Fall Pet Health Checklist by Willowdale Animal Hospital

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Tips for caring for your pet this Fall, Preparing your pets for Fall and Winter, Pet Health Care Tips, Flea and tick prevention, and vaccinations, brought to you by Willowdale Animal Hospital in Toronto.

Transcript of Fall Pet Health Checklist by Willowdale Animal Hospital



Fall is an important time

Fall is an important time for your pet to stay on track with their health. The weather is changing, the holidays are coming, it’s time to make sure your pets are healthy.

Keep Vaccinations Up to Date Pets need their vaccinations constantly updated.

There are so many things they can be exposed to that can make them ill. Keep your pet health care costs low by keeping them properly vaccinated.

Prevent fleas

These should be used year round on all your pets. Especially if they are outdoors or have contact with other pets. Fleas can hang around for quite a few months without you noticing, so keep your pet safe with their normal flea prevention.

Always Check Your Pet for Ticks Ticks are still out there, even when

there’s a brief freeze. To prevent your pet from contracting Lyme Disease or other parasite borne illnesses, check your pet for ticks after they play outside. There are also preventative sprays, creams and collars but they are not a 100% guarantee that your pet won’t get ticks or fleas. See our online store here to purchase flea/tick prevention:Willowdale Vet Store

Administer Heart Worm Pills

Mosquitoes are still out this time of year as well, even in cooler weather. Protect your dog from heartworm by continuing to administer their heartworm meds.

Physical Activity and Diet

Since the weather is getting colder it maybe likely that your pet is getting less exercise. Make sure to adjust your pet’s diet according to their daily activity and try to keep their activity levels consistent.

Temperature Changes

The weather in the fall can change, one day you have a heat wave and the next, a frost. Watch your pet for signs of heatstroke or frostbite during these dramatic temperature changes and make sure they are hydrated at all times.

Be Aware of Toxic Items

There are plenty of things out there that can harm your pet. Antifreeze, mushrooms, mothballs, or even compost/mulch piles. Make sure to keep all these things out of reach of your pet and take immediate action if you find they have gotten into them.

Have Questions?

When in doubt, talk to your local vet about caring for your pet during seasonal changes.

Be sure to get an annual exam for your pet so that your vet can easily identify any changes or health concerns.

Presentation brought to you by the

Willowdale Animal Hospital
