February 2011 Tulsa Running Club TREAD

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February 2011 Tulsa Running Club TREAD Newsletter

Transcript of February 2011 Tulsa Running Club TREAD

A Monthly Publication for Tulsa Running Club Members

T • R • E • A • DTulsa Running Club’s Entertainment, Activities & Dates

Tulsa Running ClubContact Information

Mail: P.O. Box 3304Tulsa, OK 74101

Hotline: (918) 512-1872



Volume 5, Issue 2 www.tulsarunningclub.com Feb. 2011

P.O. Box 3304 Tulsa, OK 74101

Also in this issue

President’s Note..........2 Race Calendar..............2 TRC Board Duties.....4 Featured Race..............6 TRC Sponsors.............8 Post Oak Update......10 Footnotes.......................12 Marathon Update....13 Lunch Ideas...............14

The Tulsa Running Clubis a non-profit organizationwhose purpose is topromote the benefits ofrunning and walking byproviding social, financialand moral support to Tulsaand the surroundingcommunities and toestablish camaraderieamong runners and walkersof all ages and abilities.

That’s right! The Tulsa Running Club is takingour fantastic monthly newsletter online! Formany of you, this will be the last tread yourreceive by mail and we are excited to show youwhat we have in store for the online version.

In the next few days, you should receive anemail with the instructions on how to view thenew online TREAD.We hope you will takethe time to see howexciting it can be toread about your eventsand see photos in fullcolor!

Many of our membersand advertsiers haverequested the move toan online tread forseveral reasons. Weknow that many ofyou read the newsonline, and so we areoffering our newsletter in the format that manyof you already use.

Additionally, as many of you have noticed, thecost of postage continues to increase. As thesecosts increase, we were faced with higher andhigher costs to mail the treads to our members.We felt that the Tulsa Running Club can dowonderful things in this area, and wanted toutilize your membership dues in the best waypossible.

The Tread is Going Digital!And finally, many of you have expressedconcern about the large amount of paper wastethe printed TREAD leaves behind. As runners,we tend to be very in tune to the needs of theworld around us. It is not uncommon to see arunner stop mid run to pick up a piece of litteron the trails. We felt it was a great time tofollow the lead that many other running clubs

have given in creating amore environmentallyfriendly way to inform ourmembers and friends ofevents.

What does this mean foryour TREAD? It meanswe hope to include manymore photos of ourmembers, race seriesupdates, race results forour members, and evenmore valuable articlesabout fitness, health,running, and events. This

new format will allow us to give you moreinformation each month!

This is just one of the great things the TulsaRunning Club is doing to support our membersbetter. We hope you are as excited as we areabout this great opportunity to use our clubfunds better and look forward to the additionalservices and events we can provide with yourmembership!

Instructions to Subsribe to Mailed TREADIf you would like to continue to receive the TREAD by mail, you must

notify the TRC by February 20th. Please use the contact methods listed tothe left.


Race CalendarSponsored Races and Race Series Races in bold

February5 – Groundhog Run 8k (OKC)12 – Sweetheart Run (Tulsa)12 – Frigid 5 Miler (Edmond)19 – Bowen 5k (Little Rock)19 – St. John Indoor Triathlon (Tulsa)20 – Austin Marathon20 – Run the Line Half (Texarkana)26 & 27 – Post Oak Run Events(Tulsa)27 – Cowtown Marathon (Fort Worth)

March5 - Band on the Run (Tulsa)5 - Founders Day 5k (Tahlequah)6 - Little Rock Marathon (Little Rock)12 - St. Patrick’s Day Run (Tulsa)

From the TRC President...By Shawna Simpson

Sources: www.oksportsandfitness.com,www.runnersworldtulsa.com,www.arkansasrunner.com &www.marathonguide.com.

Please note: Articles submitted for this publication are the opinion of the author.

 Greetings from your Tulsa RunningClub! I wish I could say that I hopeyou are having a nice, warm February,but as I sit and write this, I amwatching a forcast for 12 inches ofsnow! Ironically, while most peoplesee this as a chance to stay inside andrest, many of you, like me, are waitingfor the moment to put on ice cleatsand head out for a snow run! We arecrazy, aren’t we?

I hope you read the front page articlewith as much excitement as I have forthis change! We are working to giveyou better information in ways youare more likely to read. Hopefullyyou will enjoy this chance.

You’ve probably already noticed thatwe are working to concentrate theinformation we send. I made apromise to many of you to reducethe number of emails and put betterinformation and more announcementsin the new year. I hope you are happywith the change.

As always, I want you to know this isyour organization! We are here foryou and we want your feedback. We Want Your Articles!

Do you have an article youwould like to see printed inthe TRC newsletter?

Have you recentlycompleted a race out ofstate?

Do you have a story you’dlike to share?

If so, please send an e-mailtoinfo@tulsarunningclub.com.

You will notice some changes thismonth already. We want the TREADto be an opportunity to brag onyourselves, so please send us your raceresults. Send us your photos of runsthat you’ve done. We want to talkabout you!

We have a few great events comingup. Our Winter Banquet is beingreplaced with a Winter Social onFebruary 13th. We will be emailingout details this week. We will begiving out our race series awards aswell as celebrating the successes of2010! Please be there. The Treehouseis a wonderful location that hasoffered their location to us and we arevery excited.

If you haven’t registered for the PostOak Challenge, don’t wait any longer!This is going to be a great event forTulsa!

Most importantly, thank you for yourmembership! If you’re not amember, we would love to have youjoin us! Run or walk, we are here tocelebrate your healthy, active lifestyle!!

Run Happy,Shawna Simpson - TRC President

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Tulsa Running Club Board Members and their DutiesName: Duties:Robert Anquoe Post Oak Lodge ChallengeKristin Bunch Post Oak Lodge ChallengeJoel Everett Post Oak Lodge ChallengeNorm Gonzales Post Oak Lodge ChallengeGary Hawkins TRC TreasurerWes Hollander TRC Race SeriesDerek Jones Von Franken Family Food Run Co-Race DirectorCarter Marsh Apparel DirectorKim McCall TRC SecretaryBrian Powers TRC Vice PresidentGeoff Simpson Information Technology, Mohawk 5000 Co-Race DirectorShawna Simpson TRC President, Von Franken Food Run Co-Race DirectorJohnny Spriggs Post Oak Lodge Challenge Race DirectorDarryl Stillson Post Oak Lodge ChallengeJohn Williams Post Oak Lodge Challenge

Questions? Interested in joining the TRC board? Send an e-mail to info@tulsarunningclub.com.

Tulsa Running Club Members in MotionCongratulations to these Tulsa Running Club members who have recently completed races!

Houston Marathon Full Houston Marathon Half Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona MarathonLori Davis Tim Davis Matt BowlerMarv Reith Cyndee Maxwell Cassy RussellDarryl Stillson Glenda ReithBryan Warren Holly ShalhoopDenny Wooten Jarrett Shalhoop

Mississippi Blues Marathon St. Jude Marathon Ironman Western AustraliaBronda VosBurgh Bronda VosBurgh Carolyn Fairless

Paula LeeCassy RussellMary Arnold

Walt Disney World MarathonDerek England (Goofy Challenge) If you don’t see your results listed, it could be because weRobert Michaels (Goofy Challenge) didn’t receive them. Please email your race results toSusan Michaels (Half) info@tulsarunningclub.com to be included in the TREAD. AnyLaurie England (Half) photos mailed will also be included if space allows!Jeff Parker (Half)Mary Parker (Half)



Featured Race Series Race - St. Patrick’s Day 5kThe Lesters Make the St. Patrick’s Day 5K Run a Family Affairby Patti Lester

One of the best family running eventsin the Tulsa area is the annual St.Patrick’s Day Run. Our family hasparticipated by running and helping onthe planning committee for the pastfew years. One of the uniquedifferences of this run is theopportunity for Special OlympicsOklahoma athletes to have their ownexhibition run in between the fun runand the 5k run. This allows them ashowcase to display their enthusiasmand running skills. The spectatorscheer them on and celebrate with them.

School children can also compete for amonetary prize for their schools byhaving the most competitors in theevent. Last year there wereapproximately 400 childrenparticipating.

Most were running with their familiesand friends, decorated with variousforms of St. Patrick’s Day attire,adding to the festivities of the day.

This year, my son Richard, (45) and mygrandson, (9) will be running. Theyboth have Down Syndrome andcompete in many of the SpecialOlympics events. Family membersfrom OKC, Denver and thesurrounding areas are coming tocelebrate this day by running also.

We have our own contest for the bestcostume and celebrate after with themusic and fun that accompanies theevent. Each year, more of our familyhas been coming to celebrate the daytogether.

It doesn’t matter if you are a SpecialOlympics athlete, young or old, this willbe a day for your family to participateeither by running, walking, cheering forthe Special Olympics athletes orcelebrating St. Patrick’s Day with all thefun.

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Special Thanks to our TRC Sponsors

The Tulsa Running Club would like to recognize and thank its sponsors:

Gold Medal:

Silver Medal: Bob Soucek, CPA, CommunityCare, Glen’s Road Race Service, Peace Chiropractic, Tulsa Run & Walman Commercial Real Estate Services

Bronze Medal: Brookside Cleaners, Crystal Pools, ENGlobal Engineering & Sherwin-Williams

If you are interested in a TRC sponsorship package or would like more information, please send an e-mail to info@tulsarunningclub.com.

Tatur Trail Runs Every Sunday at 7:30 A.M. - Turkey Mtn.by Brian Hoover

No Membership Necessary You do not have to be a Tatur member to run with us during our training runs. Theseare beginner level training runs. We invite you to come out have fun. While trail shoes can help, they are not mandatory.

No One Gets Left Behind Our motto is that no one gets left behind. We will break up into groups based on speedand experience and each group will have a runleader.  Typically the run consist of running for awhile then waiting for the rest of the group tocatch up. Training run will  be between 3-8 miles.

Walkers Welcome We usually have a fantasticgroup of walker or very “not fast” runners. Weare proud of walkers and hope that this groupwill grow over time.

Field Trips Every 3-4 weeks we will take afield trip to go somewhere besides TurkeyMountain.  We try our best to go outbeforehand and pre-mark the courses so thateveryone can find their way. During field trips,Tatur will bring some light snack s and providewater and/or Gatorade.

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Thoughts from Yogini on the Runby Meghan Donnelly

So it is no secret that we as runnershave a hard time sitting still. That’s whywe run right? Our feet pounding onthe pavement is about the only formof meditation that we can handle. Iinclude myself in this statement assomeone who loves to run andremembers very clearly the first timesomeone made me sit still and meditatefor more than 5 minutes. I thought Iwas going to jump out of my skin.

We as runners have already discoveredthe beauty of burning all of that offexcess energy on the pavement throughthe experience of running. It is one ofthe most inherently brilliant gifts of therunning meditation; where intensemental and emotional surges can beburned off physically as a healthyrelease. I was not afraid to admit that Itoo ran for the high and mental clarity.So when I suffered several knee injuriesfrom running off too much stress, Iquickly discovered that the yoga high issimilar to the runner’s high. But theyoga high’s long lasting benefits (plusknee therapy) quickly made yoga mydrug of choice.

Some runners cringe at the thought oftaking out time to do yoga instead ofgetting an extra long run in. But thetruth of the matter is, doing yoga is aninvestment in your running and muchmore than just the physical reasons.

The physical release of mental andemotional tension through yoga posesis very similar to the mental andemotional benefits of running but lessharsh to the joints and the body. Plus itis a fabulous way to cross train, stayflexible and injury free. The mentalsteadfast that yoga can bring to yourrunning practice may be one of itsgreatest benefits.

It helps you to become relaxed andfocused at the same time. Anytime youtake large inhales and exhales slowly, itis followed by a period of relaxation.The intense processing of oxygen inyoga in addition to strategicallystretching, aligning and strengthening,creates a lean mean (injury free andvery sane) running machine.

More thoughts from Yogini on the Runnext month…………

Inner Peace Yoga owner MeghanDonnelly, E-RYT 200, began her yogicjourney in 1997 and has taught over7,000 private and group classes in Tulsa,OK since 2000. Her passion forcontinuing education has led Meghan tospecialize in helping students who havepain, and her classes emphasizealignment, injury prevention andrehabilitation. Meghan focuses onblending the body, mind and spirit. Herpassionate, authentic and light heartedstyle of teaching integrates breathing,meditation, mindfulness, balance,presence, and self awareness. Studentsare encouraged to listen to their bodies,adapt the postures accordingly, and playwith their limits without exceeding them.Her hope is to facilitate students toimprove their life by incorporating thelife changing principals of yoga intoeveryday living.

Runner’s Stretch of the month for tight calves and knee pain: Roll a twin size thinblanket up in a tight roll and place it in the crease of your knees and kneel downslowly and sink down as much as you can handle. You will feel a lot of pressureon the hamstrings and calves as they press on the blanket. Breathe deeply and relaxfor 30 breaths (or longer if it feels especially productive). Then move the blanketdown your calves an inch and kneel down again for 30 breaths. Keep repeating allthe way to your ankles. You will immediately notice more openness in your calvesand soleus. Repeat daily.

139910Presented by Fleet Feet Sports

Tulsa Running Club Offers SpeedworkThe Tulsa Running Club offers a weekly speedwork track session.All levels are welcome!

When: Tuesdays at 6 p.m.Where: University of Tulsa track (Sixth and Delaware)

The TRC Post Oak Challengeby Johnny Spriggs

The TRC Post Oak Lodge Challenge isa two day event. On Saturday, February26 we will run the 10k, 25k, 50k trailruns. These are, for the most part,single track trails through the woodsand meadows. You will climb hills andrun through creek bottoms. Everythingis dry now but that is subject to changebefore race day. I have no control overthe weather and as all experienced trailrunners know, you get what you getand everyone has to deal with it thesame way. That’s what makes trailrunning fun.

Sunday, February 27 we will run aQuarter, Half, and Full Marathon onthe road and trail, we are calling themTROAD races. These trails are verydifferent however. The Katy Trail andRiver City Trail are paved trails that runthrough park settings. The QuarterMarathon is ran 100% on the road.The Half Marathon is on the road for8 miles and 5.1 miles on the Katy Trail.The Full Marathon is on the road for8.2 miles and 18 miles on the Katy andRiver City Trails.

If you run the Double, any one of thethree races on Saturday and Sunday,you will receive a special DoublerTrophy. If you sign up for any Doublecombination before February 1st youwill receive a special Doubler Shirt.This is a long sleeve technical shirt thatsays “I Doubled” the TRC Post OakLodge Challenge. The only way youcan get one of these shirts is to sign upbefore February 10th. You can sign upon line by going towww.postoakrun.com or you can signup at either Fleet Feet Sports location.

The guest speaker at this year’s PastaDinner on Friday and Saturday is agood friend to anyone who has everrun with the TATUR group. RandyEllis is a great Ultra Runner and aneven greater individual. Randy will tellabout his running the Bunion Run routethat Andy Payne won. Randy ran thisroute, over 3,000 miles and wrote abook about his adventure. The nextnight Randy will talk about running andrunners in general. We are veryfortunate to have Randy as our speakerthis year. I hope you will attend one orboth nights to enjoy some great food,friends, and get to know Randy Ellis.

Fleet Feet Sports, our presentingsponsor, will be having training runs onthe trails at Post Oak Lodge onFebruary 6th, 13th, and 20th. For moreinformation on the training runs pleasee-mail me atjohnny.spriggs@yahoo.com.

I always ask runners for their story,what sets them apart. Here are a coupleof examples from runners who havesigned up to run this year. I hope youenjoy them, but more that that, I hopethey inspire you to reach for the stars.

As requested, here is some info aboutmyself: This is going to be my firstultra, I am ultra excited. I have run 18marathons, in 13 states, and 1 inCanada (Montreal). I am trying tobecome a 50 stater, my goal is 50+DC before I’m 50, which as the rateI’m going appear to be no problem atthe moment.

What sets me apart: I am a 12 yearbrain cancer survivor.I’ve only beenrunning for the last 6 years. I had torelearn how to speak and walk postoperatively. It took many years torecover and now I run marathons toraise money for the cancer crusade andthe hospital that saved my life.

I started running in 2005 to do onevery special race, the ‘Race for Hope’ inWashington DC, the only race in thecountry that honors brain cancersurvivors and raises money for thebrain tumor society. That 5K was mygoal for my entire recovery process of2 years of relearning how to walk andeventually run. It was very important tome to be a part of the ‘survivors’ andrepresent! That carrot, the Race forHope, was my motivation for nearly 2years. Silly now that I worked so hardfor a 5K race, but when you are ondeaths door, fighting for your life tomake it to the hallway of your ownapt, by yourself, without yourwheelchair or cane, completing that 5Krace is a HUGE deal.

I am dedicating this ultra to my braintumor, for in retrospect, it was thegreatest thing that could have happenedto me. If it wasn’t ultra hard to gothrough my ordeal then it wouldn’thave given me an ultra desire to liveevery day to the fullest and to challengemyself and to push past my comfortzones and now, 6 years later, I’m ultraamazed that neither my zest for life normy body have lost their edge. I amultra grateful to have the ability, to havethe desire, to have the privilege to runmy very first ultra marathon, I hopethis will be one of many to come andthe first chapter of a new book in mylife as an ultramarathoner.

Thank you,Julia

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Are You Ready for a Race Series?The 2011 Tulsa Running Club RaceSeries is here and is better than ever!The race series is open to all TulsaRunning Club members and is awonderful way to get involved,compete, and have fun with yourfellow runners.

We have a few changes in store thisyear for the race series. First, we arelimiting the number of races in theseries in 2011. This will allow the racesin the series to see better competitionbetween Race Series participation andwill make the series more competitive.Additionally, the double points forraces will be standard across all races.

We had a fantastic 2010 Race Seriesand will be handing out the awards atthe TRC Winter Social. This yearproves to be just as fun andcompetitive as last year’s series.

Race Series Details


1. 25 points for race participation.

2. Age group placement points1-5th place = 5pts6-10th place = 4pts11-15th place = 3pts16-20th place = 2pts21-25th place = 1pt

3. Bonus points for distance. 1 point for 10K to 20k 2 points for 20k to half marathon 3 points for half marathon to 30k 4 points for 30k to marathon 5 points for marathon and longer.

4. 10 participation points for thesecond race of a double (this includesTRC Post Oak Lodge Trail races).

5. All TRC Races and TRC SponsoredRaces will be included in the TRC RaceSeries. 5 bonus points for TRC races(Post Oak and Mohawk). At the endof the year your top 10 scores will betallied.

6. 10 bonus points for volunteers. Thevolunteer points will only count on thefollowing TRC races. The TRC PostOak Lodge Run (all races), The TRC StPatricks Day 5k, The TRC Mohawk5000,

The TRC Von Franken Family FoodRun. There may also be volunteeropportunities along the way. You mustput in at least two hours helping at therace and the Race Director mustacknowledge to the TRC Race Seriescommittee that you did volunteer..

5. All TRC Races and TRC SponsoredRaces will be included in the TRC RaceSeries. 5 bonus points for TRC races(Post Oak and Mohawk). At the endof the year your top 10 scores will betallied.

7. There is no charge forparticipating in the TRC Race Series,you must be a TRC member and signup however so we will know to trackyour progress. Each participant whocompletes or volunteers for four raceswill receive a TRC Race Series t-shirtfurnished by Prairie Productions.Register at www.tulsarunningclub.com


Footnotes: Is Your Foot Fracture an Early Sign of Osteoporosis?By Dr. Maureen Crotty, DPM

Many of our patients are unawarethat unexplained foot pain or footfracture can actually be an earlysign of osteoporosis, a bonethinning disease that is blamed for1.5 million bone fractures each

Our best advice: don’t ignore footpain of any type; early interventioncan make all the difference in yourtreatment and recovery.

If you are suffering fromunexplained foot pain, don’t ignoreit. If you’d like to talk with apodiatrist about any questions youmay have to help maintain healthyfeet, or for a complete evaluation,please give us a call at GreenCountry Podiatry.

Our Doctors and staff are alwaysready to help if you need treatmentof foot and ankle conditions.

Please logon to www.gcpod.com,or call 918-747-4855 for moreinformation.

Osteoporosis is referred to as the“silent crippler” since it oftenprogresses without any symptomsor isn’t diagnosed until a personexperiences pain from a bonefracture. This is true becausebones with osteoporosis are in aweakened state and normalweight-bearing actions, likewalking, can cause the bones in thefoot to break. In fact, many of ourpatients visit our office sufferingfrom foot pain only to find outthey actually have a hairline breakin the bone (stress fracture),without having experienced aninjury.

While osteoporosis is mostcommonly seen in womenover age 50, youngerpeople and men are alsoaffected. Early symptomscan include increased painwith walking accompaniedby redness and swelling onthe top of the foot.Oftentimes we noticepatients don’t seektreatment for theirsymptoms for weeks oreven months, thinking thepain will pass.



Receive a 10 percent discount if you purchase threeor more ads per year (you must pay in advance). Adsare due by the 20th of the month for the followingmonth’s newsletter. To schedule an ad, please send an e-mail to info@tulsarunningclub.com.

• Business card size ad: $20• ¼-page ad: $40• ½-page ad: $55• Full page ad: $100• Ad design: $25 (if needed)

2011 Newsletter Advertising Rates

Tulsa Area Training OpportunitiesThere are several great opportunities for training in the TulsaArea. Always make sure you contact the organization or store toverify times and locations of training runs. These are the currenttraining opportunities in the Tulsa area, alphabetically.

Fleet Feet Tulsa

Mondays - 6pm - KingsPoint Village - 3-4 miles at various paces;informal run & walk

Tuesdays - 6pm - Blue Dome - 3-4 miles at various paces;informal run & walk

Tuesdays - 6pm - TU Track - SpeedworkThursdays - 6pm - KingsPoint Villiage - 3-4 miles at various

paces; informal run & walkThursdays - 6pm - Blue Dome - Pub Fun Run & WalkSundays - 2pm - Post Oak Trail Training - contact store for


Saturday Half/Marathon Training - contact store for detailsNo Boundaries classes forming soon, call 492-FEET for details

Runners World Tulsa

Mondays - 5:30pm - RunnersWorld TulsaThursdays - 5:30pm - RunnersWorld TulsaSaturdays - 7:45am - various locations - call 749-7557 for



Sundays - 7:30am - Various locations - Tatur TOTS training run;email brian@tatur.org for location and details


The Tulsa Running Club’sTRC members

receive a discountif you preregister!





P.O. Box 3304Tulsa, OK 74101-3304

PLEASE NOTE:If your mailing address,phone number or e-mailaddress has changed oryou would like to beadded to the TRC e-maillist, please send your nameand information toinfo@tulsarunningclub.com.

Note: Your TRCmembership renewaldate is located on yourmailing label.