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FARMAG TRIAZINE Reg No/ Nr L7450 Act No/ Wet Nr 36/1947

A suspension concentrate herbicide for pre-emergence and early post-emergence control of annual broadleaf

weeds and grasses as indicated in maize.

‘n Suspensiekonsentraat onkruiddoder vir vooropkom en vroeg na-opkom beheer van eenjarige breëblaaronkruide en

grasse soos aangedui in mielies.


ACTIVE INGREDIENT/AKTIEWE BESTANDDEEL: atrazine (triazine)………………………. 187.5 g/lt ………………………….. atrasien (triasien)

terbuthylazine (triazine)………………... 187.5 g/lt ………………………terbutilasien (triasien)

acetochlor (acetanilide) ………………... 125 g/lt ……………………...asetochloor (asetanilied)

dichlormid (antidote)…………………… 16.4 g/lt ……………………..dichlormied (beveiliger)

Manufacture date:


Batch No.:






Castle Ag-Chem (Pty) Ltd

Reg. No. 2007/033120//07

61 Marshall Drive,

Old Mill Industrial Park,

Mount Edgecombe, South Africa, 4000

Tel: 031 003 3486

UN NO. 3082

WARNINGS • Handle with care.

• Harmful if swallowed.

• Irritating to eyes and skin.

• May cause sensitisation by skin contact.

• Store in a cool dry place away from food, feeds, seed, fertilizer and other agricultural chemicals

• Toxic to fish and aquatic organsims.

• Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.

• Re-entry interval: do not enter treated field within 1 day after application unless wearing protective


• In case of poisoning call a doctor and show him/her this label.

• Aerial application: notify all inhabitants in the immediate vicinity of the area to be sprayed and issue

necessary warnings. Do not spray over or allow drift to contaminate water or adjacent areas.

Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, the registration

holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and

effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and storage conditions,

quality of dilution water, compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the

occurrence of resistance of the weed to the remedy concerned as well as by the method, time and

accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for

damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance

of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the

occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult

the supplier or registration holder in the event of any uncertainty.

PRECAUTIONS • Do not inhale spray mist.

• Wash with soap and water after accidental skin contact.

• Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst applying or mixing the product or before washing hands and face and

changing clothes.

• Avoid drift of spray mist onto other edible crops, grazing, rivers or areas not under treatment.

• Clean applicator thoroughly before re-using with other pesticides – dispose of wash water where it will not

contaminate crops, grazing or water.

• Wear rubber gloves and face shield when handling the concentrate.

• Wash contaminated clothing after use.

• Do not mix and load within at least 15 m from bore holes, streams, rivers and dams.

• Do not apply within at least 15 m from bore holes, streams and rivers.

• Do not apply within at least 60 m from dams.

• Ensure that no back-siphoning to boreholes or dams takes place when product is applied through the

irrigation system.

• Invert the empty container over the spray or mixing tank and drain for at least 30 seconds after the flow

has slowed down to a drip. Thereafter rinse the container three times with a volume of water equal to at

least one tenth of that of the container and add the rinsing to the contents of the spray tank before

disposing of the container.

• Destroy empty container by perforation and flattening and do not re-use for any purpose.

• Prevent contamination of food, feeds, drinking water and eating utensils

SYMPTOMS OF HUMAN POISONING No signs and symptoms are known or expected in humans.

FIRST AID TREATMENT Inhalation: remove patient from exposure, keep warm and at rest. Obtain medical attention.

Skin contact: wash skin immediately with cold water, followed by soap and water.

Eye contact: immediately irrigate with eye wash solution or clean water for at least 15 minutes. Obtain

medical attention.

Ingestion: do not induce vomiting. Give 30 g of activated charcoal in 100 ml water. Put patient in half

upright position and give plenty of water. Get medical advice.

NOTE TO PHYSICIAN No antidote is known. Give symptomatic and supportive treatment.

RESISTANCE WARNING For resistance management, FARMAG TRIAZINE is a group code 5 + 15 herbicide. Any weed population may

contain individuals naturally resistant to FARMAG TRIAZINE and other group code 5 + 15 herbicides.

The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used

repeatedly. These resistant weeds may not be controlled by FARMAG TRIAZINE or any other group code 5

+ 15 herbicide. To delay weed resistance:

• Avoid exclusive repeated use of herbicides from the same herbicide group code. Alternate or tank-mix with

products from different herbicide group codes.

• Integrate the control methods (chemical, cultural, biological) into weed control programmes. For specific

information on resistance management contact the registration holder of this product.


• To avoid damage to follow-up crops the following waiting periods must be adhered to:

a) Maize and sugarcane……………………………………………nil

b) Grain sorghum…………………………………………………..6 months

c) Sunflowers, groundnuts, soybeans, potatoes, dry beans, forage

sorghum and small grains..………………………………….….18 months

d) All other crops (a test planting is recommended).……………..24 months

The abovementioned waiting periods are valid only if the correct FARMAG TRIAZINE dosage rate

according to soil type was applied and normal or above average rainfall occurred after FARMAG

TRIAZINE application.

• When applied to soils which expand on wetting and crack or crumble on drying out, such as turf

soils, triazines in this herbicide may remain active in the soil for much longer than the

abovementioned waiting periods. Therefore FARMAG TRIAZINE should not be used on such soils if

sensitive crops might be planted in the foreseeable future. On such soils poor weed control may also

be experienced, when applied pre-emergence.

• Do not apply to inbred parent plants of maize hybrids or experimental or newly released maize

cultivars without first consulting the seed supplier.

• ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC, ALACHLOR 900 or METOLACHLOR 915 should not be added

as a tank mix on poorly drained soils.

• Flood irrigation can reduce weed control performance.

• Optimum weed control is obtained on a fine, even seedbed, free of clods, trash and weeds. However,

weeds can be controlled in minimum or reduced tillage systems but trash may interfere with the herbicide

and reduce performance. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed.




Recommended on this label. The compatibility with other products may be influenced by the formulation of

the products involved as well as the quality of the dilution water. A physical compatibility test should always be

carried out prior to application.

Mixing instructions

When mixing FARMAG TRIAZINE with other herbicides, read the labels and adhere to the manufacturer’s

recommendations. • Shake vigorously before use. Replace cap after pouring.

• Half-fill the spray tank with clean water and add the required quantity of FARMAG TRIAZINE through a

50 mesh sieve whilst stirring. Top up the spray-tank with water to the final volume required.

• When ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR 900, ALACHLOR EC or METOLACHLOR 915 is added as a

tank mix, it should be added last, just prior to the final volume being obtained.

• Ensure thorough agitation during the filling and spraying operations.

• After each day’s spraying thoroughly flush and clean the spray equipment with clean water.

Pre-emergence application

• Apply at or immediately after planting. Prepare a fine, even and thoroughly cultivated weed free firm

seedbed, immediately prior to planting (see USE RESTRICTIONS). Rainfall shortly after application is

necessary to activate the herbicide. Thus, if after application dry conditions prevail for a period of 7–14

days, weeds may emerge and develop. In such cases a shallow cultivation (2–5 cm) e.g. with a rotary

cultivator, must be carried out to destroy these weeds. • For optimum results 10–15 mm rain should take place within 3 days after seedbed preparation, planting

and FARMAG TRIAZINE application.

Post-emergence application

When using FARMAG TRIAZINE as a post-emergence spray of the crop, the broadleaf weeds should not

have developed beyond the 4-leaf stage. A grass killer such as ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC or

METOLACHLOR 915 should have been applied pre- emergence to control the grass weeds. Where

grasses were not controlled or broadleaf weeds have developed beyond the 4-leaf stage, these weeds

must first be destroyed by a cultivation, followed by FARMAG TRIAZINE sprayed onto clean soil. A

suitable surfactant should be added to the spray mixture.

Ground application

FARMAG TRIAZINE may be applied with any medium or high volume sprayer equipped with an efficient

agitation mechanism and which is capable of adequate coverage and even distribution. Best results are

obtained using flat fan-type nozzles and applying a spray volume of 150–250 ℓ water/ha.

Aerial application

Aerial application of FARMAG TRIAZINE may only be done by a registered aerial application operator using a

correctly calibrated, registered aircraft according to the instructions of South African National Standard

10118: 2009 (The Aerial Application of Pesticides). Ensure that the spray mixture is distributed evenly

over the target area and that the loss of spray material during application is restricted to a minimum. It is

therefore essential that the following criteria be met:

• Volume: a spray mixture volume of 30–40 ℓ/ha is recommended. As this product has not been evaluated

at a reduced volume rate, the registration holder cannot guarantee efficacy, or be held responsible for

any adverse effects if this product is applied aerially at a lower volume rate than recommended above.

• Droplet coverage: 25–35 droplets/cm² must be recovered at the target area.

• Droplet size: a droplet spectrum with a VMD of 350–400 micron is recommended. Limit the production

of fine droplets less than 150 micron (high drift and evaporation potential) to a minimum.

• Flying height: maintain the height of the spray boom at 3–4 m above the target. Do not spray when

aircraft dives, is in a climb or when banking

• Use suitable atomising equipment that will produce the desired droplet size and coverage, but which will

ensure the minimum loss of product. The spraying system must produce a droplet spectrum with the

lowest possible Relative Span.

• Position all the atomisers within the inner 60–75 % of the wingspan to prevent droplets from entering the

wingtip vortices.

• The difference in temperature between the wet and dry bulb thermometers, of a whirling hygrometer,

should not exceed 8 °C.

• Stop spraying if the wind speed exceeds 15 km/h.

• Stop spraying under turbulent, unstable and dry conditions during the heat of the day.

• Spraying under temperature inversion conditions (spraying in or above the inversion layer) and/or high

humidity conditions (relative humidity 80 % and above) may lead to the following:

a) reduced efficacy due to suspension and evaporation of small droplets in the air (inadequate


b) damage to other sensitive crops and/or non-target areas through drifting of the suspended spray

cloud away from the target field. • Ensure that the aerial spray operator knows exactly which fields to spray.

• Obtain an assurance from the aerial spray operator that the above requirements will be met and that

relevant data will be compiled in a logbook and kept for future reference.

Pre-emergence aerial application

• A spray volume of 30–50 ℓ/ha is recommended.

• A minimum of 20–30 droplets/cm² must be recovered on the target area.

• Employ a droplet spectrum with a VMD of 450 micron.

Post-emergence aerial application

• A minimum spray volume of 40–50 ℓ/ha.

• A minimum of 30–45 droplets/cm² must be recovered on the target area.

• Employ a droplet spectrum with a VMD of 350 micron.

Band application

All dosage rates recommended below are for overall application. In the case of band application calculate the

appropriate quantities to be used according to the band and row widths. Wherever FARMAG TRIAZINE is

sprayed post-emergence to the weeds, a suitable adjuvant, should be added.

Dosage rates

Where a range of rates for ALACHLOR S 700 is given, use the higher rate for:

a) improved control of Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge).

b) improved control of certain grasses especially Digitaria sanguinalis (crab finger-grass).

c) soils containing above 1 % organic material. Whenever ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR 900, ALACHLOR EC or METOLACHLOR 915 are

recommended in a programme with FARMAG TRIAZINE, the precautions and recommendations as given

on those respective labels also apply.

MAIZE Pre-emergence

Apply within 3 days of seedbed preparation and planting for the control of certain annual grasses, such as

Eleusine coracana (goose grass), Chloris virgata (feathertop Chloris) and Setaria pallide-fusca (red bristle

grass) and broadleaf weeds. These rates will not control C. esculentus (yellow nutsedge).




0–10 2,75–3,25

11–20 3,25–4,0 21–40 4,0–5,0 40 + Not recommended

Use the lower rate on lighter soils.

Pre-emergence tank mixures

Apply within 3 days of seedbed preparation and planting. Table 1: for the improved control of Urochloa panicoides (herringbone grass), Digitaria sanguinalis (crab

finger-grass), Panicum schinzii (sweet buffalo grass) and Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) FARMAG

TRIAZINE can be tank mixed with ALACHLOR S 700.





0–10 2,75 plus 0,5–0,7 11–20 3,25 plus 0,7–1,0 21–30 4,0 plus 1,0–1,2 31–40 5,0 plus 1,2–1,7 40 + Not recommended Not recommended

Use the lower rates on lighter soils.

Table 2: for the improved control of the above grasses but excluding Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge)

FARMAG TRIAZINE can be tank mixed with ALACHLOR S 700.




ALACHLOR S 700 (ℓ/ha)

0–10 2,75 plus 0,4 11–20 3,25 plus 0,5 21–30 4,0 plus 0,5 30 + Not recommended Not recommended

Table 3: improved control of Panicum schinzii (sweet buffalo grass ) and Urochloa panicoides (herringbone

grass ), in the North West Province and Northern Free State only, can be obtained by mixing FARMAG

TRIAZINE with low rates of ALACHLOR S 700.



ALACHLOR S 700 (ℓ/ha)

0–10 2,75 plus 0,25 11–20 3,25 plus 0,25 21–30 4,0 plus 0,4 30 + Not

recommended Not recommended


FARMAG TRIAZINE can be applied as a post-emergence treatment to extend the length of weed control by:

a) applying FARMAG TRIAZINE as an early post-emergence alone or in a tank mix with METOLACHLOR


b) applying FARMAG TRIAZINE as an early post-emergence treatment on maize treated with a pre-plant

incorporated treatment such as either ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC or METOLACHLOR 915.

c) applying FARMAG TRIAZINE as an early post-emergence treatment in maize treated with a post plant

pre-emergence treatment of either ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC or METOLACHLOR 915. A post-emergence treatment of FARMAG TRIAZINE must be applied after crop emergence and before

broadleaf weeds develop to the 4–5 leaf stage and before grasses germinate. It is recommended to apply a

pre-emergence treatment for grass control such as ALACHLOR S 700 or METOLACHLOR 915 prior to

using FARMAG TRIAZINE as a post-emergence treatment. If weeds were not controlled or have developed beyond the above growth stages, they should be destroyed with a

cultivation before applying FARMAG TRIAZINE to clean soil. Table 4: FARMAG TRIAZINE as an early post-emergence application. This treatment is not

recommended in areas of known high grass infestations nor for the control of Cyperus esculentus (yellow





0–10 3,0 11–20 3,5 21–30 4,0 30–50 4,0–6,0

For extended weed control, either ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC or METOLACHLOR 915 should be

applied at post plant but pre-emergence of the weeds as recommended on the label followed by an early post-

emergence treatment of FARMAG TRIAZINE at rates as indicated above. Table 5: FARMAG TRIAZINE applied after pre-plant incorporation of ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC or

METOLACHLOR 915. During periods of below normal rainfall or for improved Cyperus esculentus (yellow

nutsedge) control ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC or METOLACHLOR 915 can be pre-plant

incorporated according to label recommendations. After the crop has emerged and before weeds develop

beyond the abovementioned growth stages, FARMAG TRIAZINE can be applied.

Table 6: an early post-emergence application of FARMAG TRIAZINE in a tank mix with ALACHLOR 900 or


tank mix before weeds have developed beyond the abovementioned growth stages or after weeds have been

destroyed by cultivation. This treatment is for extended broadleaf and grass weed control.


700 (ℓ/ha)










0–10 Not recommended 0,75 Not recommended Not recommended

1,8 3,0 4,0 11–16 1,8 1,1 3,5 4,5 17–20 2,4 1,1 4,0 5,0 21–30 3,0 1,4 4,0 5,0 31–35 Not recommended 1,5–2,0 Not recommended Not recommended 35 + 2,0




900 (ℓ/ha)




0–10 3,0 plus 0,75 or 0,75 11–20 3,5 plus 0,75–

1,0 or 1,1

21–30 4,0 plus 1,0 or 1,4 31–50 4,0–6,0 plus 1,0 or 1,5–2,0

Table 7: FARMAG TRIAZINE after post plant pre-emergence treatment of either ALACHLOR S 700,


915 can be applied as a broadcast or band treatment according to label recommendations. FARMAG

TRIAZINE can be applied after the crop has emerged and before weeds has develop beyond the

abovementioned growth stages to give extended grass and broadleaf weed control. Dosage rates for band

treatments should be adjusted accordingly.


S 700











0–10 0,6–0,9 2,0–4,0 3,0 0,75 11–16 0,9 2,0–4,0 3,5 1,1 17–20 0,9–1,2 2,0–4,5 3,5 1,1 21–30 1,2–1,8 5,0 4,0 1,4 31–50 1,2–1,8 5,0 4,0–6,0 1,5–2,0

Use lower rates on lighter soils.

The ALACHLOR EC dosage is dependent on the grass species present.

WEEDS CONTROLLED Grasses (pre-emergence)

Brachiaria eruciformis Sweet signal grass

Chloris virgata Feathertop Chloris

Digitaria sanguinalis Crab finger-grass

Eleusine coracana Goose grass

Panicum maximum Common buffalo grass

Panicum schinzii Sweet buffalo grass

Setaria pallide-fusca Redbristle grass

Urochloa panicoides Herringbone grass

Broadleaf weeds (pre-emergence)

Acanthospermum australe Eight seeded

prostrate starbur

Acanthospermum glabratum Five seeded prostrate


Acanthospermum hispidum Upright starbur

Amaranthus deflexus Perennial pigweed

Amaranthus hybridus Common pigweed

Amaranthus spinosus Thorny pigweed

Amaranthus thunbergii Red pigweed

Bidens bipinnata Spanish black jack

Bidens pilosa Blackjack

Chenopodium album White goosefoot

Chenopodium carinatum Green goosefoot

Cleome monophylla Spindlepod

Cleome rubella Pretty lady

Crotalaria sphaerocarpa Mealie Crotalaria

Galinsoga parviflora Gallant soldier

Gisekia pharnaceoides Gisekia

Hibiscus trionum Bladderweed

Nicandra physaloides Apple-of-Peru

Physalis angulata Wild gooseberry

Portulaca oleracea Purslane

Richardia brasiliensis Tropical Richardia

Schkuria pinnata Dwarf marigold

Sonchus oleraceus Sowthistle

Tagetes minuta Khaki weed Since FARMAG TRIAZINE controls annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, other annual grasses and

broadleaf weeds that are not listed may be controlled to a greater or lesser degree. The registration holder

does not accept liability in respect of the control of unlisted weeds.

Variable weed control

Cosmos bipinnatus Cosmos

Commelina benghalensis Bengal wandering Jew

Datura ferox Large thorn apple

Datura stramonium Thorn apple

Hibiscus cannabinus Kenaf


In addition to the above weeds the following weeds will be controlled by post-emergence treatments: Cucumis myriocarpus Striped wild cucumber

Ipomoea purpurea Common morning glory

Tribulus terrestris Dubbeltjie

Xanthium strumarium Cocklebur The following grasses are controlled where additional grass herbicide is added as recommended on this label: Setaria verticillata Sticky bristle grass

Tragus berteronianus Small carrotseed grass

Tragus racemosus Large carrotseed grass

Urochloa mosambicensis Bushveld herringbone grass

Urochloa brachyura Garden grass

Fimbristylis spp. Slender biesie

WAARSKUWINGS • Hanteer versigtig.

• Skadelik indien ingesluk word.

• Irriterend vir oë en vel.

• In geval van velkontak kan dit ‘n sensitiwiteit tot gevolg hê.

• Bêre in ‘n koel droê plek ver weg van voedsel, voer, saad, kunsmis en ander landbou chemiese middels.

• Giftig vir visse en waterorganismes.

• Hou buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte mense en diere.

• Herbetreding interval: moenie behandelde grond binne een dag na bespuiting betree nie, tensy

beskermde klere gedra word.

• In geval van vergiftiging moet ‘n mediese dokter besoek word en wys hom/haar die etiket.

• Lugbespuiting: stel alle inwoners in die onmiddellike omgewing van die area waar bespuiting gaan

plaasvind, in kennis en gee die nodige waarskuwings. Moenie toelaat dat spuitdryf water of

nabygeleë areas besoedel nie. Moet ook nie oor daardie areas en water bespuit nie.

Alhoewel hierdie middel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is, waarborg die

registrasiehouer nie dat dit doeltreffend sal wees onder alle toestande nie aangesien die werking en

effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale klimaats- en bergingstoestande;

kwaliteit van verdunningswater, verenigbaarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket aangedui is nie

en die voorkoms van weerstsnd van die siekte teen die betrokke middel sowel as die metode, tyd en

akkuraatheid van toediening. Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir skade aan

gewasse, plantegroei, die omgewing of vir nadelige effek op mens of dier of vir gebrek aan prestasie

van die betrokke middel as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om etiket aanwysings te volg of as

gevolg van die ontstaan van toestande wat nie voorsien kon word in die registrasie. Raadpleeg die

verskaffer in die geval van enige onsekerheid.

VOORSORGMAATREËLS • Moenie spuitnewel inasem nie.

• Was deeglik met seep en water na toevallige velkontak.

• Moenie eet, drink of rook terwyl die produk toegedien of gemeng word nie. Was eers jou hande en gesig

en trek skoon klere aan.

• Vermy spuitdryf of spuitnewel op ander eetbare gewasse, weiding, riviere of areas wat nie bespuit is nie.

• Maak die toedieningsapparaat deeglik skoon voordat dit weer gebruik word met ander plaagdoders –

raak ontslae van die waswater waar dit nie die gewasse, weiding of water sal besoedel nie.

• Dra rubberhandskoene en ‘n gesigmasker wanneer jy die konsentraat hanteer.

• Was besoedelde klere na gebruik.

• Moenie meng en laai vir ten minste 15 m vanaf boorgate, strome, riviere of damme nie.

• Moenie toedien binne die afstand van 15 m vanaf boorgate, strome en riviere nie.

• Moenie toedien binne die afstand van ten minste 60 m van damme.

• Verseker dat daar geen oorloop na boorgate of damme plaasvind, terwyl die produk deur die

besproeiïngstelsel toegedien word nie.

• Keer die leë houer om oor die spuit of mengselstenk en dreineer vir ten minste 30 sekondes nadat die

vloei verminder het tot druppels. Daarna moet die houer drie keer gespoel word met ‘n volume water

gelykstaande aan ten minste een tiende van die houer en voeg die spoelwater by die inhoud van die

spuittenk voordat die houer vernietig word.

• Vernietig die leë houer deur gate daarin te maak en dit plat te trap en moet dit vir geen ander doel gebruik


• Vermy besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater en eetgerei.

SIMPTOME VAN MENSLIKE VERGIFTIGING Geen tekens of simptome is bekend of word verwag by mense nie.

NOODHULPBEHANDELING Inaseming: verwyder die pasiënt van enig blootstelling, hou hom/haar warm en maak hom/haar rustig.

Verkry mediese behandeling.

Velkontak: was vel onmiddellik met koue water, gevolg deur seep en water.

Oogkontak: spoel die oë onmiddellik met oogwasoplossing of skoon water vir ten minste 15 minute. Verkry

mediese behandeling.

Voedselopneming: moenie braking veroorsaak nie. Los 30 g van aktiewe houtskool op in 100 ml water.

Plaas pasiënt in ‘n halfsittende posisie en gee persoon baie water om te drink. Verkry mediese advies.

NOTA AAN GENEESHEER Geen teenmiddel is bekend nie. Gee simptomatiese en ondersteunende behandeling.

WEERSTANDSWAARSKUWING Vir weerstandsbestuur is, FARMAG TRIAZINE ‘n groepkode 5 + 15 onkruiddoder. Enige onkruidpopulasie mag

individue bevat wat natuurlike weerstand bied teenoor FARMAG TRIAZINE en ander groepkode 5 + 15

onkruiddoders. Die weerstandige individue kan uiteindelik die onkruidpopulasie domineer, indien hierdie

onkruiddoders herhaaldelik gebruik word. Hierdie weerstandige onkruide mag dalk nie deur FARMAG TRIAZINE of

enige ander groepkode 5 + 15 onkruiddoder gekontroleer word nie. Om onkruid weerstandigheid te vertraag:

• Vermy die eksklusiewe herhaaldelike gebruik van onkruiddoders van dieselfde groepkode van

onkruiddoders. Wissel af met produkte van verskillende onkruiddoder groepkodes, asook vir tenkmengsels.

• Integreer die kontrolemetodes (chemiese, landboukundige, biologiese) in die onkruid kontroleprogramme.

Vir meer spesifieke inligting op weerstandbestuur kan die registrasiehouer van die produk gekontak word.


• Die volgende wagperiodes moet gevolg word om beskadiging op opvolg gewasse te vermy:

a) Mielies en suikerriet……………………………………………nul

b) Graansorghum……………………………………………………6 maande

e) Sonneblomme, grondboontjies, sojabone, aartappels, droë bone, veevoer,

sorgum en kleingraan..………………………………….……….18 maande

f) Op alle ander gewasse word (‘n toetsplanting aanbeveel)..…24 maande

Die bogenoemde wagperiodes is geldig slegs indien die korrekte dosis van FARMAG TRIAZINE

ooreenkomstig die grondsoort toegedien was en normale of bogemiddelde reënval voorgekom het na

die bespuiting van FARMAG TRIAZINE.

• Wanneer toegedien op grond wat uitsit as dit natgemaak word en kraak of krummel wanneer dit

uitdroog, soos turfgrond, triasien in hierdie onkruid mag aktief bly in die grond vir veel langer as die

bogenoemde wagperiodes. Daarom behoort FARMAG TRIAZINE nie gebruik te word op grond

waar sensitiewe gewasse in die voorsienbare toekoms geplant gaan word nie. Op sulke grond kan

swak onkruidkontrole ervaar word, indien dit tydens vooropkoms gespuit word.

• Moenie toedien op ingeteëlde moederplalnte van mielie basterplante of eksperimenteel of nuut

vrygestelde mielie kultivars, sonder om eers die saadverskaffer te raadpleeg nie.

• ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC, ALACHLOR 900 of METOLACHLOR 915 behoort nie as ‘n

tenkmengsel bygevoeg word op swak gedreineerde grond nie.

• Vloedbesproeiïng kan die prestasie van onkruidkontrole verminder.

• Optimum onkruidkontrole word verkry op ‘n fyn, gelyke saadbedding, sonder kluite, afval en onkruide.

Alhoewel onkruide tot die minimum gekontroleer kan word of verminderde bewerkingssisteem, maar afval mag

‘n invloed hê op die onkruiddoder en die prestasie daarvan verminder. GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui.




Aanbeveel op hierdie etiket. Die verenigbaarheid met ander produkte mag beïnvloed word deur die

formulasie van die produkte betrokke sowel as die kwaliteit van die verdunde water. ‘n Fisiese

verenigbaarheidstoets behoort altyd uitgevoer te word voor die bespuiting plaasvind.


Wanneer FARMAG TRIAZINE met ander onkruiddoders gemeng word, moet die etiket gelees word en volg

die vervaardiger se aanbevelings. • Voor gebruik moet dit baie goed geskud word. Plaas die deksel terug na die gebruik van produk.

• Vul die spuittenk halfvol met skoon water en voeg die verlangde hoeveelheid FARMAG TRIAZINE by

deur ‘n 50 maassif terwyl dit geroer word. Vul die spuittenk met water tot die volume wat voorgeskryf word.

• Wanneer ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR 900, ALACHLOR EC of METOLACHLOR 915 bygevoeg is

as ‘n tenkmengsels, behoort dit laaste bygevoeg te word, net voor die finale volume bereik is.

• Verseker deeglike meng en roer gedurende die volmaak en spuitoperasies.

• Na elke dag se spuitproses moet die spuittoerusting deeglik gespoel en skoongemaak word met skoon


Vooropkoms bespuiting/toediening

• Bespuit onmiddellik nadat geplant is. Berei ‘n fyn, gelyk en deeglik gekultiveerde onkruidvrye ferm

saadbedding, onmiddellik voor daar geplant word (kyk GEBRUIKSBEPERKINGS). Reeënval kort na

bespuiting is noodsaaklik om die onkruiddoder te aktiveer. Dus indien, daar droë toestande na

bespuiting voortduur vir ‘n periode van 7 – 14 dae, mag onkruide opkom en ontwikkel. In sulke gevalle

moet ‘n vlak bewerking (2-5cm) met ‘n rotasiemasjien gedoen word om die onkruide te vernietig. • Om die beste resultate te verkry, behoort daar 10–15 mm reë te val binne 3 dae na die voorbereiding van

die saadbeddidng, plant en FARMAG TRIAZINE bespuiting.

Na-opkoms bespuiting/toediening

Wanneer FARMAG TRIAZINE as ‘n na-opkoms bespuiting op die gewasse gespuit word, behoort die

breëblaaronkruide onder die 4-blaar stadium te ontwikkel het. ‘n Grasdoder soos ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR

EC of METOLACHLOR 915 behoort as ‘n vooropkoms toegedien te word om die grasonkruide te beheer.

Waar grasse nie gekontroleer was nie of breëblaaronkruide ontwikkel het onder die 4-blaar stadium, moet

die onkruide eerste vernietig te word deur middel van bewerking, gevolg deur FARMAG TRIAZINE spuit op

skoon grond. ‘n Geskikte bymiddel behoort by die spuitmengsel gevoeg te word.

Grondbespuiting- of toediening

FARMAG TRIAZINE mag toegedien word met enige medium of hoë volume spuittoerusting toegerus met ‘n

doeltreffende mengmeganisme en wat in staat is om genoegsame dekking en eweredige verspreiding tot

gevolg sal hê. Die beste resultate sal verkry word deur gebruik te maak van ‘n platwaaier-tipe spuitpunte en ‘n

volume van 150-250 l water/ha by te voeg.

Lugbespuiting- of toediening

Lugbespuiting van FARMAG TRIAZINE mag alleenlik deur ‘n geregistreerde lugbespuitingsoperateur, met ‘n

korrek gekalibreerde, geregistreerde vliegtuig volgens die instruksies van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Standaarde

10118: 2009 (Die Lugtoediening van Plaagdoders) bespuit word. Verseker dat die spuitmengsel eweredig

versprei word oor die teikenarea en dat die verlies van spuitmengsel gedurende toediening tot die minimum

beperk bly. Dit is daarom noodsaaklik dat die volgende kriteria nagekom word:

• Volume: ‘n spuitmengsel volume van 30–40 ℓ/ha word voorgestel. Omdat die produk nie teen ‘n verlaagde

volume getoets is nie, kan die registrasiehouer nie effektiwiteit waarborg nie, of verantwoordelik gehou word

vir enige nadelige effekte indien hierdie produk in die lug teen ‘n laer volume, as hierbo aanbeveel, toegedien

word nie.

• Druppelbedekking: 25–35 druppels/cm² moet oor die teikenarea herwin word.

• Druppelgrootte: ‘n druppelspektrum met ‘n VMD van 350–400 mikron word aanbeveel. Beperk die

produksie van druppels kleiner as 150 mikron(hoë drywing en verdampingspotensiaal) tot die minimum.

• Vlieghoogte: handhaaf die hoogte van die spuitbalk op 3–4 m bo die teiken. Moen ie spu i t

wanneer d ie v l ieg tu ig du ik , u i t k l im o f d raa i n ie .

• Gebruik geskikte atomiseringsapparaat wat die vereiste druppelgrootte en bedekking sal produseer, maar

die minste verlies van die produk sal verseker. Die spuitstelsel moet ‘n druppelspektrum met die

kleinste moontlike Relatiewe Span produseer.

• Plaas al die atomiseerders in die binneste 60–75 % van die vlerkspan om te verhoed dat druppels binne-in

die vlerkpuntvorteks beweeg.

• Die verskil in temperatuur tussen die nat- en droëbol termometer van ‘n swaaihigrometer, mag nie 8 °C

oorskry nie.

• Staak bespuiting indien die windspoed 15 km/uur oorskry.

• Staak bespuiting tydens turbulente, onstabiele en droë toestande gedurende die hitte van die dag.

• Bespuiting onder temperatuur inversie toestande (deur bo of binne die inversielaag te spuit) en/of hoë

lugvog toestande (relatiewe humiditeit 80% en meer) mag aanleiding gee tot die volgende:

c) verlaagde effektiwiteit aangesien die druppels as ‘n wolk in die lug bly hang en moontlik verdamp

(onvoldoende bedekkiing op teiken).

d) Skade aan nie-geteikende gewasse of sensitiewe areas as gevolg van wegdrywing van die

spuitwolk na die nie-geteikende area. • Verseker dat die lugbespuitingsoperateur presies weet watter lande bespuit moet word.

• Dit is noodsaaklik om ‘n versekering van die lugbespuitingsoperateur te verkry data an al die

bogenoemde vereistes voldoen sal word en dat data van belang in ‘n logboek saamgevat is vir

toekomstige verwysing.

Vooropkoms lugbespuiting

• ‘n Spuitvolume van 30–50 ℓ/ha word aanbeveel.

• ‘n Minimum van 20–30 druppels/cm² moet herwin word oor die geteikende area.

• Gebruik ‘n druppelspektrum met ‘n VMD van 450 mikrons.

Na-opkoms lugbespuiting

• ‘n minimum spuitvolume van 40–50 ℓ/ha.

• ‘n minimum van 30–45 druppels/cm² moet herwin word oor die geteikende area.

• Gebruik ‘n druppelspektrum met ‘n VMD van 350 mikrons.


Alle dosisse soos hieronder aanbeveel is vir algehele toediening. In die geval van strookbespuiting moet die

toepaslike hoeveelhede bereken word na aanleiding van die wydte van die strook en die rye. Waar ookal

FARMAG TRIAZINE op die onkruide as vooropkoms gespuit is, behoort ‘n geskikte bymiddel bygevoeg te



Waar ‘n reeks van dosisse vir ALACHLOR S 700 voorsien is, gebruik die hoër dosis vir:

d) Verbeterde kontrole van Cyperus esculentus (geeluintjie).

e) Verbeterde kontrole van seker grasse spesifiek Digitaria sanguinalis (kruisvingergras).

f) Grond wat meer as 1 % organiese materiaal bevat. Wanneer ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR 900, ALACHLOR EC of METOLACHLOR 915 aanbeveel word

in ‘n program met FARMAG TRIAZINE, is die waarskuwings en aanbevelings soos voorgeskryf op die

onderskeie etikette van toepassing.

MIELIES Vooropkoms

Dien toe binne 3 dae van saadbedding voorbereiding en plant vir die kontrole van sekere jaarlikse grasse soos,

Eleusine coracana (jongosgras), Chloris virgata (witpluim Chloris) en Setaria pallide-fusca (rooiborselgras)

en breëblaaronkruide. Hierdie dosisse sal nie C. esculentus (geeluintjie) kontroleer nie.

Gebruik die laer dosis op ligter grond.

Voorkopkoms tenkmengsels

Dien toe binne 3 dae na voorbereiding en plant van saadbedding. Table 1: vir die verbeterde kontrole van Urochloa panicoides (beesgras), Digitaria sanguinalis

(kruisvingergras), Panicum schinzii (soetbuffelsgras) and Cyperus esculentus (geeluintjies) FARMAG

TRIAZINE kan met ALACHLOR S 700 in die tenk gemeng word.






0–10 2,75 plus 0,5–0,7 11–20 3,25 plus 0,7–1,0 21–30 4,0 plus 1,0–1,2 31–40 5,0 plus 1,2–1,7 40 + Word nie aanbeveel nie Word nie aanbeveel nie

Use the lower rates on lighter soils.

Table 2: vir die verbeterde kontrole op bogenoemde grasse, maar uitgesluit Cyperus esculentus (geeluintjies),

kan FARMAG TRIAZINE met ALACHLOR S 700 in die tenk gemeng word.




ALACHLOR S 700 (ℓ/ha)

0–10 2,75 plus 0,4 11–20 3,25 plus 0,5 21–30 4,0 plus 0,5 30 + Word nie aanbeveel nie Word nie aanbeveel nie

Table 3: verbeterde kontrole van Panicum schinzii (soetbuffelsgras ) en Urochloa panicoides (beesgras), kan

slegs in Noord-Wes Provinsie en Noord-Vrystaat verkry word deur FARMAG TRIAZINE met laer dosisse van

ALACHLOR S 700 te meng.


0–10 2,75–3,25 11–20 3,25–4,0 21–40 4,0–5,0 40 + Word nie aanbeveel nie.



ALACHLOR S 700 (ℓ/ha)

0–10 2,75 plus 0,25

11–20 3,25 plus 0,25 21–30 4,0 plus 0,4 30 + Word nie

aanbeveel nie Word nie aanbeveel nie


FARMAG TRIAZINE kan as ‘n na-opkoms behandeling toegedien word om die tydperk van onkruidkontrole te verleng:


d) Toediening van FARMAG TRIAZINE as ‘n vroeë na-opkoms alleen of in ‘n tenkmengsel met METOLACHLOR


e) Toediening van FARMAG TRIAZINE as ‘n vroeë na-opkoms behandeling op mielies met ‘n voorplant

geïnkorporeerde behandeling soos óf ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC óf METOLACHLOR 915.

f) Toediening van FARMAG TRIAZINE as ‘n vroeë na-opkoms behandeling op mielies behandel met ‘n na-plant

vooropkoms behandeling met enige van die volgende ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC of

METOLACHLOR 915. ‘n Na-opkoms behandeling van FARMAG TRIAZINE moet toegedien word nadat die gewas opgekom het en

voor die breëblaaronkruid tot die 4-5 blaarstadiumust ontwikkel en voor die grasse ontkiem. Dit word aanbeveel om

‘n vooropkoms behandeling vir graskontrole toe te dien, iets soos ALACHLOR S 700 of METOLACHLOR 915 voor

die gebruik van FARMAG TRIAZINE as ‘n na-opkoms behandeling. Indien onkruide nie gekontroleer is nie, of ontwikkel het laer as die bogenoemde groeistadiums, behoort hulle

vernietig tie word deur bewerking voordat FARMAG TRIAZINE toegedien word op skool grond. Tabel 4: FARMAG TRIAZINE as ‘n vroeë na-opkoms toediening. Hierdie behandeling word nie aanbeveel in

de areas wat bekend is vir hoë gras infestasie nie en ook nie vir die kontrole van Cyperus esculentus

(geeluintjies) nie.


0–10 3,0 11–20 3,5 21–30 4,0 30–50 4,0–6,0

Vir verlengde onkruidbeheer, behoort óf ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC óf METOLACHLOR 915

toegedien te word by naplant, maar vooropkoms van onkruide soos aanbeeel op die etiket gevolg deur vroeë

na-opkoms behandeling van FARMAG TRIAZINE teen dosisse soos aangedui hierbo. Tabel 5: FARMAG TRIAZINE toegedien na voorplant inkorporasie van ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC of

METOLACHLOR 915. Gedurende periodes van reënval laer as die gemiddeld of vir die verbeterde kontrole van

Cyperus esculentus (geeluintjies) kan ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC of METOLACHLOR 915 voorplant

inkorporasie gedoen word volgens die aanbevelings op die etiket. Na opkoms van die gewas en voor die onkruide

ontwikkel laer as die bogenoemde groeistadiums kan, FARMAG TRIAZINE toegedien word.

Tabel 6: ‘n vroeë na-opkoms toediening van FARMAG TRIAZINE in ‘n tenkmengsel met ALACHLOR 900 of


tenkmengsel voor onkruide ontwikkel het laer as die bogenoemde groeistadium of nadat onkruide vernietig is

deur bewerking. Hierdie behandeling is vir verlengde breëblaar en gras onkruid kontrole.




900 (ℓ/ha)




0–10 3,0 plus 0,75 or 0,75

11–20 3,5 plus 0,75–1,0

or 1,1 21–30 4,0 plus 1,0 or 1,4 31–50 4,0–6,0 plus 1,0 or 1,5–2,0

Table 7: FARMAG TRIAZINE na naplant vooropkoms behandeling óf ALACHLOR S 700, ALACHLOR EC


toegedien word as ‘n saaitoediening of strook behandeling volgense die etiket se aanbevelings. FARMAG TRIAZINE

kan toegedien word nadat die gewas opgekom het envoordat die onkruid ontwikkel laer as die bogenoemde groeistadium

om verlengde gras en breëblaar onkruid kontrole te bied. Dosisse vir strookbehandelings behoort hiervolgens aangepas

te word.


S 700











0–10 0,6–0,9 2,0–4,0 3,0 0,75 11–16 0,9 2,0–4,0 3,5 1,1 17–20 0,9–1,2 2,0–4,5 3,5 1,1 21–30 1,2–1,8 5,0 4,0 1,4 31–50 1,2–1,8 5,0 4,0–6,0 1,5–2,0

Gebruik laer dosisse op ligter grond.

Die ALACHLOR EC dosis is afhanklik van die grasspesie verteenwoordigend.

BEHEERDE ONKRUIDE Grasse (vooropkoms)

Brachiaria eruciformis Lietsjiesinjaalgras


700 (ℓ/ha)









0–10 Word nie aanbeveel 0,75 Word nie aanbeveel Word nie aanbeveel

1,8 3,0 4,0 11–16 1,8 1,1 3,5 4,5 17–20 2,4 1,1 4,0 5,0 21–30 3,0 1,4 4,0 5,0 31–35 Word nie aanbeveel 1,5–2,0 Word nie aanbeveel Word nie aanbeveel 35 + 2,0

Chloris virgata Witpluim Chloris

Digitaria sanguinalis Kruisvingergras

Eleusine coracana Jongosgras

Panicum maximum Gewone buffelsgras

Panicum schinzii Soetbuffelsgras

Setaria pallide-fusca Rooiborselgras

Urochloa panicoides Beesgras

Breëblaar onkruide (vooropkoms)

Acanthospermum australe Kruipsterklits

Acanthospermum glabratum Prostaat sterklits

Acanthospermum hispidum Regop sterklits

Amaranthus deflexus Meerjarige misbredie

Amaranthus hybridus Gewone misbredie

Amaranthus spinosus Doring misbredei

Amaranthus thunbergii Rooi misbredie

Bidens bipinnata Spaanse knapsekêrel

Bidens pilosa Knapsekêrel

Chenopodium album Wit hondebossie

Chenopodium carinatum Groen hondebossie

Cleome monophylla Enkelblaar Cleome

Cleome rubella Mooinooientjie

Crotalaria sphaerocarpa Mielie Crotalaria

Galinsoga parviflora Knopkruid

Gisekia pharnaceoides Gisekia

Hibiscus trionum Terblansbossie

Nicandra physaloides Basterappelliefie

Physalis angulata Wilde appelliefie

Portulaca oleracea Porslein

Richardia brasiliensis Tropiese Richardia

Schkuria pinnata Klein kakiebos

Sonchus oleraceus Sydissel

Tagetes minuta Kakiebos Sedert FARMAG TRIAZINE jaarlikse grasse en breëblaar onkruide beheer, mag ander jaarlikse grasse en

breëblaar onkruide wat nie gelys is nie, tot ‘n groter of minder mate beheer word. Die registrasiehouer

aanvaar nie verantwoordelikheid vir die kontrole van onkruide wat nie gelys is nie.

Wisselende onkruid beheer

Cosmos bipinnatus Kosmos

Commelina benghalensis Wandelende Jood

Datura ferox Groot stinkblaar

Datura stramonium Stinkblaar

Hibiscus cannabinus Wildestokroos


Bykomend tot die bogenoemde onkruide sal die volgende onkruide gekontroleer kan word deur na-opkoms

behandeling: Cucumis myriocarpus Streep wilde komkommer

Ipomoea purpurea Purperwind

Tribulus terrestris Dubbeltjie

Xanthium strumarium kankerroos Die volgende grasse word gekontroleer waar bykomende gras onkruiddoders bygevoeg word soos aanbeveel

op die etiket: Setaria verticillata Klitsborselgras

Tragus berteronianus Klein wortelsaadgras

Tragus racemosus Groot wortelsaadgras

Urochloa mosambicensis Bosveld beesgras

Urochloa brachyura Tuin gras

Fimbristylis spp. Fyn biesie