Fall 2012 Program Guide

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Events, classes, Bible studies and outreach opportunities for Fall 2012.

Transcript of Fall 2012 Program Guide

Fall 2012 Program Guide


Worship Schedule

Sundays at St. Mark’s September 9 - May 19

7:30 am Holy Eucharist

8:45 am Holy Eucharist &

Children’s Chapel

11:00 am Holy Eucharist

5:30 pm Holy Eucharist

Wednesdays at St. Mark’s

7:00 am Holy Eucharist

5:30 pm Holy Eucharist/

Healing Prayer

Charting our Course I was stunned when I visited the

Sagres Point former navigational

school started by Prince Henry the

Navigator in 16th century Portugal.

The school led to the exploration of

western Africa, India and South

America by the Portuguese as the

century developed. If the mariners

had not been trained in how to

navigate, none of the world discoveries would have


So, we are developing our own navigational school at

St. Mark’s. How do we select a course of action in

response to God’s guidance? And, when we have

charted a course, how do we navigate over the seas of

life to reach our personal destination? How do we avoid

the waters of chaos that will surely shipwreck us, and

how do we find and then sail with favorable winds?

This edition of the Messenger is devoted to our

‘Charting Our Course’ strategic planning theme. We

know God has great things in store for St. Mark’s over

the next ten years. But what are they, and how might we

sail toward them in hope?

I know I will be in good company on this voyage,

because you and many others are on the journey with

me. I am grateful beyond measure for the privilege of

sailing this Ark of Refuge toward the grand vision of

God in your company.


(The Rev.) Jonathan B. Coffey, Rector


Charting our Course

From the richness of our history to the vibrant culture of faith

that defines us today, St. Mark’s serves as a living testament to

the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the past 90

years, our Church leaders and parishioners have nurtured our

parish to a place of strength and opportunity we enjoy today. It

is from this position of strength that we embark upon the

strategic planning process to chart the course for St. Mark’s for

the next decade.

This journey is deliberate, with each step to be taken in sequence, and in the end will serve to reveal what

is most meaningful to our parishioners and relevant to the growth of St. Mark’s. We will collaborate in a

community together to determine what areas to focus our resources to engage both members and the


The strategic planning process is not a game of numbers and statistics– but one

of people, of you. The success of our efforts throughout this year-long process

is dependent upon your input. It is your ideas, desires and dreams for the

future of St. Mark’s that will drive our parish to its centennial celebration.

We are grateful to the many who have already contributed by completing a

survey in May. We are excited to see in which direction your input will take us.

But this is by no means the end, but just the beginning. The next step in the

process is a Visioning Day that will be held at the church on October 13th. It

will be a day of fun, fellowship and excitement as we take what we have

learned from the surveys and address opportunities and needs for our future.

After the direction for our future is revealed at Visioning Day, we will take the next and final step of

creating a tactical plan of action for the coming year at our Initiatives Day meeting on November 18th.

Your presence and involvement at St. Mark’s are what make us great and it is your participation in

Visioning Day and Initiatives Day that will ensure our greatness in the future.


Michael Magevney and Robin Shelly

Strategic Planning Committee Co-chairs

“No wind is favorable if we do not know into which port we are trying to sail.” -Rev. Dale Turner

Robin Shelly and Michael Magevney, Committee Co–chairs

... to

The parish will meet to discuss the current climate of St. Mark’s as a whole and

identify, based on survey results and outside research, the shared strategic vision

for the church’s future. Join us for an exciting day of fellowship, fun and

dreaming big.

The final step in developing the strategic plan will be creating a plan of action

on the initiatives level with involvement from all pertinent constituency groups

to identify short and long-term projects, programs and activities needed to

bridge the gap between the current situation and the desired future state.

Light lunch provided.


Serving at St. Mark’s

Faith in Action Altar Guild Altar Guild is the ministry that prepares the

church and chapel for worship services. The

guild takes care to ensure that each feast day,

most especially in Advent, Christmas, Holy

Week and Easter, is celebrated visually to

reflect the season.

Contact: Kathy Mabry, katherinemabry@att.net

Acolytes Acolytes are comprised of young people

sixth grade and up, who serve as crucifers,

banner bearers and torch bearers during the

worship services.

Contact: Melody Hainline, hainline@bellsouth.net

Lectors Lectors read the scripture passages for all

Sunday services.

Contact: Susan Morgan, 388-2681 ext 207

Ushers Ushers welcome worshippers with bulletins,

answer questions and guide people during our

worship services, and take up the collection.

Contact: Gene Nichols and John Ropp

Chalice Bearers Chalice bearers help serve communion during

Sunday services.

Contact: Susan Morgan, 388-2681 ext 207

Greeters Greeters welcome, answer questions, take

information from newcomers and introduce

them to the parish.

Contact: Susan Morgan, 388-2681 ext 207

Vergers Vergers act as organizers on Sunday morning.

They make sure everyone with a job that

morning is present and in their proper place.

Contact: Susan Morgan, 388 - 2681 ext 207

Oblationers Oblationers carry the bread and wine to the altar.

Contact: Susan Morgan, 388-2681 ext 207

Music Ministry ∙ St. Mark’s Choir Members

∙ Treble Choir Member

∙ St. Mark’s Bell Choir Members

∙ Youth / Adult Music Team

Contact: James Holyer, 388-2681 ext 218

∙Children’s Chapel

∙ Livewire

∙ Nursery Volunteers

∙ Special Events

∙ Sunday School / Godly Play

∙ Wednesday Night for Children

∙ Youth/ EYC

Contact: Laura Magevney, 388-2681 ext 212

The Mission and Service Commission offers the

parish opportunities to serve the poor, homeless, hungry

and marginalized, and financially support organizations

dedicated to making Jacksonville and the world a better

place for all of God’s beloved. More information can be

found on page 16. Organizations served by St. Mark’s

parishioners include:



∙ Cuba Missions

∙ Habijax


∙ ECW Sharing Tree

∙ Bloodmobile

∙ St. Mary's Mission

∙ I.M Sulzbacher Center

∙ Hubbard House

∙ Ortega Elementary/


∙ St. Mary's

∙ Angels for Allison

∙ Kanuga

∙ Episcopal Relief and


∙ St. John’s Riverkeepers

∙ Prisoners of Christ

Contact: Melissa Gerard, 388-2681 ext 205

Faith in Action


The Parish Fellowship Commission organizes all

events that foster fellowship at the church.

Opportunities for ministry include:

∙ Rally Day Committee

∙ Reception Guild

∙ Episcopal Church Women

∙ Newcomer Committee

∙ Bookstore Volunteer

Contact for all parish fellowship ministries:

Jane Arnold, 388-2681 ext 202

Baptism Banners

Hand sewn and painted for each child who is baptized

at St. Mark’s.

Cooks on Call Prepare and deliver meals to St. Mark’s families

dealing with various challenges.

Cremation Linens Hand sewn and embroidered for each person who is

interred in our Memorial Garden.

Extended Intercessory Group

Members pray in their homes daily, for those outside

our parish family. (Coordinator position available)

Health & Wellness Council Comprised of active and retired health care

professionals who are available to supply information

and consultation on health-related concerns of

parishioners. Parish Nurse, Linda Tyre.

Hospital Visitors Trained lay persons who make short visits to

parishioners in the hospitals.

Intercessory Prayer Group

Members pray alone daily and together weekly for

immediate needs, concerns and requests.

Eucharistic Visitors Take the sacraments from the altar to those unable to

attend church due to illness or infirmary. They are

trained by clergy and licensed by the Bishop.

Noonday Chapel Prayer Group Members pray every day in the chapel, specifically for

the needs of those in our parish.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Knits prayer shawls for those in need.


Samaritans are on call to assist homebound or ill

parishioners with transportation needs in the area.

(Coordinator position available)

Contact for all pastoral care ministries:

Elizabeth Crosby, 388-2681 ext 224

As part of a growing emphasis on the healing ministry of Christ through the Church, we will be holding a one day

training session open to all at St. Vincent’s Spirituality Center on Saturday, August 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There

will be a Ministry of Healing Sunday at St. Mark’s on September 23rd to inaugurate a Chapter of the Order of St.

Luke the Physician and to commission our healing ministers for their service in Christ’s name. The Order of St. Luke

the Physician is a non-denominational organization devoted to supporting and celebrating the healing ministry of

Christ. For more information about the healing ministry or ways to get involved, please contact Elizabeth Crosby

at 388-2681 ext. 224 or ecrosby@stmarksjacksonville.org.


Sundays for AdultsSundays, 10:00 to 10:50 am, Leatherbury Hall

September 9, 16, 23, 30 Art & the Bible: The Human Impulse to Create

Stories in the Bible have always inspired artists, and both the Old and New Testament offer a robust affirmation

of the arts. The human impulse to create reflects our being created in the image of a creator God. So, how should

Christians think about art from a framework that starts with the Bible? How has the church contributed to art and

how have well-known depictions of Biblical stories or characters affected the way we see them?

October 7, 14, 21 A Public Faith: Bringing Personal Faith to Public Issues

Debates rage today about the role of religion in public life. What should a Christian's main concern be when it comes

to living well in the world today? How do we develop a solid, biblical foundation for making decisions? How do we

bear witness to Christ and live our faith without imposing our vision on the world? Beginning with Romans 12:2,

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." We will

examine how our faith informs the actions of us individually, and of the church in community.

October 28, November 11 Goblins, Ghosties, & Long Legged Beasties:

Halloween, All Souls, and All Saints in Christian History and Tradition

A series on one of Fr. Donavan’s and Rev. Sandy's favorite holidays, All Hallow’s Eve! How could a priest

love a holiday so often maligned as being very un-Christian? Come and find out. We will explore the origins of

Halloween, from its pagan origins in Celtic Europe, through its Christian adaptation in the Middle Ages, up to its

historical remnants in the modern American children’s holiday of Trick-or-Treating. We will also delve into

Halloween’s strong connections to the Christian calendar’s commemoration of All Faithful Departed and All Saints

Day, and just how the holiday allows us to face our fears of death from the perspective of Christian hope and the

Communion of Saints. Trick-or-treat candy will be available during both sessions!

November 25 Caffeine Theology

Join our priests for a lively, ongoing discussion about faith, life, religion and whatever happens to be on your mind.

December 9, 16, 23 I Bind Unto Myself: Celtic Christianity, Past and Present

In recent years, numerous books and liturgies have been written to attempt to resurrect the ancient Christian

spirituality of the Celtic peoples of Northern France, Ireland, and the British Isles. Even with all the attention, Celtic

Christianity is still a bit of a mystery. This Advent, come explore what we know about the spirituality of the ancient

Celtic Christians and what we can surmise by the documentation left behind. Find out what happened when Celtic

Christians ran up against their Roman counterparts in England in the 7th century, discover how Celtic Christianity

impacted the Oxford Movement in the Church of England in the 19th century, and learn about the stories of Celtic

Saints, like St. Columba whose miraculous life is memorialized in the new Rose Window of the McRae-Winston


Faith in Formation Learning at St. Mark’s

Sundays, 10:00 to 10:50 am, Grace House

This popular Bible study explores the life and teachings of Jesus and their relevance in the Bible as well as books

by various authors. The class is taught by a variety of lay facilitators and welcomes visitors.

Class facilitators: Rog and Linda Ingram, 384-1099 or lpingram@comcast.net.

Sundays, 10:00 to 10:50 am, St. Mark’s Bookstore Upper Room

This class supports families as they raise children and teenagers in the 21st century. Topics are varied and cover

the needs of families at different ages and stages of life. Class facilitators: Dr. Anne Egan, Michael Magevney

(mmagevney@comcast.net), and Dr. Randy Thorton.

September 9, 16, 23, 30 Fundamentals of the Faith

What is it we believe and how do we talk to our children about God, the Bible, and what we experience in

church each week? We will jump start our fall by having a refresher course on Christianity and talk about

ways we teach our faith to our children.

October 7, 14, 21 Holidays and Faith Celebrations

Beginning on St. Francis' Sunday we will look at how to bring our faith into our homes with simple and fun

activities for all ages.

Each month the Health and Wellness Ministry will offer a second adult forum

in the Chapel at 10 am to discuss different health and wellness topics.

September 16 A Healing Touch: Healing touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy. Gentle touch assists in

balancing your physical, mental and emotional, and spiritual well-being. Guest speaker: Patty

Carroscia, R.N., Certified Healing Touch Practitioner.

September 23 The Ministry of Healing: The culmination of a weekend Healing Mission and the inauguration of

a new chapter of the Order of St. Luke the Physician.

October 14 Doc Talk: How to talk with your doctor to get the information you need and how to get your

doctors talking to one another. A hospital patient advocate and a medical doctor will help you

navigate the mine field of medical jargon.

November 11 Men's Health: Physical, mental and spiritual wholeness specifically for men.


MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers 2nd & 4th Mondays, 9:30-11:30 am, Youth Center

Begins September 10

The purpose of MOPS is to nurture every mother

of preschoolers and equip her to become all that

God has designed her to be. Meetings include

fellowship, programs, arts and crafts, and mission

and service programs. Loving volunteers provide

childcare. http://stmarksmopsjax.blogspot.com

Contact: Lucy Bravo, 386-6711 or

lucydbravo@gmail.com or for membership

information, Suzanne Wedekind, 534-9221 or


The Women’s Early Risers 7:00-8:30 am, The Upper Room above the Bookstore

Class begins September 11

The Women’s Early Risers is a one-hour, lay-led

Bible study. Join us this fall for the DVD-based

study of the Psalms. Make a deeper connection to the

world through the Psalms so that these well known

scriptures can help you give voice to all aspects of our

human experience - joy, faith, uncertainty and sorrow.

The varied presentation of individual psalm texts

include dramatic readings, music, dance, and images.

Participants do not need an in-depth knowledge of

scripture to participate. Books are available in the

St. Mark’s Bookstore.

Contact: Julie Davis, 388-2465

Feasting on the Word:

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 10:00-11:00 am, Church Library, childcare provided,

September 12 - November 14, 2012

This new study of the upcoming Sunday lessons

begins with a solid scriptural and theological base

and invites participants deeper into the rhythm of

our common reading of the Bible. Participants do not

need to have an in-depth knowledge of the Bible to

participate. All (men & women) are invited to attend.

Contact: The Rev. Sandra Moyle, 388-2681 ext. 204

Mothers of Young Children Bible Study 10:00-11:30 am, The Upper Room above the

Bookstore, childcare provided

Class begins September 5

This class is designed for St. Mark’s moms who are

expecting or have children age three or younger.

Besides having fun and fellowship, participants will

read and discuss various books that provide Biblical

teachings which apply to our stage in life. We are

EFM: Education for Ministry Day, time & meeting location to be determined

by the group

EFM is a weekly small group program of

theological study and spiritual reflection that

provides people from all walks of life the

education “to be” Christians and carry out their

personal ministry. Developed by the School of

Theology at the University of the South the

curriculum has participants read scripture,

learn about church history, study theology and

practice integrating faith and daily life through

guided reflection with a trained mentor. The

cost per year is $350, scholarships are

available. Participants will come up with a

mutually agreeable time.

Contact: Jill Dame, 389-9554


beginning this fall with Having a Mary Heart in a

Martha World by Joanna Weaver. Books are

available in the St. Mark’s Bookstore.

Contact: Norma Basford, 388-3932

Back to Basics: A Refresher Course in the

Episcopal Church Dinner 6:30 pm, Class 7:00-8:15 pm, Leatherbury Hall

Class begins Wednesday night September 5

Contact Laura Magevney or Father Cain to register

Our Adult Confirmation and Reaffirmation Class will be led by Fr. Donavan and will meet on Wednesday nights during September and October. This eight-week class is for the convert and the cradle Episcopalian alike. Fr. Donavan will lead the class through the “Basics” of living the Christian life as a member of the Episcopal Church, from the essentials of Christianity as found in the Holy Scripture, the Creeds, and the traditions of the Church, to the unique history and life of the Episcopal Church in our local community, in the US, and in the world. Take another look at our American Book of Common Prayer, and find out why, in the Sunday morning Eucharist, some of us kneel, some of us stand, some of us cross ourselves, and some of us do next to nothing at all. Be reminded of what Apostolic Succession is all about, and why it makes us think so highly of our Bishops (well… most of the time anyway). And finally, stock up on all the right responses for the next time that Baptist or Catholic co-worker asks you what makes Episcopalians different from or similar to other Christians.

The class will include a service project, and attendees

who complete the class will be confirmed, received,

or reaffirmed by the Bishop of Florida, the Rt. Rev.

John Howard, at his annual visitation in January 2013.

This class is for ANY adult interested in being

confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, or

who would like to reaffirm their Baptismal Covenant

at St. Mark’s. Childcare and dinner will be provided

with reservations.

Contact: The Rev. Donavan Cain, 388-2681 ext. 210

Interdenominational Bible Studies for

Men & Women Men: 7:15 - 8:30 am in the Church Library

Women: 9:30 - 11:30 am in Leatherbury Hall

Both groups begin Thursday, October 4

This 23 week study (plus vacations) will include an

exploration of both the historical meaning of the text,

as well as the application of the Living Word to our

own lives. Starting this fall Rev. Towe will offer

three short studies for men and women:

Ephesians, The Beatitudes and I John. We will start

with a 7 week study of Ephesians, beginning

Thursday, October 4, 9:30 - 11:30, in Leatherbury

Hall. In this session we will look closely at the letter

of St. Paul to the young Christian converts in that

pivotal Roman city of Ephesus, noting how relevant

for us today is the wisdom for Christian living that

Paul gave to them so long ago. All denominations,

ages and levels of Bible study experience are


Contact: The Rev. Neely Towe,


Theology on Tap 6:30-8:30 pm

The first Thursday of each month

Dates: Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6,

Jan. 3, Feb. 7, Mar. 7, April 4, May 2

What?...A lively, ongoing discussion about faith,

life, religion and whatever happens to be on your

mind led by Fr. Donavan Cain.

When?....the first Thursday of each month from

6:30-8:30 pm.

Where?...Elevated Avondale (above Bluefish)

Why?....Because what could be better than Christian

Education, great fellowship & a cold, draft beer!?!

Contact: Laura Magevney, 388-2681 ext. 212


The Men’s Early Risers 6:30-7:30 am, Church Library

Begins September 7

The Rector invites all men to the Fall opening of the

Men’s Early Risers Bible Study. This year we will be

studying the Gospel of John which begins with a cosmic

recap of the Creation Story in a Christ-centered vein, and

then proceeds to upset the chronologies of events as

described by the other Gospels. Couple that with totally

unique episodes not recorded in the Synoptic gospels and

you have a completely unique, and, in the eyes of many,

unmatched rendering of Christ’s life and mission. We

will be using N.T. Wright’s John For Everyone which

can be purchased through our St. Mark’s Bookstore.

Contact: The Rev. Jon Coffey, 388-2681 ext. 206

Christ’s Own Forever:

A Baptismal Preparation Class 10:00 am, Church Library

September 22 & November 10

This one-hour class is required for parents and

godparents of children preparing to be baptized.

It is typically offered the Saturday before Baptism

and provides discussion on what it means to be a

Christian family as well as a walk-through of the

Baptism service.

Contact: Laura Magevney, 388-2681 ext. 212

Save the Dates!

January 6 Epiphany Celebration

January 13 Confirmation Reception

January 26 Annual Meeting

February 1-2 Men’s Retreat at Camp Weed

February 13 Ash Wednesday

March 8-9 Women’s Retreat at Epworth by the Sea

Speaker: Leah Richardson, author of

Interior Wisdom

March 24 Palm Sunday

March 31 Easter

May 5 Youth/ Baccalaureate Sunday

May 19 Pentecost Sunday


St. Mark’s 2012 Women’s Retreat, Epworth–by-the-Sea

St. Mark’s Parish Retreat 2012, Camp Weed

Parish Retreat 2012

Special EventsSunday, October 7, noon, Baker Green Bring your furry, fuzzy or scaly pets at noon to celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi with special

blessings from the clergy and treats for dogs and cats as well as their human companions.

Saturday, December 1, 8:00-9:00 am, Leatherbury Hall Volunteers are needed for the Annual Cutting of the Greens in Leatherbury Hall. Bring a pair of gloves,

strong clippers and a friend or two, and we will provide a festive environment as we prepare the greens for

the Advent Fair.

Sunday, December 2, 9:30-11:30 am, Leatherbury Hall Prepare for the blessed season of Advent by making a wreath for your home or a friend.

All supplies to make an Advent wreath, as well as other crafts and activities, will be

available during the Christian Formation Hour. The Advent Fair will also feature

international fair trade jewelry, home decor, Christmas items and more for sale, as well

as booths from different charitable organizations. Fair trade enables artisans to earn a fair

wage and provides the opportunity for a better quality of life. These items will be on

display and available for purchase in Leatherbury Hall. Please call 388-2681 to reserve a

place for your family. Donation of $10/wreath is requested.

Sunday, December 16, 5:30-7:30 pm, Leatherbury Hall Help bring some cheer to members of the St. Mark’s family. After gathering in Leatherbury

Hall for a quick supper, we will go caroling to Sterling House and various homes within

the parish community. All parish members are welcome to help make this St. Mark’s

tradition a special one.

December 24 - January 6 Interested in hosting royalty this Christmas season? Sign up for a visit from one of the three kings. On

Christmas Eve, at three of the services, a king from a nativity set (or crèche) will be sent home with a

St. Mark’s family, complete with a devotional guidebook/ scrapbook. Each evening the hosting family has

devotional time with their king and can add their thoughts, memories, a drawing or photo to the scrapbook.

The following day, the host family visits another parish family and passes the king and

his book along to a new household.

Sunday, January 6, 5:30-7:00 pm, Leatherbury Hall After dinner, this brief family friendly service will feature the Three Kings as they

make their return to St. Mark’s, and fellowship will include kings’ cake and the

burning of the greens.


Christian Formation for Children and Youth 10:00 - 10:50 am weekly, ages 3 years - 6th grade

Dempsey Chapel, Nursery III & SMEDS Rooms 12 & 13

Godly Play is a Montessori-based Christian Formation program which

teaches children the stories of the Bible and models itself on the order of

our Episcopal liturgy. In Godly Play, “shepherds” guide our children through story-

telling, art, game and snack stations, which help the children become more aware of God’s presence in their daily

lives. For more information or to volunteer, contact Margaret Cavin at mmcavin@bellsouth.net or 334-1776.

Hope House (previously 9B)

The Discovery class focuses on many of the sacraments and rituals we observe as Episcopalians and teaches

children about worship in a fun, interactive way. In addition to topics such as baptism, Eucharist, and prayer the

children receive a Bible at the beginning of the school year and spend part of each class in Bible study and with

memory verses.

Hope House (previously 9B)

The Breakfast Clubs are separate for boys and girls as they study the Bible and learn to apply Bible lessons into

daily life. These classes use a variety of curricula and play games, as well as discuss social issues related to the age

group. A light breakfast is always provided.

LiveWire is a ministry at St. Mark’s designed for 5th and 6th

graders. Throughout the year we have service and social

opportunities for LiveWire participants. In addition LiveWire

participants will have a chance to join with the St. Mark’s

youth group on the third Sunday of the month. Look for

calendars and information online.


Christian Formation for Children and Youth 7th - 12th grade

10 a.m. in the Youth Center & occasionally Starbucks

10 a.m. at the Fox & occasionally the Youth Center The Junior & Senior High classes use LinC: Living In Christ to examine

the latest music, movies, news, and current events through a Biblical

lens. The classes are discussion-based, addressing topics relevant to

youth as well as providing deeper Bible study, equipping them to

evaluate their culture with a Biblical perspective. The Senior High Class

will meet briefly at the Youth Center before leaving for breakfast each

week. For breakfast locations check the Youth section of the website.

Sundays, Youth Center, 5-8 p.m.

Kickoff Sunday is August 26th from 5:30 - 7 pm! St. Mark’s EYC is our vibrant youth ministry for students in 7th - 12th grade. EYC meets in the Youth Center

every Sunday evening during the school year from 5-8 p.m. for dinner, devotion, and lots of fun. The 7th & 8th

graders meet from 5 to 6 p.m. At 6 p.m. there is dinner and worship for everyone in 7th-12th grade. The 9th-12th

graders meet from 7:00-8:00 pm. EYC also participates in monthly service projects and a fun event each month.

St Mark’s EYC has a weekly online newsletter (blog) with current information and pictures at:

http://stmarksyouthblog.blogspot.com or from a link on the St. Mark’s website.

Dinner 6:30 p.m., Class 7 - 8:15 p.m. in Leatherbury Hall

Wednesday evenings September 5th – November 7th This class is for 8th grade students or 9th-12th grade students who haven’t been confirmed. The course prepares

our youth for the Bishop’s visitation for confirmation in January, when they will make a mature public

affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism. Over the eight-week course

we will examine our baptismal covenant in detail. Class topics include the importance of Bible study, our creeds,

theology and what we believe, incorporating prayer and other spiritual disciplines into our lives, and how we

determine our calling. Regular class attendance and participation in a group service project is mandatory for

those wishing to be confirmed. Participants must enroll in the class by August 25th. Contact Laura Magevney

to register: lmagevney@stmarksjacksonville.org or 388-2681 ext. 212.




EYC is back in session! Come for a combined Junior/

Senior EYC introduction from 5:30 - 7 pm in the Youth

Center. There will be a parents’ meeting in Grace House

from 5:30-6 p.m.

Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure for fun and

Christian music! The trip is $150 per person, register

early before it fills up!

You won’t want to miss this awesome retreat for 10th-12th

graders at Camp Weed! Candidate applications for

Happening #124 are due by August 31st.

A fun weekend retreat for 6th-8th graders at Camp Weed!

Help support the EYC Summer Mission Trips! The Tree

Lot will be open 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. on weekends and 5-8 p.m.

on weeknights.

Spring 2013 Events

Diocese of Florida Ski Trip

30 Hour Famine

St. Mark’s Follies Show/


Youth/ Baccalaureate Sunday

If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the

down-and-out, your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed

lives will be bathed in sunlight! Isaiah 58:10

Come out for Bluegrass and Barbecue! Celebrate the beginning of the

church year with slow-smoked pork and chicken prepared by the St.

Mark’s pitmasters. There will be lots of fun and games (even train rides!)

for children and outstanding music and fellowship. The Bloodmobile will

be there, plus a Health Fair sponsored by the Health & Wellness Council,

Christian Formation information and Bookstore merchandise for sale.

Join us as we bring our 90th anniversary year to a close with this beautiful Requiem Mass, featuring a newly

composed setting accompanied by string quartet, as we honor those who have gone before us, particularly those who

have helped make our church so strong throughout its 90 years. A special reception will follow the service.

Mark your calendars for the 2013 parish retreat! More information and

registration will be available later this year.

Gather a group of friends or family and plan a potluck meal for your table as we

celebrate the blessings and generosity of our parish.


First meeting October 8! The Jacksonville Artists Guild (JAG) membership is made up of Visual Artists and supporters of the

visual arts. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in Leatherbury Hall from

5:30 pm - 7 pm. Visitors are welcome and invited to attend JAG meetings!


Save the Date for

March 16, 2013

Service Dates


Dates TBA Renovate a home for

our city’s neediest

citizens. If you are good

(or not!) with a paint-

brush or hammer, come

out and join us in this

rewarding act of service.

Contact: Fred Irving 384-6873, coordinator

position available

September 14, October 12, November 9, December 14

St. Mark’s takes teams of cooks and servers to I.M.

Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless each month.

Cooks arrive at 3:30 and leave around 5 p.m.;

servers come at 5:30 and leave around 7 p.m. Invite a

friend and join in the fun and fellowship!

Contact: Brooks Moore at 382-8981,


October 21 We provide the grocery bag

and shopping list, you do the

shopping and then bring

your bag to church on

Sunday, October 21st. After

church we’ll caravan to St.

Mary’s and stock the food

pantry for the Thanksgiving

Season. This is a great

family service opportunity.

Contact: Marchie Surface, 387-2216

October 16-25, 2012

In October a group of parish-

ioners will help build much

needed farming and livestock

facilities necessary to sustain

life in rural Cuba.

Contact: Laura Magevney,

388-2681 ext 212

Community Problems Assembly, October 30:

Jacksonville interfaith congregations vote on the

community issues that will be addressed this year.

Location and time TBA.

Research Kickoff Training, November 13:

Become part of a research team seeking solutions to

the citywide issues.

ICARE is a faith-based organization comprised of 25

congregations in Duval County. Its mission is to

powerfully address issues of justice and fairness in our

community. By

joining together

we use our

combined power

to press our

elected officials

and city leaders

to adopt best

practice solutions. Issues we have addressed are

juvenile crime, the high infant mortality rate,

homelessness and public schools low reading scores.

Contact: The Rev. Sandy Moyle, 388-2681 ext 204

October - May

Volunteer to mentor and tutor children at Ortega Elementary school

(kindergarten through 5th grade). The time commitment is an hour a week

October through May. No special skills are needed but participants must take

short church and state required awareness classes.

Contact: Julie Pope 388-1068, Coordinator position available.

October 11, 2012 A non-profit organization that is both sanctuary and advocate for victims of domestic

abuse. The 18th Annual Barbara Ann Campbell Memorial Breakfast is October 11,

2012 7:30 -9:00 am at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel. Contact the

Rev. Sandy Moyle for tickets or sponsorship opportunities. All proceeds from the

breakfast support Hubbard House and it’s life-saving programs and services.

Contact: the Rev. Sandy Moyle, 388-2681 ext 204,


Sunday, November 11 WSCO is a congregation supported organization that provides emergency food

and counseling for the homeless. On November 11, bring a simple canned ham

to church for WSCO who will hand them out to the homeless and hungry for



Music All concerts and

services are free & open to the public and will be held in the sanctuary

unless otherwise noted.

Sunday, August 26 at 10:00 a.m. Gentle River will be here again to liven things up for

Rally Day by providing stirring bluegrass gospel music

for our 10:00 service and toe-tapping bluegrass during our

traditional Rally Day picnic.

Sunday, September 30 at 5:30 p.m. One of our most beautiful liturgies, Evensong is a lovely,

sung, evening service led by the choir in which we thank

God for the day that has passed and ask for peace and

protection during the night ahead. Join us as we celebrate

Michael and all the angels in their great heavenly war

against Satan and the forces of evil. Communion will

follow in the McRae-Winston Chapel.

Sunday, November 4, time TBA Join us as we bring our 90th anniversary year to a close

with this beautiful Requiem Mass, featuring a newly com-

posed setting accompanied by string quartet, as we honor

those who have gone before us, particularly those who

have helped make our church so strong throughout its 90




The sings regularly on Sunday mornings

at the 11:00 service, the first Sunday of the month at the

8:45 service with the Choristers, at occasional Choral

Evensongs, and at festival services and

concerts throughout the year. Rehearsals are from 7:00 to

8:30 on Thursdays. Contact: James Holyer at 388-2681

or jholyer@stmarksjacksonville.org

St. Mark’s is for children in the second

grade and higher, and its purpose is to inspire in them a

lifelong love of music and to provide musical leadership

for Sunday’s 8:45 family service. Rehearsals are on Tues-

days from 3:30 to 4:45. Contact: James Holyer

The is an

intergenerational group of singers and instrumentalists

that leads worship at the 8:45 family service on the sec-

ond and fourth Sunday of each month. Rehearsals are at

7:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before any Sunday we are

scheduled to play in church. Contact: James Holyer

St. Mark’s is our church’s handbell choir,

which plays a beautiful, three-octave set of Schulmerich

handbells. This choir provides monthly beautiful handbell

music for preludes and at communion at both the 8:45

and 11:00 services. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 5:00

to 6:00. Contact: Dr. Mary Monroe at 388-2681

Wednesday, November 21 at 7:00 p.m.

The Thanksgiving Eve service is a

wonderful tradition at St. Mark’s.

Join us for this heartwarming

Eucharist, with special music by the

adult choir, as we “raise the song of

harvest home.”

Sunday, December 2

8:45 and 11:00 a.m. Our morning Lessons and Carols

Service is another wonderful

tradition at St. Mark’s. Its general

format goes back to 1918 at King’s

College, Cambridge, where it has

been sung on Christmas Eve ever

since. It has been adapted around the

world, including here at St. Mark’s,

where it has been sung for decades.

Join us for all the festive seasonal

music led by the choirs and the great

lessons read by members of the


Friday, December 7, 7:30 p.m. The performing of Handel’s Messiah

has become a beloved tradition

around Christmas time. This concert

will feature the Chamber Singers

from the University of North Florida,

a small, auditioned group of college

students led by Dr. Cara Tasher, and

UNF’s Chamber Orchestra. In addi-

tion to the Christmas section, the

choir will perform excerpts from the

Passion and Resurrection sections as

well, offering a more complete

Messiah. Unlike most of our concerts

and services, which are free, this will

be a ticketed event as the students try

to raise money for their summer choir

tour. Tickets will be sold at the door

for $10/$5.

Christmas Eve

Pre-School Children’s Service

Family Worship Service featuring the Choristers and

Children’s Tableau

Traditional Choral Service

Candlelight services with St. Mark’s Choir and St. Mark’s Brass Ensemble preceded by a half hour of festive music and

congregational carols.



Programs and Fellowship


It’s the best lunch in town! Held each Wednesday at

Grace House, unless otherwise noted. Everyone is

welcome! Lunch $4.

Bring the Eucharist from the Altar to the home for

those too ill or infirmed to attend church.

St. Mark’s clergy celebrate Communion for the senior

residents at Sterling House on the third Wednesday of

every month.

Our seniors are special! They come for a special lunch

and a singing presentation by the children at St. Mark’s

Episcopal Day School.

Mourner’s path is an 8-week Christ-centered bereavement and grief support program. Each session is led

by two facilitators and one member of the clergy, all of which are specially trained in the Christian

ministry of grief and bereavement. Each meeting begins with a light meal and fellowship before

moving into group exercises. To register or for more information please contact

Elizabeth Crosby at 388-2681 ext 224 or ecrosby@stmarksjacksonville.org.

Health &Wellness


September 23

Healing Sunday will culminate a weekend–long Healing Mission led by our Regional Warden of the Order

of St. Luke the Physician, the Rev. John Rice. More information about St. Mark’s Healing Ministry can be

found on page 5.

Bike rides leaving St. Mark’s on routes for both novice and experienced bikers. We will include training rides for the annual Tour de Cure Diabetes Benefit Ride. Helmets required; no one left behind. For information or help on getting your bike ride-ready, call Jerry Potts 994-5344. Check the e-pistle for ride dates.

Parish Nurse Linda Tyre conducts blood pressure checks various Sundays throughout the

year. Check the e-pistle for dates and more information.

February 23, 2013

Run or walk in this popular annual event sponsored by St. Marks Day School. Before and/or afterwards

visit the St. Mark’s Health and Wellness booth for goodies and blood pressure checks.

One Wednesdays each month at Grace House

September-May (unless otherwise noted) at 12:45-1:15

Come for lunch at noon and stay for presentations on

various health and wellness topics. Guest speakers and

topics are organized by Parish Nurse Linda Tyre.

The second Sunday of each month, Adult Forum will feature a different health and wellness topic.

We will meet in the Chapel at 10 am. More information on page 7.

September 16 A Healing Touch September 23 The Ministry of Healing

October 14 Doc Talk November 11 Men's Health

Sept 19- Chair Aerobics

Oct 24 - How to talk to

your doctor

Nov 7- Brain Food

January 9 - Dental Health

Feb 6 - Update your home

first aid kits

April 10 - Healing power

of laughter

May 8 - Chair aerobics

Linda Tyre, Parish Nurse

Rick Brodeur

Nicole Bryan

John Burrows

The Rev. Donavan Cain

The Rev. Jon Coffey

Keith Daw

Peter Dearing

Ed Doherty

Courtland Eyrick

Mark Fackler

T.R. Hainline

Hank Haynes

Frances Hutto

Jerry Leynes

Bunny Manning

Ted Miller

Amy Morales

The Rev. Sandra Moyle

Caroline Nichols

Todd Ogletree

Julie Pope

Robin Shelly

Holly Upchurch

Hank Wilson


nicolebbryan@gmail.com, School Board Chair


dcain@stmarksjacksonville.org, Associate Rector

jcoffey@stmarksjacksonville.org, Rector





mlfackler@bellsouth.net, Treasurer

thainline@rtlaw.com, Foundation Board Chair







smoyle@stmarksjacksonville.org, Associate Rector


todd.ogletree@ferguson.com, Junior Warden




hwilson@smithhulsey.com, Senior Warden



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