Faithful to the Gospel Shadows of Babylon, the Message ... · rael and establishing a vibrant...

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The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes April 2018—$4.75


• God Hears Unbelievers• 666 Bar Code?

• British Israelism AgainPg. 30

WORLD FOCUSExpanding Human Intelligence • Limit Sunday Shopping • Will We Ever Be Able to Control the Weather?

The Last Prayerin the Bible – Part 2

Shadows of Babylon, theGreat City, Here Today?

Pg. 10

Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Herabout Jesus?

Pg. 14

Paul Does Not Trust His Flesh

Pg. 16

Faithful to the Gospel MessagePg. 19

We here at Midnight Call Ministryhave experienced this multipletimes. But the battle with the in-

visible darkness of this world continues.It was in 1968 that the first US branch of

Midnight Call Ministry was established inHamilton, Ohio.

The difficulties at the beginning need notbe enumerated nor retold. Suffice it to say that the very establishmentof this ministry, in this great country, is nothing short of a miracle.

The work began totally independently, and that without any theo-logical education. Our late founder, Dr. Wim Malgo, simply said: “Justpray, and the Lord will do the rest.”

That we have done for these 50 years, and the Lord has answeredin a marvelous way.

One of the most confirmed avenues to proclaim the end-timemessage, the gospel of salvation to people everywhere, has beenthrough direct mail. Our existence proves that the Lord has con-firmed this outreach, as tens of thousands of responses came due tous mailing out promotional materials.

With this writing, I take the opportunity once again to invite you,our reader, to participate in reaching out with the Word of God topeople everywhere.

During this 50th anniversary year, we are enlisting sponsors: thosewho are burdened to have this message passed on to as many peo-ple as possible. Direct mail is expensive, but for Midnight Call Ministryit is essential. Our cost estimate confirms that to send out 1,100 letters

to individual people here in the States, offering America’s only Inter-national Voice of Prophecy, costs $50.

We believe that today, more than ever, people need to read and toknow that progress is occurring with regard to Bible prophecy. Ourgeneration is the first to see the Jews coming back to the land of Is-rael and establishing a vibrant nation, incomparable to any other na-tion in the Middle East. Midnight Call points out the developmentsand how it relates to Bible prophecy.

Again, thank you for the many who have responded, becomingsponsors to reach out with Midnight Call’s factual reporting, based onthe solid Word of God. We always have and always will stand in oppo-sition to sensationalism, frivolous news and information that, in theend, turns out to be untrue. We want to strive continuously towardthe fulfillment, such as Acts 6:7: “And the word of God increased…”

The Church is in the final stages of completion, we believe. The rea-son is that Israel is now a well-functioning nation. One day they willexperience the grace of God as recorded by the prophet Zechariah:“And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants ofJerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall lookupon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, asone mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, asone that is in bitterness for his firstborn” (Zechariah 12:10). That willoccur after the fullness of the Gentiles has come in or, as the apostlePeter says, the spiritual temple is completed—which will then betaken out of the way into the presence of the Lord. After that event, Is-rael will have entered the time period where God will be visibly activeon behalf of their salvation.


5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y O F M I D N I G H T C A L L M I N I S T R I E S U S A

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, againstspiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it”(Psalm 68:11). I fully agree that the printed word is absolutely essential for our turbulentdays. With the Lord’s help, I will be a sponsor to reach people everywhere with the soul-sav-ing gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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The Last Prayer in theBible – Part 2By Norbert Lieth

The return of Jesus will bring the final and visibleredemption to all those who believe in Him. Hisreturn will usher in the completion. Before this Jesuswill take His Church, His body, home to be revealedlater with all His own.

10 Money: Ends and Trends

Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today?By Wilfred Hahn

14 Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Her about Jesus? By Norbert Lieth

16 Paul Does Not Trust His Flesh By Nathanael Winkler

19 Faithful to the Gospel Message By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

Midnight CallAPRIL 2018

4 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Samuel Rindlisbacher

30 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese


34 Fellow Laborers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Laszlo Dalnoki

36 Action for Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese

41 The Ebenezer Home – Haifa, Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By David Phillips




23 USA

Expanding Human Intelligence


‘United States ofEurope’ by 2025


Has India’s Time Come?


Cutting EdgeSmartphone


Limit Sunday Shopping


Editor’s Note

“Death Is Swallowed Up in Victory!”By Samuel RindlisbacherPastor, Elder and Coworker for Midnight Call International

For me, spring has always been one ofthe most beautiful seasons; truly aseason full of wonders! What glory,

when the cherry tree starts to bloom. Thatpower, when thousands of petals unfoldfrom a single bud. That elemental force,when new life emerges from a shriveledpiece of root and nature clothes itself in themost splendid colors. That’s why spring al-ways reminds me a bit of the resurrection.Paul also refers to this: “So also is the resur-rection of the dead. It is sown in corrup-tion; it is raised in incorruption: It is sownin dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sownin weakness; it is raised in power” (1 Cor15:42-43).

We now celebrate Easter. It is the timewhen we consciously remember the eventsof Calvary: the suffering, death, and resur-rection of the Lord Jesus. This fact is ofsuch vast proportions.

Paul goes a step further in his thoughtsand says: “So when this corruptible shallhave put on incorruption, and this mortalshall have put on immortality, then shall bebrought to pass the saying that is written,Death is swallowed up in victory. O death,where is thy sting? O grave, where is thyvictory? The sting of death is sin; and thestrength of sin is the law. But thanks be toGod, which giveth us the victory throughour Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 15:54-57).For us Christians, neither death, nor

farewell, nor the “winter of life” is the lastword, but Jesus Christ the Victor of Cal-vary!

What a glorious reality it is, what a won-derful confidence, that in our lives therewill be something new, a resurrection, a lifeafter death, just as spring brings to mindevery year!

As a result, Easter is something like the“initial spark.” For, as Jesus Christ died andis risen, we too will be resurrected, we willbe transformed, and we will be with Jesusforever! As a result, we have the wonderfulassurance that after our demise, our innerperson goes directly to the Lord Jesus. Pauldescribes this as follows: “According to myearnest expectation and my hope, that innothing I shall be ashamed, but that withall boldness, as always, so now also Christshall be magnified in my body, whether itbe by life, or by death. For to me to live isChrist, and to die is gain. But if I live in theflesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet whatI shall chose I wot not. For I am in a straitbetwixt two, having a desire to depart, andto be with Christ; which is far better” (Phil1:20-23). Paul testifies that his deathmeans instant glory.

This state, however, is not yet final. Weobtain it only at the Rapture, which willfulfill what we read about: “For the Lordhimself shall descend from heaven with ashout, with the voice of the archangel, and

4 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com4 M I D N I G H T C A L L

Published 12 times a year byMIDNIGHT CALL, INC.PO Box 84309Lexington, SC 29073Physical Location:

4694 Platt Springs RoadWest Columbia, SC 29170

Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (1922–92)International Editor — René MalgoExecutive Editor — Arno FroeseContributing Authors — Norbert Lieth,

Wilfred Hahn, Dr. Ron J. Bigalke,Reinhold Federolf, Samuel Rindlisbacher, René Malgo, Eberhard Hanisch and Thomas Lieth

Layout Designer: Michelle Kim • Text Typist: Joel Froese

• Copy Editor: Kimberly Farmer • Customer Service: Andrea

Hamilton, Kimberly Farmer and Dana Hale • General Manager:

Simon Froese • Production Manager: Brian Corbett • Pre-Press: Chris

Sharpe • Pressroom: James D. Bond, Dwight Mims and Chad Vining

• Post Press: Dana Hale, Teresa Vining, Melissa Martin, Andrea

Hamilton and Brian Corbett • Special Order: Andrea Hamilton and

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Lavery, Melanie Makin and Helga Tirrell • Webmasters: Ricardo

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OUR TASKMidnight Call Ministries is a nonprofit missionary organization,dedicated to proclaiming the entire Bible as the unfailing and eternalwritten Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the unerringguide for the Christian faith.

The object of Midnight Call is to call people everywhere to Christ,to proclaim the return of Christ, to prepare Christians for His com-ing, and to uphold the faith and warn of false doctrines. MidnightCall magazine is available in twelve languages. All work donethrough radio, literature and missionaries is supported entirely by thegifts and free will offerings of God’s people.

STATEMENT OF FAITHWE BELIEVE in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and there-with the infallibility of the Holy Scripture, which is God’s Word, andin the eternal Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived of theHoly Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and shed Hisblood to save mankind. He died and arose bodily the third day andlater ascended into heaven.

WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died in the place of eachindividual sinner and that all who believe in Him as their personalSavior are justified through His shed blood and have become children of God.

WE BELIEVE that Israel is God’s chosen people, and that therestoration of the Jews to their own land is the fulfillment of theWord of God.

WE BELIEVE in the pre–tribulational appearance of Jesus Christ forthe Rapture of His Church (all born again believers).

WE BELIEVE in the immortality of our souls and the resurrection of ourbodies, and in the resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlastingblessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the lost.

The Prophet ic Voice for the Endt imes PRINTED IN 12 LANGUAGES

ISSN 1094–8600

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with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then wewhich are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in theclouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thess 4:16-18).

And then it finally becomes reality: “So when this corruptible shallhave put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality,then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swal-lowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy vic-tory?” (1 Cor 15:54-55). Through the Rapture, what was purchased for usat Easter becomes reality: incorruption and immortality with Jesus, in Hislight. It is revealed that the realm of the dead cannot hold those purchasedby the blood of the Lamb, and those who are allowed to experience theRapture will never feel the sting of death. Easter, what glory, what a fore-taste of the coming perfection!

With this in mind, I wish you a blessed Easter. MC

APRIL 2018 5 % 1-800-845-2420

The Last Prayer in the Bible – Part 2

6 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com6 M I D N I G H T C A L L

Norbert Lieth

“He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly” (Revelation 22:20).

It seems as though in our time, all the parts of aparallel to the time of the first coming of Jesusare there—and in a way this must be, so that

the stage is prepared for the final appearing of theLord.

The return of Jesus will bring us the fulfillmentof all His promises—it is as though a contract was

fulfilled, or as a father fulfills a promise to hischild which the child has been waiting for long-ingly. Just as a child during Advent looks for-ward to Christmas and rejoices when it comes, itwill be like that for us when the day finallycomes; the waiting will have come to an end.“My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they


that watch for the morning: I say, more thanthey that watch for the morning” (Psalm 130:6).

The return of Jesus will bring the final victoryover Satan, sin and death. The devil is still ac-tive in this world (cf. Ephesians 6:12) and thelordship of Christ is not visible, but when Jesuscomes He will exercise His lordship before alleyes and Satan will be bound. Paul writes to thebelievers in Ephesus, “…In time past ye walkedaccording to the course of this world, accordingto the prince of the power of the air, the spiritthat now worketh in the children of disobedi-ence” (Ephesians 2:2). This power will then fi-nally be broken.

The devil has power over all those who do notsubmit to God in Jesus Christ. He influences themand uses them for his own purposes to do harm.Satan is the real problem that this world is sensingin all areas of life in our time. A few key words areterror, hatred, unfaithfulness, apostasy from

Christian values, boundless egoism, greed,addiction and increasing resistance to God.

The war in Syria has already lasted forover seven years, and has so far cost almosthalf a million lives, with 45% of the popula-tion fleeing. World powers are helpless andparalyzed, or have dishonest and selfish in-tentions. They are all directed by evil, andtherefore the world cannot have peace. Wecan only pray, “Come, Lord Jesus.” He al-ready prophesied the fall of Satan when Hewas on the earth, “And he said to them, Ibeheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”(Luke 10:18; cf. Revelation 12:7-9).

The return of Jesus will also bring theworld His righteousness, His lordship andHis peace. Mankind dreams of worldwidepeace, of food for all people, of justice. In-

ternational organizations have put this on theirflag, spend billions on it, hold endless sessions andissue resolutions—and have achieved almost noth-ing.

God has determined that Jesus is the King of allkings, that the heathen will become His inheri-tance and the uttermost parts of the earth His pos-session (Psalm 2:6, 8).

The return of Jesus will bring the final and visi-ble redemption to all those who believe in Him.His return will usher in the completion. Before thisJesus will take His Church, His body, home to berevealed later with all His own (Colossians 3:4).They will see Him as He is and will be like Him (1John 3:2). The Church will not be judged with theworld, with the children of unbelief (Colossians3:6). She will be exalted in Christ to the right handof God “in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:20-23; 2:2, 6; 4:10), and will be forever with the Lord(1 Thessalonians 4:17).

The return of Jesus will bring the final victory over Satan, sin and death. Thedevil is still active in this world (cf. Ephesians 6:12) and the lordship of Christis not visible, but when Jesus comes He will exercise His lordship before alleyes and Satan will be bound.

APRIL 2018 7 % 1-800-845-2420

The individual believer will have to appear be-fore the judgment seat of Christ. Everything mustbe revealed. Our lives and our works will be exam-ined (2 Corinthians 5:10), judged and, according towhat is revealed, the individual will receive a re-ward or suffer loss (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). Ourfaithfulness, our motives and our devotion will bejudged. No one will arrive perfectly at the goal, andtherefore everything must be revealed. It will all bepurified in the fire as silver. Nothing will remainunclear.

The return of the Messiah will also bring Israelsalvation and lead the people finally in the positionof her calling. Israel will repent, turn around andbelieve in Him (Matthew 24:30; Zechariah 12:10;Revelation 1:7). Jerusalem will become the capitalof the world, and the Jewish people will be “priestsand kings,” which they were called to be long ago(Isaiah 61:6; Exodus 19:6).

The return of Jesus Christ will moreover meanjudgment and cleansing for the nations (Matthew25:31-46). It is not inaccurate to say that our pre-sent world is headed toward catastrophe. On thecontrary, apocalyptical developments are leadingever more clearly in this direction: terrorism, themisery of refugees, political radicalization, the pos-sibility of an imminent new war, environmental is-sues, etc.

The Bible speaks about the end of a time inwhich radical corruption has become an acceptedstandard and enforced lifestyle (Matthew 24:37;Luke 17:28). But the good news is that the judg-ments before His appearing will have a higher, heal-ing hope.

The return of the Lord Jesus will bring heaven toearth; heaven will reign on earth. As the Lord’sPrayer expresses it: the kingdom of heaven, thekingdom of God, the dwelling place of God will be

The Last Prayer in the Bible – Part 2

8 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com8 M I D N I G H T C A L L

Jerusalem will become the capital of the world, and the Jewish people will be“priests and kings,” which they were called to be long ago (Isaiah 61:6;Exodus 19:6).


with men. The Messianic kingdom of peace will beestablished, and the people will see what a stream ofblessing it brings the world when God reigns onearth (Isaiah 11). Someone once expressed it as fol-lows: “Christ will show what the earth can producewhen He reigns.” Besides the calling out of HisChurch, the return of Jesus will also be the Lord’sgreatest victory.

This is why we are told to pray with Revelation22:20, “Amen ... Come, Lord Jesus.” We cannot cal-culate the time of the return of Jesus, but we shouldreckon with it. We are admonished to love His ap-pearing, to expect it and to pray for it (2 Timothy4:8; Luke 12:36; Philippians 3:20; 1 Thessalonians1:10; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 9:28; 1 Corinthians 16:22;Revelation 22:20). The Church’s imminent expecta-tion of her Lord is not a false doctrine, but the ab-solute truth of the Bible, embedded in the totality ofthe Bible. Someone wrote about this, “We have thecertainty that our Lord is coming. It is not a rumorthat sensation-seeking people have spread in theworld.”

The expectation of the Church has its origin inthe words of Jesus, “Surely I come quickly,” and theonly right reaction to this is, “Amen. Even so, come,Lord Jesus.” This “Amen” is what we are com-manded to do now. A true attitude of expectationproduces a life that is wholly about Jesus and moti-vates all areas of faith in word and deed.

The doctrine of the return of Jesus must not beforgotten any more than the doctrine of the love ofGod, sin or forgiveness. Here too we must return tothe beginnings.

Andrew van der Bijl, known as Brother Andrew ofOpen Doors, emphasized, “The early church lived asthough Jesus died yesterday. The early church livedas though Jesus rose again today. The early churchlived as though Jesus would come tomorrow.”

The Bible explains at the end, “He which testifi-eth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen.Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

Paul, the apostle of the nations (Galatians 2:7-10), also wrote a testament at the end of his life, in-spired by the Holy Spirit. It says there, “For I amnow ready to be offered, and the time of my depar-ture is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I havefinished my course, I have kept the faith: hence-forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous-ness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shallgive me at that day: and not to me only, but unto allthat love his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:6-8). Peter,the apostle of the Jews (Galatians 2:7-10), wrote atthe end of his life quite similarly in the form of atestament, “Knowing that shortly I must put off thistabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hathshowed me. Moreover I will endeavour that ye maybe able after my decease to have these things alwaysin remembrance. For we have not followed cun-ningly devised fables, when we made known untoyou the power and coming of our Lord JesusChrist, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty…Wehave also a more sure word of prophecy; whereuntoye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light thatshineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and theday star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:14-16, 19).

Three witnesses testify to how important thiswill of the Lord is, to await Him. 1) The risen LordHimself at the end of the Bible. 2) The apostle tothe nations at the end of his life, particularly inview of the possibility of the rapture of the church.3) The apostle to the Jews, also at the end of hislife—particularly in view of Jesus’ return in glory.

It must have been very important to our Lord, ifHe positioned these references in such a similarfashion. And we should not take it any less seri-ously than other doctrines, because it represents aclimax. It is the coronation of all truths: Jesus iscoming again!

“He which testifieth these things saith, Surely Icome quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus”(Revelation 22:20).


APRIL 2018 9 % 1-800-845-2420

The doctrine of the return of Jesus must not be forgotten any more than thedoctrine of the love of God, sin or forgiveness.

10 M I D N I G H T C A L L

For resources on "endtime economics," visit Wilfred's website or

contact him at:

The periodic speculative manias that occur,ultimately act to push the world step by stepto a globalized financial system—one that is

becoming ever more centralized. Previous columnshave outlined the implications of these trends forus earthdwellers.

Viewing these unprecedented developments inlight of the cosmological timeline of mankind, wehave called it the “Endtime Money Snare.”

Both economic/financial crisis and frothy fi-nancial booms play their part in moving theEndtime Money Snare forward. Most peoplehave little idea about this plot line. Many partic-ipants are co-opted through greed and the lureand pleasurableness of rising wealth and com-forts. Indeed, today’s alluring images of wealthmay prove to be false—and not real wealth. Butthat distinction seems not to matter to most peo-ple.

Author Edward Balleisen in his 2017 bookFraud, notes a characteristic of mania: “The mostpowerful means of getting people to view a fraudu-lent scheme as legitimate is the manufacture of up-ward price movements.” In other words, as long as

wealth gains are imagined, people will willingly be-lieve any mania.

During speculative financial booms, the mostunimaginable and comical beliefs can emerge.Wealth gains are thought to be infinite and withoutany risk. Not to be denied is that some very usefultechnologies or developments may play a role inthese booms. These provide the so-called “hook”for participants and investors. However, expecta-tions of future prospects are then taken to absurdextremes. The new technologies and surging “hu-manist” confidence promote the belief that futureprosperity will be boundless … perhaps even for-ever.

While the names, beliefs and contributing actorsmay change, the pattern of boom/bust remains re-markably the same. For example, the latest techno-logical catalyst that has captured imaginations isthe concept of “cryptocurrency” (the most well-known of these being the Bitcoin). Two decadesago, it was the “Dot-Com” bubble that played thecatalytic role for that earlier manic financial boom.

While the original rationale for the invention ofcryptocurrency may not be entirely without merit,



Readers may be aware of yet another global financial bubble recentlyunfurling across the world. It was only a little more than a decade agothat the last outbreak of speculative distortions culminated in the GlobalFinancial Crisis (GFC).

By Wilfred Hahn

10 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com10 M I D N I G H T C A L L

greed and speculative fevers have since emerged.Says one well-known analyst: “Bitcoin is an old-fashioned fraud clothed in the new-age wonder oftechnology. Promoting Bitcoin is not so muchabout a new asset class as it is a class of felony, yetcivil authorities have so far been unwilling to shutit down.”

We can conclude here that financial bubblesplay an indelible role in the endtime whirlwind ofmoney. The cycle of boom and bust, manic specu-lation and depressive crisis, work toward creatingthe urgency and agreement to form a centralizedglobal financial control system. In fact, one canmake the deductive argument that the Bibleprophesies that this will occur in the later days. Ifthere were no centralized monetary system, howwould it be possible to limit the buying and sellingof all earthdwellers at some point in the Tribula-tion?

The Prophesied Emergence of a Commercial ColossusIn Revelation 18, we find an account of Babylonthe Great, an entity that appears to be involvedwith global trade. It certainly shows a worldwideimpact. What is it … who is it? There are morethan a few interpretations. Respected Bible schol-ars hold different views. In fact, there is so muchdebate on this question that many simply choosenot to take a position. On our part, we will pro-pose an interpretation that appears logical to us.Can we defend it? You will be the judge.

Let’s first look at the large number of identifiersfor Babylon the Great found in verses 2-16.

‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a

home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a

haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. For all the

nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulter-

ies. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,

and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her ex-

cessive luxuries. Then I heard another voice from

heaven say: ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you

will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any

of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and

God has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as

she has given; pay her back double for what she has

done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give

her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury

she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I

am not a widow, and I will never mourn.’ Therefore in

one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning

and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is

the Lord God who judges her. When the kings of the

earth who committed adultery with her and shared her

luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and

mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand

far off and cry: ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of

power! In one hour your doom has come!’ The mer-

chants of the earth will weep and mourn over her be-

cause no one buys their cargoes any more—cargoes of

gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, pur-

ple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and

articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood,

bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon and

APRIL 2018 11 % 1-800-845-2420

We can conclude here that financialbubbles play an indelible role in theendtime whirlwind of money. The cycleof boom and bust, manic speculation anddepressive crisis, work toward creatingthe urgency and agreement to form acentralized global financial controlsystem.

Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today?

spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and

olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses

and carriages; and bodies and souls of men. They will say,

‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your riches

and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’ The

merchants who sold these things and gained their

wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment.

They will weep and mourn and cry out: ‘Woe! Woe, O

great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and

glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!’

Before we begin to examine the many obvious con-nections to wealth and commerce presented in thequoted verses above, we must point out a key dis-tinctive.

Babylon the great is called a “city.” But is it reallya city? To be more specific, we note that it is alwayscalled a “great city”—not just “city,” but “greatcity.” (There is one exception: It is also called “cityof power” in addition to “great city” in Revelation18:10.) So, we must keep in mind that Babylon isnot a mere city—whether large or small, or of greatrepute or not—but rather a “great city.” The term“great city” is found exactly 7 times in the book ofRevelation. What does the Bible mean to say withthe term “great city”? We will come back to thisquestion in the next part of this series.

Let us now review the activities of Babylon theGreat cited in the referenced quote. We observe theheavy use of economic terminology. No less than45 terms of commercial meanings are used in thispassage, some of them numerous times. Many ref-erences are made to luxuries and precious items.Clearly, the functional essence is that of a greatglobal trading entity that deals in both physicalgoods and money. By my count, a total of 28 com-modities and products are mentioned.

There is more to note about thiscommercial/economic entity called Babylon theGreat. First, it is both a source and distributor of

great wealth. The merchants of the earth “grew richfrom her excessive luxuries” (verse 3) and “gainedtheir wealth from her” (verse 15), yet they also areidentified as being part of this system. In verse 23they are referred to as “your merchants.”

Furthermore, we note that this Babylon is thevery embodiment of riches. Though it is called a“great city” (verse 16), it is figuratively dressed as aperson in the most expensive clothes; glitteringwith gold and jewelry. Her luxuries, “maddeningwine” (verse 3) and “magic” (verse 23) prove to beintoxicants for the world’s kings and merchants.Tellingly, there is no mention of the poor or themiddle class. Strangely, the common person seemsnot to be mentioned. It appears that only thewealthy merchants and elites are benefiting fromthis system … apparently, an economy of pluto-crats. Every nation and king has relations with it,committing “adulteries.”

Adulteries? Several interesting characteristicsemerge here. First, why is Babylon the Great cast asa woman? Second, how is it possible that the entireworld of elites has adulteries with her? For one,committing adultery is only possible if one is al-ready married or betrothed. Then, what should weunderstand to be “adulterous” in a world tradingsystem? It must be a spiritual adultery … a sys-temic worldwide abandonment of God and His Son… a rebelliousness claiming a “heaven-on-earth”humanism. It is the choice of Mammon over God.Mankind’s smug “elite” have developed a self-de-pendent worldwide economic (and monetary) sys-tem that suits them just fine.

Points to PonderHow can we escape the clutches and temptations ofthe Endtime Money Snare … carried along on thegreat false wave of a global wealth explosion … be-ing oppressed by the suffocating commercialism ofancient Tyre (of which there are many prophecies


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What should we understand to be “adulterous” in a world tradingsystem? It must be a spiritual adultery … a systemic worldwideabandonment of God and His Son.

that we will explore in the next parts of this se-ries)? As we always must answer: It is not possibleto escape … at least physically. But spiritually, weneed not fall into the blinded subservience as domost earthdwellers.

Most certainly, we should all be careful (includ-ing this writer) not to be swept away by worldlypied-pipers and popular delusions. Humans areeasily persuaded to ignore facts and logic, and in-stead to pursue fantasy. The annals of history arechock full of examples of human delusion. Asmentioned, most often these departures from goodsense were either goaded by greed or pressured byeconomic fears. Both the educated and the unin-formed can be susceptible when running with theherd. The psychology of crowds is powerful.

Accounts of human folly written by various au-thors testify to mankind’s vulnerability to deceit.Two books that document this history that I oftenrecommend are as follows: Extraordinary PopularDelusions and the Madness of Crowds, an earlystudy of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist

Charles Mackay (first published in 1841).And later, Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A His-tory of Financial Crises by Charles P. Kindle-berger (1978). Accounts found in these twobooks about the actions and beliefs of mania-cal human crowds test believability.

Human beings—especially so, crazedcrowds of them—have the most incredible ca-pacity for delusion. Does the Bible have anyperspective on these challenges?

Yes. First, the Bible does not veneratecrowds, or popular majorities, or a consensusof beliefs. It cares nothing for these. God says“[…] beside me there is no other” (Isaiah45:6). When it comes to Truth, God repre-

sents 100% of the majority. God says that He is nota “respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34 KJV). There-fore, the crazed pull of the human throngs shouldhave no hold upon us.

As for our anxieties and concerns in regard tothe recent “financial bubbles” … the humanist be-liefs … the lure to plunge into speculation, theBible has this to say: “For the pagans run after allthese things” (Matthew 6:32). “They think itstrange that you do not plunge with them into thesame flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse onyou” (1 Peter 4:4).

The Lord knows what we need, “So do notworry” (Matthew 6:31).

In Part II, we will complete documenting theBible’s prophecies of an endtime boom in commer-cialism and the associated Endtime Money Snare.And, we will address the question of whether theprophecies regarding ancient Tyre align with themanifestation of Babylon the Great City in Revela-tion 17—18.

The Lord approaches ever nearer!

Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today?

The annals of history are chock full of examples of human delusion.As mentioned, most often these departures from good sense wereeither goaded by greed or pressured by economic fears. Both theeducated and the uninformed can be susceptible when running withthe herd. The psychology of crowds is powerful.

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The news was a sensation ininternational circles. ABritish teenager arranged for

her body to be frozen after herdeath, in the hope of coming backto life when a suitable method oftreatment for her disease had beenfound. Her father was against it butshe went to court, which decided infavor of the girl.

In a letter she wrote, “I am only 14years old and I don’t want to die, butI know that I’m going to die. I believethat conservation through freezingwill give me the chance of beinghealed and woken up again. Even if

this is in a hundred years’ time, Iwant the chance. This is my wish.”

Barbara Reye commented on thisfor a Swiss newspaper, “Whether afrozen body can ever be suppliedwith blood is very uncertain at themoment.” “We cannot even freezeorgans for a short time,” said thephysician Franz Immer from SwissTransplant. “Even to awaken afrozen brain is at the moment com-pletely utopic. A whole body is al-most science fiction…and yet manypeople long for eternal life andwant to make such a journey intime to uncertainty.”

Why Didn’t Anyone TellHer about Jesus?A terminally ill girl hoped for eternal life through being frozen after her death. Herdesire shows how important the message of the resurrection is for the Christianfaith.

Norbert Lieth

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Did no one tell her that we canalready have eternal life, that deathis not the last stop but the resurrec-tion? That after Friday comes Sun-day? Was there nobody there to tellher that the Lord Jesus in His resur-rection achieved eternal life for allthose who believe in Him?

It says in the Bible that Jesus isthe “firstfruits of them that slept”and never died again. “But now isChrist risen from the dead, and be-come the firstfruits of them thatslept” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Theword “firstfruits” originally referredto the first bringing in of the har-vest, the firstfruits offering. Thiswas followed by a main harvest inthe same field, and sometimes an“after harvest”; the whole harvestcame into the same storehouse.

Jesus Christ rose from the dead asthe first of those who sleep. Thisterm makes it clear that the resurrec-tion of Christ is not something overand done with, but that it is spread-ing to those who are in Christ. Thewhole is a part of the first and be-longs to the same harvest. The resur-rection of the Lord brings this afterHim. The resurrection of JesusChrist comprises, therefore, the res-urrection of all who believe in Him.

“For since by man came death, byman came also the resurrection ofthe dead…But every man in his ownorder: Christ the firstfruits; afterwardthey that are Christ’s at his coming”(1 Corinthians 15:21, 23).

The resurrection of Jesus is thedivine guarantee of the resurrec-tion to eternal life. Just as a mainharvest followed the firstfruits andbelonged to it, so it is also withthe resurrection. Between the Gar-den of Eden—where death enteredon account of the sin of the firstpeople—and the garden of heavenfor the redeemed, lies the Gardenof Gethsemane where Jesusachieved obedience, and the gar-den of His grave from which Hearose.

Freezing the body and thawingit out again is an extremely doubt-ful matter. Even if it were possi-ble, however, man wouldultimately succumb to death.Only the resurrection of Jesus issure and the guarantee of the res-urrection of those who are in Him.

Last year we celebrated the500th year of Martin Luther andthe Reformation. On Luther’s coatof arms stands a Latin word con-taining 5 letters: VIVIT, whichmeans, “He is alive.” This can bethe hope of every person: “Jesus isalive and I with Him.” With thisassurance we can also go throughhard times, even when we arefaced with death. We are not look-ing into an ice-cold tube, butthrough death to Jesus, who isalive. The message of the resurrec-tion is a living hope and must beproclaimed.


Norbert Lieth is theauthor of numerousbooks on biblicalprophecy, board memberof Midnight CallInternational and churchelder.

3 The word “firstfruits” originally referred to the first bringing in of theharvest, the firstfruits offering. This was followed by a main harvest in thesame field, and sometimes an “after harvest”; the whole harvest came intothe same storehouse.

In the first verses of chapter 3, Paul warns offalse teachers who have come into the church.He calls them dogs, evildoers and such who

cause division. Instead of edifying the church andleading people to Christ, they caused rifts. Paulwarns of the legalism that the Judaizers promote.They preached that faith in Jesus alone is notenough, but that we have various tasks to fulfill; forinstance, circumcision and keeping the feasts of theLord. Paul says in verse 3 that we are the circumci-sion, which does not mean we have to be circum-cised. We belong to God if His Spirit is in us and weserve Him. By “flesh,” Paul means everything that I

have achieved through my own efforts, causing meto think I am better before God. Those who are inthe Spirit do not boast of their works, but in JesusChrist alone. We cannot earn grace through ourown efforts. Jesus has already done everything forus.

In verse 4, Paul begins with a testimony con-cerning his conversion. He speaks of what he usedto be, and from verse 8 on of what he has become.Paul states in verses 4-6 that he could be proud ofmany things: “Though I might also have confi-dence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh thathe hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I

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Paul Does Not Trust HisFlesh A continuing exegesis of the epistle to the Philippians, by various writers forMidnight Call Ministry. Part 21. Philippians 3:4-7.

Nathanael Winkler

The Preaching of Saint Paul at Ephesus by Eustache Le Sueur (1649)

more.” The false teachers wanted to bring confi-dence in the flesh to the church. For instance,they wanted the Gentiles who were converted tobe circumcised. Paul answered the Judaizers andtold them that he could trust in the flesh morethan all the others.

In verse 7 Paul said, “But what things weregain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” ForPaul, everything he lists in verses 5 and 6 wascounted as “loss.” In verse 8, he even calls it“dung.” If we look at this list, there are things wecould admire. But all these things are nothing incomparison to what we have in Jesus Christ: theknowledge of Christ, the justice of God, thepower of His resurrection, communion with Hissuffering, the hope to be with Him one day.

From the perspective of the flesh, Paul couldbe proud that he had been circumcised on theeighth day. Not all Jews kept this commandment.We can read this in old works, among othersFlavius Josephus. There were many Jews who hadadopted the Gentile way of life and were evenashamed of the act of circumcision. We know, forinstance, that Timothy was not circumcised al-though he was of partial Jewish descent. Paulcould say with pride, “I am circumcised.” He wascircumcised on the eighth day, just as God had al-ready commanded Abraham (Genesis 17:12). Itwas an outward sign of belonging to the people ofIsrael.

Paul was “of the stock of Israel” (Phil. 3:5). Hedid not come from any other nation; he was notSwiss, German or American. The people of Israelwere the people to whom God gave the law andwhom He chose. God also revealed Himselfthrough the people of Israel. And yet in the end,Paul said that he counted his descent as loss anddung. Was his descent bad? Many Christians thinkthey would like to be part of the people of Israel,and some begin to search their family tree. WhereChrist is concerned, however, this is all nothing.

Paul had a family tree. He was able to say thathe belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. We must notforget that Paul did not grow up in Israel. He hadgrown up in exile (the Diaspora), probably untilhe was 12 years of age. Many Jews in the Diasporadid not know what their origin was or to whattribe they belonged.

Moreover, the tribe of Benjamin is somethingspecial. They were known as zealots and warriors.The first king of Israel, King Saul, came from thistribe. Jerusalem was located within the tribe ofBenjamin’s domain. Which tribe remained faithfulto the tribe of Judah? It was the tribe of Benjamin.Paul could therefore say with pride that he camefrom the tribe of Benjamin.

Why is this something special? We read in Acts21:39-40, “But Paul said, I am a man, which am aJew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no meancity: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak untothis people. And when he had given him license,Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with thehand unto the people. And when there was made agreat silence, he spoke unto them in the Hebrewtongue, saying…” What language did the Jews useat that time? Aramaic. Most of the Jews that livedin the land no longer spoke the Hebrew language.The few words that Jesus spoke on the cross wereAramaic. But here Paul spoke Hebrew. This eventin the book of Acts probably amazed the people.Paul really could say that he was a Hebrew of theHebrews.

Pharisee was a title and an important position inthe society of that time. It was not easy to be aPharisee. In Acts 22:3 we read, “I am verily a manwhich am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia,yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel,and taught according to the perfect manner of thelaw of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, asye all are this day.” Already from his youth Paulhad resided in Jerusalem. He was brought up at thefeet of Gamaliel and learned the law there. Thus,

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Those who are in the Spirit do not boast of their works, but in Jesus Christ alone.We cannot earn grace through our own efforts.

we see how Paul had obtained his understanding ofthe law.

This also shows us the change that a born-againperson has to experience. Let us be honest: couldhe not be proud of this? He was a Pharisee with allhis heart. The Pharisees were a kind of cult withinJudaism. They were those who took the law mostseriously. The present Rabbinic Judaism comesfrom the Pharisees’ influence of that time.

Paul could testify, “If ever someone had zeal as aJew, it was me.” We read in Acts 22:4-5: “And I per-secuted this way unto the death, binding and deliv-ering into prisons both men and women. As alsothe high priest doth bear me witness, and all the es-tate of the elders: from whom also I received lettersunto the brethren, and went to Damascus, to bringthem which were there bound unto Jerusalem, forto be punished.”

Paul had been zealous for Judaism, as it was un-derstood by the Pharisees, and wanted to punishany who went in a different direction. As a Phar-isee, Paul was without fault: he kept to all the mul-tiple rules and regulations, and did whatever wasrequired of him.

But in verse 7 Paul says: “But what things weregain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” AnyJew would say to Paul: “You would throw awayyour family, your career and your social position inorder to belong to Jesus?” To Paul, what he gainedthrough Jesus Christ was greater than all else.

I think that in verse 7 Paul describes what hap-pened on the road to Damascus. In his Pharisaiczeal, he had planned to trap believing Jews andtake them to Jerusalem. But on the way he meetsour Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 9). Paul suddenly seeshimself for who he was. We read in Acts 9:5-9:“And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lordsaid, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest… And hetrembling and astonished said, Lord, what wiltthou have me do? And the Lord said unto him,

Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told theewhat thou must do. And the men which journeyedwith him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but see-ing no man. And Saul arose from the earth; andwhen his eyes were opened, he saw no man: butthey led him by the hand, and brought him intoDamascus. And he was three days without sight,and neither did eat nor drink.”

Paul was blind for three days. During this time,he probably fully realized that it wasn’t hisstrength, his works or his achievements that wouldsave him. He understood that Jesus wanted to savehim. Because of his blindness, he had to be led bythe hand to even find his way into the city. This cir-cumstance was very humbling to Paul and helpedto bring about his conversion. Everything Paul hadachieved in his flesh, everything he had been proudof in his past was no longer of any value to himcompared to what he had received through JesusChrist. We should all think about our lives fromthis perspective. Paul let go of his career, his familyand all of his friends. All of this Paul gave up forthe sake of Christ.

What are you still holding on to? Are therethings in your life that separate you from God? Per-haps it is your bank account. You have accumu-lated enough for some security, since no one knowswhat the future holds. Or you have achieved a cer-tain social position, which sometimes requires a lit-tle sin and compromise, but you don’t want to giveit up. There could be many other things that standbetween you and God.

Christ wants all of you for Himself. Paul couldsincerely testify that Christ had become everythingto him, that nothing could come between them anylonger. Has Christ grown to be all and everythingto you? Can you say about your life that you con-sider your past as rubbish, because your eyes arefastened on only one goal: Jesus Christ?


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Paul Does Not Trust His Flesh

Christ wants all of you for Himself. Paul could sincerely testify that Christ hadbecome everything to him, that nothing could come between them any longer. Has Christ grown to be all and everything to you?

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A cult is any religious movement that has teachings and/or practices that deviate from the

doctrines of historical, orthodox Christianity. Deviation means the abandoning, the distorting, or

the opposing of doctrines and teachings of biblical Christianity. To be orthodox means to affirm

those beliefs and teachings regarded as fundamental by the majority of Christians, since the

church was formed on Pentecost in the first century.

Faithful to theGospel Message

Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

Although cults assert belief in Jesus, they teach that He is not sufficient for salvation, andthus one must do other things in addition to believing in Jesus. Cults affirm thatsalvation is achieved through Jesus plus works.

Faithful to the Gospel Message

Cults arise for various reasons. Specifically,cults originate by adding spurious and un-orthodox beliefs and ideas to the Christian

faith. Cults subtract certain biblical doctrines andtruths from the Christian faith, which often is ex-pressed by denying fundamental biblical teachings.Cults develop certain isolated truths, and then dis-tort or overemphasize them. Cults attempt to com-bine many religious beliefs and faiths into a unifieddoctrinal system, and prosper because of outrightfraud.

Although they claim to be aligned with Chris-tianity, and may even confess belief in Jesus, cultsinvariably do not believe that salvation is a gift ofthe grace of God, which comes to a sinner throughfaith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. Cults may evenaffirm teachings that are contrary to what Jesustaught. They do not affirm and recognize the Bibleas the supreme and final authority in all matters ofbelief, doctrine, and faith.

Although cults assert belief in Jesus, they teachthat He is not sufficient for salvation, and thus onemust do other things in addition to believing in Je-sus. Cults affirm that salvation is achieved throughJesus plus works. When the book of Galatians waswritten, the Judaizers were saying the same error:“believe in Jesus Christ, but there are also wonder-ful things to add to what you believe.” Judaizerspreached the gospel plus observance of the Law ofMoses.

In the current day, counterfeits of the gospel ofGod’s grace—through faith in Jesus Christ—preach“the gospel plus” their extra-biblical ideas and be-liefs, their religious organization, their regulations,their rules, and (alleged) special revelations. In re-sponse to such false teachings that add to thegospel of grace, the Bible declares, “But even if we,or an angel from heaven, should preach to you agospel contrary to what we have preached to you,he is to be accursed!” (Gal 1:8).

Faithful StewardshipIn the early church, a group called “Judaizers”arose challenging the believer’s freedom in Christ.The word Judaizer is derived from the Greek verbioudaizō, meaning “to live according to Jewish cus-toms.” The word appears in Galatians 2:14, wherePaul confronted Peter for compelling GentileChristians to “judaize.” Judaizers taught that onereceived God’s approval by conforming to the Lawof Moses. The doctrine of the Judaizers was a com-bination of grace (through Christ) and works(keeping the Law).

The Judaizers denied that salvation (justifica-tion) and maturity (sanctification) are by gracethrough faith in Jesus Christ. Sadly, the Judaizer’sfalse teaching was influencing many believers.Even today, many wonder if God’s grace is trulysufficient, so they become dependent upon a fewgood deeds just to be safe. As opposed to living byfaith, many who profess faith in Christ evaluatetheir perceived righteousness by adhering to a setof religious standards. What people need to under-stand is that striving to be “on the safe side” can re-sult in one being “on the wrong side.”

Galatians was written to magnify God’s grace insalvation, and to explain the nature of Christianliberty. In Galatians 1:1, Paul identified himself as“an apostle” (meaning “sent one”). Paul’s apostle-ship was not of secondary origin, for it came di-rectly “through Jesus Christ and God the Father.”The only means for Paul to receive his apostleshipfrom the Lord Jesus was Christ being raised fromthe dead, without which there would not be agospel to proclaim or any apostolic authority.While he received his commission directly fromChrist Jesus, the apostle did not labor alone and soacknowledged “all the brethren who are with me”(v. 2).

Two things are amazing in the book of Galatians:the grace of God and the foolishness of those who

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were deserting the gospel of grace “for a differentgospel” (v. 6). Precisely as cults today, the Judaizer’scombination of law and grace was not any goodnews, for it was a distortion of truth (v. 7). Addingto or subtracting from the gospel message is to de-stroy it, which is why a person who proclaims agospel requiring more than God’s grace for salva-tion deserves “to be accursed” (vv. 8-9).

Paul’s defense of his apostleship was crucial be-cause God revealed the truth of the gospel throughhim (2:1-10). Believers today are now entirely sub-servient to that revelation. False teachers were in-fluencing Christians to heed the Law of Moses fortheir salvation, which caused Paul to fear that hehad “run, in vain” (v. 2). The Christian life is alsosimilar to running a race (vv. 1-5; 5:7; 1 Cor 9:24-27; Phil 2:16; 3:14; 2 Tim 4:7-8; Heb 12:1-2), andbelievers must be certain they are on the correcttrack and headed for the correct goal. The Judaizerswere attempting to place true believers intobondage and thereby detour them (Gal 5:7). Godhas committed the gospel of grace to His people,and they must guard it and share it with others(2:6-10).

God did not seek “those who wereof high reputation” (Gal 2:6); rather,He looks for those who are faithfulstewards (1 Cor 4:1-2). What is therequirement for stewards? The onlything that truly matters for a stewardis to be found faithful to the onewhose property is managed. God isthe one to whom all servants mustanswer because success will bejudged by Him alone (1 Cor 3:2-5).Understanding that God’s steward-ship is a trust granted by Him to beadministered on His behalf is indis-pensible.

When there is the possibility that someoneelse is undermining your faithful stewardship, itis frequently necessary to confront that individ-ual to be certain all you have accomplished isnot undone. Face-to-face explanation of your in-tents may elicit blessing as opposed to disagree-ment. When your goals are rejected, you willfind yourself in contention, yet it is most pru-dent to heed the biblical example for confronta-tion seen in Galatians 2. There will always beindividuals spreading falsehood, yet God’s stew-ards must never abandon truthfulness. Con-fronting error is always necessary; yet do notneglect the unity of true believers (cf. Eph 2:11-22).

While it is easy to become confrontationalwhen promoting a good cause, when combatingerror for the sake of biblical principles, it is wiseto joyfully welcome all who are in agreementwith you. Artificial and unnecessary divisionsarise frequently in one’s zealousness for what istrue. Paul opposed Peter, yet also recognized thatGod “effectually worked for Peter” and “effectu-ally worked” for him also (Gal 2:8).

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God did not seek “those who were of high reputation” (Gal 2:6); rather, He looks for thosewho are faithful stewards (1 Cor 4:1-2). What is the requirement for stewards? The onlything that truly matters for a steward is to be found faithful to the one whose property ismanaged.

Faithful to the Gospel Message

Faithful VigilanceThe conduct of Peter in neglecting truth demandedrefutation (Gal 2:11-14). Peter’s actions expressed apublic message, which is why the counter-messagecould not be given in private. Paul opposed Peter“to his face” (v. 11) rather than slandering him insecret. The confrontation was “in the presence ofall” (v. 14). Boldness is frequently required whenchallenging those who are spreading falsehood, asopposed to gaining favor and avoiding confronta-tion.

Perpetual vigilance is essential to maintain lib-erty, and that truth is applicable to the believer’sspiritual liberty also. Falsehood is not only commu-nicated by inaccuracies, but also through a bad ex-ample. Peter’s conduct was inconsistent and thusnecessitated a discussion contrasting the Law andfaith (vv. 1-18). The Law of Moses fails to grantrighteousness before God; therefore, both Jew andGentile (viz. all humanity) must receive righteous-ness through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Moreover, the Law never produced blessing, forit was only by faith that blessing was received from

God. The same salvation is necessary for both Jewand Gentile. The purpose of the Law was to bringa person to faith by proving that he/she was underjudgment. Stated negatively, no person is “justi-fied by the works of the Law” (v. 16). Positively,salvation (justification) is “through faith in ChristJesus” (cf. Eph 2:8-9).

Faith in Jesus makes a person dead to the Lawand unbound from its control. Righteousnessmust be received through the Savior. The authen-tic Christian life is pleasing a Person, JesusChrist, as opposed to adhering to a set of regula-tions and rules. The life of Christ is reproducedwithin the believer by the ministry of the HolySpirit.

Jesus did not abolish the Law (i.e. act in oppo-sition to it); rather, He fulfilled it (Matt 5:17-20).Jesus’ death tore the veil of the Temple in two(Luke 23:44-45), and “broke down the barrier ofthe dividing wall” between Jew and Gentile (Eph2:14-18). For someone who believes in Christ Je-sus to revert to the Mosaic Law is to rebuild whatJesus “broke down” and to assert that He did nottruly save those who trusted in Him (Gal 2:15-21).

Jesus Christ died for humanity because no per-son can achieve his or her own salvation. If a per-son wants to work for salvation, he or she issaying the death of Jesus Christ was unnecessary.Salvation (justification) is attained by faith in aPerson. Godly living (sanctification) is also trustin a Person: the Lord Jesus Christ!

The gospel message is “living water,” and who-ever partakes from it finds that it is “a well of wa-ter springing up to eternal life” (John 4:14; 7:38).False teachers were polluting the gospel by re-quiring Christians to obey the Mosaic Law. Manytoday seek to earn God’s favor through a set ofrules or various rituals. Whenever someone triesto earn God’s favor or eternal life, they are drink-ing from a polluted and deadly stream.


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Jesus Christ died for humanity because no person can achieve his or her own salvation.If a person wants to work for salvation, he or she is saying the death of Jesus Christ wasunnecessary.

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Expanding Human IntelligenceBryan Johnson isn’t short ofambition. The founder and CEOof neuroscience company Kernelwants “to expand the bounds ofhuman intelligence.”

He is planning to do this with neuro-prosthetics; brain augmentations that

can improve mental function and treat disor-ders. Put simply, Kernel hopes to place a chipin your brain.It isn’t clear yet exactly how this will work.

There’s a lot of excited talk about the possibil-ities of the technology, but—publicly, atleast—Kernel’s output at the moment is anidea. A big idea.“My hope is that within 15 years we can

build sufficiently powerful tools to interfacewith our brains,” Johnson says. “Can I in-crease my rate of learning, scope of imagina-tion, and ability to love? Can I understandwhat it’s like to live in a 10-dimensional real-ity? Can we ameliorate or cure neurologicaldisease and dysfunction?”

The shape that this technology will take is stillunknown. Johnson uses the term “brain chip,”but the developments taking place in neuro-prosthesis are working towards less invasiveprocedures than opening up your skull andcramming a bit of hardware in; injectable sen-sors are one possibility.It may sound far-fetched, but Johnson has a

track record of getting thingsdone. Within his first semester atuniversity, he’d set up a profitablebusiness selling mobile phones tofellow students. By age 30, he’dfounded online payment com-pany Braintree, which he sold sixyears later to PayPal for $800m.He used $100m of the proceedsto create Kernel in 2016—it nowemploys more than 30 people.But Johnson, 40, says he is

about more than money. He wasraised as a Mormon in Utah and it

was while carrying out two years of missionarywork in Ecuador that he was struck by what hedescribes as an “overwhelming desire to im-prove the lives of others.”His subsequent decision to leave the faith

only added to this sense of purpose. “For thefirst time in my life, I had to sit with the notionthat the closest I’d ever come to my previous vi-sion of heaven is whatever we can build here onEarth while I’m alive,” he explains. He explains that, while trying to work out

what to do next after selling Braintree, he hosteda series of 12 dinner parties with the brightestpeople he knew.“I would begin each gathering with a ques-

tion,” he recalls. “What do we need to focus ontoday to create a world that you would love tolive in by 2050?

“With minor variations, I heard the sameanswers nearly every time: climate science,education, healthcare, AI, governance, andsecurity. Not once, though, did a single per-son—out of the hundreds who attended—mention improving the brain itself.“And yet, the brain is everything we are,

everything we do, and everything we aspireto be. It seemed obvious to me that the brainis both the most consequential variable inthe world and also our biggest blind spot asa species. I decided that if the root problemsof humanity begin in the human mind, let’schange our minds.”, 14 December 2017

Commentary: Mr. Johnson has left outone important building element of man:the spirit-soul. We consist of spirit, soul,and body. While our body is subject tosin and is destined to decay, our soul isnot equal to the brain, but is the undefin-able part of human nature that deals withthings here and now on earth, while thespirit is directed literally out of thisworld. A person born-again of the Spiritof God targets his entire being Godward,heavenlyward; subsequently, towardeternal things. How far Bryan Johnson,and with him thousands of brilliant peo-

ple, will go is sub-ject to time, but inthe end there isonly one way orthe other: in plainwords, heaven orhell.

6653(See Hell Is for Real, Item

#2291, $12.99.)

Changing minds: Bryan Johnson, founder of Kernel,will put himself forward for brain augmentation. Photograph: Kelly Lee



‘United States of Europe’ by 2025Martin Schulz, the leader of Ger-many’s Social Democrats (SPD)urged his fellow members to enterinto coalition talks with chancellorAngela Merkel’s conservatives toform a grand coalition.

Schulz, the former president of theEuropean Parliament, urged his party

to push for the creation of a “United States ofEurope” by 2025.The SPD party congress will decide

whether the Social Democrats will joinforces with Merkel once again, despite fearsthat the party would not be able to revive it-self in the embrace of the Christian Democ-rats.“Europe does not always work for its peo-

ple, rather too often for the big companies,”Schulz said. “The question isn’t grand coalition or no

grand coalition. Nor minority government orfresh elections. No—it’s about how we exer-cise our responsibility, including to the nextgeneration, Schulz was quoted by Reuters. “I want a European constitutional treaty

that creates a federal Europe,” he said. Schulz argued that only a reinforced EU

could act as a bulwark to right-wing national-ists, who have made gains in Germany, Aus-

tria, Denmark, Finland, France and theNetherlands recently., 7 December 2017

Commentary: To create the “United Statesof Europe” seems like it would be next toimpossible. One must keep in mind thatEurope has over 2,000 years of docu-mented history. There isn’t a country inEurope where the citizens do not complainthat part of their boundaries were movedduring this or that war 100, 500, or 1,000years ago. Nevertheless, when one looksat Europe today, it is the most prosperous,peaceful, and securest continent on earth.Less than 80 years ago, the continent wasin turmoil: killing and being killed, de-stroying and being destroyed. The climaxof this destruction was in the First andSecond World Wars, but war among thesmall kingdoms and even city-states was areality for thousands of years.

There is another item to consider. Eu-rope conquered the entire planet; the colo-nial powers discovered, settled andestablished 35 different sovereign nationson the American continent (North andSouth). Australia was established by Euro-peans. Only in the late 1960s were peoplefrom Africa and Asia allowed to immigrate.When looking at Africa as well as Asia,both continents were—to a large extent—divided between the colonial powers, andborders established according to thepleasure of the European powerstructures. Therefore, to create amore solidified bloc (U.S.E.) is notfar-fetched; as the present politi-cal-economic reality shows, it isworking rather well.

While the United States was amodel for Europe to follow, Eu-rope is now becoming a model forthe world: to create unity throughprosperity among extremely di-verse groups of people. One must

keep the end re-sult in mind:there will be oneworld, one gov-ernment and onegod: the god ofthis world. 6657(See One World, Item

#2203, $15.99.)


Has India’s Time Come?Once poverty-stricken and relianton international aid, India openedup its economy in the early 1990sand has since seen steady, some-times remarkable, economicgrowth. Today, by most measures,India is one of the world’s largestand fastest growing economies.

Today’s India is also a place of techno-logical innovation, a huge market to

global businesses and a more confidentplayer on the world stage on issues rangingfrom global trade to climate change. But ithasn’t yet reached the stature it feels it de-serves in global governance institutions—most notably, it has never had a permanentseat at the U.N. Security Council.During the Cold War, India pursued non-

alignment, where it pledged to keep equidis-

24 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit

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Schulz now argues for a 'Grand Coalition' inBerlin after originally declaring he wouldtake the badly-defeated SPD into opposi-tion (Photo: Tim Reckmann)


(continued next page)

tance from the two superpowers—but it was,in many ways, a tilt towards the Soviet Union.The fall of the Soviet Union in the early ’90s

opened up a kind of pathway towards eco-nomic reform, which unleashed growth thathas been enormously beneficial. With that, In-dia no longer feels the need to hold the U.S. atarm’s length the way it did in the past.Just because ties are strengthening be-

tween New Delhi and Washington, however,doesn’t mean that India’s ties with countriesthat are not close to the U.S.—like Russia, likeIran—are going to fall by the wayside. That’spart of India’s real independence in the rela-tionships it wants to have around the world.India’s role on the world stage has always

been pretty interesting. You could go back toIndia’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru,when arguably India faced far greater domes-tic challenges. He too saw India as a countrythat was destined to have some sort of globalleadership. Back then, he saw India exercising

its moral authority and wanted to mediatebetween Nor th and South Korea., 14 January 2018

Commentary: India is a predominantlyHindu country (about 80%), with 14%Muslims and 2.3% Christians. Accord-ing to a census in 2011, there are ap-proximately 28 million Christians in theland. They reside in virtually all placesthroughout India, and from all walks oflife. The larger population of Christiansis to be found in the south.

It is of interest what Wikipedia saysrelating to the Church in India and Jews:

According to Indian Christian tradi-

tions, the Apostle Thomas arrived

in Tamilakam presently in the In-

dian state of Kerala Kodungallur

(also Muziris), Kerala, established

the Seven Churches and evange-

lized in present-day Kerala and

Tamil Nadu.

As with early Christianity in the Ro-

man Empire, it is assumed that the initial

converts were largely Jewish proselytes

among the Cochin Jews who are be-

lieved to have arrived in India around

562 BC, after the destruction of the First

Temple. Many of these Jews presumably

spoke Aramaic like St. Thomas, also a

Jew by birth, who is credited by tradi-

tion with evangelizing India.

What we do know is that the Church is be-ing built globally. Daily, new believers are

added all over theworld. For us whoare waiting for thecoming of the Lord,we rejoice, becauseHis coming drawsnear.

6679(See Death of a Guru, Item

#2149, $13.99.)

% 1-800-845-2420 APRIL 2018 25

India’s Time (continued from page 24)


Cutting Edge SmartphoneChinese multinational telecommu-nications company ZTE launched itsnew smartphone AXON M in Spainat an event held in Madrid.

The high-end smartphone has an in-novative design with two 5.2 inch

screens, which can either be folded out toconvert the phone into a tablet-sized device,or opened up to be used separately, allowingfor multi-tasking with different functions car-ried out simultaneously on each screen.“The new era of smartphones has arrived...

The AXON M is the start of an unimaginablemovement regarding the capacity for the useof smartphones and ZTE is leading the way,”said Samuel Sun, the General Manager forTerminals at ZTE.Sun commented that the “ecosystem for

smartphones” has evolved over the past 10

years, but “user experience” remains thesame because there have been few changesto the design of the hardware.He said the arrival of the AXON M “breaks the

rules,” and offers more possibilities to clients,who “expect more” from their smartphones.Gonzalo Eguiluz, Commercial Director of

ZTE Spain, also said the new product showed“a different way of using a smartphone.”, 14 February 2018

Commentary: While double-screen smart-phones are not new, it is somewhat surpris-ing that China is first in going public withthis new gadget.

We note the word “multi-tasking.” Whatthat means: more work, more time spent,more communication—and, quite naturally,less time to contemplate on the most impor-tant issue: eternal life.

We have reported the tendency of modernsociety to be increasingly dependent upon itsown inventions; subsequently, decreasinglydependent on God the Creator. No wonder

the Bible tells usthat the ultimate in-vention will be theimage of the beast.

6689(See The 10 Minute Bible

Journey, Item #2330,


A journalist tries out ZTE's smartphoneAXON M at a news conference in New York.[Photo/VCG]



Safe, Happy and Free?Western Europe’s last naturallycaused famine ended 150 years agothis winter. In a poor and backwardpart of the Russian empire calledFinland, more than a quarter of amillion people—nearly 10% of thepopulation—starved to death.

Last year, on the centenary of its inde-pendence, Finland was ranked, by as-

sorted international indices, the most stable,the safest and the best-governed country inthe world. It was also the third wealthiest, thethird least corrupt, the second most sociallyprogressive and the third most socially just.Finland’s judicial system is the most inde-

pendent in the world, its police the mosttrusted, its banks the soundest, its companiesthe second most ethical, its elections the sec-ond freest, and its citizens enjoy the highestlevels of personal freedom, choice and well-being.The Nordic country’s 5.5 million inhabitants

are also the third most gender-equal in theworld and have the fifth lowest income in-equality. Their babies are the least under-weight, their kids feel the most secure, andtheir teens perform the second best at reading(only third at science, though).“If you look at where we were then and

where we are now, I think, absolutely, you cantalk about a Finnish miracle,” said BengtHolmström, a Helsinki-born Nobel prize-win-ning economist not much given to exaggera-tion. “How and why did it happen? Now that’sa question.”To begin with, the geography—and its con-

sequence, the climate. “We live,” Tarja Halo-nen, Finland’s president from 2000 to 2012,says carefully, “in a cold, harsh and remoteplace. Every person has to work hard forthemselves. But that is not always enough.You have to help your neighbors.”Since long before independence in 1917,

says Riitta Jallinoja, a sociologist, “gaps be-

tween the social classes in Finland have beensmaller than usual. Even the industrial revolu-tion here was modest: no Rothschilds, noFords, not even a dynasty like Sweden’s Wal-lenbergs.”Even in today’s clean, functional, visibly

prosperous Helsinki, that still sort of holds.“You can be walking down the street next tothe richest guy in town, and you really would-n’t know,” says Oreck. In Finland, insistsHalonen, “You don’t look up at people, andyou don’t look down. You look level.”The success of the country’s free national

education system, established before inde-pendence in 1866 and regularly rankedamong the world’s best, also has its roots in amore egalitarian society, says Jallinoja: “Edu-cation was the key to advancement.” If, however, Finland has been rated the

world’s most literate country, it may also havesomething to do with a 19th-century decreethat a couple could not marry in the Lutheranchurch before both passed a reading test.“Quite an incentive,” observes Halonen, “tolearn to read.”Finns also trust each other more than most,

says André Chaker, a Canadian-born lawyerand public speaker who has lived in the coun-try for 25 years. Corruption and organizedcrime are all but nonexistent. “That feeds intothe business environment,” he says. “Thingsget done here faster, more reliably.”And it is trust that breeds confidence, and a

willingness to innovate: the World EconomicForum ranks Finland the most innovativecountry, per capita, in the world. For yearsdominated by monolithic mining and forestryfirms, then by the once-mighty Nokia, Finlandtoday is close behind Silicon Valley in thenumber of startups per head. “In the family, it’s realizing that relation-

ships can only really flourish between individ-uals—parents, children, spouses—who areequal and independent,” Says Anu Partanen,a Finnish journalist. “In a society, it meanspolicy choices aimed at ensuring the greatest

possible degree of independence, freedomand opportunity for everyone.”, 12 February 2018

Commentary: Finland is one of the modelcountries for Europe and the rest of theworld. Based on social capitalism, their de-mocratic system is also one of the mostsuccessful: functioning as a parliamentaryrepublic, with about 10 political partiesrepresenting the nation.

This reminds us of Israel, where 10 po-litical parties have formed the present gov-ernment under the leadership of Likud, butthere are dozens more waiting for theirchance to be part of the next government.

This is what Europeans say is real free-dom; not just yes or no, as it was in the SovietUnion or in the USA now (Republicans orDemocrats), but a volume of virtually unend-ing ideas constantly being presented and rep-resented by various parties and governments.

Nevertheless, we as believers have aworldview based on Scripture. Propheticcontent clearly reveals that the world, in theend, will become one, regardless of howmany political opinions and parties are rep-resented. But, we cannot deny that in themeantime, the countries that have multipleparties, multiple opinions and diverse ideasare the most successful.

Is the Church alive and well in Finland?We answer this with an unqualified yes. How-ever, that does not mean membership in sanc-tioned denominations, primarily Lutheran orRussian Orthodox, but those who really be-lieve and are the witnesses of Jesus Christ—

that He alone is theway, the truth, andthe life, and that noone comes to theFather but by Him.

6690(See The Sure Foundation

of the Church, Item

#1066, $18.50.)

26 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit



Limit Sunday ShoppingPoland’s president signed into law abill that largely limits trade on Sun-days, saying it would benefit employ-ees’ family life.

The legislation, worked out by the con-servative government and the Solidarity

trade union, is expected to draw protests fromlarge Western supermarket chains that are themain target of the law. A large part of their profitis earned on weekends, when many consumersdo their big weekly shopping trips. Critics saysome of the supermarkets make employeeswork long hours for modest pay.As of March 1, shops and markets will be

closed on two Sundays each month. Only oneSunday a month will be open for trading in 2019,and starting in 2020 the legislation applies to allSundays except before major holidays., 30 January 2018

Commentary: It is of interest the formercommunist states disregarded Sunday as aday of rest and had their shops open. Apoint often made relating to opening busi-ness is one word: freedom. That leads toone question: what is freedom? In this case,the shopper may enjoy shopping on Sun-day, but somebody has to pay the price andlose freedom; he or she has to work onSunday!

While Poland goes in the opposite direc-tion—closing stores on Sunday—mostcountries are more inclined to increaseshopping hours.

We recall when, here in South Carolina,stores were closed on Sunday. Later, theyallowed shopping on Sunday, but alcoholicproducts were forbidden. That has changedtoo.

Another article, titled “Shopping in Eu-rope,” reads:

For more than half the weekend, West

Germany is a shopper’s wasteland.

Stores are closed at 2 p.m. Saturday

and are not reopened until Monday


In Italy, there is the post-lunch

break. Most shops are closed for a

couple of hours in the afternoon.

In England, it is legal to buy a

newspaper on Sunday but not a

book, to shop for fresh fruit and veg-

etables but not the same foods if they

have been canned or bottled. And

throughout the country, a compli-

cated and varying patchwork of local

laws and traditions forces shops to

close for one weekday afternoon.

In France, you can buy fresh bread

on Sunday mornings but, as if in retal-

iation for having to be open on the

Sabbath, some small shopkeepers

close on Mondays., 12 December 1986

For Israel, God gave this law: “Rememberthe sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six daysshalt thou labour, and do all thy work: Butthe seventh day is the sabbath of the Lordthy God: in it thou shalt not do any work,thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thymanservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thycattle, nor thy stranger that is within thygates” (Exodus 20:8-10).

In the New Testament, we read that theChristians came together on the first day ofthe week. This corresponds to the Lord’sresurrection. From that point on, virtuallythe whole world keeps Sunday as the dayof rest, even in communist China. But notin the so-called Christianized world. 6680(SeeWake the Bride, Item #2302, SALE $12.)


Will We Ever Be Able toControl the Weather?As last year’s devastating Atlantic hur-ricanes demonstrated, we are at themercy of the weather. Could we evermanipulate it from space?

The idea of tweaking the weather fromafar is not as far-fetched as it sounds.

As BBC Future reported in 2014, scientistshave been on the case for years, albeit usingplanes rather than satellites. From 1962 to

1983, the American government ran ProjectStormfury, which was an attempt to weakentropical storms by flying aircraft into a stormand seeding it with silver iodide.Silver iodide is an inorganic compound

used as an antiseptic. The theory was that thesilver iodide would cause the supercooledwater in the storm to freeze, thereby disrupt-ing the internal structure of the hurricane.However, it has since been discovered that

storms do not contain sufficient supercooledwater for cloud seeding to be effective. Therewas also the problem of scale. “The problem

was that the small planes and macro-scale ofthe storms meant any attempts would be neg-ligible,” says Chris Bell, a lecturer in meteorol-ogy at the University of East Anglia in the UK.Lasers are also being considered as a form

of weather control, through laser inversion—the technique of using lasers to cool thingsdown rather than heat them up. The processforms clouds and can even trigger lightning.“This is a new method based on ultra-fast, ul-tra-short laser pulses, which generate intenselasers that are low-energy as the pulse is veryshort,” says Jean-Pierre Wolf of the Univer-

% 1-800-845-2420 APRIL 2018 27


Polish President Andrzej Duda


(continued next page)

sity of Geneva. This creates a spark in the at-mosphere, which causes a shock that expelswater droplets out of the way.Unfortunately, having satellites control the

weather presents additional problems.Not only would the satellites need technol-

ogy onboard to monitor the weather and po-sition themselves in orbit, they would alsoneed to have more equipment to manipulateit, thus massively increasing their payload.“Bringing this kind of equipment onto asatellite always means huge effort in orderto have the mass itself transported intospace, and ensuring the performance andreliability is not easy,” says Andreas Linden-thal, chief operating officer of OHB SystemsAG and sci-fi enthusiast since his childhood.For now, controlling the weather remains

unlikely—too costly and resource-hungry tomake practical. “People are putting researchinto very efficient lasers that can be put intoorbit,” says Lindenthal. “For me, it is only amatter of time.”“We may, one day, have the technology to

control the weather,” adds Bell, “but it willbe in thousands, not hundreds, of years.”, 22 January 2018

Commentary: Mankind does not cease inhis attempt to play God. Will he be suc-cessful? To some degree, maybe. Whatwe do know is what the Bible says:“While the earth remaineth, seedtime andharvest, and cold and heat, and summerand winter, and day and night shall notcease” (Genesis 8:22). The prophet Isaiahconfirms: “For this is as the waters ofNoah unto me: for as I have sworn thatthe waters of Noah should no more goover the earth; so have I sworn that Iwould not be wroth with thee, nor rebukethee” (Isaiah 54:9). 6678(See Quick Answers to Tough Questions, Item #2329,



China’s New Gateway toAfricaDjibouti, one of Africa’s smallestcountries, has become China’s“strategic partner.” The Chinese havebuilt a military base and a port, andis currently constructing a free tradezone, fast establishing it as Beijing’sgateway to the continent.

Djibouti is one of the smallest coun-tries in Africa, but for several years

now, people here have been thinking big.Many are dreaming of creating, with Chinesehelp, something similar to Singapore and theGulf States. It may not be easy to makesomething of this parched land, but there is atrue feeling of ambition here, a willingness totake risks and move forward. The Djiboutiansare searching for a better life and for a biggerrole for themselves in a global society that isin the process of reordering itself.The country practically serves as a laboratory

setting for the global shift in power from the Westto the East, and many vivid examples can beseen. Djibouti is more open and willing to experi-ment than other African countries. And eventhough Europe and the United States continue tobe important for the people here, when they thinkabout their future, it’s China that they look to.Djibouti does have one major commodity.

In the real estate industry, they have a mantrafor it, too: location, location, location. One ofthe most trafficked shipping lanes in the worldis located right off the country’s coast.Dozens of oil tankers and container shipshead to the Red Sea every day, bound for theSuez Canal and the ports of Europe.This strategic location is one of the reasons

the Chinese are here with their project man-agers, bankers and engineers and, most re-cently, with their army. And although theymay only be the latest in a long line of foreignpowers to set up quarters in Djibouti, they dothink in bigger terms than the others. The tinycountry serves as their gateway to Africa.

Those who were here before the Chinesecame have also stayed, mostly with their mili-taries. Countries from three continents havebases south of the capital, including theUnited States, Japan, Italy and, of course, Dji-bouti’s former colonial rulers, the French.Spanish and German forces are also sta-tioned at the French military’s Base Aérienne188. French still happens to be the most im-portant language in Djibouti. Beijing has been investing in the construc-

tion of port facilities, roads, train lines andtrade centers in Asia, Africa and Europe underthe cumbersome English name, “One Belt,


28 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit

Nicholas Li stands in front of the model ofthe free trade zone that is currently underconstruction in Djibouti. The small Africancountry is the focus of intense interna-tional scrutiny. China is currently buildinglarge projects there, with the goal of trans-forming the small country into its gatewayto the African continent. DOMINIC NAHR /DER SPIEGEL

Weather (continued from page 27)

(continued next page)

Ge Hua is the Chinese counsellor on tradein Djibouti. All civil projects involvingChina cross her desk, and she oversees theimplementation of the finalized plans inthe country. "I told my friends they need tocome here this year," she says. "It is a verybeautiful and unique country." DOMINICNAHR / DER SPIEGEL

One Road.” The goal is to create a tightly in-terwoven economic zone under Chinese con-trol. One Belt, One Road is, above all else, ageopolitical project. And—and this absolutely must be men-

tioned, Ge Hua, an economic exper t,says—there is also a long list of aid pro-jects, including schools, hospitals andspor ts facilities, that have been financed byChina, without any loans. An oppor tunityarises to view the biggest project: SixtyChinese and 150 Djiboutian workers arebuilding a national archive that will includea public library. A red-and-white signpoints out that the construction site hasbeen free of accidents for 355 days. In July2019, the building is to be handed over tothe Djibouti state, including furniture andstacks.Chinese soldiers are very present in the

country, despite having holed themselves upbehind cement walls. West of the port, thearmy opened a naval base last summer. It hasbeen the subject of many rumors. It’s the firstChinese military facility to be located outsideof Asia, and that alone makes it interesting.Officially, it’s a logistical support base for theChinese fleet.The building reportedly has three under-

ground floors and can accommodate up to10,000 soldiers. With military displays like the ones in Dji-

bouti, China wants to send a double message:One of strength and one of peace. The army isshowing what it is capable of. At the sametime, the Chinese politicians emphasize atevery opportunity that this is merely a ques-tion of defense., 8 February 2018

Commentary: Most people have never heardof this small country, much less are able topronounce the name. But communist Chinaseems to recognize the strategic importanceof this location. China is the world’s largest

exporter and the world’s biggest foreign cur-rency holder.

So, what does it all mean? Simply that thetime has come for the people of the East tosay “Go West, young man.” Interestingly,Europeans are not alarmed, since the growthof communist China seems to be rather bene-ficial to their economies, and there themantra goes: bigger is better.

What does the Bible say? We read in Rev-elation 16:12-14: “And the sixth angelpoured out his vial upon the great river Eu-phrates; and the water thereof was dried up,that the way of the kings of the east might beprepared. And I saw three unclean spirits likefrogs come out of the mouth of the dragon,and out of the mouth of the beast, and out ofthe mouth of the false prophet. For they arethe spirits of devils, working miracles, whichgo forth unto the kings of the earth and of thewhole world, to gather them to the battle ofthat great day of God Almighty.”

These verses have been interpreted bymany scholars to be the awakening of theeastern powers, China and India in particular.This is a global event, for we read in verse14, “…the whole world.” Are we to interpretthis to be a physical, literal battle? Most un-likely, because we read the word “spirits.”What is their aim? Revelation 17:14 an-swers: “These shall make war with theLamb.” That no military in the world can do.

It is our understanding that this con-frontation is not something that is limitedto the future, but is applicable to all of hu-man history, beginning with the casting outof Adam and Eve from Paradise.

These spiritual powers make use ofearthly powers as well, but the ultimate judg-ment is not manmade but God-made, whichis evident from verse 20-21: “And every is-land fled away, and the mountains were notfound. And there fell upon men a great hailout of heaven, every stone about the weightof a talent: and men blasphemed God be-cause of the plague of the hail; for the plague

thereof was exceeding great.” This judgmentis upon a world that consciously and deliber-ately rejects the God of heaven.

When the fourth angel poured out hisveil, humanity “…blasphemed the name ofGod, which had power over these plagues,and they repented not.” That is also thecase after the fifth angel poured out hisveil: “…and blasphemed the God ofheaven…and repented not”; and in the lastverse, “…and men blasphemed God be-cause of the plague of the hail.” That testi-fies to the fact that humanity consciouslyrealizes that these supernatural, God-madejudgments are from the Creator of heavenand earth, but they deliberately object andprotest, curse and blaspheme the God ofheaven.

Now we come to an important decision;namely, regarding the time in which we live.It is the most prosperous, most peaceful, andmost secure time in history. We need to bevery sober when analyzing the world today.Yes, there are conflicts, there are small warshere and there, but the overwhelming major-ity of the world now lives in peace and secu-rity. So, what is the greatest danger forplanet earth and humanity? The answer israther simple: the reliance, even semi-wor-ship, of commercialism and merchandise.Never in history was so much merchandiseoffered to people as today. Greater volumes,better quality, and all that due to superiortechnology developed by man’s mind. Theseriches are the very item that the god of thisworld uses to deceive mankind into believ-

ing that man is intotal control; thathe does not needGod.

6694(See 101 Answers to

Questions About Satan,

Demons, and Spiritual

Warfare, Item #2289,

SALE $12.)

% 1-800-845-2420 APRIL 2018 29

Africa (continued from page 28)

God Hears UnbelieversBrother Froese,

I am a subscriber to Midnight Calland receive your daily Swift Wordnews. I so appreciate your teachingand your always spiritually-based an-swers and commentaries. I would liketo ask a question on your SW article“UK—Crisis Makes Non-BelieversCall on God.” This is not criticism,just an honest question on God hear-ing prayers from unbelievers. Yes, Godheard Cornelius, but my understand-ing was that through some means,maybe studying the natural world,Cornelius understood that there was aGod and he was trying to worship Himthe best he knew how. In the article,you also mention Muslims turning toChrist for salvation, an instance oftheir seeing their need for repentancethrough the blood of Jesus. But if anunbeliever is not seeking repentance,if they do not see the need for God intheir lives, and they pray to God for

the healing of a child (example), doesGod hear that prayer as a prayer offaith and act on it? I have never heardteaching that God would hear suchprayer, and am just trying to under-stand. Thank you again for your won-derful ministry.

-D. Lusk, WV

Answer: Every one of us who has become a

believer in Jesus Christ, cried out to God in

prayer, and that prayer was answered by God

the Holy Spirit with the rebirth. Remember,

“God commendeth his love toward us, in that,

while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”

(Romans 5:8).

Regarding your “example,” I cannot answer

because that’s based on theory, but I would

answer if the person concerned would write to


666 Bar Code?Dear Arno,

As to the letter of “Cashless” andthe Mark of the Beast, we all know

Address letters for publication to: Letters to the Editor, Midnight Call, P.O. Box 84309, Lexington, SC

29073. Include full name, address, and daytime phone number. Without name and address, letters will

be discarded unread. All material is subject to editing. Midnight Call assumes all publishing rights on

letters sent to the Editor.

Note: All letters will be answered by the Executive Editor, Arno Froese.


Letters to the Editor

30 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com30 M I D N I G H T C A L L

APRIL 2018 31 % 1-800-845-2420

that the Beast is the devil andhe is the one who rules theworld.

Now the world has a systemof the bar code. One of themen who helped draw this sys-tem up was not a Christian,but his wife was. He felt it wasall foolishness. When they gotdone, he said the only waythey could make this work wasby having a 6 first, middle andlast always. The number is666. That was back in the dayswhen they only had tapes, sohe put a tape out warning peo-ple of this. He himself wasconverted because of this.They are now talking of goingcashless, and what that willmean is we can’t buy or sellunless we have the chip withour bar code implanted on us.It will be a world system, andwe as Christians cannot goalong with it as it is the Markof the Beast. Our money won’tdo us any good, as it will all bedone by the bar system. They

will want your number, notyour cash.

Just thought I’d let youknow.

-M. Shaum, OH

Answer: Whenever you hear or read

of an event without the person’s

name, a date and place, it’s best to be


Credited with the invention of the

barcode is Norman Joseph Wood-

land, born 6 September 1921 of Jew-

ish parents. On 7 October 1952, he

received US Patent 2,612,994, named

“Classifying Apparatus and Method.”

Does the barcode relate to the An-

tichrist? No more and no less than

American, Russian, Chinese, or Ger-

man nationalism. These things be-

long to the world. To make this world

cooperative, and for the people to

live in peace and prosperity, the god

of this world has one target: the imi-

tation of God’s prophesied millen-

nium. That will be real peace under

the Prince of Peace.

Incidentally, there is no such thing

as cash; it’s just an object of faith. Any

and all currencies printed on paper

are just that: paper. But, because hu-

manity is greedy, they have great

faith in this paper; thus, making the

global economy race toward the ulti-

mate goal: peace on earth, good will

to man, but without God the Creator.

British Israelism AgainMr. Froese,

In a recent article in NewsFrom Israel, you emphaticallystated British Israelism was afalse teaching. How can you beso sure? While I don’t endorsethis teaching myself, a prettygood case for it can be made.First, both conditional and un-conditional promises weremade to ALL of Israel (12 tribes,not just 2). Second, the pagan,10 northern tribes had not re-ceived much blessing whenthey were captured by the As-syrians in c. 750 BC. Third, theBritish people were godly,Christian people in their earlyhistory and were blessed incred-ibly (conditional promises?).

Your recent response to the Mormon (J. Perry,UT) interested me. There are many problemswith the Mormon cult. I have met several Mor-mons, and am in great pain for their spiritualcondition and false doctrine. They are some ofthe most pleasant people you will ever meet.The Book of Mormon even says that Jesus wasborn in Jerusalem.


Letters to the Editor

Fourth, as you surely know, Is-rael today is really only twotribes, Judah (the Jews) and Benjamin. Finally, Godpromises to combine the two“sticks” together, so the 10northern tribes must still exist.Thank you for your considera-tion.

-R. Lau, VA

Answer: There is no such thing as the

“10 lost tribes.” The remnants of

those tribes were integrated into the

tribe of Judah: hence Jews. “And after

them out of all the tribes of Israel

such as set their hearts to seek the

Lord God of Israel came to Jerusalem,

to sacrifice unto the Lord God of their

fathers” (2 Chronicles 11:16). “And he

gathered all Judah and Benjamin,

and the strangers with them out of

Ephraim and Manasseh, and out of

Simeon: for they fell to him out of Is-

rael in abundance, when they saw

that the Lord his God was with him”

(2 Chronicles 15:9).

Neither the British nor any other

people on the face of the planet can

be collectively described by your

words, “godly, Christian people.”

Don’t confuse blessing with suc-

cess. Japan, a Buddhist nation, is su-

per successful. What about super-rich

Islamic nations, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE,

Saudi Arabia, etc. Are they blessed?

In short, there is no such thing as

British Israelites; it’s simply authored

by the father of lies.

End Time VisionsDear Mr. Froese,

The Bible has a lot to say re-garding the end-time, but Bible

scholars are not in agreementwhen interpreting these pas-sages. Some speak of a sevenyear tribulation, while othersdivide this into two parts:three and one-half years each,beginning with “the confirma-tion of the covenant,” bywhich the nations of theworld, and most importantlythe Muslims living in the WestBank, agree that the covenantGod gave Abraham conveyingthis part of the Holy Land doesindeed mean that it belongs tothe nation of Israel.

Peter describes the event inhis second epistle as follows:“But the day of the Lord willcome like a thief. The heavenswill disappear with a roar; theelements will be destroyed byfire, and the earth and every-thing done in it will be burnedup” (2 Pet 3:10 NIV). A nu-clear reaction is the only thingthat can destroy the very ele-ments.

The late evangelist KennethHagin had an interesting expe-rience while conducting a re-vival in Rockwell, Texas. As hewas praying at the altar, theHoly Spirit came upon him ina wonderful way, and he fell onhis face on the platform. As helay under the power of theSpirit, he saw a horseman rid-ing at full speed toward him.In his own words: “He held ascroll of paper high in hishand. I was not conscious ofmy earthly surroundings, butseemingly was off in space

somewhere. When the horse-man came to me, he stopped:passed the scroll from his lefthand to his right, then handedit to me, saying, ‘Take andread.’”

Allow me to relate a dream Ihad years before I ever knewabout the white horses of Reve-lation—only of the Pale Horse.In my dream, Jesus picked meup and placed me on a whitehorse. I believe that I will re-turn to earth riding on a whitehorse with the Messiah!

-C. King, NC

Answer: The nuclear weapons issue

and idea has been brought up for

many decades, but that judgment

comes directly from God: it is God-

made. Man will recognize that fact

but will not repent, “Men were

scorched with great heat, and blas-

phemed the name of God, which hath

power over these plagues: and they

repented not” (Revelation 16:9).

Regarding Kenneth Hagin, his vi-

sions are unbiblical. How do we

know? Peter writes, “Whom having

not seen, ye love; in whom, though

now ye see him not, yet believing, ye

rejoice with joy unspeakable and full

of glory” (1 Peter 1:8). Also, Hagin was

just mimicking Scripture with his

words, “He held a scroll of paper high

in his hand…he stopped; passed the

scroll from his left hand to his right,

then handed it to me saying, ‘Take

and read.’” The real events are

recorded in Jeremiah 15:16, Ezekiel

2:8 and 3:1, and Revelation 10.

On page 3 of your thesis, you write

again regarding Hagin’s vision, “…Je-

32 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com32 M I D N I G H T C A L L

sus spoke, ‘Judgment is coming, but I

will call my people away even unto

myself before the worst shall come.’”

That may be partially true, as some of

it is written in the Bible. But the Book

was given to His Church, not to any

particular person. The real Jesus ap-

pears quite differently. He is the “Al-

pha and Omega.” John confesses,

“When I saw him, I fell at his feet as

dead.” All that Jesus wants us to

know is written in His Book, “The Rev-

elation of Jesus Christ, which God

gave unto him, to show unto his ser-

vants things which must shortly

come to pass….”

I would definitely not trust anyone

who comes proclaiming extra-biblical

revelation. The source is always an im-

itation, as documented in 2 Corinthi-

ans 11, particularly verses 4 and


Mormon TeachingDear Arno,

Your recent response to theMormon (J. Perry, UT) inter-ested me. There are manyproblems with the Mormoncult. I have met several Mor-mons, and am in great pain fortheir spiritual condition andfalse doctrine. They are someof the most pleasant peopleyou will ever meet. The Book ofMormon even says that Jesuswas born in Jerusalem. JosephSmith screwed up again! Theysay the American Indians de-scended from the Jews, butDNA proves that Native Amer-icans came from Asia. WhenJoseph Smith wrote The Bookof Mormon in 1830, no one

could prove him wrong, buthistory has now done so. He isa false prophet.

-R. Sommerville, MO

Answer: You are certainly correct in

identifying the very basics of the

false teaching of the Mormons.

There is an abundance of material

available clearly exposing the errors.

But faith is stronger than facts. I

must add that this delusion can also

be applied to American political

Christianity, which supposes that

our political identity is somehow re-

lated to the Church. That is not the

case; the god of this world is in

charge (with God’s permission), and

the Bible says, “He who sins is of the

devil.” Therefore, all nations and all

people of all time are under the ju-

risdiction of Satan. However, it is

wonderful to know that there is an

escape, and that is through Jesus

Christ our Lord.

Bethlehem StarBrother Froese,

I have been asked thesequestions that I could not an-swer with certainty from theScriptures, and was hopingthat you could. The “star” thatthe wise men followed, was itactually a star or was it whenthree planets lined up in the“Pisces” constellation, as Ihave heard it said? Matthewcalled it a star.

And where is it found in theScriptures of a “prophecy” thatsaid that “Jesus was to becalled a Nazarene”? Matthew2:23 states that he was.

Another comment I have is,we have “picked up” the habitof killing old people when theycan no longer be of any benefitto society. What’s next?

I thank you for your maga-zine and its articles.

-C. McCulley, TN

Answer: We have no additional infor-

mation defining the star of Bethle-

hem, but it could well have been an

angelic host. The heathen prophet

Balaam identified the Savior as a star:

“I shall see him, but not now: I shall

behold him, but not nigh: there shall

come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scep-

tre shall rise out of Israel, and shall

smite the corners of Moab, and de-

stroy all the children of Sheth” (Num-

bers 24:17). The Nazarenes existed

long before Jesus’ birth. Judges 13:5

reads: “For, lo, thou shalt conceive,

and bear a son; and no razor shall

come on his head: for the child shall

be a Nazarite unto God from the

womb: and he shall begin to deliver

Israel out of the hand of the

Philistines.” Of course, Samson did

not fulfill his task; he failed, but I’m

thankful to say: Jesus never failed

and never will. Dr. J. Vernon McGee

explains: “‘He shall be called a

Nazarene.’ The Hebrew word for

Nazareth was Netzer, meaning a

branch or a shoot. The city of

Nazareth was so called because of its

insignificance. The prophecies of Isa-

iah 11:1, Isaiah 52:2-3, and Psalm 22:6

are involved in the term Nazarene.”

Your statement, “…killing old peo-

ple when they can no longer be of

any benefit to society,” is simply

based on fake news.

APRIL 2018 33 % 1-800-845-2420



Fellow Laborers

What Would Your Answer Be?

34 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com34 M I D N I G H T C A L L

For the past two years I have lived inPassau, Bavaria (Germany), where Iam obliged to stay because of the

treatments that I need every other day atthe Dialysis Center. I often listen to broad-casts from radio station Bavaria 1. On aSaturday, while getting my treatment, Iheard a Bavaria 1 moderator pose the fol-lowing question to his listeners, as hemade spontaneous phone calls: “What wasthe best experience or highlight of yourweek?”

Of course, there were a variety of an-swers. One man said the nicest event wasgoing to dinner with his family at an Ital-ian restaurant, where they had excellentfood and wine. A woman was happiest

about the fact that she had gotten eightspecialty chickens with dotted feathersfor her homestead. Another listener wasthrilled about a Rolling Stones concert hehad been able to attend in Munich. Yet an-other one mentioned having won a cruiseas the highlight of his week.

As I listened to all this, I asked myself:what was the greatest experience of myweek? I started thinking about the eventsof the last few days. Usually I get uparound 7 o’clock, have my coffee, read theBible, send one or two emails, and eatbreakfast. After that I work on transla-tions of Midnight Call articles and litera-ture into Hungarian. And, weatherpermitting, then I like to sit on the porchin the sun. After lunch, the afternoonusually goes by fairly quick and in alwaysthe same manner. Tuesdays, Thursdaysand Saturdays I have morning dialysis,which takes up half the day. The processis accompanied by quite a bit of discom-fort: my knees and spine ache, my bloodpressure is low, etc. In other words, mylife at present has become rather re-stricted. If the radio host had asked mefor the highlight of my week, I may nothave had a ready answer… As I was medi-tating on these things, I suddenly real-ized: each day is a miracle and an amazingexperience. That I am still alive despitemy chronic illness is reason to thank theLord. “He healeth the broken in heart,and bindeth up their wounds” (Psalm147:3).

A testimony by Laszlo Dalnoki, longtimeexecutive coworker of Midnight CallMinistry in Hungary

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“To the only wise Godour Saviour, be gloryand majesty, dominionand power, both nowand ever” (Jude 25).

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It was God’s leading that I fell ill twoyears ago, when I happened to be in Passauwhere I could have an operation and re-ceive excellent treatment and care. “Be-hold, I will bring it health and cure, and Iwill cure them, and will reveal unto themthe abundance of peace and truth” (Jere-miah 33:6).

My grandchildren, who live close by,visit several times a week and bring muchjoy to my life. My son and daughter-in-lawhelp me whenever necessary. “Now theGod of hope fill you with all joy and peacein believing, that ye may abound in hope,through the power of the Holy Ghost” (Ro-mans 15:13). I am still able to take care ofmyself, can make my own lunch and cookdinner. “…They that wait upon the Lordshall renew their strength; they shallmount up with wings as eagles; they shallrun, and not be weary; and they shall walk,and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). It is also anamazing experience when I can sit outsideon the porch, enjoying the peace and quiet.“And my people shall dwell in a peaceablehabitation, and in sure dwellings, and inquiet resting places” (Isaiah 32:18).

The Lord is the one who supplies all myneeds, and I can still do the translationwork. “Blessed is that servant, whom his

lord when he cometh shall find so doing”(Matthew 24:46). I can truthfully say thatGod provides for me day by day and grantsme this favor. “According as His divinepower hath given unto us all things thatpertain unto life and godliness, throughthe knowledge of him that hath called usto glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3).

Yes, that’s it. All this I could have relatedif the radio talk show host had asked me.What does it mean, the greatest experienceof the week? The grace of the Lord is sheddaily over me and each one who believes inJesus Christ. Through His divine powerevery day can become a Sunday.

Dear friends, what was the highlight ofthe week for you? What answer would yougive? I am certain that you wouldn’t haveto ponder very long—even if it may seemthat your life is monotonous and boring, oras though your portion is only struggle andsuffering. The longer we reflect, the morewe find God’s grace in everything—thegrace which can then move you to thanks-giving, as it did me. “Rejoice evermore.Pray without ceasing. In every thing givethanks: for this is the will of God in ChristJesus concerning you. Quench not theSpirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19).




APRIL 2018 35 % 1-800-845-2420

This was prophesied almost 2,700years ago. God’s eternal plan iscrystal clear. He cares about Zion,

He cares about Jerusalem, and He caresabout His people, as we can read in thelast two verses: “Behold, the Lord hathproclaimed unto the end of the world,Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold,thy salvation cometh; behold, his rewardis with him, and his work before him.And they shall call them, The holy peo-ple, The redeemed of the Lord: and thoushalt be called, Sought out, A city notforsaken” (11-12). Here we see that theworld is included. What are we to do?“Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold,thy salvation cometh…” Of course, weknow that salvation did come but, col-lectively under the authority of the reli-gious leaders, Israel rejected thesalvation offered through Christ theMessiah, the Redeemer and King of theJews.

We know from history that the citywas destroyed and forsaken when Neb-uchadnezzar led Judah into captivity.Later, after 70 years of captivity, the tem-ple was rebuilt and completed in 515BC. The last of the prophets, Malachi,

prophesied from 431-425 BC. Thencame the long silence until Jesus came.What did He say about Jerusalem andthe temple? “…See ye not all thesethings? verily I say unto you, There shallnot be left here one stone upon another,that shall not be thrown down”(Matthew 24:2). The fulfillment tookplace in the year 70 AD, when the Ro-man forces conquered Jerusalem and de-stroyed the temple.

It is beneficial to read the entire chap-ter of Isaiah 62 and realize that these arethe direct words of God. He begins withJerusalem, and He ends with the words,“…a city not forsaken.”

Jerusalem TodayTimes of Israel wrote the following:

In an unexpected, unprecedented and curi-

ous move, Moscow said it considers West

Jerusalem to be Israel’s capital, making Rus-

sia the first country in the world to extend

such a recognition to any part of the city.

“We reaffirm our commitment to the

UN-approved principles for a Palestinian-Is-

raeli settlement, which include the status of

East Jerusalem as the capital of the future

Palestinian state. At the same time, we must

“For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, andfor Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until therighteousness thereof go forth as brightness,and the salvation thereof as a lamp that bur-neth” (Isaiah 62:1).



36 M I D N I G H T C A L L


APRIL 2018 37

state that in this context we view West

Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” the For-

eign Ministry in Moscow said in a state-

ment., 6 April 2017

Eight months later, on 6 December 2017,US President Donald Trump formally an-nounced the United States’ recognitionof Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

While Russia’s recognition barelymade the headlines, President Trump’sannouncement caused uproar in theMiddle East and in the Islamic world.

While we highly admire the courage ofRussia and the USA in recognizingJerusalem as Israel’s capital, we mustkeep in mind that, whatever manmadedecisions are made about Jerusalem andIsrael are not final. They may say this orthat, or do this or that; it changes little tonothing in God’s resolution regarding thecity of Jerusalem and the land of Israel.

It is of interest that on 17 May 1948,the Soviet Union—followed by Poland,Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Ireland, andSouth Africa—officially recognized theState of Israel. Eight months later, theUnited States officially recognized theState of Israel on 31 January 1949. How

much do these recognitions mean? Wemay give two answers: very much, andlittle if anything. Why? Because the Godof Israel, the Creator of heaven andearth, does not depend on what politi-cians do or don’t do, what they say ordon’t say.

Here is the great confrontation for theChurch: if Jerusalem causes so muchcontroversy throughout the world, thenwe might ask: how much controversywill the real borders of Israel cause? Thebiblical borders are revealed to theworld’s leaders: “In the same day theLord made a covenant with Abram, say-ing, Unto thy seed have I given this land,from the river of Egypt unto the greatriver, the river Euphrates” (Genesis15:18).

We cannot go wrong when we baseour statements on Holy Scripture, andthere we simply learn that God is in con-trol. As for the nations of the world, Hehas this to say: “All nations before himare as nothing; and they are counted tohim less than nothing, and vanity” (Isa-iah 40:17).

Nevertheless we, as Bible-believingChristians, rejoice when politiciansmake decisions in the right direction.

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“I will bless them thatbless thee...” (Genesis 12:3).




7-8 October 2018 Sands Resorts

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Our Bible consists of almost one-third prophetic

related material. Yet, it seems that this large

content is often neglected. So, what is

prophecy? It is “a light that shineth in a dark place.” All

one has to do is read the newspaper, listen to the radio,

or see the news on television and the internet, and the

word “darkness” is clearly exhibited. Indeed, we see the

daily fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy: “…ye shall hear of

wars and rumours of wars… For nation shall rise against

nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall

be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers

[various] places” (Matthew 24:6-7). That, we all agree, has

continued until this day, just as Jesus prophesied.

However, Jesus does not tell us anything new except the

normal occurrences: wars, famines, pestilence, and

earthquakes. That has always been with us throughout

human history.

Yet, today is different. We are living in a privileged

generation; many of us experienced the rebirth of a na-

tion—Israel—and since that birth on 14 May 1948, Israel

has garnered most of the headlines in the news media.

That simply means: this generation is the first to see, hear,

read and experience the beginning of fulfillment of

Bible prophecy.

There is an interesting statement in Luke 21:29-30:

“And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree,

and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see

and know of your own selves that summer is now

nigh at hand.” The fig tree is a symbol of Israel’s

peace. Note that fig tree “…now shoots forth”; or,

more precisely as Mark writes: “…When her branch is

yet tender, and putteth forth leaves…” (Mark 13:28).

No fruit, but leaves. Israel is not bringing forth spiri-

tual fruit as a nation, because they are still in dark-

ness; but they are bringing forth leaves. That’s the

beginning, and thus we know for certain that the

time is at hand.

ISRAEL AT 70There is no way I can sufficiently stress the impor-

tance of Midnight Call’s Atlantic Coast Prophecy Con-

gress in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on 7-8 October

this year.

This will be the real news—the kind that counts,

the kind that’s true, the kind that’s authored by the

eternal One, the Creator of heaven and earth.

Here are three synopses of messages by some of the


“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto yedo well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a darkplace, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in yourhearts” (2 Peter 1:19).




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38 M I D N I G H T C A L L

APRIL 2018 39

2 0 1 8 A T L A N T I C C O A S T P R O P H E C Y C O N G R E S S

7-8 October 2018 Sands Resorts

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


JEFF KINLEYThe End of America? Bible Prophecy and a Country

in Crisis

America is in trouble. She is divided politically, decaying

morally and dying spiritually. And her decline is em-

blematic of Western Civilization as a whole. So, what

does the Bible say about countries like ours? Are we

headed for God’s wrath? Is it too late? What can believ-

ers do? Is there any hope?

VICTOR KALISHERThe Repentance of the Seventy

The story of Joseph and his family (70) as a prophecy for

our time. This story removes masks and reveals surpris-

ing elements in God’s dealings with the family of Israel,

which leads to their spiritual restoration.

ARNO FROESEIsrael’s Threefold Exodus – Part 1

The most famous Exodus of Israel is when they came

out of the land of Egypt. Besides many supernatural in-

terventions of God, Israel also received the law of God; in

particular, the Ten Commandments through Moses.

Thus, the first Exodus gave us the

Old Testament.

BEAUTIFUL MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA The average temperature for October is between 57 and

75, and the chance of rain is only five days for the whole

month. This is an excellent chance to combine this event

with a mini-vacation, enjoying the beauty of South Car-

olina’s beaches and nature. Most of the rooms are facing

the Atlantic Ocean, where the sun rises in a spectacular

way each morning.

Do make your registration and reservations even

now to ensure your place at this important event, where

five Bible scholars present the case: “Israel at 70.”

You will be edified and encouraged by the messages

you hear and the fellowship you will experience with

other believers, who love Israel, love the Lord, and are

looking forward to His soon return.

Remember, rooms are available first-come, first-serve,

so do not delay.

Registration to the conference is fully refundable at

any time (see hotel policy for terms on rooms).

Jeff Kinley is on a lifelong mission to empower peo-ple with God’s vintage, lifechanging truth. The authorof 31 books, Jeff served as youth pastor and seniorpastor for over three decades in churches rangingfrom small community congregations to mega-churchsize. Jeff is known as a “discerner of the times,” andhas been described as a “rising voice in the world of

Bible Prophecy.” He delivers a unique communication style that con-nects with this generation, engaging them with biblical truth in a posi-tive, practical way. He is a graduate of the University of Arkansas (BA)and Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM). Jeff and wife Beverly have beenmarried for 35 years and have 3 grown sons. His website

Ron Bigalke is the Georgia State Minister with CapitolCommission, and missionary with Biblical MinistriesWorldwide. Dr. Bigalke has more than twenty years ofexperience in numerous discipleship and evangelisticministries. He has instructed courses for Moody BibleInstitute and Tyndale Theological Seminary. Hischurch and leadership experience includes confer-

ence speaking, pastoral ministry, pulpit ministry, and youth ministry. Dr.Bigalke is an ordained minister, and partner of apologetics evangelism(on the topic of New Age) with the North American Mission Board, SBC.He and his wife Kristin have two children.

Victor Kalisher is the Director of The Bible Society inIsrael and an elder of a local messianic congregationin Jerusalem. He was born in Jerusalem in 1964. Hisparents are Jews who came to Israel following theHolocaust, and with the establishment of the state ofIsrael in 1948. Both came to saving faith in Yeshua theMessiah shortly after and became one of the first

Messianic families in Israel.Victor Kalisher has been leading the work of The Bible Society in Is-

rael for the last 10 years, after 18 years of working at a leading high-techcompany and 6 years of service in the Israeli Navy as an officer. He ismarried to Esther and together they have 4 girls: Roni, Naomi, Odeyaand Gili.

Wilfred Hahn comes from Canada. He is known for hiswritings and insights on present-day world economicand money trends, viewed from a Biblical perspective.He has global investment industry experience span-ning three decades, having held various executive po-sitions from Director of Research for a major WallStreet firm, to Chairman of Canada’s largest global in-

vestment group.

Arno Froese is the executive director of Midnight CallMinistries U.S.A. and editor-in-chief of the critically-acclaimed prophetic magazines Midnight Call andNews from Israel. He has authored a number of well-received books, and has sponsored many prophecyconferences in the U.S., Canada and Israel.


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CONGRESS REGISTRATIONMail to: Midnight CallPO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073

Registration by phone:(800) 845-2420 or (803) 755-0733 Web:

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February was very intense for all ofus here at the Home. The mother-in-law of one of our nurses died,

and on February 12th my own motheralso died. What a privilege it is to beable to say that both sisters have gonehome to be with their LORD and Re-deemer. This knowledge gives hope andcomfort.

During this time—seeing my mothergrow weaker and weaker each day, untilshe was dependent on the help of nursingstaff—my eyes were opened even more tothe urgent need for the Nursing Ward weare planning. My mother did not need careuntil the last week of her life, but I know ofthose who need care for weeks and monthsand have no place to go…

Seeing the need, that there are manywho must have this kind of care, has per-sonally persuaded me to pray even moreintensely for the soon-to-be-built NursingWard.

Recently, the plans we had submitted tothe city council, requesting a building per-mit, were rejected with requests for variouschanges. Some concerned the exterior views;new walls must be visible on the plans inspecific colors; the public area must be re-duced by a few square meters, etc. As always,when plans are submitted, the authoritiesfind a reason to reject them at first—butnothing serious. We will make the requiredchanges and resubmit the plans.

All of us here at the Home are depen-dent on your help, so that we can beginconstruction as soon as we have the build-ing permit in our hands. We do not askthis for our own benefit, but for the elderlypeople here in the Home, who need med-ical help and care. All the residents here inthe Home believe in Jesus as their Messiah(Redeemer) and await Him soon.

Please think of us in your prayers.In His Service,David Phillips

N U R S I N G   W A R D P R O J E C T

“And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will Icarry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and willdeliver you” (Isaiah 46:4).

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Note: Donations forthe project bycheck/money ordershould be made out toMidnight Call, andspecify Ebenezer Homein the memo line.

Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, PO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073

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Many are of the opinion that a new era began with thegreat Reformer Martin Luther. The Middle Ages hadended and a new age had dawned. That was never

Luther’s own reckoning. Throughout his life, he was convincedthat “the last day is at the door,” “it is the last hour,” “certainlyall is at an end,” and the earth “would not last anotherhundred years.” He believed he was living in the end time andthought of his Reformation as a sign of the last days.

Why the Reformer was of this opinion is the theme of thisbook. There are some things that we Christians today, severalhundred years later, can learn and benefit from the “nearexpectation” of Martin Luther.

What We Can Learn about theEnd of the World from the Reformer


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$9.95 New Author: René Malgo

René Malgo is married and has one child. He received his theologicaleducation in Germany and Switzerland. He is currently Editor-in-Chief ofMidnight Call Ministry International and a church elder.

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There is a wealth of great literature to study in the history ofman, some written by Christians and some by non-Christians.However, the Christian student should direct special attentionto literature produced by Christians. The empires of man will al-ways crumble and fall, but the kingdom of Jesus Christ will con-tinue forever. This collection covers five of the greatest lifenarratives of all time. A thorough study of these great bookswill help students understand the life, theology, and worldviewof some of the greatest Christian men in church history. Sit atthe feet of some of the best teachers God has given to Hischurch.

Augustine Confessions: (354-430) Augustine is perhaps themost influential thinker of the first thousand years of Christianhistory. This fifth-century Christian wrote Confessions as a bi-ography in the form of a prayer to God.

Patrick Confessions: (387-493) Amid the chaos following thecollapse of the Roman Empire, Patrick, a man of legendaryfaith, led the way to the evangelization of the wild and pagantribes of Ireland.

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