Far North Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group

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Transcript of Far North Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group

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Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils

Far North Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group



Monday 9 December 2013 at 1.30pm (after FNQROC Board Meeting)

Civic Reception Room, Ground Floor, Cairns Regional Council, Spence Street, Cairns


There are a number of acronyms in the agenda. To assist please find a summary below. Most will be familiar and well known.

ALGA Australian Local Government Association

ARRB Australian Road Research Board

EOT Extension of Time

FNQROC Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils

FNQRRTG Far North Queensland Regional Roads & Transport Group

LGAQ Local Government Association of Queensland

LRRS Local Roads of Regional Significance

NDRRA Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements

NHVR National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

NWQRRTG North West Queensland Regional Roads & Transport Group

PBS Performance Based Standards

QTRIP Queensland Transport & Roads Investment Program (from TMR)

RRTG Regional Roads & Transport Group

RSDP Regional Safety & Development Program

RTA Roads & Transport Alliance

RTAB Roads & Transport Alliance Board

RTAPT Roads & Transport Alliance Project Team

NWQRRTG North West Queensland Regional Roads & Transport Group

TIDS TMR’s Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme

TMR Department of Transport & Main Roads (Queensland)

WTMA Wet Tropics Management Authority

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1. Opening Remarks and Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of Previous Meetings

3.1 Minutes of RRTG Meeting No. 40 held on 14 October 2013 in Cairns

A copy of the minutes is attached for confirmation as a true and accurate record. 1-7

That the Minutes of RRTG Meeting No. 40 held on 14 October 2013 in Cairns be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

3.2 Minutes of Technical Committee Meeting No. 71 held on 14 November 2013 in Innisfail

A copy of the minutes is attached for receiving and noting. 8-17

4. Business Arising out of Minutes

4.1 Membership of FNQRRTG – Etheridge Shire Council

Etheridge’s application to withdraw from FNQRRTG and rejoin NWQRRTG was considered at the RTAB Meeting held 16 October 2013.

The RTAB have written to Etheridge advising they did not endorse the application and Etheridge would remain a member of FNQRRTG.

A copy of the RTAB letter dated 1 November is attached. 18

Reasons given were: o Alignment with TMR regional boundaries which was achieved by Croydon and

Etheridge joining FNQRRTG. o Croydon would geographically be “removed” from FNQRRTG should Etheridge return

to NWQRRTG. o Timeframe Etheridge has been in FNQRRTG to adapt to a new RRTG. o Considerable time and effort FNQRRTG, NWQRRTG and TMR had put in to formalize

new RRTG membership.

The RTAB will be undertaking another review of RRTG boundaries early in 2014 following the establishment of the 4 new Councils from the recent de-amalgamation process.

Etheridge would be free to evaluate its future RRTG membership and make another proposal, if warranted, at that time.

4.2 Hardship Provisions – Croydon and Etheridge Shire Councils

The 75/25 TIDS contribution for Croydon and Etheridge was considered at the RTAB Meeting held 16 October 2013.

The RTAB have written to FNQROC this week and determined that the 75/25 TIDS contribution arrangement in existence for both Councils will end at 30 June 2015.

A copy of the RTAB letter dated 6 November is attached. 19

After that date both Councils will revert to the normal 50/50 TIDS contribution.

Etheridge has written to the RTAB – a copy of this letter dated 22 November is attached.20 Etheridge and Croydon may provide further information on this issue at the meeting.

4.3 TMR Speed Limit Review It is understood, the recommended 100 sites across Queensland proposed for a speed limit review has been finalised, however is yet to be signed off by the Minister for TMR. TMR may provide any update on this issue, with respect to recommended sites in Far North Queensland, at the meeting.

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4.4 Guard Rails At the previous meeting, Cr Attwood expressed concern regarding guard rail alignment, installation and deflection ability (particularly on bridges) in light of the traffic accident in Georgetown in which a police officer was killed. RoadTek had been requested by TMR to investigate this issue. TMR may provide any update on this issue at the meeting.

4.5 Palmerston Highway

At the previous meeting, Cr Shannon advised:

The cattle industry is wanting to access Mourilyan Harbour.

The Palmerston Highway would be used predominantly for this access.

It would need to be upgraded to suit Type 1 Road Trains as it is currently assessed up to B Double transport only.

If the Palmerston Highway wasn’t upgraded it is likely industry would alternatively access Townsville Port via inland roads.

TMR and/or Cr Shannon may provide further information on this issue at the meeting.

5. Woobadda Creek Crossing Project

A progress update was presented to the Technical Committee meeting as follows:

The project is in progress with footings for the 2 abutments completed with the central pier footing still to do.

There have been some geotechnical issues and a latent condition identified with construction of the central pier footing.

The footings have had to be redesigned.

There are some additional costs associated with the redesign (geotechnical work and design).

The project is approximately 3 weeks behind schedule as a result.

A need to fully close the road for 2-3 weeks during construction of the concrete approaches has been identified.

The approaches conflict with the existing road which is currently trafficable whilst work on the structure is being undertaken.

Cook has been unable to source contract works insurance during the wet season.

The project is expected to be completed approximately 2 months following resumption of works post wet season – this will obviously be dictated primarily by stream flows.

Cairns and Cook may provide a further progress update on the project at the meeting.

6. Bloomfield River Crossing (Wujal Wujal) Project

An issue was discussed at the Technical Committee meeting – details below:

The Contractor had commenced on site.

The Contractor had transported a 100 tonne crawler crane and a very large drill rig to site recently and had damaged Bloomfield Road in Cook.

A permit had been issued by TMR to travel the state-controlled Shipton’s Flat Road which is effectively the northern 7.5km of the Bloomfield Road from the Cooktown Developmental Road.

Cook was completely unaware of the proposed movement and there are drainage structures along Bloomfield Road not designed for the subject loading and in a relatively poor condition.

TMR may provide a further progress update on the project at the meeting.

Cook and/or TMR may provide further information on the permit & damage issue at the meeting.

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7. Kirrama Range Road Project

A progress update was presented to the Technical Committee meeting as follows:

The project commenced the week of 4 November with vegetation clearing.

All of the materials for the bridge rehabilitation works have been ordered with some materials already on site.

It is anticipated 3 or 4 bridges could be completed prior to Christmas 2013, weather permitting.

WTMA has been notified of the commencement of works and have been invited to observe work practices on site.

WTMA has been good to deal with thus far.

Issues arose with TMR Far North environmental staff attempting to take a “controlling” interest in the project.

They used an environmental “duty of care” basis as justification and were difficult to deal with.

These issues have now been resolved.

The project is expected to be completed by October-November 2014.

Cassowary Coast may provide a further progress update on the project at the meeting.

8. FNQROC Joint Reseal Project

Pan Materials had completed approximately 50% of the scheduled works.

Council officers had reported workmanship had generally been good to date.

Pan Materials had taken delivery of a new and larger sprayer.

There is currently a “contractor v subcontractor” dispute involving Pan Materials and a supplier on a portion of the Cook works.

There had only been thre EOT to date of 4.5 days total, due to wet weather.

The joint arrangement and having Pan Materials (a new contractor) in the market is having a positive effect for Councils on other sealing works, with added competitiveness and an expanded market.

Councils and FNQROC will need to commence the process for the 2014/15 arrangement soon.

The current arrangement is 1 year + 1 year option.

A review report would be prepared post-project.

Council officers working directly on the project would be canvassed for input to the report.

Comparative cost information would be analysed, however this would rely solely on all participant Councils providing accurate and true cost data from years previous to 2013/14.

The next Contract Progress Meeting will be held on 18 December.

A Project Steering Committee meeting to establish the process for 2014/15 would also be held on 18 December.

The inclusion of asphalt overlays would definitely be considered for 2014/15.

Croydon, Etheridge, Douglas and Mareeba have been invited to participate from 2014/15.

FNQROC may provide a further progress update on the project at the meeting.

9. Royalties for the Region – Round 2

9.1 FNQRRTG Councils No road projects from FNQRRTG Councils were shortlisted to develop a business case. Tablelands were successful with its Chillagoe Water Supply project.

9.2 Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council

Napranum was shortlisted to develop a business case for their project to construct a 1.1km road with a 3,200m2 truck turning area within their new (still to be developed) commercial estate. The cost of the project is $1,165m and $1.1million was requested. The tenant they currently have in place has signed an MOU to construct its modular home building factory. Napranum have supplied the land for this and the tenant will construct the factory on site at their cost.

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Traffic is expected to be over 1,000 trucks per year delivering materials and transporting houses. Workers traffic, based on 60 employees, would be in the vicinity of 28,000 vehicles per annum. Napranum requested a letter of support from FNQRRTG for their business case as Cape York RRTG has not yet been established. An email was circulated by Darlene Irvine to all FNQRRTG members on 25 November requesting support or otherwise by 27 November. A motion will be required at the meeting to endorse the FNQRRTG decision.

10. RDA Regional Roads Forum

Cr Scott and Darlene Irvine will be attending and presenting at the Regional Roads Forum conducted by RDA in Longreach on 4 December. The forum is primarily focused on roads west of the Great Dividing Range. Cr Scott and Darlene Irvine may provide a summary of the forum at the meeting.

11. National Heavy Vehicle Law and Regulator

The National Heavy Vehicle Law will come into effect from 10 February 2014.

From that date NHVR will distribute heavy vehicle access applications to Councils for routes that incorporate Council-controlled roads for Councils to review and either approve (conditionally if required) or reject (with reasons).

NHVR has been testing its notification system (by email) with Councils.

Councils should have received these test emails recently.

NHVR has indicated it will expect Councils to respond to access applications as soon as possible within the maximum 28 days allowed under the Law.

NHVR can recognise existing routes that have been ‘pre-agreed’ between TMR and Councils and would like to discuss the continuation of such arrangements with Councils (through RRTGs).

Support to Councils is available from the NHVR including: o Case Manager advice and support on processing access permit applications; o Escalation Team advice on 1300 880 493 to resolve detailed queries; o Bridge and civil engineering expertise to assist with information on infrastructure issues.

A panel of bridge and civil engineering practitioners that Councils may engage (at Council’s or the permit applicant’s cost) to undertake route assessments to help determine if access is possible on requested routes is also being assembled by the NHVR.

NHVR is also working to make ARRB’s PBS Route Assessment Tool available to all Councils.

NHVR has commenced information forums this week across Australia – forums in Townsville, Rockhampton, Brisbane, Toowoomba and Roma have or will be held prior to Christmas.

NHVR has been contacted regarding holding a forum in Cairns and the advice was, “unsure, but think one will be held before 10 February 2014”.

Further information is available at www.nhvr.gov.au.

12. Federal Government – Bridges to Renewal Program

The Federal Government has launched a new “Bridges to Renewal” program through the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

This was announced a 3 weeks ago at the 2013 ALGA National Local Roads and Transport Congress in Alice Springs.

This $300m has been set aside for the program Australia wide, with this to be matched by Councils and State Governments – similar to the TIDS program.

It would appear the funding will be allocated on a competitive basis.

There is no detail regarding administration of the program at this stage on the Department’s website.

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13. 2013/14 Works Program – Progress Review

A progress review of all 2013/14 projects was undertaken at the Technical Committee meeting and a copy is attached. 21 TMR and/or FNQROC are to provide an expenditure update at the meeting.

14. 2014/15 – 2017/18 Works Program – Development

The Technical Committee resolved to finalise the 2014/15 – 2017/18 works program (2 years fixed, 2 years indicative) at the next Technical Committee meeting on 31 January 2014.

Cairns has additional Non-LRRS projects to submit.

Cook has to submit the LRRS Nomination & Justification Forms for prospective LRRS that had projects submitted.

Cook has additional LRRS projects to submit.

Etheridge has all projects to submit. As a result, Councils now have until Friday 13 December 2013 to submit further new projects. Furthermore the Transition Managers of Douglas and Mareeba have been notified of the following:

The timeline for development of the 2014/15 to 2017/18 works program.

The date of the next Technical Committee meeting and the requirement for a representative(s) to attend to provide confirmation of the existing 2013/14 projects plus input and commitment for the 2014/15 works program at a minimum.

15. TMR Organisational Review

TMR has recently undertaken an organisational review of its structure across the state.

The new structure will have 6 regions across the state with 12 districts within the regions.

It is unsure what role the regional offices will play within the RTA framework as details are still to be finalised and it is likely Councils will deal direct with the districts for its usual operations and management.

The new structure will become effective as of 1 July 2014. TMR may provide further information on this issue at the meeting.

16. Update from Roads & Transport Alliance

17. Joint Purchasing & Resource Sharing (if any issues)

18. Road Safety (if any issues)

19. Asset Management (if any issues)

20. General Business

21. Next Technical Committee Meeting (for information)

Date Friday 31 January 2013 Venue Tablelands Regional Council, Mabel Street, Atherton (TBC) Time 10.00am

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22. Next RRTG Meeting

Date Monday 10 February 2014 Venue Frog’s Hollow Hall, South Mission Beach Road, South Mission Beach Time 1.30pm (following the FNQROC Board Meeting)

GERARD READ FNQRRTG Interim Technical Coordinator 1 December 2013

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Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils

Far North Queensland Regional Road Group



Held on Monday 14 October 2013 at the Civic Reception Room, Level 3, Cairns Regional Council, Spence Street, Cairns

ATTENDANCE Cr Peter Scott (Chair) Cook Shire Council (Mayor)

Cr Bill Shannon (Deputy Chair) Cassowary Coast Regional Council (Mayor) Cr John Schilling (arrived 1.30pm) Cairns Regional Council Cr Trevor Pickering Croydon Shire Council Mayor Cr Will Attwood Etheridge Shire Council (Mayor) Cr Rosa Lee Long Tablelands Regional Council (Mayor) Cr Clifford Harrigan (arrived 1.30pm) Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council (Mayor) Cr Allister Gibson Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Cr Talita Nandy Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Mr Brett Martin (arrived 1.25pm) TMR Far North Mr Peter Cochrane Cassowary Coast Regional Council (Acting CEO) Mr Steve Wilton (left at 2.10pm) Cook Shire Council (CEO) Mr Bill Kerwin Croydon Shire Council (CEO) Mr Lew Rojahn Etheridge Shire Council (CEO) Mr Ian Church Tablelands Regional Council (CEO) Mr Ross Kirkman TMR / RTAPT Mr Zac Murphy TMR / RTAPT Ms Darlene Irvine FNQROC Mr Steven Cosatto FNQROC Ms Sandra McCormack FNQROC

APOLOGIES Mr Alan Neilan Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council (CEO)

Mr Gerard Read FNQROC

1. Opening Remarks and Welcome

Chair, Cr Peter Scott opened the meeting at 1.15 pm, thanked Cairns Regional Council for hosting the meeting and acknowledged the traditional owners of the land on which the meeting was held.

2. Apologies

As noted above.

3. Minutes of Previous Meetings

3.1 Minutes of RRTG Meeting No. 39 held on 12 August 2013 in Cooktown

MOVED Cr Trevor Pickering SECONDED Cr Bill Shannon

That the Minutes of RRG Meeting No. 39 held on 12 August 2013 in Cooktown be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


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3.2 Minutes of Technical Committee Meeting No. 70 held on 5 September 2013 in Cairns


That the Minutes of Technical Committee Meeting No. 70 held on 5 September 2013 in Cairns be received and noted.

4. Business Arising out of Minutes

4.1 Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Link – Woobadda Creek Crossing

Darlene Irvine advised:

Contract documents had been signed.

There had been delays in terms of the type of structure to be built and the aesthetics of this.

She was liaising with Andrew Maclean (WTMA CEO), Sam Wakeford (Cairns Regional Council) and Tony Lickiss (Cook Shire Council) to investigate and resolve the issue.

4.3 Kirrama Range Road

Darlene Irvine advised staff from TMR’s environmental unit had been making enquiries into the project which was inappropriate given this is a local government road. We will keep an eye on the funding to ensure TMR does not try and recoup these costs from the funding allocated to Cassowary Coast Regional Council through TMR. Cr Shannon advised:

The project was under the control of Cassowary Coast Regional Council.

Materials to repair 10 small timber bridges using TRS technology had been ordered.

The project should commence in November 2013 Brett Martin arrived at 1.25pm.

4.2 Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Link – Bloomfield River Crossing at Wujal Wujal Brett Martin advised:

A contract had been awarded with priority to commence construction as soon as possible and to be completed by June 2014.

There had been a funding issue within TMR which had caused a two month delay.

4.4 FNQROC Joint Reseal Contract & Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers Steve Cosatto advised:

A contract review meeting had been held 8 October 2013.

All participating Councils have been satisfied with the project and process to date.

Approximately 25% of the works has been completed and the program is one week ahead of schedule.

Cr Harrigan and Cr Schilling arrived at 1.30pm.

4.5 Asset Management Training – State-wide Capability Development Funding Application

Darlene Irvine advised:

NAMS.Plus2 training would be held in Cairns on 29-31 October 2013.

Council participants would benefit from a 50% discounted attendance fee as a result of the successful application by FNQRRTG to the Roads Alliance Board’s State-wide Capability Development Fund.


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There were still spaces available so Councils should advise of extra attendees as soon as possible.

The Queensland Audit Office would present to the FNQROC Asset Management Group as to its 2014 direction and on the issue of performance audits.

4.6 TMR Speed Limit Review

Darlene Irvine advised the speed limit review applications had been made to TMR.

4.7 TMR Roadside Weed Management Council priorities were included within the agenda and Brett Martin advised he had written to Councils to seek their priorities and TMR’s budget was $290,000.

4.8 Royalties to the Region (Round 2) Darlene Irvine advised applications have been made and no outcome is known as yet.

5. Regional Roads and Transport Group Membership

5.1 Etheridge Shire Council Cr Attwood advised:

Etheridge Shire Council had applied to rejoin the NWQRRTG.

It was a logical move as Council was a member of NWQROC.

The topography, terrain and climate of Council were more aligned with neighbouring Councils in NWQRRTG, rather than Councils in FNQRRTG.

Ross Kirkman advised the next Roads and Transport Alliance Board meeting was on 23 October 2013, at which a decision would be made regarding this membership application. Cr Scott and Darlene Irvine advised that they support which ever decision was made.

5.2 Croydon Shire Council

Darlene Irvine advised Croydon Shire Council wished to remain members of FNQRRTG.

6. Recommendations Arising from Technical Committee Meeting No. 70 – 5 September 2013

6.1 Variations to Works Program Darlene Irvine advised:

A flying minute had been circulated to the RRTG regarding variations to the 2013/14 work program.

The variations were a result of some 2013/14 and 2014/15 projects being completed in 2012/13 and in some instances under budget.

This resulted in additional funding being available for projects in 2013/14.

The variations had been recommended by the Technical Committee and had been agreed to by RRTG members and required endorsement.


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That the following transfers be approved: 1. The remaining TIDS subsidy ($4,240 in 2013/14 and $30,000 in 2014/15) for the Cook

Street project (214/LGSR/22) be transferred to the Woobadda Creek project (214/LGSR/5). These funds to be transferred as per their current year allocations ($4,240 in 2013/14 and $30,000 in 2014/15).

2. The remaining TIDS subsidy ($208,470 in 2014/15) for the Noah Creek Bridge project (214/LGSR/16) be transferred to the Woobadda Creek project (214/LGSR/5). These funds to be transferred as per their current year allocations ($208,470 in 2014/15).


That the following allocations, to all be matched on a 50/50 basis, be approved: 1. The current year TIDS allocation for the Forsayth-Einasleigh Road project in

Etheridge Shire Council (226/LGSR/4) be increased by $100,000. 2. The current year TIDS allocation for the McGowan Drive project in Cassowary Coast

Regional Council (221/LGSR/4) be increased by $100,000. 3. The current year TIDS allocation for the Croydon-Richmond Road project in Croydon

Shire Council (221/LGSR/4) be increased by $137,000. 4. The 2014/15 year TIDS allocation for the Gunnawarra Road project in Tablelands

Regional Council (264/LGSR/37) of $125,000 be brought forward to 2013/14. 5. The 2014/15 year TIDS allocation for the Bloomfield Road project in Cook Shire

Council (220/LGSR/9) of $190,000 be brought forward to 2013/14. 6. The Aumuller Street project (214/LGSR/23) in Cairns Regional Council, with

allocations in 2014/15 and 2015/16 be increased with an allocation in 2013/14 of $50,000.

6.2 Project Prioritisation Tool and MCA Sub-Criteria Weightings

Darlene Irvine advised:

The Technical Committee considered the Project Prioritisation Tool MCA Sub-Criteria Weightings.

It was recommended they be maintained as-is and a further review be undertaken in September 2014, prior to the development of the 2015/16 to 2018/19 works program to ensure the new Mareeba and Douglas Shire Councils can be involved (subject to their joining the FNQRRTG).

A pro-forma letter had been drafted for the Mareeba and Douglas Shire Council Transition Managers to send to the Roads and Transport Alliance Board seeking interim membership from 1 January 2014.

This will enable these Mareeba and Douglas Shire Councils to claim TIDS expenditure for projects in 2013/14 in their new LGA, prior to the Councils deciding whether they wish to join the FNQRRTG.


That no change be made to the Project Prioritisation Tool Weightings and MCA Sub-Criteria and a further review be undertaken in September 2014, prior to the development of the 2015-16 to 2018-19 works program.


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6.3 Hardship Provisions – Croydon and Etheridge Shire Councils

MOVED Cr Will Attwood SECONDED Cr Rosa Lee Long

That FNQRRTG write to the Roads and Transport Alliance Board seeking clarification on the TIDS policy and hardship provisions for Croydon and Etheridge Shire Councils.

That subject to overall priorities being determined, Croydon and Etheridge Shire Councils be eligible to receive up to $340,000 per annum in TIDS contribution on a 75/25 basis, with all TIDS contributions above this amount being on a 50/50 basis.


Mr Wilton left at 2.10pm.

6.4 Program Development General discussion was held regarding aerodrome projects, Non LRRS projects and prioritisation for development of the 2014/15 to 2017/18 works program under the new TIDS “One Bucket” methodology. Aerodromes and the inclusion or exclusion were a focus of discussion. Discussion occurred regarding the best strategic resolution for the long term and there was a fear that if we did not include it funding could be limited in future. It was recognized that the Regional Aerodromes Development Scheme (RADS) funding was removed prior to the ‘one bucket’ distribution and while funding was limited to Regional Road Groups and there would be little opportunity for aerodromes to be high on the prioritization list when compared to the strategic needs on the road network and expectations of the State and community would be raised if we did include aerodromes. It was also recognized that we could revisit the motion in future should adequate additional funding be provided to the FNQRRTG.

MOVED Cr Bill Shannon SECONDED Cr Talita Nandy

That for development of the 2014/15 to 2017/18 works program under the “One Bucket” methodology, FNQRRTG:

exclude aerodromes from potential projects eligible for TIDS funding.

prioritise all LRRS and non-LRRS projects through the Project Prioritisation Tool.

an allowance of up to 20% of available TIDS be made for Non-LRRS projects, subject to overall priorities.


6.5 2013/14 Capability Agreement and Action Plan

MOVED Cr Trevor Pickering SECONDED Cr Bill Shannon

That the 2013/14 Capability Agreement and Action Plan be adopted.


7. Update from Roads and Transport Alliance Board

7.1 RRTG Assembly Zac Murphy reminded and encouraged members to attend the RRTG Assembly as part of the LGAQ State Conference in Cairns on 24 October 2013.


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7.2 National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

Ross Kirkman advised

The NHVR had contacted Councils offering to explain the new regulatory process in which each Council had 28 days to review, approve or reject the non standard heavy vehicle route applications.

LGAQ’s Roland McMillan is the contact for more information.

Darlene Irvine advised NHVR representatives would join the FNQRRTG Technical Committee meeting on 14 November 2013 via teleconference.

8. Road Safety

8.1 Guard Rails Cr Attwood expressed concern regarding guard rail alignment, installation and deflection ability (particularly on bridges) in light of the recent traffic accident in Georgetown in which a police officer was killed. He advised the Mareeba police district had written to TMR. Brett Martin advised RoadTek had been requested by TMR to investigate this issue.

8.2 Road Safety Interactive Map Software Zac Murphy advised:

TMR has developed ”Road Safety Interactive Map Software” through funding support from the Roads and Transport Alliance.

It is now available to the TMR Regional Offices.

It is not currently available to Councils due to development issues and the requirement for more funding and resources.

Councils are free to view the information at their respective TMR Regional Office.

The software integrates accident data and NetRISK data.

10 years of accident data is contained in the software and it is updated monthly although there is often a significant delay in the data being uploaded.

There are a number of layers (eg. heavy vehicle routes, essential services) and filters in the software and it is linked to Google street view.

Brett Martin advised accident data in TMR’s system could lag 12-18 months behind, unless an accident resulted in a fatality.

9. Asset Management

Refer to Item 4.5 of these Minutes.

10. General Business

10.1 Palmerston Highway

Cr Shannon advised:

The cattle industry is wanting to access Mourilyan Harbour.

The Palmerston Highway would be used predominantly for this access.

It would need to be upgraded to suit Type 1 Road Trains as it is currently assessed up to B Double transport only.

If the Palmerston Highway wasn’t upgraded it is likely industry would alternatively access Townsville Port via inland roads.


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Brett Martin advised:

The mining industry predominantly used rail.

The Palmerston Highway grade was too steep at 10%.

The vision for the Palmerston Highway was to reduce the grade to 6-7% grade.

11. Next Technical Committee Meeting

Date Thursday 14 November 2013 Venue Cassowary Coast Regional Council, Innisfail Time 9.00am (TBC)

12. Next RRTG Meeting

Date Monday 9 December 2013 Venue Cairns Regional council Time 1.30pm (following the FNQROC Board Meeting)

13. Meeting Closure

There being no further business, Cr Scott closed the meeting at 2.30pm and thanked everyone for attending.


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Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils

Far North Queensland Regional Roads & Transport Group



Held on Thursday 14 November 2013 At the Innisfail Disaster Coordination Centre, Flying Fish Point Road, Innisfail

ATTENDANCE David Goodman (Chair) Cassowary Coast Regional Council Michael Ringer (left 12.45pm) Cairns Regional Council Tony Lickiss (arrived 9:25am) Cook Shire Council Ray Kirkman (arrived 9:25am) Croydon Shire Council Garry Pickering Croydon Shire Council Rohana Samarasekera Etheridge Shire Council Terry Whitaker Etheridge Shire Council John Breen Tablelands Regional Council Tony Hughes Tablelands Regional Council Ashley Greenwood Tablelands Regional Council Jaime Guedes Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Ross Kirkman LGAQ / RTAPT

Zac Murphy TMR / RTAPT Darlene Irvine FNQROC

Steve Cosatto FNQROC Gerard Read FNQROC

APOLOGIES Sam Wakeford Cairns Regional Council Kim Armbrust Cairns Regional Council David Trotter Cassowary Coast Regional Council Glenda Visini Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Trevor Adil Tablelands Regional Council David Hamilton TMR Far North

Brett Martin TMR Far North 1. Opening Remarks and Welcome

Chair, David Goodman opened the meeting at 9:10am, thanked everyone for travelling to Innisfail and outlined the following FNQRRTG funded projects:

• Flying Fish Point Road project (nearly completed and straight outside the meeting venue).

• Geraldton Bridge deck rehabilitation project (completed and just before the meeting venue).

• McGowan Drive pathway project (in progress and close to the meeting venue). A brief discussion was held on Ella Bay DA conditions and replacement of Geraldton Bridge.

2. Apologies

As noted above. 8

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3. Minutes of Previous Meetings

3.1 Minutes of Technical Committee Meeting No.70 held on 5 September 2013 in Cairns

MOVED Sam Wakeford SECONDED John Breen

That the minutes of Technical Committee Meeting No. 70 held on 5 September 2013 in Cairns be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


3.2 Minutes of RRG Meeting No.40 held on 14 October 2013 in Cairns

The minutes were received and noted for information.

4. Heavy Vehicle Freight and Road Network Planning

Darlene Irvine advised the TMR Heavy Vehicle Freight Network team had not been in contact and therefore would not be teleconferencing into the meeting to discuss heavy vehicle freight issues and road network planning. Zac Murphy advised he would follow up internally at TMR.

Tony Lickiss and Ray Kirkman arrived at 9.25am.


• A copy of the original email from TMR advising of the proposed discussions is to be forwarded to Zac Murphy. (Gerard Read)

• The subject is to be kept on the agenda for the next meeting. (Gerard Read)

5. Business Arising out of Previous Technical Committee Minutes

5.1 FNQROC Joint Reseal Contract Steve Cosatto advised:

• Pan Materials had completed approximately 45% of the scheduled works.

• Council officers had reported workmanship had generally been good to date.

• Pan Materials had taken delivery of a new and larger sprayer.

• There is currently a “contractor v subcontractor” dispute involving Pan Materials and a supplier on a portion of the Cook works.

• There had only been one EOT to date of 2 days, due to wet weather.

• The joint arrangement and having Pan Materials (a new contractor) in the market is having a positive effect for Councils on other sealing works, with added competitiveness and an expanded market.

• Councils and FNQROC will need to commence the process for the 2014/15 arrangement soon.

• The current arrangement is 1 year + 1 year option. Gerard Read advised:

• A review report would be prepared post-project.

• Council officers working directly on the project would definitely be canvassed for input to the report.

• Comparative cost information would be analysed, however this would rely solely on all participant Councils providing accurate and true cost data from years previous to 2013/14.

• The next Contract Progress Meeting would be held sometime 18-20 December 2013.

• A Project Steering Committee meeting to establish the process for 2014/15 would be held on the same day adjacent to the Contract Progress Meeting.

• The inclusion of asphalt overlays would definitely be considered for 2014/15. Tony Hughes advised the 2 new Councils should be made aware of the joint reseal tender and ROPS arrangements as soon as possible and invited to participate. 9

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Ray Kirkman and Rohana Samarasekera advised Croydon and Etheridge respectively have a minimal annual reseal program however both would interested in participating in the ROPS for all sealing works. ACTION REQUIRED

• The Contract Progress and Project Steering Committee meetings are to be organised and notices are to be sent. (Gerard Read)

• Croydon and Etheridge are to be included for the Project Steering Committee meeting. (Gerard Read)

• Mareeba and Douglas are to be briefed on the arrangements and prospective staff invited to the Project Steering Committee meeting. (Gerard Read)

5.2 Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Link – Woobadda Creek Crossing

Tony Lickiss advised:

• The project is in progress with footings for the 2 abutments completed with the central pier footing still to do.

• There have been some geotechnical issues and a latent condition identified with construction of the central pier footing.

• The footings have had to be redesigned.

• There are some additional costs associated with the redesign (geotechnical work and design).

• The project is approximately 3 weeks behind schedule as a result.

• A need to fully close the road for 2-3 weeks during construction of the concrete approaches has been identified.

• The approaches conflict with the existing road which is currently trafficable whilst work on the structure is being undertaken.

• Cook has been unable to source contract works insurance during the wet season.

• The project is expected to be completed approximately 2 months following resumption of works post wet season – this will obviously be dictated primarily by stream flows.

5.3 Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Link – Bloomfield River Crossing at Wujal Wujal

In the absence of TMR Far North representatives, Tony Lickiss advised:

• The Contractor had commenced on site however he was unsure of details.

• The Contractor had transported a 100 tonne crawler crane and a very large drill rig to site recently and had damaged Bloomfield Road in Cook.

• A permit had been issued by TMR to travel the state-controlled Shipton’s Flat Road which is effectively the northern 7.5km of the Bloomfield Road from the Cooktown Developmental Road.

• Cook was completely unaware of the proposed movement and there are drainage structures along Bloomfield Road not designed for the subject loading and in a relatively poor condition.

• Cook will be confronting the issue with TMR and the Contractor.

5.4 Kirrama Range Road

David Goodman advised:

• The project commenced last week with vegetation clearing.

• All of the materials for the bridge rehabilitation works have been ordered with some materials already on site.

• It is anticipated 3 or 4 bridges could be completed prior to Christmas 2013, weather permitting.

• WTMA has been notified of the commencement of works and have been invited to observe work practices on site. 10

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• WTMA has been good to deal with thus far.

• Issues arose with TMR Far North environmental staff attempting to take a controlling interest in the project.

• They used an environmental “duty of care” basis as justification and were difficult to deal with.

• These issues have now been resolved.

• The project is expected to be completed by October-November 2014.

5.5 Etheridge LRRS Network – North Heads and Agate Creek Roads

Rohana Samarasekera tabled the LRRS Nomination and Justification form and other details for the North Heads – Agate Creek Road link at the meeting.

MOVED David Goodman SECONDED Garry Pickering

That a decision for inclusion of Etheridge’s North – Agate Creek Road link on the FNQRRTG LRRS network be held over to the next meeting to allow the Technical Committee time to consider the information provided.


ACTION REQUIRED A copy of the completed LRRS Nomination and Justification form for the North Heads – Agate Creek Road link is to be sent to all members (Gerard Read).

5.6 Statements of Intent As Sam Wakeford was not in attendance, the presentation of the alternate SOI for the Redlynch Intake Road was not undertaken at the meeting. Michael Ringer advised a new staff member is commencing at Cairns in the next fortnight and he/she will be working on all the SOIs as well. Copies of the Maranoa Regional Council and Paroo Shire Council SOIs were noted for information. ACTION REQUIRED Cairns is to present a working example of the alternate SOI for the Redlynch Intake Road at the next meeting (Sam Wakeford).

5.7 Bridge Asset Management – Alternative Timber Bridge Manual A brief discussion was held on the likelihood of success for SCDF funding, the benefits of developing the Manual and the hindrances of not developing the Manual.


That development of the Alternative Timber Bridge Manual not be progressed any further at this stage.

David Goodman advised he may progress the Manual further directly with Dan Tingley.

5.8 Traffic Counts ACTION REQUIRED (ongoing) All members are to forward any updated traffic count details to Gerard Read.

5.9 ABM Study Report Review Gerard Read advised no further action had been undertaken. 11

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• The cost/benefit analysis (Appendix J) is to be checked and updated if necessary. (Steve Cosatto)

• The balance of the report is to be updated. (Darlene Irvine / Gerard Read)

5.10 Technical Forum Darlene Irvine advised:

• The concept of a Technical Forum could be expanded to cover other areas of Council operations.

• NAMAC (Natural Asset Management Advisory Committee) has expressed an interest in a product demonstration of UAVs (drones) as an example.

• There are many service providers who regularly contact FNQROC and Councils wishing to effectively present a product demonstration and sales pitch.

ACTION REQUIRED An expanded “Technical Forum” is to be investigated further. (Darlene Irvine / Steve Cosatto)

6. Business Arising from Previous RRTG Minutes (FOR INFORMATION)

6.1 Variations to Works Program

Noted for information. 6.2 Prioritisation Tool and MCA Sub-Criteria Weightings

Noted for information.

6.3 Hardship Provisions – Croydon and Etheridge Shire Councils

Noted for information. Darlene Irvine advised:

• The 75/25 TIDS contribution for Croydon and Etheridge was considered at the RTAB Meeting held 16 October 2013.

• The RTAB wrote to FNQROC this week and determined that the 75/25 TIDS contribution arrangement in existence for both Councils will end at 30 June 2015.

• After that date both Councils will revert to the normal 50/50 TIDS contribution.

• A copy of the letter had been forwarded to both Councils. Rohana Samarasekera advised Etheridge would be taking the matter up with the RTAB.

6.4 RTA TIDS – Non LRRS and Aerodrome Projects Noted for information. Darlene Irvine gave a detailed explanation of the RRTG meeting discussions and minute on this issue.

6.5 2013/14 Capability Agreement & Action Plan

Noted for information.

6.6 Membership of FNQRRTG – Etheridge Shire Council

Noted for information. 12

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Darlene Irvine advised:

• Etheridge’s application RTAB to withdraw from FNQRRTG and rejoin NWQRRTG was considered at the RTAB Meeting held 16 October 2013.

• The RTAB wrote to Etheridge this week advising they did not endorse the application and Etheridge would remain a member of FNQRRTG.

• Reasons given were: o Alignment with TMR regional boundaries which was achieved by Croydon and

Etheridge joining FNQRRTG. o Croydon would geographically be “removed” from FNQRRTG should Etheridge return

to NWQRRTG. o Timeframe Etheridge has been in FNQRRTG to adapt to a new RRTG. o Considerable time and effort FNQRRTG, NWQRRTG and TMR had put in to formalize

new RRTG membership.

• The RTAB will be undertaking another review of RRTG boundaries early in 2014 following the establishment of the 4 new Councils from the recent de-amalgamation process.

• Etheridge would be free to evaluate its future RRTG membership and make another proposal, if warranted, at that time.

Rohana Samarasekera advised Etheridge would be considering its options regarding RRTG membership. Ray Kirkman confirmed Croydon want to remain members of FNQRRTG.

7. Royalties for the Regions – Round 2

It was confirmed that no road projects from FNQRRTG Councils were shortlisted to develop a business case. Tablelands were successful with its Chillagoe Water Supply project. Rohana Samarasekera confirmed Etheridge was the only other FNQRRTG Council who did submit an EOI. Gerard Read advised:

• The Royalties for the Region is earmarked to grow in value.

• Councils should consider their options and make submissions when Round 3 opens.

• Information can be obtained from the DSDIP Royalties for the Region webpage www.dsdip.qld.gov.au/grants-and-funding/royalties-for-the-regions.html

The meeting adjourned for morning tea at 11.00am and resumed at 11.15am.

8. Update from the Roads & Transport Alliance

8.1 Comparison of 2013/14 RTA TIDS Expenditure Noted for information. Gerard Read advised some of the budget figures and forecast figures in the table were incorrect and furthermore the “Actual Expenditure” figures include accruals.

8.2 RRTG Technical Forum Noted for information. Gerard Read advised the content was good however it was compressed into too short of a timeframe which minimized the opportunity for the presenters to expand details and the audience to ask questions. 13

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Zac Murphy advised:

• Other feedback has also suggested there was not enough time.

• Unfortunately the RTAPT didn’t really have control of the timeframe as the Forum was added to the front end of the IPWEAQ State Conference.

• It was held at the IPWEAQ State Conference as it was felt this would give the widest coverage due to the majority of Technical Committee people being at the conference.

• This avoided the extra travel and accommodation costs to Councils had it been held as stand-alone event.

8.3 RRTG Assembly

Noted for information. Steve Cosatto advised the comments about time for the Technical Forum were also applicable to the Assembly. Darlene Irvine advised if the time was increased it would be a good opportunity for cross-regional sharing of ideas and opportunities. Zac Murphy advised:

• The Assembly was very well attended with approximately 110 present.

• A variety of questions were asked of Neil Scales, TMR Director General, at the Assembly and these will be answered directly to the individual who asked the question.

• The RTAPT intend to issue a general communiqué to all RRTGs on these subjects where appropriate and applicable.

8.4 2012/13 Roads & Transport Alliance Annual Report

Zac Murphy advised the 2012/13 RTA Annual Report was released Friday 1 November. Darlene Irvine advised the Annual Report had been distributed to all members via email.

8.5 Speed Limits Review

Council representatives at the meeting advised all Councils had made submissions with the exception of Etheridge. Ray Kirkman advised he believed a review of the Gulf Developmental Road in the Croydon LGA had been recommended to proceed. Michael Ringer advised a number of ”public” submissions were also made for Cairns and he believed 4 reviews within Cairns LGA had been recommended to proceed.

8.6 TMR Organisational Review

Zac Murphy advised:

• TMR has recently undertaken an organisational review of its structure across the state.

• The new structure will have 6 regions across the state with 12 districts within the regions.

• It is unsure what role the regional offices will play within the RTA framework as details are still to be finalised and it is likely Councils will deal direct with the districts for its usual operations and management.

• The new structure will become effective as of 1 July 2014. Darlene Irvine suggested RRTG and/or Technical Committee Chairs could sit on the selection panel for the appointment of TMR District Directors. 14

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Zac Murphy advised he would convey this suggestion internally at TMR.

9. 2013/14 Works Program – Progress Review

9.1 Roads Alliance TIDS 9.2 RSDP 9.3 ATSI TIDS

Council representatives provided a progress status update for 2013/14 TIDS projects. A copy is attached. Gerard Read advised:

• An accurate expenditure report to date could not be provided without TMR input.

• A copy of TIDS claims should be forwarded to him, when Council submits to TMR. Darlene Irvine reminded the meeting of FNQRRTG’s policy of Councils to complete planning and design by 30 June for the following financial year’s projects.

9.4 TMR LRRS Works Program A summary of 2013/14 scheduled projects (if any) on the TMR LRRS network was unable to be provided without TMR Far North represented at the meeting. Zac Murphy advised:

• Each TMR region prepares its own regional plan in which any works on the TMR LRRS network should be addressed.

• Councils should be consulted in the preparation of this plan. Steve Cosatto advised:

• It would be of great benefit if Councils knew of TMR’s overall works program each year and in particular it’s scheduling and timing.

• This would allow Councils to schedule its works program to avoid creating peaks and troughs in terms of demand for contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers etc.

• It could also lead to further joint purchasing opportunities. Gerard Read tabled an example of the simple works schedule (for the TMR LRRS network) provided by other TMR regions for discussion at RRTG and Technical Committee meetings.

10. 2014/15 – 2017/18 Works Program – Development

Gerard Read advised it would be unable to produce the preliminary 2014/15 – 2017/18 works program for the following reasons:

• Cairns had additional Non-LRRS projects to submit.

• Cook had not submitted the LRRS Nomination & Justification Forms for prospective LRRS that had projects submitted.

• Cook had additional LRRS projects to submit.

• Etheridge had not submitted any projects. Gerard Read suggested the following timeline to complete development of the work program:

• Deadline for submission of further projects = Friday 13 December 2013.

• Preliminary works program to Technical Committee members = Friday 17 January 2013 (2 weeks prior to next Technical Committee meeting).


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MOVED David Goodman SECONDED Michael Ringer

That the 2014/15 – 2017/18 works program (2 years fixed, 2 years indicative) be finalised at the next Technical Committee meeting, with the deadline for submission of further projects (Cairns, Cook and Etheridge) set at Friday 13 December 2013.


Extensive discussion was had in respect of the likely FNQRRTG membership of the new Douglas and Mareeba Shire Councils from early January 2014, giving consideration to the process and timeline.

MOVED David Goodman SECONDED Ashley Greenwood

That FNQRRTG notify the Transition Manager of Douglas and Mareeba of the following:

• The timeline for development of the 2014/15 to 2017/18 works program.

• The date of the next Technical Committee meeting and the requirement for a representative(s) to attend to provide confirmation of the existing 2013/14 projects plus input and commitment for the 2014/15 works program at a minimum.



• Cairns is to submit any additional Non-LRRS projects by 13 December. (Sam Wakeford)

• Cook is to submit any LRRS Nomination & Justification Forms for prospective LRRS by 13 December. (Tony Lickiss)

• Cook is to submit any additional LRRS projects by 13 December. (Tony Lickiss)

• Etheridge is to submit any projects by 13 December. (Rohana Samarasekera)

• FNQROC is to notify the Transition Manager of Douglas and Mareeba of the following: o The timeline for development of the 2014/15 to 2017/18 works program. o The date of the next Technical Committee meeting and the requirement for a

representative(s) to attend to provide confirmation of the existing 2013/14 projects plus input and commitment for the 2014/15 works program at a minimum.

Michael Ringer left at 12.45pm.

11. Capability Agreement & Action Plan - Progress Review

Noted for information. Gerard Read advised Councils should not forget about the following actions:

• Analysis of NetRISK data by individual Technical Committee members and review by RRTG.

• Analysis of road crash data by individual Technical Committee members and review by RRTG.

• Treatments or projects scheduled from NetRISK and road crash data analysis. Darlene Irvine advised she had information on file regarding the LRRS network asset registers.


That the action, “Undertake road condition assessment of LRRS network”, not be undertaken in 2013/14.

12. Training

Extensive discussion was had regarding the proposed rolling training program and FNQROC / FNQRRTG’s role in organising and facilitating training workshops. Darlene Irvine advised that in the past FNQROC had organised training workshops only to be left out-of-pocket due to limited and non-attendance by Councils. 16

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MOVED David Goodman SECONDED Tony Lickiss

That whilst the Technical Committee clearly acknowledges the merit of the proposal, FNQROC / FNQRRTG will not proceed with establishment of the rolling training program.


13. Joint Purchasing & Resource Sharing

13.1 Bridge Management – TMR Load Capacity Assessment Noted for information. ACTION REQUIRED Cairns is to further investigate logistics and details of the project and provide feedback to the next meeting. (Sam Wakeford)

14. Asset Management


15. Road Safety


16. General Business

16.1 FNQROC Staff Movements Darlene Irvine advised the following FNQROC internal staff movements:

• Following the resignation of Scott Britton, Gerard Read has been re-engaged to provide the Technical Coordinator service to the FNQRRTG.

• Steve Cosatto will transition into the FNQROC Regional Infrastructure Projects Coordinator role during the next 6 months approximately, with Gerard Read to provide a training and mentoring role.

• FNQROC has advertised to fill the Regional Procurement Coordinator role vacated by Steve Cosatto.

• Steve Cosatto will provide a training and mentoring role for the new FNQROC Regional Procurement Coordinator during the next 6 months approximately.


Date Monday 9 December 2013 Venue Civic Reception Room, Ground Floor, Cairns Regional Council, Spence Street, Cairns Time 1.30pm (following the FNQROC Board Meeting)

18. Next Technical Committee Meeting

Date Friday 31 January 2013 Venue Tablelands Regional Council, Mabel Street, Atherton (TBC) Time 10.00am

19. Meeting Closure

There being no further business, Chair David Goodman closed the meeting at 1.15pm and thanked everyone for attending.

Minutes prepared by Gerard Read, FNQRRTG Technical Coordinator 30 November 2013 17





Works Program - Progress Status

14,612,314 5,541,016 7,421,298 1,650,000 2,689,402 864,216 3,318,696 4,182,912 729,700 683,500

Start EndLG






Prior to







New Total

2013-142014-15 2015-16

Cairns RTA TIDS 214/LGSR/5Cape Tribulation to

Bloomfield Road

Construct bridge and approaches

(Woobadda Creek)21.4 21.5 1,085,461 242,923 842,538 143,123 0 286,215 286,215 413,200

Cairns RSDP 214/LGSS/1Cape Tribulation to

Bloomfield Road

Construct bridge and approaches

(Woobadda Creek)21.4 21.5 900,000 0 900,000 315,647 0 584,353 584,353

Cairns ATSI TIDS 214/LGSF/1Cape Tribulation to

Bloomfield Road

Construct bridge and approaches

(Woobadda Creek)21.4 21.5 300,000 0 300,000 11,666 0 288,334 288,334

Cairns RTA TIDS 214/LGSR/23 Aumuller StreetAt-grade intersection improvement

(Gatton Street intersection)2.23 2.23




4,100,000 1,400,000 1,050,000 1,650,000 0 50,000 50,000 316,500 683,500




(Non LRRS)216/LGSR/17

McGowan Drive,

InnisfailConstruct shared footpath


COMPLETED BY NOV 13.350,000 175,000 175,000 37,748 0 137,252 137,252

Cook RTA TIDS 220/LGSR/9 Bloomfield Road Bikeway / Footpath construction 3.45 4.55 FULLY COMPLETED AND CLAIMED. 380,000 190,000 190,000 0 190,000 190,000

Cook RTA TIDS 220/LGSR/8 Battlecamp Road Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard 25.75 29.75FULLY COMPLETED AND CLAIMED.

670,000 335,000 335,000 0 335,000 335,000

Croydon RTA TIDS 221/LGSR/4Croydon Richmond

RoadConstruct to new sealed 2 lane standard


COMPLETED BY DEC 14.654,000 213,000 441,000 0 441,000 441,000

Etheridge RTA TIDS 226/LGSR/4Forsayth-Einasleigh

RoadConstruct to new sealed 2 lane standard


COMPLETED BY DEC 14.605,333 201,333 404,000 0 404,000 404,000

Tablelands RSDP 264/LGSS/1 Ootann Road

Seal to provide overtaking opportunity

Seal to provide overtaking opportunity

Seal to provide overtaking opportunity

Construct to new unsealed standard

Form improve drainage & running surface













BE COMPLETED BY JUN 14. 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 864,216 864,216

Tablelands RTA TIDS 264/LGSR/37 Gunnawarra Road Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard 6.5 7.5



BY MAR 14.

250,000 125,000 125,000 0 125,000 125,000

Tablelands RTA TIDS 264/LGSR/29 Black Mountain RoadUpgrade bridge

(Bridge No.4)5.2 5.21



BY MAY 14.

235,000 117,500 117,500 0 117,500 117,500

TablelandsRTA TIDS

(Non LRRS)264/LGSR/20 Bilwon Road, Mareeba

Widen, strengthen and seal

(Cypress Road north for 1.1km)5.4 6.5

FULLY COMPLETED. MORE TO CLAIM.452,520 226,260 226,260 180,715 0 45,545 45,545

Tablelands RTA TIDS 264/LGSR/10 Tully Falls RoadUpgrade bridge

(Vine Creek)6.2 6.3




630,000 315,000 315,000 503 0 314,497 314,497






14 November 2013


Work Description








Allocation Year (TIDS Contribution)



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