Feb. 2008 - Hawaiian South Shore Surf News

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- Happy Valentine Day from Hawaiian South Shore! - Surfer's Ear Conditions - Matt & Margaret of Bing and Jacobs - Feb Tides

Transcript of Feb. 2008 - Hawaiian South Shore Surf News

“Surfa’s Ear Conditions”

“Surfa’s Ear Conditions”

Submitted by Dr. Howard Tamashiro,


There are several ear problems

common to surfers. These include ear

infections, exostosis or narrowing of the

ear canals, and trauma to the eardrum

resulting with a tear or rupture.

External ear infections (referred to as

otitis externa) is a bacterial infection to

the outer and ear canal. This is usually

the result of surfing/swimming in dirty

unsanitary or polluted water.

Symptoms can be a rash, itching of the

ear and ear canal, pain or earache,

swelling and inflammation, ear

drainage, and infection from

scratching irritated areas. Prevention is

to stay away from known

contaminated conditions such as

sewage spill/drainage following heavy

rain and storms.

See “Ear Conditions” p2

Hawaiian South Shore Hawaiian South Shore Hawaiian South Shore Hawaiian South Shore NewsletterNewsletterNewsletterNewsletter

Aloha and welcome to the first edition

of the monthly Hawaiian South Shore


The purpose of this newsletter is to

give you some good, valuable

information about the surfing lifestyle

and community. From surfboard

construction and repair to health tips to

keep you surfing for a long time. We

hope all this information benefits you in

some shape or form. We are constantly

looking for interesting articles to print in

Happy Valentines Day from Hawaiian South Shore!

our newsletter, so if you have any

suggestions or have something important

you feel the surfing public should know

please contact us or visit us at the store.

In this issue we will discuss a condition

known as “surfers ear”. It’s more

common in Hawaii than most people

think. You can also read about Matt and

Margaret of Bing and Jacobs Surfboards

who you can meet in person this month

on the 23rd from 12 - 2 at our store.

Until next month….go surf!

Keith Kajioka


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Page 1 Feb 2008● Volume 1, Issue 1 ● Hawaiian South Shore LLC ● (808) 597-9055

Matt and Margaret

Page 2 Feb 2008 ● Volume 1, Issue 1 ● Hawaiian South Shore LLC ● (808) 597-9055

Trauma to the eardrum can cause

a hole or rupture (perforation) to

the eardrum. A simple wipe-out or

even a small wave can easily cause

a trauma to the eardrum. If the

water hits your head squarely, that

small mount of concentrated force

and pressure to the ear can cause

enough trauma to physically

damage the eardrum. The medical

term for eardrum is tympanic

membrane (a thin membrane that

separates the ear canal from the

middle ear). The middle ear is

connected to the nose by the

eustachian tube, which equalizes

pressure in the middle ear. A

perforated eardrum is often

accompanied by decreased

hearing and bloody discharge or

drainage. Pain is usually not

necessarily persistent. Custom

earplugs can be both prevention

and protection of a perforated


All these conditions require the

immediate attention of a physician

(preferably an otolarymgologist, an

M.D. specializing in the ear, nose

and throat) to relieve the symptoms

Matt and Margaret Of Bing and Jacobs

Exostosis of the external ear canal is

sometimes called “surfer's ear”. It is a

serious condition that usually develops

over years of exposure to the cold

ocean water and wind. The cold

exposure of the ear canal appears to

stimulate bone growth that narrows the

canal and blocks the eardrum. This

narrowing traps water and earwax that

can result in a painful ear infection and

hearing loss. This condition was thought

to be mostly common to surfers exposed

to the colder water climates of California

and Australia. However, some local

physicians report frequent occurrences

even here in our tropical climate. How

to avoid surfer’s ear? Prevention can be

aided by wearing earplugs and/or a

neoprene hood when exposed for long

periods to cold ocean conditions.

Matt’s first job in the industry was apprentice to Tom Stanton, a well-known South Bay shaper and airbrusher. After learning and mastering the art of airbrushing, Matt naturally became interested in board building. In 1988, Wayne Rich gave Matt his first blank to shape. Though he continued to make his living at airbrushing, Matt began to hone his skills as a surfboard shaper. Eventually Matt moved his airbrushing business to Shoreline Glassing (Hermosa Beach, CA) and was offered a job by Hap Jacobs to do some rough-shaping on the side. Hap was so pleased with Matt’s work that he hired him on as a part-time shaper. Then Dennis Jarvis of Spyder Surfboards started to notice Matt’s talent and offered him a job shaping for the likes of Tom Curren, Shane Dorian, and more. Eventually Matt moved his airbrushing business to Shoreline Glassing (Hermosa Beach, CA) and was offered a job by Hap Jacobs to do some rough-shaping on the side. Hap was so pleased with Matt’s work that he hired him on as a part-time shaper. Then Dennis Jarvis of Spyder Surfboards started to notice Matt’s talent and offered him a job shaping for the likes of Tom Curren, Shane Dorian, and more. But all the while, he continued to do some shaping for not only Hap Jacobs, but also Lance Carson and Rick Surfboards. Matt’s talent and passion for shaping traditional longboards became apparent.

Ear Conditions

In 2000, Matt’s friend, Dan Bendicksen, head shaper for Bing Surfboards in the late 60s, introduced Matt to Bing Copeland and Mike Eaton, which paved the way for Matt to inherit Bing Surfboards. In 2003, Matt set up shop along side Tyler Hatzikian of Tyler Surfboards, another young talented shaper. The two worked together for about a year, but when Hap Jacobs decided to retire in 2004 and asked Matt to inherit Jacobs Surfboards, Matt jumped at the chance.

Since then Matt has moved back to

Shoreline Glassing where Hap’s shop is

located and continues to shape exclusively

for Bing and Jacobs Surfboards today.

Story by: Robyn McGinnis

Edited by: Margaret Yao


Hawaiian South Shore LLC

320 Ward Ave

Suite 112

Honolulu, HI 96814


(808) 597-9055


(808) 589-1951




Web Site:


320 Ward Ave

Suite 112

Honolulu, HI 96814




News Letter ● Feb 2008 ● Volume 1, Issue 1 ● Hawaiian South Shore LLC ● (808) 597-9055 ●