Family of ParishesJun 02, 2019  · Holy Angels’ PASTORAL ADMINISTRATION Pastor: Father Graham...

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Transcript of Family of ParishesJun 02, 2019  · Holy Angels’ PASTORAL ADMINISTRATION Pastor: Father Graham...


Pastor: Father Graham Keep Ext. 104 Associate Pastor: Father John Johnson Ext. 105 Associate Pastor: Father Charles Akinloye Ext. 110 Permanent Deacon: Deacon Brad Lewis Email: Pastoral Worker: Sister Mary Boere C.S.J. Ext. 108 Pastoral Minister: Laura Lee – Call Office Catechist: Natasha Contestabile – Call Office


Secretary/Receptionist: Miriam McLaughlin Ext. 101 Email: Secretary: Linda Joers Email: Bookkeeper: Maureen Marcelissen Ext. 106 Business Administrator: Bob Bray Ext. 103

St. Anne’s Centre: Manager: Jim O’Brien 519-631-5210

Holy Angels’ Cemetery: Manager: Ed Steer 519-878-8377

Queen of Peace Cemetery: Manager: Matt Gubbels 519-765-2005


Holy Angels’: Sunday 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Our Lady of Sorrows: Saturday 5:00 p.m.; Sunday 9:30 a.m.

St. Anne’s: Saturday 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Traditional Latin Mass Sunday 1:30 p.m. at Holy Angels’ Church


Sacrament of Reconciliation: Holy Angels’ Parish on Monday beginning at 7:30 p.m. after the 7:00 p.m. evening Mass. Our Lady of Sorrows on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. before Mass St. Anne’s Parish on Thursday from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. prior to the 9:15 a.m. Mass. (Except July and August)

Sacrament of Baptism: If you are expecting a child or have a child to be baptized, please call the Parish Office.

Sacrament of Marriage: At least 6 months notice required. Marriage Preparation required by Diocesan regulations.

Sacrament of the Sick: To arrange for Sacrament of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. Communion to Nursing Homes and Shut-ins, please call the Parish Office.

Family of Parishes

Holy Angels’ Our Lady of Sorrows St. Anne’s

Ascension of the Lord - Sunday, June 2, 2019

Our Mission

Jesus said, “Go make disciples…I am with you always.”

Our Vision

Strengthened by the Eucharist, we are moved to bring healing to a wounded world.

Contact Information

Central Office Located at St. Anne’s Parish Phone: 519-631-3640 or 519-631-3052 Website:

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Our Lady of Sorrows Office Phone: 519-773-8582 Hours: Wednesday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Holy Angels’ Parish 502 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON, N5P 1C2

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish 116 John Street S., Aylmer, ON N5H 2C4

St. Anne’s Parish 20 Morrison Drive, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 4S6

Holy Angels' Parish Meeting

Sunday June 2nd, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, all Parishioners are invited downstairs for a meeting with Father Graham and Maureen Bedek to further the development and understanding regarding the formation of the Elgin Roman Catholic Family of Parishes. Lunch will be provided after the presentation. Please attend and be informed and share your thoughts.

St. Anne’s Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is now finished and will resume in September. We hope your children have enjoyed sharing the Gospel and related activities with their friends. A sincere thank you to all the volunteers who have given their time to help prepare and teach the lessons. A special thank you to Lisa Johnston for coordinating the volunteers. Volunteers are always welcome! Contact Lis at

Cemetery Sunday Join us for a prayer service on Sunday, June 2nd at 2 p.m. at Holy Angels’ & Queen of Peace Cemeteries. All parishioners are welcome to come & pray for those who have gone before us.

Dr. Ramona Coelho is a strong advocate for conscience rights for doctors. She is asking that everyone write a letter to their provincial MPP and federal MP. These letters can be similar in content, but sent separately, in order to have higher impact. Canadians need legislative changes in order to have conscience protection in medicine for health care workers. On a federal level, MP David Anderson has introduced BILL C-418. This bill is trying to create a law so that health care workers cannot be forced to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide against their will. Please write to your MP, urging them to vote for Bill C-418. The second reading is coming up shortly so there is some urgency in this request.

As well, it has been almost one year since the election of the current Ontario provincial government and many of the members are new to government and may not be aware of the campaign promise that was made by the PC Party regarding conscience protection for health care workers. Losing the court case in Ontario for conscience rights has likely raised awareness so it would be a good time to write them to reinforce that we want them to come through on their campaign promise. Make your letter personal, include your own ideas, request a meeting with Jeff Yurek. He presented a private member's bill 129 that was voted down before the 2018 election. This bill can be found at: . Please help make conscience-protection and charter rights protections reinforced for our children and future generations!

Family of Parishes Picnic Sunday, June 23, 2019

Elgin County R.C. Family of Parishes Picnic on Sunday, June 23rd at Pinafore Park, Marshall Field Lakeside Pavilion from 3 – 7 p.m. Games for children at 3:30 p.m. with dinner served from 4 – 6 p.m. (pork, applesauce, hot dogs, baked potatoes, baked beans, coleslaw, watermelon and dessert. “Free Will Offering.” Bring your lawn chair and come for great food, fun and laughter with family, friends and new acquaintances.

SPANISH MASS AT OLOS: A Spanish Mass will be celebrated at OLOS on the 4th Saturday of every month. Mass at 7 p.m. with a reception in the hall afterwards. The next Spanish Mass will be held on Saturday, June 22nd.

Saturday, June 8th 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Anne’s will be MOVED to Holy Angels’ Church at 4:30 p.m.

due to St. Anne’s Festival.




June 3

Holy Angels’ Victor Imbroll – May Zammit and David & Mariella Dingli

7:00 p.m. Josephine & Stan Ivak – Valerie & Douglas Ivak

Loretta Dillon-Robinette – Holy Angels’ Social Justice Committee

Sacrament of Reconciliation following Mass


June 4

St. Anne’s Please Note: Mass is CANCELLED

8:00 a.m.


June 5

St. Anne’s Dave Whitman – Case & Sandi Hoffer

8:00 a.m. Bernard Clarke – Len & Ronnie Parkins

Intentions of Alf Marcelissen – A Parishioner

OLOS In Thanksgiving – Ann Maloney

10:00 a.m. Andrew Versnick – Dorothy Versnick

Angela Sobry – Paul & Carol De Ryk

Holy Angels’ Intentions of Jerry & Mary Jane Collins – Holy Angels’ Traditional Choir

12 Noon Brian Frame – Dorothy Frame

Intentions of Norma Roche – Holy Angels CWL


June 6

St. Anne’s Sacrament of Reconciliation – 8 – 9 a.m.

9:15 a.m. Bill West – Case & Sandi Hoffer

Cliff Maxwell – Case & Sandi Hoffer

Mike Butler – Case & Sandi Hoffer

Holy Angels’ Richard Ansely – Bill & Mary Ressler

12 Noon Mary & Stuart Finnigan – Finnigan Family

Intentions of Mary Lou Cruden – Finnigan Family


June 7

St. Anne’s Mary & Bert Woloschuk – Woloschuk Family

8:00 a.m. Deceased Xuereb & Magri Family Members – Sam & Pauline Xuereb

Intentions of Mike & Miriam McLaughlin – Ivy Flynn

8:30 – 11 a.m. – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Anne’s Church

Holy Angels’ Living & Deceased Members of the Leo Brown Family – Betty Lucas

12 Noon Maria Chuc Nguyen – Tu Nguyen Family

Intentions of Logan O’Leary-DiLosa – The DiLosa Family




Holy Angels’ Saturday 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; Latin Mass 1:30 p.m.

Our Lady of Sorrows Saturday 5:00 p.m.; Sunday 9:30 a.m.

(Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday 4 pm)

St. Anne’s Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Saturday 4:30 p.m. Mass is MOVED to Holy Angels’

Please contact the Church Office to schedule Mass Intentions.

Come & join us for a great day away! Tuesday, August 20, 2019. Everyone is welcome!!

We will meet at Holy Angels’ Church parking lot and we will board the bus at 11:30 a.m. We will be entertained at The Petrolia Theatre as we enjoy “THE GREAT CANADIAN CURLING CLUB”. After the theatre, we will share dinner together at “ACTORS”. The bus will return to Holy Angels’ at approximately 8:30 p.m.

The cost for the day is $102.00 all in (alcohol not included). For tickets, please call Pat Calvert at 519-633-2106 or Antonette Lane at 519-631-8904. Tickets MUST be purchased and paid for before JUNE 30th. All are welcome!!


CWL Membership Appreciation Brunch is on Sunday, June 9th at the Twin Streams Golf Club in Delaware. Tickets are $20. Please contact Terry at 519-631-0932 or Vicky at 519-631-8093 for tickets. We will meet in the church parking lot after the 9 am Mass and car pool. Brunch is at 11 am. All ladies are welcome.

A special thank you to the ladies who prepared sandwiches for Grace Cafe and to the ladies who prepared supper for the Women's Shelter. Your response to these two projects is most appreciated.

HOLY ANGELS' GARAGE AND BAKE SALE THANK YOU! Thank you to all the wonderful parishioners from our Family of Parishes who so generously donated to our Garage and Bake Sale last weekend. Thank you also to all the workers and to the shoppers who made the sale another successful one. It is all very much appreciated!! ST. ANNE’S CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP St. Anne’s CWL is rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service. We work together by supporting one another and we are welcoming to all women of the Parish.” St. Anne’s final membership remittance to the CWL National office needs to be submitted. If you haven’t already renewed or wish to become a new member, please place your membership fee into the collection basket or drop off at the church office ASAP. Membership fee is still $20.00


June 19th Memorial Celebration: Our memorial service is fast approaching and we will be honoring 150 deceased members with a carnation laid in their memory. We encourage family members to support this event and join us for the celebration. Our League will soon be 70 yrs. old and we have had 24 past presidents. Tickets for the luncheon are $15. Please contact Sue 519-773-2568 or Liz 519-773-5773 for tickets.

OLOS Catholic Women’s League Final Membership Call: The final remittance needs to go to the National office. If you haven’t already renewed your membership, or wish to become a new member, please do so today! Membership fee is $25. You will be part of the largest organization of catholic women in Canada with a tradition. Join in the fellowship, fun, and service to others, as we continue to serve the people of God! For more information, call Liz McConnell at or 519-773-5773


FAMILY OF PARISHES FAMILY PICNIC: - OLOS Council 4189 together with our brother Knights in Council 1467 invite all parishioners and their families to an appreciation picnic at the John Paul II Cultural Centre, 6679 Woodward Rd. Port Burwell, Sunday, June 9 at 2:30 pm going until whenever we finish. The Knights will provide barbecued burgers and hot diggety dogs, condiments and buns. The rest is pot luck. You bring your drinks; alcohol is fine but no glass containers. There will be children's events, a pool weather permitting, volleyball and walking trails, time for prayer and sacred music. Signup sheets are available at the back of each church so we know how much to purchase.

Knights of Columbus Summerfest 2019

Friday, June 21 – Fish ‘N’ Fun

New this year – Friday Nite Fish Fry (Yellow Perch). Entertainment by “Dave Hoy, Honky Tonk Man” and “John Milles”. Advance tickets are $20 each; please call 519-631-2166. Gates open at 4:30 p.m. at the Columbus Club.

Saturday, June 22 – Summerfest

An evening of entertainment and activities raising funds in support of the Women and Children’s Unit at our hospital. Featuring “London Rhythm and Soul Revue”, with special guest, “Darkhorse”. Advance tickets are $25.00 each, please call 519-631-2166. Gates open at 4:30 p.m. at the Columbus Club.

St. Anne’s Community Festival June 5, 6, 7, & 8, 2019


God, our Father, source of health and all goodness, we place this Parish project in your hands. Please bless all those who work on our Community Festival. Grant them peace, health and joy. Bless our work with satisfaction, and our days with beautiful weather. Please bless all those who come to our Festival with laughter, a time of enjoyment and delight. We ask this through Your Son Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

RAFFLE TICKETS RETURNS This year, we are pleased to announce that the format has changed to a “FESTIVAL 50/50 RAFFLE”. The sooner tickets are sold and returned, the faster the winner’s share of the raffle will grow. The excitement will continue to grow as we see the prize amount rise to a potential $14,000 for the June 8th draw date. Ticket returns may be dropped into the collection basket or at the Church Office. Any unused tickets should be returned to the office. Additional tickets are available in the Church Office.

RESTAURANT TENT is in need of workers for ALL SHIFTS Wednesday through Friday from 12 noon to Closing and ALL DAY Saturday. Volunteers are especially needed for all 6 p.m. to Closing Shifts. If you are able to help, please volunteer. Captains and cashiers are requested to come out Monday evening, June 3rd at 7 p.m. LAS VEGAS WHEELS/BINGO & NEVADA TICKETS: Workers are needed for ALL shifts, Wednesday to Saturday. Please sign up. BLACKJACK NIGHT will be held on Friday, June 7th. New Blackjack dealers are needed. If interested, please call Jeff Jenkins at 519-691-7426 or Tim McFadden at 519-633-3398. There will be an instruction session for dealers on Tuesday, June 4th at 7 p.m. in The Centre. BAKED GOODS DONATIONS would be most appreciated. Please sign up for bringing in your Baked Goods, not for working. Baked goods can be brought to the kitchen entrance of The Centre any day of Festival.

Pay One Price Tickets (Giant Midway)

Available at Briwood Farm Market, Geerlinks Home Hardware Building Centre, all St. Thomas Shoppers Drug Mart Locations, and St. Anne’s Church Office or online at

Until TUESDAY, JUNE 4th,

at a special price of $30.00 per person!!! (A savings of $10.00). These passes are good for any ONE day of the Festival! Pay One Price Tickets cost $40.00 on the grounds.

1. Please PRAY for the success of the Festival. 2. Saturday 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Anne’s will be MOVED to Saturday 4:30 p.m. at Holy Angels’. Sunday morning Mass will be 11 a.m. at St. Anne’s. Parking will be available in the St. Anne’s School Parking lot for Masses. 3. To alleviate problems created by bus and other traffic on Park Avenue, we encourage students to walk to school. 4. Parking during Festival will be available at St. Anne’s School parking lot. Please enter off Park Avenue. There will be absolutely “NO PUBLIC PARKING” on school property before 4 p.m. This includes Festival Workers. 5. Handicapped Parking is available – please enter off Morrison Drive. 6. All those attending the Festival are reminded to ensure that they do not park in “NO PARKING” zones. 7. Please be reminded that “ABSOLUTELY NO PETS, NO SKATEBOARDS, NO ROLLER BLADES, AND - NO BICYCLES” will be allowed on the Festival grounds.

All Parishioners of our Family of Parishes are invited to volunteer at the Festival. Sign-up sheets will be available at the entrance of St. Anne’s Church or call the office.

St. Anne’s Community Festival

Fill the Wheel for Hunger

St. Anne’s Festival and World’s Finest Shows are partnering with the St. Thomas Food Bank (The Caring Cupboard) to help fight hunger in our community by collecting non-perish-able food items from the public in exchange for discounted ride coupons. On Wednesday night, bring one or more non -perishable food items from 4 – 8 p.m. and you can purchase

10 Midway Rides for $15.00 and automatically be entered into our Festival 50/50 Raffle.

Festival Donations Through the efforts of the Festival Board and our many volunteers, we were able to provide financial assistance to the following groups and organizations in the last year. Thank you for helping us

1st Elgin BPSA Scouting Group

ALS Believe in a Cure Walk Every Child Counts-Bahamas

Knights of Columbus - Exemplification Monsignor Morrison School

Psychiatric Survivors Network Elgin Save A Family Plan - 2 families St. Anne's Apostolic Committee St. Anne's Centre Renovations

St. Anne's School St. Anne's School-Pay One Price Tickets & Lunches

St. John Ambulance St. Joseph's High School

St. Joseph's High School - Renaissance Robotics St. Joseph's High School Festival Award

St. Joseph's High School-Friday Night Lights St. Thomas Food Bank (Caring Cupboard)

St. Thomas Soccer Club - 2 teams St. Thomas/Elgin Right to Life Walk STEGH Foundation - wheelchairs

The Bluffs Golf Club - Breast & Prostate Cancer Tournaments

Be part of the excitement! Be part of the Fun!

Be part of the Festival and help make a difference in people’s lives.

Let’s put our Evangelization into Action!

Saturday, June 8, 2019 at St. Anne’s Centre, St. Thomas

Silent Auction begins at 6:30 p.m. Live Auction begins at 8:00 p.m.

Over 200 items!!! Something for Everyone!!!

WestJet Package for 2 people anywhere WestJet travels, $1,000 Granite Countertop from Casey's Creative Kitchens,

Rounds of Golf including Red Tail & St. Thomas Golf & County, Reserved Seating & Parking at St. Anne’s Christmas Mass,

Theatre Tickets, Gym Memberships, Gift Baskets, Golf Certificates, Dining Gift Certificates, Spa Gift Certificates,

Great Bargains & Gifts - too numerous to mention!!

Terms: Cash/Debit/Visa or MasterCard

If you still have a donation, please bring it to the Church Office Monday morning. Attendance makes this event much more successful and entertaining, so plan to attend!

Volunteer Captains If you can help in any of the areas below, please call the captains as indicated to volunteer. Thank you!

a) Restaurant Tent Pam Harvey 519-631-9824 Cathy Taylor 519-631-5241

b) Dinners:

Wednesday Night Grace Pen 519-633-6312 Thursday Night Pat Maxwell 519-631-1235 Friday Night Ray Xuereb 519-633-8304 Saturday Night Miriam McLaughlin 519-631-5556

c) Bake Sale Dorothy Kay 519-633-0716 Susan O’Brien 519-637-0675

d) BINGO Peter Tobola 519-631-3210 Jim Platt 519-637-8835

e) Las Vegas Area Bob Mason 519-633-1207 (Wheels) Walt Molinaro 519-631-7439

All Parishioners of our Family of Parishes are invited to volunteer at the Festival.

Festival Live & Silent Auction


Monday: Deacon Rudy Terpstra; Tuesday: Rev. Jose Lopez, F.M.M.; Wednesday: high School Campus Ministers; Thursday: Rev. Vincent Gennardo, C.S.; Friday: Rev. Joseph Langlois; Saturday: Dianne O’Neill, Pastoral Minister; Sunday: Rev. Barnabas Kiss, O.F.M..

LITURGY OF THE WORD: Ascension of the Lord First Reading: Because Stephen professes his faith in the Son of Man, he is stoned to death (Acts 7:55-60). Second Reading: I, the Alpha and the Omega, am coming soon (Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20). Gospel: Jesus prays that the love of the Father may be in those who believe (John 17:20-26). VOCATION VIEWS: Jesus promised his disciples that they would be clothes in power from God. As a follower of Jesus, you are also given that same promise. Pray for the grace to be a faithful witness.


Please join us on Thursday, June 13th at 3:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Cafeteria to celebrate the retirement of 2 of our wonderful teachers. RSVP to Ella at

Custodian at St. Mary’s/St. Helen’s: Our search continues for a part-time Custodian (up to 15 hrs. per week). Those interested in applying are to contact Bob Bray via email at


YTD April 2019

Regular Offertory

Required Actual

Diocesan Assessment

Required Actual

Holy Angels’ $122,644 $ 97,141 $ 13,758 $ 4,147 St. Anne’s $125,841 $104,639 $ 17,187 $ 5,255 OLOS $ 42,966 $ 52,777 $ 8,760 $ -

Regular Offertory: Amount needed to cover all operating expenses (excludes Diocesan Assessment). Excludes Easter and Christmas collections as these are to be used for savings. Excludes Donations (Ministry, Parish Social Activities, etc.). Excludes donations for loan fund or capital projects. Diocesan Assessment: Amount we owe to the Diocese for their services/ support.

Tuesday, June 4th 8 a.m. Mass at St. Anne’s is CANCELLED


Anibal Almiron, Richard Bethel, Marianne Bisson, Jeanette Boyd, Ron Buchanan, Paul Bugiel, Deanna Brouwer, Charmaine Bullock, Joe Burns, Shawn Carey, John Ciapka, Betty Clark, Gerry & Mickey Costello, Sam Craven, Robert Clutterbuck, Mary Cunningham, Mary D’Angelo, Helene Diesbourg, John Doucette, Clare Doyle, Samuel Dunn, Agnes Elford, Sharon Emery, Elizabeth Finkenzeller, Delores Finnigan, Eva Galley, Andrew Gibson, Marilyn Gracey, Rina Grech, Don Greer, Maureen Griffiths, Rosamond Grizzle, Lindsay Grondin- Rice, Mary Louise Harrison, Jerry Horan, Jim Howie, Marian Hudson, Susan Janssens, Michael Juhasz, Grazyna Juchniewicz, Jim Kaufman, Pat Keogh, Christine Koustrup, Bill Laverty, Kristin Legault, Erica Lucas, McKenna Lumley, Patty Lyons, Bob MacDonald, Louise Macdonald, Dorothy Marek, Diane Martin, Greg McBride, Peter Mitrovic, Donna Moore, Joe Moser, Kim Moss, Dan Muscat, Ginette Nadon, Malaya Noad, Yvonne Oliver, Josephine Oniszeczko, Sonja Oslach; Joe Pineau, David Pineau, Barb Pinnegar, Helen Robicheau, Shawn Robicheau, Emily Scanlon, Monica Schoutens, Pat Sheridan, Otto Siebenmorgen, Brandon Simpson, Verne Sim, Jack Sims, Shirley Slaght, Ted Smith, Rev Charles Sweeting, Laurie Sunderland, Michelle Sylvester, John Taylor, Peter Taylor, Grant Teeple, Harry Terpstra, Glenn Tisdall, Ron Vader, Maryke Vanderzon, Joe Vella, Angela Vivola, Brian Webster, Aniela Zmudzinski.


Pray for all those who have died, and all the faithful departed; through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

SUNDAY COLLECTIONS HOLY ANGELS’: May Pre-Authorized donations: $7,574.00 May 26, 2019: Offertory: $5,401.30; Restoration: $579.00 OUR LADY OF SORROWS: May Pre-Authorized donations: $3,615.00 May 26, 2019: $2,218.10.00; Building Fund: $20.00 ST. ANNE’S: May Pre-Authorized donations: $8,285.00 May 26, 2019: $5,146.25 Please note that if you are attending Mass at one of our Family of Parishes, the donations are sent to the appropriate parish at which you are registered.