FEBRUARY 18, 2018 - St. Paul A.M.E. Church Jacksonville …stpaulamejax.com/SundayBulletin1.pdf ·...

Post on 08-Mar-2018

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Transcript of FEBRUARY 18, 2018 - St. Paul A.M.E. Church Jacksonville …stpaulamejax.com/SundayBulletin1.pdf ·...

6th Sunday of Easter ~ May 6, 2018

The Serving Acolyte

J’nyia White

The Serving Stewards Bro. Gerald Williams & Sis. Jacqueline Bryant

The Serving Trustees

Bro. Albert Buckner & Sis. Alpha Hay

The Serving Choir The Saint Paul Mass Choir

The Serving Usher Board

Usher Board #1

The Serving Media Team Dr. Randall Bryant, Sis. Keisha Markey,

Bro. Renard Peeples, Bro. George Hampton

The Serving Courtesy Guild Speaker Sis. Marie Mobley

The Serving Count Team Bro. Sherman Riley & Team #3

The Serving Parking & Security Team

Bro. Carlos Blake & Bro. Marvin Wilson

Saint Paul A M E Church

Online Giving “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV)

We have provided for your family and friends, a convenient way to give to the church that is secure and easy. We are pleased to offer Online Giving secured through Paypal Online Payment Processing.


FRANGELISM Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter). John 1:40-42

Join us in being obedient to the Great Commission by sharing your faith with 5 Friends, Relatives, Associates & Neighbors each week who are Unsaved, Unsure, or Unchurched.

Invite them to be with you in Worship, Wednesday in the Word, or Church School. Our prayer is that they will come to know Jesus and commit to following Him daily.

To receive special words of encouragement, messages and church updates from

Pastor Marvin C. Zanders, II, Text: Believe11 - To: 41411

If there are empty seats around you, help fill them with these words to the lost…

And pray with them the prayer of faith. Lord Jesus, I need you. I cannot handle my life by myself - anymore. I’m sorry for my sins - I ask You to come into my heart and save me. I accept You by faith. AMEN.

Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23

I John 5:11-12 Revelation 3:20


We Do It All To The Glory Of God And For The Good Of Humankind!

We are “Sharing Christ and Meeting Needs” through

Exalting God’s Greatness (Worship) /

Equipping God’s People (Training/Discipleship)

Evangelizing God’s World (Sharing our Faith)

Expressing God’s Love (Outreach/Service)

THE MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS The message series, “Being a Life-Changer” based on Philemon 1:6 - “pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good that we may do for Christ Jesus.” This series is designed to help you use your everyday actions to have an eternal impact upon your sphere of influence. Your main purpose as a disciple of Jesus is to influence others to place their trust in Christ. The messages are:

1. My Story Can Change A Life 2. My Obedience Can Change A Life 3. My Invite Can Change A Life 4. My Faith Can Change A Life

Stop by the Light of the Word table and purchase this life changing series today.

SPLASH (Show People Love And Share Him)

Don’t forget to SPLASH your friends, relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors. Studies show that 50% of the people wo are invited to attend service do come. This week be intentional about inviting your unsaved, unchurched, and unsure friends, relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors to join you at the place where you connect with Jesus.

ALL Bulletin announcements must be received in the church office BY NOON on WEDNESDAY and APPROVED by the Pastor for publication.



Church School Discovery Hour @ 7:45am—9:15am New Disciple Orientation @ 8:30am



Holy Communion—Every First Sunday Baptism/New Disciple(s) Fellowship—2nd & 4th Sundays—9:30am


Steward Board Meeting—Monday after the First Sunday @ 6:30pm Trustee Board Meeting—Monday after the Second Sunday @ 6:30pm

Official Board Meeting—Monday after the Third Sunday @ 6:30pm

Edward Lang, Sr. Prayer Ministry / “Sweet Hour of Prayer” (THE SHOP)

“He was praying in a certain place, and after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1 (NRSV)

An Hour of Prayer and Meditation Sweet Hour of Prayer


Tuesday - Saturday 5:30 a.m.—6:30a.m. Sunday @ 6:00 p.m.—7:00p.m.

(TOLL FREE) 1-641-715-3580 Access Code: 196254


“The grass withers, the flower fades; but the Word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8 (NRSV)

A Strong Commitment + A Strong Church = A Strong Community

Each Wednesday we come together to learn more about Jesus and the Word of God.

The sessions are noon and 6:30PM. The evening session features the choir and ushers from the previous Sunday as well as lessons for children and youth. Make plans now to join us for

this wonderful time of faith, family and fellowship.



“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NRSV)

MAY 2018 Mon, 7 Blood Pressure & Weight Check………………………….………...5:30pm—7:30pm Yoga……………………………………………...Proctor Center @ 6:00pm—7:00pm Steward Board Huddle………………...……….Pastor’s Conference Room @ 6:30pm Tue, 8 Women of Allen Meeting……………………………………..……………..@ 5:30pm Mass Men’s Choir Rehearsal……………..…………….....…………………@ 6:30pm Wed, 9 Wonderful Wednesday in the Word……………………..….Chapel @ Noon & 6:30pm Thu, 10 WMS Meeting…………………………………………………………..……@ 6:00pm Mass Men’s Choir Rehearsal……..…………………..………………………@ 6:30pm Sat, 12 2018 Ministerial Institute……….…………….Saint Paul Campus @ 8:00am—3:00pm Blood Pressure & Weight Check………………………….………...9:00am—11:00am ZUMBA………………………….………………...Proctor Center @ 9:30am-10:30am Mass Men’s Choir Rehearsal………..……………………..………………..@ 10:00am Sun, 13 Ascension Sunday / MOTHER’S DAY Mon, 14 Blood Pressure & Weight Check………………………….………...5:30pm—7:30pm Yoga……………………………………………...Proctor Center @ 6:00pm—7:00pm Trustee Board Huddle…………….…………….Pastor’s Conference Room @ 6:30pm Tue, 15 Mass Choir Rehearsal………………………..….………………………….@ 6:30pm Wed, 16 Wonderful Wednesday in the Word……………………….Chapel @ Noon & 6:30pm Thu, 17 Musicians Rehearsal………………………………………………….@ 6:30pm Thu-Sat, 17-19 Sons of Allen Retreat…………………………………….Bethel AMEC-Pensacola, Fl Sat, 19 2018 Ministerial Institute……….…………….Saint Paul Campus @ 8:00am—3:00pm Sun, 20 PENTECOST SUNDAY Fellowship with Mt. Zion AMEC (Southside)………………….……………@ 6:00pm Mon, 21 Official Board Huddle………………………………..……………...Chapel @ 6:30pm Tue, 22 Revival @ St. Stephen AMEC-Jacksonville…………..…………………….@ 7:00pm Wed, 23 Wonderful Wednesday in the Word………………..……….Chapel @ Noon & 6:30pm Thu, 24 Ada Bracy Senior Choir Rehearsal………………...…………………………@ 6:30pm Fri, 25 ZUMBA………………………….………………...Proctor Center @ 9:30am-10:30am Mon, 28 MEMORIAL DAY…………...CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Tue, 29 Mass Choir Rehearsal………………….……………………………………..@ 6:30pm Wed, 30 Wonderful Wednesday in the Word………...……………...Chapel @ Noon & 6:30pm THIRD QUARTERLY CONFERENCE REPORTS DUE BY 5PM Thu, 31 Mass Choir Rehearsal…………………………….…………………………..@ 6:30pm

Inviting all Men to participate in our

Mass Men's Choir in celebration of Mother's Day.

Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday, May 8th & Thursday, May 10th

@ 6:30PM and Saturday Morning, May 12th

@ 10:00AM.

Please come and let's be a blessing to the Mother's of St. Paul.

Minister Marlowe Smith


The Violent Williams Missionary Society will hold its regular meeting on

Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. All members are asked to be present and on time.

Thank you Sis. Maggie Jones, President


3rd Quarterly Conference Reports due by

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 by 5:00pm


“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NRSV)

PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://light-of-the-word.org to view messages and series available


SUNDAYS – 7:30 a.m. and TUESDAYS – 5:15 p.m. V Listen Online: www.wcgl1360.com


It is time to look at your Homeowner Insurance

Policy before the HURRICANE SEASON begins. Flood Insurance

should be purchased before the start of

hurricane season. Act Now. Do Not wait

until its too late.

The Disaster Ministry



THE TIME OF PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING……...…..Min. Marlowe Smith and Congregation

THE PROCESSIONAL………...... ……………………....……...……………...Choir & Congregation

THE LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES………….……....…….…....……The C.G.A. Acolyte Ministry

**THE DOXOLOGY…....…...“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”…....AME Hymn #647 “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

**THE CALL TO WORSHIP………………..….…………..........................................Pulpit Associate Minister: Sing to the Lord a new song. Let the mountains quake. People: We worship a God of wander.

Minister: Sing praises to our God. Let the musicians join the heavenly chorus. People: We worship a God of saving love.

Minister: Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth. Let the seas roar and the rivers clap their hands. People: We worship a God of majesty and might.

All: Come! Worship the Lord.

**THE HYMN OF PRAISE…………..…“Victory in Jesus”…….……...AAHH#261..Choir & Congregation

I heard an old, old story, How a Savior came from glory; How He gave His life on Calvary, To save a wretch like me; I heard about His groaning, Of His precious blood’s atoning;

Then I repented of my sins, And won the victory.

Refrain O victory in Jesus my Savior forever,

He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood; He love me ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about His healing, Of His cleansing pow’r revealing; How He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see; And then I cried Dear Jesus, “Come and heal my broken spirit;

And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory.

I heard about a mansion, He has built for me in glory; And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea;

About the angels singing and the old redemption story; And some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of victory.

**Minister and Congregation Standing The Children of the Light Nursery is available in Room 109



THE PRAYER OF INVOCATION …......…………….….…………............…..……....Pulpit Associate

THE PRAYER RESPONSE…. ……………….……..……………...………...The Congregation and Choir Because He lives I can face tomorrow, Because He lives all fear is gone;

Because I know who hold the future, And life if worth the living just because He lives.

THE WORSHIP THROUGH SONG…………………..…...………..…The Saint Paul Mass Choir THE READING OF GOD’S WORD

THE HEBREW SCRIPTURE…..…....Exodus 20:1-17 p.58 NRSV)….Steward Gerald Williams THE EPISTLE…………….……..….I John 5:1-6 (p.991 NRSV) …..Steward Jacqueline Bryant THE GOSPEL…………….....…..…..John 15:9-17 (p.878 NRSV)…..........…..Pulpit Associate

*THE GLORIA PATRI “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.”

THE GIFTS FOR MISSION…….....…..…..……...….………..….………..…....…..…..Pulpit Associate

*THE CHORAL RESPONSE………...……………….…....…...…..…..The Congregation and Choir “All things come of Thee, O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee. Amen.”

THE CHILDREN & YOUTH MESSAGE (ages 4—12)……...…….…..…..…..….......Pulpit Associate

THE MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS…….……....….....................................................…Sis. Marie Mobley

THE WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING (Tithes, Offering, and Sacrificial Gifts) Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Creator of heaven and earth. I believe that the earth is Yours, the fullness thereof and those who dwell therein. I acknowledge that You own everything. Therefore, I willingly, sincerely, and cheerfully give of the resources You have entrusted to me for the advancement of Your Kingdom on earth through Saint Paul “Sharing Christ and Meeting Needs.” Empower me Lord, to be a consistent, faithful tither and supporter of the vi-sion as well as the Visionary of this house. I believe that “The Best is Yet to Come” to me, financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.



THE WORSHIP THROUGH SONG……………………….……...…..…The Saint Paul Mass Choir

THE MESSAGE……………………………………..………..………...Pastor Marvin C. Zanders, II **THE CALL TO NEW LIFE………….…..…………….…………...Pastor Marvin C. Zanders, II

THE COMMUNION HYMN………....….AME Hymn No. 137…...….......The Choir and Congregation

THE SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION…..(Pg. 798 AME Hymnal)………..The Choir and Congregation

THE LORD’S PRAYER…………..…………………..…...………...…..The Choir and Congregation *THE HYMN OF FELLOWSHIP……………………..…..……...……….The Choir and Congregation

**THE DOXOLOGY….“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”…...AME Hymn #647 “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.”





PENTECOST 2018 The Glory of the Lord Is Here!”

“And when the priests came out of the holy place, a cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.."

I Kings 8:10-11 (NRSV)

The freewill offering will be based on the temperature of the date selected. The above calculation indicates the temperature on the assigned day was 91 degrees

“Then celebrate the Feast of Weeks to the Lord your God by giving a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the Lord your God has given you.” Deuteronomy 16:10 (NIV)

Use your power to Work, Witness and Worship for your Special Offering!!

These sacrificial gifts will be presented on

Pentecost Sunday May 20, 2018 @ 9:30AM.

(Please use the RED Envelopes and wear RED on this Sunday.) (example)

ADULTS/YOUNG ADULTS (Age 18 and above)

$0.50 / degree $0.50 x 91° = $45.50

YOUTH (Age 13-17) $0.25 / degree $0.25 x 91° = $22.75 CHILDREN (Age 2-12) $.10 / degree $0.10 x 91° = $9.10




APR 30 A 76° $38.00 $19.00 $7.60 MAY 10 L

MAY 1 B 80° $40.00 $20.00 $8.00 MAY 11 M

MAY 2 C 79° $39.50 $19.75 $7.90 MAY 12 N

MAY 3 D 81° $40.50 $20.25 $8.10 MAY 13 O / P

MAY 4 E 84° $42.00 $21.00 $8.40 MAY 14 Q / R

MAY 5 F 83° $41.50 $20.75 $8.30 MAY 15 S / T

MAY 6 G MAY 16 U / V

MAY 7 H MAY 17 W / X

MAY 8 I MAY 18 Y / Z

MAY 9 J / K


Justice Ministry News

Our next ICARE EVENT will be the Celebration at Woodlawn Presbyterian Church. May 22, 2018.at 6:00pm with dinner. Team Leaders, Queen Williams, Ann White and Geneva Pittman will have your tickets for this event as the time gets nearer. You are asked to bring your check books or cash to begin the member Investment drive. Clergy, Team and Network members are asked to invest $200.00 in the work of ICARE. Other mem-bers are asked to Increase your investment this year, if possible. 1,334 members and community Leaders attended the Nehemiah Assembly. St. Paul had 66 members present. 50 of the 66 are actual members of St. Paul the other 16 were invitees from the community. 15 Class Leaders attended and 8 of the Class Leaders are members of the Justice Ministry. Class Leader Virginia Gray was the only Class Leader to bring 3 or more persons. Thank you all for your support. Geneva Pittman, Queen Williams and Ann White, Team Leaders. Rev. Marvin C. Zanders, II, Pastor



2018 Council of Bishops & General Board Meeting June 26-27. 2018

Atlanta, Ga

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Phone #: ___________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Hotel Accommodations (Double Room):

Room Partner: ______________________________


Deposit- ___________ or Full amount- __________ Cash, Check or Money Order

All funds must be paid in full by: June 6, 2018


2018 Council of Bishops & General Board Meeting June 26-27. 2018

Atlanta, Ga

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Phone #: ___________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Hotel Accommodations (Double Room):

Room Partner: ______________________________


Deposit- ___________ or Full amount- __________ Cash, Check or Money Order

All funds must be paid in full by: June 6, 2018

Trip Includes

Round-Trip Transportation Hotel Accommodations Lunch & Dinner Meal

All for a Price of $210.00

Trip Includes

Round-Trip Transportation

Hotel Accommodations

Lunch & Dinner

All for a Price of


2018 Council of Bishops & General Board Meeting June 26-27. 2018

Atlanta, Ga

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Phone #: ___________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Hotel Accommodations (Double Room):

Room Partner: ______________________________


Deposit- ___________ or Full amount- __________ Cash, Check or Money Order

All funds must be paid in full by: June 6, 2018


2018 Council of Bishops & General Board Meeting June 26-27. 2018

Atlanta, Ga

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Phone #: ___________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Hotel Accommodations (Double Room):

Room Partner: ______________________________


Deposit- ___________ or Full amount- __________ Cash, Check or Money Order

All funds must be paid in full by: June 6, 2018

Trip Includes

Round-Trip Transportation Hotel Accommodations Lunch & Dinner Meal

All for a Price of $210.00

Trip Includes

Round-Trip Transportation

Hotel Accommodations

Lunch & Dinner

All for a Price of



Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the Altar Flowers

donated to the glory of God and in recognition of All Members Celebrating a Birthday in May

From: Pastor & Mrs. Marvin C. Zanders, II


Pastor Marvin C. Zanders and the Saint Paul AME Church Family

The family of the late Darryl Stanley Robinson wish to thank you for your kindness and consideration during our bereavement. There aren’t words to express our thanks to

you. May the Lord bless you and your family. Sincerely,

Sis. Alean Robinson & Family

PULPIT AID BOARD For information regarding flowers for the Altar and/or Pulpit,

please contact, Sis. Edna Harrington @ 904-923-3808. Thank you!

The Pulpit Aid Board SPECIAL NOTE

The price to purchase the Altar or Pulpit Flowers has increased to $60.00 14


Virginia Bouler 1483 Windle Street, 32209 354-1633

Darlene Chandler 5114 Pennant Drive 607-6516

Johnnie Mae Chisholm 2479 W. 28th Street, 32209 358-0452 Willie Garner 6062 Ribault Road, 32209

Sallie Grissett 3304 Pearce Street 32209 765-9052 Inez Hickson 4024 Anderson Woods Dr, 32218 765-3679 Albertha Johnson 5118 Moncrief Road 768-3736

Eva Johnson 2402 Coleman Court 387-9667

Bessie Jones 10858 Natalie Dr. E, 32218 768-4290

Mary Jeanette Jones-Clayton 3150 Windsong Drive #3110 Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-322-2334

Ruth Medlock 1881 W 3rd Street, 32209 354-4364 Amelia Norman 7038 Bishop Hatcher Dr. W. 32219 764-7417

Andrew & Carlene Snead 1857 E. 23rd Street, 32206 354-0070 Eardean Taylor 638 Basswood Street 354-4931 Marilyn Denise Williams 7043 Alana Road, 32211 744-5310

“Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14 (NRSV)



Rigley Cook San Jose Health & Rehab Ctr. 9333 San Jose Blvd.

James Johnson Jax Nursing & Rehab Center 4134 Dunn Ave, 32218 Louise Joseph Noble House of Jacksonville 6561 San Juan Ave, 32210

Leanora Lee Lakeside Nursing & Rehabilitation 11411 Armadale Rd, 32218

Lenreatha Sawyer Lanier Terrace Skilled Nursing & Rehab Center / 12740 Lanier Rd Rm#203-A, 32226 / 757—0600 DO NOT SEND CARDS TO FACILITY Wilhelmina Sharpe Lakeside Nursing & Rehab 1411 Armadale road, 32218



The Messenger:___________________________________________________________ The Text:_________________________________________________________________ Message Title:_____________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Special Points To Remember:_______________________________________________







A Special Invitation is extended from Pastor & Mrs. Marvin C. Zanders, II and The Saint Paul Church Family

Visit Us Any Time!

Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church

6910 New Kings Road • Jacksonville, FL 32219 Office: 904-764-2755 Fax: 904-768-8552

Email: stpaul@stpaulamejax.com Website: stpaulamejax.com