Farm Conservation Plan Outlining the Implementation of ... · Farm Conservation Plan Outlining the...

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Farm Conservation Plan Outlining the Implementation of

Best Management Practices for Cranberries Production

Planned by Bill Kane for Gary Randall’s Bog System (amended Nov 2005)

North Carver, Massachusetts

A Product of Plymouth County Conservation District and the USDA NRCS Wareham Field Office

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Table of Contents Maps Locus Map 5Land Units Map 6Plan Map 7Flume Map 8Resource Map 9 Farm Overview and Conservation Objectives 3Natural Resource Overview 3Farm Identification Table 4Conservation Practice Summary Chart 4 Water Management General Information 10449 - Irrigation Water Management 11430 - Irrigation Water Conveyance (main) 12442 - Irrigation System, Sprinkler (laterals) 12447 – Irrigation System Tailwater Recovery Pond 13436/378 – Irrigation Storage Reservoir/Pond 13582- Open Channel (Bypass Canal) 13356 - Dike 14587 - Water Control Structure (flume) 14 Crop Management 590 - Nutrient Management 15595 - Pest Management 22

Associated Land Treatment Practices 342 - Critical Area Planting 29466 - Land Smoothing 29608 - Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral 30645 - Wildlife Habitat Management 30

Soils Description 31Soils Map 33Signature Page 37

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- Farm Overview and Conservation Objectives -

The Cranberry Bog located in North Carver, Plymouth County. It has 10.89 acres of cranberry bog on approximately 20 acres of total property. Its main source of water is Muddy Pond.

Landowner Gary Randall wants to improve the efficiency of the property by making some changes to the way the bogs are laid out. The current layout has two bogs with a stream running through the middle of both. The owner is planning to divide the bogs into three sections and to remove the stream and re-place it with a bypass canal. The bypass canal would allow for better water control and use. Bypass ca-nal can also act as a tailwater holding area because both ends will be able to be shut off. The dividing of the bogs would also allow for a better work area and create and easier setup for harvest. Design would keep almost the exact same acreage of bog.

- Natural Resource Overview - SOIL:

The cranberry bog soils vary within the Berryland soil types from deep organic soils to shallow course sandy soils. Surrounding the bog system is moderately well drained to poorly drained sandy loam and organic soils. As well, several wetland areas are adjacent to or in close proximity of the bog system.


The water used to irrigate, chemigate and flood comes from Muddy Pond. The Pond is approxi-mately 66 acres. There are two bogs on this property that make use of this water. There is currently no tailwater recovery system in place.


No known air quality concerns.

PLANTS: Cranberries are the sole crop currently produced on the property.

ANIMALS: Owner has witnessed various types of wildlife on the property. Animals seen are deer, skunk, rac-

coon, and muskrat. There are also various birds seen around the property including a large variety of water birds as the property abuts Muddy Pond on the south side.

HUMANS: There is only one area of concern regarding neighbors. The grower on the property to the southeast

controls the flume that allows water onto the landowner’s bogs. Landowner wants to build a canal and put his own flume in so he can control the water coming onto his bogs.

Before a specific construction project is started, a review of the permit process shall be made and all necessary Federal, State and Local permits shall be obtained. Assistance and guidance is avail-

able from NRCS. 508-295-7962

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Farm Identification

Farm Type: Town: County: State: Watershed: FSA References Tract Number: Farm Number: Food Security Act Determination: Highly Erodible Land Determination: Wetland Determination: Total Acres: Cranberries: Water Resources:

Cranberry Bog N Carver Plymouth Massachusetts Taunton River Basin 500 1822 complete complete complete 20.0 acres 10.89 acres Muddy Pond

Conservation Practice Summary Chart

Conservation Practice Units Planned 449 - Irrigation Water Management acres 430 - Irrigation Water Conveyance (main) feet 442 - Irrigation System, Sprinkler (laterals) acres 447 – Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery Pond number 436/378 – Irrigation Storage Reservoir/Pond acres 356 - Dike feet 587 - Water Control Structure (flume) number 680 - Nutrient Management acres 685 - Pest Management acres 342 – Critical Area Planting acres 391 – Riparian Forest Buffer acres 466 – Land Smoothing acres 608 – Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral acres 645 – Wildlife Habitat Management acres

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0.3 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Miles




Locus Map

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0.1 0 0.1 Miles




Land Units


Howes & EBHowes & EB





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Property boundry

Proposed bypass canal

Proposed bypass canal

Property boundry

Property boundry


Bog to be filled in

Proposed dike

Proposed dike

0.09 0 0.09 0.18 Miles




Plan Map

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# #



Muddy Pond

This flume controlled byneightbor

0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Miles


# Randallflumes.shp




Flume Map

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Muddy Pond

0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Miles

TownsDep_wetchange.shpRandallbogs.shp05 Interim Wellhead Protection (IWPA's) 0505 Zone II Wellhead Protection 05

# Anadromous fish points 04

Aquifers 04High YieldingMedium Yielding

Estimated habitats of TRES 04

Wetlands 25KWetland / Salt MarshCranberry BogSurface WaterTidal FlatImpoundmentDam




Resource Map

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WATER MANAGEMENT General Information A water management system is a planned water delivery system, which when broken down into various compo-nents, will uniformly distribute water to maintain; adequate soil moisture for optimum plant growth, and provide adequate floodwater for cranberry culture without causing excessive water loss, erosion or reduced water capacity. Water management includes the management of the water supply for irrigation, harvest, winter flood, and late hold-ing water. As a general rule, each acre of cranberries will use five to ten feet of water to meet all production, har-vesting and flooding needs. There are two main ways to distribute water onto the bogs –through sprinkler systems and through flooding. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Sprinkler irrigation supplements soil moisture, protects the buds from spring frosts and the berries from fall frosts and cools the plants during intense summer heat. There are two vital operations performed by sprinklers on cran-berry bogs –Irrigation and Frost Protection. IRRIGATION During the growing season cranberries can require 0.20-0.25 inches of water per acre per day during the hottest, dri-est and windiest weather. The standard recommendation is for vines to receive an inch of water per week from ei-ther rain, capillary action from groundwater, irrigation or some combination of these. Best Management Practices recommend irrigating in the early morning, so as not to extend the time the plants are naturally wet. This practice also minimizes loss from evaporation, run-off and drift, which can amount to 30 percent of water that comes out of the nozzle. FROST PROTECTION Frost protection applies water to prevent damage to buds and berries when they are sensitive to temperatures below freezing. During the spring and in the fall, during cold periods, frost protection is a necessity. It is necessary to ap-ply at least 0.10 inch of water per acre per hour to provide basic frost protection. This will protect the plants to about 24 degrees F under calm conditions. FLOODING Flooding is so important in cranberry cultivation that, bogs, where flooding is not possible, cranberries are no longer considered profitable. Flooding is a management tool to protect the plants from the cold, drying winds of winter, to harvest and remove fallen leaves and to control pests. WINTER FLOOD Cranberry vines may be injured or killed by severe winter weather. Protecting the vines with a winter flood pre-vents this injury, winter kill. The winter flood may be applied as early as December 1 and remains on the bog as long as winter kill conditions are present or forecasted. Generally, growers hold the flood no later than March 15. LATE WATER Late water floods have been used since the 1940’s and have been used to protect the bog from spring frost and to provide some pest control. In modern cranberry production, holding late water refers to the practice of withdrawing the winter flood in March then re-flooding the bog in later April for one month. HARVEST FLOOD Approximately 90 percent of the crop are harvested this way. Flood harvesting occurs after the berries are well col-ored and the floodwaters have lost their summer heat. The bogs are flooded with up to one foot of water. In order to conserve water, harvest will be managed so water is reused to harvest as many sections of bog as possible before water is released from the system.

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All irrigation water for Gary Randall’s Bogs is used for irrigation and frost protection, nutrient and pest management, supplemental irrigation, cooling down of the plants, as well as flooding. Floods are used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Properly timed flooding may control some insects, weeds and disease. Flooding is also used to protect the cranberry vines from winter stress, removal of litter after harvest, sanding and harvest.. 449 – IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT Irrigation water management is a method of determining and controlling the rate, amount and timing of irrigation water in an efficient manner. The purpose of this practice is to effectively use available irrigation water supply in managing and controlling the moisture environment of crops to promote crop response, to minimize soil erosion and loss of plant nutrients, to control undesirable water loss and to protect water quality. The irrigator will have the knowledge and capability to manage and apply water in such a manner that these objectives can be reasonably at-tained. The knowledge should include: 1. How to determine when irrigation water should be applied based on the rate of water used by crops and on the stages of plant growth and weather. 2. How to measure or estimate the amount of water required for irrigation and leaching needs 3. The normal time needed for the soil to absorb the required amount of water and how to detect changes in intake rate 4. How to adjust stream size, application rate, or irrigation time to compensate for changes in such fac-tors as intake rate or the amount of water to be applied 5. How to evaluate the uniformity of water application Assessment: The operator has a good understanding concerning the proper operation of the sprinkler systems and will provide for efficient water use while protecting the water supply and the resource base. Frost Protection The operator monitors the bogs during frost conditions. The temperature at which the sprinklers are turned on to protect the plants and fruit is determined daily by the operator with respect to the season, Spring or Fall, plant de-velopment, bog location (micro-climate), the weather conditions, tolerance of the cranberries varieties, and years of experience. In the spring, sprinklers are usually turned on 3 to 5 degrees F above the tolerance temperature whereas in the fall the sprinklers are turned on 3 degrees F above the tolerance temperature. A .10” of water an hour is applied for frost protection in the spring and the fall. Once the sprinklers are turned on the operator monitors the entire system, including the heads, to make sure that the system is functioning properly. Supplemental Irrigation Water The operator uses the feel and observation method in determining the irrigation needs of the plant, continually ex-amining the condition of the soil and plants while monitoring weather reports. Watering to avoid evaporation losses is done early in the morning, before sunrise. This is consistent with recommendation by NRCS and the Cranberry Chart Book. This practice avoids evaporation losses and if there is a disease problem made worse by wet foliage, the plants have the opportunity to quickly dry off. The volume of water applied during each application is consis-tent with NRCS guideline depending upon soil type, plant variety and weather conditions. Pesticide Application When applying materials through the sprinkler system the operator takes an initial run of the system checking heads and lines. The history of the system indicates whether the uniformity of water application has been consistent and adequate for plant and fruit needs. Screens and ½ heads are utilized along with all necessary precautions to prevent chemigated water from leaving the system. Each season or every other season an initial dye test is run through the irrigation system to identify any changes in the uniformity or rinse out times. The inert dye gives an innocuous but visible indication of the uniformity of the system.

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430 – IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE, PIPELINE (PLASTIC MAINLINE) Irrigation water conveyance pertains to that part of the irrigation system that carries water to the irrigation sprinkler system (mainline). Water conveyance is through underground thermoplastic pipelines ranging from ½” to 18” in diameter which are closed to the atmosphere and subject to internal pressures of 80 lb./sq.” or greater. The intent of this practice is to prevent loss of water quality, damage to the landscape and to make possible proper management of irrigation water by reducing water conveyance losses. Assessment: Currently, the Randall Bog system has 8” mainlines. The operator is going to be changing the layout of the bogs on the property. This change will result in new mainline being put in. It is yet to be determined what size and type of mainline will be used. Decisions: The operator will monitor the bog system for upgrades, maintenance and repairs. Industry Best Manage-ment Practices will be adhered to during replacement and upgrades. 442 – SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM A sprinkler irrigation system (laterals and heads) is a planned water delivery method, using sprinkler heads under pressure. The system should uniformly distribute water to maintain adequate soil moisture for optimum plant growth without causing excess water loss or reduced water capacity. Sprinkler systems for cranberry bogs are also used for protection of crops from frost damage, for the application of fertilizers and pesticides and for plant tem-perature control during periods of intense heat. Assessment: All sprinkler systems are designed for maximum uniform coverage and are said to be functioning effectively, although the system is old and needing replaced. All bogs have a 50 x 60 spacing pattern with Rainbird #30 sprinkler heads. Irrigation systems probably utilize 1¼” diameter PVC lateral lines. These specifications comply with NRCS recommendations. Maintenance will be conducted annually; repairs are made as needed.

Decisions: Utilize half heads along bog edges or where “drifting” may cause onsite or offsite impacts. Monitor weather before applying agrochemicals. Adhere to all restrictions posted on agrochemical labels Conduct dye tests annually too properly determine the wash out time and uniformity of the systems. Utilize NRCS recommendations and the Best Management Practices of the cranberry industry during upgrades and installations of new sprinkler systems. When considering the installation of a new irrigation system a combination of sprinkler spacing, head sizes and operating pressure that provides the design application rate and distribution shall be selected. Coefficient of uniformity data shall be used to select sprinkler spacing, head size and operating pressure. Specifications call for a uniformity coefficient of not less than 85% for cranberries a high value, shallow rooted crop where pesticides are applied through the system.

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447 – IRRIGATION SYSTEM, TAILWATER RECOVERY POND A tailwater recovery pond is a facility used to collect, store, and transport irrigation tailwater for reuse in farm irri-gation / flood distribution system. Tailwater recovery systems for cranberry bog water management are used to conserve water supplies by collecting surface runoff for reuse on the bogs and protecting water quality by storing chemigated water onsite. Assessment: Currently, there is no pond capturing tailwater for the bog system. Owner is going to build a bypass canal throught the center of the bogs and this canal will be able to hold water after chemigation because flumes will be located at each end of the canal. Decisions: Any construction will be in accordance to NRCS standards and specifications. 436 / 378 – IRRIGATION STORAGE RESERVOIR / POND This practice applies to reservoirs and ponds that store irrigation and flood water for cranberry farming. Reservoirs and ponds capture and store surface and ground water for use throughout the growing and management season. Regular cleaning and maintenance is required to provide an adequate water supply. Structural features such as dikes and flumes must be maintained to ensure function, stability and the water holding capacity of reservoirs and ponds. Assessment: There is no irrigation/storage reservoir on the property. The water used comes directly from Muddy Pond. Decisions: Any construction will be in accordance to NRCS standards and specifications. 582 – OPEN CHANNEL (By-Pass Channel) The practice refers to the construction or improvement of a channel, either natural or artificial in which water flows with a free surface, including modification of existing streams or ditches. In the case of a cranberry bog by-pass canal, the purpose is to divert drainage water around the outside of the active bog beds while the bog is treated with agricultural chemicals including fertilizer and or pesticides. The in-tent is to protect surface water. Assessment: Owner is considering putting a bypass canal on the property. The purpose of this canal would be to move some of the excess water off the bogs. These bogs are very wet and the excess water is an issue. This would also allow him to better control the quality of the water moving on and off his bogs. The neighbor to the south has excess water as well and it flows through a flume on the neighbor’s property onto Mr. Randall’s. The bypass canal would allow this water to flow and not impact the owner’s bogs. The by-pass canal would be on the eastern side of the property and follow the property boundary to the northern tip of the upper bog. The canal would then be controlled by an existing flume and the addition of a new flume and dike. There are some obstacles to this project. The primary one is that the current property line is very close and the canal would end up being on a neighbor’s property. The owner would need to work an ar-rangement with the neighbor or look at purchasing the land. Another obstacle to this project is determining what size the canal would need to be because of the volume of water that is expected to pass through it. This would need to be engineered.

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356 – DIKE Dikes are embankments constructed of earth or other suitable materials to protect land against overflow or to regu-late water. Dikes for cranberry bog water management include perimeter and interior dikes to temporarily impound water for harvesting, trash removal, pest control, and winter flooding or other management purposes including maintaining water quality from chemigation on bogs. Assessment: All dikes surrounding the bogs were examined and appeared to be structurally sound. The dikes primarily consist of a combination of well-compacted, native mineral soils and silty materials. They are adequate for the division of water and agrochemicals. As well, most dikes were well seeded with grass. Decisions: Continually maintain sparse areas on dikes by applying seed mixtures and mulch. Maintenance recommen-dations are documented in section 342 – Critical Area Planting. “Hard armor” and Geo-textile fabric may be used where problems persist. Contact NRCS engineering for technical assistance.

587 – WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE Flumes are water control structures (WCS) usually constructed of steel, aluminum or concrete which are installed in a dike that conveys water, controls the direction of flow or maintains a desirable water surface elevation. The pri-mary purpose of a WCS is to control the stage, discharge, distribution, delivery, or direction of flow of water in open channels or water use areas. They are also used for water quality control. This occurs when the flumes are used to hold back sediment and impound chemical laden water until it has sufficiently degraded (for its specified de-tention time) for discharge from the bog system. Assessment: There are currently three flumes on the landowner’s property. There is also a fourth flume that directly im-pacts the growers bogs but that flume is controlled by a neighbor. The three flumes that are controlled by the owner are in good to fair condition. The flume that is currently in between the two bogs will be removed when renovations are made and the bypass canal is built. The fourth flume that the owner does not have control over is in good condition. Decisions: Check flumes, runners, and boards regularly to ensure water-holding capacity. Install flume boards before applying fertilizers and agrochemicals to bogs. New flume installation and replacement will be in accordance to NRCS standards and specifications. Erosion measures will be implemented during replacements. Flume installations will be stabilized with structural or vegetative stabilization.

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680 - Nutrient Management Planning for Cranberries The goal of nutrient planning for cranberries is to ensure healthy plants, good harvests, and protection of en-vironmental water resources (surface and ground). For additional information regarding nutrient management in cranberries, refer to: 1) Cranberry Chart Book, University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station, East Wareham (updated annually). Source material for much of this document. Available from the UMass Cranberry Station. 2) Nitrogen for Bearing Cranberries in North America. 2000. authors: Davenport, DeMoranville, Hart, and Roper. Available from the UMass Cranberry Station. 3) Cranberry Crop Management Newsletter, Integrated Cranberry Crop Management for Wisconsin. Excellent se-ries on phosphorus fertilization is included in the summer issues of 2003. Available on the web at Cranberry nutrient planning shall consist of monitoring and observation; careful record keeping of applications, yields, and monitoring/observation results; and training and education. As a result of this process, applications will be chosen and timed in such a way as to preserve vigor and productivity while protecting water resources. The de-cision making process will be documented along with the applications and outcomes. As native perennial plants well adapted to acid soils in a wetland environment, cranberries need less fertilizer than many annual crops. Decisions regarding timing, rate, and formulation of fertilizer applications will be refined based on age and history of beds, soil and subsoil conditions, applied cultural practices, cropping records, condition of plants and cropping potential, and analytical results of tissue testing. Soil testing may provide additional information but is of only lim-ited utility in designing a cranberry fertility program (see next section). Target recommended rates for N and P will serve as a starting point and will be modified based on the decision making process.

In the following sections, actions to be taken are outlined. These actions should be grouped by 'management unit', that is each area that is managed as a whole. For example, a management unit might be the area under a single irri-gation pump or a group of beds all planted to the same variety. The management unit could be the whole farm for a small operation. Monitoring/observation Periodic analyses and frequent regular observations will be conducted and documented as part of the decision-making process. Forms are included in the record keeping section. The observation form serves as a checklist of observations to be made.

At least every fourth year, a tissue test sample will be collected from each management unit. The plant tissue test is of great value in determining the success of a fertilizer program for cranberries. As a perennial crop, cranber-ries can store minerals within their tissues for use the following season. A tissue test, done late in the season serves as a 'report card' on the current season's program and a guide to adjusting for next season. Tissue samples are best collected from mid-August to mid-September when mineral levels in the tissue are stable. Samples collected at that time should include upright tips only (do not strip off the leaves). Collect no more than the top 2 inches of new growth (mix flowering and vegetative uprights). As you walk a transect across the management unit, collect enough material to fill the sample bag (provided by the commercial lab) to the indicated mark. This may be done in the field as samples should not be washed. Always request nitrogen determination. This increases the cost, but nitro-gen levels in the tissue test are an important indicator of plant status and the success of fertilizer programs.

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At least every fifth year, a soil sample will be collected from each management unit. Soil samples may be col-lected at the same time as tissue samples. Alternatively, soil samples may be taken in the spring after the soil has become well drained. The sample should be randomly collected within the test area and thoroughly mixed. Sample only the top 4-6 inches and do not include any surface duff. If the bog was not constructed or renovated during the last five years, request an organic matter determination as part of the test. Newer beds have uniformly low organic matter and testing for it is not economical. Be advised that the soil test has limited utility and is poorly correlated with yield. It is useful for following trends in soil pH and for looking for deficiencies of potassium or magnesium. Organic matter content can be useful in predicting natural nitrogen release in the spring (part of the decision making process for spring applications and rates). Soil test phosphorus is difficult to interpret in cranberry bogs and should always be interpreted in light of the tissue test. In acidic cranberry soils, P is tightly bound to iron and aluminum and generally little is plant-available. The common soil test for P, the Bray test, tends to strip P from iron and alu-minum in the soil. Soils that are high in iron, including most Massachusetts cranberry soils, release P too easily in the Bray procedure, overestimating the amount of P available to the plants. Research has shown that standard soil tests for P are completely inaccurate if the iron in the soil exceeds 200 ppm. Each season, observations will be made of plant vigor, appearance, and productivity and records of observa-tions will be kept. Decisions regarding nitrogen rate will be based in part on the length and density of uprights, their appearance (color) and crop potential (number of flowering uprights and flowering intensity). Timing of ap-plications will be based on soil and air temperature, developmental stage of the crop, and observations of vine ap-pearance. Observe overall appearance and color of vines during the season. Make note of any unusual events such as frost in-jury, winter injury, or insect/disease damage. Observe bloom and record intensity. Look for excessive runner pro-duction. Observe vine color. Leaf greenness is related to the pigment, chlorophyll, which is involved in carbohy-drate production through photosynthesis. Along with adequate growth (length) of the uprights, chlorophyll content is an important determinant of yield. Overall intensity and shade of leaf greenness (chlorophyll) is related to ade-quate N nutrition. With experience, you can assess intensity of greenness by visual observation. As an alternative, SPAD Chlorophyll Meters may be used.

Observe upright length. Walk around the bog and evaluate representative areas. By mid-June (hook stage), the minimum total growth on the new uprights should be 2.25 inches for 'Early Black' and 'Howes', and 2.5 inches for 'Ben Lear' and 'Stevens'. Flowering uprights should have 1.5 to 2 inches of leafy length above the flowers and fruit. Presence of adequate foliage (length) by mid-June is significantly correlated with yield later that season. Small, stunted uprights early in the season are associated with poor crops. Observe upright density. The average upright density for a productive bog should be about 600 uprights/sq. ft. for 'Early Black' and 400 uprights/sq. ft. for 'Howes', 'Ben Lear', and 'Stevens'. Ideally, 200 or more of these uprights should be the flowering type. An adequate stand of vegetative uprights is also important, as about 80% of these will flower next year. To sample upright density: count all uprights in a circle 4 inches in diameter. Total upright den-sity (approximate) for 'Early Black' should be 50/sample; density for 'Howes', 'Ben Lear', or 'Stevens' should be 35/sample. Sample 3-5 representative areas per management unit.

Monitor temperature. Cranberries take up fertilizer most effectively at soil temperatures between 65 and 75 ºF. Some uptake occurs at soil temperatures as low 55 ºF but little uptake will occur at lower soil temperatures. Record date of 55 ºF soil temperature. Training/education Informed decisions on fertilizer use also require continuing education as new research becomes available. In order to remain current, the operator will attend available workshops and educational sessions.

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Record keeping Records will be kept for each management unit. Forms are provided or use any appropriate record keeping method. Records kept over a period of years will contribute to the decision making process for nutrient management. The following is a list of record to be kept: 1. Basic bog information Variety, age of bog, date of last renovation, description of soil, cultural practices within five years (sand-ing, pruning, late water), yield for most recent five years 2. Results of soil and tissue test Record date of collection on basic information form, maintain copy of the test results. 3. Annual crop and fertilizer records Yield by management unit, losses to fruit rot, locations and dates of fertilizer application, rates and formu-lations used (N should be urea or ammonium), split doses and weather conditions 4. Observation checklist General condition, appearance of the vines (including color, length, density), crop potential (flowering up-rights and bloom), impediments to yield (frost, sanding, pruning, mechanical/winter damage, insect infestations, Phytophthora root rot), date of 55 ºF soil temperature 5. Document attendance at educational workshops. Nutrient decision-making 1) Environmental considerations The two elements in fertilizer programs that have been identified as presenting potential environmental risk are ex-cessive nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is a contributing factor to algal blooms in salt water environments, while phosphorus loading causes excessive plant growth in fresh water. To control nutrient contribution to ground or sur-face water from cranberry bogs: We must take particular care to avoid excessive fertilizer applications. We must limit to every extent possible the opportunity for nutrient transport off-site. This includes limiting applications to target areas and avoiding large doses applied all at once, particularly on sandy beds. In mature cranberry beds, leaching is not a likely means of off-site transport. Since the land is fairly level, surface runoff can be contained with the effective use of flumes. Special care should be taken to avoid release of sediment laden flood water. Sensitive resources are identified and addressed in the assessment. 2) General recommendations In determining actual applications and procedures, the operator will follow the Nutrient Management Guidelines set forth in the "Cranberry Chart Book: Management Guide for Massachusetts". Factors to be considered in these de-terminations will include cropping history, cultivar, management practices such as sanding and spring floods, weather, plant appearance, and tissue test results. Soil test results will be reviewed. Nutrient application plans should be reviewed at least annually. In-season adjustments should be made as plant and weather conditions war-rant. General reminders and cautions: Maintain good drainage and adequate irrigation. If bog appearance is suspect, rule out disease and insect problems before changing the nutrient plan. Excessive nitrogen fertilization leads to overvegetative plants. This may increase susceptibility to disease, spring frost or insect feeding. High nitrogen doses may also lead to poor fruit quality and delay color development in the fruit. High nitrogen doses can have adverse carry-over effects in following years. Excess applied nitrogen leads to high nitrogen concentrations in plant tissues such as stems and roots that can be remobilized in the plant and lead to excess vegetation, particularly when more nitrogen is added to the soil. Fall fertilizer (post harvest application) is often unnecessary, particularly if crop was small and no defi-ciencies have been noted. Late season applications may not be properly taken up by the plants depending on soil temperature and state of dormancy. Generally, if uptake does not occur in the fall, the nutrients are no longer available the following spring. Organic types of fertilizers may be the exception. Make sure that all application equipment is properly calibrated.

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Choosing materials, rates, and application timing: Choose complete N-P-K fertilizers with nitrogen in the ammonium or urea form. Blends should be uni-form in particle size. Organic fertilizers are also appropriate. Minor elements and major elements other than N, P, and K are seldom needed. Review your soil tests for K and Mg, and review all element levels in the tissue test. See the Chart Book for further information. Choose the N-P-K ratio depending on the P status of the plant and soil. If P is normal in the tissue test, a ratio of no more than 1N:2P is recommended. If soil and tissue P are low, increase the P in the material to a 1:3 or greater ratio with N. Foliar P may also be used pre-bloom if tissue tests are low. Choose the fertilizer rate based on N needs but apply no more than 20 lb/A actual P per acre per season (~45lb/A P2O5). N rate should be chosen based on bog history of response. A good starting rate for 'Early Black' and 'Howes' is 25 lb N/A; for 'Ben Lear' and 'Stevens' 30-35 lb N/A. Adjustment of the N rate will be made depending on the appearance and condition of the bog (see next sec-tion). It is best to time fertilizer applications by the growth stage of the plants. This is especially true when weather has been unusual and plant development is off-schedule. For a cold spring, delay soil amendment applica-tions. Fertilizer applications will be less effective if soil temperature is below 50°F because roots will not take up nutrients effectively in cold soil. Plan nitrogen fertilizer applications based on soil type and soil temperature. On sandy soils (<1% organic matter), nitrogen fertilizer may be applied throughout the season. On more organic cranberry soils and older beds, applications should be based on soil temperatures. For typical cranberry bogs (1-4% organic matter), applications of N should not be necessary early in the spring. From flood removal until soil temperatures exceed 55°F, adequate N should be available through biological processes (mineralization). Nitrogen is slowly released from the soil early in the spring when the cranberry plants are dormant. This leads to a 'flush' of ammonium availability when the plants are breaking dormancy. At soil temperatures from 55°F to 70°F, release of N through mineralization is only moderate. Fertilizer applications should be beneficial. This corresponds to the period from roughneck stage through bloom. During spells of hot weather, when soil temperatures exceed 70°F and air temperatures exceed 85°F, soil N release in-creases and crop development slows, so planned fertilizer N applications should be reduced, delayed, or eliminated. 3) Site specific decision process In addition to the guideline above, certain information that you gather during the season along with other manage-ment activities and bog characteristics will determine the exact nutrition management for each bog. The following list provides guidance on how to adjust the plan for each management unit.

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Nitrogen (N) decisions Choose a starting N rate and delivery schedule based on experience and previous performance or use the starting guidelines in the previous section. N rates are then adjusted through the season based on the chart below.

Use less N if: Use more N if:

You will not produce a crop Bog is recently renovated

Varieties are Early Black or Howes Varieties are Ben Lear or Stevens

Subsoil is deep peat Bog built on mineral soil (small increments)

Organic matter is >3% (limit spring use) Organic matter is <1% (small increments)

Bog was sanded

Bog was pruned (limit spring application) Bog was mowed

Previous crop was light Previous crop was heavy

Tissue test N is >1.1% Tissue test N is <0.75%

Uprights are long and rank or runners present Uprights are stunted or stand is thin

Frost or other limitation to flowering Heavy bloom (large crop potential)

Insects or disease has limited crop potential Vines show general yellowing

Phosphorus (P) decisions

NO MORE than 20 lb/a P recommended (45 lb/a P2O5). Make site specific decisions based on the information below.

Test results Action recommended

Tissue test P normal Apply P in your N-P-K fertilizer, no more than 1:2 ratio (N:P) (0.1-0.2%)

Soil and tissue test P low Use an N-P-K fertilizer with higher P (1:3 or 4 ratio N:P) (tissue <0.1%, Bray soil >20 ppm)

Tissue P low, soil P ok Add 2-4 lb/A foliar P (pre-bloom) (tissue <0.1%, Bray soil >20 ppm)

P excessive in soil Avoid N-P-K with high P (1:1 ratio recommended N:P) (Bray soil >80 ppm)

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In Cooperation with the Plymouth County Conservation District 20

Fertilizer decision making checklist - N rate

Use one form for each management unit each year. Recommendation listed below each question. Bog (unit) name __________________ Year ______ Base N rate chosen: ____________

yes/no Decision - action taken

Crop produced? (use less)

Bog renovated? Soil test or-ganic matter <1%? (use more)

Rate adjusted for variety? Is subsoil peat? (use less) Is bog built on mineral soil? (use more in small increments) Is organic matter in soil test >3% (use less in spring)

Was bog sanded this year? (use less in spring) Was bog pruned or mowed? (less if pruned, more if mowed)

Was previous crop abnormal? (less if light, more if heavy) Was tissue test N abnormal? (less if >1.1%, more if <0.75%)

Is upright length abnormal? (less if >4" or many runners, more if <2" above flowers)

Is stand density adequate? (less if rank, more if thin) Is bloom adequate? Frost? (less if limited, more if heavy) Has insect or disease limited crop potential? (use less) Are vines yellowed? (use more, check for other problems)

Fertilizer decision making checklist - P

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In Cooperation with the Plymouth County Conservation District 21

Use one form for each management unit each year. Bog (unit) name __________________ Year ______

yes/no Recommendation Action/

rate used Tissue test P >0.1%?

If yes - use N-P-K with 1:2 ratio; 20 lb/a P If no - go to next line

Is tissue test <0.1%? Is soil test (Bray) >20 ppm

If yes - use a foliar P pre-bloom (2-4 lb/a P) If no - go to next line

Is tissue test <0.1%? Is soil test (Bray) <20 ppm

If yes - use N-P-K with 1:3 or greater ratio

Is P in soil (Bray) >80 ppm?

If yes - avoid high P fertilizers, 1:1 ratio is recom-mended

OPERATION, SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE Calibrate equipment where applicable to ensure recommended fertilizer rates are applied. Protect fertilizers, in ap-propriate storage facilities, from weather and accidental leakage or spillage. When disposing of any nutrients, proper care should be taken to comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws. Assessment: NRCS recommends that nutrient rates applied to agricultural land be based on periodic soil test results and/or plant tissue tests, if applicable (see Nutrient Management specification). An operator will use the tests for long-term fertilizer management and for general diagnosis of plant health. An operator will typically feed a slow release, with low leaching capacity fertilizer in the spring. Further applications are made with a typical formulation of urea, and are dependent upon the condition of the plant and its growth stage. The op-erator will follow the recommendations of the Cranberry Experiment Station and information provided by agricultural specialists in conjunction with the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association (CCCGA). This, along with detailed records of past cropping history provides insight into the timing and rates of application. The exact dose for a given bed is determined by observation of previous response to fertilizer and soil type, timing and amounts are fine-tuned during the season depending on observed response and weather factors (temperature and rainfall). Applications average 2-3 times per year. Precautions are taken to keep fertilizers away from canals, uplands and nearby residences. Records of fertil-izer application are kept and symptoms of deficiencies are documented where fertilizer supplements are used. Attention is paid to recommendations by leading agricultural experts and the balance between production and water quality concerns is monitored throughout the growing season. The operator makes every effort to preserve and protect surface and ground water quality. Decisions: Monitor weather before applying fertilizers. Adhere to all recommendations made by the UMASS Cranberry Experiment Station and the Cranberry Chart Book

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685 - PEST MANAGEMENT Pest Management is a conservation practice that manages agricultural pest infestations (including weeds, insects and diseases) to reduce adverse effects on plant growth, crop production and environmental resources. The practice es-tablishes the elements of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach. This approach requires an understanding of the dynamic nature of pest management and includes combinations of appropriate biological, chemical and cul-tural control techniques. The purpose of this strategy is to promote favorable crop results while minimizing envi-ronmental impacts. The goal is to use a multi-disciplinary approach to controlling the most economically threaten-ing pests, while optimizing favorable crop yields. IPM programs utilize various techniques to monitor weather, pest life cycles and crop development; it also integrates cultural, biological and chemical control strategies to maintain pests below economically damaging levels. Potential control strategies will be based on established economic thresholds and will employ techniques that minimize environmental impacts. Monitoring/Observation Appropriate monitoring techniques, such as weekly sweep sets, weed mapping and close observation will be used in order to determine pest infestation levels; techniques will be based on the recommendation of the "Cranberries Chart Book: Management Guide for Massachusetts," University of Massachusetts publication. Selection of Management Techniques Pest Management methods will be selected on the basis of degree of control, cost and environmental risk. Timing will be based on economic thresholds (when established) as well as the operator’s experience and site-specific con-ditions. Implementation of methods will follow the guidelines recommended in the "Cranberries Chart Book”. Education/Training Operator will possess a valid pesticide applicator certification and will attend the appropriate continuing education workshops to keep informed of research developments, or will contract with a licensed custom applicator that does. Record Keeping The operator will maintain, in a format appropriate to the operation, records of dates, locations times of applica-tions, rates and formulations used, split doses, and weather conditions. Records should be consistent with those re-quired by DFA and Handlers. OPERATION, SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE Calibrate equipment where applicable to ensure recommended pesticide rates are applied. Protect pesticides from weather and when disposing of any pesticides, proper care should be taken to comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws. Assessment: The operator will use Integrated Pest Management principles or will contract a certified IPM provider. The operator will be current with new technologies and practices as they develop. Course work offered by the Cranberry Experiment Station and workshops sponsored by the Cape Cod Cranberries Growers Association are will be attended by the operator. The operator’s pesticide license or that of a consultant will be valid and kept up to date. The operator and consultant will be thoroughly familiar with the technical information necessary to manage pests within their system and they utilize all available IPM management tools, which include cultural, chemical and bio-logical methods of pest control. The landowner will monitor the bogs weekly through the growing season. The operator will follow the recommendations of the Massachusetts Integrated Pest Management, Standards for Cranberries. The operator is in contact with extension entomologists and plant pathologists from the Cranberries Experiment Station where information is readily available and can be used almost immediately by the operator. The operator will subscribe to the Cranberries Experiment Stations IPM Newsletter.

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Only pesticides approved and registered for cranberries in the state are used. The operator will adhere to all state and federal pesticide laws. EPA approved chemigation backflow equipment has been installed on all pumping fa-cilities. Records of pesticide applications, including date, field identification, targeted pest; pesticide name, formulation, rate and number of acres treated are maintained. Water will be held for the recommended period of time following all pesticide application. Records of dates of holding-water after pesticide applications are maintained. The operator makes every effort to preserve and protect surface and ground water quality. A deliberate effort is made to protect the resource base. The operator will continue to monitor the pest management program to ensure maximum production while preserving and protecting surface and ground water quality. Closely monitor weather before applying agrochemicals and fertilizers. Utilize economic thresholds in pest management plan. Decisions: Closely monitor weather before applying agrochemicals. Maintain IPM and Pesticide certification by continually updating training. Review Pest Management Best Management Practices (BMP) and IPM information (provided in farm planning workbook). Close Flumes tightly whenever chemicals are applied to cranberry beds and hold water for the re-quired period of time.

Closely monitor weather before applying agrochemicals and fertilizers. Utilize economic thresholds in pest management plan.

Training session attended (12 credits required in 3 years)

Dates Credits

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In Cooperation with the Plymouth County Conservation District 24

Prepared by Anne L. Averill and Martha M. Sylvia



Reducing inputs to cut costs of production. Within a cost-cutting framework, there are some key insect manage-ment practices that should be the last ones eliminated to save money. The following are listed in descending order of importance for most bogs. If late water was not held, it is not advisable to skip the initial spray (the first spray in IPM-based programs) for cranberry fruitworm that occurs 7-9 (Howes/Blacks) or 3-7 days (Ben Lears/Stevens) af-ter 50% out of bloom. This targets the largest portion of the population. If poorly managed, cranberry fruitworm pressure will build in subsequent years and be harder to manage. Sweep-netting of all acreage at end May –beginning June to detect cranberry weevil, cutworms, gypsy moth, and blackheaded fireworm outbreaks is impor-tant. It is likely that as most or all insecticide inputs are lowered, blackheaded fireworm and weevil levels will in-crease; Sparganothis fruitworm levels will drop. If a bad infestation of weevil or fireworm establishes, management inputs must be intensified in subsequent years. Finally, walking the bog early and late in the season to inspect for soil insects, mites, and webbing of fireworms allows detection of insect populations that will affect the acreage in subsequent years or require renovation. Start scouting bogs May 15. Always gauge pest levels of insect caterpillars in their early stages! As the caterpil-lars of many species grow larger, they cling increasingly to the vine or hide in daytime. At this point, they will be detected by night sweeping and are gathered in daytime sweeps in smaller numbers over time. Continue sweeping at least until the start of bloom. Be aware that some serious pests are active during and after bloom, for example, brown spanworm and cranberry weevil, and that you should continue to closely monitor your bog. Be aware that some pests, particularly cranberry weevil, gypsy moth, and brown spanworm, may be very patchy or in coves or edges, so thorough assessment of total acreage is essential. Many stages of insects are active only at night and are concealed during the day. Visual or sweep monitoring at different times through the season may reveal an infesta-tion that was missed earlier or poorly controlled (e.g., large cutworms or spanworms). Moth flights, root weevil adults, or white grub adults also may be seen. Sweep netting, using a 12” net and 180° sweeps into the vine, should be conducted at least once a week. A sweep set consists of 25 sweeps across the bog. The insects in the net should be properly identified, counted, and re-corded. Conduct 1 set of 25 sweeps for each acre. For larger pieces (more than 20 acres), at least 1 sweep set per 2 acres is advisable. In multiple-acre pieces, calculate the average number of each insect you picked up in all of your sweep sets. Treat only after average number of each insect in your series of sweep sets exceeds these values, and after other external concerns have been brought to bear including cost of application, expected returns, weather, wa-ter concerns, neighbors, etc.

AVERAGE # AVERAGE # ADD UP: blossomworm, false armyworm black-headed fireworm 1-2 other cutworms, and gypsy moth 4.5 Sparganothis fruitworm 1-2 brown spanworm, green spanworm 18 cranberry weevil 4.5 Adjustment of action thresholds to reflect current value of the crop. In sweep-net sampling, the average num-bers of an insect pest that we use to trigger a management measure is only a rule of thumb. It serves as an indica-tion that an insect pest is being sampled at numbers that we consider high and worthy of attention. In today’s slump in returns, the thresholds for most spring caterpillars could be relaxed greatly because the value of the crop saved is too low to equal the cost of the spray. However, caution should be taken before ignoring high numbers of cranberry weevil, blackheaded fireworm and Sparganothis fruitworm in the spring. This will result in a second generation infestation at bloom and fruit set, and establishment of infestation which may be hard to manage in that year and in subsequent years.

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Pheromone traps. If treating, traps should be used for timing sprays for cranberry girdler, black-headed fireworm, and Sparganothis fruitworm. Monitor adult populations with traps starting June 1. Check and clean traps weekly, recording number of moths captured. Change bait every 3 weeks. Use 1 trap/10 acres. Place on upwind side of bog. Check descriptions of adult moths because non-target species are sometimes caught in large numbers. Confirm and 3M Sprayable Pheromone applications follow different recommendations. See label.

For black-headed fireworm; if treating summer generation, apply insecticide 10 days after peak moth flight, usually during bloom.

For Sparganothis fruitworm; if treating, apply insecticide 10-14 days after peak moth flight, ca. mid-to-late July.

For girdler; treatments are usually in July. Refer to the section on cranberry girdler for timing of specific treat-ments. Be aware that a bad infestation can exist even with low trap catches.

Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) based products. Examples include Dipel, Agree, Mattch and MVP2. The several products that are available may have varying activity - not all have been field tested. Check labels for directions and consult Cranberry Station for specific guidance and efficacy information. Consider treating before thresh-old is reached. Early attention to infestation is critical. Maximize effectiveness by treating young caterpillars, less than 1/4". Cutworms larger than 1/2" are difficult to control. Addition of 3-6 oz Pyrenone or Pyronyl to Dipel ES has improved performance. For larger caterpillars, low rates of synthetic insecticides added to Dipel - e.g. 3-6 oz Pyrenone or Pyronyl or very low rates of insecticides such as Diazinon or Sevin - improved performance.

Thorough coverage is essential and repeat applications may be necessary. Caterpillars stop feeding after eating compounds but may take several (3-10) days to die. New growth is not protected; rain, irrigation, or excessive wa-ter after application as a result of a poorly timed or large acreage chemigation system will remove active material. Use aerial application or low-volume ground applications when possible as it usually improves performance. Spot applications of low gallonages with backpack sprayers are a good option. Check the label for bee toxicity. Addi-tion of a spreader/sticker (e.g. Bond, Stik) may be critical, check label.

MANAGEMENT NOTES READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS. Do not use a pesticide for control of a pest not on the label unless a specific recommendation is made by a person authorized to do so. Pesticide-treated bogs may need to be posted. Check labels. Workers and scouts should be notified prior to treatments, and informed about re-entry times. See label for variation in restricted entry times and worker protection standards (WPS).

1. ONLY APPLY INSECTICIDES IF DAMAGING NUMBERS ARE PRESENT. 2. LATE WATER -- See Late Water section. Late water research shows that the flood severely reduces mites, cranberry fruitworm, false armyworm, gypsy moth.

REFLOODING -- a) About May 18 for 10 hours controls false armyworm and blossomworm. b) About June 1-12 for 10 hours controls green spanworm, small black-headed fireworm, spotted and black cutworms and armyworms, but is likely to increase fruit rot and seriously reduce the crop. c) About May 12 and holding up to July 15-20 kills all insects, but with the loss of crop. d) Sept. 20-30. Flooding within this time for a week every third year discourages girdler and blos-somworm, may be done with late berries still on the vine. A 3 or 4 week flood at this point will manage cranberry fruitworm.

3. SANDING -- Regular uniform sanding helps check girdler and green spanworm and may temporarily suppress early season tipworm populations. 4. LEAFMINERS -- There is no evidence that available registered insecticides control this insect. 5. For complete guidelines -- Refer to materials available at the Cranberry Station. Management guidelines pro-vided here serve only as reminders. Review the Insect Management BMP in the UMass BMPGuide.6. BEES!! INSECTICIDES ARE HIGHLY TOXIC TO BEES, ESPECIALLY DIRECT APPLICATIONS AND RESIDUES. DO NOT APPLY OR ALLOW TO DRIFT TO CRANBERRIES IN BLOOM OR NEARBY BLOOMING


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Grower: Bog Section: SWEEP NET RESULTS


Cranberry Weevil Green Span Worm Brown Span Worm Cutworm (total) Blossom Worm Gypsy Moth False Army Worm Pyramid Worm Large Span worm Sparganothis Fruit worm Black Headed Fireworm Flea Beetle Other


Sparganothis Fruitworm Cranberry Girdler Black Headed Fireworm

CRANBERRY FRUITWORM – Projected 50% set date: _________

EGG COUNTS Dates Total Berries Hatched Dead Parasitized Viable eggs

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Name: Address Applicators License







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Table 1. Applied Pesticides and Environmental Concerns

Type Name Application Method

Soils* Concerns

Devrinol Ground / Aerial Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High leeching and solution runoff potentials with low toxicity to humans and fish.

Casoron Ground / Aerial Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High leeching and solution runoff potentials with high toxicity to hu-mans.

Round Up 4:1/5:1

Wipe Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High solution and absorbed runoff potentials with low to very toxicity to humans and fish.

Weedar 64 Wipe Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High leeching and solution runoff potentials with low toxicity to humans and fish.

Princep Ground / Aerial Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High leeching and solution runoff potentials with high toxicity to hu-mans.


Kerb Ground / Aerial Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High leeching and solution runoff potentials with intermediate toxicity to humans.

Ridomil Spot (hand pump)

Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

No information found.

Bravo Chemigate Tihonet, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High solution runoff potentials with high toxicity to fish.


Ferbam Chemigate Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High leeching and solution runoff potentials with low to very low toxic-ity to humans and fish.

Lorsban Chemigate Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

Intermediate leeching and solution runoff potentials with extremely high toxicity to fish.

Avaunt Chemigate Tihonet, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High solution runoff potential with high toxicity to fish.

Sevin Chemigate Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High solution runoff potential with intermediate toxicity to fish and low toxicity to humans.


Guthion Chemigate Tihonet, Berryland, Swansea, Freetown, Epiaquents

High solution runoff potential and with intermediate leeching potential extremely high toxicity to fish.


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In Cooperation with the Plymouth County Conservation District 29

Critical Area Planting is establishing vegetation such as trees, shrubs, vines, grasses or legumes on highly erodible or critically eroding areas. The purpose of the practice is to stabilize the soil, reduce erosion, runoff, and sediment damages to downstream areas and improve water quality. Assessment: Most dikes and field borders appeared to be well established with grass.


Continually maintain sparse areas by applying seed mixtures and mulch. “Hard armor” and Geo-textile fabric may be used where problems persist. Contact NRCS engineer-

ing for technical assistance.

Recommended Seed Mixtures

Seed Mixture # Type of Grass Seed Amount / Rate 1 Creeping Red Fescue Deer-

tongue/ or Switchgrass

AND Virginia Wild Rye/ or Riparian Wild Rye/ or Canada Wild Rye/ or

0.4 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.23 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.23 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.11 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.11 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.11 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.

2 Red Clover Timothy/ or Perennial Ryegrass

0.4 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.2 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.2 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.5 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.

3 Flatpea Perennial Ryegrass Orchardgrass/ or Hard Fescue

0.34 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.23 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.23 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. 0.46 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.

466 - LAND SMOOTHING Land smoothing is the practice of removing irregularities on the land surface by the use of special construction equipment. In cranberry bogs, land smoothing is practiced to construct a more level bed to reduce the amount of water used during flooding operations. Squaring off bogs is a form of land smoothing to straighten crooked edges and odd shaped pieces. Straightening of edges make harvesting and mowing more efficient and facilitates better ir-rigation coverage. Assessment: Not all bogs have been laser leveled on the bog system. The bog that is currently listed as bog #1 has sections that are more than a foot out of grade. This will be corrected with renovation when the bogs are reorganized and made into three separate bogs. Decisions: During bog renovations and new bog construction, the grade will be as level as practical to minimize the amount of water needed for flooding while maintaining adequate surface drainage to lateral and perimeter ditches. This will provide greater surface area for crop production and provide for the effective use of irriga-tion, harvest, winter flood, and late holding water. 608 - SURFACE DRAINAGE, MAIN OR LATERAL

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Surface drainage in and around cranberries bogs, consists of open drainage ditches and/or stoned filled and tiled ditches constructed to dispose of surface water. The practice includes main, lateral and perimeter ditches. Main and lateral ditches may also be used to distribute water for flooding and for frost control, if necessary. Assessment: Overall, the combination water distribution/drainage system of perimeter and lateral field ditches were found to be in good condition on all bogs. Decisions: The operator will maintain main, lateral and perimeter ditches. 645 - WILDLIFE HABITAT MANAGEMENT Wildlife habitat management is a conservation practice that enhances the natural resource base environmentally and esthetically. Habitat management practices consist of providing and enhancing food sources, cover, open space, wetland areas and edge. Wildlife habitat management practices enhance the local ecosystem providing enhanced natural weed and insect control. Assessment: There is approximately 10 acres of woodland and wetland habitat on the bog property. The operator reports an abundance of wildlife at the site. Some mammals spotted on and around the bogs include foxes and deer. Amphibians and reptiles present are species of frogs, toads, and turtles. A numerous amount of bird species establish habitat on this site including geese and ducks as well as a large variety of song birds. An effort is made to enhance wildlife habitat on the property. Owner is planning on removing some trees from the hill on the western side of the property. Tree removal will be done to remove sand for use on the bog. Decisions: Retain established brush and overgrown areas to provide wildlife habitat. Further wildlife information on programs such as the Wildlife Enhancement Program (WHIP) is available through the local NRCS field of-fice.


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Plymouth County Soil Survey

INTRODUCTION Efforts are currently underway to update the soil survey for Plymouth County. The 1969 Soil Survey of Plymouth County is out of print and outdated. Updated soil mapping is available for parts of Plymouth County. The updated mapping is compiled on color-infrared aerial photographs at a 1:12,000 scale. For information about the Plymouth County Soil Survey update, call 508-295-5151 x. 112, or visit our web page at the following URL: INTENDED USE This document provides users with broad concepts for each soil series currently being mapped in the Plymouth County Soil Survey Update. It enables a quick comparison between different soil series and their potential and limi-tations for several soil interpretations. This publication does not provide map unit interpretations or specific soil se-ries information for the soils in Plymouth County. Map unit descriptions for the soils mapped in Plymouth County can be found on the main homepage listed above. This document is not intended to replace the technical information contained within County Soil Surveys published by the USDA-NRCS. When researching a specific site within an area, the published County Soil Survey Report contains the more up to date, complete, technical soils information provided by our agency. EXPLANATIONS OF HEADERS Soil Series: Soils are classified according to a hierarchical system of classification; similar to the system used to classify plants and animals. The soil series is the lowest category in Soil Taxonomy and the most common reference term used to name mapping units in soil surveys. A soil series consists of a range of chemical and physical properties, which dif-ferentiates it from other series. This booklet contains the series, which are currently mapped in Plymouth County Massachusetts. Brief Nontechnical Soil Descriptions: This paragraph contains a brief description of the soil series. Complete descriptions of soil series and soil map units are found in the published county Soil Survey reports. The brief description in this booklet contains information on: the soil depth class, which refers to the depth to bedrock (for example a very deep soil is greater than 60 inches to bedrock, a moderately deep soils has bedrock between 20 and 40 inches), soil drainage class, material the soil formed in, the landforms the soil occurs on, and other properties. Most series also contain a description of the soil, including soil color, texture, and horizons. Depth to Seasonal High Watertable: This column gives a range in depth to the seasonal high watertable, in feet below the surface. A seasonal high wa-tertable is a zone of saturation at the highest average depth during the wettest season. It is at least 6 inches thick, persists in the soil for more than a few weeks, and is within 5 feet of the soil surface. Depth: The normal depth range of a seasonal high watertable or zone of saturation of the natural, non-drained soil is given to the nearest-half foot. The highest water level is given first. Water above the soil surface is shown by a posi-tive whole number. Type: Shown in parentheses under the depth class; this gives the kind of watertable recognized within the soil. Ap-parent watertables are the levels at which water stands in a freshly dug, unlined borehole after adequate time ad-

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justments in the surrounding soil. A perched watertable is one that exists in the soil above an unsaturated zone due to a restrictive or slowly permeable layer. Estimated Period of Seasonal High Watertable: This column gives the duration in months in which the seasonal high watertables typically exists during a year with normal precipitation. Permeability Range: Soil permeability is the quality of the soil that enables water or air to move through it. This rate is the "saturated hy-draulic conductivity" of soil physics. Soil permeability is expressed in inches per hour. The permeability is given for the subsoil (s) and the substratum (b) in this report. Hydric Soil: This column lists whether or not the soil series is on the State Hydric Soil List. A hydric soil is a soil that is satu-rated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (Hydric Soils of the United States, June 1991). Hydric soils must meet certain criteria to classify as a hydric soil. Hydrologic Group: A group of soils having the same runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions. Soil Properties that in-fluence runoff potential are those that influence the minimum rate of infiltration for a bare soil after prolonged wet-ting and when not frozen.

Classes: Soil series are placed into four groups A, B, C, and D. Definitions of the soil classes are as follows: A. Low runoff potential. Soil having high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands and/or gravels. B. Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well drained to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. C. Soils having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that im-pedes downward movement of water. D. High runoff potential. Soils having very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of clayey soils, soils with a permanent high watertable, and shallow soils.


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This soil map is advanced information, subject to change upon the completion, correlation, and publication of the Plymouth Co., Mass. Soil Survey. This soil map is not SSURO certified and has not been authorized for National release by the USDA-NRCS. Soil delineations were made on unrectified color infrared aerial photos at a 1:12,000 scale; minimum delineations are 2-3 acres in size. For more info contact the Plymouth Co. Soil Survey at (508) 295-5151 Ext.2.

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CRANBERRY BED SOIL MAP UNITS A Guide to Cranberry Bed Soil Map Units

Using GPR/GPS/GIS to Inventory Cranberry Beds Areas used for the production of cranberries (cranberry beds) are delineated based on the type of soil prior to the construction of the beds or by the hydrologic setting of beds constructed in upland areas (apparent vs. perched water table). All cranberry bed soils consist of a surface layer of sandy material that was added to the surface for a rooting me-dium for the cranberry vines. The thickness of the sandy fill material is variable and typically ranges between 5 to 25 inches thick. A bed that has been in production for several decades has a surface layer consisting of alternating layers of sand and organic material. Below the sandy fill material is the buried soil on which the bed was con-structed. The varied soil conditions underlying this upper sandy surface is the basis for separating and delineating the different cranberry bed soil types.

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Soils found on Gary Randall’s property. Swansea Soils: Very deep, level, very poorly drained soil formed in 16 to 51 inches of highly decom-posed organic material overlying glacial sediments. Swansea soils are in depressions, kettles or in low level areas of outwash plains and uplands. Map Unit (s): 060 060 Swansea coarse sand (cranberry bed map unit).

Taxonomic Classification: Sandy or sandy skeletal, mixed, dysic mesic, Terric Medisaprists. Drainage Class: Very poorly drained. Parent Material: Swansea soils formed in 16 to 51 inches of organic material underlain by fluvial or lacustrine sedi-ments. Permeability: Moderate or moderately rapid. Available Water Holding Capacity: High. Soil Reaction: pH is less than 4.5 in 0.01 molar calcium chloride. Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches. Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: +2.5 to 0.5 feet below the surface. Type: Apparent. Months: January to December. Hydrologic Group: D. Hydric Soil: Yes. Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: Frequently ponded. Duration and Months: Long to very long, November to May. Map unit 060 is periodically flooded throughout the year for cranberry management practices. Potential Inclusions: Very poorly drained Scarboro, Berryland, and Freetown soils are similar inclusions. Poorly drained Wareham, Saugatuck and Pipestone soils are on higher elevations.

Soil Suitability:

Agriculture: Poorly suited for most agricultural uses mainly due to wetness. Map unit 060 is important/unique farmland for cranberry production.

Woodland: Poorly suited due to wetness. Swansea soils have a sever limitation for tree throw hazard.

Development: Poorly suited due to seasonal high watertables at or near the surface for prolong periods of time. Or-ganic layers have very low strength and should be removed to support loads.

Hinckley Soils: Very deep, nearly level, excessively drained soil formed in gravelly fluvial deposits. Hinckley soils are on terraces, deltas, kames, eskers and large, broad areas on outwash plains.

Map Unit (s): 253A, 253B, 253C, 253E Map Phases:

253A Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes. 253B Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes. 253C Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes. 253E Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes.

Taxonomic Classification: Sandy -skeletal, mixed, mesic, Typic Udorthents. Drainage Class: Excessively drained. Parent Material: Gravelly glacial fluvial deposits. Permeability: Very rapid throughout. Available Water Holding Capacity: Very low. Soil Reaction: Extremely acid to moderately acid throughout. Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches. Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: greater than 5 feet. Type: apparent.

Conservation Plan

In Cooperation with the Plymouth County Conservation District 36

Hydrologic Group: A. Hydric Soil: No. Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: None. Potential Inclusions: Plymouth, Windsor, Merrimac and Carver soils are similar inclusions. Moderately well drained Deerfield and Sudbury soils are on lower elevations. Poorly drained Wareham and Pipestone soils are along drain-ageways.

Soil Suitability:

Agriculture: Map units 253A and 253B are important farmland map units. Major limitations related to droughti-ness. Irrigation is needed for optimal yield.

Woodland: Poorly suited for woodland productivity due to droughtiness.

Development: Hinckley soils have few limitations for development. They are associated with aquifer recharge ar-eas and measures should be taken to protect the aquifer.

Plymouth Soils: Very deep, excessively drained soil formed in ice contact glacial outwash or loose sandy till. Ply-mouth soils are on undulating outwash plains, moraines, heads of outwash, and on low lying hills within areas of glacial lake deposits and ground moraine.

Map Unit (s): 435 A, B, C, E Map Phases:

435A Plymouth loamy coarse sand, 0 to 3 % slopes. 435B Plymouth loamy coarse sand, 3 to 8 % slopes. 435C Plymouth loamy coarse sand, 8 to 15 % slopes. 435E Plymouth loamy coarse sand, 15 to 35 % slopes. Taxonomic Classification: Mesic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments Drainage Class: Excessively drained. Parent Material: Mixed loose sandy till and ice contact outwash. Permeability: Rapid in the solum and rapid to very rapid in the substratum. Available Water Holding Capacity: Low. Soil Reaction: Extremely acid through strongly acid throughout Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches. Seasonal High Watertable: Greater than 6 feet. Hydrologic Group: A. Hydric Soil: No. Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: None Duration and Months: None Potential Inclusions: Excessively drained Gloucester and Carver soils are similar inclusions. Well drained Barnsta-ble, Merrimac and Canton soils are on concave and level slopes. Moderately well drained Sudbury and Newfields soils are on lower elevations.

Soil Suitability:

Agriculture: Poorly suited for most agricultural uses due to droughtyness and low fertility, irrigation is needed for optimal yields.

Woodland: Poorly suited to woodland productivity due to droughtyness.

Development: Well suited for development, major limitations related large stones and boulders which may hinder small excavation equipment.

Conservation Plan

In Cooperation with the Plymouth County Conservation District 37

Gary Randall

Bill Kane