Fall of the WRE

Post on 08-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Fall of the WRE

Joe MigaMrs.RadlowskiGlobal 912 January 2015

Around the time of the third century A.D , the Western Roman Empire was filled with corruption and faced many problems. With the introduction of christianity and economic problems the Western roman Empire was on the fall. Also to the decline of strength in the army and invasions from foreign lands.The decline of Rome was helped by the introduction of christianity. The clergy had preached the doctrines of patience. The society of Rome had been discouraged and the remaining military spirit buried. The christian beliefs had eroded traditional Roman beliefs and values. Christianity had replaced the polytheistic Roman religion, which viewed the emperor as having a god like status. While the spread of Christianity may have played a small role in the fall of Roman virtue, military and economic factors had played a larger role. (document 2)The invasions by barbaric tribe and weakening of the military had help contribute to the fall of the empire. The attacks and defeats from the Germans, Huns, and various barbarian tribes had weakened the Roman military and vastly decreased the amount of territory controlled by the Empire. But during the decline, the makeup of the once mighty military began to change. Unable to recruit enough roman citizens the emperors began hiring mercenaries to strengthen the army. At one time most the army was composed entirely of germans. (document 5,6)They also had little or no loyalty to the empire, and officers often turned against Rome in search for more power.Although Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within. The government was filled with corruption and the economy was failing. The Roman government seemed to have large expenses. Part of the money went to maintenance to the army as well as the government. These expenses led to high taxation on the people. With the great number of slaves workers got lower wages and some drifted to the cities to add unemployment there. Many businessmen, farmers, and workmen fled from their jobs. As the empire ceased to expand and stopped prospering, however the economic progress soon ceased. Many of roman citizens had lost trust in there leaders and their leadership.(document 3,4)Rome had faced many problems internally and externally that led to the fall of the empire. Many corrupt leaders brought the loyalty of the citizens down and weakened the empires strength. Even though it took hundreds of years for the empire to fall, the Western Roman Empire had great impacts on the world today.

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