Facebook Marketing for Business

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Part 2 of Facebook for business presented at Colorado Free University. This is an ongoing two hour class held about every two months. Learn to share your expertise and brand yourself on Facebook.

Transcript of Facebook Marketing for Business

  • 1. Facebook 2
    Advanced Marketing Techniques
    Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra

2. What can Facebook do for you?
The right way to network
Get social on Facebook
Brand yourself
Find content
Groups vs. fan pages la difference
Create group & fan page
Creating, sharing & promoting events
Business applications
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
3. Public relations
Customer service
Acquire fans & friends
Collaboration - interact with people
Establish your expertise
Find customers & prospects
Geographical targeted advertising
Build community
What Can Facebook Do for You?
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
4. Similar to a dinner party
If you say, Im a super star photographer, website designer, florist, marketing guru, etc., without asking others questions, you wont be popular
Nobody cares about you or your product, except you
Give people a reason to connect with/follow/friend you
Social Media & Social Networking: Its Never about You
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
5. Look at requests for friends and accept or ignore. If you accept, write on your new friends wall or send them a message thanking them for becoming your friend
Look at the wall and comment on your friends postings
Answer messages
Look at your notifications and answer
Wish your friends a happy birthday
Join groups and comment on the wall
Tell people you will share their events or postings
Thank them for posting things you like
Give people the thumb up but also comment
Invite friends to join your network. Tell them how you know them or why you would like to connect when you ask them to join
Get Social on Facebook
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
6. Use the same professional picture in all your social media efforts
Post helpful articles and videos
Share business and inspirational quotes
Update your status often
Brand Yourself and Your Company
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
7. To get good content, set up Google alerts at http://www.google.com/alerts with keywords related to your area of expertise or interest
Copy the link and attach it on your status update and comment on it make sure you use the http://www.
Find newsletters in your industry and subscribe to them
Share business quotes and others: http://www.woopidoo.com/business_quotes
Find Content
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
8. The Difference
Fan Pages
Not indexed by search engines
Ugly URL
Can send request
Cannot promote with ads
No applications
Generally better for active discussion & attracting quick attention*
Indexed and public on search engines
Create custom URL
Can send updates
Can promote with ads
Lots of applications to choose from
For organizations, businesses, celebrities & bands only authorized
Generally better for long-term relationships withfans & customers*
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
9. Create Group & Fan Page
Fan Page
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
10. To brand you/your company, create a 200 X 600 pixel graphic with your logo, tagline, contact info, etc.
Match it to your website
Browse & upload
Create a Custom Graphic
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
11. Create & Promote Events
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
12. Notes (blog)
LinkedIn Profile
Podcast Player
& hundreds more
Facebook Applications
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
13. Facebook Ads
Ads & Pages > Ads Manager > Create Ad
Targeted by gender, age, city, etc.
You set budget
You set maximum CPC
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
14. What can Facebook do for you?
The right way to network
Get social on Facebook
Brand yourself
Find content
Groups vs. fan pages
Create group & fan page
Creating, sharing & promoting events
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
15. Facebook in 5 minutes a day
Update status update
Continue networking
Invite friends
Look at groups you might join
Create a group
Create your fan page
Post events
Automate by using Ping.fm
Add Applications
Plans & Goals?
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
16. There's no genius behind it. It's persistence and listening to people. Craig Newmark, Craiglist Founder
I don't want to be just a voice on the phone. I have to get to know these guys face-to-face and develop a sincere relationship. That way, if we run into problems in a deal, it doesn't get adversarial. We trust each other and have the confidence we can work things out. Wayne Huizenga, Founder Blockbuster
All you need is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. - Mark Twain
If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. - Jeff Bezos
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra
17. Facebook www.facebook.com/Joguerra
Twitter: http://twitter.com/joguerra
Meetup www.meetup.com/Denver-Entrepreneurs
LinkedIn Denver Entrepreneur Group www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=260187
Facebook Fan Page http://facebook/yourmarketinggal
Jo Guerra
Social Media Strategist
Speaker Trainer
Thank you!
Your Marketing Gal - Jo Guerra