F Singing Lessons - Tonalis Music · 2017. 8. 9. · SINGING LESSONS FOR TEENAGERS The repertoire I...

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Transcript of F Singing Lessons - Tonalis Music · 2017. 8. 9. · SINGING LESSONS FOR TEENAGERS The repertoire I...

The benefits of singing have long been recognised. Singing encourages:

— self-expression — confidence — emotional intelligence — discipline — well-being— communication and — the development of musicality.

Singing also teaches a great sense of team work when used in choirs.

The lessons offer an outstanding new vision of children’s singing. Pupils find they are full of joy, artistry and imagination.

Above all, I help each pupil to explore his/her unlimited vocal and musical potential so that they can enjoy a life time love of singing.

My lessons offer all the new exciting resources - both vocal and musical - which can inform a modern and creative approach to children’s singing.

A New Curriculum for Developing Children’s VoicesThe new singing curriculum I have created is based on all the latest research into this

field and is designed to meet each phase of children’s development,

“Tonalis is a rare and wonderful

organisation which I am proud to

have been associated with. It is

seldom one comes across music

education training of equal

dynamism and integrity. Under the

remarkable leadership, guidance and

methodology of Michael, pupils receive

a treasure trove of skills-training.

I heartily recommend this work.”

SUSAN DIGBY OBE - Founder & Principal of ‘The Voices Foundation’

© J.Shenai

Singing Lessonsfor Children & Teenagers

from Early " Middle School Years " the Adolescent Voice.


INDIVIDUAL LESSONS: £28 for 45 mins £36 for 1 hour

GROUP LESSONS: 3 children £17 / child for 1¼ hours

4 children £14 / child for 1¼ hours

Regarding fees for the SATURDAY EXTENDED SESSIONS, please contact the Tonalis office.

Frequency of LessonsFor the first term lessons need to take place weekly.

For the rest of the first year lessons can take place 3 times per month.

After the first year of lessons, 2 lessons per month are possible.(N.B. Attendance at the extended sessions on Saturday mornings is encouraged.)

MICHAEL DEASON-BARROW - Director of Tonalis

As a child I was a chorister at Salisbury Cathedral. Whilst there I made numerous recordings, gave recitals and appeared on TV as a treble soloist . I went on to study singing at the Royal College of Music - and with great singing masters like Peter Pears - all of which led me to have a wide background as a performer.

I have taught music at all levels: from teacher training and head of music in both comprehensive and waldorf schools, to music therapy in special needs education.

I have also been a trainer for the government’s national children’s singing programmes, ‘Sing Up’ and ‘Youth Music’, as well as delivered training for ‘The Voices Foundation’.

Today I offer trainings to music teachers - including a ‘Singing Child’ training in 2008 - 2009 - which led to the writing of a comprehensive book on children’s singing.

Qualifications I have: — a Degree in Music (GRSM) — a Diploma in Singing Teaching (ARCM) and — a PGCE in Music Teaching.

I have a DBS Certificate (Disclosure & Barring Service, formerly CRB)

Venue Lessons take place in my teaching studio in Leighterton, S.GLOS, The studio is light and airy and has a pitched ceiling which helps to create a good acoustic.

RESOURCES INCLUDE: — a Steinway C grand piano — recording and play-back equipment, &

— new magical age-appropriate children’s instruments .


Michael Deason-Barrow

4 Castle Farm Close, Leighterton, GLOS GL8 8UY

info@tonalismusic.co.uk / 01666-890460 / www.tonalismusic.co.uk


The repertoire I use with 12 - 18 year olds is drawn from:— Voiceworks 1 & 2 for Youth Singers (ed. Peter Hunt)

— Developing Singing Matters (ed. Patrick Allen)and a fabulous range of:

— Songs from World & Folk Cultures — Early Music — Classical & — Contemporary Voicings — and much more . .

My singing lessons for teenagers also prepare pupils fori) vocal aspects of AS and A2 exams in music

ii) entrance into music college, and choirs.

N.B. I also create regular PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES for those pupils who want this.


Group Lessons & Saturday Sessions for Larger GroupsGroup lessons enable the social element of musical participation to come to the fore,

e.g. — ensemble listening — the use of instrumental accompaniments — group improvisation and — the development of harmony awareness.

In addition, group classes make the singing of part songs possible. (N.B. The lessons for 9 - 11 year olds introduce children to

Tonalis’ Exciting New Progression for Learning to Sing in Parts.)

Once a month I also offer EXTENDED SESSIONS on a SATURDAY for 3 different age groups -

i) 7- 8, ii) 9 - 11 & iii) 12 - 18 year olds.These sessions make it possible to work more deeply on:

voicework, practical musicianship, aural awareness, music reading and performance skills.

Questions of Practice Guidelines are offered for parental involvement in their children’s practice

and how they can encourage and support their child’s vocal and musical development.

I also teach children from age 9 onwards how to practice effectively.(N.B. A booklet on ‘The Art of Practice’ I have written is available to parents).

ResourcesParents are asked to purchase the ‘SINGING CHILD’ book of exercises I have written to support their child’s vocal development, as well as to contribute a small amount towards the anthology of music which is built up term by term.

N.B. Studio Concerts are given once a year by pupils for their parents.


(N.B. Lessons for 7 and 8 years olds are only given to GROUPS of 4+ .)

Voice Development through Creative Voice PlayHere you will find singing lessons broadened to include the joy of lots of vocal exploration designed to encourage children to use the full possibilities of their voices.

This means that all voicework to develop elements such as: the Range, Resonance, Breathing and Dynamics of children’s voices - is learnt through:

i) voice games that are full of fantasy, and ii) imaginative exercises that use lots of storytelling, imagery and movement.

Learn an Outstanding Repertoire of Children’s SongsThe repertoire I use is drawn from my years of teaching children in schools

and leading ‘Singing Child’ courses on teacher trainings.

This repertoire includes:1) — the Young & Junior ‘Voiceworks Series’ (OUP) — ‘Singing Sherlock’

— Children’s Music by great composers such as Benjamin Britten— Songs from World & Folk Cultures — Early Music & — much more ...

2) ‘THE SONG TREE’ - 2 Enchanting Songbooks by Michael Deason-BarrowThese inspiring books of songs offer nothing less than a totally new artistic

and pedagogical imagination of singing with children.

Here you will find:PROGRESSIVELY GRADED SONGS that offer a variety of age appropriate music in terms of:

i) their vocal level and ii) their musical idiom.

The songs include: — 'new progressions' for all the 'elements' of music(e.g.: music in an extraordinary range of pentatonic and modal scales)

— an amazing variety of rhythms, intervals and harmonies plus

— INSTRUMENTAL ACCOMPANIMENTS using the new acoustic classroom instruments Tonalis promotes which can be employed if the children are having group lessons.

New Holistic Methods for Creative Song TeachingI have spent many years exploring how to teach singing to children with different learning styles. (e.g. For ‘creative’ children I help them to compose their own songs.) Thus every lesson employs multi-sensory teaching techniques, including visual, aural and movement methods.

In addition, I use: i) my own newly adapted version of sol-fa (based on Kodály approaches) ii) new methods I’ve created to address the ‘WHOLE CHILD’: Body-Mind-Feelings-and-Spirit.