fast forword juni 2012

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Met onder andere: - Bing goes social - on{x} - NDepend 4 met CQLINQ - Pusher - simple.web - consolr en nog veel meer!

Transcript of fast forword juni 2012

| juli 2011 | M. AchtenYour business technologists. Powering progress

>> fast forword >> machtig nieuws

Mark Achtenjuni 20122e jaargang, editie 20

| juni 2012 | M. Achten



▶ triggers en recipes▶ ifttt voor Android

| juni 2012 | M. Achten



▶ NDepend V4▶ CQLINQ: Code Query LINQ

| juni 2012 | M. Achten



▶ FBI onderzoekt uitlekken van cyberaanvalsprogramma

▶ Nederlandse websites leggen cookieregels naast zich neer

▶ Nederland blijft koploper afluisteren telefoons▶ Eavesdropper Android app

▶ Project Detroit

▶ Israel past emailcontroles toe aan de grenzen

| juli 2011 | M. AchtenYour business technologists. Powering progress

Atos, the Atos logo, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldline, Atos Sphere, Atos Cloud and Atos WorldGridare registered trademarks of Atos SA. July 2011© 2011 Atos. Confidential information owned by Atos, to be used by the recipient only. This document, or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos.The name 'Fast forword' was donated to me by Tjeerd Hans Terpstra, the name 'machtig nieuws' was donated by Ruud Kok. Eternal gratitude for both gentlemen.


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