Faith is encouraging sermon slides

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Faith is encouraging sermon slides

is  Encourag


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Impart  some  spiritual  gi/  to  them  to  make  them  strong-­‐  that  is,  that  you  and  I  may  be  mutually  encouraged  by  

each  other’s  faith.  Romans  1:12  

In  all  things  God  works  for  the  good  of  those  who  love  him    

(Romans  8:28)  In  all  these  things  we  are  more  than  conquerors  through  him  who  loved  us  

(Romans  8:38)  nothing  in  all  creaHon  will  be  able  to  separate  us  from  the  love  of  God  that          

                     is  in  Christ  Jesus  our  Lord    (Romans  8:39)  

May  the  God  who  gives  endurance  and  encouragement  give  you  a  spirit  of  unity  among  yourselves  as  you  follow  Jesus  Christ,  so  that  with  one  heart  and  one  mouth  you  may  glorify  the  God  and  Father  of  our  Lord  

Jesus  Christ.”    (Romans  15:5)  

Faith is encouraging because it is

strength for my troubles.!

Faith is encouraging because it is strength for my troubles.!

Faith is encouraging because it is strength for my troubles.!

When men are brought low and

you say, “Lift them up!”

then he will save the downcast.”

Job 22:29

Faith is encouraging because it is strength for my troubles.!

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards

that are in bloom Song of Songs


Faith is encouraging because it is strength for my troubles.!

Cast all your anxiety on him

because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Faith is encouraging because it is strength for my troubles.!

John  15  

Faith is encouraging because it is strength for my troubles.!

“But I, when I am lifted up

from the earth, will draw all

men to myself” John 12:32

Faith is encouraging because it is

protection in temptation.!

Faith is encouraging because it is protection in temptation.!

God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can

bear. But when you are tempted, he will also

provide a way out so that you can stand up under

it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Faith is encouraging because it is protection in temptation.!

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive

mercy and find grace to help us in our time

of need. Hebrews 4:16

Faith is encouraging

because it brings mercy to my

discouraged heart. !

Faith is encouraging because it brings mercy to my discouraged heart.!

Faith is encouraging

because it gives eternal perspective

to life.!

Faith is encouraging because it gives eternal perspective to life.!

Faith is encouraging because it gives eternal perspective to life.!

 I  believe;  therefore  I  have  spoken.    With  that  same  spirit  of  faith  we  

also  believe  and  therefore  speak  because  we  know  that  the  one  who  raised  the  Lord  Jesus  from  the  dead  will  also  raise  us  

with  Jesus.  2  Corinthians  4:13-­‐14  

Faith is encouraging because it gives eternal perspective to life.!

 All  this  is  for  your  benefit,  so  that  the  grace  that  is  reaching  more  and  more  people  may  cause  thanksgiving  to  overflow  

to  the  glory  of  God.  Therefore  we  do  not  lose  

heart.  2  Corinthians  4:15-­‐16  

Faith is encouraging because it gives eternal perspective to life.!

 So  we  fix  our  eyes  not  on  what  is  seen,  but  on  what  is  unseen.  For  what  is  seen  is  temporary,  but  

what  is  unseen  is  eternal.  2  Corinthians  4:18  

Faith is encouraging because it:!1. Gives strength in times of trouble.!2. Protection in temptation!3. Mercy when discouraged.!4. Gives eternal perspective to life.!

“Come  to  me,  all  you  who  are  weary  and  burdened,  and  I  will  give  you  rest.  Take  my  yoke  upon  you  and  learn  from  me,  for  I  am  gentle  and  humble  in  heart,  and  you  will  find  rest  for  your  souls.  For  my  yoke  is  easy  

and  my  burden  is  light.”    Ma\hew  11:28-­‐30  

is  Encourag
