Features of a single camera production

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Features of a single camera production

1. Features of a single camera production 2. PROS VS CONS pros The advantages of single camera production is mainly that scenes dont have to be shot in sequence therefore more detail or dramatic effect can be added in editing, and cheaper and easier to move and set up than multi camera which is more expensive and usually only allows for one take. cons probably most disadvantageous aspect of shooting with single-camera production is that you only get one angle at a time. you'll be spending a lot more time in the editing room. Because all of the film will be from one camera, all of your outtakes and mistakes will be have to be sorted out over time, as opposed to a multi-camera approach, where you can edit certain sequences, angles and scenes based on the camera that was shooting. The quality of the camera wouldn't be that clear or realistic. 3. Formats and genres Single drama used to be common but now rare, usually based on a typical issue it is a one off subject , subject that is more suitable for television than cinema. A drama serial is prewritten with a predetermined number of episodes. In addition some full feature films are made using the single camera method Television producers make a distinct decision to shoot in single-camera or multiple-camera modesunlike film producers who almost always opt for single-camera shooting. In television, single-camera is mostly reserved for prime-time dramas, made-for-TV movies, music videos and commercial advertisements. Soap operas, talk shows, some sitcoms and the like more frequently use the multiple-camera setup Single camera methods can also be used in documentaries, most TV, single dramas and period dramas. 4. Examples The Wipers Times was a funny, sad and peculiarly British single drama, it aired once around the 100 year anniversary of the great war so the setting was fresh within the audience memory. The Enfield haunting a 2015 a the episode drama series (based on true events) the single camera teqnies would have been essential to this production.(filming and adding the anomalies during the editing) Most feature films are made using the single camera technique, the directors and editors go through several of the same shots meticulously in order to produce the best sequence of scenes. 5. Narrative/storey There are realist and anti realist narratives. Realist is realistic storey maybe even based on truth e.g. bones, lone survivor Whereas anti-realists basically anything can happen like DR. Who Ending can be left indifferent ways can be closed using no loose ends like Bonnie and Clyde or open which levees pathways for possible sequels like the matrix. A linier storey progresses in order of event, usually a straight forward storey making the audience follow the sequence of events, as seen in game of thrones. 6. Examples regarding narrative/story Lone survivor based on a true story of a navy seals operative stuck behind enemy lines, the perfect example of realist story or realist fiction. Alice in wonderland is the textbook example of anti realist narrative and is entirely outside of reality, though the remake was mostly done with special effects its still a single camera production. The infamous end scene in Bonnie and Clyde, Were there both caught but decide to go out on a bang for a dramatic ending 7. Technique Of Shooting: The single-camera setup, or single-camera mode of production, also known as Portable Single Camera, is a method of filmmaking and video production. A single camera either motion picture camera or professional video camera is employed on the set, and each shot to make up a scene is taken independently. An alternative "single camera" method that actually use two cameras is more widely used. The latter method is intended to save time by using one camera to capture a medium shot of the scene while the other can capture a close-up during the same take. Long shots, medium shots, close ups, two shots, over the shoulder, medium close up, birds eye, eye level low angel, high angle, camera angle(Dutch angle), worms eye, panning, till, tracking, zoom, shot reverse shot, cross cutting and eye line matching. Long shot with Will Smith, I am legend The infamous heres Johnny Close up 8. Examples of techniques: Example of a medium shot from Sherlock Holms featuring Robert Downy Jr. Example of a two shot from the modern classic Pulp fiction, John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson The hilarious over the shoulder shot in Meet the Fockers with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro. Worms eye view in Slumdog millionaire A birds eye shot from the 2014 Tom Hanks film Captain Phillip's 9. Comparison to other types of production The multiple-camera setup, multiple-camera mode of production, multi-camera or simply multi-cam is a method of filmmaking and video production. Several cameraseither film or professional video camerasare employed on the set and simultaneously record or broadcast a scene. Multi camera productions are mostly used in sops talk shows and some sitcoms. ENG (electronic news gathering) video cameras were originally designed for use by news camera operators. While they have some similarities to the smaller consumer camcorder, they differ in size, performance and manual adjust of the settings. Remote cameras are typically very small camera heads designed to be operated by remote control. Despite their small size, they are often capable of performance close to that of the larger ENG and EFP types. Electronic Field Production cameras are similar to studio cameras in that they are used primarily in multiple camera switched configurations, but outside the studio environment, for concerts, sports and live news coverage of special events. Remotecam ENG Cam Remote cam Electric field cam 10. Examples of other types of production Electric field cameras bring shots like this in most sports. Remote cameras can be used to get wide overall shots at concerts or stadiums. Electronic news gathering camera used to gather shots on the ground up close to the action.