Fargo Script Scene

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Fargo Script Scene

jerry: ... How ya doing, Scotty?

Scotty: Dad!. What’re they doing ?

Scotty: Wuddya think they’re doing with mom?

Jerry: It’s okay scotty. They’re not gonna wanna hurt her any.

Jerry: These men, they just want money.

Scotty: What if-

Scotty: what if sumpn goes wrong?

Jerry: no, no, nothings going wrong here.

Jerry: no, no, nothings going wrong here.

Scotty: Dad, I really think we should call the cops

JerrY: NO!

Jerry: we can’t let

Jerry: anyone know about this thing!

Jerry: WE gotta play ball with these guys!

Jerry: Ask Stan Grossman, he’ll tell ya the same thing!

Jerry: We’re gonna gonna get mom back for ya,

Jerry: but we gotta play ball

Jerry: Ya know, that’s the deal.

Jerry: Now if Lorraine calls,

Jerry: or sylvia.

Jerry: You just say that mom is in Florida with pearl and marty.

Jerry: ... That’s the best we can do right now