FACULTY OF LAW OF THE GEORGIA AUGUSTA - uni … · faculty of law of the georgia augusta...

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Transcript of FACULTY OF LAW OF THE GEORGIA AUGUSTA - uni … · faculty of law of the georgia augusta...







GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGENWilhelmsplatz 1D-37073 GöttingenGermanyTel.: 0551/39-0Fax: 0551/39-9612


Prof. Dr. Jürgen CostedeJuristische FakultätPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 6D-37073 GöttingenGermanySecretary Verfügungsgebäude,(Bettina Perk)1st floor, room 104Tel.: 0551-39 7938Fax: 0551-39-4872e-mail: jcosted@gwdg.de

ERASMUS-Officeof the Faculty of LawBettina PerkJuristische FakultätPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 6D-37073 Göttingenoffice: 1st floor, room 104Tel.: 0551-39-7938Fax: 0551-39-4872When calling from abroad youmust dial the international codefor Germany and then the codefor Göttingen omitting the 0(see below p. 14/15)

SOCRATES-/ERASMUS-/ECTS -INSTITUTIONAL-COORDINATOR OF THEUNIVERSITYFrau Roswitha BrinkmannAkademisches AuslandsamtERASMUS-OfficeWilhelmsplatz 1D-37073 GöttingenGermanyTel.: 0551/39-9541Fax: 0551/39-2591e-mail: rbrinkm@gwdg.de

Dear Erasmus students!

We would like to welcome youto Göttingen. This broschure isdesigned to provide you with thenecessary information for yourtime in Göttingen. It should be ahelp in planning both yourtravelling arangements and yourstay here.

The Georg-August-UniversityGöttingen is an activeparticipant in the European-Union´s-Socra-tes-Erasmus-Programme and co-operateswith other European universitiesto increase mobility for bothstudents and teaching staff.Together we would like tofurther the idea of a unitedEurope and encourage ourstudents to feel that they have aplace in this community. Webelieve that in encounteringother cultures and societiesstudents will come tounderstand and appreciate thembetter.

The Faculty of Law has decidedto make use of the European-Credit-Transfer-System (ECTS)for our visiting students. Thisallows credit for work done hereto be transferred to all othereuropean universities.It works as follows: (1.) toaquire the necessary sum ofstudy credits required tocomplete a degree and (2.) tovalue the individual subjects

studied by individual studentson a common european scale.-> (1.) The European-Credit-Transfer-System (ECTS) workson the presumption that tosuccessfully complete a degreewith-in four years, a studentmust attend lectures, seminarsand workgroups with a totalvalue of 240 credits in 4 years,i.e. 60 credits in one year. Eachlecture course, seminar ect.makes up a part of this sum.This pamphlet lays out, whichcourses are available to ourvisiting students and how manycredits the individual course isworth. Any visiting student,who attends and successfullycompletes a course therebygains the credits alloted to thatsubject, as recognized by all ourpartner universities workingwith ECTS.-> (2.) The number of creditsalloted to each subject isdetermined by each individualuniversity. However, in order toachieve conformity theuniversities working with ECTShave agreed to a common scaleof value, which valuessuccessfully completed subjectsfrom A - E (see below p. 9).

Thanks to this system, anyeuropean guest studentattending the University ofGöttingen - Faculty of Law - isable to transfer the credits he orshe gains here to otheruniversities within Europe.


Part 1: The Georg-August-University Göttingen 3A. Admission to the Georg-August-University 4

I. Registration (Immatrikulation) 4II. Accomodation/student halls 5

B. Travelling to Göttingen 5C. Essential things to do on arrival 7D. Study at the Georgia Augusta 8

I. Timetable/advisory services 8II. Lecture Theatres 8III. Freshers week (Orientierungsphasen)/

student groups 8IV. Erasmus-exams/certificates 9V. Libraries 10VI. Language courses 10VII. Refectories (Mensen)/ university cafeterias 10

E. Public tranport/travelling 11F. Culture and recreation 12

I. Tourist information office 12II. Theatre 12III. Foyer internationaler Begegnung 12IV. Museums and Collections 12V. Cinemas 12VI. Music/Concerts 13VII. Sport 13VIII. Churches/students groups 14

G. Post/Telephone 14H. Newspapers 15

Part 2: The Law faculty 16I. Dean/Faculty/Fachschaft 16II. The Socrates-/Erasmus-/ECTS-representative/Office 16III. The Professors 17IV. Courses 19V. Course descriptions 27


Part 1The Georg-August-University Göttingen

Göttingen, in south east LowerSaxony, is a typical middlesized German town, influencedby its university. The town ischaracterized by its half-timbered houses and itsuniversity buildings. About 1/4of the inhabitants are students.Almost 30,000 students study in14 faculties. The town, despiteits proximity to beautifulcountry-side, is very well servedby the country´s travel infra-structure. Hannover airport isaccessible within an hour,Frankfurt airport within 2 hours.

The "Georgia Augusta" is youngin comparison to the otherfamous European universities; itwas founded in the year 1734, in1737 it was officially dedicated,therefore it is barely more than250 years old. The GeorgiaAugusta was soon regarded asone of the most successfuluniversities, because theprofessors were promisedcomplete freedom of opinionwithout censorship or control bythe church, which in the 18thcentury was still exceptional.This freedom attractedprominent academics to

Göttingen right from thebeginning. Abroad theuniversity later became famousfor its great scientists. In the19th century these were forexample Carl Friedrich Gaußand Wilhelm Weber; in the 20thcentury e.g. Felix Klein, DavidHilbert, James Franck, MaxBorn, Otto Hahn and WernerHeisenberg. But the otherfaculties have also influencedthe history of the university ofGöttingen with celebratedpersonalities. The followinghave taught in the Law Faculty:Johann Stephan Pütter, GeorgFriedrich von Martens, GustavHugo, Heinrich AlbertZachariae, Rudolph von Jhering,Gottlieb Planck, Ernst Rabel,Hans Welzel, Gerhard Leibholzand Franz Wieacker. We feelbound to this tradition, bound tothe obligation to meet thedemands of our time in researchand teaching.

Like in all German universitiesthe year in Göttingen is dividedinto two semesters. Between thesemesters there are no lectures.


A. Admission to the Georg-August-Universität

As an Erasmus-student you willbecome a student of Göttingenuniversity. Therefore you mustbe registered as a student inGöttingen (below I.).

Academic Calender

Winter semester: usuallyBeginning of semester

1st OktoberBeginning of courses:

2. week of OctoberEnd of courses:

2. week of FebruaryEnd of semester:

31st March

Summer semester: usuallyBeginning of semester:

1st AprilBeginning of courses:

2. week of AprilEnd of courses:

2. week of JulyEnd of semester:

30th September

I. Registration

1. You must register in personafter your arrival inGöttingen at theERASMUS-Office of theUniversity Göttingen,Wilhelmsplatz 1,Tel.: 0551/39-9541Fax: 0551/39-2591

e-mail: rbrinkm@gwdg.deMo. - Fr. 10.00 - 12.00

2. There is a deadline forregistration, which we willinform you of. If necessaryyou will receive anextension.

3. At registration you mustpresent:

• theHochschulzugangsberechtigung (see below 4.);

• a proof of health insurance(see below 5.);

• the receipt for payment ofthe Semesterbeitrag (atpresent DM 59,75 for theservices of theStudentenwerk = Mensa,student accommodation. Thisis not a tuition fee.)

• proof of registration at yourhome-university

• completed statisticalquestionaire (see below 7.)

4. Hochschulzugangsberechti-gungYou get this fromAkademisches Auslandsamtof the University GöttingenERASMUS OfficeWilhelms-platz 1 Tel.:39-9541Mo. - Fr. 10.00 - 12.00You must prove your right tostudy by presenting proof ofregistration at your home-university.

5. In Germany all studentsunder 30 years of age are


obliged to have healthinsurance.

• If you have such insurance inyour home country, thisinsurance could be valid inGermany. Informationavailable from every healthinsurance, for example fromAOK GöttingenGodehardstr. 24D-37081 GöttingenTel.: (0551) 6910.

• You need from home thedocument: E-111.

• Otherwise you can obtaininsurance in Göttingen. Atpresent this costs about 70,-DM per month. If you takeout German health insurance,it will make it easier to paymedical bills.Without proof of healthinsurance you will not beregistered in Göttingen.

6. Language proficiency: Thelectures in Göttingen are heldin German. The Erasmus-students are freed from theobligation to prove theirknowledge of the Germanlanguage formally. Howeverwe assume that you possesssufficient proficiency in thelanguage (language courses:see below p. 10).

7. General information isnormaly given out two daysbefore registration. You willreceive a Studienbuch and astatistical questionaire,which you will need tocomplete. We will inform

you of the exact date.

II. Accommodation

The University of Göttingentries to obtain accommodationfor the Erasmus students, whocome here. It is theresponsibility of the Erasmus-representative in Göttingen tosolve the problem ofaccommodation. Please, inquirebefore your departure.

First of all we try to place you inthe rooms of the GöttingenErasmus students, who arestudying in our partneruniversities abroad at the sametime. These rooms cost between250,- and 500,- DM per month.Otherwise we attempt to obtainrooms in "Studentwohnheimen"of the "StudentenwerkGöttingen". These cost 150,- to400,- DM per month. If the"Studentenwerk" offers you aplace in a"Studentenwohnheim", theyrequire from you a formalapplication. You will receive aform from the GöttingenErasmus representative, whichyou should fill in and return.Please ask whether you shouldbring bed linen.

It will not always be possible toinform you of the address ofyour room before your arrival.Therefore you should telephonethe Erasmus representative in


Göttingen, and tell him whenand by what means you willarrive in Göttingen, and findout, whom you should contacton arrival.

B. Travelling to Göttingen

• You should arrive one or twoweeks before the beginningof lectures.

You can travel to Göttingen byair (airport Frankfurt a.M. orHannover), by rail, by car or bycoach.1. Flights: You can fly to eitherFrankfurt a.M. or Hannover.a) Hannover: right outside theexit you will find the stops forthe airport buses, which departfor Hannover railway stationevery 30 minutes. (for railjourneys from Hannover: seebelow. N.B. cheaper rail ticketsare available! See below 2.)b) Frankfurt a.M.: Frankfurtairport has a direct railway link.N.B. cheaper rail ticket! Seebelow 2.2. Rail journey: Göttingen is onthe main (ICE-) line betweenFrankfurt a.M. and Hannover.There are various pricereductions for students, aboutwhich you should enquire at theticket office. Obtain yourinternational student identitycard (ISIC) in your homecountry.If you intend to travel a lot with-

in Germany a Bahn-card ishighly recommended. This isavailable to all students up tothe age of 27 for 110,- DM. (Inorder to buy one you will need apassport photo, proof of identityand proof of student status -ISIC card). It allows you totravel at half price for a year.3. By car: Göttingen is on theBundesautobahn Frankfurt a.M.and Würzburg/Kassel -Hannover.4. By coach: Göttingen is on theEuropean coach route T 91 H(Barcelona). You can reach thecoach in Barcelona with coachesfromGranada, Madrid, Valencia.(supplements for lagguage).

Arrival by train: The station isabout 10 minutes away from thetown centre by foot. Oppositethe station you will find a touristinformation office, where youcan obtain a town plan andinformation about bus routes.There is a very good busnetwork in Göttingen, so thatyou can travel almosteverywhere by bus.

Arrival by coach: The coachstops at the bus station next tothe railway station.

Arrival by car: Follow the signsfrom the Autobahn-AusfahrtGöttingen to the town centre.The centre of Göttingen is apedestrian precinct.


Before your arrival we shallendeavour to inform you of youraddress or alternatively give youthe name of a contact who willshow you to youraccommodation. However,should you arrive in Göttingenstill not knowing your addressand should you find yourselfunable to get in touch withanybody, you can staytemporarily in the youth hostel(Habichtsweg/Telefon: 0551/57622).

C. Essential things to do onarrival

I. Notify the Erasmus-representative, who isresponsible for you (see belowp. 16) that you are here

Faculty of Law:Prof. Dr. Jürgen CostedeJuristisches SeminarPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 6D-37073 GöttingenDeutschlandOffice: Bettina PerkVerfügungsgebäude, first floor,room 104.Tel. (0551) 39 7938Telefax: (0551) 39-4697e-mail: jcosted@gwdg.de. When calling from abroad youmust dial the international codefor Germany and then the codefor Göttingen omitting the 0 (seebelow p. 14/15).You will need to discuss yourstudy timetable (see below p. 8)with the Erasmus-representative.

II. Registration: see above A. I.

Remember the documents whichyou need to present (above A.I.p. 4/5). You will receive acertificate of registration fromthe Studentensekretariat whichyou should keep.

III. Registration at the town hall

As a citizen of an EU countryyou have the right of residence


here.In addition you must register atthe Einwohnermeldeamt derStadt Göttingen, Neues Rathaus,Geismarlandstr. 4.You will receive an applicationform. You must also request aresidence permit from the„Ausländerbehörde der StadtGöttingen„, Neues Rathaus,Geismarlandstr. 4.

You need• proof of registration from the

Einwohnermeldeamt• proof of identity• proof of status as an

Erasmus-student (You getthis from the AkademischesAuslandsamt, Erasmus-bureau at th registration , seeabove p. 4.).


D. Study at the Georgia-Augusta

The University of Göttingen hasabout 30.000 students who studyin 14 faculties. 3800 are lawstudents, 40% of whom arewomen and 60% men. For yourfurther information we draw toyour attention the universitylecture schedule. This providesimportant details about thefacilities of the university andabout all the faculties, as well asa timetable of the lecturecourses for the semester. Theschedule is available from thebeginning of the semester andcan be bought in all Göttingenbookshops. Furthermore the lawfaculty produces its own lectureschedule each semester.

I. Study timetable/ advisoryservices

The Erasmus-students shoulddiscuss their timetables with theErasmus-representative. Therequired amount of study perweek will be laid down afterdiscussions between your homeuniversity and the Erasmus-representative in Göttingen.Since the period of study andany exams taken in Göttingenwill be recognized by yourhome university (see below IV.),the timetable should indicate,which courses you attend andthose in which you will be

examined. The Erasmus-representative will send yourtimetable to your homeuniversity.All faculties have a studentcounselling service. Informationcan be found on the noticeboards of each faculty.

II. Lecture room building(Hörsaalgebäude)

Most lectures are held in theZentrales Hörsaalgebäude(ZHG) right next to theJuristisches Seminar(Juridicum).

III. Freshers week/studentgroups

At the beginning of eachsemester the student body, withthe assistance of professors ofthe faculty, organizes anintroductory week(Orientierungsphase) for newstudents. It is advisable that theErasmus-students take part inthis introductory week as itallows them to receiveimportant information and tomake new acquaintances amongthe German students. Theintroductory week takes place inwinter semester at the beginningof October, in summer semesterat the beginning of April.

In the individual faculties thereare student groups, who try to


encourage study abroad andhelp foreign students inGermany. In the law facultythere is a branch of ELSA(European Law StudentsAssociation), which looks afterthe needs of Erasmus-students,organizes various events andprovides opportunities to meetGerman students. ELSA can befound in the office of theFachschaft Jura, Goßlerstraße16a.

IV. Erasmusexams/certificates/ECTS

Unlike other systems german

law students have no end of yearexams. Nevertheless the foreignErasmus-students will sit eitheroral or written examinations inthe courses which they haveattended when the courses finishat the end of the semester. Theresults of these exams will berecorded on an Erasmuscertificate. Our partneruniversities recognize the examsand your home university willtake the results into account.The results will be recordedaccording to both the Göttingenand the ECTS marking system.

ECTS description Göttingenmarks marks

A = excellent (outstanding performancewith only minor errors)

sehr gut(16 - 18 P.)

B = very good (above the averagestandard but with some errors)

gut(13 - 15 P.)

C = good (generally sound work with anumber of notable errors)

vollbefriedigend(10 - 12 P.)

D = satisfactory (fair but with significantshortcomings)

befriedigend(7 - 8 P.)

E = sufficent (permance meets theminimum criteria)

ausreichend(4 - 6 P.)

FX = fail (some more work required beforethe credit can be awarded)

mangelhaft(1 - 3 P.)

F = fail (considerable further work isrequired)

ungenügend(0 P.)


V. Libraries

1. The Juristische Seminarpossesses a comprehensivereference library. In additionthere are specialized institutelibraries in the Institute ofInternational Law, Departmentof International Private Law,Institute of Labour Law, Instiuteof Agricultural Law,Department of Medical Law,Institute for Public Law andPolitical Science.

2. Universitätsbibliothek(Niedersächsische Staats- undUniversitätsbibliothek)Platz der Göttinger Sieben,Tel. 39 52 31Opening hours:- Catalogue:Mo.-Fr. 09.00 - 17.30Sa. 10.00 - 13.00- Reading room:Mo.-Fr. 09.00 - 20.00Sa. 09.30 - 14.00- Loans desk:Mo.-Fr. 09.30 - 16.00Sa. 10.30 - 12.00- Textbook collection:Mo.-Fr. 09.30 - 16.00Sa. 10.30 - 16.00

3. Student library/reading roomsZHG, Mensaaufgang, 1st floor.Open:- Newspaper reading room:Mo.-Fr. 10.00 - 15.30- Loans:Mo.-Fr. 12.00 - 15.00

4. Town library, Gotmarstraße 8Opening hours:Mo.,Tu.,Th.,Fr. 11.00 - 19.00Sa. 10.00 - 13.00

VI. Language courses

Lectures are held in German.Therefore proficiency in thelanguage is an essentialrequirement for a successfulperiod of study. Erasmus-students need no formal proof oftheir knowledge of German inorder to register with theuniversity. If necessary,however, we recommend thatyou attend a German coursebefore you arrive in Göttingenand then follow a further coursewhile you are here. TheUniversity organizes coursesbefore the beginning of lecturesin September and in March.

Registration for courses takesplace at„Lektorat Deutsch alsFremdsprache„, Burgstraße 51,Tel.: 0551/394385/ or 6/7.The book "Deutsche Sprache fürAusländer" by Schulz-Griesbachis recommended.

VII. Refectories (Mensen)

Zentralmensa, ZentralesHörsaalgebäude (ZHG)Opening hours:Mo.- Fr.: 11.30 - 14.15Sa.: 11.30 - 14.00From Monday to Friday there is


an Eintopf (1,80 DM), twoStammessen (2,50 or 3,00 DM),three Wahlessen (3,50 DM, 4,50or 5,00 DM) and a Salatteller(3,00 DM). On Saturday there isonly a Stammessen and anEintopf. Meal tickets(Essensmarken) can be boughtin the basement of the Mensabuilding.

Zentrale Cafeteria, ZHGOpening hours:Mo.- Th.: 9.00 - 20.00Fr. 9.00 - 19.00

Snackbar, ZHGOpening hours:Mo.- Th.: 15.30 - 20.00Fr.: 15.30 - 19.00

Mensa am Wilhelmsplatz (nextto the AkademischesAuslandsamt)Opening hours:Mo.-Fr.: 11.30 - 14.15/17.30 - 20.30Here only Stammessen II andWahlessen I are served. Mealtickets can be bought on the 1stfloor (during lecture periodonly).

Nordmensa, Grisebachstraße 10Opening hours:Mo.- Fr.: 11.30 - 14.00Cafeteria:9.00 - 16.00

Mensa RoedererstraßeOpening hours:Mo.-Fr.: 11.30 - 14.00(only during lecture period)

Mensa Klinikum.

E. Public transport and travelopportunities

Within Göttingen it is possibleto go everywhere by foot or bybicycle. If you wish to acquire aused bicycle cheaply you shouldconsult the notices on the boardoutside the Zentrale Cafeteria.Bicycle hire is possible.For greater distances there arethe:

I. Mitfahrzentrale

- For a small fee thisorganization will match you upwith people who are travellingby car to the same destination asyou (it is cheaper than travellingby rail).Burgstraße 7, Tel.: 44 001.Friedrichstr. 1, Tel.: 48 59 88

II. "Mitfahr"-opportunities inthe ZHG

In the Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude(ZHG) in the hall between thelecture rooms and the Mensaarea you will find notice boardsdisplaying similar opportunitiesto travel by car.

III. Deutsche Bahn

The „Deutsche Bahn„ offersreductions: If you intend to


travel a lot within Germany aBahn-card is highlyrecommended. It allows you totravel at half price for a year.This is available to all studentsup to the age of 27 for 110,-DM. (In order to buy one youwill need a passport photo,proof of identity and proof ofstudent status - ISIC card). Youshould purchase an internationalstudent identity card at home inorder to prove your eligibility.Alternatively you can buy one inGöttingen for DM 12,- at theStudentenwerk Göttingen,Sozial- und GesundheitsdienstPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 4(Zentralmensagebäude)Mo. We. Fr. 10.00 - 12.00Tu. Th. 12.30 - 14.00 .

F. Culture and recreation

I. Tourist information bureau

Tourist Office at the station,Tel.: 56 000Verkehrsverein in the AltesRathaus, Tel.: 54 000

II. Theatre

- Deutsches Theater inGöttingen (DT),Theaterplatz 11, Tel.: 49 69 11.The DT mounts mainly classicalplays. Students receive areduction with the studentidentity card.

- Junges Theater (JT),Hospitalstraße 6, Tel.: 5 51 23.The JT usually puts on plays bycontemporary authors. Studentsreceive reductions here too.

- "Theater im OP" (ThOP),Goßlerstraße (opposite thecampus in the grounds of theAlten Klinikum)The ThOP plays occasionallystages original, modern plays.Advance booking outside theMensa entrance; see notices!

III. Foyer internationalerBegegnung: Burgstr. 51

This is an organization of theuniversity's Auslandsamt,through which foreign studentscan meet German students.Events include excursions,dance courses and culturalevenings.

IV. Museums and collections

- Städtisches Museum GöttingenRitterplan 7/8,Opening hours:Tu.- Fr.: 10.00 - 17.00Sa./Su.: 10.00 - 13.00

- Ethnological collection of theInstitute of EthnologyTheaterplatz 15(Cook-Forster-Collection)Opening hours:Su.: 10.00 -13.00


V. Cinemas

Göttingen has 15 establishedcinemas, most of which givereductions on presentation ofproof of student identity.In addition during the semesterit is possible to see filmscheaply in the university. Theseshowings are organized bystudent cinema clubs:-"Club-Kino" shows films ofinterest to film buffs onTuesdays and Fridays at 20.00and 22.30 in the Mensa amWilhelmsplatz.- "Campus-Film" shows a filmevery Thursday at 19.30 in theZentralen Hörsaalgebäude,Room 011.- "Oscar-Film" shows a filmevery Tuesday at 19.30 in the

Zentralen Hörsaalgebäude,Room 011.-"Memo" shows films of everygenre each Monday at 19.30 inthe Zentralen HörsaalgebäudeRoom 011.

VI. Music/concerts

Most concerts take place in theStadthalle, Albaniplatz 2, Tel.: 440 66, or in the churches.See notices and posters!Advance booking in thedepartment store "Karstadt",Groner Str. 43 - 47 (mainturning left at the end of thepedestrian precinct), Tel.: 409-314.There are many opportunities toplay or sing yourself e.g. with"musa" e.V., Tel.: 30 03 55.

VII. Sport

1. General university sport:The Zentrum für Sport und Sportwissenschaften (IFL), Sprangerweg 2,arranges - mostly free - a comprehensive sports programme for studentsand staff which includes the following:Aerobics Ju-Jitsu SailingAikido Canoeing GlidingBadminton Karate SkiingBasketball Kendo Sport massageBehindertensport Classical Ballet SquashBowling Körpererfahrung TaekwondoBoxing Weight training Scuba divingBridge Koronarsport TennisFaustball Athletics Table tennisFencing Orienteering TrampoliningFrisbee Riding GymnasticsFootball Life saving BallroomdancingGymnastics Cycling Volleyball


Handball Rock'n Roll Water poloHockey Rowing DivingJudo Chess WindsurfingSwimming Yoga

For a fee there are courses forbeginners, for the moreadvanced and for members ofuniversity teams.You can find out about times,venues and conditions ofparticipation in a free bookletwhich appears each semester(obtainable in the IFL) or bylooking out for posters.

2. Public swimming baths:

- Stadtbad am Stumpfebiel, Tel.400-29 93Opening hours/for prices seenotices, there is also thepossibility to use the sauna andsolarium.- In addition there are fourheated open-air pools:

- Freibad am Brauweg, inWeende, in Grone und inNikolausberg.Students receive a reduction onpresentation of proof of studentidentity.

3. Other sports opportunities

A list of all sport and hobbyclubs is available from Sport-und Bäderamt der Stadt, NeuesRathaus, Geismar Landstraße 4,Zimmer 718.

VIII. Church services/studentreligious groups

1. EvangelischeStudentengemeinde (ESG),Von-Barstraße 2 - 4Tel.: 5 40 91

2. KatholischeStudentengemeinde (KSG),Kurze Straße 13Tel.: 5 63 71

3. Universitätsgottesdienste(Evangelischer Gottesdienst)Sunday, 11.30, Nikolaikirche(Sermons by professors of thetheology faculty or by a studentchaplain.)

4. Musikalische VesperSaturday, 18.30, Nicolaikirche.

G. Letters, telephoneIn Germany at present thestandard letter (up to 20 g) costsDM 1,-. The current price of apostcard is DM -,80. These arealso the rates for letters orpostcards sent to destinationsanywhere in Europe.The minimum charge for use ofa public telephone is -,30 DM.Operator: international 0 01 18;national 011 88.National code numbers from


Germany to other EU countries:

Belgium 00 32Denmark 00 45*France 00 33**Greece 00 30U.K. 00 44Northern Ireland 00 44Eire 00 35Italy 00 39Luxemburg 00 352*Netherlands 00 31Portugal 00 351Spain 00 34

(then dial the local codenumber, omitting the 0)* the individual number shouldbe dialled immediately after thenational code** if you are calling to Franceadd the number for the regionbefore the local code number,for Paris it is the 1.

The national code from abroadto Germany is fromBelgium 0049

Denmark 00949France 0049U.K. 01049Italy 0049Luxemburg 050Netherlands 0941Portugal 0749Spain 0749(Then dial the local codenumber, omitting the 0)

H. NewspapersThe local newspaper is theGöttinger Tageblatt. NationalGerman newspapers include„Die Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung„, „Die Welt„ die„Süddeutsche Zeitung„, die„Frankfurter Rundschau„,weekly publications „Die Zeit„,„Der Spiegel„. You can find alarge number of foreignnewspapers. In the universitythere are also several magazinesespecially for students, e.g.„Studentenmagazin„ or„Charakter„.




There are approximately 3800students and about 30 professorsin the Law Faculty. In additionthere are „Privatdozenten„,„Honorarprofessoren„,„Lehrbeauftragte„, assistants aswell as support staff.

The ruling body of the faculty isthe „Fakultätsrat„ withprofessors , staff and students,presided over by the Dean. TheDean is the representative of thefaculty at all other levels.

Postal addressJuristische FakultätPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 6D-37073 GöttingenGermanyFax: 0552-39-4872

Dekanatoffice: JuridicumPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 6Maria GroheTel.: 0551-39-7360Fax:0551-39-4872

Erasmus-/Socrates-/ECTS-Representative of the LawFacultyProf. Dr. Jürgen CostedeJuristische Fakultät

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 6office: Verfügungsgebäude,1st floor, room 104.D-37073 GöttingenGermanyTel.: 0551-39 7938Fax: 0551-39-4872

The Erasmus-OfficeBettina PerkJuristische FakultätPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 6 D-37073 GöttingenGermanyTel.: 0551-39-7938Fax: 0551-39-4872office: Verfügungsgebäude,1st floor, room 104.

When calling from abroad youmust dial the international codefor Germany and then the codefor Göttingen omitting the 0 (seeabove p. 14/15).

The students of the Law facultyform the „Fachschaft„, whichworks for the student´s interests

Die FachschaftGoßlerstr. 16aD-37073 GöttingenGermanyTel./Fax: 0551-39 7421


The Professors of the Law


Professor Dr. Okko Behrendsprofessor of Roman law, Civillaw, Recent History of CivilLaw

Professor Dr. Harald Bogsprofessor of AdministrativeLaw, in particular: SocialSecurity Law

Professor Dr. Jürgen Costedeprofessor of Civil law, CivilProcedure Law, Tax Lw

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. medh.c. Erwin Deutschprofessor of Law of Torts, Lawof Contracts, InternationalPrivate Law, Medical andPharmaceutical Law, InsuranceLaw

Professor Dr. Ralf Dreierprofessor of Public Law, inparticular: Constitutional Law;Legal Theory; Legal Sociology;Ecclesiastical Law

Professor Dr. Udo Finkprofessor of Public Law,International EnvironmentalLaw

Professor Dr. Volkmar Götzprofessor of Constitutional Law;

Administrative Law; EuropeanLaw

Professor Dr. Werner Heunprofessor of Public Law;Political Science Law;Constitutional History;Ecclesiastical Law

Professor Dr. Ulrich Immengaprofessor of Business Law; Lawof Unfair Competition; Law ofCorporations, Banking Law;European Law; ComparativeLaw

Professor Dr. Jörg-Martin Jehleprofessor of Criminal Law;Criminology and JuvenileDelinquency, Law ofPunishment

Professor Dr. Abbo Junkerprofessor of General PrivateLaw; German and EuropeanLabor Law and Business Law;International Private Law andComparative Law

Professor Dr. Hans-Hugo Kleinprofessor of Public Law, inparticular: Constitutional Law;Constitutional History

Professor Dr. Fritz Loosprofessor of Criminal Law, inparticular: General CriminalLaw; Criminal Procedure; LegalPhilosophy


Professor Dr. Manfred Maiwaldprofessor of Criminal Law;Criminal Procedure; CriminalComparative Law; LegalPhilosophy

Professor Dr. Hans-MartinMüller-Laubeprofessor of General PrivateLaw; Merchant Law, Law ofCorporations; Business Law;Copyright Law; Patent Law

Professor Dr. Maria-KatharinaMeyerprofessor of Criminal Law;Criminal Procedure

Professor Dr. Joachim Münchprofessor of Civil Law,Merchant Law, German andforeign Procedure Law

Professor Dr. Hansjörg Ottoprofessor of Labour Law;General Private Law; CivilProcedure

Professor Dr. Franz-JosephPeineprofessor of General PublicLaw; German and EuropeanAdministrative Law

Professor Dr. DietrichRauschningprofessor of International Law,Political Science Law, Germanand International EnvironmentalLaw, Nuclear Energy Law

Professor Dr. Andreas Sattlerprofessor of Political ScienceLaw; Administrative Law,European Community Law

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Ludwig Schreiberprofessor of Criminal Law;Criminal Procedure; LegalPhilosophy; Legal Theory;Medical Law

Professor Dr. Wolfgang Sellertprofessor of German LegalHistory; General Private Law;Civil Procedure

Professor Dr. Christian Starckprofessor of General Public Law

Professor Dr. Barbara Veitprofessor of Civil Law, LabourLaw



SWS2 cred.

1 st SEMESTER (winter semester)

General Principles of Private Law 4 8Criminal Law, Part I (General Principles) 4 8Public Law, Part I (Constitutional Law: 3-4 6/8General Principles, Federalism, Political Sciences)

Economics for Lawyers 4 8 (Business Administration, Financial Sciences, Public Economics)

Introduction to Legal Sciences 1 2Roman Legal History 3 6German Legal History 3 6Study Group German/Roman Legal History 2 2Recent Constitutional History orGeneral Political Science Law 2 4

2nd SEMESTER (summer semester)

Law of Contracts, Part I (General Principles) 4 8Law of Contracts, Part II 4 8Criminal Law, Part II (The Individual Crimes) 3-4 6/8Public Law, Part II (Individual Guarantees) 2-3 4/6Applied Criminal Law for Beginners (Case Law with Exams)

3rd SEMESTER (winter semester)

Property 4 8Criminal Procedure 3-4 6/8

1 The courses which are marked with a * will not be offered every semester.2 Semesterwochenstunden = number of hours per week.


SWS3 cred.

Public Law, Part III (References to European Law and 2 4 International Law)

* Legal Theory/Legal Philosophy, or Legal Sociology*4 2 4* Nature, Functions and Methods of the Law*3 2 4Applied Private Law for Beginners (Case Law with Exams) 2 8Applied Public Law for Beginners (Case Law with Exams) 2 8

4th SEMESTER (summer semester)

Family Law 2-3 4/6Wills and Intestate Succession 2-3 4/6* Merchant Law 2 4Partnership Law and the Law of Unincorporated Associations 2 4Labor Law, Part I (Individual Labor Law) 4 8Administrative Law, Part I (General Principles) 4 8Applied Criminal Law for Advanced Students (Case Law with Exams) 2 12

5th SEMESTER (winter semester)

Civil Procedure 4 8Law of Corporations 2 4Administrative Law, Part II (Police Law and the Law of Public Order/Building Law and the Law of Local Communities Self-Government) 4 8*Constitutional Procedure/ Administrative Procedure* 2 4European Law 2 4Applied Private Law for Advanced Students (Case Law with Exams) 2 12Advanced Tutorial Class (Student´s Choice) 2 12

3 Semesterwochenstunden = number of hours per week.4 These courses may be attended from students of any semester


SWS5 cred.

Applied Criminal Procedure for Advanced Students (Case Law with Exams) 2 12

6th SEMESTER (summer semester)

Legal Execution (The Law of Enforcing Judgments, etc.) 2 4Repetition Class: European Law 2 4Applied Public Law for Advanced Students (Case Law with Exams) 2 12Advanced Tutorial Class (Student´s Choice) 2 12*Applied Labor Law (Case Law with Exams)* 2 12*Applied Merchant Law/Corporate Law (Case Law with Exams)* 2 12*AppliedCivil Procedure (Case Law with Exams) 2 12

Repetition Class: Private Law 2 4Repetition Class: Criminal Law 2 4Repetition Class: Public Law 2 4

7th SEMESTER (winter semester)

Repetition Class: Private Law 2 4Repetition Class: Criminal Law 2 4Repetition Class: Public Law 2 4

* Repetition Class: Roman/German Legal History* 1 2Repetition Class: Legal and Constitutional History 1 2

8th SEMESTER (summer semester)

Repetition Class: Private Law 2 4Repetition Class: Criminal Law 2 4Repetition Class: Public Law 2 4

5 Semesterwochenstunden = number of hours per week.


SWS cred.

Additional/Supplementary Classes*Ecclesiastical Law* 2 4*Medical and Pharmaceutical Law* 2 4*Private Insurance Law* 2 4* Statistics for Lawyers* 2 4*Speech Classes for Lawyers* 2 4*Psychiatry and the Law with Patient Cases* 2 4*Assessment of Punishment* 2 4*Regulatory Offenses (e.g. Traffic Law)* 2 4*Criminal Business Law* 2 4*Copyright Law* 2 4*Advanced Tutorial Class in the Law of Political Sciences* 2 4*Tort Law* 2 4

Elective Classe

No. 1: Legal History in GermanyGerman Legal History 3 6German Legal Exegesis 2 4History of Criminal Law 2 4Recent Constitutional History 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12Kolloquium 2 4

No 2: Roman Legal HistoryRoman Legal History 3 6Roman Private Law 2 4Exegesis of the Digests 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12Kolloquium 2 4

No 3: Legal Theory with Legal PhilosophyLegal Theory 2 4Legal Philosophy 2 4


SWS6 cred.

Readings of Legal-Philosohpical Texts 2 2Legal Methodology 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 4: Legal Theory with Legal SociologyLegal Theory 2 4Legal Sociology 24Readings of Legal-Theoretical Texts 2 2Legal Methodology 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 5: Legal Theory with Political SciencesLegal Theory 2 4Political Sciences 2 4Readings of Legal-Theoretical Texts 2 2Legal Methodology 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 6: Family Law and the Law of Wills and Intestate Succession with Procedural Law

Advanced Class in Family Law 2-3 4/6Advanced Class in the Law of Wills andIntestate Succession 2-3 4/6Procedural Law 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 7: Merchant Law, Corporate Law (including the Law of CorporateConglomerates) and Banking Law

Advanced Classes inMerchant Law and Corporate Law 2 4Corporate Law and the Law of CorporateConglomerates 2 4Law of Negotiable Instruments 1-2 2/4Bank Law 2 4

6 Semesterwochenstunden = number of hours per week.


SWS cred.

Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 8: The Law of Unfair Competition and Anti Trust LawGerman and European Anti Trust Law 2 4ntellectual Property Law/Unfair Competition 2 4Repetition and Advanced Class 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 9: Labor Law with References to Social Law/ Labor Law ProcedureLabor Law, Part II (The Law of

Collective Bargaining) 4 8Labor Law Procedure 1 2Social (Public) Insurance Law/ The Law of

Employment Promotion 3 3Practise Exams 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 10: International Private Law/International Procedure/ComparativeLaw

International Private Law 2 4International Procedure 2 4Introduction to Comparative Law 2 4Introduction to Anglo-American/French Law 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 11.: Bankruptcy Law and the Law of Legal Execution (Inforcementof Judgments)

Law of Legal Execution (Inforcement ofJudgments) 2-3 4/6Bankruptcy Law 2-3 4/6Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 12: Income Tax Law/ Tax Law Procedure- Introduction to Income Tax Law and Financial Law 2 4

Income Tax Law 2 4The Law of Balance Sheets/ Taxing

Co-Enterpreneurs 2 4


SWS cred.

Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 13: Criminology and the Law of PunishmentCriminology, Part I 2 4Criminology, Part II (including the Law ofPunishment) 2 4The Law of Punishment 2 4Practise Exams 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 14: Criminology and Juvenile DelinquencyCriminology, Part I 2 4Criminology, Part II (including the Lawof Punishment) 2 4Juvenile Delinquency 2 4Practise Exams 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 15: Administrative Law, the Law of Public Employment, and PublicBusiness Law

Introduction to Administrative Law 2 4Public Business Law 2 4Law of Public Employment 1 2Practise Exams 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 16: General Principles of Social Security, Law of Social (Public)Insurance, Law of Employment Promotion, Social Security Law/SocialLaw Procedure

Introduction to the Law of Social (Public)Entitlements 2 4Law of Social (Public) Insurance/Law ofEmployment Promotion 3 6Social Security Law 1 2Social Administration and SocialLaw Procedure 2 4


SWS cred.

Practise Exams 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 17: Environmental and Energy LawEnvironmental law 2-4 4/8Energy Law 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 18: Financial Constitution and Taxes/Public SpendingFinancial Constitution/Public Budget 2 4Introduction to Tax Law and Financial Law 2 4Tax Codes 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 19: International LawInternational Law 2 4Law of International Organizations 2 4International Business Law 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12

No. 20: European LawEuropean Law 2-3 4/6European Business Law 2 4Advanced Tutorial Class 2 12



See German Text page 23