Faster Insights with Data Blending

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Faster Insights with Data Blending

Faster Insights with Data Blending

Companies like yours must make business decisions more quickly than ever before and these decisions must be accurate!

In today’s data-driven world, organizations need the perspective provided from multiple sources of data to make critical decisions.

Accurate decisions require the right data.

outside the company; in multiple, often-incompatible formats...

But different types of data reside in different systems - inside and...

which must be blended together for the right context, the right insight, the right decision.

Lack of data blending capability is costing you time and money

A recent survey of more than 200 business and analytics leaders found that more than 90 percent of those surveyed cited lack of data blending capability as the primary reason they cannot get the business insights they need in timely manner.

Alteryx can help you regain that lost time and money – across all lines of business

Sales FinanceMarketing Operations


Objective: To gain a deeper understanding of your best customers, ensuring repeat sales and customer loyalty, while also making sales reps more efficient.

They need to know:

What does the Sales team need?

Who are your best customers? (by profit, by sales volume, by repeat business)

How long is the sales cycle for these customers?

What do they purchase and through which channel(s)?

Internal systems data (e.g., CRM, ERP, and

financial systems)

Point-of-Sale data for each channel

Channel partner sales data

How can you do this?

By blending...

Alteryx makes this possible…

Schneider Electric uses Alteryx to gather, manage, and blend in-house and third-party data, delivering deep insights to its sales team quickly.

Intuitive Workflow: Increased productivity and reduced time-to-insight thanks to re-using and sharing applications between analysts

Deeper Insights: Optimized sales resource deployment on key customer accounts

Hours vs. Weeks: Reduced data gathering and analysis time from eight to three weeks

“Our analysts are doing less low-value work and more high-value, satisfying work, which keeps them energized and produces a greater return on investment of time for the company.”

— Tom SturgeonDirector of Business Analytics, IT Business Schneider Electric US

Objective: To find prospects and inspire them to buy, while also reducing marketing spend.


What does the Marketing team need?

Which marketing strategies and events to invest in for the most converted leads?

Which promotions to run to maximize response rate?

Which prospects to target?

They need to know:

Customer behavior data

What they do and where they choose

to do it

Prospect data How potential

customers have interacted with

previous campaigns

Demographic and segmentation data Third-party insight

about how much potential buyers spend

Attitudinal data Data from surveys,

product forums, call center reports, and

social media

How can you do this?

By blending...

With Alteryx, it’s easy!

Experian Marketing Services uses Alteryx as a single platform for data blending and analytics, delivering faster data processing and analysis in a repeatable and scalable manner.

“Alteryx has been able to handle the scale and diversity of the data and enhance our analytics efficiently and effectively. As a result, Alteryx is helping Experian Marketing Services continuously improve the quality and value of its commercial services.”

— Todd RudieVice President of Data Development and Delivery Experian Marketing Services

Intuitive Workflow: Included customer demographic and spatial data in a single analytic workflow

Hours vs. Weeks: Completed data processing and analysis in minutes, rather than several hours

Deeper Insights: Delivered actionable insight to customers after processing multiple files with millions of records in a fraction of the time


Objective: To determine the financial impact of all business decisions on the bottom line, ensuring profitability as well as return on shareholder investment, and creating accurate revenue forecast models based on this information.

What does the Finance team need?

What external forces could influence sales?

What are current departmental expenses? (e.g., sales, marketing, operations)

What is the projected revenue for all products across all channels?

What are the open customer opportunities and potential close rates?

They need to know:

Point-of-Sale data for all products

Internal financial system data, including GL accounting, bids,

closed bids, revenue, clients, and revenue targets

Social media data

How can you do this?

By blending...

Alteryx makes this possible

A large big-box retailer uses Alteryx to audit floor space for all of its stores in the United States in order to measure the impact of price changes, media spend, refurbishments, signage changes, and other factors on sales and overall financial performance.

Intuitive Workflow: Blended and analyzed POS data from more than 4500 stores across the U.S. with more than 2500 variables, as well as doing seasonal analysis to reduce labor costs

Deeper Insights: Performed post-event audit to determine financial impact of internal and external factors on revenue and margin

Hours vs. Weeks: Reduced blending and analysis time from three months for a subset of stores to less than three weeks for all stores combined

“Alteryx gives more insight into operational performance than I previously had with Excel or Access.”

— Senior ManagerStrategy and Analysis

OperationsObjective: To improve operational efficiencies by reducing costs, freeing up working capital and making better use of hard assets and human resources.

What does the Operations team need?

What is the forecast for finished goods, as well as their components?

How much inventory is there and what is the warehousing cost?

What is the availability of labor and its cost contribution?

What are the supply/delivery schedules of components?

They need to know:

How can this be achieved?

By blending...

Labor costs and financial systems

Warehouse management systems

Inventory planning systems

ERP systems

Alteryx makes this fast and simple

Southern States Cooperative uses Alteryx to reduce its inventory carrying costs and free up working capital while still stocking the right inventory in the right stores at the right time.

Intuitive Workflow: Conducted all analysis in a single workflow, including data extraction, cleansing, exploration, and modeling, and is now experimenting with centralizing the inventory process

Deeper Insights: Segmented inventory by seasonality to identify slow-moving stock, reducing inventory by 31 percent while maintaining planned service agreements, thereby freeing approximately $20 million in working capital in a single year

Hours vs. Weeks: Sped up time-to-insight from weeks to mere hours and increased volume of insights gathered

“Alteryx gave us insight into seasonality trends for each of our stores as well as predictive modeling capabilities to help ensure we had the right amount of product available at the right time.”

— Fred JezouitVice President of Finance and Treasurer Southern States Cooperative

With the intuitive workflow of Alteryx, analysts can blend data from virtually any source or format, leading to deeper insights in hours, not weeks.

See what Alteryx can do for you!

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