Fairly tales 2

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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tales written by 4th os ES O students at Secretari Coloma, Barcelona

Transcript of Fairly tales 2

Time for a story


1. Modern Little Red Riding Hood (slides 3-8)2. The Legend of St George(slides 9-13)3. Alice in Wonderland(slides 14-17)4. Shellderella (slides 18-27) 5. Cinderella (slides 28-33) 6. Little Red Riding Hood (slides 34-40)7. Midnight Problem (slides 41- 43)8. Zombura (slides 44- 49)

Modern Little Red Riding Hood

Anna Ojeda Clara

Martínez Anna Solé

• Once upon a time, in a city in Australia there was a girl. She always wore red clothes because she liked blood color. One day her mother told her, that her grandmother needed help with the new TV because she didn’t know how to install it. She put her red leather coat on and she went to her grandmother’s house.

• She was walking on the street when suddenly a big fat man stopped her and he asked. – Where are you going? – I’m going to my

grandmother’s house…– Really? Why?– She needs help with her

new TV.– Oh, that’s fantastic!– Sorry, I have to go. I am

in a hurry.– We can make a race!

You take the bus and I take the underground.

– Ok! See you!– Bye.

• The man took a taxi and arrived first at the grandmothers house. When he arrived he knocked at the door and the grandmother opened it. When she looked at the man she started running, and she hid in the wardrobe. A few minutes, later the “innocent girl” knocked at the door and she saw that it was open.

• She entered into the house and she went to her grandmother’s room, she looked inside the wardrobe where her grandmother kept the arms and she found the grandmother in it. Both went to the living room, with one gun each and they found the big man stiling the TV.

• The women fired a shot to the ceiling and the man got afraid and jumped through the window with such bad luck that he felt into a sewer, and the residual waters dragged him to the sea where he met Ariel, a beautiful mermaid, but this is another story.

We hope you enjoyed it!

The legend of St. GeorgeJofre ViaplanaJoel RoldanMarta M ontoya

Once upon a time, a big spaceship appeared in the center of New York City. The people who lived in the city and around the world were appalled when they saw it.

After two weeks, the spaceship sent a message to the world: We want one animal every day, if you don’t give us one animal, we will destroy your city

The president of the city decided to do it because he thought that it was easy.

Time passed and the animals were disappearing. When the animals finished, the spaceship send another message: The animals have finished, now we want another thing, we want people for living in our planet.

The president, decided to do a draw because he didn’t Want the city todisappear. And the person who was chosen, would be sent to the other planet.

Finally, the person who was chosen was the president’s daughter.

There aren’t any animals.

The president was afraid and asked help to rescue his daughter.The reward would be a lot of money. All the people expected that the hero would be a young and strong boy, but the true was that the hero was a homeless old man.When the spaceship abducted the girl, suddenly the old man appeared from behind the skyscrapers on a Motorbike and a big weapon. Then he shot at the spaceship and itfell.

When the spaceship crashed, a lot of oil came out, and the old man rescued the young girl. Finally the two lovers escaped together by motorbike to Mexico.



Alice in Wonderland

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Alice. She was 16 and she lived in London. It was her best friend’s birthday, so they went to a party. There were a lot of people, and Alice

found an old friend who was smoking weed. She had never tasted weed before, so they gave her some to try it.

At the beginning she felt strange and dizzy, as if she was flying. Suddenly, Alice started laughing. Their pupils dilated and her eyes turned red. She was hungry!Then, a rabbit came, a little white rabbit with a small clock and she started following him. Alice arrived at a small room where she found a caterpillar, a giant caterpillar with arms and legs. He was smoking and reading a magazine, but the magazine was upside down. Alice told him about it, but the worm didn’t understand, and he started screaming.

Alice ran away and arrived at McDonalds, where she asked for a hamburger.Suddenly, she felt tired, very tired. When she got up, she was in a big room, lying on a comfortable bed. She was in the Queen of Hearts palace! She was leaving the bed when the bedroom doors opened and the Queen with ten soldiers entered:

-Take her away and bring her head!Alice didn’t know what to do. She was cornered; the only way to escape was jumping out of the window.And that’s what she did.Surprised, she woke up in her bed, alone, with her dragons’ sheets, and with a terrible headache.



Arnau JanéMireia Rovira

Once upon a time there was a plain girl who lived in a small village near the beach with her two sisters and ther parents.

One day, they were on the beach. There was a famous concert on the other side of the beach and she wanted to go there. But her parents didn’t let her go because they didn’t care about her feelings. But anyway, she was a naughty girl and she decided to go there.

On her way she found an eldery woman who talked to her and they liked each other. And for this reason the eldery woman let her a beautifull shell dress. She looked awesome and she shone like a diamond in the sky. The girl said thanks to the woman and so decided to go to the concert.

The concert was full of people and she spent a really great time. At the end, a handsome guy came up to her and asked:

- Are you enjoying the party?- Sure- I’m pleased to hear it!- Ah.... and you? Are you enjoying it?- Now more!- Hehehe What’s your name?- I’m Candelabrio. And you?- I’m Shellderella nice to meet you.- Nice to meet you too.

Suddenly, she remembered that she had to be at home at that time. She said bye to Candelabrio and she ran away to her house.While she was running, a shell fell down from her dress and Candelabrio saw it.

The next day, Candelabrio was looking for Shellderella house to house. But nobody had a shell dress. A lot of girls said that they were Shellderella, but he knew that they weren’t the one.

After two days looking for Shellderella, finally he found her in the forest house of the village. A few minutes later, they connected magically and they fell in love.


Once upon a time there was a rebel teen girl, called Cinderella, whose stepmother was a bad person and she punished Cinderella because she hit her stepsister Matilda, as she had robbed her money.


stepmother stepsister

And Cinderella needed it to go to the disco that night. She had been one week looking for the perfect dress, and she found it. The dress was white, wide and spectacular.All of her friends went to the disco that night, and she wanted to go yes or yes.

• When the night came her stepmother was very tired, and Cinderella took the opportunity to escape. She wore the precious dress, and she robbed money of her stepmother.

• When she arrived at the disco, she danced with her friends, and drunk a mojito. At twelve o’clock, her mobile phone buzzed. She went out of the disco, and her mobile phone fell to the ground, and when she arrived to her house, and she looked into her handbag, her mobile phone wasn’t there.

At the disco …“-Hey Pol, I am going home, see you later” said Pepe.When Pepe went out of the disco he saw a mobile phone on the ground.He took the mobile, and the mobile, didn’t have a password, and he logged into facebook.

He looked at the mobile phone and he saw that this mobile was Cinderella’s. He found her address and he gave it to Cinderella. And she was very happy.


Little Red Riding Hood

Samuel PascualFrancesc Ortiz

Joan Querol

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived near Montjuïc. One day, her iPhone started ringing. It was her grandma, and Little Red Riding Hood took it and said:

  R: Hello? G: Hi honey, how’s it going right there? R: Fine, and you? G: Good, listen, I need you to go to Catalonia

square and bring me an obey cap, and a pair of weed socks that I bought yesterday online.

R: Okay, I’ll do it.

Then Little Red Riding Hood twittered “see ya’ all at Catalonia square today XOXO”

After taking a selfie, Little red riding hood went to Catalonia square. She went to the apple store, after obtaining the cap and the socks.

Her grandma was waiting for her outside the Apple store. There was her grandma, but she looked a little bit strange.

Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know that she was a cani dressed as her grandma. This cani wanted to steal the cap and the socks from Little Red Riding Hood. She saw that her grandma was strange, but she gave her thenthings as they had planned. Then, little red riding hood said: “Let’s take a selfie for Instagram granny!”

Little red riding hood took the mobile out and while she was taking the selfie, her “grandma” took her mobile and ran away.

A police man saw it and ran after him. They went in front of the big fountain. The cani jumped into the fountain and drown in it.

Little red riding hood’s real granny was locked into the bathroom of the Apple store. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma

went to the police office. The police man gave the cap and the socks to them. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma went to Montjuïc to explain this to her mother. It

was a story they would never forget. THE END


Written by: Pol Martin, Camilo and Miquel Roca

Once upon a time in 1999, in Nuketown something horrible happened. Every Sunday a person was infected by a Zombie. The whole week that person had Ebola and on Sunday he turned into a Zombie and he infected a lot of people.There was a boy who was reading in the library and it was a Sunday. Suddenly, he saw his mother, she was strange: Hello- said the boy. When all of a sudden his mother jumped on

him and bit him on the neck, and he was infected by Ebola.

One day Camileitor, Polutiond and Miqueloncio heroes appeared, each one haD a weapon:Camilator had a shield and a gun, Polutiond had a sword and Miqueloncio had an axe.They were fighting versus the zombies until 7th July of 1999, when a scientific discovered the defence of Ebola, it was weed.All the survivers smoked weed and they killed all the Zombies. Ebola didn’t appear again until 2014


Once upon a time, in a big city called Zombura, a girl with golden curly hair was running away from a zombie who wanted to eat her.

She got lost in the city and the sun began to come down. She was scared because it was a dangerous thing to stay in the streets during the night.The girl was looking for a safe place to sleep.

After searching fora long time, she found a dilapidated building that was accesible.She entered the building and she started to search for food. She found a chicken distributed in three dishes. She tasted the first one, but it was too hot, the second one was too cold, but the last one was perfect

Later, in the building, she found 3 coffins and she decided to sleep there. She tried the first one but it was too hard, the second one was too soft, and the last coffin was comfortable. She decided to sleep in the last one.

When she felt asleep, 3 zombies entered their house, they were really hungry and they decided to eat the chicken, but they found that someone have eaten the chicken. Then they went to sleep and they found a girl in one of the coffins.

They were so hungry they started to discuss about how to eat the girl At the end, the three zombies decided to eat the girl without cooking her.