
Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Transcript of fddfg


NATIONAL ELECTIONAssalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.Honorable all of the members of this house

And my beloved brothers and sisters

First of all, I would to say thank you very much to the almighty god that give us a chance and health, so we can present in here. And dont forget to send thousand greetings to big adoration Muhammad SAW that give us true way, Islam. And also, I want to say thanks for all of you that give me chance to deliver my speech about National Election There is a very important event for our country, an event that determines the future of our country for four years. That is general election, that will be done just some days more. At that time, we will be given a chance to choose candidates that will be sit on the legislatives board well known as DPR. A choice that will determine the faith of our country at the next time. We give work them, to hear our aspirations, critics, and advice to the government, so the government can do something best for us as the public. We can see that there are a lot of people that want to become the members of legislatives board in our country. If we walk around, we will see on the roads, market, mosque and the other public places, there are a lot of posters, billboard that campaign the candidates, and a promotion about their promise to the public. I ever take a walk in some roads in Makassar, and I see in almost every side of roads is full of posters and billboard.

But there is question for them who wants to be the members of legislative. Actually, what are their purpose to become DPR members? Do they really want to make a changing for our country or is there another purpose? So thats why there are a lot of cases that happen in legislatives members. We can see the fact, there are a lot of cases about corruption, collusion, and nepotism that involve the members of legislatives board. It give disadvantages and suffering to the public. And also, we can see that, there are a lot of members of DPR but they cant do anything for our country. Even, they do embarrassing things like fighting, corruption and sex affair. Will we do the same mistakes to choose the wrong people for DPR? Of course not. So, how to choose the competence and suitable candidates like the public want?

Actually if we want to become the candidates of legislatives member, we must have qualification and quality, so the public can give fully trust. But unfortunately most candidates only have self confidence but they forget the important of quality and then, they are brave to become the candidates. Of course that is not enough to become the leader for the public. Without having good quality and qualification its impossible for them to give good ideas to the executive board, like president, to run the government. First of all, if we want to become the candidates, we have to know what the duty of legislatives are. What should they do after being chosen as member of DPR. According to the law of Indonesia no. 10 2008 about legislatives, there are three main duty of legislatives. First, they make regulation like the law with the president, second, they have to evaluate and control the government like the president job and do, and third, represent and listen the aspiration of public. Second of all, we have to know the condition of our public, so we can set the best and suitable regulations for them. Can we do that? Yes, we can, if we have quality, qualify and competence. But in fact now, we are able to see there are still members of legislatives that cant do their job well although they have passed the standards to become legislatives member from the government. How come? Of course because the standards to become legislatives are not enough so it cant produce a good member.

According to the law of Indonesia no. 10 2008 about general election, there are seventeen requirements or qualifications that they must have. But unfortunately there are two points that we have to change and also we have to add to make it enough. First rule says, the members of legislatives must be minimally 21 years old, but thats not enough. Why? We have to increase the age standard. The age really influences their way of thinking. We can think well, if we compare between the young and the older, of course the older have more experience than the younger. I believe that with a lot of experiences, that can influence what they will do in legislatives. They can make decision or regulation with deep thinking. They can compare what they have to do with background of their experience. And also, of course, they have more experience in the middle of public so they can predict the condition of public. A candidate must have experience enter in an organization , for example like the leader or secretary in an organization, because that determines how the candidates run their duty in legislatives board. Differently, if the age is still young like 21 years old. They pass their study in senior high school recently. They have to study more about situation in the public, so that can give a brave to control the government. If they want to start to study when they have entered in DPR, when they can run their duty? And also, how can they hear the publics aspiration and talk to government if they never do something in society before? So we have to increase the age standard of them, minimally 30 years. Because I believe that, with 30 years old they have full of experience that they can bring in DPR.

Second, the regulation says, the candidates of legislatives minimally, have to pass only in senior high school. In my view, of course that is not enough. Education really influences someones thinking. If you become the legislatives, you have to think hard about the future of our country or our region. If you the legislatives, you have to control the government. Your duty is how to make law, regulation for the public. But if you just take less education, how can you find a brilliant regulation and good ideas that you want to give to the government? Of course, that impossible. High education determines how someones thinks. Education shows how deep their thinking if there is a problem. If the education of legislatives less than the government, like the president, how can they control what the government do for our country. We can make analogy, that so difficult to control someone that cleverer than us. And also education really influences the attitude of someone. So thats why, there are still a lot of less morality of the members of legislatives because they dont have enough education, and than make something that give suffering for the public. We can see that there are a lot of cases like corruption, collusion and other. If they take a lot of education, they are able to know if they do something, that can give advantages or disadvantages for the public. What about, if the standard minimally strata one graduates? Of course thats enough to guarantee that they have a lot of knowledge to run their duty in DPR. So, we have to increase the education standard for legislatives candidates.

Thirdly, a candidate must have clear visions and missions what will they do for our country. And after that, they have to show and explain it in front of the public. How to do it? Of course with make a presentation about their visions and mission. They have to give it clear for the public. And Im sure, that can make the public know the ability of the candidates and know they can become the legislatives member or not by considering the publics argument. In here mean, there is a natural selection for them from the public.So that, if we want to have legislatives members, that have competence and good quality, we have to make a changing. Like I said just now, first, we have to increase the age standard of candidates, over than 30 years. Second, we have to increase the education level standard, minimally strata one graduates. And last, each candidate has to make presentation about their visions and missions, what they want to do in the future in the front of the public, so that there is natural selection for them, they can become the legislatives or not. If we do that, I believe we can make the legislatives be better, free from corruption, collusion, nepotism, and suitable with the public want.I think thats enough. Please forgive me if I have made some mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.