Facism and nazism

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Transcript of Facism and nazism

Omar Soto Blé


Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in mid-20th century Europe. Fascists seek to unify their nation through a totalitarian state that promotes the mass mobilization of the national community, relying on a vanguard party to initiate a revolution to organize the nation on fascist principles.

Hostile to liberal democracy, socialism, and communism, fascist movements share certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultra nationalism, ethnocentrism, and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation and asserts that nations and races deemed superior should attain living space by displacing ones deemed weak or inferior.


A political regime, usually totalitarian,

ideologically based on centralized

government, government control of business,

repression of criticism or opposition, a leader

cult and exalting the state and or religion

above individual rights. Originally only

applied (usually capitalized) to Benito

Mussolini's Italy.

Main Point

I. Treaty of Versailles – 1783

II. Constitution it PNF - 1919

III. March on Rome – 1922

IV. Locarno Conference - 1925

V. Letter of Labour – 1927

VI. Briand Kellog - 1928

VII.Lateran Pact – 1929

VIII.Invasion of Ethiopia (Abyssinia by) - 1935

Important Dates

Important PeopleWilliam Dudley Pelley

Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler

José Antonio Primo de Rivera

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

Ante Pavelić Zaki-Al-Arsuzi

Ikki Kita Wang Jingwei

Plínio Salgado


Oswald Mosley

Avraham Stern

The End of FascismAt dawn on July 10, 1943 the Allied Eighth Army under the command of Marshal Harold Alexander began massively invade southern Sicily. Although the enemy stealthily evacuated ashore following a pre-planned strategy, the establishment of the beachhead became clear that the idea of Churchill to hit "the underbelly of Europe" was a fait accompli.

In the summer of 1943 no one was more aware of that than "Il Duce" Benito Mussolini, former Editor of "Avanti" Italian Socialist Party newspaper, founder of the Fascist Party and dictator of Italy. The second chronologically totalitarian leader in Europe in the last century (in 1917 Lenin and Mussolini in 1922) knew that the invasion of Sicily announced the Peninsula and with it the ultimate failure of the adventure in which the head honcho himself shaven jaw had committed massive irresponsibly fate of Italy.

A deductive intelligence contradictory combination with arrogant ego, capable of fully cloud that virtue, the Dictator understood at once that Italy could not continue as a belligerent. There is no historical evidence, however, that the leader of the March on Rome simultaneously fatal appreciate personal implications of their defeat.

THE NAZISMNazism claimed that an Aryan master race was superior to all other races. To maintain what it regarded as the purity and strength of the Aryan race, Nazis sought to exterminate Jews and Romani, and the physically and mentally disabled. Other groups deemed "degenerate" or "asocial" received exclusionary treatment, including homosexuals, blacks, Jehovah's Witnesses and political opponents. The Nazis supported territorial expansionism.

According to Nazi ideology, the gaining of Lebensraum ("living space") is a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races — who, as they grow in population size and face overpopulation in their territory, expand their territory and displace peoples of inferior races.

Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle and instead promoted the idea of Volksgemeinschaft ("people's community"). Nazis wanted to overcome social divisions which they considered artificial; instead, all parts of the racially homogenous society should cooperate for national unity. Nazism denounced both capitalism and communism for being associated with Jewish materialism Like other fascist movements, Nazism supported the outlawing of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers, because these were regarded as a threat to national unity. Instead, the state controlled and approved 

the main idea of the Nazis was to take

control of people and countries around the


Main Point

FEBRUARY 27, 1933


After declaring that the Communists were responsible for the arson that destroyed the Reichstag (German parliament) in Berlin, Adolf Hitler used this fact to assume extraordinary powers in Germany. Hitler convinced the German President Paul von Hindenburg to declare a state of emergency. Thus, personal freedoms protected by the constitution is suspended.

Important Dates

MARCH 5, 1933



Despite the declaration of a state of emergency in February

1933 and of the extraordinary powers assumed by Adolf

Hitler, the Nazis did not manage to win a governing

majority in parliamentary elections. The Nazis won only 45

percent of the vote. Later, in March 1933, Hitler presented

a bill that would give the government the power to enact

laws without a vote in the German parliament. The bill

passed, in part due to the arrest of several communist and

socialist opponents before voting for the project.

23 MARCH 1933

The Reichstag (parliament GERMAN) VOTE FOR THE


After the failure of the Nazi party that wins a majority in

parliament, Adolf Hitler has a bill that will grant their government

the legislative authority. The Nazis, the conservatives and the

Catholic Center Party support the so-called "Enabling Act" that

would guarantee the Hitler government the power to enact laws

without a vote in parliament for a period of four years. Before the

vote, opponents communists and many socialists were arrested.

Finally, only the Socialists who were still opposed to the measure.

The project is accepted and soon Hitler outlaws all political

parties in Germany, except the Nazi Party.

JUNE 30, 1934


There is a vent at the top of the assault troops (SA) and

other suspected opponents of the regime of Adolf Hitler. In

this purge is known as the "Night of the Long Knives". Over

80 SA leaders were arrested and executed without trial.

Hitler argued that the purge is the answer to a plot to

overthrow the SA government. The SA under the command

of Ernst Roehm, have attempted to take the place of the

German army. Roehm Removing it will further support

Hitler's army.

AUGUST 2, 1934



German President Paul von Hindenburg dies at

age 87. After his death, Adolf Hitler assumes the

powers of the presidency. The military takes an

oath of personal loyalty to Hitler, whose

dictatorship is based on his position as Reich

President (head of state), Reich Chancellor (head

of government) and Führer (leader of the Nazi

party). Now, Hitler's official title is "Führer and

Reich Chancellor".

Important PeopleWalter Darré Heinrich Himmler

Karl Dönitz

Grand Admiral of the Fleet

Germany and Adolf Hitler's

successor after his suicide.

Rudolf Hess

General of the SS and Hitler's

deputy, fled to Britain and captured in


Hermann Goering

Commander of the Luftwaffe and president

of the Reichstag.

Alfred Jodl

Chief of Staff of the


Wilhelm Keitel

Chief of the High Command of the


Alfred Rosenberg

The Nazi Party


Joachim von Ribbentrop

Foreign minister, Albert Speer, architect and Minister of Armaments;

Franz von Papen

Nazi ambassador to

Austria and Turkey.

Berlin was eventually surrounded and cut communications between the capital and the rest of Germany. Despite the evident total defeat, Hitler refused to relinquish his power or surrender. No communications from Berlin, Hermann Göring sent an ultimatum to the city asking to take the Nazi regime in April, considering that Hitler had been incapacitated as leader. Upon receiving the message, Hitler angrily ordered Göring's immediate arrest and made an airplane hand over the message to Göring in Bavaria. Later, the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, began in northern Germany to communicate with the Western Allies in search of a negotiated peace. Hitler once again reacted violently to these attempts and ordered Himmler's arrest and execution. Given the null intent by Hitler to surrender, intense street fighting continued in the torn ruins of Berlin, the remnants of the German army, Hitler Youth and Waffen-SS were fighting with the Red Army. This battle is known as the Battle of Berlin. The German forces suffered heavy losses, reaching to recruit a large number of children and the elderly to defend Berlin pockets of territory still controlled by the Red Army. The April 30, 1945, the city ravaged by the cruel battle, Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker. Two days later, on May 2, German General Helmuth Weidling unconditionally surrendered to Soviet General Vasily Chuikov.

End of The Nazism