FAT FREE FOOD GUIDE - Amazon S3Green leafy vegetables are the best source of highly alkalizing...

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Transcript of FAT FREE FOOD GUIDE - Amazon S3Green leafy vegetables are the best source of highly alkalizing...

© Elkaim Group International, Inc.



RapidWeight Loss


Table of Contents3 FAT FREE IS NOT RE ALLY



































© Elkaim Group International, Inc.14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan | Daily Menu Planner2

Fat Free is NOT Really

“Fat-Free”Throughout this food guide you’ll uncover the EXACT foods that speed toxins and fat out of your body and help you restore great health.

The irony is that none of these foods are inherently low in calories or “fat-free”. That’s because when you eat REAL food—from planet Earth—calories (and even fat) become less important.

Instead of fussing about how much you eat, you should mainly concern yourself with WHAT you eat. Thus, quality is infinitely more important than quantity.

The goal is to limit your exposure to processed and refined foods that are loaded with chemicals and toxins that disrupt your body’s natural balance.

When your body gets “out of whack” that’s when weight gain and health problems arise. This can occur in a multitude of ways from eating lots of sugar, processed vegetable oils, or simply from years of toxin exposure from everyday foods.

I know this may come as a surprise and perhaps counter to what you’ve been led to believe. But if you really want to reverse your diabetes, lose pounds of stubborn fat, and enjoy great health, then read through this food to understand the “why” behind the CleanX Method™ and the Defeating Diabetes 14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan.

To your health,Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, RHN

New York Times bestselling author, The All-Day Energy Diet Creator,

Defeating Diabetes

© Elkaim Group International, Inc.14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan | Fat Free Food Guide3


CleanX™ Fat Free Principles





As you follow these principles, most “disease” such as diabetes and obesity subside

and your body returns to its ideal state of health.

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FAT FREE FOODSCleanX™ Approved

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Raw or steamed is best. Here is a list of what you can enjoy:

☐ Apple

☐ Artichoke

☐ Arugula

☐ Asparagus

☐ Avocado (it’s a fruit, but low sugar and full of healthy fats)

☐ Barley Grass

☐ Basil

☐ Beets, whole (only 1 beet juiced per pint) and beet greens

☐ Berries

❒ Blackberry

❒ Blueberry

❒ Raspberry

❒ Strawberry

☐ Broccoli

☐ Brussels sprouts

☐ Butternut squash

☐ Cabbage

☐ Carrots, whole (only 1 carrot juiced per pint)

☐ Cauliflower

☐ Celery

☐ Cherries

☐ Collard greens

☐ Coriander

☐ Courgette

☐ Cucumber

☐ Dandelion Greens

☐ Dill

☐ Dulse

☐ Eggplant

☐ Endive

☐ Fennel

☐ Garlic

☐ Green beans

☐ Green onion

☐ Green peas

☐ Jicama

☐ Kale

☐ Leeks (mmm soup!)

☐ Lemon

☐ Lettuces

☐ Lime

☐ Okra

☐ Parsley

☐ Pear (nonsweet)

☐ Peppermint

☐ Peppers

☐ Radishes

☐ Red onion

☐ Shallots

☐ Sprouts of all kinds—alfalfa, broccoli, bean, quinoa, etc.

☐ Spinach

☐ Swiss chard

☐ Tomatoes

☐ Turnip

☐ Watercress

☐ Yellow beans

☐ Yellow (summer) squash

☐ Zucchini

GRAINS: ☐ Amaranth

☐ Arrowroot

☐ Brown/wild rice

☐ Millet

☐ Buckwheat

☐ Quinoa

☐ Teff

LEGUMES: ☐ Lentils

☐ Chic peas

☐ Adzuki beans

☐ Mung beans

☐ Black beans

☐ Kidney beans


☐ Walnuts

☐ Cashews

☐ Coconuts

☐ Pine nuts

☐ Pumpkin seeds

☐ Hemp seeds

☐ Sunflower seeds

☐ Sesame seeds

OILS: ☐ Flax oil

☐ Hemp oil

☐ Coconut oil

☐ Olive oil

☐ Pumpkin oil

☐ Walnut oil

☐ Fish oil

☐ Sesame oil (untoasted)

☐ Grapeseed oil

Use flax oil or olive oil in salads. If you have to stir-fry something then use coconut oil which is much more stable at high temperatures. Steaming is always preferable to frying.

SEASONINGS:All herbs and spices are all right provided they aren’t years old—preferably organic, and remember, fresh is best. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos can replace soy sauce. Use sea salt and fresh pepper as you wish. Always salt within reason!

SWEETENERS: ☐ Stevia, xylitol

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When choosing a water source, steer clear of water straight out of the tap. Tap water is a concoction of recycled waste water, rainwater, rivers, and reservoirs. This water is filtered by the municipality, but one little sip will have you questioning its healthfulness. Tap water is laced with anti-depressants, birth control hormones, and many other toxins that people expel through their urine.

The simple fact that chlorine is added tells us that filtration standards are not as high as they should be! Chlorine is a big reason why many of us are having digestive issues because it kills the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Fluoride and aluminum are also added to tap water by the government.

Try to avoid tap water at all times.

Invest in a good filtration system—the best ones out there use both reverse osmosis and carbon filtration. This duo will remove all con-taminants in your water from traces of birth control pills to fluoride!

Large plastic water coolers are a very bad choice as they are plastic and can transfer many chemicals into your drinking water. And really, you have no idea what kind of processing this water may go through before you get it. Your best choice is to filter your water in your own home!


This category comprises all plant-based foods that are green in colour (both land and sea-based). The GREEN group occupies the most prominent part of the CleanX Method™ because greens are truly the most important group of foods available on our planet. Greens are the most alkaline of all foods and contain the highest nutrient density. Chlorophyll is the molecule that gives the plant its green pigment. It captures energy from the sun and plays a pivotal role in the plant’s production of energy (glucose and oxygen) through photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll is to plants what blood is to animals. It is the blood of plants and only differs from hemoglobin in that it is bound to magnesium instead of iron. When you ingest chlorophyll-rich foods you directly take in the sun’s energy and it radiates throughout your body.

Green leafy vegetables are the best source of highly alkalizing minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, sodium, and potassium. These alkalizing minerals neutralize the acid foods we consume.

The GREEN group includes (but is not limited to) the following green vegetables:

■ Leafy Greens: kale, swiss chard, collard greens, beet greens, mustard greens, spinach, bok choy, watercress, mache, etc …

■ Herbs: parsley, basil, coriander, etc.

■ Sea Vegetables: dulse, nori, kelp, arame, irish moss, hijiki, kombu

■ Blue-Green Algae: chlorella

Greens also have the highest percentage of amino acids (protein) per ounce of any food. However, since greens do not weigh much, they need to be eaten regularly to reap the full benefits that their amino acid profile offers. Eating a large green salad and drinking a green juice each day will help ensure that you get the amino acids your body needs to rebuild and strengthen.

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WHAT’S SO GREAT ABOUT GREENS?There are several reasons which include:

Greens = Chlorophyll = Blood Purification

Green plants are green because of chlorophyll. Amazingly, the molecular structure of this pigment is the exact same as that of hemoglobin—the human body’s oxygen transporter within the red blood cells! The only difference is that chlorophyll binds magnesium while hemoglobin binds iron.

Because chlorophyll is so similar to our blood’s hemoglobin, it is an incredible blood purifier. It’s no wonder that the most abundant mineral in the human heart is chlorophyll’s mineral—magnesium!

Chlorophyll also imparts on our body the energy that the plants are able to absorb from the sun. Therefore, eating more greens connects us directly to the ultimate source of energy—the sun!

Chlorophyll reduces the binding of carcinogens to our precious DNA and also helps to break down calcium oxalate stones, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid, for elimination.

So remember—any green plant contains chlorophyll. And the darker the green, the more chlorophyll that is present.

Greens = Alkalinity

Do we really need to elaborate on the importance of alkallnity?

Greens = Huge Amounts of Vitamins and Minerals!

There is no greater source for the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals than green vegetables. For instance, wheat grass (a green superfood) contains more than 100 food elements—including every single mineral and trace mineral. In fact, most green vegetables are higher in calcium than cow’s milk! They are also the highest source of magnesium—one of the most deficient minerals in the western diet.

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Greens = Fiber

Where does fiber come from? The cell wall of plants! Therefore, want more fiber, eat more plants. Vegetables and grasses are loaded with fiber. Fiber in your diet is essential and it is one of the most important components of any effective cleanse program. Not only does fiber help move food along the digestive tract into elimination but it also markedly decreases mycotoxicity.

Greens = Enzymes

In the groundbreaking book, Enzyme Nutrition, Dr. Edward Howell reveals that the length of our life is proportional to rate at which we deplete our enzymes. Eating dead foods (foods that are cooked) that are void of enzymes, robs our body of enzymes. However, eating living foods, which are full of food enzymes, promotes greater health and longevity by decreasing the rate at which our body exhausts its own enzyme reserves.

Greens = Phytonutrients

Phytonutrients are one of the most important categories of food elements. Abundantly found in plant-based foods, these substances are highly biologically active and extremely beneficial. Phytonutrients are one of the reasons why our body has a much better time absorbing vitamins and minerals found in whole foods versus supplements.

Examples of phytonutrients include bioflavonoids, which are water-soluble companions of vitamin C, allicin (in garlic), lycopene (in tomatoes), lutein (in spinach), and indole-3-carbonyl (in cruciferous veggies).

R A I N B O W - C O L O U R E D V E G E T A B L E S

A good rule of thumb is to combine lots of different colours at each meal to ensure that you get a wide variety of phytonutrients (i.e. antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc.), which help to prevent and fight cancer and other disease (among other things).

Furthermore, eating more vegetables will ensure that you meet your daily recommended intake of 35 grams of fiber. You will never have a fiber issue again if you simply eat your fruit and vegetables every day, all day!

Fiber is important for several reasons. It helps to improve cardiovascular health, improves intestinal motility and bowel function, helps you lose weight, stabilizes blood sugar, and gives you a sense of fullness. This is an abbreviated list so just remember that fiber is critical to your health.

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Plant fats can have an absolutely amazing impact on your body and your health. Fats are required to transport fat-soluble vitamins, are a vital component to the cell membrane, and provide protection and insulation for your vital organs. Without fats we die!

In fact, more than 60% of the human brain is made of fat. What makes raw plant fats so powerful is that they assist in their own digestion and breakdown! Since raw plant fats have not been processed or heated, they still contain their fat digesting enzyme lipase which helps digest these fats in the body.

Therefore, even if your diet has a higher amount of raw plant fats you are less likely to gain weight when compared to consuming the same amount (or even less) cooked animal fat. In fact, you will even lose body fat if you are following an adjunct exercise program while consuming raw fats. Furthermore, plant fats contain no cholesterol. Cholesterol is a compound found only in animals as it is produced in the liver.

Healthy raw plant fats consist of fatty fruit, nuts and seeds, and plant-based oil. The following fats and oils are recommended to help you defeat diabetes.

☐ Saturated fats: coconut oil, organic butter (optional)

☐ Monounsaturated fats: avocado, olive oil

☐ Polyunsaturated fats:

❒ Omega-3s—flaxseed (seed & oil), pumpkin (seeds & oil), hemp (seed & oil), walnut (nut & oil), fish oil

❒ Omega-6s—sesame (seed & oil), grapeseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower (seed & oil).

CHOOSE HEALTHY FATS FOR BEAUTYRaw fats make your skin, hair, and nails shine. Natural plant fats contain oils which lubricate the mucus linings and joints of the body which means they are beneficial in the alleviation of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, colitis, asthma, bronchitis, and many other conditions.

ESSENTIAL FATSLinoleic and linolenic acids are two essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot produce but that our bodies must have to live and be healthy. Also known as Omega 3 and 6, most people get too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. Almost everyone gets too many toxic, altered fats since any toxic fat is too much toxic fat!

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All fats and oils are composed of fat molecules called fatty acids. There are two methods of classifying fatty acids. The one you are most familiar with is based on saturation. There are saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The second method of classification is based on molecular size or length of the carbon chain in the fatty acid.

There are short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). All raw plant fats have LCFAs which help protect cell membranes from oxidation and free radical damage. Free radicals are defined as electron-deficient molecules. Raw plant fats (which have large amounts of spare electrons) help de-activate free radicals by giving them electrons! Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and 6) have a particular abundance of electrons and thus help in promoting optimal health and longevity.

Another term you will often see in reference to fatty acids is triglyceride. Three fatty acids join together with a glycerol backbone to make a triglyceride. There are short-chain triglycerides (SCT), medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), or long-chain triglycerides (LCT).

SATURATED FATSThese fats are solid at room temperature (except for coconut oil) and are very stable when heated which means that they are less likely to become rancid (chemically altered) during the cooking process. The main source of health promoting saturated fat comes from the all mighty coconut, which is a source of short chain saturated fatty acids.

An excess of cholesterol-laden animal saturated fats can cause heart and artery problems, which is why we promote the use of raw plant fats which are easier to digest and healthier for your body. People with liver and digestive problems would benefit from the regular inclusion of raw plant fats into their diets.

The vast majority of the fats and oils you eat are composed of long-chain triglycerides (LCT). Probably 98 to 100% of all the fats we eat consist of LCT. Coconut oil on the other hand is unique because it is composed predominately of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).

The size of the fatty acid is extremely important because the physiological effects of medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are distinct from the long-chain fatty acids more commonly found in our diet. It is the MCT in coconut oil that makes it different from all other fats and for the most part gives it its unique character and healing properties.

MCT are easily digested, absorbed, and put to use nourishing the body. Unlike other fats, they put little strain on the digestive system and provide a quick source of energy necessary to promote healing.

The digestive health advantages of MCT over LCT are due to the differences in the way the body metabolize these fats. Because the MCT molecules are smaller, they require less energy and fewer enzymes to break them down for digestion. They are digested and absorbed quickly and with minimal effort.

MCT are broken down almost immediately by enzymes in the saliva and gastric juices so that pancreatic fat-digesting enzymes are not even essential. Therefore, there is less strain on the pancreas and digestive system. In the digestive system, MCT are broken down into individual medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA).

Unlike other fatty acids, MCFA are absorbed directly from the intestines and sent straight to the liver where they are, for the most part, burned as fuel much like a carbohydrate. In this respect, they act more like carbohydrates than like fats and thus provide a great source of energy for physical endeavours.

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Eating foods containing MCT (ie. coconut oil) is like putting high octane fuel into your car. The car runs smoother and gets better gas mileage.

Likewise, with MCT, your body performs better because it has more energy and greater endurance. Because MCFA are funneled directly to the liver and converted into energy, your body gets a boost of energy. And because MCFA are easily absorbed by the energy-producing organelles of the cells, metabolism increases.

This burst of energy has a stimulating effect on the entire body. Several health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and osteoporosis are more prevalent in those people who have a slow metabolism.

Any health condition is made worse if the metabolic rate is slower than normal, because cells cannot heal and repair themselves as quickly. Increasing metabolic rate, therefore, provides an increased degree of protection from both degenerative and infectious illnesses. The MCT in coconut oil are highly metabolic and thermogenic, meaning that they rev up your body’s metabolism.

Furthermore, two of the main MCFAs found in coconut oil, lauric acid and capric acid, are highly health promoting. These two compounds are big time anti-microbial agents and are helpful in preventing infection and illness.

Next time you go to the store choose an extra virgin coconut oil instead of margarine!

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MONOUNSATURATED FATSMonounsaturated fats are found mostly in avocados, olives, olive oil, durians, cacao beans, almonds (and most nuts) and their oils. The slight electrical nature of these fats allows them to split and bind with some toxins. Monounsaturated fats are less stable than saturated fats yet more stable than polyunsaturated.

However, as with the latter, these fats (especially in oil form) can go rancid with excess exposure to heat, light, plastic and air. Therefore, when choosing an extra virgin olive oil, be sure to get one that is cold pressed and comes in a dark glass bottle. Store it in a cool dark place such as a pantry.

POLYUNSATURATED FATSPolyunsaturated fats are dominant in the substance and oil of walnuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, cold water fish, hemp seeds, and most other seeds. They have a strong electrical nature which allows them to easily split and bind to, and eliminate toxins. Because of this property, raw polyunsaturated fats are the most healing of all fats for the body.

The highly beneficial omega-3s are a subdivision of this fat grouping. They are present in many plant and seed sources (listed above). We recommend the use of fish oil for its high potency omega-3 fatty acid content.

The reason we suggest using a fish oil supplement (liquid form) is that all omega-3s are broken down into two compounds, EPA and DHA, before being ultimately converted into helpful anti-inflammatory hormone-like compounds called prostaglandins 1 and 3.

A healthy liver is necessary to convert omega-3s into EPA and DHA; however, it has been shown that most peoples’ livers cannot perform this conversion due to being in toxic, unhealthy, and malfunctioning. Fish oils, on the other hand, already come in the converted EPA and DHA form and thus are much more readily utilized by your body.

If you decide to choose a fish oil, ensure that it meets the following 2 criteria:

1. Comes from small fish—sardines, krill, herring, etc.

2. Has been molecularly distilled ensures removal of all toxins.

Because polyunsaturated fats are the most fragile and sensitive of all fats, they need to be carefully stored to prevent rancidity. They

should be stored in a cool dark environment such as a refrigerator for best keeping and should come in a dark glass bottle. To further avoid rancidity, they should be consumed within 30 days of opening.

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, in addition to being converted to good, anti-inflammatory prostaglandin 1, can be readily converted to pro-inflammatory prostaglandin 2. And since Omega-6 is easily attained in our diet, I recommend that you focus on consuming greater amounts of omega-3s to ensure a healthier internal environment.

Inflammation is associated with all disease, so you want to ensure that your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is in favor of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, blue-green algaes, sunflower seeds, and walnuts are all very good sources of omega-3s.

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Nuts and seeds are great sources of good-quality fats and protein. They are very concentrated foods, loaded with nutrients and life—but they must be soaked and maybe even sprouted afterward. The biggest thing to be aware of is to keep peanuts and peanut products out of your diet due to their high mould content.

Seeds are small powerhouses, as they contain the initial nutrients to sprout an entire plant! They are rich in minerals, especially iron and zinc. And most seeds are a good source of copper, with good levels of calcium and potassium.

We are going to talk about four seeds that I highly recommend. Eat all nuts seeds raw and unsalted to obtain the highest quality of their health promoting nutrients, while avoiding rancid unhealthy fats and oils created when nuts and seeds are heated.

Hemp seeds contain all 10 essential amino acids—the building blocks of protein! They are 33% protein and 44% fat—both omega 3 and omega 6. Hemp seeds are also a source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fat that people with allergies may have problems creating from linoleic acid. So toss some hemp seeds on your salads!

Pumpkin seeds are more than 30% protein. They are high in vitamin E and are comprised of 50% good fats by weight. This fat is mostly made up of polyunsaturated fats, essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, D, and E, which are oil-soluble. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc and magnesium. They are used in the treatment for prostate problems due to their high zinc levels, and also to treat intestinal worms. They are a good source of calcium and phosphorus. They are high in niacin, one of the B vitamins, and contain smaller amounts of other B vitamins.

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Sesame seeds are called the “seed of immortality”. Sesame seeds are high in zinc, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. They are 20% protein, and 55% healthy fats. They contain vitamin A and E and most of the B vitamins except folic acid and vitamin B12. Sesame seeds are high in calcium, but are even higher in phosphorus. A good recipe for bone support could consist of serving broccoli sprinkled with sesame seeds, adding even more calcium to the equation. Sesame seeds are also a good source of iron.

Sunflower seeds have been used for years by Indians and herbalists to avoid constipation, as a diuretic, to sooth ulcers, and treat worms. If you are trying to quit smoking, sunflower seeds may help you overcome that hand-to-mouth energy that you usually strengthen with cigarettes. They are a great source of potassium, which is good news people with blood pressure problems, as it acts as a diuretic which acts to decrease blood volume.

Overall, they are great little seeds to eat in the prevention of heart dis-ease, considering they contain polyunsaturated fats, essential linoleic acid, and vitamin E. They are 25% protein, are rich in the B vitamins—thiamin, pyridoxine, niacin, and pantothenic acid, specifically.

They are a mineral-rich food, high in potassium, iron, zinc, and calcium. Copper, manganese, and phosphorus levels are also plentiful. To make sunflower seeds more alkaline and digestible, soak them overnight.

Nuts are high in good quality protein and fats. They house enough nutrition and life force to grow into trees! Their oils are sensitive, so if you buy shelled nuts, be sure to keep them sealed in containers and kept in the fridge or freezer to prevent them from spoiling. Here is the low-down on three types of nuts:

Almonds are one of the most alkaline nuts. They are high in monounsaturated fats—the same as olive oil and linoleic acid. They are very high in manganese and the antioxidant vitamin E, which is perhaps why they are so heart protective and have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol. They are also high in magnesium and potassium, which help keep your blood flowing smoothly through your arteries and your blood pressure in tact. They contain some B vitamins and are a good source of copper, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.

Coconuts are simply an amazing food! The water found in young coconuts is high in vitamin C, B vitamins, proteins, and electrolytes, which makes it a perfect post-workout drink.

Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids—an essential fat that the body cannot manufacture. If you look closely, you will notice that the walnut looks like a little brain, as its healthy fats are superb for brain health! Like almonds, walnuts have a positive effect on heart health and have been shown to help lower cholesterol.

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Beans and legumes are slightly acid-forming in the body, so they shouldn’t make up the bulk of your diet, but rather have a supporting role.

I generally advise an 80–20 rule, so every time you eat, make sure no more than 20% of your meal is acid forming. Keep mindful—if you have an acidic meal, simply balance it out at other meals with alkaline-forming foods. We’ll talk about this a lot during the cleansing period, so for now just keep in mind that legumes are acid-forming.

The LEGUMES group consists of the following:

☐ Lentils, chic peas, adzuki beans, mung beans, black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans

Beans and legumes are a great source of plant protein, fiber, and heart healthy carbohydrates. In combination with leafy green vegetables, they will furnish more than enough amino acids to build a strong and healthy body, build your immune system, and reduce the digestive burden on your stomach.

The following chart shows the protein content per 100 gram serving of various plant-based foods as well as several animal sources for comparison. Notice how plant-based foods have no trace of cholesterol! To determine your “supposed” daily protein intake (in grams) simply multiply your body weight (kg) x 1.0 (athletes may need a bit more).


Food Protein (g/100 g serving)

Cholesterol (mg/100 g serving)

Soybeans, raw 37 0

Lentils, raw 28 0

Pumpkin Seeds 25 0

Mung Beans 25 0

Walnuts 24 0

Sunflower Seeds 23 0

Spirulina 60 0

Spinach 5 0

Watercress 3 0

Ground Beef 24 90

Chicken Breast 29 84

Source: USDA Nutrient Database: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl

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N O N - S W E E T F R U I T S

While tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados and zucchinis are actually fruits, what I mean when I talk about non-sweet fruits is fruit that will not spike your blood sugar and cause you to crash half an hour later.

Furthermore, because sweet fruits are laden with sugar, they are more acid-forming in the body and should certainly kept to a minimum, especially among diabetics. Not only that but high sugar fruit spike your blood sugar, which is not what you want.

This is why I don’t include most of the high-sugar tropical fruits (ba-nanas, mangos, etc … ) as part of the 14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan.

On the flipside, enjoying low-glycemic fruit like berries, apples, and pears is a wonderful way to provide your body with tons of fiber, antioxidants, and high quality nutrition.

S P R O U T E D N O N - G L U T E N O U S G R A I N S

Giving up gluten and wheat can be difficult but possibly one of the most important things you strive toward for losing weight and enjoying good health.

The good news is that you can still enjoy non-glutenous grains because they are less irritating to the digestive tract and contain a much higher nutrient profile than your typical wheat, barley, or rye.

In essence, they are really pseudo-grains (except for brown rice) because they are actually more closely related to the green leafy vegetable family than other conventional grains. They are also substantial sources of protein with protein content up to 30%.

Non-Glutenous Grains: quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat, brown rice

Something worth noting is the fact that you may have no idea how long grains have been sitting around on store shelves for, so try to find out the source of the grain and inquire at your health/grocery store that the grain is in fact from the most recent harvest and not from the year before. This will minimize the amount of fungus and microorganisms that grow on the grain. Buckwheat is the best of the group, since it is not actually a grain at all and is only mildly acidic.

To sprout grains, simply soak them in plenty of filtered water overnight. Try to soak only as much as you will need for the next day. It may take some practice to get the amounts just right, but practice makes perfect!

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Look, you can make the choice to consume any of the following at any point you wish in your life. You are in charge. But for the best life ever, you may choose avoid them whenever you can. Please avoid the following for the duration of the 14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan.




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Dairy products are not recommended on this program for a number of reasons. Raw or not, dairy is meant for baby cows. Grown cows do not consume cow’s milk, so why do we?!

Milk is also the #1 food allergen, and the countries that consume the most milk are also the countries with the most osteoporosis and other bone problems.

Calcium can be gotten from other sources (like green vegetables and almonds) and it is really just a marketing blitz to get you to think that you need milk. Although you may want milk due to years of conditioning, you do not need milk!

Once you give up milk you will notice a whole lot of aches and pains let up. And if you have a problem with mucus, than you had better stop the milk this instant! After a few weeks without milk you may never touch the stuff again!

The one thing we tell people straight away in a conversation about dairy foods is to start thinking about what milk really is, and why it exists in the first place. You may be shocked to learn that cow’s milk is not fit for human consumption.

Due to constant bombardment from advertisements, billboards, magazines, and even celebrities with their milk moustaches, you probably think you have to drink milk to get calcium and prevent os-teoporosis. You may even think you need to drink milk to lose weight!

Cow’s milk is the most nutritious food we can think of—for baby calves. The milk you buy has been processed so much that even calves would die if they drank their own mother’s milk after it had been pasteurized.

It should be downright illegal to promote such disease-inducing “food,” but money talks, and it will always drown out our cries for help in this matter.

A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Next time you want a tall glass of milk, picture yourself having to pull a baby calf from its mother’s teat. Push the calf aside, and get sucking! Does this gross you out? It certainly grosses us out! But this is EXACTLY what happens so you can enjoy your delicious breakfast cereal every morning. What is funny about this picture is that sucking milk directly from a cow would be a hell of a lot more nutritious than the form you buy from the supermarket! Read on to learn why this is the case.

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B R E A S T M I L K A N D C O W ’ S M I L K : A C O M P A R I S O N

Milk was designed specifically for animal nutrition, and contains the necessary nutrients in forms which are easily digestible to the young of a particular species. There is no other food on our planet, aside from the whole carcass of an animal, including its bones, that contains the complete range of nutrients found in milk.1

Milk is the fluid secreted by the specialized milk producing sweat glands of female mammals. The sole purpose of this fluid is to meet the complete nutritional requirements of the babies born to female mammals. Every species is unique in their nutritional and physiologi-cal requirements, and each species’ milk reflects that uniqueness.

Milk was meant to be suckled directly from the teat or breast at frequent intervals, without even coming into contact with air, some-thing to which the national milk supply will not be able to compare.

1 Fox, P.F. Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry, p. 15.

Breast milk is the most nourishing food you can feed your baby. Women give birth to and feed their young—this is why women have breasts! What we call “breasts” are none other than specialized milk producing sweat glands, called mammary glands. So, what happens when you replace this perfect chemically composed food with the milk of another species? Let’s take a look at the composition of cow’s milk versus human milk for some clarity.


Protein Fat Carbohydrate

Human Milk 1.1 4 9

Cow’s Milk 4 3.5 4.9

Macronutrients in grams per 100 grams

Calcium Phosphorus Sodium

Human Milk 33 18 16

Cow’s Milk 118 97 50

Micronutrients in milligrams per 100 grams

From the above tables you can see that the composition of human and cow’s milk differ markedly. Cow’s milk has nearly 4 times the protein content of human milk, while human milk has more fat and almost twice the carbohydrate content of cow’s milk. This leads you to believe that humans run more on carbohydrate and fat content than they do on protein. And this is precisely the case!

The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in 2.35:1 in human milk, but it is only 1.27:1 in cow’s milk. Just this statistic alone puts a halt to the calcium rationale for drinking milk. So even though there is more calcium in cow’s milk, once you factor in the balance of the other micronutrients, we will actually absorb less calcium than if we were to drink human milk. This is because the high levels of phosphorus found in cow’s milk actually prevent the absorption of calcium.

It’s quite funny that our society has picked apart the fat content of milk, as that is the one nutrient that is the most similar among the two milks! When you take the natural fat out of milk, you are changing the composition of the nutrients once again, making the cow’s milk even more alien to our human bodies.

2 Annemarie Colbin, Food and Healing, p. 150.

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If you’re going to drink skim milk, you might as well pick up a glass of water instead. We’re not saying that you should drink whole milk, as we have made it quite clear that humans shouldn’t be drinking any milk whatsoever. We simply want to point out the absurdities in our society and the lengths that the dairy industry will go to make you buy their products.

Even though the fat content is nearly equal, it is important to look at the composition of fats. Breastmilk has 6 to 10 times the essential fatty acids (EFAs) of cow’s milk. EFAs are essential to the development of your brain—your children’s brains. Yet another reason cow’s milk was not meant for human consumption. When it comes to your children, why mess around? EFAs are important during the fetal and postnatal periods, when babies’ brains are maturing the fastest.

Cow’s milk has a lot more sodium than breastmilk, and when you grow up and acquire a taste for cheese, you’ll be getting way too much, as salt is added in the cheese making process to give it flavour.

Not only do breastmilk and cow’s milk differ in their chemical composition, but they also differ energetically. The world is made of energy. You, me, we’re all made up of little atoms moving at a particular frequency. The human energy field is missing in cow’s milk. If your newborn were to suckle from a cow, the bonding experience surely wouldn’t be the same for the baby as if she got her milk from her mother.

Humans are the only species that drinks another species’ milk. We are also the only species with astronomically high cases of cancer, osteoporosis, and other diseases. Coincidence?


Lactose intolerance is caused by the absence of the enzyme lactase on the brush border of the small intestine. If lactase were present, it would split the double sugar lactose into two individual sugars, galactose and glucose. This is why lactose-free milk tastes sweeter than regular milk—lactase has been added to break this bond, and there are more sweet particles for your taste buds to taste.

When lactase is not present, lactose is metabolized into hydrogen gas by bacteria in the colon. Lactose intolerance, then, can be quite easily revealed in a simple diagnostic test that measures the amount of hydrogen released when you breathe.

Nearly half of the people in the world are lactose intolerant, which means there is a good chance that you one of them. The other half,

in our opinion, is either ignoring their body’s signals of distress, or they simply do not know what is causing their current discomfort. The consumption of milk products can leave you bloated with severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. Our question to you is this: How long are you going to ignore it?

Most children are capable of digesting their mother’s milk. Their little bodies may not produce the lactase needed to digest milk, but their mother’s milk supplies them with both lactose as well as the lactase needed to digest it. Isn’t nature beautiful?!

When cow’s or goat’s milk is substituted for mother’s milk, a problem arises. The compositions of the milks are different. They contain more protein and their protein molecules are

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shaped differently. And when the body doesn’t recognize protein molecules, it mounts an attack against them. Lactalbumin and casein are the milk proteins to which most people react.

When dairy products are ingested and there is no lactase present to digest the milk sugars, then the lactose will be metabolized by the colon bacteria. As the bacteria ferment the lactose into short-chain fatty acids, hydrogen gas is produced. If the fatty acids are not absorbed fast enough, water will be drawn into the colon, and diarrhea will result in severe cases.3

Milk is the #1 allergen. Every single day we see more people with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and other skin rashes, and wonder if milk is causing their dis-ease. Other signs that you are lactose intolerant are chronic ear infections, chronic congestion,

3 Gordon Watts http://www.geocities.com/Gordon_Watts32313/Description.html

ADHD, diarrhea, and other problems—just to name a few. Bloating, cramping, and diarrhea are classic signs that what you’re eating is not agreeing with you.

If you or your child has any of the above conditions, try two weeks without any dairy in your diet. No milk, cheese, breads, or pastries. Avoid anything that may contain milk. If you want to feel really fabu-lous, try omitting wheat as well, as it is the second leading allergen.

If you want to test yourself after these 14 days, have a glass of milk at breakfast, and pizza and ice cream at lunch. See how you feel. At the end of the day, nothing else matters but the way you feel. If you are like most people who have no ability to produce the lactase enzyme, you may get extremely ill when you re-introduce dairy into your diet. Listen to your body. It is trying to tell you something very important.

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Have you ever wondered why calcium has been singled out? When we tell people that we don’t drink milk, the first question we’re asked is this: Where do you get your calcium? If you find yourself asking this very same question, ask yourself why you think you need to drink cow’s milk to get your calcium! The odds are you’ve gotten much of your nutritional information from television commercials, or from grade school pamphlets (which are generously provided by the Dairy Council).

The Dairy Industry, looking for a strategy to sell milk, uses the logic that since cow’s milk has calcium, and since calcium makes up part of the equation for strong bones, then you must drink milk to get strong bones. Actually, drinking milk can steal calcium from your bones. The higher your diet is in animal foods, the more calcium is excreted from the body. Let me explain why.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. And it’s a very important part of your bone structure, but it’s not the only part. Phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, strontium, possibly boron, and the protein matrix are also part of your bones. And vitamin D is needed for calcium and phosphorus to be absorbed from the digestive tract.

In order for calcium to be fully utilized, magnesium must be present. When magnesium is deficient, high amounts of calcium or vitamin D can lead to soft tissue calcification (think arthritis) or kidney stone formation. Milk is heavily fortified with calcium and vitamin D, but magnesium is absent.

Since calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, it is the mineral called upon to maintain proper blood pH. Maintaining proper blood calcium levels is even more important to life than maintaining proper calcium levels in the bones. If there is not enough calcium in the blood to maintain balance, calcium will be drawn from the bones until balance if achieved. So, if you do not get enough calcium in your diet, your bones will be sacrificed.

The ratio of phosphorus to calcium in the bones is approximately 2.5 : 1, and the best proportions for our diet is currently believed to be about 1:1. When your diet is high in phosphorus, you will lose extra calcium through your urine. The calcium is filtered out from the blood through the kidneys, and calcium will subsequently be pulled from the bones to restore the calcium balance.

Non-Dairy/Green Vegetable Sources of Calcium

Green vegetable mg of Calcium/100 g

Kelp 1,093

Dulse 296

Parsley 203

Turnip Greens 184

Watercress 151

Broccoli 130

Source: Benjamin Barton. Human Nutrition; USDA Handbook No. 8; and Michio Kushi The Book of Macrobiotics.

Although green vegetables provide a great amount of calcium, sesame seeds are the #1 food source providing a whopping 1,160 mg of calcium/100 g. So if you’re looking for a balanced source of calcium then look at having some more hummus (because of the sesame based tahini) and plenty of green vegetables to dip in it!

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F R O M T H E F A R M T O Y O U R T A B L E — W H A T H A P P E N S ?

The milk that comes from the cow is not the same milk that hits your cereal bowl in the morning. Firstly, feedlot cows are fed soy-based feeds instead of grass, and most of these cows need a constant dose of antibiotics and artificial stimulants to keep them in the production line and producing an unnatural volume of milk.

The milk these cows produce is pasteurized, homogenized, and synthetic (fake) vitamins are added to it. It is a completely different substance than what a baby calf would receive. In fact, there was a study that took a calf’s mother’s milk, pasteurized it, and fed it back to the calf. The result: death. Nine out of ten of the calves died before maturity.

These days, people are concerned mostly with the fat content of foods, but what about all the other components that have been tampered with such as vitamins and minerals? It’s not enough these days to simply look at fat, carbs, and protein. You must look beyond these macronutrients and look at the finer details—what exactly are you putting in your body … into your kids’ bodies?

PASTEURIZATIONPasteurization is the process of heating a liquid to kill bacteria, a practice put in place to kill harmful bacteria in milk, which coincidentally serves to allow lax milk handling standards during mass production. Certified dairy herds and handlers involved in raw milk production are subject to strict standards of cleanliness that those who handle milk that is to be pasteurized are not. So you can see pasteurization comes with loads of drawbacks.

Along with killing bacteria, pasteurization happens to be a high enough temperature to render 90% of milk’s enzymes useless. Enzymes are incredibly important molecules that speed up the rate

of reactions, and in the case of milk, enzymes are present in the form of lactase—needed for the digestion of lactose (milk sugars); galactase for the digestion of galactose; and phosphatase for the digestion and assimilation of calcium, but the list doesn’t end there. There are many other enzymes in milk that are also destroyed.

Without its enzymes, milk is very difficult to digest and assimilate into the body. Most people stop producing lactase in their toddler years, and since we are dealing with cow particles, there are very likely some enzymes that we don’t have the capability of making at all.

For the enzymes our bodies can produce, our pancreas undergoes unnecessary strain in its efforts to provide the enzymes necessary to digest any enzymatically deficient (a.k.a. cooked) food. In time, the pancreas will fail to do so, and diabetes or pancreatic cancer may result.

Pasteurization also denatures the proteins in milk. When proteins are subjected to heat, they tightly coil and their structure changes. The same happens when you throw meat on the grill or an egg in the frying pan. The proteins become scrambled, so to say. Beneficual bacteria are wiped out right alongside the pathogenic bacteria, which proliferates since there are no beneficial bacteria left to defend the milk.

When milk is pasteurized, the calcium molecule is altered. It is no longer as biologically available as it would be in raw milk.

There are two types of pasteurization that are used most often. Typically, milk is pasteurized at 145°F for 30 minutes; however, Flash Pasteurization is gaining popularity. It occurs at a temperature of 71.7°C (161°F) for roughly 15 seconds.

Pasteurization is the process that makes boxed milk possible—milk that stand on a shelf without refrigeration. This process, known as Ultra High Temperature (UHT) Pasteurization makes the liquid completely sterile. Everything that was good about the milk is dead.

There have been many cases in which pasteurization has been executed inappropriately, resulting in salmonella poisoning and likely creating cases of leukemia since almost all milk is contaminated with bovine leukemia.

Calves given their own mother’s milk that has been pasteurized will die within 6 weeks. Reproduction issues also arise when animals are fed pasteurized milk.

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HOMOGENIZATIONThe purpose of homogenization is to prevent the natural separation of cream from the rest of the emulsion—the separation of fat from water. As far as we can tell, this practice was put into place to make milk more aesthetically pleasing to the consumer. Remember, the in-dustry wants you to drink milk for one reason and one reason alone: to increase their sales and revenue. To avoid this natural separation, milk is forced by pressure through small holes which destroys the fat cells, releasing the insides like smashing a water balloon.

A milk enzyme, Xanthine Oxidase (XO), is broken down during homog-enization along with the fat globules. When these particles are made smaller, they instantly become a new set of puzzle pieces which are able to fit into places in your body that they were never meant to fit.

According to Dr. K. Oster, these tiny pieces have no problem getting into your bloodstream where they are free to react on your arterial walls. Due to their small size, they sneak through the intestinal wall into the lymphatic system, and then into the bloodstream. When scratches and lesions are created in the arterial walls, the body responds with a buildup of cholesterol to protect the arteries from the onslaught.

In a study by Ross D.J. et al. where aortic tissues were compared, the comparisons suggested that “xanthine oxidase may be deposited gradually with time, possibly initiating a pathologic reaction which culminates in plaque formation or myocardial cellular damage.”4 “It has been shown that milk antibodies are significantly elevated in the blood of male patients with heart disease.”5

So you can see why milk homogenization is linked to the hardening of the arteries and heart disease.

4 Ross, D.J., Ptaszynski, M., Oster, K.A. The presence of ectopic xanthine oxidase in atherosclerotic plaques and myocardial tissues Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 144 (2), pp. 523–526 (1973)

5 Ross, D.J., Sharnick, S.V., Oster, K.A. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 163 (1), pp. 141–145 (1980)

FORTIFICATIONVitamin D, added to milk to prevent rickets in children, has far reach-ing consequences. It is manufactured in the skin when the sun’s UV rays shine on the body. It is also potentially the most toxic vitamin, which could explain “sun stroke” and fatigue after a day in the sun.

In the body, the most important job that falls on vitamin D is the regulation of calcium metabolism. When much vitamin D is taken, such as the synthetic, irradiated vitamin D found in milk, it may contribute to calcification of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, right from infancy.

Milk has 15 times the vitamin D usually found in milk, which may increase the amount of calcium in circulation and account for why children already have hardening of the arteries.

OTHER TOXIC INGREDIENTS IN YOUR MILKCow’s milk contains a substantial amount of female hormones. Hormones such as gonadotropins, thyroid-releasing hormones, ovarian steroids, and insulin-like growth factor.

Dairy actually accounts for 60–80% of estrogens consumed.6 Modern dairy farms milk their cows about 300 days a year. You may be surprised to find out that dairy cows can only produce milk when they become pregnant—something that may seem quite obvious to you now.

The hormone levels increase as the pregnancy nears full term. In the late stages of pregnancy, milk contains up to 33 times as much of an estrogen compound than milk from a non-pregnant cow. A study in Japan, milk was found to contain 10 times more progesterone than raw milk from Mongolia. In Mongolia, where traditional herding societies are the norm, cows are milked for human consumption only 5 months of the year, and never in the later stages of pregnancy.7 They go to great lengths to ensure hormone levels stay low.

6 http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2006/12.07/11-dairy.html

7 http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2006/12.07/11-dairy.html August 13, 2008

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WHAT IS LIFE LIKE FOR A DAIRY COW?The modern dairy farm is run like a concentration camp. Dairy cows are impregnated for the sole purpose of being milked for human consumption. The brand new calves are taken away from their mothers within their first 24 hours of life and are sentenced to life in a veal crate while the mothers are sent to work in the milk line.

Cows are just as in love with their young as we are with ours. Imagine giving birth to your baby, only to have her taken away a few hours after birth. You are able to hear her cries, yet are chained up to a milking machine for hours and hours each day. Now, how does that make you feel? We suppose it’s the same way it makes us feel: terrible.

I F M I L K D O E S N ’ T D O Y O U R B O D Y G O O D , W H A T D O E S I T D O ?

The commercials are just absurd. “It does the body good” does not even remotely come CLOSE to the truth about dairy. The studies (not the ones financed by the dairy industry) speak for themselves.

It has been shown time and time again that milk actually contributes to asthma, osteoporosis, kidney problems, prostate cancer, and breast cancer, among other things. The list just goes on and on.

When you drink the bodily fluids of diseased animals, trouble will loom not far away. Yet the dairy industry comes at us from all angles in many forms, all guised as healthy foods.

DIABETES: There is a consistent relationship between type I diabetes in either cow’s milk or diminished breast-feeding. Patients who had type I diabetes were more likely to have been breast-fed for less than 3 months and to have been exposed to cow’s milk before 4 months.

Early exposure to cow’s milk may increase the risk of developing type I diabetes by 1.5 times.8 In our holistic nutrition school, we were taught that babies should not be fed cow’s milk for the first year of life due to the possibility of developing cow’s milk allergy. Right away, we questioned this logic. Why give them cow’s milk at all then? The body obviously rejects it.

ASTHMA: Eighty percent of milk protein is casein, the same glue used to hold together wood in furniture. It also holds the label onto a bottle of beer. Eat casein and you produce histamines. Histamines result in mucus, which filling the bronchioles with “glue” and makes breathing difficult. Robert Cohen speaks of a “pizza victim”: With every organ acutely congested with mucus, unable to breathe, this woman died with undigested cheese stayed in her stomach a full 15 hours after her meal. Her body worked overtime to produce mucus and histamines which made her choke to death!

8 Gerstein, H.C. Diabetes Care 17 (1), pp. 13–19 (1994).

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FIBROMYALGIA:One case of a 59-year old man of Sri Lankan origin presented with a 26 year history of severe muscle pain, fatigue, tachycardia (abnormally fast heartbeat), irritable bowel symptoms, and ever-changing hypertension, with acute onset of muscle-aches, dizziness, and tachycardia after staying at a farmhouse. He required daily painkillers and his headaches occasionally came with blurred vision and dizziness. A diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome was suggested. He ate a Western diet, including milk.

Now, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia diagnosis’ often come about when doctors have no idea what is causing the distress. But there always is something causing the distress, and the diet is a good place to start looking.

In this case, all symptoms improved after the simple exclusion of lactose from the man’s diet!9

OSTEOPOROSIS: Bone loss is accelerated by ingesting too much protein. How? Dairy protein increases the production of acid in the blood, which the body neutralizes by leaching calcium out of the bones. Calcium losses are increased by the use of animal protein, salt, caffeine, tobacco, and by physical inactivity. In order to absorb calcium, the body needs a balance of calcium to magnesium … cow’s milk has calcium, but negligible magnesium; therefore, we do not absorb the calcium!

In Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s Protein Study, it was found that casein consis-tently promoted cancer. Casein makes up 87% of cows milk protein!10

9 S.B. Matthews, A.K. Campbell. When Sugar Is Not So Sweet. The Lancet Volume: 355, Issue: 9212 April 15, 2000 pp. 1330.

10 T. Colin Campbell, Protein Study

PERIOD CRAMPS, ETC:Dairy products are associated with unbearable period cramps and heavy flow. I (Amy … obviously) should know! Before my dairy enlightenment, I had the WORST period cramps in the history of period cramps. I remember a time, not so long ago, when the first 2 days of every period was largely spent in bed curled up in the fetus position. I was a Midol, Advil, and Excedrin junkie. It was normal for me to go through a whole bottle of pills per period! Now, it is just the opposite. No pills, and no pain.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: This type of joint pain can be a symptom of a food allergy, and dietary change sometimes has a profound effect. Dairy products, the most common food allergen, are one likely candidate as a contributing causative factor. Avoid all dairy products, and see for yourself! We would recommend 6 months just to get the full benefit, but some people have found complete remission within as little as 3 weeks!

SINUS CONGESTION: If you go to doctor a few times a year with the complaint of mucus and nasal congestion, you will receive steroid spray. This will go on for the rest of your life, unless you change your diet! After starting nutrition school, I cut all dairy out of my diet, and in one week my sinus symptoms were severely diminished.

This is when I asked my mom if I had ear infections as a child, and the answer was “all the time, even when you were a baby!” Dairy allergies are the leading cause of chronic ear infections in children. Yet another example of how downright ignorant doctors are of nutrition … if you have a child with recurrent ear infections, cut out the dairy! And get a new doctor who knows his/her nutrition!

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TESTICULAR AND PROSTATE CANCER:One study compared diet and cancer rates in 42 countries showed that the consumption of cheese is highly correlated with higher incidence of testicular cancer among men ages 20 to 39.11

Not surprisingly, the highest rates of cancer were in places like Switzerland and Denmark, where the consumption of dairy is the highest. Rates were lowest in Algeria and other countries where dairy is rarely consumed. The same study found milk to be the most closely correlated the incidence of prostate cancer with cheese, meat and coffee lending the cancer a helping hand.

FERTILITY PROBLEMS:In some cases, fertility problems may simply stem from the fallopian tubes being blocked by mucus. When dairy products are removed from the body, conception is made possible.

11 Ganmaa, D. Incidence and mortality of testicular and prostatic cancers in relation to world dietary practices. International Journal of Cancer 98 (2), pp. 262–267 (2002).

CALCIUM DEPOSITS: There is a lot of misinformation out there on this topic, as there are with most of these topics! Some “articles” we have come across even include insane statements like “Most sufferers ask if they should change their diet in order to lessen calcium intake. This can be possible, but it is not recommended as a form of treatment.”12

If the diet doesn’t influence the body, then what the hell are we made of anyway? The first thing we would recommend to people who suffer from abnormal calcification in the body is that they stop eating any form of dairy products whatsoever. No cream, milk, cake, ice cream, etc. and then we would assess the situation and go from there. Although, the removal of dairy from the diet may just stop and reverse the problem right there, and no other steps may need to be taken at all. And an additional bonus: more energy than you’ve ever experienced!

12 http://www.articlesbase.com/advertising-articles/frequently-asked-questions-about-calcium-deposits-77418.html August 13, 2008

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Protein is essential for growth and tissue repair and replacement. Protein needs are highest when growth is fastest, so let’s look at a period of growth where our protein needs may be the greatest: infancy! Breast milk, our first source of food, is low in protein compared to other sources of protein such as cow’s milk.

This is because we were designed to grow slowly. It takes an average of 180 days for human infants to double their birth weight. Breast milk composition changes daily, but on average contains 9% of calories from protein.

On average, you only need 0.8g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. So if you weigh 180 lbs (or 82kg) you would only need 66 grams of protein per day. That’s not much.

Too much animal protein, especially from conventionally raised animals, leaves an acidic “ash” once metabolized. What this means is that it deposits more protein and phosphorus than the alkalizing minerals magnesium, calcium, and potassium. This is known as PRAL or the Potential Renal Acid Load.

We now know that part of the problem with too much animal protein intake is one of acidosis. Too much acidity in the blood can damage the arterial walls and tax your body’s buffering system.

For instance, calcium is used to buffer excess acid in the blood and therefore is leached from the bones. High protein diets can thus predispose you to weaker bones among other things.

I’m not saying that you have to give up meat indefinitely. But I am suggesting that you limit it during the 14-day Rapid Weight Loss Plan so you can feel the difference.

Animal protein is not a cleansing food source. Due to its toughness it can be difficult to digest and sit in the digestive tract for many hours (or days) where it begins to putrefy in your intestines.

The human intestines are long and winding, while a carnivore’s intestines are short and able to accommodate a diet high in fiber-less meat which will pass right through. Too much animal protein in your diet can leave you constipated and feeling ill due to toxic buildup! Meat is also high in arachidonic acid, which promotes inflammation—the common ingredient to all disease.

Excessive protein intake has also been associated with kidney and liver malfunction, dehydration, cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. Sufficient water intake is needed to flush out the excess nitrogen obtained in a diet high in meat and animal products—and most people are eating too much meat and not getting enough water!

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There are plenty arguments for and against the consumption of meat, but no matter what the research says, you must do what you feel is right for you. One thing we do know is that no one needs to eat a 16-ounce steak in one sitting!

I realize that not everyone on is at the same point in his/her healing journey. I also agree that while some people function optimally on a vegetarian diet, there are some people who may actually need to eat meat. I personally feel best when 80% of my diet is plant-based and the remaining comes from good quality fish and organic/free-run/grass-meat and eggs.

The though is to avoid commercially-raised animals products because they are loaded with hormones, antibiotics, and other additives that disrupt your body’s physiology and make losing weight and reversing diabetes very difficult.

Instead, opt for organically raised, free-range meat, and avoid pork altogether. Pigs will eat anything and everything which means you have no idea what kind of filth they may have been fed to fatten them up—so your dinner may have once been a very sick animal

with any number of infections. Plus, since your genetic makeup is very similar to the pig, whatever can make a pig sick will most likely make you sick too!

Almost all farmed fish these days are contaminated with mercury, PCBs or DDT. Small fish are safer to eat than larger fish, as these poisons are concentrated in fish further up the food chain. This means small fish like anchovies and sardines are your best bet for non-contamination. If you feel you need fish in your diet after these 14 days, opt for smaller fish which are less likely to be contaminated. Try Summer Flounder, Croaker, Tilapia, Wild Pacific Salmon, and Haddock in addition to Sardines and Anchovies.

The safest way to get your omega 3 these days is actually through fish oil, cod liver oil, or krill oil. These oils are the one and only animal recommendation that we are going to make. These oils are tested for contaminants and are a fantastic way to get your good fats without having to go through the cooking process, which damages healthy fats! We use a pharmaceutical brand of fish oil in our house, but there are many good brands out there.

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In a frenzy to replace cow’s milk, you may have done what we did: hail soy milk as the be all and end all! No more hormones, no more pasteurized cow pus entering our bodies! The hard truth is that people who avoid milk and animal products may be overdoing the soy, getting into a nutritional deficit, and endangering their health.

Soy has become so prevalent in our food supply that it has become one of the top allergenic foods. Many vegetarians fear a lack of protein and over consume soy products to make up for this perceived shortcoming. However, if you are eating fresh greens, you don’t have to worry about getting enough protein, as they are full of amino acids—the building blocks of protein!

Soybeans, if consumed fresh once and awhile are just fine. The problems arise when soybeans are heavily processed, and their fragile proteins are destroyed. Products like soy milk are processed at such high temperatures that soy protein is denatured and unrecognized by the body. Since the body mounts a defense against alien molecules, the body will eventually mount an allergic response to soy.

Even if soy had good quality protein, your body would not be able to digest or absorb it because soy contains potent enzyme inhibitors. These inhibitors specifically block the action of trypsin, which is unable to break down the inhibitors. The result is significant stress on the organs of digestion.

I find the following scenario quite entertaining: soy undergoes high temperature processing in a bid to remove trypsin inhibitors, which only serves to destroy other proteins, which in turn makes the proteins ineffectual in the body anyway!

Yet another downfall of soy is its isoflavone content. Isoflavones suppress thyroid function and act like hormonal drugs. They inhibit thyroid peridoxidase which makes T3 and T4. A sluggish thyroid condition known as hypothyroidism can be brought on by heavy soy consumption and enlargement of the thyroid gland may occur as it tries to compensate for its inadequacy.

Soy blocks the absorption of key minerals calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron. Phytic acid, found in the bran of soy, blocks the absorption of these minerals in the intestines. The soybean has one of the highest phytate levels of any grain, and even long, slow cooking cannot reduce them.

This is why ancient Chinese cultures only ate soy after long periods of fermentation. Fermented forms of soy include tempeh, miso, and natto, and are traditionally eaten in very small quantities like condiments, and are definitely not the main event in a meal.

So, if you eat soy milk on your cereal, a tofu burger at lunch, and a stir-fry with chicken flavoured tofu for dinner, you’re well on your way to a suppressed thyroid, compromised metabolism, fatigue, and moodiness.

You’re also going to be low in important alkalizing minerals, which will make your body’s chemistry tilt toward acidity and increase the possibility of disease ravaging your body. Don’t forget that you’ll also likely be deficient in protein which will further decrease your energy and increase the amount of time you’ll need to recover from sickness and intense work outs.

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This should come as no surprise, especially if you’re diabetic, but sugar is one of the most addictive and destructive food substances on the planet. The average person in North America consumes 150 lbs of refined sugar per year! This is astronomical in contrast to the 5 lbs per year consumed by the average person at the turn of the 20th century.

Sugar, especially in its refined state, has many detrimental effects on the body. First and foremost, it is highly acid-forming. This means that sugar consumption throws off your pH balance so that your blood and other important become more acidic. The more acidic your body becomes, the greater the likelihood for disease to flourish.

Arthritis, asthma, headaches, psoriasis, cancer, stomach gas, intestinal gas, osteoporosis, heart disease, weight gain, PMS, candidiasis, tooth decay, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer sores, cataracts, gallstones, kidney stones, and cystic fibrosis are all diseases and conditions that are negatively affected by the intake of sugar.

Exclusion of sugar from the diet can improve these and many other conditions markedly. In many cases, a sugarless diet can eradicate the suffering altogether when combined with a well balanced diet.

But as you may already know, getting sugar out of your diet is not an easy task, and only by having tons of support can you be sure of your success!

Refined sugar is one of the worst poisons you can put into your body. The consumption of sugar suppresses the immune system almost instantly, lowering the body’s natural defenses and making it less capable of fighting harmful pathogens.

In total, the consumption of sugar lowers your immune function by roughly 4 hours, with the lowest immune functioning occurring 2 hours after sugar consumption. So if you find yourself getting sick af-ter the holidays, you know exactly why! By comparison, when starches (complex carbohydrates) are consumed, your immune functioning actually heightens for some time before falling back down to normal.

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S U G A R — T H E D R U G A N D F A T P R O M O T E R

When you consume sugar, insulin is released from the pancreas, causing the cells to take up glucose from the blood and store it in the liver and muscle. A diet that includes sugar goes hand in hand with mood swings. When blood sugar is abnormally high, as it is when sugar is ingested, the sugar acts like a drug, and you become elated.

But once insulin packs the sugar away into the cells, your mood will sour and the brain signals that more sugar is needed to regain the high. This is exactly when you find yourself reaching for a chocolate bar or another sugary treat. When a sugar-free diet is consumed, you will find your moods are even throughout the day, and your body will actually tap into fat as a source of fuel, a process that stops the second you eat something sugary. Since toxins are stored in fat, this is something you want to get rid of!

S U G A R = A C I D

Sugar is also highly acidic. It upsets the acid-alkaline balance in a way that promotes disease. In order to live your best life, you’ve got to increase alkaline foods (think green vegetables!) and decrease acidic (think processed) foods!

And remember, just because a sweetener may be natural does not mean it is good for you. So while the likes of maple syrup and agave are better choices than white sugar, it is still a good idea to steer clear of them as much as possible.

Excessive sugar consumption throws the body’s pH levels out of balance. The sugar, and the acidity that it creates, provides an internal environment that is ripe for the overgrowth of dangerous yeasts, fungi, and bacteria—ultimately making it much harder to lose weight and maintain optimal health.

In turn, these pathogens feed on the sugar, multiply, and expel toxic wastes that make us feel and look even worse. Because these critters feed on sugar, our body begins to crave more sugar in the form of sweets, breads, pastas, and so forth. We end up feeding these microorganisms and fuel their growth and place further toxic acid into our body.

As this vicious cycle continues not only do we feed these toxin-producing microorganisms but we also intake huge amounts of calorie-rich, nutrient void, sugar-laden foods. Over time, an excess

intake of calories through sugar obviously leads to weight gain (considering everything else remains equal).

The other aspect of sugar that increases toxicity is the fact that as we fuel more and more microorganisms, the toxins they expel create more acid in our blood and pose added stress on our liver.

Since excess acid in the blood will eventually be stored in fat cells, it is futile to further acidify your body if you want to lose weight. Only once you rid your body of excess acid and restore its proper pH balance will you be able to shed excess fat. If fat isn’t needed to store acid, then it can more readily be metabolized.

Similarly, if your liver becomes stressed and compromised as a result of having to filter tons of toxins floating through your blood, your weight loss attempts will be in vain. This is because the liver is not only the body’s major filter but it also regulates sugar and fat metabolism.

If your liver is not functioning properly then its ability to metabolize sugar and fats will also be compromised. Elevated blood sugar and blood lipid levels are usually the result.

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S U G A R A S A P R O C E S S E D F O O D I N G R E D I E N T !

It’s not just the refined table sugar that is the problem. In fact, the majority of our sugar intake comes from hidden and unexpected sources such as processed and packaged foods. Sugar is used as an additive in foods ranging from meat to ketchup to salt. In packaged foods sugar can take the form of glucose, dextrose, sucrose, or the ever-present high-fructose corn syrup.

The manner in which sugar is processed exacerbates the problem. More than 60 chemicals are used in the processing of natural sug-arcane’s thick beige stalks into the fine, white granular table sugar that we’re all to familiar with. Many of these chemicals, including bleaches and deodorizes, are still present in the final product.

At same time, the naturally occurring minerals and vitamins in the sugarcane plant are completely removed. One such mineral is chromium.

Chromium is a critical player in the body’s ability to uptake sugar from the blood and into the cells. The fact that chromium is not present in refined sugar poses a problem for sugar uptake and metabolism, which imposes further stress on the body’s energy metabolism regulation. This is one of the reasons why refined sugar causes a rapid spike and then crash in blood sugar levels.


There are so many reasons that sugar is bad news that it’s impossible to go through all of them right now. But one reason we will hit on is the fact that sugar can single-handedly upset the mineral balance in your body.

Sugar upsets the body’s chemistry. Sugar consumption increases the rate at which you excrete calcium. And since there is no calcium in the sugar you are eating, your body must forfeit its own calcium reserves, like those of your bones and tissues in order to process the sugar. So eating sugar on a regular basis (every day) can lead to porous bones and therefore osteoporosis, among other things! The easiest way to combat calcium depletion is to remove sugar from your diet completely.

Minerals in the body will only work in relation to other minerals in the body. So if you do not have enough calcium, and decide to take a calcium supplement, your body will not be able to utilize all

of the calcium since you do not have the corresponding amount of phosphorus the body needs for balance. Many scientific studies have verified these claims.

Overall, sugar provides no real nutritional value, while wreaking havoc on your blood sugar levels (promoting diabetes and weight gain) and leading to excess caloric consumption. It suppresses the immune system, disrupts normal mineral relationships, compromises the health of your vital organs, and keeps your body incredibly toxic.

Eating even one teaspoon of sugar has the ability to weaken your immune system for up to 6 hours. A weak immune system can make you susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer. If you eat a lot of sugar, our bet is that you are sick pretty often and had a lot of cavities as a child.

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Sugar has been refined and does not possess any nutrients what-so-ever—just empty calories. This means that the minerals needed to process the sugar in your body are not present, and chromium, magnesium, cobalt, copper, zinc, and manganese must be robbed from your body in order to process the sugar.

Sugar just did not exist in the days of early man, who subsisted on meat, nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables, and since our genetic makeup is virtually identical to man hundreds of thousands of years ago, our bodies simply aren’t built to deal with the excess sugar that we are now eating.

Even if you are eating 100% fresh fruit, if you are eating too much of it, then you are getting too much sugar. Fruits these days are bred to be the sweetest they can be, and any food that has been genetically modified is a food that your body will not recognize and have a hard time processing. That’s why I recommend sticking to the low-glycemic fruit I mentioned earlier.

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The beverages that I suggest you drink during The Defeating Diabetes 14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan are water, non-caffeinated herbal teas, and fresh pressed vegetable juices or smoothies.

If you want your body to work naturally and acquire better health, you are going to have to give up your Tim Horton’s and Starbucks runs! We’re pretty sure roasted coffee beans do not exist in nature, and that drinking a tall glass of sugary, creamy caffeine is not going to get your body in good working order. In fact—it does just the opposite!


Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that drinking coffee will dehydrate you. For each cup of coffee you drink, you should drink 3 glasses of water just to make up for fluid loss—but remember—replacing the water loss doesn’t make up for drinking the cup of coffee in the first place! Caffeine plays havoc with blood sugar levels, damages blood vessels, and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Although green tea has many antioxidant benefits, it is also a source of caffeine, which is why we recommend avoiding it for at least the 14 day cleanse period to avoid any unnecessary stress on your ad-renal glands. Herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile, and milk thistle, etc. are just fine and are actually encouraged while cleansing.


If you’ve ever had a hang over, than you may guess that your body does not want you to drink alcohol! While the sugar and grains that exist in alcohol are enough to upset your blood sugar levels, the alcohol itself crosses the blood brain barrier, intoxicating the brain and making simple actions like walking and tying your shoes difficult!

Alcohol also compromises the liver since alcohol must go through the liver to be metabolized and then removed from the body.


These drinks are loaded with sugar, artificial colours, and the energy drinks can have up to 300mg of caffeine in a single serving—an amount you may consume if you drink 5 cups of coffee at once! The scariest thing is the fact that your 10 year old child can buy these drinks!

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Peanuts are often heavily contaminated with a mold named aspergillus. This mold gives off a known carcinogen—aflatoxin. It is cancer causing in both animals and humans. Generally, it is not visible to the naked eye, and the longer nuts sit around, the more time they have to grow mold. Aflatoxin is almost always present in peanut products; it’s just a matter of how much.

Aspergillus mold is everywhere in our environment, but the highest concentrations are found in peanuts and corn. If you limit your peanut and corn intake, you’ll be better off than those who eat them every day, but the best off will be those who steer clear of them altogether.

Furthermore, both peanuts and corn on the top 7 list of the most allergenic foods. You might be sensitive to either one (or both) and not even know it.

Avoiding corn and peanuts seems like an easy task, but almost every processed food will have corn listed as an ingredient in one form or another, yet another reason to avoid processed foods, if in fact you need another reason to avoid them!

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High amounts of animal fat, rancid oils or trans-fats will destroy your body and your health. They are not metabolically active, are easily stored as fat in the body and thus have no place in your diet!

Trans-fats are especially detrimental to your health. Trans-fats are fats that have been molecularly altered, usually by adding a hydrogen ion through hydrogenation.

It is important to remember that these fats do not naturally occur in nature, so your body has no idea how to process them. Trans-fats increase blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).

They have been linked to greater risk in the development of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases.

Fats are needed to build cell membranes. When trans-fatty acids are assimilated into the cell membrane the cell begins to lose control over which substances enter the cell.

Salt, carcinogens, damaging free radicals, and chemicals begin to accumulate inside the cell. The cell then becomes more susceptible to ultra-violet radiation, cancer, and other damaging forces. All research that shows the association between disease and fats has been conducted using cooked and rancid fats and not raw plant fats!


Canola oil

Soybean oil

Cottonseed oil

Corn oil

Hydrogenated oils/trans fats

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If you want to lose the most weight and feel great you will need to choose to forgo grains for awhile, or at least limit your intake of them for a period of time.

I support a grain-less diet, however, I also realize that not everyone is at the same point in their diet and lifestyle, considering the high amount of grain products most of us were raised on; therefore I thought it best to arm you with the knowledge you need to decide for yourself whether or not to include grains in your diet.

Grains stimulate the growth of yeast, fungi and mold. They are often harvested and then stored in large silos where they will ferment and mold within ninety days if not consumed.

Most grains contain gluten, a protein that has been long known to create digestive upset. Grains that contain gluten are oats, rye, barley, and wheat. Grains that do not contain gluten are quinoa, millet, brown rice, and buckwheat.

Gluten is a protein in these grains that acts like glue in the body. It literally coats the lining of the intestines, impairing proper nutrients absorption and irritating the digestive and intestinal tract.

All grains, gluten-containing or not, should be soaked before they are used to neutralize some of the phytates and disarm the gluten they contain.

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All grains contain phytic acid in the bran of the grain. Phytic acid is a known mineral blocker of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc, so even though you may think you are eating a healthful, whole grain meal, your body may not actually be able to obtain the nutrients since the phytic acid will bind them and make them unavailable to the body.

Phytic acid can actually be broken down by the sprouting process, which means that once grains are sprouted, your body will be able to absorb these minerals. Sprouting has been said to rid the grain of its gluten. And gluten is one of the constituents of grains to which some people with digestive issues have intolerance.

Have you actually paid attention to how you feel after a meal heavy in grain products—a croissant, a rice dish, toast? We’re sure that most people have no idea how their foods affect them, but when you pay attention, you may realize that eating these foods makes you feel bloated, depressed, sleepy, fatigued, and/or unable to concentrate.

What about sprouted grains you ask? While sprouting grains takes away the phytates and leave the nutrients more or less available for your body to assimilate, some health professionals maintain

that they are still concentrated carbohydrates which can still make you overweight, leave you with low blood sugar, and increase your triglyceride levels to some extent.

Grains and grain products, along with sugars occupy a far larger percentage of the typical diet than they should. In general, people are consuming far too much bread, pasta, cereal, and pastries. Add to this the amount of sugar and corn in the diet and you’ve pretty much accounted for almost 100% of what people are eating these days—a frightening reality.

While most grain products consumed are refined and processed, you see, simply moving to whole grains may not actually be the answer when it comes to your health. Since the body can only process a certain amount of carbohydrates at a time, eating grains and high carbohydrate meals means that the excess will be stored straight away in the fat cells.

What this means if you are overweight, is that you are almost certainly overdoing it on the carbohydrates, and where this is the case, it usually means you are underdoing the vegetables! So—limit the intake of grains and grain products, add more veggies, and you will markedly improve your health!

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