Fashion grp 4 asses 2a

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Fashion grp 4 asses 2a

Western FashionBy:

Aaron WiegardMegan Ritchie

Lizzie KellFiona Newton

Womens Fashion;Brief History

The global women’s clothing industry was expected to exceed $621 billion in 2014. This means a 12% increase in 5 years. The largest share of the market (sitting at 65% in terms of value) is clothing retailers.

Even though the global womenswear industry is recovering from the economic recession, the retailing landscape continues to change.

Women’s Fashion;Sports Clothing

The growth of the women’s sports fashion industry has a lot to do with the fact that marketing exercise clothes have been made specifically to appeal to women for reasons such as style and fit. Things like shorts and tights are now available for training or exercise purposes. Sports bra’s are a perfect example as they take into account the female physical characteristics.

Women’s Fashion;Casual Wear

The purpose of casual fashion is to keep women looking fresh and stylish without sacrificing their comfort. Examples of casual fashion that were on the runway in 2010 include innovative khaki shorts, leather boots, fitted sweaters, leather sandals and mid-length black skirts.The Oxford describes smart casual as “neat, conventional, yet relatively informal in style, especially as worn to conform to a particular dress code”.

Women’s Fashion;Formal Wear

Women’s formal wear is described as being Glamorous, sophisticated and suited for the occasion. There are a wide range of events and activities that require formal wear. The different kinds of formal wear include but are not limited to:

Basic formal wear essentials, such as a little black dress. Retro and vintage evening fashions. Designer evening dresses. Popular celebrity and celebrity-inspired dresses. Unique dresses and gown styles.

Mens Fashion;Brief History

The global men's fashion industry is expected to exceed $402 billion by 2014

industry has expanded by 14% during 5 year period China is the fastest growing market, expected to be around

$78,000 million by end of 2014 Americas represents almost 35% of global market The largest share of market consists of clothing and footwear

specialists (60%)

Men's Fashion;Sports Clothing

Sports Clothing within Men's Fashion has always made up a large percentage of sales revenue, due to high participation rates and interest levels in sport

Team jerseys, tennis wear, athletic apparel, fashionable sneakers etc are high commodities with major brands like Nike, Adidas and Puma

The American hip-hop industry is well renowned for making hoodies and sweatshirts big business in the late 1990's

Men’s Fashion;Casual Wear

Men's casual wear flourished due to relaxed standards of dress at work. In 1997 studies in America found that 52% of respondents were able to dress casually every day of the working week, with that figure increasing yearly.

Casual wear has been affected by the rise in sports wear, with jeans sales down 6% in America in 2014 with sports wear rising 7%.

Men’s Fashion;Formal Wear

Men's evening wear comprises of apparel worn to dinners, formals, charity events, weddings or other social events.

Men's evening wear is largely put on display at Melbourne's spring racing carnival. Fashion houses dedicate vast amounts to dressing celebrities in the latest styles, with the birdcage marquee being viewed by millions nationwide.

Adult Youth;Brief History

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has defined a young adult as someone aged between the ages of 18-34 years whilst Wiki defined the age demographic of at 13-35 with teen marketing 13-19, college marketing 18-24 and young adult/young professionals at 21-35.

  Youth today are move conscious of cash however the young professionals are

earning considerable wages. (Wiki)   The younger generation of youth adults (16-17 years) are highly influenced by

fashion icons such as movie stars, super models and the music industry (ABS)   Young adults and young professionals around the ages of 25-30 are a lot more

designer and label conscious with the origin of the clothing item coming under scrutiny as well. (ABS)

  With the Australian currency, until recently favouring international retailers,

young adults have been enjoying the good deals, ease of purchase and convenience of online shopping. (sweeney research)

Adult Youth; Sports Clothing

Nike is in the top 10 brands that young women love ( with the ‘availability rate of 70.6 percent and an awareness rate of 93.5 percent among young women.’

Youth of 2015 versus the youth of 1974 (pintrest)

Adult Youth;Casual Wear

With their fashion labels for the young adult, Kylie and Kendall Jenner influence the trends of the young adults.

Adult Youth;Formal Wear

Boy Band One Direction has influenced the fashion of many young males

Children’s Fashion;A Brief History

Childhood can be defined within certain parameters however within each society there is an expectation the way an infant or adolescent should appear; throughout the ages clothing has defined gender roles and the position of children within society. For example in the 18th and 19th Century children’s clothed lacked a distinction between masculine and feminine. Male and female children wore a form of “dress” referred to as a robe or tunic. Even young babies were all clad in white cotton long dresses until they were able to crawl, of which the length was shortened to calf length.

In the late 1800’s young boys begun to wear knee length pants and vests with collared shirts and young girls in remained in dresses or tunics.

The colour-gender perception associated specifically with blue for boys and pink for girls was only introduced in the 1940’s after World War II. Prior to this pink, being a closer shade to red and red resembling Mars, was associated with boys and blue, representing Venus was associated with girls. Over time this mandate has diluted and colour-gender association is less prevalent. Pinterest

Children's Fashion; Formal

The children’s clothing industry is growing in popularity as many celebrities lead the way stying their children in designer clothing and accessories.

We now have specialist designer children’s stores along the lines of Seed, Country Road, Pumpkin Patch and many fashion icons also manufacturing children’s lines such as Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton and more.

It is now estimated to be a $110 billion a year industry as Australians spend up big to ensure their kids have it all.



Children's Fashion;Casual

In comparison to the formal attire of the early 1800’s today’s children’s wear boats much more freedom offering vibrant colours, appealing styles and imaginative design.

However effective marketing has also led many parents in to the trap of excessive consumerism to maintain a perceived status. The popular sandal brand Haviana now operates a $152million business with hundreds of children’s designs available. Another example would be Nike’s latest colourful range of ‘must have’ shoes proving popular amongst adults and children alike.


Children's Fashion;Active

The cost to a mother and father to raise two children is estimated to be $812,000 – including education, medical, clothing, feeding, sheltering and extracurricular actives. It comes as a relief then that children’s active wear and every day clothing is much more accessible in today’s society. There are ample varieties of specialist children’s stores, large department stores like Target and Big W offering quality low price items and an abundance of online sites. These factors have all contributed to the decrease in cost, and increased quality and availability.


Credibility of Online Resources

The online sources used to gather information for this presentation were selected with help from Metzger (2007) recommended assessment of credibility criteria for online information. The main points checked while choosing which online source to use were:

Accuracy- The degree to which a website is free from errors. Authority- Who authored the site? Is contact information provided? What

are the authors credentials? Objectivity- What is the purpose of the site? Currency- Whether the information is up to date. Coverage- The comprehensiveness or depth of the information provided

By using these main points we were able to find the most reliable and credible information to use within this presentation.


(n.d.). Retrieved from

Fashion design. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from

Research Paper on Women's Sport Clothing | Health Essays and Research Papers | Essay Topics and Ideas. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from

Smart casual. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from

What Is Casual Clothing? (2010, June 7). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from

Women's Evening Wear. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from's_Evening_Wear

Sport Clothing and Accessories Industry Market Research & Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from

References Continued…

Metzger, M.J. (2007). Making sense of credibility on the Web: Models for evaluating online information and recommendations for future research. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 58(13), 2078-2091

Men’s Clothing Industry Market Research & Statistics. Retrieved 23 Jan 2015 from

American fashion embraces the casual and comfortable retrieved 22 January 2015 from

Jeans face an uncertain future amid yoga wear rage retrieved 23 January 2015 from

(n.d.). Retrieved January 24, 2015, from claire&term_meta[]=marie|autocomplete|2&term_meta[]=claire|autocomplete|2&remove_refine=fashion trends for young adult|typed

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from Features40April 2013

Girlfriend Magazine - Celebrities, Boys, Fashion and Beauty. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from

News & Media » Lifelounge Sweeney Report - Fashion Market. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from

References Continued…

Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved January 24, 2015, from swimwear&term_meta[]=youth|typed&term_meta[]=swimwear|typed

The Top 10 Brands That Young Women Love. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from

Youth marketing. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from

Children's Clothing - a New Trend in Modern Society. (n.d.) Retrieved January 23, 2015, from

Spending patterns of couple families (2013, June 27) Retrieved January 20, 2015, from

AMP Income Wealth Report – Kids: The cost of raising children in Australia (2013, May)

Aussie kids spend up big. (n.d) Retrieved January 20, 2015, from

Havainas Case Study, (n.d) Retrieved January 24, 2015, from