FDsys will automate the collection, management and

dissemination of electronic information from all three branches of government.

Content will be: Submitted directly into FDsys Permanently available in electronic format Authenticated and versioned Publicly accessible for searching and downloading Available for conventional and on-demand printing

What is FDsys? FDsys is a Content Management System FDsys is a Preservation Repository FDsys is an Advanced Search Engine

FYI: A red “X” icon as shown here indicates that the certification is not valid.


How a Bill Becomes a Law


FDsys Collections

Budget of the United States Government (Fiscal Year 2010)

Code of Federal Regulations (2007 to 2009)

Compilation of Presidential Documents (1993 to Present)

Congressional Bills (103rd Congress to Present)

Congressional Calendars (104th Congress to Present)

Congressional Committee Prints (105th Congress to Present)

Congressional Directory (105th Congress to Present)

Congressional Documents (104th Congress to Present)

Congressional Hearings (105th Congress to Present)

Congressional Record (Bound) (1999 to 2001)

Congressional Record (Daily) (1994 to Present)

Congressional Record Index (Daily) (1983 to

Present) Congressional Reports (104th Congress to Present) Economic Indicators (1995 to Present) Economic Report of the President (1995 to Present) Federal Register (1994 to Present) GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions (1994 to 2008) Government Manual (1995 to Present) History of Bills (1983 to Present) List of CFR Sections Affected (1997 to Present) Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives (Cannon, Deschler, and Hinds) Public and Private Laws (104th Congress to Present) Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (1991 to 2005) Statutes at Large (2003 to 2006)

The migration of information from GPO Access into FDsys will be complete in 2010. The migration is occurring on a collection-by-collection basis. Collections available on FDsys as of Jan 10, 2010 are:


Browse the Collections

Interfaces to search FDsys

Simple Search – standard search box for simple and complex queries as well as metadata queries

Advanced Search – input specific information

Retrieve by Citation – input the specific citation

Open and download files, access metadata Click to the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

(CGP) for bibliographic information Find in a Federal depository library Email a link Browse the collection View related publications Purchase a copy of the document from the GPO Online

Bookstore if available

From the More Information screen:

FDsys and the CGP

FDsys complements the search results found in the Catalog ofU.S. Government Publications

FDsys Search Query Operators

Quotation marks Boolean operators Proximity operators Number of hits “+” operator Field operators Wild cards Parentheses

Quotation marks

tell the search engine to return documents if and only if they contain the exact phrase or string of words between quotes.

Scenario: You listened to a webinar from the Partnership For Public Service where there wasmention of the Roosevelt scholars and Stafford

loans. You want to learn more about this programwhich was about scholarships and loan monies.

“stafford loan”

Boolean operators

And returns documents with all the keywords you entered; narrows the search and returns fewer search results

Or returns documents if they contain one or more keywords

Not or “-” excludes documents from a search if they contain the keywords specified

Some examples of a Boolean search:

congressional and hearing

congressional or executive

congressional not report

congressional -report (there’s no space after the minus sign)

Simple Search Box: Boolean Operators

Limit the search results with proximity operators:

adj The adj proximity operator specifies that one word is adjacent to another in a document.

before/# The before/# proximity operator specifies that the first word is within # words and before the second word.

near/# The near/# proximity operator specifies that the first word is within # words of the second word.

Simple Search Box: Proximity Operators

Some examples of searching using a proximity operator:

congressional adj hearing

senator near/4 Mikulski

Clinton before/4 Senator

Simple Search Box: Proximity Operators





Simple Search Box: Using Field Operators

Searches using field operators might include:

member:arcuri title:”campaign finance“

title:“recovery and reinvestment” congress:111

Simple Search Box: Field Operators

Tip: What is the current Congress?House of Representatives (www.house.gov)

Substitute certain symbols for letters.

? The ? wild card replaces a single character before, within, or after a search term.

* The * wild card replaces one or more characters before, within, or after a search term.

Simple Search Box: Wild Cards

Search strings that include wild cards:

librar* will retrieve documents with the words library, libraries, librarian, and librarians

con*al will retrieve documents with the words congressional, confessional, confrontational, and more

organi?ation (organization, organisation)

Simple Search Box: Wild Cards

group words (and operators) together to

retrieve documents with all words in the parentheses somewhere in the document

Simple Search Box: Parentheses

A simple search using parentheses might be:

title:(hearing or meeting)

congressional not (committee report)

Simple Search Box: Parentheses

Scenario: You participated in a town hall survey

conducted by Representative Bill Young in Florida’s

10th Congressional District. You are particularly

interested in the view of the district about a

proposed second cash for clunkers program.

FDsys live searching

FDsys home page “Cash for Clunkers” Within results Florida Review result for Town Hall by Mail Survey More Information Screen Various formats, metadata, zip file, scroll down Actions from More Information screen Filter, Date published 2009

Scenario: You’re interested in funding for

broadband access, and you heard there

was a Government Accountability Report

or GAO report on broadband performance

management in the past few years.

FDsys live searching

GAO report broadband Within results .. Performance management Telecommunications FCC needs ... (2008) More Information Screen View in Catalog of U.S. Government Publications CGP Advanced Search on title words Scroll down to Locate in a Library; Try Louisiana

Scenario: I am searching for any mention

of the House Committee on Transportation

and Infrastructure in the Congressional Record

during the month of January 2009.

FDsys live searching

Advanced Search interface to right of simple search box

Specify date range (Jan 2009), committee, and chamber

Save search

FDsys live searching

Retrieve by Citation (74 FR 32264, proposed rules for Navy research work with marine animals)

Browse Government Publications; CFR parts Related resources on the left such as

Regulations.gov or Data.gov

FDsys live searching

Help Files On demand training about FDsys Context Sensitive Help AskGPO

Part 3: Understand MODS searching and Bulk XML downloads

Metadata available in FDsys

MODS (Metadata Object Description Standard) XML markup

METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard)

PREMIS (Preservation metadata)


Part 4:

Perform Sample Searches to Practice

Scenario: You were watching a nightly comedy show featuring the news of the day. The show mentioned H.R. 80, the

monkey bite bill.

Is Congress really creating such a law?

Scenario: You heard there were changes in the TEACH grants in the last few

years. Rumors indicate that a grant might convert to a loan.

You want to know under what circumstances

the grant might convert to a loan.

Scenario: I have used GPO Access for years to find parts in the U.S. Code. Will

it be as easyfor me to find this information in FDsys?


Nancy FagetNFaget@gpo.gov