February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

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Transcript of February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

Rotary’s involvement through the years

PRESIDENT Ann Bricknell abricknell@mitsol.co.za 084 907 0862

SECRETARY Gussie Augustus aug@iafrica.com 082 339 3451

TREASURER Hilary Augustus aug@iafrica.com 082 556 0299

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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With acknowledgement to Mark Zober, Charter Member and Webmaster Rotary Club of Jerusalem #13459 District 2490

Birthdays Anniversaries Adriaan Verhagen 07 Donovan & Yvette Loubser 03 Yvette Loubser 08 Ant & Dael Connolly 12 Veronica Raaff 13 Alethea & Alan Duncan-Brown 16 Michael Lien 22 Jenny Kruger 26

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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Rotary Kwa–Sani

Our satellite club held their first meeting of the year and member Angie Turner delivered the invocation. INVOCATION: Angie As we gather here today for our first meeting and fellowship in 2017 we should remember how fortunate we all are to be able to serve our community through our Rotary Club and that we can give to others less fortunate than ourselves. It does not need to be the handing out of material things. Sometimes a person just needs a friend to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, a lift to the Doctor or to the local school. We must remember that we may be sitting or standing next to someone not knowing that they are hurting, hungry, lonely or sick. Just giving a greeting and a smile could make someone's day. We all have ears and eyes and we should keep them open at all times because we are Rotarians and we are here to help and serve others. So lets make this an awesome 2017for everyone that we help. We give thanks and may we always be mindful of the needs o0f others.

Exchange student Christina Luethy visits after 12 years

Christina Luethy – our “Miss Switzerland” was hosted by the club during 2004-05. While in Durban, Christina attended Danville Park Girls High. What a mature young lady she has become! On the right is an article which appeared in the Northglen News just before she returned home.

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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News From Our Exchange Student In Lingen, Germany – Marie Venter

Report 1 My first month of exchange has flown by and I'm so happy that I still have another 2 months with my awesome family! We have done so many things like traveling to some bigger cities in Germany and even went to the Netherlands for a day. I have been working really hard around the house to fit in and to help out with chores and work. I have really felt like a part of the Mainka family from day 1.

School has been very good and I have tried to make friends with all of my sisters friends (a success). I have also tried to take part in classes that I am able to and have given a presentation to my class about Durban and life in South Africa, in lessons where I can't do work with the class I have been doing some of my own school work that I was given before I left. I also take part in sports with Paula like going to the gym once a week and doing PE and even swimming lessons once a week.

The way of life here in Germany is quite different to South Africa but it was very easy for me to adapt. I have learnt so many new things already and have also tried to share about South Africa when asked or when the time is right - I don't want to always talk about South Africa or home.

I have been having weekly German lessons with my mom and find that it is easier for me to pick up some of the language even though it is a hard language to learn (that’s what mom told me) I am very happy here in Lingen, Germany with my family that I love very much!

Report 2 It feels like just last week that I emailed you with an update of my first month and now here I am emailing you about my second month. Wow time has flown and to think I only have 25 days left in my home Germany , Lingen with my wonderful family! Yet again we have done so much - school started the second week of January and therefore we didn't do a lot but considering how much time we had we did quite a bit for example we went to Amsterdam this Saturday and it was an eye opening experience. I learnt a lot about the architecture of the buildings and we even got into the Anne Frank house... wow wow wow that's all I have to say! Well this month is pretty packed because we have school again tomorrow and then again next week but the week after I go on a school trip to Berlin and then we fetch my oldest sister Frieda from the airport in Amsterdam and then sadly I only have one week left in this amazing place!!! I hope that one day I can come back here or even have my family come to South Africa to meet my family and to visit me again just as my dad went to visit his Taiwanese exchange daughter for the past 10 days!!


Marie Mainka Venter

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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Speakers We were lucky to have two interesting speakers in January

ULRICH REIMANN The first speaker for the year was Ulrich Reimann who first arrived in South Africa in 2007 having spent 20 years as a radio commentator and journalist, a TV editor, he studied sports, philosophy and German in the early 80’s, He was the South African correspondent for German Radio 2009-2010 for the World Cup, Ulrich was the Project Manager Mandela Project 2015/16 and he gave us a wonderful presentation on Mandela and a truly interesting and inspiring talk on his many activities since first visiting South Africa,


Last week we had an inspiring presentation by Grant Gavin, owner of Remax/ Panache and holds a managerial position on the board of the RE/MAX Foundation. In January 2016. Grant dressed as a homeless person and spent four hours on the Corners of Broadway and Kensington Drive in Durban North and begged for food and money. He put himself through this experience as he felt very comfortable and privileged with his life. During this time, he

made R15.00 and a little old lady gave him 3 peppermints and a toothpick! He realised how uncomfortable it feels to be in that situation and how the public are also uncomfortable and avoid making eye contact. We are all inclined to judge the person before knowing what has happened in their life and what the circumstances are that they are there.

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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Carpets For Bundle Of Joy.

Four bright red carpets have been delivered to Bundle of Joy to give the littlees something to sit on other than the rough cement. – Two for the babies and two for the oler children.

DUTY LIST – February 2017

THE LINK Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 9 – 1 February 2017

The Link – Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity”

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Some Random Thoughts