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selection of exercises on summary

Transcript of f3summary

PMR Excellence Programme Prepared by: NB


Exercise 1

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

It is a fact that Malaysian students are not living up to the expectations of the society and government. Several reasons can explain why this situation prevails. Firstly, many students today have a poor attitude towards their studies. Unlike their parents who had to work part-time and pay for their studies, students today have it easy. Parents work hard to put their children through school and college. Sadly, many children do not take their studies seriously. Some think that they are simply doing it to oblige their parents. Owing to such a bad attitude, these children have poor reading habits and a weak grasp of the subjects they are taking. Moreover, many are over-dependent on their teachers, expecting the teachers to give them notes and forecast questions for their examination. They think the same of their tutors. Their tutors are expected to give them examination answers. This explains why so many go for private tuition. This situation can be rectified. All that is needed is some effort and determination to do better. In this, students, parents and teachers play an equally important role.

Rewrite the passage above on the reasons why children are not doing well in their studies:

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Many students do not take their studies seriously. They do

Exercise 2.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Most people over fifty suffer from some form of dental disease. So, make sure you take good care of your teeth and gums with daily brushing and flossing. Your gums will thin with time, therefore brush thoroughly but gently to prevent tearing your gums. As fillings get older, they weaken or crack. As a result, bacteria can seep into your tooth, causing decay. Daily cleaning and good nutrition are critical for healthy gums. When gums become infected and diseased, they set off a chain reaction that can result in loose teeth or weakening of the jawbone. Contact your dentist if your gums become red or begin to bleed.What you put into your mouth has a direct impact on the health of your mouth and the health of the rest of your body. As you age and your lifestyle changes, keep your nutritional goals in mind. Balanced meals are one of the best ways for good health. Regular checkups prevent dental problems. The longer we wait, the more likely things will go wrong. Good eating habits, regular and proper brushing and dental check-ups should ensure we keep our teeth right into our old age.

Rewrite the passage above on the ways to take good care of our teeth.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

We take good care of our teeth with daily brushing

Exercise 3.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

In planning a cave outing, it is better to be informed about the local rules for the cave you want to visit. If you have never been to the place, find out the details from people who have been to the cave before setting off. Calculate the time you want to spend inside the cave. Select and prepare the equipment you want to take with you in advance. Take enough food and appropriate equipment. Wear appropriate shoes and clothes that can keep you dry, warm and comfortable. Use a helmet with a clasp under your chin. Bring an electric light with batteries. You need a backpack for the gear, food and trash. Of course, you must have plastic bags for the trash. When caving, never enter a cave alone. Always look for a guide or an experienced person to go with you. Do not take or break anything inside the caves. Never smoke inside the cave for the smoke is harmful to its delicate environment. Respect the life inside the cave and leave it as clean as when you first saw it. Carry all your trash and throw it into the bins outside the caves.

Rewrite the passage above on what to do when going on a cave outing.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

You have to find out the details of the cave

Exercise 4.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

A tattoo is a permanent mark or design under the top layer of skin made by the injection of coloured pigments. Ages ago, tattoos were used for a variety of reasons. This included identifying slaves and criminals to determine their social class. They were also used to beautify. The belief that tattoos were decorative was evident in Egypt. Many ancient Egyptian mummies had tattoos. During the olden times, the art of tattooing was widespread. This explains why tattoo-like marks were discovered in cave paintings. Some of them were made thousands of years ago. Tattooing was a very expensive process in the 19th century. So when the first electric needle was invented, the tattoo process became cheaper and faster. When it became cheap, it was also done by the poor. So it was no longer a mark of wealth.Today, women make up more than half the tattooed population. Some have even tattooed slimmer and shaped eyebrows. Tattooing is now carried out in comfortable beauty salons using hygienic electrical needles. To take it a step further, tattoos can now be removed by new laser technology.

Rewrite the passage above on the developments in the art of tattooing.

Your summary must:

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

A tattoo, made by the injection of coloured pigments, was

Exercise 5.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Teenagers today undergo a lot of pressure. This can be due to examinations, parents expectations and the problems of growing up. For those who are unable to handle the stress, they turn to drugs, bad company and even end up suffering from eating disorders. An eating disorder may be an expression of something that the individual has no other way of expressing. Some of the underlying issues that are associated with an eating disorder include low self-esteem, depression, feelings of loss of control, feelings of worthlessness, identity concerns, family communication problems and an inability to cope with emotions. Eating disorders are usually divided into three categories; namely, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and compulsive overeating. Anorexia is a disorder where the main characteristic is the restriction of food and the refusal to maintain a minimal normal body weight. Any actual gain or even perceived gain of weight is met with intense fear by the anorexic. Bulimia is a situation where a person stops eating for long periods. If both these illnesses are untreated, they will result in death. Compulsive eaters use food as relief for stress and depression. People with eating disorders need others to understand them and help them to overcome their illness.

Rewrite the passage above on the three types of eating disorders.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Eating disorders arise from low self-esteem, depression and an inability

Exercise 6.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Heart disease is the number one killer in Malaysia today. This is due to our modern lifestyle and dietary habits. In other words, the good life is killing us. We eat too much and exercise too little. Heart attacks are no longer confined to middle-aged people. More young people are getting heart attacks. Every year, thousands of apparently healthy young people, especially men, die of sudden unexpected heart attacks. Many of them are in their thirties and early forties. Some of them even had checkups and had been passed as fit just a few days before their heart attacks. Of course, age and hereditary factors put a person at greater risk. The symptoms of a heart attack are cold sweat, dizziness and severe chest pain, which often spreads to the arms and the back of the body. One can take necessary steps to reduce the risk of a heart attack. Studies have shown that a diet low in cholesterol can help to reduce the risk. Most doctors will recommend healthy living. The rules of healthy living are very simple: stop smoking, eat balanced meals, exercise regularly and take up recreation to relieve stress.

Rewrite the article above on the increasing incidence of heart attacks today and the ways to reduce it.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Heart disease, the number one killer in Malaysia today, is

Exercise 7.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

When camping, choose a campsite away from trails and dead trees. Avoid slopes and high ridges that are frequented by wild life. Set up camp as early as possible and familiarise yourself with the surroundings. This helps to prevent injuries sustained from fumbling about in the dark. Use a sleeping bag that provides adequate warmth and a sleeping pad to protect yourself from the cold ground.Another golden rule is to make sure that you bring enough food to last the trip. The food can be fresh, dried or canned. Avoid bringing any food with a strong smell. You will need at least two litres of water per person per day. Use water from a natural source such as a spring. Make sure that all water is boiled to eliminate contamination. Build your fire away from the tent. Do not cook inside the tent, even if you are using a gas canister. Never burn rubbish, especially plastic, as the fumes are toxic. Make sure the fire is completely put out before you leave the campsite. Do not forget your camp etiquette which is to leave the campsite as you found it.

Rewrite the passage above on what to do when camping.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

When camping, choose a safe and dry campsite. Familiarise yourself

Exercise 8.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Smoking is one of the worst things man can do to his body. Yet, every single day almost 5000 young people under the age of eighteen take up smoking. Teenagers smoke for a variety of reasons. They want to look sophisticated. Some smoke out of frustration with home situations or family relationships. No matter what the good-looking people in the advertisements and on billboards say, smoking gives you bad breath, makes you cough and uses up lots of your allowance every week. Your heart and lungs become very sick as you get older, which would probably lead to lung cancer. Tobacco contains nicotine which is addictive. This means that if you start to use nicotine, your body and mind will become so used to it that you will need to have it just to feel good. Anyone who starts smoking runs a high risk of becoming addicted. The government has taken major steps to curb smoking. One of these steps is the ban on advertising of cigarettes over the mass media. Tobacco companies are not allowed to sponsor school sports activities. Smoking in public places like restaurants, lifts, bus stations, airports and other places is banned.

Rewrite the passage above on the dangers of smoking and the measures to curb it.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Smoking is bad for the body and health. It causes

Exercise 9.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

The air we breathe and the water we drink can be contaminated by pollutants. Conditions like intense smog or haze can cause deterioration of health. Babies and young children are most badly affected by air pollution, especially pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These can be irritating to the nose and can cause coughing.Haze is caused by open burning of rubbish, discharge of gas from factories and uncontrolled burning of forests. This makes factories and automobiles the main culprits of haze. Not surprisingly, haze occurs in city areas. The worst haze that occurred last year was due to open burning carried out by neighbouring countries. The incidence of open burning in Kalimantan brought woes when the fires could not be controlled and raged a large part of the jungle there. As Kalimantain shares the border with Sabah, the residents became anxious and preventative measures were taken. Smoke from the fire covered the state of Sabah and the haze rose to dangerous levels. Sabah had to dispatch firemen from the Fire Department to Kalimantan and Indonesia to help fight the fires.

Rewrite the passage above on the causes of haze with reference to the haze in Sabah.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Haze is caused by open burning, uncontrolled burning of forests

Exercise 10.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

An air stewardess has to be tolerant and patient. Once airborne, she has to make the passengers comfortable by rolling out the cartload of goodies, food and drinks, snacks and tea. Superficially her services may appear to be trivial but she actually has lots of responsibilities on her shoulders, which include executing flight commanders instructions, coordinating security arrangements and ensuring passengers overall safety as well. In case of an emergency during the flight, she has to determine the most appropriate step to deal with the situation.An air stewardess must like travelling from one place to another. Since it is not an office job, she is always on the move. In attending to passengers in the plane, she has to deal with all kinds of people, including fussy passengers and naughty children. She also has to accept the long and uninteresting flights.Of course, there are the job advantages. The rewards are high as she receives a good salary and high allowances. She gets to travel to and see new places. From her travelling and exposure, she usually gets a better outlook of life. In her job, she is able to meet more people and make new friends. Occasionally, she meets famous personalities such as famous singers, actresses and politicians.

Rewrite the passage above on an air stewardesss job.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

An air stewardess has many responsibilities including carrying out instructions,

Exercise 11.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

E-learning revolutionises the traditional concept of teacher and classroom. Firstly, the subject matter a learner wishes to learn can be obtained on demand. Misbehaviour, which arises from the lack of interest in the subject, is therefore not a problem. This self-paced learning can further reduce disruptions and indiscipline in the classroom. The classroom is not within the four walls of a school. A desktop, a network connection and a browser are all that are needed by the learner. Since e-learners can view the programmes at home or from friends home, truancy which ranks the highest on the list of discipline problems, may no longer pose a problem. Overcrowded classrooms will no longer be an issue because students do not have to attend schools to acquire knowledge.E-learning should be implemented in Malaysian schools. Primarily, it allows the culture of self-learning to take hold. Students can pick the time, the content as well as the direction of their learning experience. They also have the opportunity to repeat difficult topics as many times as they desire for better understanding. Shy students who rarely ask questions have a 'safe' avenue to get their queries answered.

Rewrite the passage above on the advantages of E-learning.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

E-learning has many advantages. The learner can learn when he

Exercise 12Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of stainless steel needles into various body areas. A low-frequency current may be applied to the needles to produce greater stimulation. The general theory of acupuncture is based on the belief that patterns of energy flowing throughout the body are essential for health. A disruption of the flow is believed to be responsible for illnesses. The acupuncturist believes that acupuncture can correct the imbalance of flow. The conditions claimed to respond to acupuncture include chronic pain such neck and back pain, indigestion, ulcer, high and low blood pressure and muscle and nerve conditions.How acupuncture relieves pain is unclear. One theory suggests that pain impulses are blocked from reaching the spinal cord or brain. Another theory suggests that it stimulates the body to produce narcotic-like substances called endorphins, which reduce pain. Improperly performed acupuncture can cause fainting, bleeding, punctured lungs and even nerve damage. There is also the risk that an acupuncturist may fail to diagnose or may misdiagnose a dangerous ailment. This can lead to serious consequences, even death.

Rewrite the passage above on the practice of acupuncture.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Acupuncture, the insertion of stainless steel needles into various body

Exercise 13.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Mountaineering is a physically demanding sport. Your physical conditioning is therefore the single most important factor to ensure a successful climb. So, it is crucial that you undergo a rigorous exercise and fitness programme to get into shape. When training for a high altitude climb, training such as running and cycling should be included as it helps you build strong lungs. Other aspects of training are using a stationary bike, stair climber, rowing machine and other gym equipment. Weight training should also be included with focus on your back and shoulders as well as your quadriceps and hamstrings, which are important muscles for climbing. Climbing hills, stairs and stadium steps while carrying a backpack is an ideal training technique. Stretching is also important. Stretch your fingers, elbows and shoulders because they will be holding ropes and pounding ice axes in the ice in cold freezing conditions. A great way to condition your legs is by doing squats. This is to strengthen your legs and improve your endurance on the mountain. Another way is to work on your gluteus muscles and calves by doing leg presses and push-ups.

Rewrite the passage above on the training needed for mountain climbing.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

As mountaineering is a physically demanding sport, our physical conditioning

Exercise 14.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

To live a healthy life is to exercise and eat healthily. Eating the right kind of food makes us healthier. We should eat more grains, fruits and vegetables. Such food gives us the carbohydrates for energy besides vitamins and fibre. Instead of eating too much cake, we should eat bread such as whole-wheat bread and pita bread. On the other hand, we should cut down or even avoid fatty and oily food. If we have a meal with a higher amount of fat, like lamb chop at dinner, we should choose lower fat food at other meals. Oily food like French fries should be eaten only once in a while. Exercise is necessary to be fit. It builds up our muscles and strengthens our heart and lungs. A person who exercises tends to have a longer life than one who does not. Of course, like anything else, we cannot overdo it. Sleep is as important as food. Our bodies and minds need to rest at the end of the day . Recreation is just as important to relieve our stress from our daily work and problems. We need to do some activities for fun and entertainment. By eating healthily, exercising, getting enough sleep and recreation, we can live a healthy life.

Rewrite the passage above on how to live a healthy life.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Living a healthy life requires exercise and healthy eating

Exercise 15.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

If well planned and prepared, mountain climbing is exciting, challenging and satisfying. People climb for many reasons. Some climb to be the best; maybe even set records. In many ways, climbing provides an escape from our stressful lives. The Kinabalu Park is only a two-hour drive from Sabah's capital of Kota Kinabalu. It is an ideal spot for visitors who want to get away from the city and enjoy the cool air. There are others who wish to stay for a few days and climb the mountain or explore the forest trails. Many people who visit the park come to climb Mount Kinabalu. Towering 4101 metres above the mysterious tropical jungles, Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia. The attraction of this inspiring mountain and its great heights act like a powerful magnet and challenge, which attract eager climbers from all corners of the world. About 30 000 people scale the mountain each year, including more than 10 000 foreigners. Despite its size, Mount Kinabalu is one of the easiest mountains in the world to climb. The climb is more rewarding and enjoyable if climbers take three days, with two nights spent in a mountain hut. This way they can have more time to look at the birds, animals, rocks and soil on the mountain.

Rewrite the passage above on climbing Mount Kinabalu.

in not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

in continuous writing form

in ONE paragraph

in your own words as far as possible

Begin as follows:

Many people visit Kinabalu Park to climb Mount Kinabalu. At 4101 metres

Exercise 16.Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

When finding ones way out of the jungle, trek with the jungle eye. This means that you should not only concentrate on the bushes and trees immediately in front of you. You must focus on the jungle further out and find natural breaks in the foliage. Look through the jungle. Stop and stoop down occasionally to look along the jungle floor. This may reveal animal trails that you can follow. Stay alert and move slowly and steadily through the jungle. Stop periodically to listen and take your bearings. Use a machete to cut through dense vegetation but do not cut unnecessarily or you will quickly wear yourself out. In using a machete, stroke upward when cutting vines to reduce noise because sound carries over a long distance in the jungle. Use a stick to part the vegetation. This will also help dislodge biting ants, spiders or snakes. Many jungle and forest animals follow animal trails. These trails wind and cross but they often lead to water or clearings. Using these trails will lead you to find a way out.

Write a summary on how to find the way out of a jungle if you are lost.

Your summary must:

not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below

be in continuous writing (not note form)

be written in ONE paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing the original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows:

Trek by looking along the jungle floor to spot animal


Exercise 1

Many students do not take their studies seriously. They do not have to work and study like their parents did. Some study to oblige their parents. Owing to such bad attitude, they do not read or understand their books. Moreover, many depend too much on their teachers and tutors for notes and examination questions and answers.

(56 words)

Exercise 2

We take good care of our teeth with daily brushing and flossing. Good nutrition is critical for healthy teeth and gums. We must see a dentist if our gums bleed. Eating balanced meals is important. Regular checkups prevent dental problems. So, good eating habits, regular and proper brushing and dental check-ups keep our teeth healthy till our old age.

(59 words)

Exercise 3

You have to find out the details of the cave from people who have been there. Prepare the equipment in advance. Bring along enough food and appropriate equipment. Wear appropriate shoes and clothes. Have a backpack for the gear and food. Never enter a cave alone. Do not smoke inside the cave. Respect the life there. Leave it clean.

(59 words)

Exercise 4

A tattoo, made by the injection of coloured pigments, was widespread during olden times. Many tattoo-like marks are seen in cave paintings. At first, tattooing was an expensive process. Therefore, it was a mark of wealth. Later, it became cheaper and faster with the electric needle. Women make up more than half the tattooed population. Today, tattoo can be removed.

(60 words)

Exercise 5

Eating disorders arise from low self-esteem, depression and an inability to cope with emotions. The three types are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and compulsive overeating. Anorexia is the restriction of food and the refusal to maintain normal body weight. A person suffering from bulimia stops eating for long periods. These illnesses can cause death. Compulsive eaters use food as a relief for stress.

(63 words)

Exercise 6

Heart disease, the number one killer in Malaysia today, is due to our modern lifestyle and dietary habits. More young people in their thirties and early forties die of heart attacks. Doctors recommend healthy living to reduce the risk of heart attacks. No smoking, eat balanced meals, exercise and take up recreation to relieve stress.

(55 words)

Exercise 7

When camping, choose a safe and dry campsite. Familiarise yourself with the surroundings. Use a sleeping bag and pad to protect yourself from the cold ground. Bring enough food and water to last the trip. Make sure that all water is boiled. Build your fire away from the tent. Make sure the fire is completely put out before you leave.

(60 words)

Exercise 8

Smoking is bad for the body and health. It causes coughing and even lung cancer. Tobacco contains nicotine which is addictive. Anyone who starts smoking is likely to become addicted. Measures taken to curb smoking are banning the advertising of cigarettes on the mass media, no sponsoring of school sports by tobacco companies and banning smoking in public places.

(59 words)

Exercise 9

Haze is caused by open burning, uncontrolled burning of forests and gas discharges from factories. It occurs in cities with many factories and vehicles. Open burning in neighbouring countries caused a bad haze last year. The open burning in Kalimantan caused the haze in Sabah to rise to dangerous levels. Sabah had to dispatch firemen to help control the fire.

(59 words)Exercise 10

An air stewardess has many responsibilities including carrying out instructions, coordinating security arrangements and ensuring passengers safety. She has to handle emergencies in the plane appropriately and intelligently. Moreover, she has to deal with all kinds of passengers and accept the long and uninteresting flights. On the other hand, she earns well, travels a lot and sees new places.

(59 words)Exercise 11

E-learning has many advantages. The learner can learn when he wishes. This reduces disruptions and indiscipline. All he needs are a desktop and a browser. Truancy and overcrowding are no longer problems. Malaysian schools should implement e-learning. Students can pick the time, content and direction of learning experience. They also have the opportunity to repeat difficult topics many times.

(59 words)

Exercise 12

Acupuncture, the insertion of stainless steel needles into various body areas, is believed to correct the imbalance of flow in the body. Illnesses that respond to acupuncture include neck and back pain, indigestion, ulcer, muscle and nerve conditions. It is supposed to stimulate the production of substances to reduce pain. The risk is wrong diagnosis which can cause death.

(59 words)

Exercise 13

As mountaineering is a physically demanding sport, our physical conditioning is very important. So, we should undergo rigorous training. This includes running, cycling, climbing and rowing. Weight training should focus on the back and shoulders. Stretching the fingers, elbows and shoulders helps a lot. Leg exercises strengthen our legs and improve our endurance on the mountain.

(56 words)

Exercise 14Living a healthy life requires exercise and healthy eating habits. We should eat more grains, fruits and vegetables for their nutrients and cut down on oily food. Exercise builds our muscles and strengthens our heart and lungs. Sleep and recreation are needed to rest our bodies and minds and relieve our stress from our daily work and problems.

(58 words)

Exercise 15Many people visit Kinabalu Park to climb Mount Kinabalu. At 4101 metres, it is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia. About 30 000 people climb the mountain each year. Despite its height, Mount Kinabalu is the one of the easiest mountains to climb. If climbers spend three days on the climb, they have more time to look at the birds, animals and rocks.

(58 words)

Exercise 16

Trek by looking along the jungle floor to spot animal trails. Stay alert and take your bearings. Cut through dense vegetation with a machete but do not wear yourself out. Using a stick to part the vegetation will dislodge biting ants, spiders or snakes. Follow animal trails for they will lead you to find a way out of the jungle.

(60 words)