February 2015 bulletin

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Congregation B'nai Israel, Sylvania, OH, a Conservative Synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of America.

Transcript of February 2015 bulletin


12 Sh’vat - 9 Adar, 5775

February 1-28, 2015

6525 Sylvania Avenue Sylvania OH 43560

(419) 517-8400 www.cbitoledo.org

Congregation B’nai Israel

A Congregation Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

148 Years of Consecrated Service to God, Torah and Israel



Friday, March 20th Fun for everyone

More details next month

A story of the background shenanigans surrounding the casting of a sweet and beautiful

ingenue, who takes the place of an experienced actress, but who proves herself to be

tougher than originally thought, set to the music of the Sound of Music.

3Z Productions Deena, Sophie and Meira Zucker

If you wish to participate contact Meira Zucker at meira@accesstoledo.com Rehearsals Sundays 12:30-1:30 p.m. and Wednesdays 7-8:30 p.m.


7:30 P.M.


Rogers and Hammerspiel

The Sounds of Shushan

March 4, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.


SHMIRAH - PRESERVING THE DIGNITY OF OUR LOVED ONES Judaism considers every one of us as being created in the image of God and therefore attaches the highest priority to the preservation of the sanctity of the human body. Last year our community organized a program supported by all our synagogues to promote and honor the work of Toledo's Chèvre Kadisha, a group of supremely devoted volunteers, both men and women, who devote countless hours to the greatest mitzvah that of gemilut chessed shel emet - the needs of our deceased loved ones, known as tahara. Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, a nationally renowned expert in the field, was our scholar in residence for the program that was generously sponsored by Inge Horowitz in loving memory of her dear husband Phil, to whom the work of the Chèvre Kadisha was so important. Arising out of this program was an awareness of the need to promote Shmirah in our Jewish community. Shmirah, which literally means to "guard" or "protect", refers to an ancient tradition of having Jewish shomrim (guards) watch or "protect" the body of a deceased loved one. In ancient times there existed the danger of animals or thieves defiling the bodies of the deceased before burial, which gave rise to the need for Shmirah. Today these conditions don't exist anymore and the Wick Funeral Home in Toledo provides the utmost care to ensure 24/7 protection for the deceased before burial. But the tradition of having Jewish shomrim present with the body at all times, remains a worthwhile priority in preserving "kavod hamet" - the dignity of our deceased loved ones. To this end our congregation recently joined with Congregation Etz Chayim in hosting a program on

Shmirah to promote and organize a group of volunteers who can be readily activated at the time of need or on request. I wish to acknowledge Inge Horowitz, Fagie Benstein and Sharon Rappaport Joehlin who strongly encouraged me to present this program, as well as my colleague Rabbi Evan Rubin from Congregation Etz Chayim for his endorsement and participation. Amongst the guidelines for Shmirah that were discussed were - It is not a requirement but commendable, and when

requested it does not have to be done 24/7 - any amount of time is good.

Food may be eaten and various activities like reading serious literature, knitting etc can be done to help pass the time, besides the recitation of Psalms.

It can be done in groups of mixed men and women. It does not have to be done in close proximity to the deceased or even the same room , as long as a door is open and the casket can be seen.

I am gratified to report that many who attended our program signed up as volunteers for Shmirah. Recently there was a need and we readily activated a devoted group, much like the Chèvre Kadisha's operation over many years. It is my hope that Shmirah will now become an integral part of our wonderful and devoted Jewish community even though it has not been a priority in the past, and that we will thereby ensure the highest level of fulfillment of that greatest of mitzvot - gemilut chessed shel met - preserving the dignity of our loved ones who can never thank or repay us for our chessed, our kindness!


If you would like to be part of the Shmera Committee please

contact Fagie Benstein 419-843-7223 or Cantor Lichterman at



CANTOR LICHTERMAN PERFORMS AT THE MAIN LIBRARY Cantor Ivor Lichterman was invited to sing a Hanukkah program at the down-town Toledo Library on December 17. Library patrons and members of the Jewish community enjoyed singing along with the Cantor who was accompa-nied by pianist, Bob Rae.



Two wonderful things happened on an unusually warm December Sunday morning in Sylvania recently. Shabbat morning had been a beautiful service and kiddush luncheon in honor of our congregation's new members and I was still feeling great about it on Sunday morning when I arrived to teach at the school. I put on my tallit and tefillin as Howard Rosenbaum led the minyan in the chapel. Unfortunately, the minyan (a quorum of ten) only consisted of three of us and that included Howard. Toward the end of the morning prayers, as parents began arriving to drop their children off for the school, I noticed an amazing thing happen quickly. A woman peeked inside the chapel and noticed that there was a woman who needed to say the Mourner's Kaddish, but we were still seven short of a formal minyan. She began recruiting other mothers in the hallway and at the end of the service seven women walked into the back of the room. We had a minyan! I was able to lead the Mourner's Kaddish and we recited it a few times to make up for the times at the beginning of the service when we were unable to recite it. I looked over at the seven women (plus the one woman saying Kaddish) and immediately reflected on my time in high school as an active member of USY when females often weren't counted in the minyan. Here I stood twenty years later and if it weren't for these women there would be no minyan. This is the beauty of Conservative Judaism. I also thought about how difficult it was to cobble together the minimum of ten for a member of our congregation to say the Mourner's Kaddish to honor a beloved relative. We should all make an effort to attend the daily minyan to ensure that everyone will be able to recite the Mourner's Kaddish on our loved ones' Yahrzeits.

The second wonderful thing that happened that morning occurred just a few minutes later. After the morning minyan concluded, I met with about eight 6th graders to teach them how to put on their tefillin. Half of the class was made up of girls and again the idea wasn't lost on me that a generation ago it would have been unusual for a rabbi to teach the pre-bat mitzvah girls in addition to the pre-bar mitzvah boys how to wrap tefillin. These young girls didn't think anything was unusual about them putting on tefillin as their grandfathers and fathers did before them. Most likely their mothers -- and certainly their grandmothers -- never considered learning how to wrap tefillin around their arms or around their heads. This is truly the beauty of Conservative Judaism. As we begin 2015, let us be cognizant of how times have changed in the Jewish world. Conservative Judaism continues to uphold the sacred Tradition while also embracing innovation. I am proud to be an egalitarian, feminist, male rabbi. It's a wonderful thing to see women come to the aid of another woman who needs to say the Mourner's Kaddish within a minyan... and it's a wonderful thing to watch the girls in our congregation put on tefillin. We need to embrace these innovations by supporting the women and girls in our congregation. I look forward to seeing you soon. Bivracha (in blessing), Rabbi Jason Miller

Our Holy Community: It's a Wrap

Wrapping Tefillin with Rabbi Miller



KICKS OFF PLANS WITH ORAL HISTORIES Fagie Benstein and Sharon Stein, 150

th Anniversary Co-Chairmen, are

pleased to kick off a new project in celebration of B’nai Israel’s Sesquicentennial celebration in 2016. Synagogue members have been trained in interviewing techniques and have agreed to contact and interview B’nai Israel members for the Oral History pro-ject. Those congregants are: Anne Bauer, Jeff Bauer, Fagie Benstein, Joel Beren, Linda Beren, LuAnn Garber, Judy Gersz, Alix Greenblatt, Kathryn Linver, Ellie Niejadlik, Debbie Perlmutter, Marlene Remer, Sue Richards, Carol Richman, Arlene

Russell, Judy Scheinbach, Cathy Sperlling, Sharon Stein, and Sue Wilson. The interviews will be videotaped and transcribed. Everyone who is interviewed will review and approve the final transcript before it is printed and archived. Excerpts of interviews may be incorporated into the 150

th celebration.

The interviews will be archived and the oral histories will become a permanent record of the history of Congre-gation B’nai Israel. If you receive a call from one of the interviewers, please say YES! If you would like to share your story or join the interview team, please contact Archives Chair, Cathy Sperling at 419-841-1927 or email sperlingcathy@gmail.com.

Photo #24. Unknown date and event. 1. _____________ 2. Mort Goldman, 3. _____________,

4. ____________, 5. Larry Zucker, 6. Roland Weintraub.

TODAH RABAH to the following for helping

to identify old photos: Camille Alloy Nancy Katz Elsie Liber Dave Perlman Marilyn Reinstein Ruth Steingroot



Not having the opportunity to spend winters in warmer climates as many of our congregants, my strategy for keeping warm is to stay in as much as possible. If that fails I warm up my car well before I go anywhere, even if it’s only the mile between my house and our synagogue or supermarket. Despite the cold weather, our Board meets and our committees gather. During a recent meeting I asked one of our board members how they were staying warm and she

replied that “These days I’m thankful for hot flashes”. I guess a sense of humor is essential for getting older or even dealing with cold weather. I hear many funny stories that deal with doctors, illnesses, children and even clergy. While older age and illness often go hand in hand, having a conversation or sharing a story with others over the phone or a meal can reduce stress and depression. Aren’t we all familiar with the expression “If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry”? Conversation, like humor often lifts the spirit and eases feelings of isolation and solitude. At CBI our egalitarian Shabbat morning services as well as daily minyan provide an opportunity for our congregants to start or end their day among caring congregants and friends. Many who come to say Kaddish or attend a quick service have found the experience so meaningful and enjoyable that they join us throughout the year. I hope that you might find time to make participation at a CBI religious service or program a part of your routine. I can assure you that your day will be a little brighter, a change that no pill could have accomplished.

Jeffrey Bauer, President

CHESED COMMITTEE Wouldn’t You Like to See Your Name Here?

The Chesed Committee assists

you in many ways, including……

Helping to prepare a meal when a member is seriously ill with short-term needs or a terminal

illness. Comforting you when your loved one is acutely ill in the hospital or nursing home. Assisting with contacting family and friends. Providing support, guidance during and after the funeral and Shiva. Ensuring a minyan at the cemetery and Shiva. House-sitting during the funeral. Helping prepare the meal for the immediate family following the funeral.

Anne Bauer Marty Kaback Sue Richards

Miriam Beckerman Faylayn Liber Ann Rosenberg

Fagie Benstein Katherine Linver Arlene & Jerry Russell

Phyllis Diamond Lil Perlman Debbie Spangenthal

Ellen Federman Darlene Portnoy Fran Weinblatt

Ruth Gold Sharon Rappaport Joehlin Meira Zucker

Alix Greenblatt Marlene Remer

Contact Anne Bauer at 419-517-3000 or Ann Rosenberg at 419-882-1410 to join the Chesed Committee.



February 1 David Weinberg February 20 Abe Musher-Eisenman February 26 Kathryn Gallon

Belated birthday to Bill Touran

FROM THE KITCHEN….. Many have enjoyed the delicious Kiddush lunches following

Shabbat services each week. There are a variety of costs and

lots of work required to present a lunch for our congregants.

In order to continue serving the wonderful weekly

Kiddushes, you can help offset the costs through

sponsorship. There are different ways to sponsor a Kiddush


Donate to the Kiddush/Hiddur fund

Sponsor partially

Sponsor with others

Sponsor for a simcha

Sponsor just because you enjoy our lunches……

Thank you to all who have sponsored and donated already.

We look forward to continuing this special tradition the

congregation has created and supported after participating in

Shabbat services.

Cost of a basic Kiddush is $300.00. Kiddush with Kugel $340

Kiddush with Kugel & Lox $360

Please call the synagogue office

419-517-8400 or email ctraugott@cbitoledo.org



Akiva Reuven Lichterman grandson of Cantor Ivor and Jan Lichterman

Stella Harper Perlman, granddaughter of Jim and Diane Perlman and great-granddaughter of Dave and Lil Perlman

Daniel Arthur Rosenberg, grandson of Howard and Ann Rosenberg

Jonathan Brody Tobin, great-grandson of Elsie Liber


Our congregation records the passing of:

Fred Flox, father of Andrea Richards

Gerald Stark, brother of Margie Rusgo

Robert Siegel, brother of Joan Katz

Molly Harbor, sister of Harry Nistel

Violet Hamerman, husband of Melvin Hamerman

Barbara Straus, wife of Blair Grubb and mother

of Helen and Alex Grubb

May their families be comforted amongst all who

mourn in Zion.


Kiddush Sponsors

February 7 David & Judy Weinberg

Mark & Barbara Frankel Wexler February 21

Ira and Marlene Weisman & Family




Various cuts of fresh kosher Empire Chicken and Meal Mart beef products are

available at Sautters. Zeman’s breads are brought in weekly.

Meijer has fresh kosher meat in the meat case. Frozen Empire chicken is

also available at Meijer.

Please patronize Sautter’s and Meijer. Let them know we appreciate this



If you or someone you know is in the hospital, or would

appreciate a visit at home from the Hazzan, please call the

shul at (419)517-8400 or email ctraugott@cbitoledo.org


Chuck Traugott is B’nai Israel’s new Syna-gogue Administrator.

Dr. Blair Grubb was chosen as one of the Top 10 Cardiologists in Ohio.

Dr. Buz Romanoff is the President Elect of the Toledo Academy of Medicine



Sisterhood 2.0

Sisterhood 2.0 will be putting together a Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration reference book for our members to

use, and we need your help! We will be creating categories such as invitations, kippahs, photographers, entertainment, caterers, hotels etc. We are looking for any suggestions you may have for these categories- if you used companies that you liked and would recommend to others. Please send the name of company and contact info to mpodolsky@bex.net . Thank you in advance! Leslie Podolsky, Coordinator

GIFT SHOP The Sisterhood Gift Shop will only be open on weekdays by appointment only. Call Phyllis

Diamond at 419-531-5005 . It will also be open on Sunday when religious school is in session.



CONTACT GAIL KWAIT 419-841-6871 OR HARRIET DAVIS 419-829-4805


Shevat 12 1-Feb Arthur Katz, Barbara Kale

Shevat 13 2-Feb Harry Bustow, Hyman Duchon, Melvin Fogel, Sol Mendelson

Shevat 14 3-Feb Anna Kaminsky, Eva Friedmar, Harold Friedman, Selma Goodman Zimmerman

Shevat 15 4-Feb Betty Fogel, Maurice Kripke, Sarah Mozen, Sheldon Goldstein

Shevat 16 5-Feb Fay Aronoff, Grace Laderman, Norman Podolsky, Selma Guttenberg

Shevat 17 6-Feb Charles Rabinowitz, Esther Goldberg, Esther Schulak, Eva Joseph, Irving E. Shore, Isadore Marcus,

Max Manoff, Morris Neiberg, Rose Friedman

Shevat 18 7-Feb Charles Shapler, James Levison, Marie Odenheimer, Sean David Schroeder

Shevat 19 8-Feb Bernard Saxon, Edith Rose Kramer, Elsie Berkowitz, Harry Yaffe, Hayim Leizerman, Margaret Goldner,

Rae Jacobs, Theodore Torchin

Shevat 20 9-Feb Bertha Treuhaft, Hettie Berenson, Hyman Auslander, Lori Kremer Immergluck, Margaret Jablonski,

Morris Freimer, Rebecca Fishman, Sam Stohl

Shevat 21 10-Feb Freda Cohen, Marilyn Swartz, Mary Pintis, Rose Swolsky

Shevat 22 11-Feb Abraham Joseph Shall, Alexander Louis Kramer, Benjamin Braveman, Celia Polson, Miriam Lepper-Kende

Shevat 23 12-Feb Betty Katz, Ernest Damrauer, Evelyn Gayle Schall, Harry Levison, Max Sack, Mendel Tochtermann

Shevat 24 13-Feb Alex Fishbein, Anna Cohen, Martin Alexander, Mary Rubin, Pauline Vetensky, Phil Hening, Rose Levison

Shevat 25 14-Feb Alex Waldman, Celia Marcus, Harry Malkin, Julia Brookenthal, Maxwell Lampert, Sarah Neiberg,

Simon Karp

Shevat 26 15-Feb Abraham Smith, Harry Chabler, Harry Rosenblatt, Isadore Fingerhut, Robert B.Schuller, Sylvia Brauer

Shevat 27 16-Feb Beatrice Kaplan, David Reuben Goldberg, Deena Kaufman, Libba Friedman, Marjorie Jacobs

Shevat 28 17-Feb Meyer Shall, Sander Simon

Shevat 29 18-Feb Fannie Kahn, Lilly Levinson, Richard K. Friedman, Rose Drube

Shevat 30 19-Feb Henry Schwartz, Jerald Gale, Jeremy Connor

Adar 1 20-Feb Arthur H. Edelstein, Evelyn Frankel, Freda Hallem, Ida Rubin, Lea Steinberg, Sarah,Thelma Rosenthal

Adar 2 21-Feb Abe J. Levine, Lillian Save, Samuel Bransdorf

Adar 3 22-Feb Charlotte Goldhammer, Clara Weinblatt, Esther Schwartz, Fannie Ravin, Janette Rabinowitz,

Lillian Sitzmann Vogel

Adar 4 23-Feb Abraham Altman, Irving Kart, Lillian E. Marenberg, Lisa Feilhardt, Milton Waldman, William Rothman

Adar 5 24-Feb Ann Cohen, Erma Zerner, Leah Miriam Saks, Robert Ringer, Rosa Rosenberg Schwartz, Wolf Nistel

Adar 6 25-Feb Edward Minsky, Jack J. Remer, Mollie Kahn

Adar 7 26-Feb David Frankel, Joseph Diamond, Nathan Weinstein

Adar 8 27-Feb Anna Fink Shoffer, Bernice Goldstein, Irene Ida Rosenberg, Jacob E. Lieberman, Sarah Applebaum

Adar 9 28-Feb Bernard Baker, Julius Skaletzky



Our religious school students are back in the swing of things after a long winter

break. The sixth-tenth grades were introduced to our Holocaust curriculum

recently with students from Etz Chayim and Shomer Emunim. At 10:00 am on

Sunday, April 19, in a collaborative community-wide program the children will be

participating in the annual Yom-HaShoah Day of Remembrance commemoration.

Children of the Holocaust- One Child Remembering One Child- is the central

theme of the Holocaust Remembrance Day program this year. During the program

the students will read aloud the names of some of the children who were

murdered in the Holocaust. The students will be working on the curriculum

geared to the topic of children in the Holocaust. Please mark your calendars for

this important event.

Students continue to learn about Jewish values and Jewish heroes with hands on

activities to make learning fun and engaging. Our kitah hay students are also

working on a unit with Jewish heroes who interest them. They will be researching

and working on a project to present at the closing Religious School Shabbat on

Saturday, May 2. We are proud of all of our students who participated in the

Family Shabbat. All students have been working diligently on their Hebrew skills

and prayer. We have the Jewish community Disability Awareness Program on

Sunday, February 8. We hope to see all of you there. We are looking forward to

many more exciting activities throughout the year.

Kim Brody

Principal David S. Stone Religious School kbrody@cbitoledo.org

Religious School Classes


Sunday, February 1

Wednesday, February 4

Tu BiShvat Seder

Sunday, February 8

class 9:30-10 followed by

Disability Awareness Program until 11:30

All are welcome to attend.


Wednesday, February 11

Sunday, February 15

NO RS President’s Weekend

Wednesday, February 18

Sunday, February 22

6th grade mitzvah field trip for JFS

Wednesday, February 25

Join us for a creative

Tu BiShvat Seder

5:00 p.m. (during religious school)

Wednesday, February 4

Celebrate the season with a

seder of fruit, juice and nuts.



CBI wants to thank the following congregants who have so graciously helped out in the office during December and January

Anne Bauer Alix Greenblatt Debbie Spangenthal Jeff Bauer Lil Perlman Cathy Sperling Leah Connor Michael Portnoy Chuck Traugott Nancy Danziger Ann Rosenberg Judy Weinberg Hope Davis Arlene Russell Fran Weinblatt

Happy New Year to all. The BITUSY (B’nai Israel Toledo United Synagogue Youth) calendar of events is well under-way. The specialty convention is scheduled on February 26, 2015— March 1, 2015 in Cleveland for the USY and eighth graders. The Regional Convention will occur from March 27, 2015 – March 29, 2015 at Camp Wise. We are also planning a trip to Kalahari Park in April, 2015. We want to include the Detroit USY for this great time. More information will follow in the March bulletin. The youth nights are going well and are a great way for the BITUSY kids to have a constructive, good time. Due to varying schedules among the kids, the Wednesday youth night will be changed occasionally to a different night according to what works best for everyone. USY is looking forward to the first Community Purim carnival co-sponsored by B’nai Israel, Etz Chayim, Shomer Emunim, and the Toledo Jewish Federation. This year should be even better than ever. Join us at Temple Shomer Emunim on Sunday, March 8 from 10:30 until noon. A special thanks to Sam Zack and Josh Sherman for being excellent executive board members. They are preparing for college and a hardy congratulations to them is in order for their college admissions. We wish all of our senior USY members good luck in their future education plans. We are also planning events for the summer, including a pool party, Cedar Point trip and will have a fall calendar of events by May. Next month, I will provide scholarship information to our members for camp and other Jewish activities. Please take advantage of the scholarship funds as this is a great way to help with costs. Thanks to all of B’nai members who volunteer time and provide financial contributions to BITUSY. We appreciate the challenges and are grateful for your generous help. Thanks to Brynna Post and Megan Miller for helping to make BITUSY a great time. I look forward to providing additional information regarding upcoming events. If you would like to become a mem-ber of the Youth Commission or if you have any questions, feel free to send me an e-mail at hawkport@aol.com or call B’Nai for any information regarding BITUSY. We look forward to seeing you at all the upcoming events. Michael Portnoy Vice President, Youth and Education



* denotes B’nai Mitzvah $13.00 ** denotes Chai $18.00 *** denotes Silver $25.00 **** denotes double Chai $36.00 A box denotes Gold $50.00 A double box denotes Platinum $100.00 A bold box denotes Diamond $100.00+

Shabbat Prayer Book $65.00 Etz Hayim Bible $100.00 Tree of Life Leaf $100.00 Tree of Life Stone $1000.00 Memorial Plaque $500.00


Minimum Contributions are $10.00

Please note: More generous contributions will be indicated in the following ways:






Yahrzeits Viola Lewis Kathryn Linver ** In Memory of Robert Siegel Gerald Stark Kathryn Linver

In Honor of Cantor Ivor and Jan Lichterman, Birth of Grandson

Kathryn Linver

Gerald Stark Fagie & Eli Benstein **

In Memory of

In Memory of

In Memory of Our Beloved Family Arthur & Marcia Friedman

Bill Sherman

Steven and Stacey Erd


Leonard Davis

Anne Davis

Greg & Hope Davis

Nicholas Goldhammer

Frances Gometz

Harriet and Marty Davis **

In Memory of

Fred Flox, Father of Andrea Richards

Greg & Hope Davis

In Honor of

Cantor Ivor and Jan Lichterman,

Birth of Grandson

Harriet and Marty Davis **

Yahrzeits Wilfred Williams, Beloved Father

Ellie & Leon Williams


MortonZaft, Beloved Father

Caren Zaft

Abraham Russell, Beloved Grandfather

Mervyn & Marlene Russell *

Sadie Russell, Beloved Mother

Mervyn & Marlene Russell *

Harry Goldman

Gordon & Roberta Goldman & Roz

Solomon ***

Gertrude Goldman

Gordon & Roberta Goldman & Roz

Solomon ***

Shirley Sattler

Andrew and Lynette Sattler **

Ida Rubin, Beloved Mother

Marlene & Merv Russell

Abraham Altman, Beloved Grandfather

Marlene & Merv Russell

James Levison

Lois Levison **

In Memory of Helene Skutch Steve & Cathy Sperling Bess Kanter, Mother Andrea Urie Sanford & Sharon Stein * Fred Flox, Father of Andrea Richards Eli & Fagie Benstein ** Robert Siegel, brother of Joan Katz Andrea & Gary Delman ** Fagie & Eli Benstein *** Molly Nistel Harbor Bill and Carol Richman Fagie & Eli Benstein ** Joanne and Fred Okun ***

In Honor of

Cantor & Jan Lichterman, Birth of


Alix and Dick Greenblatt *

Jerry & Margit Lacker***

Nate and Nancy Danziger **

Chuck and Fran Weinblatt

Jeff and Anne Bauer

Leah Connor **

Speedy Recovery Sharon Rappaport Sue Kale Bernice Katz

Jerry and Arlene Russell Jerry Levison Lannie & Roanne Katzman Paul Causman Jeff and Anne Bauer Michelle Carr Eli and Fagie Benstein*** Hannah Tennenbaum Fagie & Eli Benstein **

Jack Richman, Beloved Father

Bill & Carol Richman


Sadie Russell, Beloved Mother

Sarah Phillips, Beloved Grandmother

Abraham Russell, Beloved Grandfather Jerry & Arlene Russell *

Jeannette Bauer

Charlotte Rappaport Jeff & Anne Bauer

Rabbi Morton Goldberg Stuart & JoJo Goldberg

Ann Waldman Lannie & Roanne Katzman **

Abraham Altman, Beloved Grandfather Arlene and Jerry Russell *

David Reuben Goldberg Stuart & JoJo Goldberg

Chuck Liber

Elsie Liber

Morris Baker

Leonard & Irene Baker

In Honor of

Shirley Gerber, Special Birthday Jerry & Arlene Russell * Fagie & Eli Benstein ** Stuart Goldberg, Special Birthday Steven Kaufman, Special Birthday Fagie & Eli Benstein **

Sanford & Sharon Stein, Anniversary

Bill & Pat Stein *** Fagie & Eli Benstein **








Alfred Harris

Sheldon Harris

Leona Harris

Sheldon Harris

Yahrzeits Louis Sitzman

Irma Sitzman

Marty & Ruth Sitzman *


Sander Simon,Beloved Father

Bernice Katz

Calvin Katz, Beloved husband

Bernice Katz

Deena Kaufman, Beloved Mother &


Susan, Steve, Eli and Max

Kaufman ***

Calvin Katz, Father & Grandfather

Steve, Susan, Eli & Max Kaufman ***

Morton Zaft, Beloved Husband

Sherrie Zaft

In Memory of

Robert Siegel

Jan Katz

Speedy Recovery

Bernice Katz

Ken & Aileen Pargament


Alfred Harris

Leona Harris

Adrienne and Harold Harris ***


Jay Shuer

Israel Garber

Dr. & Mrs. William Garber ***

Syma Fraidenraich

Jeremy Connor

Leah and Josh Connor **

David Greenbaum

Howard & Ann Rosenberg ***

Alex Zimbler

Shirley Gerber

Lois Young Eisner

Esther Young

Norman Podolsky

Michael & Leslie Podolsky *

Louis Fingerhut

Joseph Fingerhut

Barry & Esther Sherman ***

Arthur Mintz

Alan Mintz & Cindy Palmer **

Isabel Korman

Dr. Samuel Korman

Arnie & Marlene Remer **

Betty Fogel

Helen Boxenbaum **

Leah Ginsberg Epstein

Barry Ginsberg **

Aron Kaplan, Brother

Florence Schwartz, Mother and


Sharon and Chuck Schwartz *

In Memory of

Fred Flox, father of Andrea Richards

The Podolsky Family *

David & Meira Zucker ***

In Honor of

Eli & Fagie Benstein, Special Anniver-


Paul Causman

Nate Schwartz. Happy Hanukkah

Elsie Liber, Happy Hanukkah

Steve & Suzy Doblin ***

In Appreciation

Miriam Beckerman

Richard Lazar **

Speedy Recovery

Bruce Post

Inge Horowitz ***

Robert Siegel

Rick & Marla Osgood & Family

Yahrzeits Zelda Lasky Allen & Rita Cohen ** Rose Levison Ira and Kathy Levison *** Hy Auslander, Beloved Father Fran & Chuck Weinblatt ***

Greta Matus Carol & Bill Richman

Sylvia Brauer, Mother, Grandmother, Great

and Great-great Grandmother

Eleanor Golding, Marla and Rick Os-

good and Family, Cindy and Howard Feld-

stein and Family and Mark Feldstein and



Israel Horowitz

Inge Horowitz ***

In Honor of Eli & Fagie Benstein, Special Anniver-


Inge Horowitz ***

Robert Siegel

Eleanor Golding & Family

Judge David A. Katz

Cathy Goddu, Cathy Feehan,

Wayne Kalkwarf, Jonnie Short and

Cindy Reynolds

Violet Hamerman

Jack & Angela Katz

In Memory of Robert Siegel Norma Moses The Michael Podolsky Family * Inge Horowitz Marla & Gordon Levine Shirley & Joel Levine Mickey & Rabbi Alan Sokobin Tina and Jack Stone June and Bill Treuhaft Cindy and Howard Feldstein Larry & Joan Kripke ** Helene Skutch Eleanor Golding Benjamin Kripke Larry & Joan Kripke **

Speedy Recovery Bruce Post Fran & Chuck Weinblatt

In Honor of

Tom and Sharon Kalniz, Special Anniver-


Joan and Larry Kripke **

Greg Strimple Eleanor Golding ***

Howard & Ann Rosenberg, Birth of


Fran & Chuck Weinblatt

Shirley Gerber, Special Birthday

Dick & Alix Greenblatt **









In Memory of

Bess Kanter, mother of Andrea Urie

Howard & Karen Rosenbaum

Robert Siegel

Karen and Howard Rosenbaum


Jacob Cooperman

Florence Ostrow **

Bluma Goldberg

Lawrence & Cheryl Goldberg


Sean David Schroeder

Dorothy Schroeder

Richard Schroeder

In Honor of

Jason Ellick

Kim Strole

Richard Schroeder


Evelyn Teman, Beloved Mother

Ray & Roz Rebeck **

Rudy Ertis, Beloved Husband & Fa-


Janet Steinberg & Family ***

In Honor of

In Memory of

Robert Siegel

Margie Rusgo

Cantor Ivor Lichterman

Dan Steinberg

In Memory of

Molly Nistel Harbor

Phyllis Diamond and Family **

Dave and Lil Perlman

Shirley Tochterman

Robert Siegel

Phyllis Diamond

Bill and Luann Garber

Beatrice Goldman, Texas

Harry and Leeta Nistel

Shirley Tochterman

Sherrie Zaft

Get Well

Eta Auslander

Phyllis Diamond

Sherrie Zaft

Evelyn Auslander

Chuck and Fran Weinblatt

Karen Weisman

Bill and Luann Garber

In Honor of

Shirley Gerber, Special Birthday

Steve Kaufman, Special Birthday

Roy and Justine Sperling, Very Special


Bill and Luann Garber

In Memory of

Fred Flox, father of Andrea Richards

The Zack Family

In Honor of

Howard & Ann Rosenberg, Birth of


Sharon Hoicowitz

Speedy Recovery

Paul Causman

Sharon Hoicowitz

It is never too late to make a gift to

Torah Fund (In behalf of the Jewish Theological Seminary). Send to Phyllis Diamond, 3008 Strauss, Toledo, Ohio 43606. Remit to: Torah Fund or B’nai Israel Sisterhood.

In Memory of

Robert Siegel

Irwin Rosenbloom & Rochelle Russell

Molly Nistel Harbor

Irwin Rosenbloom & Rochelle Russell

In Honor of

Jan Steinberg, Special Birthday

Irwin Rosenbloom & Rochelle




Edith Friedman

Eileen Manoff & Family

Elaine Millman

Robert Damrauer

Marvin & Peggy Damrauer **

Sadie Russell

Dr. Corey Russell

Eva Goldman

Frieda G. Morgan ***

Sol Oster

Helen Boslov

Janice Oster and Family *

Rose Levison

Gail and Lee Kwait **

Jean Liber

Chuck Liber

Goodman Liber

Mike and Yael Liber

In Memory of

Bess Kanter, Mother of Andrea Urie

Devorah Shulamit **

Robert Siegel

Beverly and Sam Steinman

Gerald Stark

Margie and Mel Siegel **

Robert Siegel

Hadassah & Martin Strobel

In Honor of

Jan Steinberg, Special Birthday

Zale & Shirley Kohler ***

Diane & Jim Perlman, Birth of Grand-


Fran & Chuck Weinblatt

Speedy Recovery

Sherrie Zaft

Margie Rusgo


Call the office for more details on any event.


Specialty Kinnus

Thursday, February 26 through Sunday, March 1

Specialty Kinnus starts on Thursday night and we’ll have exciting programming all weekend. On Friday we’ll help others by volunteering in the community doing

awesome social action projects. Expect to have an amazing Shabbat together with the best RUACH! Cele-brate Purim together, USY style. The Saturday night social will rock! Be with old and new friends. You’ll enjoy great food, great fun and what makes it even more special is YOU will be there! 8th - 12th graders join us in Cleveland, Ohio at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Congregation Shaarey Tikvah, and The Park Synagogue.



CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL BULLETIN 6525 Sylvania Ave Sylvania OH 43560

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Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Sylvania, OH Permit No. 42


Ivor Lichterman ............................................................ Hazzan


Howard Rosenbaum ...................................... Minyan Leader

Kim Brody ...................................... Religious School Principal


Chuck Traugott ............................ Synagogue Administrator


Rhoda Miller .................. Community Outreach Coordinator


Brynna Post ...................................................... Youth Director


Cindy Robertson ...................................... Sisterhood 2.0 Rep


Bruce Post ....................................................... Men’s Club Rep

Sam Zack ........................................................... USY President


President .................................................................. Jeff Bauer

Vice President of Administration ................ Alix Greenblatt

Vice President of Religious Affairs ............. Ellen Federman

Vice President of Youth Activities .............. Michael Portnoy

Secretary ........................................................ Fran Weinblatt

Treasurer……………………………..Stephen Goldberg


Stuart Brody, David Friedes, Marc Glasser, Sharon Joehlin,

Jill Kripke, Michael Leizerman, Bruce Post, Cindy Robertson, Howard Rosenberg, Jerry Russell, Debbie

Spangenthal, Honorary Trustees: Phyllis Diamond, Howard Rosenbaum



February 4 5:00 p.m. Tu BiShvat Seder All are welcome!

6:15 p.m. USY Lounge Night

10 6:15 p.m. Kadima Lounge Night

16 Office Closed

19 6:30 p.m. Exec meeting;

7:30 Board meeting

22 10:30 a.m. Jewish History Class with Rabbi Sokobin Two Guys You Know About and One You Don't:

Abraham, Moses, and Yochanan ben Zakai

22 12:00 p.m. USY Cake Boss

March 4 6:30 p.m. Purim Spiel Rogers and Hammerspiel The Sound of Shushan

7:30 p.m. Megillah Reading

8 10:30 a.m Community Purim Carnival at Shomer Emunim

14 Sisterhood Shabbat