Fairfield United Methodist Church “Daring to Dream”€¦ · Music Director...

Post on 06-May-2020

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Transcript of Fairfield United Methodist Church “Daring to Dream”€¦ · Music Director...


Fairfield United

Methodist Church

Sunday Services:

8:45am - Morning Light

9:45am - Sunday School

11am - Worship


Rev. Oliver Helsabeck


Keith Bradley

Youth Director


Amy Higgins

Lay Leader


Kelly Sink

Children’s Ministry


Brenda Brown

Children’s Ministry


Rae Hicks

Administrative Assistant


Vickie Newsome

Music Director


Hazel Tipton, Pianist



10am - 2pm

1505 NC Hwy 62 West

High Point, NC 27263

Office phone: 336-431-5743

Fax: 336-431-0338


“Daring to Dream”

Do you dream in color or in black and white? I used

to think that question was crazy – of course, you dream in

color. But then I heard that some people didn’t. I heard that

some people never remember their dreams. They go to sleep and wake up the

next morning with no recollection that time has passed or brain function or re-

booting has occurred. And they have no problem with that. While there are

some mornings where I cannot remember what I dreamed about the night be-

fore – I enjoy many mornings where I wake to remember something simply cra-

zy that happened in my dream. Flying over a field. Walking into my house only

to discover that the rooms are completely different. Having the power to move

things across the room with only the power of my mind. Beginning the dream in

one location only to end up in another by the end of the dream that is hun-

dreds of miles away and with people I have never seen before. Dreams can be

wild – they can be images of subconscious feelings or worries or hopes or fears.

Our minds are powerful and designed by God to carry us, uphold us, challenge


When we talk about dreams, they are things that we can imagine will

be. Things we hope will happen. Sometimes our dreams for ourselves or our

families might seem crazy to others – they may even seem crazy to us. How of-

ten have we succumbed to what is practical and realistic and perhaps missed

opportunities to utilize fully the gifts God has given us? When have we bent to

outside pressures and downplayed what God might have been leading us to

dream about or envision for our futures? Yes, sometimes these dreams have to

be tempered by pragmatism and what is possible for the right time, but I be-

lieve we forget to dream more often than not. And then we look back and

wish we had had more faith, more trust in the vision God was giving us. Mark

Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the

things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow-

lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Ex-

plore. Dream. Discover.”

As a church, what might the Holy Spirit be leading us to do that is differ-

ent or new? Do you have a dream in your heart for where we might be going

as a congregation? Have you imagined ways we might be in ministry that we

might not be doing currently? We invite all dreamers to an informal brainstorm-ing session and meeting on Sunday, April 14 at 5:00 pm as we enter Holy Week.

(Bring a covered dish to share for a light meal!)

What can we dream about, hope for, envision for Fairfield UMC and

where God might be leading us? Not everything may be the Spirit’s will for our

congregation, but your dream may inspire something special and plant the

seed for something God will do through us to spread further God’s love in our

church and through the community and world. Come dream with us!

Laugh, live, and celebrate God’s love!

There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for Ushers & Sentinels (those who will

watch the doors & hallways during Sunday worship hours). We will need 2

ushers & 2 Sentinels during the 8:45am service; 2 Sentinels during Sunday

School, & 6 Ushers & 2 Sentinels during the 11am service. If you are interest-

ed in assisting with these duties, please sign up! See Don Taylor or Pastor Oli-

ver if you have any questions.

NEWS from The Pantry

On March 16th, our FUMC Food Pantry provided groceries for 34 families, consisting of 101

people. It is a blessing to be able to pray with them and share the love of Jesus.

We have 42 families with appointments for April. Our food focus will be peanut butter, soup,

and rice. Thank you for your continued support. Please pray for this important ministry.

Happy Easter!

Set-up Friday, April 12th: 2:30 – 4:30

Distribution, Saturday, April 13th: 9:00 – 12:00

If you have any questions, please

see Pastor Oliver or Amy Higgins.

If your address, phone number, or email has changed, or you would like to be added to the

phone tree or email announcement list, please let the church office know by calling 336-431-

5743 or email raehicks@northstate.net. Thank you!

Please invite everyone to our musical, It Is Finished, by Russell Mauld-

in on Easter morning at the 9:00am worship service. It will be per-

formed by the Chancel Choir with Pete de Ruyter narrating. The pro-

ducers for the performance are Brenda Taylor & Annette de Ruyter.

Total Praise Women's Ensemble will be practicing on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:15pm.

April rehearsals will be April 2nd and 16th. Choir practice is Wednesdays at 7pm. We

would LOVE to have you join us!

If you use any part of the church, please make sure to CLEAN UP ALL your MESSES after you are finished! Please DO NOT LEAVE IT FOR OTHERS TO CLEAN.

If you use the Fellowship Hall or kitchen, please make sure you clean up after you are fin-ished. Wash & put away any dishes you may use, and wipe down countertops, tables and

chairs and any messes made on the floor. Thank you!

On Saturday, May 18th, from 4:30-7pm, the Missions Committee will

be holding a fried chicken dinner fundraiser to assist Carolyn Hunt

with medical expenses. More details to come!

Thank you my church family for your concern, prayers, phone calls, and cards while Hoytt and I were sick. This thank

you seems so small but it comes from our hearts. Love you all, Betty Zachary

Dear Rev. Helsabeck and Members of the Congregation, I want to thank you for your kindness. I am

one of Perri Coltrane’s few cousins who was there to grieve her death and celebrate her life along with

you. The meal you provided and the remarks and music you provided were most generous and com-

forting in the midst of your own loss. Again, thank you for your Christian Hospitality. Sincerely, Susan Estill

Donations have been made to the general fund in memory of Perri Coltrane by Don & Brenda Taylor, Lou & Kay Curtis-Layton, Barbara Coltrane, Bill & Linda Norris, The Leon Robbins Family, Michael & Kathy Robinson, Ven-da Whitney, Bill & Sue Brown, Brenda F. Brown, Doris Burton, Virginia Yarborough, John & Kay Starrett, Sher-man & Sandy Staton, Gene & Mary Frazier, Nancy Cecil, Tommy & Nora Caudle, Scott Culler & Susan Estill, David & Deborah Spell, Steve & Laura Patteson, Emily Hiatt, Bob & Alice Stone, Tom & Beverly Foster, Junior & Fran

Laws, Sue Stroud, Lee & Kaye Spencer, Michael & Vickie Rhoney, Joel & Carolyn Hunt, Neil & Susan Hunt, Gary & Mary Sharpe, Mike & Betsy Sink, Brannon & Susan Leonard, Craig & Terri Thomas, Nathan & Mary Sharp, David & Nancy Grif-fiths, Greg & Alex Smithey, Hoytt & Betty Zachary, Rae Nell Hix, Patsy Lowman, David & Sharon Crist, Joseph & Kathryn Ri-al, Eloise C. Lawrence, and Don & Jane Stutts . A donation was made to the Food Pantry in memory of Perri by Tim & Phyl-lis Kelly. A donation was made to Missions in memory of Perri by Candy Caudle. A donation was made towards the heat-ing units in memory of Perri by Barbara Leonard. A A donation was made to the general fund in memory of Jessie Gammons by The Leon Robbins family.

The family of Deborah Daniels, Mike’s mother The Family of Roy Chisholm, Fran Laws’ brother

Dear Fairfield, Thank you all so much for the cards, prayers, and calls during the recent death of my brother, Roy

Chisholm. We are so grateful for your support during our time of need. Love, Fran & Junior Laws

Dear Church Family, Lori, Laurin, Carmen and I want thank you for the tremendous outpouring of love and support

during the passing of my mother. Your kind words and gentle encouragement made such a difference in a difficult time. -

Mike Daniels and family

All men are invited to the UMM meeting Thursday, April 25th at 6:30pm! We will have dinner, followed by our meeting. Please call Eddie Coltrane 880-3103 with questions.

Wednesday, April 24 - Bobo Class


Day Sunday School 11:00am Worship

7 The Botts Family Greg & Alex Smithey

14 Gary & Mary Sharpe John & Kay Starrett

21 Hazel Tipton & Amy Higgins Bill & Sue Brown

28 Steve & Susan Gilbreth Harold & Marie Peele

If you cannot serve on the date assigned, please call the next

person on list or Meredith Antley.

Acolytes for April2019:

April 7 - Laney Lorenz

April 14 - Kayla Morgan

April 21 - Josh Mathai

April 28 - Ava Botts


April - Betsy Sink

Family Day at Mt. Shepherd will be Sunday, May 5

from 2-6pm.

4/2 - Toliver Pegg

4/2 – Wesley Boyles

4/3 - Robin Hamilton

4/3 - Doreen Horlick

4/4 - Christine Mercantini

4/5 - Laura Boyles

4/5 - Trevor Bazen

4/5 - Daniel Bradley

4/5 - Will & Weston Yarborough

4/6 - Rosemary Weant

4/7 - Martha Modlin

4/8 - Diane Osborne

4/9 - Ron Griffin, Jr.

4/10 - Sarah Roberts

4/11 – Vickie Newsome

4/11 – Adeline Botts

4/12 – Joanie Martin

4/16 - Shirley Boyles

4/17 - Brittany Smith

4/19 - Sue Ellen Modlin

4/19 - Maggie Rumley

4/19 - Jocelyn Meusel

4/20 - Amy Schimmenti

4/26 - Kay Auman

4/26 - Barbara Leonard

4/26 - Stewart Martin

4/28 - Tommy Caudle

4/28 - Matthew Kearns

4/29 - Karen Meusel

4/30 - Quentin Queen

April 4 Jason & Kari Brown

April 5 Jeff & Judy Foster

April 12 Kevin & Jan Wright

April 26 Don & Brenda Taylor

The Church Office will be CLOSED Wednesday, April 17th until Mon-

day, April 22nd. We will re-open on Tuesday, April 23rd at 10am.

Thank you!

YOUTH FELLOWSHIP April: Sunday, Youth Fellowship: 7th and 14th @ 5pm Wednesday, the FLAME: 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th @ 6:30pm


*Lock-In/Rock-a-Thon/Carry the Cross is Friday, April 19 beginning after the Good Friday Service (which is at 7pm) through Saturday, April 20. *Cooking Night is April 3rd *We will be going to Nattie’s FroYo Wednesday, April 10th.

‘Remind’ Text Messages: To receive text

messages from Pastor Oliver and Fairfield

UMC (for special announcements and pray-

er concerns) text “@fairfldumc” to 81010.

Follow the instructions and enter your name

to subscribe.


As most of you are aware we are in the process of replacing the two ten ton air conditioning and heating units in the sanctuary. One was not working and in need of an expensive repair and there was no guarantee that the other one which was just as old would not start giving trouble. It was decided that it would be more cost effective long term to replace both with more energy efficient

units instead of repairing. Also it was brought to the Church Council by the Parsonage Committee that the Heat Pump in the parsonage was very inefficient. A decision was made to replace this unit and any necessary repairs as needed. In addition, in 2018 the Church Council also decided to add two additional wall mounted heating and air conditioning units to the fellowship hall before the start of the busy 2019 spring and summer schedule of use. The estimated cost for all repairs will be $42,300.00. If you would like to assist with these repairs please notate Heating Repairs or your envelope or check. Prayerfully, The Finance Committee

Spring is finally here! The children are so ready for some warmer weather so they can play outside more! It’s a great time to learn about our wonderful world God created as we watch everything turn green and start growing. Our preschool children have been busy learning about community helpers and transporta-tion. We had visits from a dental hygienist, a sheriff deputy, a nurse and someone in the military (Air

Force). All of the children love to learn about the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We hope you all enjoy seeing the artwork and the pictures in the hallway.

We now have open registration for the 2019-2020 school year. We are accepting applications. Please see Sheila Breese or Betsy Sink for your registration form. Please let friends and family members know so they can reserve that spot for their little ones. We offer classes for 2’s, 3’s and 4 year olds.

“Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind!” Matthew 22:37






2018 PROPOSED BUDGET $304,528.00

AMT. NEEDED YTD $76,128.00





The Sonshine Gang and Seekers will meet on Sunday, March 14th at noon at the church. We will go

out for lunch and grocery shopping with the money raised for the Souper Bowl of Caring. We are ask-

ing that the parents go with us on this outing (specifically Sonshine Gang Parents) for assistance with

travel (booster seats) and supervision! Don’t forget about the Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 21st at 10:30am!

Our Purpose: "The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is

to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive

fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church."

UMW News April 2019

By now the UMW has celebrated 150 Years of serving our God! During these years, can you imagine

all the changes these women experienced? I’m sure these words in Isaiah 41:13 were held close to

their hearts: “For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand, it is I who say to you, “Do not fear, I will

help you.” Will the next generations of women HOLD on to God’s hand as we work to serve women

and children throughout the world?

Let us join hands in service as we look to the future. We can feel secure, even in the midst of changes,

through awareness of God’s continual Presence. The ONE who never changes: ‘I am the same yester-

day, today, and forever.’ Come join us on our Journey as we strive to put Faith, Hope and Love into


GOLDEN ADVENTURERS will meet Tuesday, April 9. We will meet around

11:15am at Rancho’s in Archdale for lunch. We will meet in the back

room. After lunch we discuss our upcoming events. See Carol Brown

for more information.

The Annual UMW Prayer Breakfast will be Sat., April 6, 9-12:00 at Muir’s Chapel in Greensboro. The theme is “Anchored in Christ”. All United Methodist Women are invited to attend! The cost is $6.00. Please make your payment and reservation to Susan Leonard, Betsy Sink, or Mary Sharpe by March 24th. Child care will be provided for children 10 and under. This is always a special gathering, we hope you can come!

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 21st


We are in need of candy for the egg hunt between now and Sunday April 14th.

Please place your candy donations in the ‘Easter Candy’ box located in the nar-

thex. If you have any questions, please see Katie Botts. Thank you!!

Laying the Foundation

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature

body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and

held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each

part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16

One Sunday morning during Children’s Time, Tyson raised his hand and with that in-

fectious smile he asked, “What’s usher?”. Talking with the kids, I assumed that be-

cause they had seen them, the kids knew what we call those who collect our offering

during the service. It’s easy to make assumptions. And we know what happens when we assume.

For some, our words fall easily off the tongue. But we must remember they may not land so easily on the ear

for everyone. “What do you mean when you say ‘laity’?” Each of us who are not ordained clergy, are laypersons. And

when we are referred to as a group, we are the laity of the church. Just as we are all at different places on our faith jour-

neys, we possess various levels of knowledge of the workings of the church. Thus, the reason for our Ministry Focus

moments in our recent worship services.

Our goal is to provide additional information and attention to our various ministries as a kick-

off to ongoing disciple making. We will also provide opportunities for those who would like to do so,

to take a spiritual gifts assessment. This will help you discover or confirm your strengths and the min-

istry areas which best suit you. Too often we ask parents to work with the age group of their own chil-

dren or ask teachers to work with the children. You do not have to be a parent or a teacher to be good with children and

by the reverse, parents and teachers have other interests and spiritual needs which need to be fed. This is just one ex-

ample of the many ways we make assumptions in recruiting for our ministries.

As laity, we are the on the frontlines of ministry. It is we who have direct access to each other and the commu-

nity. Jesus built his ministry with laypersons, not priests, and John Wesley built the Methodist church on that model.

Just as each disciple brought something special to Jesus’ ministry, so too do we bring our own special gifts. It is each

gift, which together make up the Body. We can’t all be hands or all feet. And none of us will ever be the head. We

were endowed with unique spiritual gifts so that we will fulfill our one true Mission. There are many and various min-

istries within that Mission, but there is only one Mission, His Mission. And just as it takes all our gifts to fulfill His

Mission, it takes all our ministries to be the Church.

I look forward to meeting with you in your various ministries, Sunday School classes, and/or individually

to share some of the things I have experienced so far on my Lay Leader journey which I believe can

strengthen our discipleship and deepen our relationships with each other (and hopefully erase some as-

sumptions). I believe in doing so, we can better utilize our gifts and bring all our ministries together for

the one Mission of the Church.

In Christ, Amy


Fairfield Members: Those with cancer: Lou Layton, Carolyn Hunt, Steve Lax, Linda Collins

Others: Lee Ellis, Jerry & Dyanne Boyles, Ellen Barker, Carol Brown, Harold Peele, Casie Kearns,

Bobby Gammons, Vernard & Rosemary Weant, Virginia Yarborough, Blanchette Mitchell,

Jim Powell, Ray Kinley, Patsy Lowman, Junior Laws (diagnosed with atrial fib), Martha Modlin

(nerve damage), Frank Hunt, Gwen Griffin, Pete & Annette de Ruyter, Yank Collins (recovering

from a fall), Evelyn Ellis (stroke), CL Scearce, Betty & Hoytt Zachary (stroke), Andrew Whited

(medical issues), Doreen Beck (recovering after being struck by a car), Linda Adams (pacemaker

surgery 3/25)

Friends & Family: Dennis Collins (Yank’s brother), Harold Carter (Penny Bryan’s father), Eric Doss (Friend

of Rick Gammons), Doug Collins (Yank’s son), Fred & Debra Holder (Hope Hall’s parents), Jim Barnes

(Debbie Griffin’s dad), Jim Dyer (Laura Patteson’s uncle), Frank & Jeffrey Lewallen, Jerry Stout (Susan

Gilbreth’s friend), Mary Tuttle (Joyce Mallett’s cousin), Janis Bennett (Doris Burton’s niece), Bobbie Asbill

(Kay Powell’s sister), Jimmy Middleton (Sue Brown’s uncle), Seldon Auxier (friend of Yank’s), Larry

McGhee (friend of Joe Turbyfill), Todd Gamarra (Joyce Gamarra’s son), Linda Campbell (Brenda

Kinley’s sister), Joyce Dillow (Friend of Don & Brenda Taylor), Melody Coltrane (Jerry Boyles’ friend),

Roger Garner (Dee Scearce’s brother-in-law), Micah & Michelle Cox (Ruby Powell’s family), Betty Pass-

more (Annette de Ruyter’s Mom), Annette de Ruyter’s family, Carol Tuggle (Joyce Mallett’s friend),

Pam Wilson (cancer, friend of Debbie Hollingsworth), Hal and Hunter Overby (Heather Kinley’s father &

brother), Sandy Walker (Diane Osborne’s sister, cancer), Ed Monroe (friend of Kevin & Jan Wright), Bri-

an Holbrook (friend of Brenda Taylor, having a difficult time), Audrey Hill (Vivian Dyer’s granddaugh-

ter), Kay Harper Lindsey (friend of Lee Spencer, MS), Randall Tucker (friend of Lee Spencer, Graybrier),

Fern Hailing (breast cancer), Linda Garrett (Sonya Russell’s aunt, pancreatic & liver cancer), Peggy

Campbell (food pantry guests, health & monetary issues), Joe Boyce (friend of the Caveness’s), Gail

Blackman (Lori Daniels’s aunt, cancer in liver & lungs), Ruth Andrews (Kay Starrett’s mother), Connor

McGuire (a former student of Ellen Bradley's, brain surgery at Duke Hospital), Megan Osborne Burchett

(Dale & Diane’s Daughter, thyroid cancer treatments), Tyler Bova, Walt Blackburn (Terri Thomas’s fa-

ther), Margaret Helsabeck (Oliver’s mother), Janett Moore (Sandy Staton’s cousin, cancer), The Driver

Family (health problems), Sara Sharpe (Gary’s mother), Jessica Deaton (Debbie Hollingsworth’s niece,

heart tests), Teresa Baker (mother of Kasey Baker, stage 3 lung cancer), Chase Robertson (Courtney

Henderson’s nephew, car accident)