Facebook pixel helper ppt

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Facebook pixel helper ppt


Facebook Pixel Helper-Tool Purpose

• To verify the facebook Ad’s pixels were found on the page, and whether they have loaded successfully.

• It works in the background to review the websites code that looks like a Facebook marketing pixel.

• Pixel Helper reports common errors and give troubleshoot suggestion to improve performance.

Installation of Facebook Pixel Helper

• Install the Facebook Pixel Helper from the Google Chrome web store.

• Ensure the extension is enabled by selecting tools -> Extensions, and verify the Facebook Pixel Helper is enabled.

• Once the Pixel Helper is installed a small icon </> will appear next to your address bar.

How to use Facebook Pixel Helper

• If a website has a facebook pixel installed the icon </> will turn blue.

• A small badge indicating the number of pixels on the page.

• If the icon does not turn blue then there are no Facebook pixels installed on this page.

How to use Facebook Pixel Helper cntd..

• Click the </> icon and a popup will appear with useful information for debugging pixel implementation.

• The popup will tell what pixels were found on the page

How to use Facebook Pixel Helper cntd..

• Click on “View Event Log” to find the pixel ID, URL called, Pixel location and Load time.

Some common errors

• The Facebook Pixel Helper reports common errors.

• These indicates that needs to fix something in order to use the pixel product properly.

• The below shows the common errors which can be found using this tool:

1. Pixel Did Not Load.

2. Encoded Characters.

3. Resembles a Standard Event.

4. Pixel Activated Multiple Times.

5. Invalid Pixel ID

Some common errors cntd..

1. Pixel did not load

• This error means that similar Facebook pixel code is found on site, but the actual HTTP call was never made.

Some common errors cntd..

2. Encoded characters

• This error means that double-encoded characters are found.

Some common errors cntd..

3. Resembles a standard event

• This warning means that an event similar to a facebook standard event is found.

Some common errors cntd..

4. Pixel’s activated multiple times

• This error means that a pixel with the same ID and event name was sent multiple times to facebook.

Some common errors cntd..

5. Invalid pixel ID

• This error means that the sent ID for the pixel did not match a known pixel ID in our system.


• Facebook Ad’s pixel’s ID can be found easily.

• Error’s with respect to facebook Ad’s pixel on the site can be easily found.


• Troubleshooting suggestions are only with respect to tool version change not for the error’s found on the site.

Thank You