Features of ReSharper

Post on 26-May-2015

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A brief description about features of R#

Transcript of Features of ReSharper

Sharpen your C# code with ReSharper 6.1

Pratik PatelTechnical Consultant (.NET Consultant)

Life without R# VisualStudio.NET has following limitations:

Less code navigation features Less code generation features Less code refactoring features Less code searching features Less code review features

Developers have to take a lot of pain while performing above operations in VS.NET E.g. If a developer wants to navigate to particular file (.cs or .js) then he has to manually navigate to particular project and select the file.

R# gives file search based on the filename

Life with R# Developer can navigate anywhere within the

solution using keyboard shortcuts using R# Developer can review his code during

development phase itself using R# suggestions Developer need not have to remember the

method signatures. The appropriate stub is generated automatically by R#

Better unit testing support Large number of users and community support Supports VS2010, VS2008, VS2005 and VS2003 One-stop static code analysis tool

Code navigation – type name

Code navigation – file name

Code navigation – symbol name

Code generation – quick fixes

Code refactoring

Code reviews

Find usages – method & vairable

Generate class members without typing anything!

Generate class members with short name -templates

Goto to all implementation of the interface/base class

Goto to implementation of the interface/base class method

But how my productivity will increase by such features?

Reduced number of clicks to find the particular file/code/symbol. This may increase the developer’s productivity and efficiency by 20-25%

Less headache on developer to remember the filename and location of each and every file. The search can narrow down to a particular symbol (variable) inside the entire solution

Easily navigate through all the code areas without having to know everything at once

Mitigate the risk of code failures at early stages using quick fix, code reviews and static analysis of the code

Applying the organization-wide code review rules and ensures all those are implemented in the code

License cost – C# edition

Lets make our life easy and exciting with R#!Develop with pleasure and relax in leisure !